Dirstring`long:"dir" description:"The base directory that contains the node's data, logs, configuration file, etc."`
ConfigPathstring`long:"config" description:"Configuration filepath. If not set, will default to the default filename under 'dir'."`
RPCCookiestring`long:"rpccookie" description:"Authentication cookie file for RPC connections. If not set, will default to .cookie under 'dir'."`
RPCHoststring`long:"rpchost" description:"The daemon's rpc listening address. If a port is omitted, then the default port for the selected chain parameters will be used."`
RPCUserstring`long:"rpcuser" description:"Username for RPC connections"`
RPCPassstring`long:"rpcpass" default-mask:"-" description:"Password for RPC connections"`
ZMQPubRawBlockstring`long:"zmqpubrawblock" description:"The address listening for ZMQ connections to deliver raw block notifications"`
ZMQPubRawTxstring`long:"zmqpubrawtx" description:"The address listening for ZMQ connections to deliver raw transaction notifications"`
ZMQReadDeadlinetime.Duration`long:"zmqreaddeadline" description:"The read deadline for reading ZMQ messages from both the block and tx subscriptions"`
EstimateModestring`long:"estimatemode" description:"The fee estimate mode. Must be either ECONOMICAL or CONSERVATIVE."`
PrunedNodeMaxPeersint`long:"pruned-node-max-peers" description:"The maximum number of peers lnd will choose from the backend node to retrieve pruned blocks from. This only applies to pruned nodes."`
RPCPollingbool`long:"rpcpolling" description:"Poll the bitcoind RPC interface for block and transaction notifications instead of using the ZMQ interface"`
BlockPollingIntervaltime.Duration`long:"blockpollinginterval" description:"The interval that will be used to poll bitcoind for new blocks. Only used if rpcpolling is true."`
TxPollingIntervaltime.Duration`long:"txpollinginterval" description:"The interval that will be used to poll bitcoind for new tx. Only used if rpcpolling is true."`