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package wtclient
import (
const (
// dbErrorBackoff is the length of time we will back off before retrying
// any DB action that failed.
dbErrorBackoff = time.Second * 5
// internalTask wraps a BackupID task with a success channel.
type internalTask[T any] struct {
task T
success chan bool
// newInternalTask creates a new internalTask with the given task.
func newInternalTask[T any](task T) *internalTask[T] {
return &internalTask[T]{
task: task,
success: make(chan bool),
// DiskOverflowQueue is a queue that must be initialised with a certain maximum
// buffer size which represents the maximum number of elements that the queue
// should hold in memory. If the queue is full, then any new elements added to
// the queue will be persisted to disk instead. Once a consumer starts reading
// from the front of the queue again then items on disk will be moved into the
// queue again. The queue is also re-start safe. When it is stopped, any items
// in the memory queue, will be persisted to disk. On start up, the queue will
// be re-initialised with the items on disk.
type DiskOverflowQueue[T any] struct {
startOnce sync.Once
stopOnce sync.Once
log btclog.Logger
// db is the database that will be used to persist queue items to disk.
db wtdb.Queue[T]
// toDisk represents the current mode of operation of the queue.
toDisk atomic.Bool
// We used an unbound list for the input of the queue so that producers
// putting items into the queue are never blocked.
inputListMu sync.Mutex
inputListCond *sync.Cond
inputList *list.List
// inputChan is an unbuffered channel used to pass items from
// drainInputList to feedMemQueue.
inputChan chan *internalTask[T]
// memQueue is a buffered channel used to pass items from
// feedMemQueue to feedOutputChan.
memQueue chan T
// outputChan is an unbuffered channel from which items at the head of
// the queue can be read.
outputChan chan T
// newDiskItemSignal is used to signal that there is a new item in the
// main disk queue. There should only be one reader and one writer for
// this channel.
newDiskItemSignal chan struct{}
// leftOverItem1 will be a non-nil task on shutdown if the
// feedOutputChan method was holding an unhandled tasks at shutdown
// time. Since feedOutputChan handles the very head of the queue, this
// item should be the first to be reloaded on restart.
leftOverItem1 *T
// leftOverItems2 will be non-empty on shutdown if the feedMemQueue
// method was holding any unhandled tasks at shutdown time. Since
// feedMemQueue manages the input to the queue, the tasks should be
// pushed to the head of the disk queue.
leftOverItems2 []T
// leftOverItem3 will be non-nil on shutdown if drainInputList was
// holding an unhandled task at shutdown time. This task should be put
// at the tail of the disk queue but should come before any input list
// task.
leftOverItem3 *T
quit chan struct{}
wg sync.WaitGroup
// NewDiskOverflowQueue constructs a new DiskOverflowQueue.
func NewDiskOverflowQueue[T any](db wtdb.Queue[T], maxQueueSize uint64,
logger btclog.Logger) (*DiskOverflowQueue[T], error) {
if maxQueueSize < 2 {
return nil, errors.New("the in-memory queue buffer size " +
"must be larger than 2")
q := &DiskOverflowQueue[T]{
log: logger,
db: db,
inputList: list.New(),
newDiskItemSignal: make(chan struct{}, 1),
inputChan: make(chan *internalTask[T]),
memQueue: make(chan T, maxQueueSize-2),
outputChan: make(chan T),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
q.inputListCond = sync.NewCond(&q.inputListMu)
return q, nil
// Start kicks off all the goroutines that are required to manage the queue.
func (q *DiskOverflowQueue[T]) Start() error {
var err error
q.startOnce.Do(func() {
err = q.start()
return err
// start kicks off all the goroutines that are required to manage the queue.
func (q *DiskOverflowQueue[T]) start() error {
numDisk, err := q.db.Len()
if err != nil {
return err
if numDisk != 0 {
// Kick off the three goroutines which will handle the input list, the
// in-memory queue and the output channel.
// The three goroutines are moving items according to the following
// diagram:
// ┌─────────┐ drainInputList ┌──────────┐
// │inputList├─────┬──────────►│disk/db │
// └─────────┘ │ └──────────┘
// │ (depending on mode)
// │ ┌──────────┐
// └──────────►│inputChan │
// └──────────┘
// ┌─────────┐ feedMemQueue ┌──────────┐
// │disk/db ├───────┬────────►│memQueue │
// └─────────┘ │ └──────────┘
// │ (depending on mode)
// ┌─────────┐ │
// │inputChan├───────┘
// └─────────┘
// ┌─────────┐ feedOutputChan ┌──────────┐
// │memQueue ├────────────────►│outputChan│
// └─────────┘ └──────────┘
go q.drainInputList()
go q.feedMemQueue()
go q.feedOutputChan()
return nil
// Stop stops the queue and persists any items in the memory queue to disk.
func (q *DiskOverflowQueue[T]) Stop() error {
var err error
q.stopOnce.Do(func() {
err = q.stop()
return err
// stop the queue and persists any items in the memory queue to disk.
func (q *DiskOverflowQueue[T]) stop() error {
// Signal on the inputListCond until all the goroutines have returned.
shutdown := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(time.Millisecond):
case <-shutdown:
// queueHead will be the items that we will be pushed to the head of
// the queue.
var queueHead []T
// First, we append leftOverItem1 since this task is the current head
// of the queue.
if q.leftOverItem1 != nil {
queueHead = append(queueHead, *q.leftOverItem1)
// Next, drain the buffered queue.
for {
task, ok := <-q.memQueue
if !ok {
queueHead = append(queueHead, task)
// Then, any items held in leftOverItems2 would have been next to join
// the memQueue. So those gets added next.
if len(q.leftOverItems2) != 0 {
queueHead = append(queueHead, q.leftOverItems2...)
// Now, push these items to the head of the queue.
err := q.db.PushHead(queueHead...)
if err != nil {
q.log.Errorf("Could not add tasks to queue head: %v", err)
// Next we handle any items that need to be added to the main disk
// queue.
var diskQueue []T
// Any item in leftOverItem3 is the first item that should join the
// disk queue.
if q.leftOverItem3 != nil {
diskQueue = append(diskQueue, *q.leftOverItem3)
// Lastly, drain any items in the unbuffered input list.
for q.inputList.Front() != nil {
e := q.inputList.Front()
task := q.inputList.Remove(e).(T)
diskQueue = append(diskQueue, task)
// Now persist these items to the main disk queue.
err = q.db.Push(diskQueue...)
if err != nil {
q.log.Errorf("Could not add tasks to queue tail: %v", err)
return nil
// QueueBackupID adds a wtdb.BackupID to the queue. It will only return an error
// if the queue has been stopped. It is non-blocking.
func (q *DiskOverflowQueue[T]) QueueBackupID(item *wtdb.BackupID) error {
// Return an error if the queue has been stopped
select {
case <-q.quit:
return ErrClientExiting
// Add the new item to the unbound input list.
// Signal that there is a new item in the input list.
return nil
// NextBackupID can be used to read from the head of the DiskOverflowQueue.
func (q *DiskOverflowQueue[T]) NextBackupID() <-chan T {
return q.outputChan
// drainInputList handles the input to the DiskOverflowQueue. It takes from the
// un-bounded input list and then, depending on what mode the queue is in,
// either puts the new item straight onto the persisted disk queue or attempts
// to feed it into the memQueue. On exit, any unhandled task will be assigned to
// leftOverItem3.
func (q *DiskOverflowQueue[T]) drainInputList() {
defer q.wg.Done()
for {
// Wait for the input list to not be empty.
for q.inputList.Front() == nil {
select {
case <-q.quit:
// Pop the first element from the queue.
e := q.inputList.Front()
task := q.inputList.Remove(e).(T)
// What we do with this new item depends on what the mode of the
// queue currently is.
2023-05-12 10:09:56 +02:00
for q.pushToActiveQueue(task) { //nolint:revive
// We retry until the task is handled or the quit
// channel is closed.
// If the above returned false because the quit channel was
// closed, then we exit.
select {
case <-q.quit:
// pushToActiveQueue handles the input of a new task to the queue. It returns
// true if the task should be retried and false if the task was handled or the
// quit channel fired.
func (q *DiskOverflowQueue[T]) pushToActiveQueue(task T) bool {
// If the queue is in disk mode then any new items should be put
// straight into the disk queue.
if q.toDisk.Load() {
err := q.db.Push(task)
if err != nil {
// Log and back off for a few seconds and then
// try again with the same task.
q.log.Errorf("could not persist %s to disk. "+
"Retrying after backoff", task)
select {
// Backoff for a bit and then re-check the mode
// and try again to handle the task.
case <-time.After(dbErrorBackoff):
return true
// If the queue is quit at this moment, then the
// unhandled task is assigned to leftOverItem3
// so that it can be handled by the stop method.
case <-q.quit:
q.leftOverItem3 = &task
return false
// Send a signal that there is a new item in the main
// disk queue.
select {
case q.newDiskItemSignal <- struct{}{}:
case <-q.quit:
// Because there might already be a signal in the
// newDiskItemSignal channel, we can skip sending another
// signal. The channel only has a buffer of one, so we would
// block here if we didn't have a default case.
// If we got here, we were able to store the task in the disk
// queue, so we can return false as no retry is necessary.
return false
// If the mode is memory mode, then try feed it to the feedMemQueue
// handler via the un-buffered inputChan channel. We wrap it in an
// internal task so that we can find out if feedMemQueue successfully
// handled the item. If it did, we continue in memory mode and if not,
// then we switch to disk mode so that we can persist the item to the
// disk queue instead.
it := newInternalTask(task)
select {
// Try feed the task to the feedMemQueue handler. The handler, if it
// does take the task, is guaranteed to respond via the success channel
// of the task to indicate if the task was successfully added to the
// in-mem queue. This is guaranteed even if the queue is being stopped.
case q.inputChan <- it:
// If the queue is quit at this moment, then the unhandled task is
// assigned to leftOverItem3 so that it can be handled by the stop
// method.
case <-q.quit:
q.leftOverItem3 = &task
return false
// The task was not accepted. So maybe the mode changed.
return true
// If we get here, it means that the feedMemQueue handler took the task.
// It is guaranteed to respond via the success channel, so we wait for
// that response here.
s := <-it.success
if s {
return false
// If the task was not successfully handled by feedMemQueue, then we
// switch to disk mode so that the task can be persisted in the disk
// queue instead.
return true
// feedMemQueue manages which items should be fed onto the buffered
// memQueue. If the queue is then in disk mode, then the handler will read new
// tasks from the disk queue until it is empty. After that, it will switch
// between reading from the input channel or the disk queue depending on the
// queue mode.
func (q *DiskOverflowQueue[T]) feedMemQueue() {
defer func() {
feedFromDisk := func() {
select {
case <-q.quit:
for {
// Ideally, we want to do batch reads from the DB. So
// we check how much capacity there is in the memQueue
// and fetch enough tasks to fill that capacity. If
// there is no capacity, however, then we at least want
// to fetch one task.
numToPop := cap(q.memQueue) - len(q.memQueue)
if numToPop == 0 {
numToPop = 1
tasks, err := q.db.PopUpTo(numToPop)
if errors.Is(err, wtdb.ErrEmptyQueue) {
} else if err != nil {
q.log.Errorf("Could not load next task from " +
"disk. Retrying.")
select {
case <-time.After(dbErrorBackoff):
case <-q.quit:
for i, task := range tasks {
select {
case q.memQueue <- task:
// If the queue is quit at this moment, then the
// unhandled tasks are assigned to
// leftOverItems2 so that they can be handled
// by the stop method.
case <-q.quit:
q.leftOverItems2 = tasks[i:]
// If the queue is in disk mode, then the memQueue is fed with tasks
// from the disk queue until it is empty.
if q.toDisk.Load() {
// Now the queue enters its normal operation.
for {
select {
case <-q.quit:
// If there is a signal that a new item has been added to disk
// then we use the disk queue as the source of the next task
// to feed into memQueue.
case <-q.newDiskItemSignal:
// If any items come through on the inputChan, then we try feed
// these directly into the memQueue. If there is space in the
// memeQueue then we respond with success to the producer,
// otherwise we respond with failure so that the producer can
// instead persist the task to disk. After the producer,
// drainInputList, has pushed an item to inputChan, it is
// guaranteed to await a response on the task's success channel
// before quitting. Therefore, it is not required to listen on
// the quit channel here.
case task := <-q.inputChan:
select {
case q.memQueue <- task.task:
task.success <- true
task.success <- false
// feedOutputChan will pop an item from the buffered memQueue and block until
// the item is taken from the un-buffered outputChan. This is done repeatedly
// for the lifetime of the DiskOverflowQueue. On shutdown of the queue, any
// item not consumed by the outputChan but held by this method is assigned to
// the leftOverItem1 member so that the Stop method can persist the item to
// disk so that it is reloaded on restart.
// NOTE: This must be run as a goroutine.
func (q *DiskOverflowQueue[T]) feedOutputChan() {
defer func() {
for {
select {
case nextTask, ok := <-q.memQueue:
// If the memQueue is closed, then the queue is
// stopping.
if !ok {
select {
case q.outputChan <- nextTask:
case <-q.quit:
q.leftOverItem1 = &nextTask
case <-q.quit: