AttemptCostbtcutil.Amount`long:"attemptcost" description:"The fixed (virtual) cost in sats of a failed payment attempt"`
// AttemptCostPPM is the proportional virtual cost in path finding of a
// failed payment attempt. It is used to trade off potentially better
// routes against their probability of succeeding. This parameter is
// expressed in parts per million of the total payment amount.
AttemptCostPPMint64`long:"attemptcostppm" description:"The proportional (virtual) cost in sats of a failed payment attempt expressed in parts per million of the total payment amount"`
// FeeEstimationTimeout is the maximum time to wait for routing fees to be estimated.
FeeEstimationTimeouttime.Duration`long:"fee-estimation-timeout" description:"the maximum time to wait for routing fees to be estimated by payment probes"`
// HopProbability is the assumed success probability of a hop in a route
// when no other information is available.
HopProbabilityfloat64`long:"hopprob" description:"Assumed success probability of a hop in a route when no other information is available."`
// Weight is a value in the range [0, 1] that defines to what extent
// historical results should be extrapolated to untried connections.
// Setting it to one will completely ignore historical results and
// always assume the configured a priori probability for untried
// connections. A value of zero will ignore the a priori probability
// completely and only base the probability on historical results,
// unless there are none available.
Weightfloat64`long:"weight" description:"Weight of the a priori probability in success probability estimation. Valid values are in [0, 1]."`
// PenaltyHalfLife defines after how much time a penalized node or
// channel is back at 50% probability.
PenaltyHalfLifetime.Duration`long:"penaltyhalflife" description:"Defines the duration after which a penalized node or channel is back at 50% probability"`
// CapacityFraction defines the fraction of channels' capacities that is considered liquid.
CapacityFractionfloat64`long:"capacityfraction" description:"Defines the fraction of channels' capacities that is considered liquid. Valid values are in [0.75, 1]."`
// Scale describes the scale over which channels still have some
// liquidity left on both channel ends. A value of 0 means that we
// assume perfectly unbalanced channels, a very high value means
// randomly balanced channels.
Scaleint64`long:"scale" description:"Defines the unbalancedness assumed for the network, the amount defined in msat."`
// NodeWeight defines how strongly non-routed channels should be taken
// into account for probability estimation. Valid values are in [0,1].
NodeWeightfloat64`long:"nodeweight" description:"Defines how strongly non-routed channels should be taken into account for probability estimation. Valid values are in [0, 1]."`
// DecayTime is the scale for the exponential information decay over
// time for previous successes or failures.
DecayTimetime.Duration`long:"decaytime" description:"Describes the information decay of knowledge about previous successes and failures in channels."`