Activebool`long:"active" description:"If the autopilot agent should be active or not."`
Heuristicmap[string]float64`long:"heuristic" description:"Heuristic to activate, and the weight to give it during scoring."`
MaxChannelsint`long:"maxchannels" description:"The maximum number of channels that should be created"`
Allocationfloat64`long:"allocation" description:"The percentage of total funds that should be committed to automatic channel establishment"`
MinChannelSizeint64`long:"minchansize" description:"The smallest channel that the autopilot agent should create"`
MaxChannelSizeint64`long:"maxchansize" description:"The largest channel that the autopilot agent should create"`
Privatebool`long:"private" description:"Whether the channels created by the autopilot agent should be private or not. Private channels won't be announced to the network."`
MinConfsint32`long:"minconfs" description:"The minimum number of confirmations each of your inputs in funding transactions created by the autopilot agent must have."`
ConfTargetuint32`long:"conftarget" description:"The confirmation target (in blocks) for channels opened by autopilot."`