ToLocalbtcutil.Amount`long:"tolocal" description:"The amount in satoshis to allocate as the budget to pay fees when sweeping the to_local output. If set, the budget calculated using the ratio (if set) will be capped at this value."`
ToLocalRatiofloat64`long:"tolocalratio" description:"The ratio of the value in to_local output to allocate as the budget to pay fees when sweeping it."`
AnchorCPFPbtcutil.Amount`long:"anchorcpfp" description:"The amount in satoshis to allocate as the budget to pay fees when CPFPing a force close tx using the anchor output. If set, the budget calculated using the ratio (if set) will be capped at this value."`
AnchorCPFPRatiofloat64`long:"anchorcpfpratio" description:"The ratio of a special value to allocate as the budget to pay fees when CPFPing a force close tx using the anchor output. The special value is the sum of all time-sensitive HTLCs on this commitment subtracted by their budgets."`
DeadlineHTLCbtcutil.Amount`long:"deadlinehtlc" description:"The amount in satoshis to allocate as the budget to pay fees when sweeping a time-sensitive (first-level) HTLC. If set, the budget calculated using the ratio (if set) will be capped at this value."`
DeadlineHTLCRatiofloat64`long:"deadlinehtlcratio" description:"The ratio of the value in a time-sensitive (first-level) HTLC to allocate as the budget to pay fees when sweeping it."`
NoDeadlineHTLCbtcutil.Amount`long:"nodeadlinehtlc" description:"The amount in satoshis to allocate as the budget to pay fees when sweeping a non-time-sensitive (second-level) HTLC. If set, the budget calculated using the ratio (if set) will be capped at this value."`
NoDeadlineHTLCRatiofloat64`long:"nodeadlinehtlcratio" description:"The ratio of the value in a non-time-sensitive (second-level) HTLC to allocate as the budget to pay fees when sweeping it."`
// Validate checks the budget configuration for any invalid values.