PrivateTowerURIs[]string`long:"private-tower-uris" description:"(Deprecated) Specifies the URIs of private watchtowers to use in backing up revoked states. URIs must be of the form <pubkey>@<addr>. Only 1 URI is supported at this time, if none are provided the tower will not be enabled."`
// SweepFeeRate specifies the fee rate in sat/byte to be used when
// constructing justice transactions sent to the tower.
SweepFeeRateuint64`long:"sweep-fee-rate" description:"Specifies the fee rate in sat/byte to be used when constructing justice transactions sent to the watchtower."`
// SessionCloseRange is the range over which to choose a random number
// of blocks to wait after the last channel of a session is closed
// before sending the DeleteSession message to the tower server.
SessionCloseRangeuint32`long:"session-close-range" description:"The range over which to choose a random number of blocks to wait after the last channel of a session is closed before sending the DeleteSession message to the tower server. Set to 1 for no delay."`
// MaxTasksInMemQueue is the maximum number of back-up tasks that should
// be queued in memory before overflowing to disk.
MaxTasksInMemQueueuint64`long:"max-tasks-in-mem-queue" description:"The maximum number of updates that should be queued in memory before overflowing to disk."`