AssumeChannelValidbool`long:"assumechanvalid" description:"DEPRECATED: Skip checking channel spentness during graph validation. This speedup comes at the risk of using an unvalidated view of the network for routing. (default: false)" hidden:"true"`
StrictZombiePruningbool`long:"strictgraphpruning" description:"If true, then the graph will be pruned more aggressively for zombies. In practice this means that edges with a single stale edge will be considered a zombie."`
MinNumRealHopsuint8`long:"min-num-real-hops" description:"The minimum number of real hops to include in a blinded path. This doesn't include our node, so if the minimum is 1, then the path will contain at minimum our node along with an introduction node hop. If it is zero then the shortest path will use our node as an introduction node."`
NumHopsuint8`long:"num-hops" description:"The number of hops to include in a blinded path. This doesn't include our node, so if it is 1, then the path will contain our node along with an introduction node or dummy node hop. If paths shorter than NumHops is found, then they will be padded using dummy hops."`
MaxNumPathsuint8`long:"max-num-paths" description:"The maximum number of blinded paths to select and add to an invoice."`
PolicyIncreaseMultiplierfloat64`long:"policy-increase-multiplier" description:"The amount by which to increase certain policy values of hops on a blinded path in order to add a probing buffer."`
PolicyDecreaseMultiplierfloat64`long:"policy-decrease-multiplier" description:"The amount by which to decrease certain policy values of hops on a blinded path in order to add a probing buffer."`
// Validate checks that the various routing config options are sane.