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package sqldb
import (
pgx_migrate "github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/v4/database/pgx/v5"
sqlite_migrate "github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/v4/database/sqlite"
// makeMigrationTestDB is a type alias for a function that creates a new test
// database and returns the base database and a function that executes selected
// migrations.
type makeMigrationTestDB = func(*testing.T, uint) (*BaseDB,
func(MigrationTarget) error)
// TestMigrations is a meta test runner that runs all migration tests.
func TestMigrations(t *testing.T) {
sqliteTestDB := func(t *testing.T, version uint) (*BaseDB,
func(MigrationTarget) error) {
db := NewTestSqliteDBWithVersion(t, version)
return db.BaseDB, db.ExecuteMigrations
postgresTestDB := func(t *testing.T, version uint) (*BaseDB,
func(MigrationTarget) error) {
pgFixture := NewTestPgFixture(t, DefaultPostgresFixtureLifetime)
t.Cleanup(func() {
db := NewTestPostgresDBWithVersion(
t, pgFixture, version,
return db.BaseDB, db.ExecuteMigrations
tests := []struct {
name string
test func(*testing.T, makeMigrationTestDB)
name: "TestInvoiceExpiryMigration",
test: testInvoiceExpiryMigration,
for _, test := range tests {
test := test
t.Run(test.name+"_SQLite", func(t *testing.T) {
test.test(t, sqliteTestDB)
t.Run(test.name+"_Postgres", func(t *testing.T) {
test.test(t, postgresTestDB)
// TestInvoiceExpiryMigration tests that the migration from version 3 to 4
// correctly sets the expiry value of normal invoices to 86400 seconds and
// 2592000 seconds for AMP invoices.
func testInvoiceExpiryMigration(t *testing.T, makeDB makeMigrationTestDB) {
ctxb := context.Background()
// Create a new database that already has the first version of the
// native invoice schema.
db, migrate := makeDB(t, 3)
// Add a few invoices. For simplicity we reuse the payment hash as the
// payment address and payment request hash instead of setting them to
// NULL (to not run into uniqueness constraints). Note that SQLC
// currently doesn't support nullable blob fields porperly. A workaround
// is in progress: https://github.com/sqlc-dev/sqlc/issues/3149
// Add an invoice where is_amp will be set to false.
hash1 := []byte{1, 2, 3}
_, err := db.InsertInvoice(ctxb, sqlc.InsertInvoiceParams{
Hash: hash1,
PaymentAddr: hash1,
PaymentRequestHash: hash1,
Expiry: -123,
IsAmp: false,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Add an invoice where is_amp will be set to false.
hash2 := []byte{4, 5, 6}
_, err = db.InsertInvoice(ctxb, sqlc.InsertInvoiceParams{
Hash: hash2,
PaymentAddr: hash2,
PaymentRequestHash: hash2,
Expiry: -456,
IsAmp: true,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Now, we'll attempt to execute the migration that will fix the expiry
// values by inserting 86400 seconds for non AMP and 2592000 seconds for
// AMP invoices.
err = migrate(TargetVersion(4))
invoices, err := db.FilterInvoices(ctxb, sqlc.FilterInvoicesParams{
AddIndexGet: SQLInt64(1),
NumLimit: 100,
const (
// 1 day in seconds.
expiry = int32(86400)
// 30 days in seconds.
expiryAMP = int32(2592000)
expected := []sqlc.Invoice{
ID: 1,
Hash: hash1,
PaymentAddr: hash1,
PaymentRequestHash: hash1,
Expiry: expiry,
ID: 2,
Hash: hash2,
PaymentAddr: hash2,
PaymentRequestHash: hash2,
Expiry: expiryAMP,
IsAmp: true,
for i := range invoices {
// Override the timestamp location as the sql driver will scan
// the timestamp with no location and we can't create such
// timestamps in Golang using the standard time package.
invoices[i].CreatedAt = invoices[i].CreatedAt.UTC()
// Override the preimage as depending on the driver it is either
// scanned as nil or an empty byte slice.
require.Len(t, invoices[i].Preimage, 0)
invoices[i].Preimage = nil
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expected, invoices)
// TestCustomMigration tests that a custom in-code migrations are correctly
// executed during the migration process.
func TestCustomMigration(t *testing.T) {
var customMigrationLog []string
logMigration := func(name string) {
customMigrationLog = append(customMigrationLog, name)
// Some migrations to use for both the failure and success tests. Note
// that the migrations are not in order to test that they are executed
// in the correct order.
migrations := []MigrationConfig{
Name: "1",
Version: 1,
SchemaVersion: 1,
MigrationFn: func(*sqlc.Queries) error {
return nil
Name: "2",
Version: 2,
SchemaVersion: 1,
MigrationFn: func(*sqlc.Queries) error {
return nil
Name: "3",
Version: 3,
SchemaVersion: 2,
MigrationFn: func(*sqlc.Queries) error {
return nil
tests := []struct {
name string
migrations []MigrationConfig
expectedSuccess bool
expectedMigrationLog []string
expectedSchemaVersion int
expectedVersion int
name: "success",
migrations: migrations,
expectedSuccess: true,
expectedMigrationLog: []string{"1", "2", "3"},
expectedSchemaVersion: 2,
expectedVersion: 3,
name: "unordered migrations",
migrations: append([]MigrationConfig{
Name: "4",
Version: 4,
SchemaVersion: 3,
MigrationFn: func(*sqlc.Queries) error {
return nil
}, migrations...),
expectedSuccess: false,
expectedMigrationLog: nil,
expectedSchemaVersion: 0,
name: "failure of migration 4",
migrations: append(migrations, MigrationConfig{
Name: "4",
Version: 4,
SchemaVersion: 3,
MigrationFn: func(*sqlc.Queries) error {
return fmt.Errorf("migration 4 failed")
expectedSuccess: false,
expectedMigrationLog: []string{"1", "2", "3"},
// Since schema migration is a separate step we expect
// that migrating up to 3 succeeded.
expectedSchemaVersion: 3,
// We still remain on version 3 though.
expectedVersion: 3,
name: "success of migration 4",
migrations: append(migrations, MigrationConfig{
Name: "4",
Version: 4,
SchemaVersion: 3,
MigrationFn: func(*sqlc.Queries) error {
return nil
expectedSuccess: true,
expectedMigrationLog: []string{"1", "2", "3", "4"},
expectedSchemaVersion: 3,
expectedVersion: 4,
ctxb := context.Background()
for _, test := range tests {
// checkSchemaVersion checks the database schema version against
// the expected version.
getSchemaVersion := func(t *testing.T,
driver database.Driver, dbName string) int {
sqlMigrate, err := migrate.NewWithInstance(
"migrations", nil, dbName, driver,
require.NoError(t, err)
version, _, err := sqlMigrate.Version()
if err != migrate.ErrNilVersion {
require.NoError(t, err)
return int(version)
t.Run("SQLite "+test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
customMigrationLog = nil
// First instantiate the database and run the migrations
// including the custom migrations.
t.Logf("Creating new SQLite DB for testing migrations")
dbFileName := filepath.Join(t.TempDir(), "tmp.db")
var (
db *SqliteStore
err error
// Run the migration 3 times to test that the migrations
// are idempotent.
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
db, err = NewSqliteStore(&SqliteConfig{
SkipMigrations: false,
}, dbFileName)
require.NoError(t, err)
dbToCleanup := db.DB
t.Cleanup(func() {
t, dbToCleanup.Close(),
err = db.ApplyAllMigrations(
ctxb, test.migrations,
if test.expectedSuccess {
require.NoError(t, err)
} else {
require.Error(t, err)
// Also repoen the DB without migrations
// so we can read versions.
db, err = NewSqliteStore(&SqliteConfig{
SkipMigrations: true,
}, dbFileName)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create the migration executor to be able to
// query the current schema version.
driver, err := sqlite_migrate.WithInstance(
db.DB, &sqlite_migrate.Config{},
require.NoError(t, err)
t, test.expectedSchemaVersion,
getSchemaVersion(t, driver, ""),
// Check the migraton version in the database.
version, err := db.GetDatabaseVersion(ctxb)
if test.expectedSchemaVersion != 0 {
require.NoError(t, err)
} else {
require.Equal(t, sql.ErrNoRows, err)
t, test.expectedVersion, int(version),
t.Run("Postgres "+test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
customMigrationLog = nil
// First create a temporary Postgres database to run
// the migrations on.
fixture := NewTestPgFixture(
t, DefaultPostgresFixtureLifetime,
t.Cleanup(func() {
dbName := randomDBName(t)
// Next instantiate the database and run the migrations
// including the custom migrations.
t.Logf("Creating new Postgres DB '%s' for testing "+
"migrations", dbName)
_, err := fixture.db.ExecContext(
context.Background(), "CREATE DATABASE "+dbName,
require.NoError(t, err)
cfg := fixture.GetConfig(dbName)
var db *PostgresStore
// Run the migration 3 times to test that the migrations
// are idempotent.
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
cfg.SkipMigrations = false
db, err = NewPostgresStore(cfg)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = db.ApplyAllMigrations(
ctxb, test.migrations,
if test.expectedSuccess {
require.NoError(t, err)
} else {
require.Error(t, err)
// Also repoen the DB without migrations
// so we can read versions.
cfg.SkipMigrations = true
db, err = NewPostgresStore(cfg)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Create the migration executor to be able to
// query the current version.
driver, err := pgx_migrate.WithInstance(
db.DB, &pgx_migrate.Config{},
require.NoError(t, err)
t, test.expectedSchemaVersion,
getSchemaVersion(t, driver, ""),
// Check the migraton version in the database.
version, err := db.GetDatabaseVersion(ctxb)
if test.expectedSchemaVersion != 0 {
require.NoError(t, err)
} else {
require.Equal(t, sql.ErrNoRows, err)
t, test.expectedVersion, int(version),