// Neutrino holds the configuration options for the daemon's connection to
// neutrino.
AddPeers[]string`short:"a" long:"addpeer" description:"Add a peer to connect with at startup"`
ConnectPeers[]string`long:"connect" description:"Connect only to the specified peers at startup"`
MaxPeersint`long:"maxpeers" description:"Max number of inbound and outbound peers"`
BanDurationtime.Duration`long:"banduration" description:"How long to ban misbehaving peers. Valid time units are {s, m, h}. Minimum 1 second"`
BanThresholduint32`long:"banthreshold" description:"Maximum allowed ban score before disconnecting and banning misbehaving peers."`
FeeURLstring`long:"feeurl" description:"Optional URL for fee estimation. If a URL is not specified, static fees will be used for estimation."`
AssertFilterHeaderstring`long:"assertfilterheader" description:"Optional filter header in height:hash format to assert the state of neutrino's filter header chain on startup. If the assertion does not hold, then the filter header chain will be re-synced from the genesis block."`