"summary":"ComputeInputScript generates a complete InputIndex for the passed\ntransaction with the signature as defined within the passed SignDescriptor.\nThis method should be capable of generating the proper input script for both\nregular p2wkh/p2tr outputs and p2wkh outputs nested within a regular p2sh\noutput.",
"description":"Note that when using this method to sign inputs belonging to the wallet,\nthe only items of the SignDescriptor that need to be populated are pkScript\nin the TxOut field, the value in that same field, and finally the input\nindex.",
"summary":"MuSig2Cleanup (experimental!) allows a caller to clean up a session early in\ncases where it's obvious that the signing session won't succeed and the\nresources can be released.",
"description":"NOTE: The MuSig2 BIP is not final yet and therefore this API must be\nconsidered to be HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change in upcoming\nreleases. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed!",
"summary":"MuSig2CombineKeys (experimental!) is a stateless helper RPC that can be used\nto calculate the combined MuSig2 public key from a list of all participating\nsigners' public keys. This RPC is completely stateless and deterministic and\ndoes not create any signing session. It can be used to determine the Taproot\npublic key that should be put in an on-chain output once all public keys are\nknown. A signing session is only needed later when that output should be\n_spent_ again.",
"description":"NOTE: The MuSig2 BIP is not final yet and therefore this API must be\nconsidered to be HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change in upcoming\nreleases. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed!",
"summary":"MuSig2CombineSig (experimental!) combines the given partial signature(s)\nwith the local one, if it already exists. Once a partial signature of all\nparticipants is registered, the final signature will be combined and\nreturned.",
"description":"NOTE: The MuSig2 BIP is not final yet and therefore this API must be\nconsidered to be HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change in upcoming\nreleases. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed!",
"summary":"MuSig2CreateSession (experimental!) creates a new MuSig2 signing session\nusing the local key identified by the key locator. The complete list of all\npublic keys of all signing parties must be provided, including the public\nkey of the local signing key. If nonces of other parties are already known,\nthey can be submitted as well to reduce the number of RPC calls necessary\nlater on.",
"description":"NOTE: The MuSig2 BIP is not final yet and therefore this API must be\nconsidered to be HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change in upcoming\nreleases. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed!",
"summary":"MuSig2RegisterNonces (experimental!) registers one or more public nonces of\nother signing participants for a session identified by its ID. This RPC can\nbe called multiple times until all nonces are registered.",
"description":"NOTE: The MuSig2 BIP is not final yet and therefore this API must be\nconsidered to be HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change in upcoming\nreleases. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed!",
"summary":"MuSig2Sign (experimental!) creates a partial signature using the local\nsigning key that was specified when the session was created. This can only\nbe called when all public nonces of all participants are known and have been\nregistered with the session. If this node isn't responsible for combining\nall the partial signatures, then the cleanup flag should be set, indicating\nthat the session can be removed from memory once the signature was produced.",
"description":"NOTE: The MuSig2 BIP is not final yet and therefore this API must be\nconsidered to be HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change in upcoming\nreleases. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed!",
"summary":"DeriveSharedKey returns a shared secret key by performing Diffie-Hellman key\nderivation between the ephemeral public key in the request and the node's\nkey specified in the key_desc parameter. Either a key locator or a raw\npublic key is expected in the key_desc, if neither is supplied, defaults to\nthe node's identity private key:\nP_shared = privKeyNode * ephemeralPubkey\nThe resulting shared public key is serialized in the compressed format and\nhashed with sha256, resulting in the final key length of 256bit.",
"summary":"SignMessage signs a message with the key specified in the key locator. The\nreturned signature is fixed-size LN wire format encoded.",
"description":"The main difference to SignMessage in the main RPC is that a specific key is\nused to sign the message instead of the node identity private key.",
"summary":"SignOutputRaw is a method that can be used to generated a signature for a\nset of inputs/outputs to a transaction. Each request specifies details\nconcerning how the outputs should be signed, which keys they should be\nsigned with, and also any optional tweaks. The return value is a fixed\n64-byte signature (the same format as we use on the wire in Lightning).",
"description":"If we are unable to sign using the specified keys, then an error will be\nreturned.",
"summary":"VerifyMessage verifies a signature over a message using the public key\nprovided. The signature must be fixed-size LN wire format encoded.",
"description":"The main difference to VerifyMessage in the main RPC is that the public key\nused to sign the message does not have to be a node known to the network.",
"description":"The key locator that identifies which private key to use for signing.\nEither this or the raw bytes of the target public key must be specified."
"description":"A list of all public keys (serialized in 32-byte x-only format for v0.4.0\nand 33-byte compressed format for v1.0.0rc2!) participating in the signing\nsession. The list will always be sorted lexicographically internally. This\nmust include the local key which is described by the above key_loc."
"description":"A series of optional generic tweaks to be applied to the the aggregated\npublic key."
"description":"An optional taproot specific tweak that must be specified if the MuSig2\ncombined key will be used as the main taproot key of a taproot output\non-chain."
"description":"The mandatory version of the MuSig2 BIP draft to use. This is necessary to\ndifferentiate between the changes that were made to the BIP while this\nexperimental RPC was already released. Some of those changes affect how the\ncombined key and nonces are created."
"description":"The combined public key (in the 32-byte x-only format) with all tweaks\napplied to it. If a taproot tweak is specified, this corresponds to the\ntaproot key that can be put into the on-chain output."
"description":"The raw combined public key (in the 32-byte x-only format) before any tweaks\nare applied to it. If a taproot tweak is specified, this corresponds to the\ninternal key that needs to be put into the witness if the script spend path\nis used."
"description":"The unique ID of the signing session to combine the signatures for."
"description":"The list of all other participants' partial signatures to add to the current\nsession."
"description":"Indicates whether all partial signatures required to create a final, full\nsignature are known yet. If this is true, then the final_signature field is\nset, otherwise it is empty."
"description":"The final, full signature that is valid for the combined public key."
"description":"The unique ID of the signing session those nonces should be registered with."
"description":"A list of all public nonces of other signing participants that should be\nregistered."
"description":"Indicates whether all nonces required to start the signing process are known\nnow."
"description":"The key locator that identifies which key to use for signing."
"description":"A list of all public keys (serialized in 32-byte x-only format for v0.4.0\nand 33-byte compressed format for v1.0.0rc2!) participating in the signing\nsession. The list will always be sorted lexicographically internally. This\nmust include the local key which is described by the above key_loc."
"description":"An optional list of all public nonces of other signing participants that\nmight already be known."
"description":"A series of optional generic tweaks to be applied to the the aggregated\npublic key."
"description":"An optional taproot specific tweak that must be specified if the MuSig2\ncombined key will be used as the main taproot key of a taproot output\non-chain."
"description":"The mandatory version of the MuSig2 BIP draft to use. This is necessary to\ndifferentiate between the changes that were made to the BIP while this\nexperimental RPC was already released. Some of those changes affect how the\ncombined key and nonces are created."
"description":"A set of pre generated secret local nonces to use in the musig2 session.\nThis field is optional. This can be useful for protocols that need to send\nnonces ahead of time before the set of signer keys are known. This value\nMUST be 97 bytes and be the concatenation of two CSPRNG generated 32 byte\nvalues and local public key used for signing as specified in the key_loc\nfield."
"description":"The unique ID that represents this signing session. A session can be used\nfor producing a signature a single time. If the signing fails for any\nreason, a new session with the same participants needs to be created."
"description":"The combined public key (in the 32-byte x-only format) with all tweaks\napplied to it. If a taproot tweak is specified, this corresponds to the\ntaproot key that can be put into the on-chain output."
"description":"The raw combined public key (in the 32-byte x-only format) before any tweaks\nare applied to it. If a taproot tweak is specified, this corresponds to the\ninternal key that needs to be put into the witness if the script spend path\nis used."
"description":"The two public nonces the local signer uses, combined into a single value\nof 66 bytes. Can be split into the two 33-byte points to get the individual\nnonces."
"description":"Indicates whether all nonces required to start the signing process are known\nnow."
"description":"The unique ID of the signing session to use for signing."
"description":"The 32-byte SHA256 digest of the message to sign."
"description":"Cleanup indicates that after signing, the session state can be cleaned up,\nsince another participant is going to be responsible for combining the\npartial signatures."
"description":"The partial signature created by the local signer."
"description":" - MUSIG2_VERSION_UNDEFINED: The default value on the RPC is zero for enums so we need to represent an\ninvalid/undefined version by default to make sure clients upgrade their\nsoftware to set the version explicitly.\n - MUSIG2_VERSION_V040: The version of MuSig2 that lnd 0.15.x shipped with, which corresponds to the\nversion v0.4.0 of the MuSig2 BIP draft.\n - MUSIG2_VERSION_V100RC2: The current version of MuSig2 which corresponds to the version v1.0.0rc2 of\nthe MuSig2 BIP draft."
"description":"Deprecated. The optional key locator of the local key that should be used.\nIf this parameter is not set then the node's identity private key will be\nused."
"description":"A key descriptor describes the key used for performing ECDH. Either a key\nlocator or a raw public key is expected, if neither is supplied, defaults to\nthe node's identity private key."
"description":"A descriptor that precisely describes *which* key to use for signing. This\nmay provide the raw public key directly, or require the Signer to re-derive\nthe key according to the populated derivation path.\n\nNote that if the key descriptor was obtained through walletrpc.DeriveKey,\nthen the key locator MUST always be provided, since the derived keys are not\npersisted unlike with DeriveNextKey."
"description":"derivedKey = privkey + sha256(perCommitmentPoint || pubKey) mod N",
"title":"A scalar value that will be added to the private key corresponding to the\nabove public key to obtain the private key to be used to sign this input.\nThis value is typically derived via the following computation:"
"description":"A private key that will be used in combination with its corresponding\nprivate key to derive the private key that is to be used to sign the target\ninput. Within the Lightning protocol, this value is typically the\ncommitment secret from a previously revoked commitment transaction. This\nvalue is in combination with two hash values, and the original private key\nto derive the private key to be used when signing.\n\nk = (privKey*sha256(pubKey || tweakPub) +\ntweakPriv*sha256(tweakPub || pubKey)) mod N"
"description":"The 32 byte input to the taproot tweak derivation that is used to derive\nthe output key from an internal key: outputKey = internalKey +\ntagged_hash(\"tapTweak\", internalKey || tapTweak).\n\nWhen doing a BIP 86 spend, this field can be an empty byte slice.\n\nWhen doing a normal key path spend, with the output key committing to an\nactual script root, then this field should be: the tapscript root hash."
"description":"The full script required to properly redeem the output. This field will\nonly be populated if a p2tr, p2wsh or a p2sh output is being signed. If a\ntaproot script path spend is being attempted, then this should be the raw\nleaf script."
"description":"The sign method specifies how the input should be signed. Depending on the\nmethod, either the tap_tweak, witness_script or both need to be specified.\nDefaults to SegWit v0 signing to be backward compatible with older RPC\nclients."
"description":"Use the compact (pubkey recoverable) format instead of the raw lnwire\nformat. This option cannot be used with Schnorr signatures."
"description":"Use Schnorr signature. This option cannot be used with compact format."
"title":"The optional Taproot tweak bytes to apply to the private key before creating\na Schnorr signature. The private key is tweaked as described in BIP-341:\nprivKey + h_tapTweak(internalKey || tapTweak)"
"description":" - SIGN_METHOD_WITNESS_V0: Specifies that a SegWit v0 (p2wkh, np2wkh, p2wsh) input script should be\nsigned.\n - SIGN_METHOD_TAPROOT_KEY_SPEND_BIP0086: Specifies that a SegWit v1 (p2tr) input should be signed by using the\nBIP0086 method (commit to internal key only).\n - SIGN_METHOD_TAPROOT_KEY_SPEND: Specifies that a SegWit v1 (p2tr) input should be signed by using a given\ntaproot hash to commit to in addition to the internal key.\n - SIGN_METHOD_TAPROOT_SCRIPT_SPEND: Specifies that a SegWit v1 (p2tr) input should be spent using the script\npath and that a specific leaf script should be signed for."
"description":"The full list of UTXO information for each of the inputs being spent. This\nis required when spending one or more taproot (SegWit v1) outputs."
"description":"The root hash of the tapscript tree if a script path is committed to. If\nthe MuSig2 key put on chain doesn't also commit to a script path (BIP-0086\nkey spend only), then this needs to be empty and the key_spend_only field\nbelow must be set to true. This is required because gRPC cannot\ndifferentiate between a zero-size byte slice and a nil byte slice (both\nwould be serialized the same way). So the extra boolean is required."
"description":"Indicates that the above script_root is expected to be empty because this\nis a BIP-0086 key spend only commitment where only the internal key is\ncommitted to instead of also including a script root hash."
"description":"Tweak is the 32-byte value that will modify the public key."
"description":"Specifies if the target key should be converted to an x-only public key\nbefore tweaking. If true, then the public key will be mapped to an x-only\nkey before the tweaking operation is applied."
"description":"The fixed-size LN wire encoded signature to be verified over the given\nmessage. When using REST, this field must be encoded as base64."
"description":"The public key the signature has to be valid for. When using REST, this\nfield must be encoded as base64. If the is_schnorr_sig option is true, then\nthe public key is expected to be in the 32-byte x-only serialization\naccording to BIP-340."
"description":"Specifies if the signature is a Schnorr signature."
"description":"An optional tag that can be provided when taking a tagged hash of a\nmessage. This option can only be used when is_schnorr_sig is true."