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package wtdb_test
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
2021-04-26 19:08:11 +02:00
const blobType = blob.TypeAltruistCommit
// pseudoAddr is a fake network address to be used for testing purposes.
var pseudoAddr = &net.TCPAddr{IP: []byte{0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, Port: 9911}
// clientDBInit is a closure used to initialize a wtclient.DB instance.
type clientDBInit func(t *testing.T) wtclient.DB
type clientDBHarness struct {
t *testing.T
db wtclient.DB
func newClientDBHarness(t *testing.T, init clientDBInit) *clientDBHarness {
db := init(t)
h := &clientDBHarness{
t: t,
db: db,
return h
func (h *clientDBHarness) insertSession(session *wtdb.ClientSession,
expErr error) {
err := h.db.CreateClientSession(session)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
func (h *clientDBHarness) listSessions(id *wtdb.TowerID,
opts ...wtdb.ClientSessionListOption) map[wtdb.SessionID]*wtdb.ClientSession {
sessions, err := h.db.ListClientSessions(id, opts...)
require.NoError(h.t, err, "unable to list client sessions")
return sessions
func (h *clientDBHarness) nextKeyIndex(id wtdb.TowerID, blobType blob.Type,
forceNext bool) uint32 {
index, err := h.db.NextSessionKeyIndex(id, blobType, forceNext)
require.NoError(h.t, err, "unable to create next session key index")
require.NotZero(h.t, index, "next key index should never be 0")
return index
func (h *clientDBHarness) createTower(lnAddr *lnwire.NetAddress,
expErr error) *wtdb.Tower {
tower, err := h.db.CreateTower(lnAddr)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
require.NotZero(h.t, tower.ID, "tower id should never be 0")
for _, session := range h.listSessions(&tower.ID) {
require.Equal(h.t, wtdb.CSessionActive, session.Status)
return tower
func (h *clientDBHarness) removeTower(pubKey *btcec.PublicKey, addr net.Addr,
hasSessions bool, expErr error) {
err := h.db.RemoveTower(pubKey, addr)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
if expErr != nil {
pubKeyStr := pubKey.SerializeCompressed()
if addr != nil {
tower, err := h.db.LoadTower(pubKey)
require.NoErrorf(h.t, err, "expected tower %x to still exist",
removedAddr := addr.String()
for _, towerAddr := range tower.Addresses {
require.NotEqualf(h.t, removedAddr, towerAddr,
"address %v not removed for tower %x",
removedAddr, pubKeyStr)
} else {
tower, err := h.db.LoadTower(pubKey)
if hasSessions {
require.NoError(h.t, err, "expected tower %x with "+
"sessions to still exist", pubKeyStr)
} else {
require.Errorf(h.t, err, "expected tower %x with no "+
"sessions to not exist", pubKeyStr)
for _, session := range h.listSessions(&tower.ID) {
require.Equal(h.t, wtdb.CSessionInactive,
session.Status, "expected status for session "+
"%v to be %v, got %v", session.ID,
wtdb.CSessionInactive, session.Status)
func (h *clientDBHarness) loadTower(pubKey *btcec.PublicKey,
expErr error) *wtdb.Tower {
tower, err := h.db.LoadTower(pubKey)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
return tower
func (h *clientDBHarness) loadTowerByID(id wtdb.TowerID,
expErr error) *wtdb.Tower {
tower, err := h.db.LoadTowerByID(id)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
return tower
func (h *clientDBHarness) fetchChanSummaries() map[lnwire.ChannelID]wtdb.ClientChanSummary {
summaries, err := h.db.FetchChanSummaries()
require.NoError(h.t, err)
return summaries
func (h *clientDBHarness) registerChan(chanID lnwire.ChannelID,
sweepPkScript []byte, expErr error) {
err := h.db.RegisterChannel(chanID, sweepPkScript)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
func (h *clientDBHarness) commitUpdate(id *wtdb.SessionID,
update *wtdb.CommittedUpdate, expErr error) uint16 {
lastApplied, err := h.db.CommitUpdate(id, update)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
return lastApplied
func (h *clientDBHarness) ackUpdate(id *wtdb.SessionID, seqNum uint16,
lastApplied uint16, expErr error) {
err := h.db.AckUpdate(id, seqNum, lastApplied)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
func (h *clientDBHarness) markChannelClosed(id lnwire.ChannelID,
blockHeight uint32, expErr error) []wtdb.SessionID {
closableSessions, err := h.db.MarkChannelClosed(id, blockHeight)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
return closableSessions
func (h *clientDBHarness) listClosableSessions(
expErr error) map[wtdb.SessionID]uint32 {
closableSessions, err := h.db.ListClosableSessions()
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
return closableSessions
func (h *clientDBHarness) deleteSession(id wtdb.SessionID, expErr error) {
err := h.db.DeleteSession(id)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
// newTower is a helper function that creates a new tower with a randomly
// generated public key and inserts it into the client DB.
func (h *clientDBHarness) newTower() *wtdb.Tower {
pk, err := randPubKey()
require.NoError(h.t, err)
// Insert a random tower into the database.
return h.createTower(&lnwire.NetAddress{
IdentityKey: pk,
Address: pseudoAddr,
}, nil)
func (h *clientDBHarness) fetchSessionCommittedUpdates(id *wtdb.SessionID,
expErr error) []wtdb.CommittedUpdate {
updates, err := h.db.FetchSessionCommittedUpdates(id)
if err != expErr {
h.t.Fatalf("expected fetch session committed updates error: "+
"%v, got: %v", expErr, err)
return updates
func (h *clientDBHarness) isAcked(id *wtdb.SessionID, backupID *wtdb.BackupID,
expErr error) bool {
isAcked, err := h.db.IsAcked(id, backupID)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
return isAcked
func (h *clientDBHarness) numAcked(id *wtdb.SessionID, expErr error) uint64 {
numAcked, err := h.db.NumAckedUpdates(id)
require.ErrorIs(h.t, err, expErr)
return numAcked
// testCreateClientSession asserts various conditions regarding the creation of
// a new ClientSession. The test asserts:
// - client sessions can only be created if a session key index is reserved.
// - client sessions cannot be created with an incorrect session key index .
// - inserting duplicate sessions fails.
func testCreateClientSession(h *clientDBHarness) {
const blobType = blob.TypeAltruistAnchorCommit
tower := h.newTower()
// Create a test client session to insert.
session := &wtdb.ClientSession{
ClientSessionBody: wtdb.ClientSessionBody{
TowerID: tower.ID,
Policy: wtpolicy.Policy{
TxPolicy: wtpolicy.TxPolicy{
BlobType: blobType,
MaxUpdates: 100,
RewardPkScript: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03},
ID: wtdb.SessionID([33]byte{0x01}),
// First, assert that this session is not already present in the
// database.
_, ok := h.listSessions(nil)[session.ID]
require.Falsef(h.t, ok, "session for id %x should not exist yet",
// Attempting to insert the client session without reserving a session
// key index should fail.
h.insertSession(session, wtdb.ErrNoReservedKeyIndex)
// Now, reserve a session key for this tower.
keyIndex := h.nextKeyIndex(session.TowerID, blobType, false)
// The client session hasn't been updated with the reserved key index
// (since it's still zero). Inserting should fail due to the mismatch.
h.insertSession(session, wtdb.ErrIncorrectKeyIndex)
// Reserve another key for the same index. Since no session has been
// successfully created, it should return the same index to maintain
// idempotency across restarts.
keyIndex2 := h.nextKeyIndex(session.TowerID, blobType, false)
require.Equalf(h.t, keyIndex, keyIndex2, "next key index should "+
"be idempotent: want: %v, got %v", keyIndex, keyIndex2)
// Now, set the client session's key index so that it is proper and
// insert it. This should succeed.
session.KeyIndex = keyIndex
h.insertSession(session, nil)
// Verify that the session now exists in the database.
_, ok = h.listSessions(nil)[session.ID]
require.Truef(h.t, ok, "session for id %x should exist now", session.ID)
// Attempt to insert the session again, which should fail due to the
// session already existing.
h.insertSession(session, wtdb.ErrClientSessionAlreadyExists)
// Assert that reserving another key index succeeds with a different key
// index, now that the first one has been finalized.
keyIndex3 := h.nextKeyIndex(session.TowerID, blobType, false)
require.NotEqualf(h.t, keyIndex, keyIndex3, "key index still "+
"reserved after creating session")
// Show that calling NextSessionKeyIndex again now will result in the
// same key being returned as long as forceNext remains false.
keyIndex4 := h.nextKeyIndex(session.TowerID, blobType, false)
require.Equal(h.t, keyIndex3, keyIndex4)
// Finally, assert that if the forceNext param of the
// NextSessionKeyIndex method is true, then the key index returned will
// be different.
keyIndex5 := h.nextKeyIndex(session.TowerID, blobType, true)
require.NotEqual(h.t, keyIndex5, keyIndex4)
require.Equal(h.t, keyIndex3+1000, keyIndex5)
// testFilterClientSessions asserts that we can correctly filter client sessions
// for a specific tower.
func testFilterClientSessions(h *clientDBHarness) {
// We'll create three client sessions, the first two belonging to one
// tower, and the last belonging to another one.
const numSessions = 3
const blobType = blob.TypeAltruistCommit
towerSessions := make(map[wtdb.TowerID][]wtdb.SessionID)
for i := 0; i < numSessions; i++ {
tower := h.newTower()
keyIndex := h.nextKeyIndex(tower.ID, blobType, false)
sessionID := wtdb.SessionID([33]byte{byte(i)})
ClientSessionBody: wtdb.ClientSessionBody{
TowerID: tower.ID,
Policy: wtpolicy.Policy{
TxPolicy: wtpolicy.TxPolicy{
BlobType: blobType,
MaxUpdates: 100,
RewardPkScript: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03},
KeyIndex: keyIndex,
ID: sessionID,
}, nil)
towerSessions[tower.ID] = append(
towerSessions[tower.ID], sessionID,
// We should see the expected sessions for each tower when filtering
// them.
for towerID, expectedSessions := range towerSessions {
sessions := h.listSessions(&towerID)
require.Len(h.t, sessions, len(expectedSessions))
for _, expectedSession := range expectedSessions {
_, ok := sessions[expectedSession]
require.Truef(h.t, ok, "expected session %v for "+
"tower %v", expectedSession, towerID)
// testCreateTower asserts the behavior of creating new Tower objects within the
// database, and that the latest address is always prepended to the list of
// known addresses for the tower.
func testCreateTower(h *clientDBHarness) {
// Test that loading a tower with an arbitrary tower id fails.
h.loadTowerByID(20, wtdb.ErrTowerNotFound)
tower := h.newTower()
require.Len(h.t, tower.Addresses, 1)
towerAddr := &lnwire.NetAddress{
IdentityKey: tower.IdentityKey,
Address: tower.Addresses[0],
// Load the tower from the database and assert that it matches the tower
// we created.
tower2 := h.loadTowerByID(tower.ID, nil)
require.Equal(h.t, tower, tower2)
tower2 = h.loadTower(tower.IdentityKey, nil)
require.Equal(h.t, tower, tower2)
// Insert the address again into the database. Since the address is the
// same, this should result in an unmodified tower record.
towerDupAddr := h.createTower(towerAddr, nil)
require.Lenf(h.t, towerDupAddr.Addresses, 1, "duplicate address "+
"should be deduped")
require.Equal(h.t, tower, towerDupAddr)
// Generate a new address for this tower.
addr2 := &net.TCPAddr{IP: []byte{0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, Port: 9911}
lnAddr2 := &lnwire.NetAddress{
IdentityKey: tower.IdentityKey,
Address: addr2,
// Insert the updated address, which should produce a tower with a new
// address.
towerNewAddr := h.createTower(lnAddr2, nil)
// Load the tower from the database, and assert that it matches the
// tower returned from creation.
towerNewAddr2 := h.loadTowerByID(tower.ID, nil)
require.Equal(h.t, towerNewAddr, towerNewAddr2)
towerNewAddr2 = h.loadTower(tower.IdentityKey, nil)
require.Equal(h.t, towerNewAddr, towerNewAddr2)
// Assert that there are now two addresses on the tower object.
require.Lenf(h.t, towerNewAddr.Addresses, 2, "new address should be "+
// Finally, assert that the new address was prepended since it is deemed
// fresher.
require.Equal(h.t, tower.Addresses, towerNewAddr.Addresses[1:])
// testRemoveTower asserts the behavior of removing Tower objects as a whole and
// removing addresses from Tower objects within the database.
func testRemoveTower(h *clientDBHarness) {
// Generate a random public key we'll use for our tower.
pk, err := randPubKey()
require.NoError(h.t, err)
// Removing a tower that does not exist within the database should
// result in a NOP.
h.removeTower(pk, nil, false, nil)
// We'll create a tower with two addresses.
addr1 := &net.TCPAddr{IP: []byte{0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, Port: 9911}
addr2 := &net.TCPAddr{IP: []byte{0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, Port: 9911}
IdentityKey: pk,
Address: addr1,
}, nil)
IdentityKey: pk,
Address: addr2,
}, nil)
// We'll then remove the second address. We should now only see the
// first.
h.removeTower(pk, addr2, false, nil)
// We'll then remove the first address. We should now see that the tower
// has no addresses left.
h.removeTower(pk, addr1, false, wtdb.ErrLastTowerAddr)
// Removing the tower as a whole from the database should succeed since
// there aren't any active sessions for it.
h.removeTower(pk, nil, false, nil)
// We'll then recreate the tower, but this time we'll create a session
// for it.
tower := h.createTower(&lnwire.NetAddress{
IdentityKey: pk,
Address: addr1,
}, nil)
const blobType = blob.TypeAltruistCommit
session := &wtdb.ClientSession{
ClientSessionBody: wtdb.ClientSessionBody{
TowerID: tower.ID,
Policy: wtpolicy.Policy{
TxPolicy: wtpolicy.TxPolicy{
BlobType: blobType,
MaxUpdates: 100,
RewardPkScript: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03},
KeyIndex: h.nextKeyIndex(
tower.ID, blobType, false,
ID: wtdb.SessionID([33]byte{0x01}),
h.insertSession(session, nil)
update := randCommittedUpdate(h.t, 1)
h.registerChan(update.BackupID.ChanID, nil, nil)
h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update, nil)
// We should not be able to fully remove it from the database since
// there's a session and it has unacked updates.
h.removeTower(pk, nil, true, wtdb.ErrTowerUnackedUpdates)
// Removing the tower after all sessions no longer have unacked updates
// should result in the sessions becoming inactive.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 1, 1, nil)
h.removeTower(pk, nil, true, nil)
// Creating the tower again should mark all of the sessions active once
// again.
IdentityKey: pk,
Address: addr1,
}, nil)
// testChanSummaries tests the process of a registering a channel and its
// associated sweep pkscript.
func testChanSummaries(h *clientDBHarness) {
// First, assert that this channel is not already registered.
var chanID lnwire.ChannelID
_, ok := h.fetchChanSummaries()[chanID]
require.Falsef(h.t, ok, "pkscript for channel %x should not exist yet",
// Generate a random sweep pkscript and register it for this channel.
expPkScript := make([]byte, 22)
_, err := io.ReadFull(crand.Reader, expPkScript)
require.NoError(h.t, err)
h.registerChan(chanID, expPkScript, nil)
// Assert that the channel exists and that its sweep pkscript matches
// the one we registered.
summary, ok := h.fetchChanSummaries()[chanID]
require.Truef(h.t, ok, "pkscript for channel %x should not exist yet",
require.Equal(h.t, expPkScript, summary.SweepPkScript)
// Finally, assert that re-registering the same channel produces a
// failure.
h.registerChan(chanID, expPkScript, wtdb.ErrChannelAlreadyRegistered)
// testCommitUpdate tests the behavior of CommitUpdate, ensuring that they can
func testCommitUpdate(h *clientDBHarness) {
const blobType = blob.TypeAltruistCommit
tower := h.newTower()
session := &wtdb.ClientSession{
ClientSessionBody: wtdb.ClientSessionBody{
TowerID: tower.ID,
Policy: wtpolicy.Policy{
TxPolicy: wtpolicy.TxPolicy{
BlobType: blobType,
MaxUpdates: 100,
RewardPkScript: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03},
ID: wtdb.SessionID([33]byte{0x02}),
// Generate a random update and try to commit before inserting the
// session, which should fail.
update1 := randCommittedUpdate(h.t, 1)
h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update1, wtdb.ErrClientSessionNotFound)
&session.ID, wtdb.ErrClientSessionNotFound,
// Reserve a session key index and insert the session.
session.KeyIndex = h.nextKeyIndex(session.TowerID, blobType, false)
h.insertSession(session, nil)
// Now, try to commit the update that failed initially which should
// succeed. The lastApplied value should be 0 since we have not received
// an ack from the tower.
lastApplied := h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update1, nil)
require.Zero(h.t, lastApplied)
// Assert that the committed update appears in the client session's
// CommittedUpdates map when loaded from disk and that there are no
// AckedUpdates.
h.assertUpdates(session.ID, []wtdb.CommittedUpdate{*update1}, nil)
// Try to commit the same update, which should succeed due to
// idempotency (which is preserved when the breach hint is identical to
// the on-disk update's hint). The lastApplied value should remain
// unchanged.
lastApplied2 := h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update1, nil)
require.Equal(h.t, lastApplied, lastApplied2)
// Assert that the loaded ClientSession is the same as before.
h.assertUpdates(session.ID, []wtdb.CommittedUpdate{*update1}, nil)
// Generate another random update and try to commit it at the identical
// sequence number. Since the breach hint has changed, this should fail.
update2 := randCommittedUpdate(h.t, 1)
h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update2, wtdb.ErrUpdateAlreadyCommitted)
// Next, insert the new update at the next unallocated sequence number
// which should succeed.
update2.SeqNum = 2
lastApplied3 := h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update2, nil)
require.Equal(h.t, lastApplied, lastApplied3)
// Check that both updates now appear as committed on the ClientSession
// loaded from disk.
h.assertUpdates(session.ID, []wtdb.CommittedUpdate{
}, nil)
// Finally, create one more random update and try to commit it at index
// 4, which should be rejected since 3 is the next slot the database
// expects.
update4 := randCommittedUpdate(h.t, 4)
h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update4, wtdb.ErrCommitUnorderedUpdate)
// Assert that the ClientSession loaded from disk remains unchanged.
h.assertUpdates(session.ID, []wtdb.CommittedUpdate{
}, nil)
// testMarkChannelClosed asserts the behaviour of MarkChannelClosed.
func testMarkChannelClosed(h *clientDBHarness) {
tower := h.newTower()
// Create channel 1.
chanID1 := randChannelID(h.t)
// Since we have not yet registered the channel, we expect an error
// when attempting to mark it as closed.
h.markChannelClosed(chanID1, 1, wtdb.ErrChannelNotRegistered)
// Now register the channel.
h.registerChan(chanID1, nil, nil)
// Since there are still no sessions that would have updates for the
// channel, marking it as closed now should succeed.
h.markChannelClosed(chanID1, 1, nil)
// Register channel 2.
chanID2 := randChannelID(h.t)
h.registerChan(chanID2, nil, nil)
// Create session1 with MaxUpdates set to 5.
session1 := h.randSession(h.t, tower.ID, 5)
h.insertSession(session1, nil)
// Add an update for channel 2 in session 1 and ack it too.
update := randCommittedUpdateForChannel(h.t, chanID2, 1)
lastApplied := h.commitUpdate(&session1.ID, update, nil)
require.Zero(h.t, lastApplied)
h.ackUpdate(&session1.ID, 1, 1, nil)
// Marking channel 2 now should not result in any closable sessions
// since session 1 is not yet exhausted.
sl := h.markChannelClosed(chanID2, 1, nil)
require.Empty(h.t, sl)
// Create channel 3 and 4.
chanID3 := randChannelID(h.t)
h.registerChan(chanID3, nil, nil)
chanID4 := randChannelID(h.t)
h.registerChan(chanID4, nil, nil)
// Add an update for channel 4 and ack it.
update = randCommittedUpdateForChannel(h.t, chanID4, 2)
lastApplied = h.commitUpdate(&session1.ID, update, nil)
require.EqualValues(h.t, 1, lastApplied)
h.ackUpdate(&session1.ID, 2, 2, nil)
// Add an update for channel 3 in session 1. But dont ack it yet.
update = randCommittedUpdateForChannel(h.t, chanID2, 3)
lastApplied = h.commitUpdate(&session1.ID, update, nil)
require.EqualValues(h.t, 2, lastApplied)
// Mark channel 4 as closed & assert that session 1 is not seen as
// closable since it still has committed updates.
sl = h.markChannelClosed(chanID4, 1, nil)
require.Empty(h.t, sl)
// Now ack the update we added above.
h.ackUpdate(&session1.ID, 3, 3, nil)
// Mark channel 3 as closed & assert that session 1 is still not seen as
// closable since it is not yet exhausted.
sl = h.markChannelClosed(chanID3, 1, nil)
require.Empty(h.t, sl)
// Create channel 5 and 6.
chanID5 := randChannelID(h.t)
h.registerChan(chanID5, nil, nil)
chanID6 := randChannelID(h.t)
h.registerChan(chanID6, nil, nil)
// Add an update for channel 5 and ack it.
update = randCommittedUpdateForChannel(h.t, chanID5, 4)
lastApplied = h.commitUpdate(&session1.ID, update, nil)
require.EqualValues(h.t, 3, lastApplied)
h.ackUpdate(&session1.ID, 4, 4, nil)
// Add an update for channel 6 and ack it.
update = randCommittedUpdateForChannel(h.t, chanID6, 5)
lastApplied = h.commitUpdate(&session1.ID, update, nil)
require.EqualValues(h.t, 4, lastApplied)
h.ackUpdate(&session1.ID, 5, 5, nil)
// The session is no exhausted.
// If we now close channel 5, session 1 should still not be closable
// since it has an update for channel 6 which is still open.
sl = h.markChannelClosed(chanID5, 1, nil)
require.Empty(h.t, sl)
require.Empty(h.t, h.listClosableSessions(nil))
// Also check that attempting to delete the session will fail since it
// is not yet considered closable.
h.deleteSession(session1.ID, wtdb.ErrSessionNotClosable)
// Finally, if we close channel 6, session 1 _should_ be in the closable
// list.
sl = h.markChannelClosed(chanID6, 100, nil)
require.ElementsMatch(h.t, sl, []wtdb.SessionID{session1.ID})
slMap := h.listClosableSessions(nil)
require.InDeltaMapValues(h.t, slMap, map[wtdb.SessionID]uint32{
session1.ID: 100,
}, 0)
// Assert that we now can delete the session.
h.deleteSession(session1.ID, nil)
require.Empty(h.t, h.listClosableSessions(nil))
// testAckUpdate asserts the behavior of AckUpdate.
func testAckUpdate(h *clientDBHarness) {
const blobType = blob.TypeAltruistCommit
tower := h.newTower()
// Create a new session that the updates in this will be tied to.
session := &wtdb.ClientSession{
ClientSessionBody: wtdb.ClientSessionBody{
TowerID: tower.ID,
Policy: wtpolicy.Policy{
TxPolicy: wtpolicy.TxPolicy{
BlobType: blobType,
MaxUpdates: 100,
RewardPkScript: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03},
ID: wtdb.SessionID([33]byte{0x03}),
// Try to ack an update before inserting the client session, which
// should fail.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 1, 0, wtdb.ErrClientSessionNotFound)
// Reserve a session key and insert the client session.
session.KeyIndex = h.nextKeyIndex(session.TowerID, blobType, false)
h.insertSession(session, nil)
// Now, try to ack update 1. This should fail since update 1 was never
// committed.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 1, 0, wtdb.ErrCommittedUpdateNotFound)
// Commit to a random update at seqnum 1.
update1 := randCommittedUpdate(h.t, 1)
h.registerChan(update1.BackupID.ChanID, nil, nil)
lastApplied := h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update1, nil)
require.Zero(h.t, lastApplied)
// Acking seqnum 1 should succeed.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 1, 1, nil)
// Acking seqnum 1 again should fail.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 1, 1, wtdb.ErrCommittedUpdateNotFound)
// Acking a valid seqnum with a reverted last applied value should fail.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 1, 0, wtdb.ErrLastAppliedReversion)
// Acking with a last applied greater than any allocated seqnum should
// fail.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 4, 3, wtdb.ErrUnallocatedLastApplied)
// Assert that the ClientSession loaded from disk has one update in it's
// AckedUpdates map, and that the committed update has been removed.
h.assertUpdates(session.ID, nil, map[uint16]wtdb.BackupID{
1: update1.BackupID,
// Commit to another random update, and assert that the last applied
// value is 1, since this was what was provided in the last successful
// ack.
update2 := randCommittedUpdate(h.t, 2)
h.registerChan(update2.BackupID.ChanID, nil, nil)
lastApplied = h.commitUpdate(&session.ID, update2, nil)
require.EqualValues(h.t, 1, lastApplied)
// Ack seqnum 2.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 2, 2, nil)
// Assert that both updates exist as AckedUpdates when loaded from disk.
h.assertUpdates(session.ID, nil, map[uint16]wtdb.BackupID{
1: update1.BackupID,
2: update2.BackupID,
// Acking again with a lower last applied should fail.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 2, 1, wtdb.ErrLastAppliedReversion)
// Acking an unallocated seqnum should fail.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 4, 2, wtdb.ErrCommittedUpdateNotFound)
// Acking with a last applied greater than any allocated seqnum should
// fail.
h.ackUpdate(&session.ID, 4, 3, wtdb.ErrUnallocatedLastApplied)
func (h *clientDBHarness) assertUpdates(id wtdb.SessionID,
expectedPending []wtdb.CommittedUpdate,
expectedAcked map[uint16]wtdb.BackupID) {
committedUpdates := h.fetchSessionCommittedUpdates(&id, nil)
checkCommittedUpdates(h.t, committedUpdates, expectedPending)
// Check acked updates.
numAcked := h.numAcked(&id, nil)
require.EqualValues(h.t, len(expectedAcked), numAcked)
for _, backupID := range expectedAcked {
isAcked := h.isAcked(&id, &backupID, nil)
require.True(h.t, isAcked)
// checkCommittedUpdates asserts that the CommittedUpdates on session match the
// expUpdates provided.
func checkCommittedUpdates(t *testing.T, actualUpdates,
expUpdates []wtdb.CommittedUpdate) {
// We promote nil expUpdates to an initialized slice since the database
// should never return a nil slice. This promotion is done purely out of
// convenience for the testing framework.
if expUpdates == nil {
expUpdates = make([]wtdb.CommittedUpdate, 0)
require.Equal(t, expUpdates, actualUpdates)
// TestClientDB asserts the behavior of a fresh client db, a reopened client db,
// and the mock implementation. This ensures that all databases function
// identically, especially in the negative paths.
func TestClientDB(t *testing.T) {
dbCfg := &kvdb.BoltConfig{DBTimeout: kvdb.DefaultDBTimeout}
dbs := []struct {
name string
init clientDBInit
name: "fresh clientdb",
init: func(t *testing.T) wtclient.DB {
bdb, err := wtdb.NewBoltBackendCreator(
true, t.TempDir(), "wtclient.db",
require.NoError(t, err)
db, err := wtdb.OpenClientDB(bdb)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
return db
name: "reopened clientdb",
init: func(t *testing.T) wtclient.DB {
path := t.TempDir()
bdb, err := wtdb.NewBoltBackendCreator(
true, path, "wtclient.db",
require.NoError(t, err)
db, err := wtdb.OpenClientDB(bdb)
require.NoError(t, err)
bdb, err = wtdb.NewBoltBackendCreator(
true, path, "wtclient.db",
require.NoError(t, err)
db, err = wtdb.OpenClientDB(bdb)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
return db
name: "mock",
init: func(t *testing.T) wtclient.DB {
return wtmock.NewClientDB()
tests := []struct {
name string
run func(*clientDBHarness)
name: "create client session",
run: testCreateClientSession,
name: "filter client sessions",
run: testFilterClientSessions,
name: "create tower",
run: testCreateTower,
name: "remove tower",
run: testRemoveTower,
name: "chan summaries",
run: testChanSummaries,
name: "commit update",
run: testCommitUpdate,
name: "ack update",
run: testAckUpdate,
name: "mark channel closed",
run: testMarkChannelClosed,
for _, database := range dbs {
db := database
t.Run(db.name, func(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
h := newClientDBHarness(t, db.init)
// randCommittedUpdate generates a random committed update.
func randCommittedUpdate(t *testing.T, seqNum uint16) *wtdb.CommittedUpdate {
chanID := randChannelID(t)
return randCommittedUpdateForChannel(t, chanID, seqNum)
func randChannelID(t *testing.T) lnwire.ChannelID {
var chanID lnwire.ChannelID
_, err := io.ReadFull(crand.Reader, chanID[:])
require.NoError(t, err)
return chanID
// randCommittedUpdateForChannel generates a random committed update for the
// given channel ID.
func randCommittedUpdateForChannel(t *testing.T, chanID lnwire.ChannelID,
seqNum uint16) *wtdb.CommittedUpdate {
var hint blob.BreachHint
_, err := io.ReadFull(crand.Reader, hint[:])
require.NoError(t, err)
encBlob := make([]byte, blob.Size(blob.FlagCommitOutputs.Type()))
_, err = io.ReadFull(crand.Reader, encBlob)
require.NoError(t, err)
return &wtdb.CommittedUpdate{
SeqNum: seqNum,
CommittedUpdateBody: wtdb.CommittedUpdateBody{
BackupID: wtdb.BackupID{
ChanID: chanID,
CommitHeight: 666,
Hint: hint,
EncryptedBlob: encBlob,
func (h *clientDBHarness) randSession(t *testing.T,
towerID wtdb.TowerID, maxUpdates uint16) *wtdb.ClientSession {
var id wtdb.SessionID
return &wtdb.ClientSession{
ClientSessionBody: wtdb.ClientSessionBody{
TowerID: towerID,
Policy: wtpolicy.Policy{
TxPolicy: wtpolicy.TxPolicy{
BlobType: blobType,
MaxUpdates: maxUpdates,
RewardPkScript: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03},
KeyIndex: h.nextKeyIndex(
towerID, blobType, false,
ID: id,