2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT.
package lnrpc
import (
context "context"
grpc "google.golang.org/grpc"
codes "google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
status "google.golang.org/grpc/status"
// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
// is compatible with the grpc package it is being compiled against.
// Requires gRPC-Go v1.32.0 or later.
const _ = grpc . SupportPackageIsVersion7
// LightningClient is the client API for Lightning service.
// For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/grpc/?tab=doc#ClientConn.NewStream.
type LightningClient interface {
// lncli: `walletbalance`
//WalletBalance returns total unspent outputs(confirmed and unconfirmed), all
//confirmed unspent outputs and all unconfirmed unspent outputs under control
//of the wallet.
WalletBalance ( ctx context . Context , in * WalletBalanceRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * WalletBalanceResponse , error )
// lncli: `channelbalance`
//ChannelBalance returns a report on the total funds across all open channels,
//categorized in local/remote, pending local/remote and unsettled local/remote
ChannelBalance ( ctx context . Context , in * ChannelBalanceRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ChannelBalanceResponse , error )
// lncli: `listchaintxns`
//GetTransactions returns a list describing all the known transactions
//relevant to the wallet.
GetTransactions ( ctx context . Context , in * GetTransactionsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * TransactionDetails , error )
// lncli: `estimatefee`
//EstimateFee asks the chain backend to estimate the fee rate and total fees
//for a transaction that pays to multiple specified outputs.
//When using REST, the `AddrToAmount` map type can be set by appending
//`&AddrToAmount[<address>]=<amount_to_send>` to the URL. Unfortunately this
//map type doesn't appear in the REST API documentation because of a bug in
//the grpc-gateway library.
EstimateFee ( ctx context . Context , in * EstimateFeeRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * EstimateFeeResponse , error )
// lncli: `sendcoins`
//SendCoins executes a request to send coins to a particular address. Unlike
//SendMany, this RPC call only allows creating a single output at a time. If
//neither target_conf, or sat_per_vbyte are set, then the internal wallet will
//consult its fee model to determine a fee for the default confirmation
SendCoins ( ctx context . Context , in * SendCoinsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * SendCoinsResponse , error )
// lncli: `listunspent`
//Deprecated, use walletrpc.ListUnspent instead.
//ListUnspent returns a list of all utxos spendable by the wallet with a
//number of confirmations between the specified minimum and maximum.
ListUnspent ( ctx context . Context , in * ListUnspentRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListUnspentResponse , error )
//SubscribeTransactions creates a uni-directional stream from the server to
//the client in which any newly discovered transactions relevant to the
//wallet are sent over.
SubscribeTransactions ( ctx context . Context , in * GetTransactionsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SubscribeTransactionsClient , error )
// lncli: `sendmany`
//SendMany handles a request for a transaction that creates multiple specified
//outputs in parallel. If neither target_conf, or sat_per_vbyte are set, then
//the internal wallet will consult its fee model to determine a fee for the
//default confirmation target.
SendMany ( ctx context . Context , in * SendManyRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * SendManyResponse , error )
// lncli: `newaddress`
//NewAddress creates a new address under control of the local wallet.
NewAddress ( ctx context . Context , in * NewAddressRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * NewAddressResponse , error )
// lncli: `signmessage`
//SignMessage signs a message with this node's private key. The returned
//signature string is `zbase32` encoded and pubkey recoverable, meaning that
//only the message digest and signature are needed for verification.
SignMessage ( ctx context . Context , in * SignMessageRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * SignMessageResponse , error )
// lncli: `verifymessage`
//VerifyMessage verifies a signature over a msg. The signature must be
//zbase32 encoded and signed by an active node in the resident node's
//channel database. In addition to returning the validity of the signature,
//VerifyMessage also returns the recovered pubkey from the signature.
VerifyMessage ( ctx context . Context , in * VerifyMessageRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * VerifyMessageResponse , error )
// lncli: `connect`
//ConnectPeer attempts to establish a connection to a remote peer. This is at
//the networking level, and is used for communication between nodes. This is
//distinct from establishing a channel with a peer.
ConnectPeer ( ctx context . Context , in * ConnectPeerRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ConnectPeerResponse , error )
// lncli: `disconnect`
//DisconnectPeer attempts to disconnect one peer from another identified by a
//given pubKey. In the case that we currently have a pending or active channel
//with the target peer, then this action will be not be allowed.
DisconnectPeer ( ctx context . Context , in * DisconnectPeerRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * DisconnectPeerResponse , error )
// lncli: `listpeers`
//ListPeers returns a verbose listing of all currently active peers.
ListPeers ( ctx context . Context , in * ListPeersRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListPeersResponse , error )
//SubscribePeerEvents creates a uni-directional stream from the server to
//the client in which any events relevant to the state of peers are sent
//over. Events include peers going online and offline.
SubscribePeerEvents ( ctx context . Context , in * PeerEventSubscription , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SubscribePeerEventsClient , error )
// lncli: `getinfo`
//GetInfo returns general information concerning the lightning node including
//it's identity pubkey, alias, the chains it is connected to, and information
//concerning the number of open+pending channels.
GetInfo ( ctx context . Context , in * GetInfoRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * GetInfoResponse , error )
//* lncli: `getrecoveryinfo`
//GetRecoveryInfo returns information concerning the recovery mode including
//whether it's in a recovery mode, whether the recovery is finished, and the
//progress made so far.
GetRecoveryInfo ( ctx context . Context , in * GetRecoveryInfoRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * GetRecoveryInfoResponse , error )
// lncli: `pendingchannels`
//PendingChannels returns a list of all the channels that are currently
//considered "pending". A channel is pending if it has finished the funding
//workflow and is waiting for confirmations for the funding txn, or is in the
//process of closure, either initiated cooperatively or non-cooperatively.
PendingChannels ( ctx context . Context , in * PendingChannelsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * PendingChannelsResponse , error )
// lncli: `listchannels`
//ListChannels returns a description of all the open channels that this node
//is a participant in.
ListChannels ( ctx context . Context , in * ListChannelsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListChannelsResponse , error )
//SubscribeChannelEvents creates a uni-directional stream from the server to
//the client in which any updates relevant to the state of the channels are
//sent over. Events include new active channels, inactive channels, and closed
SubscribeChannelEvents ( ctx context . Context , in * ChannelEventSubscription , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SubscribeChannelEventsClient , error )
// lncli: `closedchannels`
//ClosedChannels returns a description of all the closed channels that
//this node was a participant in.
ClosedChannels ( ctx context . Context , in * ClosedChannelsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ClosedChannelsResponse , error )
//OpenChannelSync is a synchronous version of the OpenChannel RPC call. This
//call is meant to be consumed by clients to the REST proxy. As with all
//other sync calls, all byte slices are intended to be populated as hex
//encoded strings.
OpenChannelSync ( ctx context . Context , in * OpenChannelRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ChannelPoint , error )
// lncli: `openchannel`
//OpenChannel attempts to open a singly funded channel specified in the
//request to a remote peer. Users are able to specify a target number of
//blocks that the funding transaction should be confirmed in, or a manual fee
//rate to us for the funding transaction. If neither are specified, then a
//lax block confirmation target is used. Each OpenStatusUpdate will return
//the pending channel ID of the in-progress channel. Depending on the
//arguments specified in the OpenChannelRequest, this pending channel ID can
//then be used to manually progress the channel funding flow.
OpenChannel ( ctx context . Context , in * OpenChannelRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_OpenChannelClient , error )
2021-08-24 11:21:55 +02:00
// lncli: `batchopenchannel`
//BatchOpenChannel attempts to open multiple single-funded channels in a
//single transaction in an atomic way. This means either all channel open
//requests succeed at once or all attempts are aborted if any of them fail.
//This is the safer variant of using PSBTs to manually fund a batch of
//channels through the OpenChannel RPC.
BatchOpenChannel ( ctx context . Context , in * BatchOpenChannelRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * BatchOpenChannelResponse , error )
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
//FundingStateStep is an advanced funding related call that allows the caller
//to either execute some preparatory steps for a funding workflow, or
//manually progress a funding workflow. The primary way a funding flow is
//identified is via its pending channel ID. As an example, this method can be
//used to specify that we're expecting a funding flow for a particular
//pending channel ID, for which we need to use specific parameters.
//Alternatively, this can be used to interactively drive PSBT signing for
//funding for partially complete funding transactions.
FundingStateStep ( ctx context . Context , in * FundingTransitionMsg , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * FundingStateStepResp , error )
//ChannelAcceptor dispatches a bi-directional streaming RPC in which
//OpenChannel requests are sent to the client and the client responds with
//a boolean that tells LND whether or not to accept the channel. This allows
//node operators to specify their own criteria for accepting inbound channels
//through a single persistent connection.
ChannelAcceptor ( ctx context . Context , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_ChannelAcceptorClient , error )
// lncli: `closechannel`
//CloseChannel attempts to close an active channel identified by its channel
//outpoint (ChannelPoint). The actions of this method can additionally be
//augmented to attempt a force close after a timeout period in the case of an
//inactive peer. If a non-force close (cooperative closure) is requested,
//then the user can specify either a target number of blocks until the
//closure transaction is confirmed, or a manual fee rate. If neither are
//specified, then a default lax, block confirmation target is used.
CloseChannel ( ctx context . Context , in * CloseChannelRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_CloseChannelClient , error )
// lncli: `abandonchannel`
//AbandonChannel removes all channel state from the database except for a
//close summary. This method can be used to get rid of permanently unusable
//channels due to bugs fixed in newer versions of lnd. This method can also be
//used to remove externally funded channels where the funding transaction was
//never broadcast. Only available for non-externally funded channels in dev
AbandonChannel ( ctx context . Context , in * AbandonChannelRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * AbandonChannelResponse , error )
// Deprecated: Do not use.
// lncli: `sendpayment`
//Deprecated, use routerrpc.SendPaymentV2. SendPayment dispatches a
//bi-directional streaming RPC for sending payments through the Lightning
//Network. A single RPC invocation creates a persistent bi-directional
//stream allowing clients to rapidly send payments through the Lightning
//Network with a single persistent connection.
SendPayment ( ctx context . Context , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SendPaymentClient , error )
//SendPaymentSync is the synchronous non-streaming version of SendPayment.
//This RPC is intended to be consumed by clients of the REST proxy.
//Additionally, this RPC expects the destination's public key and the payment
//hash (if any) to be encoded as hex strings.
SendPaymentSync ( ctx context . Context , in * SendRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * SendResponse , error )
// Deprecated: Do not use.
// lncli: `sendtoroute`
//Deprecated, use routerrpc.SendToRouteV2. SendToRoute is a bi-directional
//streaming RPC for sending payment through the Lightning Network. This
//method differs from SendPayment in that it allows users to specify a full
//route manually. This can be used for things like rebalancing, and atomic
SendToRoute ( ctx context . Context , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SendToRouteClient , error )
//SendToRouteSync is a synchronous version of SendToRoute. It Will block
//until the payment either fails or succeeds.
SendToRouteSync ( ctx context . Context , in * SendToRouteRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * SendResponse , error )
// lncli: `addinvoice`
//AddInvoice attempts to add a new invoice to the invoice database. Any
//duplicated invoices are rejected, therefore all invoices *must* have a
//unique payment preimage.
AddInvoice ( ctx context . Context , in * Invoice , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * AddInvoiceResponse , error )
// lncli: `listinvoices`
//ListInvoices returns a list of all the invoices currently stored within the
//database. Any active debug invoices are ignored. It has full support for
//paginated responses, allowing users to query for specific invoices through
//their add_index. This can be done by using either the first_index_offset or
//last_index_offset fields included in the response as the index_offset of the
//next request. By default, the first 100 invoices created will be returned.
//Backwards pagination is also supported through the Reversed flag.
ListInvoices ( ctx context . Context , in * ListInvoiceRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListInvoiceResponse , error )
// lncli: `lookupinvoice`
//LookupInvoice attempts to look up an invoice according to its payment hash.
//The passed payment hash *must* be exactly 32 bytes, if not, an error is
LookupInvoice ( ctx context . Context , in * PaymentHash , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * Invoice , error )
//SubscribeInvoices returns a uni-directional stream (server -> client) for
//notifying the client of newly added/settled invoices. The caller can
//optionally specify the add_index and/or the settle_index. If the add_index
//is specified, then we'll first start by sending add invoice events for all
//invoices with an add_index greater than the specified value. If the
//settle_index is specified, the next, we'll send out all settle events for
//invoices with a settle_index greater than the specified value. One or both
//of these fields can be set. If no fields are set, then we'll only send out
//the latest add/settle events.
SubscribeInvoices ( ctx context . Context , in * InvoiceSubscription , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SubscribeInvoicesClient , error )
// lncli: `decodepayreq`
//DecodePayReq takes an encoded payment request string and attempts to decode
//it, returning a full description of the conditions encoded within the
//payment request.
DecodePayReq ( ctx context . Context , in * PayReqString , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * PayReq , error )
// lncli: `listpayments`
//ListPayments returns a list of all outgoing payments.
ListPayments ( ctx context . Context , in * ListPaymentsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListPaymentsResponse , error )
2021-09-13 11:32:28 +02:00
//DeletePayment deletes an outgoing payment from DB. Note that it will not
//attempt to delete an In-Flight payment, since that would be unsafe.
DeletePayment ( ctx context . Context , in * DeletePaymentRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * DeletePaymentResponse , error )
//DeleteAllPayments deletes all outgoing payments from DB. Note that it will
//not attempt to delete In-Flight payments, since that would be unsafe.
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
DeleteAllPayments ( ctx context . Context , in * DeleteAllPaymentsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * DeleteAllPaymentsResponse , error )
// lncli: `describegraph`
//DescribeGraph returns a description of the latest graph state from the
//point of view of the node. The graph information is partitioned into two
//components: all the nodes/vertexes, and all the edges that connect the
//vertexes themselves. As this is a directed graph, the edges also contain
//the node directional specific routing policy which includes: the time lock
//delta, fee information, etc.
DescribeGraph ( ctx context . Context , in * ChannelGraphRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ChannelGraph , error )
// lncli: `getnodemetrics`
//GetNodeMetrics returns node metrics calculated from the graph. Currently
//the only supported metric is betweenness centrality of individual nodes.
GetNodeMetrics ( ctx context . Context , in * NodeMetricsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * NodeMetricsResponse , error )
// lncli: `getchaninfo`
//GetChanInfo returns the latest authenticated network announcement for the
//given channel identified by its channel ID: an 8-byte integer which
//uniquely identifies the location of transaction's funding output within the
GetChanInfo ( ctx context . Context , in * ChanInfoRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ChannelEdge , error )
// lncli: `getnodeinfo`
//GetNodeInfo returns the latest advertised, aggregated, and authenticated
//channel information for the specified node identified by its public key.
GetNodeInfo ( ctx context . Context , in * NodeInfoRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * NodeInfo , error )
// lncli: `queryroutes`
//QueryRoutes attempts to query the daemon's Channel Router for a possible
//route to a target destination capable of carrying a specific amount of
//satoshis. The returned route contains the full details required to craft and
//send an HTLC, also including the necessary information that should be
//present within the Sphinx packet encapsulated within the HTLC.
//When using REST, the `dest_custom_records` map type can be set by appending
//to the URL. Unfortunately this map type doesn't appear in the REST API
//documentation because of a bug in the grpc-gateway library.
QueryRoutes ( ctx context . Context , in * QueryRoutesRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * QueryRoutesResponse , error )
// lncli: `getnetworkinfo`
//GetNetworkInfo returns some basic stats about the known channel graph from
//the point of view of the node.
GetNetworkInfo ( ctx context . Context , in * NetworkInfoRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * NetworkInfo , error )
// lncli: `stop`
//StopDaemon will send a shutdown request to the interrupt handler, triggering
//a graceful shutdown of the daemon.
StopDaemon ( ctx context . Context , in * StopRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * StopResponse , error )
//SubscribeChannelGraph launches a streaming RPC that allows the caller to
//receive notifications upon any changes to the channel graph topology from
//the point of view of the responding node. Events notified include: new
//nodes coming online, nodes updating their authenticated attributes, new
//channels being advertised, updates in the routing policy for a directional
//channel edge, and when channels are closed on-chain.
SubscribeChannelGraph ( ctx context . Context , in * GraphTopologySubscription , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SubscribeChannelGraphClient , error )
// lncli: `debuglevel`
//DebugLevel allows a caller to programmatically set the logging verbosity of
//lnd. The logging can be targeted according to a coarse daemon-wide logging
//level, or in a granular fashion to specify the logging for a target
DebugLevel ( ctx context . Context , in * DebugLevelRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * DebugLevelResponse , error )
// lncli: `feereport`
//FeeReport allows the caller to obtain a report detailing the current fee
//schedule enforced by the node globally for each channel.
FeeReport ( ctx context . Context , in * FeeReportRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * FeeReportResponse , error )
// lncli: `updatechanpolicy`
//UpdateChannelPolicy allows the caller to update the fee schedule and
//channel policies for all channels globally, or a particular channel.
UpdateChannelPolicy ( ctx context . Context , in * PolicyUpdateRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * PolicyUpdateResponse , error )
// lncli: `fwdinghistory`
//ForwardingHistory allows the caller to query the htlcswitch for a record of
//all HTLCs forwarded within the target time range, and integer offset
//within that time range, for a maximum number of events. If no maximum number
//of events is specified, up to 100 events will be returned. If no time-range
//is specified, then events will be returned in the order that they occured.
//A list of forwarding events are returned. The size of each forwarding event
//is 40 bytes, and the max message size able to be returned in gRPC is 4 MiB.
//As a result each message can only contain 50k entries. Each response has
//the index offset of the last entry. The index offset can be provided to the
//request to allow the caller to skip a series of records.
ForwardingHistory ( ctx context . Context , in * ForwardingHistoryRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ForwardingHistoryResponse , error )
// lncli: `exportchanbackup`
//ExportChannelBackup attempts to return an encrypted static channel backup
//for the target channel identified by it channel point. The backup is
//encrypted with a key generated from the aezeed seed of the user. The
//returned backup can either be restored using the RestoreChannelBackup
//method once lnd is running, or via the InitWallet and UnlockWallet methods
//from the WalletUnlocker service.
ExportChannelBackup ( ctx context . Context , in * ExportChannelBackupRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ChannelBackup , error )
//ExportAllChannelBackups returns static channel backups for all existing
//channels known to lnd. A set of regular singular static channel backups for
//each channel are returned. Additionally, a multi-channel backup is returned
//as well, which contains a single encrypted blob containing the backups of
//each channel.
ExportAllChannelBackups ( ctx context . Context , in * ChanBackupExportRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ChanBackupSnapshot , error )
//VerifyChanBackup allows a caller to verify the integrity of a channel backup
//snapshot. This method will accept either a packed Single or a packed Multi.
//Specifying both will result in an error.
VerifyChanBackup ( ctx context . Context , in * ChanBackupSnapshot , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * VerifyChanBackupResponse , error )
// lncli: `restorechanbackup`
//RestoreChannelBackups accepts a set of singular channel backups, or a
//single encrypted multi-chan backup and attempts to recover any funds
//remaining within the channel. If we are able to unpack the backup, then the
//new channel will be shown under listchannels, as well as pending channels.
RestoreChannelBackups ( ctx context . Context , in * RestoreChanBackupRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * RestoreBackupResponse , error )
//SubscribeChannelBackups allows a client to sub-subscribe to the most up to
//date information concerning the state of all channel backups. Each time a
//new channel is added, we return the new set of channels, along with a
//multi-chan backup containing the backup info for all channels. Each time a
//channel is closed, we send a new update, which contains new new chan back
//ups, but the updated set of encrypted multi-chan backups with the closed
//channel(s) removed.
SubscribeChannelBackups ( ctx context . Context , in * ChannelBackupSubscription , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SubscribeChannelBackupsClient , error )
// lncli: `bakemacaroon`
//BakeMacaroon allows the creation of a new macaroon with custom read and
//write permissions. No first-party caveats are added since this can be done
BakeMacaroon ( ctx context . Context , in * BakeMacaroonRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * BakeMacaroonResponse , error )
// lncli: `listmacaroonids`
//ListMacaroonIDs returns all root key IDs that are in use.
ListMacaroonIDs ( ctx context . Context , in * ListMacaroonIDsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListMacaroonIDsResponse , error )
// lncli: `deletemacaroonid`
//DeleteMacaroonID deletes the specified macaroon ID and invalidates all
//macaroons derived from that ID.
DeleteMacaroonID ( ctx context . Context , in * DeleteMacaroonIDRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * DeleteMacaroonIDResponse , error )
// lncli: `listpermissions`
//ListPermissions lists all RPC method URIs and their required macaroon
//permissions to access them.
ListPermissions ( ctx context . Context , in * ListPermissionsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListPermissionsResponse , error )
2021-05-17 02:19:30 -04:00
//CheckMacaroonPermissions checks whether a request follows the constraints
//imposed on the macaroon and that the macaroon is authorized to follow the
//provided permissions.
CheckMacaroonPermissions ( ctx context . Context , in * CheckMacPermRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * CheckMacPermResponse , error )
2021-08-12 16:07:24 +02:00
//RegisterRPCMiddleware adds a new gRPC middleware to the interceptor chain. A
//gRPC middleware is software component external to lnd that aims to add
//additional business logic to lnd by observing/intercepting/validating
//incoming gRPC client requests and (if needed) replacing/overwriting outgoing
//messages before they're sent to the client. When registering the middleware
//must identify itself and indicate what custom macaroon caveats it wants to
//be responsible for. Only requests that contain a macaroon with that specific
//custom caveat are then sent to the middleware for inspection. The other
//option is to register for the read-only mode in which all requests/responses
//are forwarded for interception to the middleware but the middleware is not
//allowed to modify any responses. As a security measure, _no_ middleware can
//modify responses for requests made with _unencumbered_ macaroons!
RegisterRPCMiddleware ( ctx context . Context , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_RegisterRPCMiddlewareClient , error )
2021-05-31 10:03:47 +02:00
// lncli: `sendcustom`
//SendCustomMessage sends a custom peer message.
SendCustomMessage ( ctx context . Context , in * SendCustomMessageRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * SendCustomMessageResponse , error )
2021-05-31 12:06:48 +02:00
// lncli: `subscribecustom`
//SubscribeCustomMessages subscribes to a stream of incoming custom peer
SubscribeCustomMessages ( ctx context . Context , in * SubscribeCustomMessagesRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SubscribeCustomMessagesClient , error )
2022-07-14 13:51:48 -04:00
// lncli: `listaliases`
//ListAliases returns the set of all aliases that have ever existed with
//their confirmed SCID (if it exists) and/or the base SCID (in the case of
//zero conf).
ListAliases ( ctx context . Context , in * ListAliasesRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListAliasesResponse , error )
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
type lightningClient struct {
cc grpc . ClientConnInterface
func NewLightningClient ( cc grpc . ClientConnInterface ) LightningClient {
return & lightningClient { cc }
func ( c * lightningClient ) WalletBalance ( ctx context . Context , in * WalletBalanceRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * WalletBalanceResponse , error ) {
out := new ( WalletBalanceResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/WalletBalance" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) ChannelBalance ( ctx context . Context , in * ChannelBalanceRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ChannelBalanceResponse , error ) {
out := new ( ChannelBalanceResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ChannelBalance" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) GetTransactions ( ctx context . Context , in * GetTransactionsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * TransactionDetails , error ) {
out := new ( TransactionDetails )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/GetTransactions" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) EstimateFee ( ctx context . Context , in * EstimateFeeRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * EstimateFeeResponse , error ) {
out := new ( EstimateFeeResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/EstimateFee" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) SendCoins ( ctx context . Context , in * SendCoinsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * SendCoinsResponse , error ) {
out := new ( SendCoinsResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SendCoins" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) ListUnspent ( ctx context . Context , in * ListUnspentRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListUnspentResponse , error ) {
out := new ( ListUnspentResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListUnspent" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) SubscribeTransactions ( ctx context . Context , in * GetTransactionsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SubscribeTransactionsClient , error ) {
stream , err := c . cc . NewStream ( ctx , & Lightning_ServiceDesc . Streams [ 0 ] , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SubscribeTransactions" , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
x := & lightningSubscribeTransactionsClient { stream }
if err := x . ClientStream . SendMsg ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if err := x . ClientStream . CloseSend ( ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return x , nil
type Lightning_SubscribeTransactionsClient interface {
Recv ( ) ( * Transaction , error )
grpc . ClientStream
type lightningSubscribeTransactionsClient struct {
grpc . ClientStream
func ( x * lightningSubscribeTransactionsClient ) Recv ( ) ( * Transaction , error ) {
m := new ( Transaction )
if err := x . ClientStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) SendMany ( ctx context . Context , in * SendManyRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * SendManyResponse , error ) {
out := new ( SendManyResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SendMany" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) NewAddress ( ctx context . Context , in * NewAddressRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * NewAddressResponse , error ) {
out := new ( NewAddressResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/NewAddress" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) SignMessage ( ctx context . Context , in * SignMessageRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * SignMessageResponse , error ) {
out := new ( SignMessageResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SignMessage" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) VerifyMessage ( ctx context . Context , in * VerifyMessageRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * VerifyMessageResponse , error ) {
out := new ( VerifyMessageResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/VerifyMessage" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) ConnectPeer ( ctx context . Context , in * ConnectPeerRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ConnectPeerResponse , error ) {
out := new ( ConnectPeerResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ConnectPeer" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) DisconnectPeer ( ctx context . Context , in * DisconnectPeerRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * DisconnectPeerResponse , error ) {
out := new ( DisconnectPeerResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/DisconnectPeer" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) ListPeers ( ctx context . Context , in * ListPeersRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListPeersResponse , error ) {
out := new ( ListPeersResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListPeers" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) SubscribePeerEvents ( ctx context . Context , in * PeerEventSubscription , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SubscribePeerEventsClient , error ) {
stream , err := c . cc . NewStream ( ctx , & Lightning_ServiceDesc . Streams [ 1 ] , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SubscribePeerEvents" , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
x := & lightningSubscribePeerEventsClient { stream }
if err := x . ClientStream . SendMsg ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if err := x . ClientStream . CloseSend ( ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return x , nil
type Lightning_SubscribePeerEventsClient interface {
Recv ( ) ( * PeerEvent , error )
grpc . ClientStream
type lightningSubscribePeerEventsClient struct {
grpc . ClientStream
func ( x * lightningSubscribePeerEventsClient ) Recv ( ) ( * PeerEvent , error ) {
m := new ( PeerEvent )
if err := x . ClientStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) GetInfo ( ctx context . Context , in * GetInfoRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * GetInfoResponse , error ) {
out := new ( GetInfoResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) GetRecoveryInfo ( ctx context . Context , in * GetRecoveryInfoRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * GetRecoveryInfoResponse , error ) {
out := new ( GetRecoveryInfoResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/GetRecoveryInfo" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) PendingChannels ( ctx context . Context , in * PendingChannelsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * PendingChannelsResponse , error ) {
out := new ( PendingChannelsResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/PendingChannels" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) ListChannels ( ctx context . Context , in * ListChannelsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListChannelsResponse , error ) {
out := new ( ListChannelsResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListChannels" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) SubscribeChannelEvents ( ctx context . Context , in * ChannelEventSubscription , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SubscribeChannelEventsClient , error ) {
stream , err := c . cc . NewStream ( ctx , & Lightning_ServiceDesc . Streams [ 2 ] , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SubscribeChannelEvents" , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
x := & lightningSubscribeChannelEventsClient { stream }
if err := x . ClientStream . SendMsg ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if err := x . ClientStream . CloseSend ( ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return x , nil
type Lightning_SubscribeChannelEventsClient interface {
Recv ( ) ( * ChannelEventUpdate , error )
grpc . ClientStream
type lightningSubscribeChannelEventsClient struct {
grpc . ClientStream
func ( x * lightningSubscribeChannelEventsClient ) Recv ( ) ( * ChannelEventUpdate , error ) {
m := new ( ChannelEventUpdate )
if err := x . ClientStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) ClosedChannels ( ctx context . Context , in * ClosedChannelsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ClosedChannelsResponse , error ) {
out := new ( ClosedChannelsResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ClosedChannels" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) OpenChannelSync ( ctx context . Context , in * OpenChannelRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ChannelPoint , error ) {
out := new ( ChannelPoint )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/OpenChannelSync" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) OpenChannel ( ctx context . Context , in * OpenChannelRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_OpenChannelClient , error ) {
stream , err := c . cc . NewStream ( ctx , & Lightning_ServiceDesc . Streams [ 3 ] , "/lnrpc.Lightning/OpenChannel" , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
x := & lightningOpenChannelClient { stream }
if err := x . ClientStream . SendMsg ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if err := x . ClientStream . CloseSend ( ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return x , nil
type Lightning_OpenChannelClient interface {
Recv ( ) ( * OpenStatusUpdate , error )
grpc . ClientStream
type lightningOpenChannelClient struct {
grpc . ClientStream
func ( x * lightningOpenChannelClient ) Recv ( ) ( * OpenStatusUpdate , error ) {
m := new ( OpenStatusUpdate )
if err := x . ClientStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
2021-08-24 11:21:55 +02:00
func ( c * lightningClient ) BatchOpenChannel ( ctx context . Context , in * BatchOpenChannelRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * BatchOpenChannelResponse , error ) {
out := new ( BatchOpenChannelResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/BatchOpenChannel" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
func ( c * lightningClient ) FundingStateStep ( ctx context . Context , in * FundingTransitionMsg , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * FundingStateStepResp , error ) {
out := new ( FundingStateStepResp )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/FundingStateStep" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) ChannelAcceptor ( ctx context . Context , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_ChannelAcceptorClient , error ) {
stream , err := c . cc . NewStream ( ctx , & Lightning_ServiceDesc . Streams [ 4 ] , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ChannelAcceptor" , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
x := & lightningChannelAcceptorClient { stream }
return x , nil
type Lightning_ChannelAcceptorClient interface {
Send ( * ChannelAcceptResponse ) error
Recv ( ) ( * ChannelAcceptRequest , error )
grpc . ClientStream
type lightningChannelAcceptorClient struct {
grpc . ClientStream
func ( x * lightningChannelAcceptorClient ) Send ( m * ChannelAcceptResponse ) error {
return x . ClientStream . SendMsg ( m )
func ( x * lightningChannelAcceptorClient ) Recv ( ) ( * ChannelAcceptRequest , error ) {
m := new ( ChannelAcceptRequest )
if err := x . ClientStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) CloseChannel ( ctx context . Context , in * CloseChannelRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_CloseChannelClient , error ) {
stream , err := c . cc . NewStream ( ctx , & Lightning_ServiceDesc . Streams [ 5 ] , "/lnrpc.Lightning/CloseChannel" , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
x := & lightningCloseChannelClient { stream }
if err := x . ClientStream . SendMsg ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if err := x . ClientStream . CloseSend ( ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return x , nil
type Lightning_CloseChannelClient interface {
Recv ( ) ( * CloseStatusUpdate , error )
grpc . ClientStream
type lightningCloseChannelClient struct {
grpc . ClientStream
func ( x * lightningCloseChannelClient ) Recv ( ) ( * CloseStatusUpdate , error ) {
m := new ( CloseStatusUpdate )
if err := x . ClientStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) AbandonChannel ( ctx context . Context , in * AbandonChannelRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * AbandonChannelResponse , error ) {
out := new ( AbandonChannelResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/AbandonChannel" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
// Deprecated: Do not use.
func ( c * lightningClient ) SendPayment ( ctx context . Context , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SendPaymentClient , error ) {
stream , err := c . cc . NewStream ( ctx , & Lightning_ServiceDesc . Streams [ 6 ] , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SendPayment" , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
x := & lightningSendPaymentClient { stream }
return x , nil
type Lightning_SendPaymentClient interface {
Send ( * SendRequest ) error
Recv ( ) ( * SendResponse , error )
grpc . ClientStream
type lightningSendPaymentClient struct {
grpc . ClientStream
func ( x * lightningSendPaymentClient ) Send ( m * SendRequest ) error {
return x . ClientStream . SendMsg ( m )
func ( x * lightningSendPaymentClient ) Recv ( ) ( * SendResponse , error ) {
m := new ( SendResponse )
if err := x . ClientStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) SendPaymentSync ( ctx context . Context , in * SendRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * SendResponse , error ) {
out := new ( SendResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SendPaymentSync" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
// Deprecated: Do not use.
func ( c * lightningClient ) SendToRoute ( ctx context . Context , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SendToRouteClient , error ) {
stream , err := c . cc . NewStream ( ctx , & Lightning_ServiceDesc . Streams [ 7 ] , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SendToRoute" , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
x := & lightningSendToRouteClient { stream }
return x , nil
type Lightning_SendToRouteClient interface {
Send ( * SendToRouteRequest ) error
Recv ( ) ( * SendResponse , error )
grpc . ClientStream
type lightningSendToRouteClient struct {
grpc . ClientStream
func ( x * lightningSendToRouteClient ) Send ( m * SendToRouteRequest ) error {
return x . ClientStream . SendMsg ( m )
func ( x * lightningSendToRouteClient ) Recv ( ) ( * SendResponse , error ) {
m := new ( SendResponse )
if err := x . ClientStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) SendToRouteSync ( ctx context . Context , in * SendToRouteRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * SendResponse , error ) {
out := new ( SendResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SendToRouteSync" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) AddInvoice ( ctx context . Context , in * Invoice , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * AddInvoiceResponse , error ) {
out := new ( AddInvoiceResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/AddInvoice" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) ListInvoices ( ctx context . Context , in * ListInvoiceRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListInvoiceResponse , error ) {
out := new ( ListInvoiceResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListInvoices" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) LookupInvoice ( ctx context . Context , in * PaymentHash , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * Invoice , error ) {
out := new ( Invoice )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/LookupInvoice" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) SubscribeInvoices ( ctx context . Context , in * InvoiceSubscription , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SubscribeInvoicesClient , error ) {
stream , err := c . cc . NewStream ( ctx , & Lightning_ServiceDesc . Streams [ 8 ] , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SubscribeInvoices" , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
x := & lightningSubscribeInvoicesClient { stream }
if err := x . ClientStream . SendMsg ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if err := x . ClientStream . CloseSend ( ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return x , nil
type Lightning_SubscribeInvoicesClient interface {
Recv ( ) ( * Invoice , error )
grpc . ClientStream
type lightningSubscribeInvoicesClient struct {
grpc . ClientStream
func ( x * lightningSubscribeInvoicesClient ) Recv ( ) ( * Invoice , error ) {
m := new ( Invoice )
if err := x . ClientStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) DecodePayReq ( ctx context . Context , in * PayReqString , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * PayReq , error ) {
out := new ( PayReq )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/DecodePayReq" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) ListPayments ( ctx context . Context , in * ListPaymentsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListPaymentsResponse , error ) {
out := new ( ListPaymentsResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListPayments" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
2021-09-13 11:32:28 +02:00
func ( c * lightningClient ) DeletePayment ( ctx context . Context , in * DeletePaymentRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * DeletePaymentResponse , error ) {
out := new ( DeletePaymentResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/DeletePayment" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
func ( c * lightningClient ) DeleteAllPayments ( ctx context . Context , in * DeleteAllPaymentsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * DeleteAllPaymentsResponse , error ) {
out := new ( DeleteAllPaymentsResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/DeleteAllPayments" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) DescribeGraph ( ctx context . Context , in * ChannelGraphRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ChannelGraph , error ) {
out := new ( ChannelGraph )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/DescribeGraph" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) GetNodeMetrics ( ctx context . Context , in * NodeMetricsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * NodeMetricsResponse , error ) {
out := new ( NodeMetricsResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/GetNodeMetrics" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) GetChanInfo ( ctx context . Context , in * ChanInfoRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ChannelEdge , error ) {
out := new ( ChannelEdge )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/GetChanInfo" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) GetNodeInfo ( ctx context . Context , in * NodeInfoRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * NodeInfo , error ) {
out := new ( NodeInfo )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/GetNodeInfo" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) QueryRoutes ( ctx context . Context , in * QueryRoutesRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * QueryRoutesResponse , error ) {
out := new ( QueryRoutesResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/QueryRoutes" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) GetNetworkInfo ( ctx context . Context , in * NetworkInfoRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * NetworkInfo , error ) {
out := new ( NetworkInfo )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/GetNetworkInfo" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) StopDaemon ( ctx context . Context , in * StopRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * StopResponse , error ) {
out := new ( StopResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/StopDaemon" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) SubscribeChannelGraph ( ctx context . Context , in * GraphTopologySubscription , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SubscribeChannelGraphClient , error ) {
stream , err := c . cc . NewStream ( ctx , & Lightning_ServiceDesc . Streams [ 9 ] , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SubscribeChannelGraph" , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
x := & lightningSubscribeChannelGraphClient { stream }
if err := x . ClientStream . SendMsg ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if err := x . ClientStream . CloseSend ( ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return x , nil
type Lightning_SubscribeChannelGraphClient interface {
Recv ( ) ( * GraphTopologyUpdate , error )
grpc . ClientStream
type lightningSubscribeChannelGraphClient struct {
grpc . ClientStream
func ( x * lightningSubscribeChannelGraphClient ) Recv ( ) ( * GraphTopologyUpdate , error ) {
m := new ( GraphTopologyUpdate )
if err := x . ClientStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) DebugLevel ( ctx context . Context , in * DebugLevelRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * DebugLevelResponse , error ) {
out := new ( DebugLevelResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/DebugLevel" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) FeeReport ( ctx context . Context , in * FeeReportRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * FeeReportResponse , error ) {
out := new ( FeeReportResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/FeeReport" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) UpdateChannelPolicy ( ctx context . Context , in * PolicyUpdateRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * PolicyUpdateResponse , error ) {
out := new ( PolicyUpdateResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/UpdateChannelPolicy" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) ForwardingHistory ( ctx context . Context , in * ForwardingHistoryRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ForwardingHistoryResponse , error ) {
out := new ( ForwardingHistoryResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ForwardingHistory" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) ExportChannelBackup ( ctx context . Context , in * ExportChannelBackupRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ChannelBackup , error ) {
out := new ( ChannelBackup )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ExportChannelBackup" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) ExportAllChannelBackups ( ctx context . Context , in * ChanBackupExportRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ChanBackupSnapshot , error ) {
out := new ( ChanBackupSnapshot )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ExportAllChannelBackups" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) VerifyChanBackup ( ctx context . Context , in * ChanBackupSnapshot , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * VerifyChanBackupResponse , error ) {
out := new ( VerifyChanBackupResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/VerifyChanBackup" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) RestoreChannelBackups ( ctx context . Context , in * RestoreChanBackupRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * RestoreBackupResponse , error ) {
out := new ( RestoreBackupResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/RestoreChannelBackups" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) SubscribeChannelBackups ( ctx context . Context , in * ChannelBackupSubscription , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SubscribeChannelBackupsClient , error ) {
stream , err := c . cc . NewStream ( ctx , & Lightning_ServiceDesc . Streams [ 10 ] , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SubscribeChannelBackups" , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
x := & lightningSubscribeChannelBackupsClient { stream }
if err := x . ClientStream . SendMsg ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if err := x . ClientStream . CloseSend ( ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return x , nil
type Lightning_SubscribeChannelBackupsClient interface {
Recv ( ) ( * ChanBackupSnapshot , error )
grpc . ClientStream
type lightningSubscribeChannelBackupsClient struct {
grpc . ClientStream
func ( x * lightningSubscribeChannelBackupsClient ) Recv ( ) ( * ChanBackupSnapshot , error ) {
m := new ( ChanBackupSnapshot )
if err := x . ClientStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) BakeMacaroon ( ctx context . Context , in * BakeMacaroonRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * BakeMacaroonResponse , error ) {
out := new ( BakeMacaroonResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/BakeMacaroon" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) ListMacaroonIDs ( ctx context . Context , in * ListMacaroonIDsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListMacaroonIDsResponse , error ) {
out := new ( ListMacaroonIDsResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListMacaroonIDs" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) DeleteMacaroonID ( ctx context . Context , in * DeleteMacaroonIDRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * DeleteMacaroonIDResponse , error ) {
out := new ( DeleteMacaroonIDResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/DeleteMacaroonID" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
func ( c * lightningClient ) ListPermissions ( ctx context . Context , in * ListPermissionsRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListPermissionsResponse , error ) {
out := new ( ListPermissionsResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListPermissions" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
2021-05-17 02:19:30 -04:00
func ( c * lightningClient ) CheckMacaroonPermissions ( ctx context . Context , in * CheckMacPermRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * CheckMacPermResponse , error ) {
out := new ( CheckMacPermResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/CheckMacaroonPermissions" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
2021-08-12 16:07:24 +02:00
func ( c * lightningClient ) RegisterRPCMiddleware ( ctx context . Context , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_RegisterRPCMiddlewareClient , error ) {
stream , err := c . cc . NewStream ( ctx , & Lightning_ServiceDesc . Streams [ 11 ] , "/lnrpc.Lightning/RegisterRPCMiddleware" , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
x := & lightningRegisterRPCMiddlewareClient { stream }
return x , nil
type Lightning_RegisterRPCMiddlewareClient interface {
Send ( * RPCMiddlewareResponse ) error
Recv ( ) ( * RPCMiddlewareRequest , error )
grpc . ClientStream
type lightningRegisterRPCMiddlewareClient struct {
grpc . ClientStream
func ( x * lightningRegisterRPCMiddlewareClient ) Send ( m * RPCMiddlewareResponse ) error {
return x . ClientStream . SendMsg ( m )
func ( x * lightningRegisterRPCMiddlewareClient ) Recv ( ) ( * RPCMiddlewareRequest , error ) {
m := new ( RPCMiddlewareRequest )
if err := x . ClientStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
2021-05-31 10:03:47 +02:00
func ( c * lightningClient ) SendCustomMessage ( ctx context . Context , in * SendCustomMessageRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * SendCustomMessageResponse , error ) {
out := new ( SendCustomMessageResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SendCustomMessage" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
2021-05-31 12:06:48 +02:00
func ( c * lightningClient ) SubscribeCustomMessages ( ctx context . Context , in * SubscribeCustomMessagesRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( Lightning_SubscribeCustomMessagesClient , error ) {
stream , err := c . cc . NewStream ( ctx , & Lightning_ServiceDesc . Streams [ 12 ] , "/lnrpc.Lightning/SubscribeCustomMessages" , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
x := & lightningSubscribeCustomMessagesClient { stream }
if err := x . ClientStream . SendMsg ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if err := x . ClientStream . CloseSend ( ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return x , nil
type Lightning_SubscribeCustomMessagesClient interface {
Recv ( ) ( * CustomMessage , error )
grpc . ClientStream
type lightningSubscribeCustomMessagesClient struct {
grpc . ClientStream
func ( x * lightningSubscribeCustomMessagesClient ) Recv ( ) ( * CustomMessage , error ) {
m := new ( CustomMessage )
if err := x . ClientStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
2022-07-14 13:51:48 -04:00
func ( c * lightningClient ) ListAliases ( ctx context . Context , in * ListAliasesRequest , opts ... grpc . CallOption ) ( * ListAliasesResponse , error ) {
out := new ( ListAliasesResponse )
err := c . cc . Invoke ( ctx , "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListAliases" , in , out , opts ... )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return out , nil
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
// LightningServer is the server API for Lightning service.
// All implementations must embed UnimplementedLightningServer
// for forward compatibility
type LightningServer interface {
// lncli: `walletbalance`
//WalletBalance returns total unspent outputs(confirmed and unconfirmed), all
//confirmed unspent outputs and all unconfirmed unspent outputs under control
//of the wallet.
WalletBalance ( context . Context , * WalletBalanceRequest ) ( * WalletBalanceResponse , error )
// lncli: `channelbalance`
//ChannelBalance returns a report on the total funds across all open channels,
//categorized in local/remote, pending local/remote and unsettled local/remote
ChannelBalance ( context . Context , * ChannelBalanceRequest ) ( * ChannelBalanceResponse , error )
// lncli: `listchaintxns`
//GetTransactions returns a list describing all the known transactions
//relevant to the wallet.
GetTransactions ( context . Context , * GetTransactionsRequest ) ( * TransactionDetails , error )
// lncli: `estimatefee`
//EstimateFee asks the chain backend to estimate the fee rate and total fees
//for a transaction that pays to multiple specified outputs.
//When using REST, the `AddrToAmount` map type can be set by appending
//`&AddrToAmount[<address>]=<amount_to_send>` to the URL. Unfortunately this
//map type doesn't appear in the REST API documentation because of a bug in
//the grpc-gateway library.
EstimateFee ( context . Context , * EstimateFeeRequest ) ( * EstimateFeeResponse , error )
// lncli: `sendcoins`
//SendCoins executes a request to send coins to a particular address. Unlike
//SendMany, this RPC call only allows creating a single output at a time. If
//neither target_conf, or sat_per_vbyte are set, then the internal wallet will
//consult its fee model to determine a fee for the default confirmation
SendCoins ( context . Context , * SendCoinsRequest ) ( * SendCoinsResponse , error )
// lncli: `listunspent`
//Deprecated, use walletrpc.ListUnspent instead.
//ListUnspent returns a list of all utxos spendable by the wallet with a
//number of confirmations between the specified minimum and maximum.
ListUnspent ( context . Context , * ListUnspentRequest ) ( * ListUnspentResponse , error )
//SubscribeTransactions creates a uni-directional stream from the server to
//the client in which any newly discovered transactions relevant to the
//wallet are sent over.
SubscribeTransactions ( * GetTransactionsRequest , Lightning_SubscribeTransactionsServer ) error
// lncli: `sendmany`
//SendMany handles a request for a transaction that creates multiple specified
//outputs in parallel. If neither target_conf, or sat_per_vbyte are set, then
//the internal wallet will consult its fee model to determine a fee for the
//default confirmation target.
SendMany ( context . Context , * SendManyRequest ) ( * SendManyResponse , error )
// lncli: `newaddress`
//NewAddress creates a new address under control of the local wallet.
NewAddress ( context . Context , * NewAddressRequest ) ( * NewAddressResponse , error )
// lncli: `signmessage`
//SignMessage signs a message with this node's private key. The returned
//signature string is `zbase32` encoded and pubkey recoverable, meaning that
//only the message digest and signature are needed for verification.
SignMessage ( context . Context , * SignMessageRequest ) ( * SignMessageResponse , error )
// lncli: `verifymessage`
//VerifyMessage verifies a signature over a msg. The signature must be
//zbase32 encoded and signed by an active node in the resident node's
//channel database. In addition to returning the validity of the signature,
//VerifyMessage also returns the recovered pubkey from the signature.
VerifyMessage ( context . Context , * VerifyMessageRequest ) ( * VerifyMessageResponse , error )
// lncli: `connect`
//ConnectPeer attempts to establish a connection to a remote peer. This is at
//the networking level, and is used for communication between nodes. This is
//distinct from establishing a channel with a peer.
ConnectPeer ( context . Context , * ConnectPeerRequest ) ( * ConnectPeerResponse , error )
// lncli: `disconnect`
//DisconnectPeer attempts to disconnect one peer from another identified by a
//given pubKey. In the case that we currently have a pending or active channel
//with the target peer, then this action will be not be allowed.
DisconnectPeer ( context . Context , * DisconnectPeerRequest ) ( * DisconnectPeerResponse , error )
// lncli: `listpeers`
//ListPeers returns a verbose listing of all currently active peers.
ListPeers ( context . Context , * ListPeersRequest ) ( * ListPeersResponse , error )
//SubscribePeerEvents creates a uni-directional stream from the server to
//the client in which any events relevant to the state of peers are sent
//over. Events include peers going online and offline.
SubscribePeerEvents ( * PeerEventSubscription , Lightning_SubscribePeerEventsServer ) error
// lncli: `getinfo`
//GetInfo returns general information concerning the lightning node including
//it's identity pubkey, alias, the chains it is connected to, and information
//concerning the number of open+pending channels.
GetInfo ( context . Context , * GetInfoRequest ) ( * GetInfoResponse , error )
//* lncli: `getrecoveryinfo`
//GetRecoveryInfo returns information concerning the recovery mode including
//whether it's in a recovery mode, whether the recovery is finished, and the
//progress made so far.
GetRecoveryInfo ( context . Context , * GetRecoveryInfoRequest ) ( * GetRecoveryInfoResponse , error )
// lncli: `pendingchannels`
//PendingChannels returns a list of all the channels that are currently
//considered "pending". A channel is pending if it has finished the funding
//workflow and is waiting for confirmations for the funding txn, or is in the
//process of closure, either initiated cooperatively or non-cooperatively.
PendingChannels ( context . Context , * PendingChannelsRequest ) ( * PendingChannelsResponse , error )
// lncli: `listchannels`
//ListChannels returns a description of all the open channels that this node
//is a participant in.
ListChannels ( context . Context , * ListChannelsRequest ) ( * ListChannelsResponse , error )
//SubscribeChannelEvents creates a uni-directional stream from the server to
//the client in which any updates relevant to the state of the channels are
//sent over. Events include new active channels, inactive channels, and closed
SubscribeChannelEvents ( * ChannelEventSubscription , Lightning_SubscribeChannelEventsServer ) error
// lncli: `closedchannels`
//ClosedChannels returns a description of all the closed channels that
//this node was a participant in.
ClosedChannels ( context . Context , * ClosedChannelsRequest ) ( * ClosedChannelsResponse , error )
//OpenChannelSync is a synchronous version of the OpenChannel RPC call. This
//call is meant to be consumed by clients to the REST proxy. As with all
//other sync calls, all byte slices are intended to be populated as hex
//encoded strings.
OpenChannelSync ( context . Context , * OpenChannelRequest ) ( * ChannelPoint , error )
// lncli: `openchannel`
//OpenChannel attempts to open a singly funded channel specified in the
//request to a remote peer. Users are able to specify a target number of
//blocks that the funding transaction should be confirmed in, or a manual fee
//rate to us for the funding transaction. If neither are specified, then a
//lax block confirmation target is used. Each OpenStatusUpdate will return
//the pending channel ID of the in-progress channel. Depending on the
//arguments specified in the OpenChannelRequest, this pending channel ID can
//then be used to manually progress the channel funding flow.
OpenChannel ( * OpenChannelRequest , Lightning_OpenChannelServer ) error
2021-08-24 11:21:55 +02:00
// lncli: `batchopenchannel`
//BatchOpenChannel attempts to open multiple single-funded channels in a
//single transaction in an atomic way. This means either all channel open
//requests succeed at once or all attempts are aborted if any of them fail.
//This is the safer variant of using PSBTs to manually fund a batch of
//channels through the OpenChannel RPC.
BatchOpenChannel ( context . Context , * BatchOpenChannelRequest ) ( * BatchOpenChannelResponse , error )
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
//FundingStateStep is an advanced funding related call that allows the caller
//to either execute some preparatory steps for a funding workflow, or
//manually progress a funding workflow. The primary way a funding flow is
//identified is via its pending channel ID. As an example, this method can be
//used to specify that we're expecting a funding flow for a particular
//pending channel ID, for which we need to use specific parameters.
//Alternatively, this can be used to interactively drive PSBT signing for
//funding for partially complete funding transactions.
FundingStateStep ( context . Context , * FundingTransitionMsg ) ( * FundingStateStepResp , error )
//ChannelAcceptor dispatches a bi-directional streaming RPC in which
//OpenChannel requests are sent to the client and the client responds with
//a boolean that tells LND whether or not to accept the channel. This allows
//node operators to specify their own criteria for accepting inbound channels
//through a single persistent connection.
ChannelAcceptor ( Lightning_ChannelAcceptorServer ) error
// lncli: `closechannel`
//CloseChannel attempts to close an active channel identified by its channel
//outpoint (ChannelPoint). The actions of this method can additionally be
//augmented to attempt a force close after a timeout period in the case of an
//inactive peer. If a non-force close (cooperative closure) is requested,
//then the user can specify either a target number of blocks until the
//closure transaction is confirmed, or a manual fee rate. If neither are
//specified, then a default lax, block confirmation target is used.
CloseChannel ( * CloseChannelRequest , Lightning_CloseChannelServer ) error
// lncli: `abandonchannel`
//AbandonChannel removes all channel state from the database except for a
//close summary. This method can be used to get rid of permanently unusable
//channels due to bugs fixed in newer versions of lnd. This method can also be
//used to remove externally funded channels where the funding transaction was
//never broadcast. Only available for non-externally funded channels in dev
AbandonChannel ( context . Context , * AbandonChannelRequest ) ( * AbandonChannelResponse , error )
// Deprecated: Do not use.
// lncli: `sendpayment`
//Deprecated, use routerrpc.SendPaymentV2. SendPayment dispatches a
//bi-directional streaming RPC for sending payments through the Lightning
//Network. A single RPC invocation creates a persistent bi-directional
//stream allowing clients to rapidly send payments through the Lightning
//Network with a single persistent connection.
SendPayment ( Lightning_SendPaymentServer ) error
//SendPaymentSync is the synchronous non-streaming version of SendPayment.
//This RPC is intended to be consumed by clients of the REST proxy.
//Additionally, this RPC expects the destination's public key and the payment
//hash (if any) to be encoded as hex strings.
SendPaymentSync ( context . Context , * SendRequest ) ( * SendResponse , error )
// Deprecated: Do not use.
// lncli: `sendtoroute`
//Deprecated, use routerrpc.SendToRouteV2. SendToRoute is a bi-directional
//streaming RPC for sending payment through the Lightning Network. This
//method differs from SendPayment in that it allows users to specify a full
//route manually. This can be used for things like rebalancing, and atomic
SendToRoute ( Lightning_SendToRouteServer ) error
//SendToRouteSync is a synchronous version of SendToRoute. It Will block
//until the payment either fails or succeeds.
SendToRouteSync ( context . Context , * SendToRouteRequest ) ( * SendResponse , error )
// lncli: `addinvoice`
//AddInvoice attempts to add a new invoice to the invoice database. Any
//duplicated invoices are rejected, therefore all invoices *must* have a
//unique payment preimage.
AddInvoice ( context . Context , * Invoice ) ( * AddInvoiceResponse , error )
// lncli: `listinvoices`
//ListInvoices returns a list of all the invoices currently stored within the
//database. Any active debug invoices are ignored. It has full support for
//paginated responses, allowing users to query for specific invoices through
//their add_index. This can be done by using either the first_index_offset or
//last_index_offset fields included in the response as the index_offset of the
//next request. By default, the first 100 invoices created will be returned.
//Backwards pagination is also supported through the Reversed flag.
ListInvoices ( context . Context , * ListInvoiceRequest ) ( * ListInvoiceResponse , error )
// lncli: `lookupinvoice`
//LookupInvoice attempts to look up an invoice according to its payment hash.
//The passed payment hash *must* be exactly 32 bytes, if not, an error is
LookupInvoice ( context . Context , * PaymentHash ) ( * Invoice , error )
//SubscribeInvoices returns a uni-directional stream (server -> client) for
//notifying the client of newly added/settled invoices. The caller can
//optionally specify the add_index and/or the settle_index. If the add_index
//is specified, then we'll first start by sending add invoice events for all
//invoices with an add_index greater than the specified value. If the
//settle_index is specified, the next, we'll send out all settle events for
//invoices with a settle_index greater than the specified value. One or both
//of these fields can be set. If no fields are set, then we'll only send out
//the latest add/settle events.
SubscribeInvoices ( * InvoiceSubscription , Lightning_SubscribeInvoicesServer ) error
// lncli: `decodepayreq`
//DecodePayReq takes an encoded payment request string and attempts to decode
//it, returning a full description of the conditions encoded within the
//payment request.
DecodePayReq ( context . Context , * PayReqString ) ( * PayReq , error )
// lncli: `listpayments`
//ListPayments returns a list of all outgoing payments.
ListPayments ( context . Context , * ListPaymentsRequest ) ( * ListPaymentsResponse , error )
2021-09-13 11:32:28 +02:00
//DeletePayment deletes an outgoing payment from DB. Note that it will not
//attempt to delete an In-Flight payment, since that would be unsafe.
DeletePayment ( context . Context , * DeletePaymentRequest ) ( * DeletePaymentResponse , error )
//DeleteAllPayments deletes all outgoing payments from DB. Note that it will
//not attempt to delete In-Flight payments, since that would be unsafe.
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
DeleteAllPayments ( context . Context , * DeleteAllPaymentsRequest ) ( * DeleteAllPaymentsResponse , error )
// lncli: `describegraph`
//DescribeGraph returns a description of the latest graph state from the
//point of view of the node. The graph information is partitioned into two
//components: all the nodes/vertexes, and all the edges that connect the
//vertexes themselves. As this is a directed graph, the edges also contain
//the node directional specific routing policy which includes: the time lock
//delta, fee information, etc.
DescribeGraph ( context . Context , * ChannelGraphRequest ) ( * ChannelGraph , error )
// lncli: `getnodemetrics`
//GetNodeMetrics returns node metrics calculated from the graph. Currently
//the only supported metric is betweenness centrality of individual nodes.
GetNodeMetrics ( context . Context , * NodeMetricsRequest ) ( * NodeMetricsResponse , error )
// lncli: `getchaninfo`
//GetChanInfo returns the latest authenticated network announcement for the
//given channel identified by its channel ID: an 8-byte integer which
//uniquely identifies the location of transaction's funding output within the
GetChanInfo ( context . Context , * ChanInfoRequest ) ( * ChannelEdge , error )
// lncli: `getnodeinfo`
//GetNodeInfo returns the latest advertised, aggregated, and authenticated
//channel information for the specified node identified by its public key.
GetNodeInfo ( context . Context , * NodeInfoRequest ) ( * NodeInfo , error )
// lncli: `queryroutes`
//QueryRoutes attempts to query the daemon's Channel Router for a possible
//route to a target destination capable of carrying a specific amount of
//satoshis. The returned route contains the full details required to craft and
//send an HTLC, also including the necessary information that should be
//present within the Sphinx packet encapsulated within the HTLC.
//When using REST, the `dest_custom_records` map type can be set by appending
//to the URL. Unfortunately this map type doesn't appear in the REST API
//documentation because of a bug in the grpc-gateway library.
QueryRoutes ( context . Context , * QueryRoutesRequest ) ( * QueryRoutesResponse , error )
// lncli: `getnetworkinfo`
//GetNetworkInfo returns some basic stats about the known channel graph from
//the point of view of the node.
GetNetworkInfo ( context . Context , * NetworkInfoRequest ) ( * NetworkInfo , error )
// lncli: `stop`
//StopDaemon will send a shutdown request to the interrupt handler, triggering
//a graceful shutdown of the daemon.
StopDaemon ( context . Context , * StopRequest ) ( * StopResponse , error )
//SubscribeChannelGraph launches a streaming RPC that allows the caller to
//receive notifications upon any changes to the channel graph topology from
//the point of view of the responding node. Events notified include: new
//nodes coming online, nodes updating their authenticated attributes, new
//channels being advertised, updates in the routing policy for a directional
//channel edge, and when channels are closed on-chain.
SubscribeChannelGraph ( * GraphTopologySubscription , Lightning_SubscribeChannelGraphServer ) error
// lncli: `debuglevel`
//DebugLevel allows a caller to programmatically set the logging verbosity of
//lnd. The logging can be targeted according to a coarse daemon-wide logging
//level, or in a granular fashion to specify the logging for a target
DebugLevel ( context . Context , * DebugLevelRequest ) ( * DebugLevelResponse , error )
// lncli: `feereport`
//FeeReport allows the caller to obtain a report detailing the current fee
//schedule enforced by the node globally for each channel.
FeeReport ( context . Context , * FeeReportRequest ) ( * FeeReportResponse , error )
// lncli: `updatechanpolicy`
//UpdateChannelPolicy allows the caller to update the fee schedule and
//channel policies for all channels globally, or a particular channel.
UpdateChannelPolicy ( context . Context , * PolicyUpdateRequest ) ( * PolicyUpdateResponse , error )
// lncli: `fwdinghistory`
//ForwardingHistory allows the caller to query the htlcswitch for a record of
//all HTLCs forwarded within the target time range, and integer offset
//within that time range, for a maximum number of events. If no maximum number
//of events is specified, up to 100 events will be returned. If no time-range
//is specified, then events will be returned in the order that they occured.
//A list of forwarding events are returned. The size of each forwarding event
//is 40 bytes, and the max message size able to be returned in gRPC is 4 MiB.
//As a result each message can only contain 50k entries. Each response has
//the index offset of the last entry. The index offset can be provided to the
//request to allow the caller to skip a series of records.
ForwardingHistory ( context . Context , * ForwardingHistoryRequest ) ( * ForwardingHistoryResponse , error )
// lncli: `exportchanbackup`
//ExportChannelBackup attempts to return an encrypted static channel backup
//for the target channel identified by it channel point. The backup is
//encrypted with a key generated from the aezeed seed of the user. The
//returned backup can either be restored using the RestoreChannelBackup
//method once lnd is running, or via the InitWallet and UnlockWallet methods
//from the WalletUnlocker service.
ExportChannelBackup ( context . Context , * ExportChannelBackupRequest ) ( * ChannelBackup , error )
//ExportAllChannelBackups returns static channel backups for all existing
//channels known to lnd. A set of regular singular static channel backups for
//each channel are returned. Additionally, a multi-channel backup is returned
//as well, which contains a single encrypted blob containing the backups of
//each channel.
ExportAllChannelBackups ( context . Context , * ChanBackupExportRequest ) ( * ChanBackupSnapshot , error )
//VerifyChanBackup allows a caller to verify the integrity of a channel backup
//snapshot. This method will accept either a packed Single or a packed Multi.
//Specifying both will result in an error.
VerifyChanBackup ( context . Context , * ChanBackupSnapshot ) ( * VerifyChanBackupResponse , error )
// lncli: `restorechanbackup`
//RestoreChannelBackups accepts a set of singular channel backups, or a
//single encrypted multi-chan backup and attempts to recover any funds
//remaining within the channel. If we are able to unpack the backup, then the
//new channel will be shown under listchannels, as well as pending channels.
RestoreChannelBackups ( context . Context , * RestoreChanBackupRequest ) ( * RestoreBackupResponse , error )
//SubscribeChannelBackups allows a client to sub-subscribe to the most up to
//date information concerning the state of all channel backups. Each time a
//new channel is added, we return the new set of channels, along with a
//multi-chan backup containing the backup info for all channels. Each time a
//channel is closed, we send a new update, which contains new new chan back
//ups, but the updated set of encrypted multi-chan backups with the closed
//channel(s) removed.
SubscribeChannelBackups ( * ChannelBackupSubscription , Lightning_SubscribeChannelBackupsServer ) error
// lncli: `bakemacaroon`
//BakeMacaroon allows the creation of a new macaroon with custom read and
//write permissions. No first-party caveats are added since this can be done
BakeMacaroon ( context . Context , * BakeMacaroonRequest ) ( * BakeMacaroonResponse , error )
// lncli: `listmacaroonids`
//ListMacaroonIDs returns all root key IDs that are in use.
ListMacaroonIDs ( context . Context , * ListMacaroonIDsRequest ) ( * ListMacaroonIDsResponse , error )
// lncli: `deletemacaroonid`
//DeleteMacaroonID deletes the specified macaroon ID and invalidates all
//macaroons derived from that ID.
DeleteMacaroonID ( context . Context , * DeleteMacaroonIDRequest ) ( * DeleteMacaroonIDResponse , error )
// lncli: `listpermissions`
//ListPermissions lists all RPC method URIs and their required macaroon
//permissions to access them.
ListPermissions ( context . Context , * ListPermissionsRequest ) ( * ListPermissionsResponse , error )
2021-05-17 02:19:30 -04:00
//CheckMacaroonPermissions checks whether a request follows the constraints
//imposed on the macaroon and that the macaroon is authorized to follow the
//provided permissions.
CheckMacaroonPermissions ( context . Context , * CheckMacPermRequest ) ( * CheckMacPermResponse , error )
2021-08-12 16:07:24 +02:00
//RegisterRPCMiddleware adds a new gRPC middleware to the interceptor chain. A
//gRPC middleware is software component external to lnd that aims to add
//additional business logic to lnd by observing/intercepting/validating
//incoming gRPC client requests and (if needed) replacing/overwriting outgoing
//messages before they're sent to the client. When registering the middleware
//must identify itself and indicate what custom macaroon caveats it wants to
//be responsible for. Only requests that contain a macaroon with that specific
//custom caveat are then sent to the middleware for inspection. The other
//option is to register for the read-only mode in which all requests/responses
//are forwarded for interception to the middleware but the middleware is not
//allowed to modify any responses. As a security measure, _no_ middleware can
//modify responses for requests made with _unencumbered_ macaroons!
RegisterRPCMiddleware ( Lightning_RegisterRPCMiddlewareServer ) error
2021-05-31 10:03:47 +02:00
// lncli: `sendcustom`
//SendCustomMessage sends a custom peer message.
SendCustomMessage ( context . Context , * SendCustomMessageRequest ) ( * SendCustomMessageResponse , error )
2021-05-31 12:06:48 +02:00
// lncli: `subscribecustom`
//SubscribeCustomMessages subscribes to a stream of incoming custom peer
SubscribeCustomMessages ( * SubscribeCustomMessagesRequest , Lightning_SubscribeCustomMessagesServer ) error
2022-07-14 13:51:48 -04:00
// lncli: `listaliases`
//ListAliases returns the set of all aliases that have ever existed with
//their confirmed SCID (if it exists) and/or the base SCID (in the case of
//zero conf).
ListAliases ( context . Context , * ListAliasesRequest ) ( * ListAliasesResponse , error )
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
mustEmbedUnimplementedLightningServer ( )
// UnimplementedLightningServer must be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
type UnimplementedLightningServer struct {
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) WalletBalance ( context . Context , * WalletBalanceRequest ) ( * WalletBalanceResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method WalletBalance not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ChannelBalance ( context . Context , * ChannelBalanceRequest ) ( * ChannelBalanceResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ChannelBalance not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) GetTransactions ( context . Context , * GetTransactionsRequest ) ( * TransactionDetails , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method GetTransactions not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) EstimateFee ( context . Context , * EstimateFeeRequest ) ( * EstimateFeeResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method EstimateFee not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SendCoins ( context . Context , * SendCoinsRequest ) ( * SendCoinsResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SendCoins not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ListUnspent ( context . Context , * ListUnspentRequest ) ( * ListUnspentResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ListUnspent not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SubscribeTransactions ( * GetTransactionsRequest , Lightning_SubscribeTransactionsServer ) error {
return status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SubscribeTransactions not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SendMany ( context . Context , * SendManyRequest ) ( * SendManyResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SendMany not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) NewAddress ( context . Context , * NewAddressRequest ) ( * NewAddressResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method NewAddress not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SignMessage ( context . Context , * SignMessageRequest ) ( * SignMessageResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SignMessage not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) VerifyMessage ( context . Context , * VerifyMessageRequest ) ( * VerifyMessageResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method VerifyMessage not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ConnectPeer ( context . Context , * ConnectPeerRequest ) ( * ConnectPeerResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ConnectPeer not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) DisconnectPeer ( context . Context , * DisconnectPeerRequest ) ( * DisconnectPeerResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method DisconnectPeer not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ListPeers ( context . Context , * ListPeersRequest ) ( * ListPeersResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ListPeers not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SubscribePeerEvents ( * PeerEventSubscription , Lightning_SubscribePeerEventsServer ) error {
return status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SubscribePeerEvents not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) GetInfo ( context . Context , * GetInfoRequest ) ( * GetInfoResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method GetInfo not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) GetRecoveryInfo ( context . Context , * GetRecoveryInfoRequest ) ( * GetRecoveryInfoResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method GetRecoveryInfo not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) PendingChannels ( context . Context , * PendingChannelsRequest ) ( * PendingChannelsResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method PendingChannels not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ListChannels ( context . Context , * ListChannelsRequest ) ( * ListChannelsResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ListChannels not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SubscribeChannelEvents ( * ChannelEventSubscription , Lightning_SubscribeChannelEventsServer ) error {
return status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SubscribeChannelEvents not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ClosedChannels ( context . Context , * ClosedChannelsRequest ) ( * ClosedChannelsResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ClosedChannels not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) OpenChannelSync ( context . Context , * OpenChannelRequest ) ( * ChannelPoint , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method OpenChannelSync not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) OpenChannel ( * OpenChannelRequest , Lightning_OpenChannelServer ) error {
return status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method OpenChannel not implemented" )
2021-08-24 11:21:55 +02:00
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) BatchOpenChannel ( context . Context , * BatchOpenChannelRequest ) ( * BatchOpenChannelResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method BatchOpenChannel not implemented" )
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) FundingStateStep ( context . Context , * FundingTransitionMsg ) ( * FundingStateStepResp , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method FundingStateStep not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ChannelAcceptor ( Lightning_ChannelAcceptorServer ) error {
return status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ChannelAcceptor not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) CloseChannel ( * CloseChannelRequest , Lightning_CloseChannelServer ) error {
return status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method CloseChannel not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) AbandonChannel ( context . Context , * AbandonChannelRequest ) ( * AbandonChannelResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method AbandonChannel not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SendPayment ( Lightning_SendPaymentServer ) error {
return status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SendPayment not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SendPaymentSync ( context . Context , * SendRequest ) ( * SendResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SendPaymentSync not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SendToRoute ( Lightning_SendToRouteServer ) error {
return status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SendToRoute not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SendToRouteSync ( context . Context , * SendToRouteRequest ) ( * SendResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SendToRouteSync not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) AddInvoice ( context . Context , * Invoice ) ( * AddInvoiceResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method AddInvoice not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ListInvoices ( context . Context , * ListInvoiceRequest ) ( * ListInvoiceResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ListInvoices not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) LookupInvoice ( context . Context , * PaymentHash ) ( * Invoice , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method LookupInvoice not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SubscribeInvoices ( * InvoiceSubscription , Lightning_SubscribeInvoicesServer ) error {
return status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SubscribeInvoices not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) DecodePayReq ( context . Context , * PayReqString ) ( * PayReq , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method DecodePayReq not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ListPayments ( context . Context , * ListPaymentsRequest ) ( * ListPaymentsResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ListPayments not implemented" )
2021-09-13 11:32:28 +02:00
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) DeletePayment ( context . Context , * DeletePaymentRequest ) ( * DeletePaymentResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method DeletePayment not implemented" )
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) DeleteAllPayments ( context . Context , * DeleteAllPaymentsRequest ) ( * DeleteAllPaymentsResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method DeleteAllPayments not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) DescribeGraph ( context . Context , * ChannelGraphRequest ) ( * ChannelGraph , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method DescribeGraph not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) GetNodeMetrics ( context . Context , * NodeMetricsRequest ) ( * NodeMetricsResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method GetNodeMetrics not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) GetChanInfo ( context . Context , * ChanInfoRequest ) ( * ChannelEdge , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method GetChanInfo not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) GetNodeInfo ( context . Context , * NodeInfoRequest ) ( * NodeInfo , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method GetNodeInfo not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) QueryRoutes ( context . Context , * QueryRoutesRequest ) ( * QueryRoutesResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method QueryRoutes not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) GetNetworkInfo ( context . Context , * NetworkInfoRequest ) ( * NetworkInfo , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method GetNetworkInfo not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) StopDaemon ( context . Context , * StopRequest ) ( * StopResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method StopDaemon not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SubscribeChannelGraph ( * GraphTopologySubscription , Lightning_SubscribeChannelGraphServer ) error {
return status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SubscribeChannelGraph not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) DebugLevel ( context . Context , * DebugLevelRequest ) ( * DebugLevelResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method DebugLevel not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) FeeReport ( context . Context , * FeeReportRequest ) ( * FeeReportResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method FeeReport not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) UpdateChannelPolicy ( context . Context , * PolicyUpdateRequest ) ( * PolicyUpdateResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method UpdateChannelPolicy not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ForwardingHistory ( context . Context , * ForwardingHistoryRequest ) ( * ForwardingHistoryResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ForwardingHistory not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ExportChannelBackup ( context . Context , * ExportChannelBackupRequest ) ( * ChannelBackup , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ExportChannelBackup not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ExportAllChannelBackups ( context . Context , * ChanBackupExportRequest ) ( * ChanBackupSnapshot , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ExportAllChannelBackups not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) VerifyChanBackup ( context . Context , * ChanBackupSnapshot ) ( * VerifyChanBackupResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method VerifyChanBackup not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) RestoreChannelBackups ( context . Context , * RestoreChanBackupRequest ) ( * RestoreBackupResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method RestoreChannelBackups not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SubscribeChannelBackups ( * ChannelBackupSubscription , Lightning_SubscribeChannelBackupsServer ) error {
return status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SubscribeChannelBackups not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) BakeMacaroon ( context . Context , * BakeMacaroonRequest ) ( * BakeMacaroonResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method BakeMacaroon not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ListMacaroonIDs ( context . Context , * ListMacaroonIDsRequest ) ( * ListMacaroonIDsResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ListMacaroonIDs not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) DeleteMacaroonID ( context . Context , * DeleteMacaroonIDRequest ) ( * DeleteMacaroonIDResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method DeleteMacaroonID not implemented" )
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ListPermissions ( context . Context , * ListPermissionsRequest ) ( * ListPermissionsResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ListPermissions not implemented" )
2021-05-17 02:19:30 -04:00
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) CheckMacaroonPermissions ( context . Context , * CheckMacPermRequest ) ( * CheckMacPermResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method CheckMacaroonPermissions not implemented" )
2021-08-12 16:07:24 +02:00
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) RegisterRPCMiddleware ( Lightning_RegisterRPCMiddlewareServer ) error {
return status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method RegisterRPCMiddleware not implemented" )
2021-05-31 10:03:47 +02:00
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SendCustomMessage ( context . Context , * SendCustomMessageRequest ) ( * SendCustomMessageResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SendCustomMessage not implemented" )
2021-05-31 12:06:48 +02:00
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) SubscribeCustomMessages ( * SubscribeCustomMessagesRequest , Lightning_SubscribeCustomMessagesServer ) error {
return status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method SubscribeCustomMessages not implemented" )
2022-07-14 13:51:48 -04:00
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) ListAliases ( context . Context , * ListAliasesRequest ) ( * ListAliasesResponse , error ) {
return nil , status . Errorf ( codes . Unimplemented , "method ListAliases not implemented" )
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
func ( UnimplementedLightningServer ) mustEmbedUnimplementedLightningServer ( ) { }
// UnsafeLightningServer may be embedded to opt out of forward compatibility for this service.
// Use of this interface is not recommended, as added methods to LightningServer will
// result in compilation errors.
type UnsafeLightningServer interface {
mustEmbedUnimplementedLightningServer ( )
func RegisterLightningServer ( s grpc . ServiceRegistrar , srv LightningServer ) {
s . RegisterService ( & Lightning_ServiceDesc , srv )
func _Lightning_WalletBalance_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( WalletBalanceRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . WalletBalance ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/WalletBalance" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . WalletBalance ( ctx , req . ( * WalletBalanceRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_ChannelBalance_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ChannelBalanceRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ChannelBalance ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/ChannelBalance" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ChannelBalance ( ctx , req . ( * ChannelBalanceRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_GetTransactions_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( GetTransactionsRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . GetTransactions ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/GetTransactions" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . GetTransactions ( ctx , req . ( * GetTransactionsRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_EstimateFee_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( EstimateFeeRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . EstimateFee ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/EstimateFee" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . EstimateFee ( ctx , req . ( * EstimateFeeRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_SendCoins_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( SendCoinsRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SendCoins ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/SendCoins" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SendCoins ( ctx , req . ( * SendCoinsRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_ListUnspent_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ListUnspentRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListUnspent ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListUnspent" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListUnspent ( ctx , req . ( * ListUnspentRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_SubscribeTransactions_Handler ( srv interface { } , stream grpc . ServerStream ) error {
m := new ( GetTransactionsRequest )
if err := stream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return err
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SubscribeTransactions ( m , & lightningSubscribeTransactionsServer { stream } )
type Lightning_SubscribeTransactionsServer interface {
Send ( * Transaction ) error
grpc . ServerStream
type lightningSubscribeTransactionsServer struct {
grpc . ServerStream
func ( x * lightningSubscribeTransactionsServer ) Send ( m * Transaction ) error {
return x . ServerStream . SendMsg ( m )
func _Lightning_SendMany_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( SendManyRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SendMany ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/SendMany" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SendMany ( ctx , req . ( * SendManyRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_NewAddress_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( NewAddressRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . NewAddress ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/NewAddress" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . NewAddress ( ctx , req . ( * NewAddressRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_SignMessage_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( SignMessageRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SignMessage ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/SignMessage" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SignMessage ( ctx , req . ( * SignMessageRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_VerifyMessage_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( VerifyMessageRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . VerifyMessage ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/VerifyMessage" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . VerifyMessage ( ctx , req . ( * VerifyMessageRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_ConnectPeer_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ConnectPeerRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ConnectPeer ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/ConnectPeer" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ConnectPeer ( ctx , req . ( * ConnectPeerRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_DisconnectPeer_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( DisconnectPeerRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . DisconnectPeer ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/DisconnectPeer" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . DisconnectPeer ( ctx , req . ( * DisconnectPeerRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_ListPeers_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ListPeersRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListPeers ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListPeers" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListPeers ( ctx , req . ( * ListPeersRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_SubscribePeerEvents_Handler ( srv interface { } , stream grpc . ServerStream ) error {
m := new ( PeerEventSubscription )
if err := stream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return err
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SubscribePeerEvents ( m , & lightningSubscribePeerEventsServer { stream } )
type Lightning_SubscribePeerEventsServer interface {
Send ( * PeerEvent ) error
grpc . ServerStream
type lightningSubscribePeerEventsServer struct {
grpc . ServerStream
func ( x * lightningSubscribePeerEventsServer ) Send ( m * PeerEvent ) error {
return x . ServerStream . SendMsg ( m )
func _Lightning_GetInfo_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( GetInfoRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . GetInfo ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . GetInfo ( ctx , req . ( * GetInfoRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_GetRecoveryInfo_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( GetRecoveryInfoRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . GetRecoveryInfo ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/GetRecoveryInfo" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . GetRecoveryInfo ( ctx , req . ( * GetRecoveryInfoRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_PendingChannels_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( PendingChannelsRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . PendingChannels ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/PendingChannels" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . PendingChannels ( ctx , req . ( * PendingChannelsRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_ListChannels_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ListChannelsRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListChannels ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListChannels" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListChannels ( ctx , req . ( * ListChannelsRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_SubscribeChannelEvents_Handler ( srv interface { } , stream grpc . ServerStream ) error {
m := new ( ChannelEventSubscription )
if err := stream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return err
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SubscribeChannelEvents ( m , & lightningSubscribeChannelEventsServer { stream } )
type Lightning_SubscribeChannelEventsServer interface {
Send ( * ChannelEventUpdate ) error
grpc . ServerStream
type lightningSubscribeChannelEventsServer struct {
grpc . ServerStream
func ( x * lightningSubscribeChannelEventsServer ) Send ( m * ChannelEventUpdate ) error {
return x . ServerStream . SendMsg ( m )
func _Lightning_ClosedChannels_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ClosedChannelsRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ClosedChannels ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/ClosedChannels" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ClosedChannels ( ctx , req . ( * ClosedChannelsRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_OpenChannelSync_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( OpenChannelRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . OpenChannelSync ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/OpenChannelSync" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . OpenChannelSync ( ctx , req . ( * OpenChannelRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_OpenChannel_Handler ( srv interface { } , stream grpc . ServerStream ) error {
m := new ( OpenChannelRequest )
if err := stream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return err
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . OpenChannel ( m , & lightningOpenChannelServer { stream } )
type Lightning_OpenChannelServer interface {
Send ( * OpenStatusUpdate ) error
grpc . ServerStream
type lightningOpenChannelServer struct {
grpc . ServerStream
func ( x * lightningOpenChannelServer ) Send ( m * OpenStatusUpdate ) error {
return x . ServerStream . SendMsg ( m )
2021-08-24 11:21:55 +02:00
func _Lightning_BatchOpenChannel_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( BatchOpenChannelRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . BatchOpenChannel ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/BatchOpenChannel" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . BatchOpenChannel ( ctx , req . ( * BatchOpenChannelRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
func _Lightning_FundingStateStep_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( FundingTransitionMsg )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . FundingStateStep ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/FundingStateStep" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . FundingStateStep ( ctx , req . ( * FundingTransitionMsg ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_ChannelAcceptor_Handler ( srv interface { } , stream grpc . ServerStream ) error {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ChannelAcceptor ( & lightningChannelAcceptorServer { stream } )
type Lightning_ChannelAcceptorServer interface {
Send ( * ChannelAcceptRequest ) error
Recv ( ) ( * ChannelAcceptResponse , error )
grpc . ServerStream
type lightningChannelAcceptorServer struct {
grpc . ServerStream
func ( x * lightningChannelAcceptorServer ) Send ( m * ChannelAcceptRequest ) error {
return x . ServerStream . SendMsg ( m )
func ( x * lightningChannelAcceptorServer ) Recv ( ) ( * ChannelAcceptResponse , error ) {
m := new ( ChannelAcceptResponse )
if err := x . ServerStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
func _Lightning_CloseChannel_Handler ( srv interface { } , stream grpc . ServerStream ) error {
m := new ( CloseChannelRequest )
if err := stream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return err
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . CloseChannel ( m , & lightningCloseChannelServer { stream } )
type Lightning_CloseChannelServer interface {
Send ( * CloseStatusUpdate ) error
grpc . ServerStream
type lightningCloseChannelServer struct {
grpc . ServerStream
func ( x * lightningCloseChannelServer ) Send ( m * CloseStatusUpdate ) error {
return x . ServerStream . SendMsg ( m )
func _Lightning_AbandonChannel_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( AbandonChannelRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . AbandonChannel ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/AbandonChannel" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . AbandonChannel ( ctx , req . ( * AbandonChannelRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_SendPayment_Handler ( srv interface { } , stream grpc . ServerStream ) error {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SendPayment ( & lightningSendPaymentServer { stream } )
type Lightning_SendPaymentServer interface {
Send ( * SendResponse ) error
Recv ( ) ( * SendRequest , error )
grpc . ServerStream
type lightningSendPaymentServer struct {
grpc . ServerStream
func ( x * lightningSendPaymentServer ) Send ( m * SendResponse ) error {
return x . ServerStream . SendMsg ( m )
func ( x * lightningSendPaymentServer ) Recv ( ) ( * SendRequest , error ) {
m := new ( SendRequest )
if err := x . ServerStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
func _Lightning_SendPaymentSync_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( SendRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SendPaymentSync ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/SendPaymentSync" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SendPaymentSync ( ctx , req . ( * SendRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_SendToRoute_Handler ( srv interface { } , stream grpc . ServerStream ) error {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SendToRoute ( & lightningSendToRouteServer { stream } )
type Lightning_SendToRouteServer interface {
Send ( * SendResponse ) error
Recv ( ) ( * SendToRouteRequest , error )
grpc . ServerStream
type lightningSendToRouteServer struct {
grpc . ServerStream
func ( x * lightningSendToRouteServer ) Send ( m * SendResponse ) error {
return x . ServerStream . SendMsg ( m )
func ( x * lightningSendToRouteServer ) Recv ( ) ( * SendToRouteRequest , error ) {
m := new ( SendToRouteRequest )
if err := x . ServerStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
func _Lightning_SendToRouteSync_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( SendToRouteRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SendToRouteSync ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/SendToRouteSync" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SendToRouteSync ( ctx , req . ( * SendToRouteRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_AddInvoice_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( Invoice )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . AddInvoice ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/AddInvoice" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . AddInvoice ( ctx , req . ( * Invoice ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_ListInvoices_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ListInvoiceRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListInvoices ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListInvoices" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListInvoices ( ctx , req . ( * ListInvoiceRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_LookupInvoice_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( PaymentHash )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . LookupInvoice ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/LookupInvoice" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . LookupInvoice ( ctx , req . ( * PaymentHash ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_SubscribeInvoices_Handler ( srv interface { } , stream grpc . ServerStream ) error {
m := new ( InvoiceSubscription )
if err := stream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return err
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SubscribeInvoices ( m , & lightningSubscribeInvoicesServer { stream } )
type Lightning_SubscribeInvoicesServer interface {
Send ( * Invoice ) error
grpc . ServerStream
type lightningSubscribeInvoicesServer struct {
grpc . ServerStream
func ( x * lightningSubscribeInvoicesServer ) Send ( m * Invoice ) error {
return x . ServerStream . SendMsg ( m )
func _Lightning_DecodePayReq_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( PayReqString )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . DecodePayReq ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/DecodePayReq" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . DecodePayReq ( ctx , req . ( * PayReqString ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_ListPayments_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ListPaymentsRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListPayments ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListPayments" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListPayments ( ctx , req . ( * ListPaymentsRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
2021-09-13 11:32:28 +02:00
func _Lightning_DeletePayment_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( DeletePaymentRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . DeletePayment ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/DeletePayment" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . DeletePayment ( ctx , req . ( * DeletePaymentRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
func _Lightning_DeleteAllPayments_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( DeleteAllPaymentsRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . DeleteAllPayments ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/DeleteAllPayments" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . DeleteAllPayments ( ctx , req . ( * DeleteAllPaymentsRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_DescribeGraph_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ChannelGraphRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . DescribeGraph ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/DescribeGraph" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . DescribeGraph ( ctx , req . ( * ChannelGraphRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_GetNodeMetrics_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( NodeMetricsRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . GetNodeMetrics ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/GetNodeMetrics" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . GetNodeMetrics ( ctx , req . ( * NodeMetricsRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_GetChanInfo_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ChanInfoRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . GetChanInfo ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/GetChanInfo" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . GetChanInfo ( ctx , req . ( * ChanInfoRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_GetNodeInfo_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( NodeInfoRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . GetNodeInfo ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/GetNodeInfo" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . GetNodeInfo ( ctx , req . ( * NodeInfoRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_QueryRoutes_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( QueryRoutesRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . QueryRoutes ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/QueryRoutes" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . QueryRoutes ( ctx , req . ( * QueryRoutesRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_GetNetworkInfo_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( NetworkInfoRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . GetNetworkInfo ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/GetNetworkInfo" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . GetNetworkInfo ( ctx , req . ( * NetworkInfoRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_StopDaemon_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( StopRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . StopDaemon ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/StopDaemon" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . StopDaemon ( ctx , req . ( * StopRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_SubscribeChannelGraph_Handler ( srv interface { } , stream grpc . ServerStream ) error {
m := new ( GraphTopologySubscription )
if err := stream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return err
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SubscribeChannelGraph ( m , & lightningSubscribeChannelGraphServer { stream } )
type Lightning_SubscribeChannelGraphServer interface {
Send ( * GraphTopologyUpdate ) error
grpc . ServerStream
type lightningSubscribeChannelGraphServer struct {
grpc . ServerStream
func ( x * lightningSubscribeChannelGraphServer ) Send ( m * GraphTopologyUpdate ) error {
return x . ServerStream . SendMsg ( m )
func _Lightning_DebugLevel_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( DebugLevelRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . DebugLevel ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/DebugLevel" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . DebugLevel ( ctx , req . ( * DebugLevelRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_FeeReport_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( FeeReportRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . FeeReport ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/FeeReport" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . FeeReport ( ctx , req . ( * FeeReportRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_UpdateChannelPolicy_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( PolicyUpdateRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . UpdateChannelPolicy ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/UpdateChannelPolicy" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . UpdateChannelPolicy ( ctx , req . ( * PolicyUpdateRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_ForwardingHistory_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ForwardingHistoryRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ForwardingHistory ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/ForwardingHistory" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ForwardingHistory ( ctx , req . ( * ForwardingHistoryRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_ExportChannelBackup_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ExportChannelBackupRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ExportChannelBackup ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/ExportChannelBackup" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ExportChannelBackup ( ctx , req . ( * ExportChannelBackupRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_ExportAllChannelBackups_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ChanBackupExportRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ExportAllChannelBackups ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/ExportAllChannelBackups" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ExportAllChannelBackups ( ctx , req . ( * ChanBackupExportRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_VerifyChanBackup_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ChanBackupSnapshot )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . VerifyChanBackup ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/VerifyChanBackup" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . VerifyChanBackup ( ctx , req . ( * ChanBackupSnapshot ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_RestoreChannelBackups_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( RestoreChanBackupRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . RestoreChannelBackups ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/RestoreChannelBackups" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . RestoreChannelBackups ( ctx , req . ( * RestoreChanBackupRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_SubscribeChannelBackups_Handler ( srv interface { } , stream grpc . ServerStream ) error {
m := new ( ChannelBackupSubscription )
if err := stream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return err
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SubscribeChannelBackups ( m , & lightningSubscribeChannelBackupsServer { stream } )
type Lightning_SubscribeChannelBackupsServer interface {
Send ( * ChanBackupSnapshot ) error
grpc . ServerStream
type lightningSubscribeChannelBackupsServer struct {
grpc . ServerStream
func ( x * lightningSubscribeChannelBackupsServer ) Send ( m * ChanBackupSnapshot ) error {
return x . ServerStream . SendMsg ( m )
func _Lightning_BakeMacaroon_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( BakeMacaroonRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . BakeMacaroon ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/BakeMacaroon" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . BakeMacaroon ( ctx , req . ( * BakeMacaroonRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_ListMacaroonIDs_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ListMacaroonIDsRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListMacaroonIDs ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListMacaroonIDs" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListMacaroonIDs ( ctx , req . ( * ListMacaroonIDsRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_DeleteMacaroonID_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( DeleteMacaroonIDRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . DeleteMacaroonID ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/DeleteMacaroonID" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . DeleteMacaroonID ( ctx , req . ( * DeleteMacaroonIDRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
func _Lightning_ListPermissions_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ListPermissionsRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListPermissions ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListPermissions" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListPermissions ( ctx , req . ( * ListPermissionsRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
2021-05-17 02:19:30 -04:00
func _Lightning_CheckMacaroonPermissions_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( CheckMacPermRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . CheckMacaroonPermissions ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/CheckMacaroonPermissions" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . CheckMacaroonPermissions ( ctx , req . ( * CheckMacPermRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
2021-08-12 16:07:24 +02:00
func _Lightning_RegisterRPCMiddleware_Handler ( srv interface { } , stream grpc . ServerStream ) error {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . RegisterRPCMiddleware ( & lightningRegisterRPCMiddlewareServer { stream } )
type Lightning_RegisterRPCMiddlewareServer interface {
Send ( * RPCMiddlewareRequest ) error
Recv ( ) ( * RPCMiddlewareResponse , error )
grpc . ServerStream
type lightningRegisterRPCMiddlewareServer struct {
grpc . ServerStream
func ( x * lightningRegisterRPCMiddlewareServer ) Send ( m * RPCMiddlewareRequest ) error {
return x . ServerStream . SendMsg ( m )
func ( x * lightningRegisterRPCMiddlewareServer ) Recv ( ) ( * RPCMiddlewareResponse , error ) {
m := new ( RPCMiddlewareResponse )
if err := x . ServerStream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
return m , nil
2021-05-31 10:03:47 +02:00
func _Lightning_SendCustomMessage_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( SendCustomMessageRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SendCustomMessage ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/SendCustomMessage" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SendCustomMessage ( ctx , req . ( * SendCustomMessageRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
2021-05-31 12:06:48 +02:00
func _Lightning_SubscribeCustomMessages_Handler ( srv interface { } , stream grpc . ServerStream ) error {
m := new ( SubscribeCustomMessagesRequest )
if err := stream . RecvMsg ( m ) ; err != nil {
return err
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . SubscribeCustomMessages ( m , & lightningSubscribeCustomMessagesServer { stream } )
type Lightning_SubscribeCustomMessagesServer interface {
Send ( * CustomMessage ) error
grpc . ServerStream
type lightningSubscribeCustomMessagesServer struct {
grpc . ServerStream
func ( x * lightningSubscribeCustomMessagesServer ) Send ( m * CustomMessage ) error {
return x . ServerStream . SendMsg ( m )
2022-07-14 13:51:48 -04:00
func _Lightning_ListAliases_Handler ( srv interface { } , ctx context . Context , dec func ( interface { } ) error , interceptor grpc . UnaryServerInterceptor ) ( interface { } , error ) {
in := new ( ListAliasesRequest )
if err := dec ( in ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListAliases ( ctx , in )
info := & grpc . UnaryServerInfo {
Server : srv ,
FullMethod : "/lnrpc.Lightning/ListAliases" ,
handler := func ( ctx context . Context , req interface { } ) ( interface { } , error ) {
return srv . ( LightningServer ) . ListAliases ( ctx , req . ( * ListAliasesRequest ) )
return interceptor ( ctx , in , info , handler )
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
// Lightning_ServiceDesc is the grpc.ServiceDesc for Lightning service.
// It's only intended for direct use with grpc.RegisterService,
// and not to be introspected or modified (even as a copy)
var Lightning_ServiceDesc = grpc . ServiceDesc {
ServiceName : "lnrpc.Lightning" ,
HandlerType : ( * LightningServer ) ( nil ) ,
Methods : [ ] grpc . MethodDesc {
MethodName : "WalletBalance" ,
Handler : _Lightning_WalletBalance_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "ChannelBalance" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ChannelBalance_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "GetTransactions" ,
Handler : _Lightning_GetTransactions_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "EstimateFee" ,
Handler : _Lightning_EstimateFee_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "SendCoins" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SendCoins_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "ListUnspent" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ListUnspent_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "SendMany" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SendMany_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "NewAddress" ,
Handler : _Lightning_NewAddress_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "SignMessage" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SignMessage_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "VerifyMessage" ,
Handler : _Lightning_VerifyMessage_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "ConnectPeer" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ConnectPeer_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "DisconnectPeer" ,
Handler : _Lightning_DisconnectPeer_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "ListPeers" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ListPeers_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "GetInfo" ,
Handler : _Lightning_GetInfo_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "GetRecoveryInfo" ,
Handler : _Lightning_GetRecoveryInfo_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "PendingChannels" ,
Handler : _Lightning_PendingChannels_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "ListChannels" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ListChannels_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "ClosedChannels" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ClosedChannels_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "OpenChannelSync" ,
Handler : _Lightning_OpenChannelSync_Handler ,
} ,
2021-08-24 11:21:55 +02:00
MethodName : "BatchOpenChannel" ,
Handler : _Lightning_BatchOpenChannel_Handler ,
} ,
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
MethodName : "FundingStateStep" ,
Handler : _Lightning_FundingStateStep_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "AbandonChannel" ,
Handler : _Lightning_AbandonChannel_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "SendPaymentSync" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SendPaymentSync_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "SendToRouteSync" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SendToRouteSync_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "AddInvoice" ,
Handler : _Lightning_AddInvoice_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "ListInvoices" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ListInvoices_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "LookupInvoice" ,
Handler : _Lightning_LookupInvoice_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "DecodePayReq" ,
Handler : _Lightning_DecodePayReq_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "ListPayments" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ListPayments_Handler ,
} ,
2021-09-13 11:32:28 +02:00
MethodName : "DeletePayment" ,
Handler : _Lightning_DeletePayment_Handler ,
} ,
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
MethodName : "DeleteAllPayments" ,
Handler : _Lightning_DeleteAllPayments_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "DescribeGraph" ,
Handler : _Lightning_DescribeGraph_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "GetNodeMetrics" ,
Handler : _Lightning_GetNodeMetrics_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "GetChanInfo" ,
Handler : _Lightning_GetChanInfo_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "GetNodeInfo" ,
Handler : _Lightning_GetNodeInfo_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "QueryRoutes" ,
Handler : _Lightning_QueryRoutes_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "GetNetworkInfo" ,
Handler : _Lightning_GetNetworkInfo_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "StopDaemon" ,
Handler : _Lightning_StopDaemon_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "DebugLevel" ,
Handler : _Lightning_DebugLevel_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "FeeReport" ,
Handler : _Lightning_FeeReport_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "UpdateChannelPolicy" ,
Handler : _Lightning_UpdateChannelPolicy_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "ForwardingHistory" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ForwardingHistory_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "ExportChannelBackup" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ExportChannelBackup_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "ExportAllChannelBackups" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ExportAllChannelBackups_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "VerifyChanBackup" ,
Handler : _Lightning_VerifyChanBackup_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "RestoreChannelBackups" ,
Handler : _Lightning_RestoreChannelBackups_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "BakeMacaroon" ,
Handler : _Lightning_BakeMacaroon_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "ListMacaroonIDs" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ListMacaroonIDs_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "DeleteMacaroonID" ,
Handler : _Lightning_DeleteMacaroonID_Handler ,
} ,
MethodName : "ListPermissions" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ListPermissions_Handler ,
} ,
2021-05-17 02:19:30 -04:00
MethodName : "CheckMacaroonPermissions" ,
Handler : _Lightning_CheckMacaroonPermissions_Handler ,
} ,
2021-05-31 10:03:47 +02:00
MethodName : "SendCustomMessage" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SendCustomMessage_Handler ,
} ,
2022-07-14 13:51:48 -04:00
MethodName : "ListAliases" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ListAliases_Handler ,
} ,
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
} ,
Streams : [ ] grpc . StreamDesc {
StreamName : "SubscribeTransactions" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SubscribeTransactions_Handler ,
ServerStreams : true ,
} ,
StreamName : "SubscribePeerEvents" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SubscribePeerEvents_Handler ,
ServerStreams : true ,
} ,
StreamName : "SubscribeChannelEvents" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SubscribeChannelEvents_Handler ,
ServerStreams : true ,
} ,
StreamName : "OpenChannel" ,
Handler : _Lightning_OpenChannel_Handler ,
ServerStreams : true ,
} ,
StreamName : "ChannelAcceptor" ,
Handler : _Lightning_ChannelAcceptor_Handler ,
ServerStreams : true ,
ClientStreams : true ,
} ,
StreamName : "CloseChannel" ,
Handler : _Lightning_CloseChannel_Handler ,
ServerStreams : true ,
} ,
StreamName : "SendPayment" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SendPayment_Handler ,
ServerStreams : true ,
ClientStreams : true ,
} ,
StreamName : "SendToRoute" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SendToRoute_Handler ,
ServerStreams : true ,
ClientStreams : true ,
} ,
StreamName : "SubscribeInvoices" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SubscribeInvoices_Handler ,
ServerStreams : true ,
} ,
StreamName : "SubscribeChannelGraph" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SubscribeChannelGraph_Handler ,
ServerStreams : true ,
} ,
StreamName : "SubscribeChannelBackups" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SubscribeChannelBackups_Handler ,
ServerStreams : true ,
} ,
2021-08-12 16:07:24 +02:00
StreamName : "RegisterRPCMiddleware" ,
Handler : _Lightning_RegisterRPCMiddleware_Handler ,
ServerStreams : true ,
ClientStreams : true ,
} ,
2021-05-31 12:06:48 +02:00
StreamName : "SubscribeCustomMessages" ,
Handler : _Lightning_SubscribeCustomMessages_Handler ,
ServerStreams : true ,
} ,
2021-07-27 12:59:59 +02:00
} ,
Metadata : "lightning.proto" ,