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synced 2025-02-26 07:31:22 +01:00
6342 lines
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6342 lines
201 KiB
"use strict";
var NostrTools = (() => {
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod2) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod2);
// index.ts
var nostr_tools_exports = {};
__export(nostr_tools_exports, {
Relay: () => Relay,
SimplePool: () => SimplePool,
finalizeEvent: () => finalizeEvent,
fj: () => fakejson_exports,
generateSecretKey: () => generateSecretKey,
getEventHash: () => getEventHash,
getFilterLimit: () => getFilterLimit,
getPublicKey: () => getPublicKey,
kinds: () => kinds_exports,
matchFilter: () => matchFilter,
matchFilters: () => matchFilters,
mergeFilters: () => mergeFilters,
nip04: () => nip04_exports,
nip05: () => nip05_exports,
nip10: () => nip10_exports,
nip11: () => nip11_exports,
nip13: () => nip13_exports,
nip18: () => nip18_exports,
nip19: () => nip19_exports,
nip21: () => nip21_exports,
nip25: () => nip25_exports,
nip27: () => nip27_exports,
nip28: () => nip28_exports,
nip30: () => nip30_exports,
nip39: () => nip39_exports,
nip42: () => nip42_exports,
nip44: () => nip44_exports,
nip47: () => nip47_exports,
nip57: () => nip57_exports,
nip98: () => nip98_exports,
parseReferences: () => parseReferences,
serializeEvent: () => serializeEvent,
sortEvents: () => sortEvents,
utils: () => utils_exports2,
validateEvent: () => validateEvent,
verifiedSymbol: () => verifiedSymbol,
verifyEvent: () => verifyEvent
// node_modules/@noble/curves/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/_assert.js
function number(n) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(n) || n < 0)
throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${n}`);
function bytes(b, ...lengths) {
if (!(b instanceof Uint8Array))
throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");
if (lengths.length > 0 && !lengths.includes(b.length))
throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${lengths}, not of length=${b.length}`);
function hash(hash3) {
if (typeof hash3 !== "function" || typeof hash3.create !== "function")
throw new Error("Hash should be wrapped by utils.wrapConstructor");
function exists(instance, checkFinished = true) {
if (instance.destroyed)
throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");
if (checkFinished && instance.finished)
throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called");
function output(out, instance) {
const min = instance.outputLen;
if (out.length < min) {
throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${min}`);
// node_modules/@noble/curves/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/crypto.js
var crypto = typeof globalThis === "object" && "crypto" in globalThis ? globalThis.crypto : void 0;
// node_modules/@noble/curves/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/utils.js
var u8a = (a) => a instanceof Uint8Array;
var createView = (arr) => new DataView(arr.buffer, arr.byteOffset, arr.byteLength);
var rotr = (word, shift) => word << 32 - shift | word >>> shift;
var isLE = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0] === 68;
if (!isLE)
throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");
function utf8ToBytes(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string")
throw new Error(`utf8ToBytes expected string, got ${typeof str}`);
return new Uint8Array(new TextEncoder().encode(str));
function toBytes(data) {
if (typeof data === "string")
data = utf8ToBytes(data);
if (!u8a(data))
throw new Error(`expected Uint8Array, got ${typeof data}`);
return data;
function concatBytes(...arrays) {
const r = new Uint8Array(arrays.reduce((sum, a) => sum + a.length, 0));
let pad2 = 0;
arrays.forEach((a) => {
if (!u8a(a))
throw new Error("Uint8Array expected");
r.set(a, pad2);
pad2 += a.length;
return r;
var Hash = class {
clone() {
return this._cloneInto();
var toStr = {}.toString;
function wrapConstructor(hashCons) {
const hashC = (msg) => hashCons().update(toBytes(msg)).digest();
const tmp = hashCons();
hashC.outputLen = tmp.outputLen;
hashC.blockLen = tmp.blockLen;
hashC.create = () => hashCons();
return hashC;
function randomBytes(bytesLength = 32) {
if (crypto && typeof crypto.getRandomValues === "function") {
return crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(bytesLength));
throw new Error("crypto.getRandomValues must be defined");
// node_modules/@noble/curves/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/_sha2.js
function setBigUint64(view, byteOffset, value, isLE4) {
if (typeof view.setBigUint64 === "function")
return view.setBigUint64(byteOffset, value, isLE4);
const _32n = BigInt(32);
const _u32_max = BigInt(4294967295);
const wh = Number(value >> _32n & _u32_max);
const wl = Number(value & _u32_max);
const h = isLE4 ? 4 : 0;
const l = isLE4 ? 0 : 4;
view.setUint32(byteOffset + h, wh, isLE4);
view.setUint32(byteOffset + l, wl, isLE4);
var SHA2 = class extends Hash {
constructor(blockLen, outputLen, padOffset, isLE4) {
this.blockLen = blockLen;
this.outputLen = outputLen;
this.padOffset = padOffset;
this.isLE = isLE4;
this.finished = false;
this.length = 0;
this.pos = 0;
this.destroyed = false;
this.buffer = new Uint8Array(blockLen);
this.view = createView(this.buffer);
update(data) {
const { view, buffer, blockLen } = this;
data = toBytes(data);
const len = data.length;
for (let pos = 0; pos < len; ) {
const take = Math.min(blockLen - this.pos, len - pos);
if (take === blockLen) {
const dataView = createView(data);
for (; blockLen <= len - pos; pos += blockLen)
this.process(dataView, pos);
buffer.set(data.subarray(pos, pos + take), this.pos);
this.pos += take;
pos += take;
if (this.pos === blockLen) {
this.process(view, 0);
this.pos = 0;
this.length += data.length;
return this;
digestInto(out) {
output(out, this);
this.finished = true;
const { buffer, view, blockLen, isLE: isLE4 } = this;
let { pos } = this;
buffer[pos++] = 128;
if (this.padOffset > blockLen - pos) {
this.process(view, 0);
pos = 0;
for (let i2 = pos; i2 < blockLen; i2++)
buffer[i2] = 0;
setBigUint64(view, blockLen - 8, BigInt(this.length * 8), isLE4);
this.process(view, 0);
const oview = createView(out);
const len = this.outputLen;
if (len % 4)
throw new Error("_sha2: outputLen should be aligned to 32bit");
const outLen = len / 4;
const state = this.get();
if (outLen > state.length)
throw new Error("_sha2: outputLen bigger than state");
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < outLen; i2++)
oview.setUint32(4 * i2, state[i2], isLE4);
digest() {
const { buffer, outputLen } = this;
const res = buffer.slice(0, outputLen);
return res;
_cloneInto(to) {
to || (to = new this.constructor());
const { blockLen, buffer, length, finished, destroyed, pos } = this;
to.length = length;
to.pos = pos;
to.finished = finished;
to.destroyed = destroyed;
if (length % blockLen)
return to;
// node_modules/@noble/curves/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/sha256.js
var Chi = (a, b, c) => a & b ^ ~a & c;
var Maj = (a, b, c) => a & b ^ a & c ^ b & c;
var SHA256_K = /* @__PURE__ */ new Uint32Array([
var IV = /* @__PURE__ */ new Uint32Array([
var SHA256_W = /* @__PURE__ */ new Uint32Array(64);
var SHA256 = class extends SHA2 {
constructor() {
super(64, 32, 8, false);
this.A = IV[0] | 0;
this.B = IV[1] | 0;
this.C = IV[2] | 0;
this.D = IV[3] | 0;
this.E = IV[4] | 0;
this.F = IV[5] | 0;
this.G = IV[6] | 0;
this.H = IV[7] | 0;
get() {
const { A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H } = this;
return [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H];
set(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) {
this.A = A | 0;
this.B = B | 0;
this.C = C | 0;
this.D = D | 0;
this.E = E | 0;
this.F = F | 0;
this.G = G | 0;
this.H = H | 0;
process(view, offset) {
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2++, offset += 4)
SHA256_W[i2] = view.getUint32(offset, false);
for (let i2 = 16; i2 < 64; i2++) {
const W15 = SHA256_W[i2 - 15];
const W2 = SHA256_W[i2 - 2];
const s0 = rotr(W15, 7) ^ rotr(W15, 18) ^ W15 >>> 3;
const s1 = rotr(W2, 17) ^ rotr(W2, 19) ^ W2 >>> 10;
SHA256_W[i2] = s1 + SHA256_W[i2 - 7] + s0 + SHA256_W[i2 - 16] | 0;
let { A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H } = this;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 64; i2++) {
const sigma1 = rotr(E, 6) ^ rotr(E, 11) ^ rotr(E, 25);
const T1 = H + sigma1 + Chi(E, F, G) + SHA256_K[i2] + SHA256_W[i2] | 0;
const sigma0 = rotr(A, 2) ^ rotr(A, 13) ^ rotr(A, 22);
const T2 = sigma0 + Maj(A, B, C) | 0;
H = G;
G = F;
F = E;
E = D + T1 | 0;
D = C;
C = B;
B = A;
A = T1 + T2 | 0;
A = A + this.A | 0;
B = B + this.B | 0;
C = C + this.C | 0;
D = D + this.D | 0;
E = E + this.E | 0;
F = F + this.F | 0;
G = G + this.G | 0;
H = H + this.H | 0;
this.set(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H);
roundClean() {
destroy() {
this.set(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
var sha256 = /* @__PURE__ */ wrapConstructor(() => new SHA256());
// node_modules/@noble/curves/esm/abstract/utils.js
var utils_exports = {};
__export(utils_exports, {
bitGet: () => bitGet,
bitLen: () => bitLen,
bitMask: () => bitMask,
bitSet: () => bitSet,
bytesToHex: () => bytesToHex,
bytesToNumberBE: () => bytesToNumberBE,
bytesToNumberLE: () => bytesToNumberLE,
concatBytes: () => concatBytes2,
createHmacDrbg: () => createHmacDrbg,
ensureBytes: () => ensureBytes,
equalBytes: () => equalBytes,
hexToBytes: () => hexToBytes,
hexToNumber: () => hexToNumber,
numberToBytesBE: () => numberToBytesBE,
numberToBytesLE: () => numberToBytesLE,
numberToHexUnpadded: () => numberToHexUnpadded,
numberToVarBytesBE: () => numberToVarBytesBE,
utf8ToBytes: () => utf8ToBytes2,
validateObject: () => validateObject
var _0n = BigInt(0);
var _1n = BigInt(1);
var _2n = BigInt(2);
var u8a2 = (a) => a instanceof Uint8Array;
var hexes = /* @__PURE__ */ Array.from({ length: 256 }, (_, i2) => i2.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"));
function bytesToHex(bytes4) {
if (!u8a2(bytes4))
throw new Error("Uint8Array expected");
let hex2 = "";
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < bytes4.length; i2++) {
hex2 += hexes[bytes4[i2]];
return hex2;
function numberToHexUnpadded(num) {
const hex2 = num.toString(16);
return hex2.length & 1 ? `0${hex2}` : hex2;
function hexToNumber(hex2) {
if (typeof hex2 !== "string")
throw new Error("hex string expected, got " + typeof hex2);
return BigInt(hex2 === "" ? "0" : `0x${hex2}`);
function hexToBytes(hex2) {
if (typeof hex2 !== "string")
throw new Error("hex string expected, got " + typeof hex2);
const len = hex2.length;
if (len % 2)
throw new Error("padded hex string expected, got unpadded hex of length " + len);
const array = new Uint8Array(len / 2);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < array.length; i2++) {
const j = i2 * 2;
const hexByte = hex2.slice(j, j + 2);
const byte = Number.parseInt(hexByte, 16);
if (Number.isNaN(byte) || byte < 0)
throw new Error("Invalid byte sequence");
array[i2] = byte;
return array;
function bytesToNumberBE(bytes4) {
return hexToNumber(bytesToHex(bytes4));
function bytesToNumberLE(bytes4) {
if (!u8a2(bytes4))
throw new Error("Uint8Array expected");
return hexToNumber(bytesToHex(Uint8Array.from(bytes4).reverse()));
function numberToBytesBE(n, len) {
return hexToBytes(n.toString(16).padStart(len * 2, "0"));
function numberToBytesLE(n, len) {
return numberToBytesBE(n, len).reverse();
function numberToVarBytesBE(n) {
return hexToBytes(numberToHexUnpadded(n));
function ensureBytes(title, hex2, expectedLength) {
let res;
if (typeof hex2 === "string") {
try {
res = hexToBytes(hex2);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`${title} must be valid hex string, got "${hex2}". Cause: ${e}`);
} else if (u8a2(hex2)) {
res = Uint8Array.from(hex2);
} else {
throw new Error(`${title} must be hex string or Uint8Array`);
const len = res.length;
if (typeof expectedLength === "number" && len !== expectedLength)
throw new Error(`${title} expected ${expectedLength} bytes, got ${len}`);
return res;
function concatBytes2(...arrays) {
const r = new Uint8Array(arrays.reduce((sum, a) => sum + a.length, 0));
let pad2 = 0;
arrays.forEach((a) => {
if (!u8a2(a))
throw new Error("Uint8Array expected");
r.set(a, pad2);
pad2 += a.length;
return r;
function equalBytes(b1, b2) {
if (b1.length !== b2.length)
return false;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < b1.length; i2++)
if (b1[i2] !== b2[i2])
return false;
return true;
function utf8ToBytes2(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string")
throw new Error(`utf8ToBytes expected string, got ${typeof str}`);
return new Uint8Array(new TextEncoder().encode(str));
function bitLen(n) {
let len;
for (len = 0; n > _0n; n >>= _1n, len += 1)
return len;
function bitGet(n, pos) {
return n >> BigInt(pos) & _1n;
var bitSet = (n, pos, value) => {
return n | (value ? _1n : _0n) << BigInt(pos);
var bitMask = (n) => (_2n << BigInt(n - 1)) - _1n;
var u8n = (data) => new Uint8Array(data);
var u8fr = (arr) => Uint8Array.from(arr);
function createHmacDrbg(hashLen, qByteLen, hmacFn) {
if (typeof hashLen !== "number" || hashLen < 2)
throw new Error("hashLen must be a number");
if (typeof qByteLen !== "number" || qByteLen < 2)
throw new Error("qByteLen must be a number");
if (typeof hmacFn !== "function")
throw new Error("hmacFn must be a function");
let v = u8n(hashLen);
let k = u8n(hashLen);
let i2 = 0;
const reset = () => {
i2 = 0;
const h = (...b) => hmacFn(k, v, ...b);
const reseed = (seed = u8n()) => {
k = h(u8fr([0]), seed);
v = h();
if (seed.length === 0)
k = h(u8fr([1]), seed);
v = h();
const gen = () => {
if (i2++ >= 1e3)
throw new Error("drbg: tried 1000 values");
let len = 0;
const out = [];
while (len < qByteLen) {
v = h();
const sl = v.slice();
len += v.length;
return concatBytes2(...out);
const genUntil = (seed, pred) => {
let res = void 0;
while (!(res = pred(gen())))
return res;
return genUntil;
var validatorFns = {
bigint: (val) => typeof val === "bigint",
function: (val) => typeof val === "function",
boolean: (val) => typeof val === "boolean",
string: (val) => typeof val === "string",
stringOrUint8Array: (val) => typeof val === "string" || val instanceof Uint8Array,
isSafeInteger: (val) => Number.isSafeInteger(val),
array: (val) => Array.isArray(val),
field: (val, object) => object.Fp.isValid(val),
hash: (val) => typeof val === "function" && Number.isSafeInteger(val.outputLen)
function validateObject(object, validators, optValidators = {}) {
const checkField = (fieldName, type, isOptional) => {
const checkVal = validatorFns[type];
if (typeof checkVal !== "function")
throw new Error(`Invalid validator "${type}", expected function`);
const val = object[fieldName];
if (isOptional && val === void 0)
if (!checkVal(val, object)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid param ${String(fieldName)}=${val} (${typeof val}), expected ${type}`);
for (const [fieldName, type] of Object.entries(validators))
checkField(fieldName, type, false);
for (const [fieldName, type] of Object.entries(optValidators))
checkField(fieldName, type, true);
return object;
// node_modules/@noble/curves/esm/abstract/modular.js
var _0n2 = BigInt(0);
var _1n2 = BigInt(1);
var _2n2 = BigInt(2);
var _3n = BigInt(3);
var _4n = BigInt(4);
var _5n = BigInt(5);
var _8n = BigInt(8);
var _9n = BigInt(9);
var _16n = BigInt(16);
function mod(a, b) {
const result = a % b;
return result >= _0n2 ? result : b + result;
function pow(num, power, modulo) {
if (modulo <= _0n2 || power < _0n2)
throw new Error("Expected power/modulo > 0");
if (modulo === _1n2)
return _0n2;
let res = _1n2;
while (power > _0n2) {
if (power & _1n2)
res = res * num % modulo;
num = num * num % modulo;
power >>= _1n2;
return res;
function pow2(x, power, modulo) {
let res = x;
while (power-- > _0n2) {
res *= res;
res %= modulo;
return res;
function invert(number4, modulo) {
if (number4 === _0n2 || modulo <= _0n2) {
throw new Error(`invert: expected positive integers, got n=${number4} mod=${modulo}`);
let a = mod(number4, modulo);
let b = modulo;
let x = _0n2, y = _1n2, u = _1n2, v = _0n2;
while (a !== _0n2) {
const q = b / a;
const r = b % a;
const m = x - u * q;
const n = y - v * q;
b = a, a = r, x = u, y = v, u = m, v = n;
const gcd2 = b;
if (gcd2 !== _1n2)
throw new Error("invert: does not exist");
return mod(x, modulo);
function tonelliShanks(P) {
const legendreC = (P - _1n2) / _2n2;
let Q, S, Z;
for (Q = P - _1n2, S = 0; Q % _2n2 === _0n2; Q /= _2n2, S++)
for (Z = _2n2; Z < P && pow(Z, legendreC, P) !== P - _1n2; Z++)
if (S === 1) {
const p1div4 = (P + _1n2) / _4n;
return function tonelliFast(Fp2, n) {
const root = Fp2.pow(n, p1div4);
if (!Fp2.eql(Fp2.sqr(root), n))
throw new Error("Cannot find square root");
return root;
const Q1div2 = (Q + _1n2) / _2n2;
return function tonelliSlow(Fp2, n) {
if (Fp2.pow(n, legendreC) === Fp2.neg(Fp2.ONE))
throw new Error("Cannot find square root");
let r = S;
let g = Fp2.pow(Fp2.mul(Fp2.ONE, Z), Q);
let x = Fp2.pow(n, Q1div2);
let b = Fp2.pow(n, Q);
while (!Fp2.eql(b, Fp2.ONE)) {
if (Fp2.eql(b, Fp2.ZERO))
return Fp2.ZERO;
let m = 1;
for (let t2 = Fp2.sqr(b); m < r; m++) {
if (Fp2.eql(t2, Fp2.ONE))
t2 = Fp2.sqr(t2);
const ge2 = Fp2.pow(g, _1n2 << BigInt(r - m - 1));
g = Fp2.sqr(ge2);
x = Fp2.mul(x, ge2);
b = Fp2.mul(b, g);
r = m;
return x;
function FpSqrt(P) {
if (P % _4n === _3n) {
const p1div4 = (P + _1n2) / _4n;
return function sqrt3mod4(Fp2, n) {
const root = Fp2.pow(n, p1div4);
if (!Fp2.eql(Fp2.sqr(root), n))
throw new Error("Cannot find square root");
return root;
if (P % _8n === _5n) {
const c1 = (P - _5n) / _8n;
return function sqrt5mod8(Fp2, n) {
const n2 = Fp2.mul(n, _2n2);
const v = Fp2.pow(n2, c1);
const nv = Fp2.mul(n, v);
const i2 = Fp2.mul(Fp2.mul(nv, _2n2), v);
const root = Fp2.mul(nv, Fp2.sub(i2, Fp2.ONE));
if (!Fp2.eql(Fp2.sqr(root), n))
throw new Error("Cannot find square root");
return root;
if (P % _16n === _9n) {
return tonelliShanks(P);
function validateField(field) {
const initial = {
ORDER: "bigint",
MASK: "bigint",
BYTES: "isSafeInteger",
BITS: "isSafeInteger"
const opts = FIELD_FIELDS.reduce((map, val) => {
map[val] = "function";
return map;
}, initial);
return validateObject(field, opts);
function FpPow(f, num, power) {
if (power < _0n2)
throw new Error("Expected power > 0");
if (power === _0n2)
return f.ONE;
if (power === _1n2)
return num;
let p = f.ONE;
let d = num;
while (power > _0n2) {
if (power & _1n2)
p = f.mul(p, d);
d = f.sqr(d);
power >>= _1n2;
return p;
function FpInvertBatch(f, nums) {
const tmp = new Array(nums.length);
const lastMultiplied = nums.reduce((acc, num, i2) => {
if (f.is0(num))
return acc;
tmp[i2] = acc;
return f.mul(acc, num);
}, f.ONE);
const inverted = f.inv(lastMultiplied);
nums.reduceRight((acc, num, i2) => {
if (f.is0(num))
return acc;
tmp[i2] = f.mul(acc, tmp[i2]);
return f.mul(acc, num);
}, inverted);
return tmp;
function nLength(n, nBitLength) {
const _nBitLength = nBitLength !== void 0 ? nBitLength : n.toString(2).length;
const nByteLength = Math.ceil(_nBitLength / 8);
return { nBitLength: _nBitLength, nByteLength };
function Field(ORDER, bitLen2, isLE4 = false, redef = {}) {
if (ORDER <= _0n2)
throw new Error(`Expected Field ORDER > 0, got ${ORDER}`);
const { nBitLength: BITS, nByteLength: BYTES } = nLength(ORDER, bitLen2);
if (BYTES > 2048)
throw new Error("Field lengths over 2048 bytes are not supported");
const sqrtP = FpSqrt(ORDER);
const f = Object.freeze({
MASK: bitMask(BITS),
ZERO: _0n2,
ONE: _1n2,
create: (num) => mod(num, ORDER),
isValid: (num) => {
if (typeof num !== "bigint")
throw new Error(`Invalid field element: expected bigint, got ${typeof num}`);
return _0n2 <= num && num < ORDER;
is0: (num) => num === _0n2,
isOdd: (num) => (num & _1n2) === _1n2,
neg: (num) => mod(-num, ORDER),
eql: (lhs, rhs) => lhs === rhs,
sqr: (num) => mod(num * num, ORDER),
add: (lhs, rhs) => mod(lhs + rhs, ORDER),
sub: (lhs, rhs) => mod(lhs - rhs, ORDER),
mul: (lhs, rhs) => mod(lhs * rhs, ORDER),
pow: (num, power) => FpPow(f, num, power),
div: (lhs, rhs) => mod(lhs * invert(rhs, ORDER), ORDER),
sqrN: (num) => num * num,
addN: (lhs, rhs) => lhs + rhs,
subN: (lhs, rhs) => lhs - rhs,
mulN: (lhs, rhs) => lhs * rhs,
inv: (num) => invert(num, ORDER),
sqrt: redef.sqrt || ((n) => sqrtP(f, n)),
invertBatch: (lst) => FpInvertBatch(f, lst),
cmov: (a, b, c) => c ? b : a,
toBytes: (num) => isLE4 ? numberToBytesLE(num, BYTES) : numberToBytesBE(num, BYTES),
fromBytes: (bytes4) => {
if (bytes4.length !== BYTES)
throw new Error(`Fp.fromBytes: expected ${BYTES}, got ${bytes4.length}`);
return isLE4 ? bytesToNumberLE(bytes4) : bytesToNumberBE(bytes4);
return Object.freeze(f);
function getFieldBytesLength(fieldOrder) {
if (typeof fieldOrder !== "bigint")
throw new Error("field order must be bigint");
const bitLength = fieldOrder.toString(2).length;
return Math.ceil(bitLength / 8);
function getMinHashLength(fieldOrder) {
const length = getFieldBytesLength(fieldOrder);
return length + Math.ceil(length / 2);
function mapHashToField(key, fieldOrder, isLE4 = false) {
const len = key.length;
const fieldLen = getFieldBytesLength(fieldOrder);
const minLen = getMinHashLength(fieldOrder);
if (len < 16 || len < minLen || len > 1024)
throw new Error(`expected ${minLen}-1024 bytes of input, got ${len}`);
const num = isLE4 ? bytesToNumberBE(key) : bytesToNumberLE(key);
const reduced = mod(num, fieldOrder - _1n2) + _1n2;
return isLE4 ? numberToBytesLE(reduced, fieldLen) : numberToBytesBE(reduced, fieldLen);
// node_modules/@noble/curves/esm/abstract/curve.js
var _0n3 = BigInt(0);
var _1n3 = BigInt(1);
function wNAF(c, bits) {
const constTimeNegate = (condition, item) => {
const neg = item.negate();
return condition ? neg : item;
const opts = (W) => {
const windows = Math.ceil(bits / W) + 1;
const windowSize = 2 ** (W - 1);
return { windows, windowSize };
return {
unsafeLadder(elm, n) {
let p = c.ZERO;
let d = elm;
while (n > _0n3) {
if (n & _1n3)
p = p.add(d);
d = d.double();
n >>= _1n3;
return p;
precomputeWindow(elm, W) {
const { windows, windowSize } = opts(W);
const points = [];
let p = elm;
let base = p;
for (let window = 0; window < windows; window++) {
base = p;
for (let i2 = 1; i2 < windowSize; i2++) {
base = base.add(p);
p = base.double();
return points;
wNAF(W, precomputes, n) {
const { windows, windowSize } = opts(W);
let p = c.ZERO;
let f = c.BASE;
const mask = BigInt(2 ** W - 1);
const maxNumber = 2 ** W;
const shiftBy = BigInt(W);
for (let window = 0; window < windows; window++) {
const offset = window * windowSize;
let wbits = Number(n & mask);
n >>= shiftBy;
if (wbits > windowSize) {
wbits -= maxNumber;
n += _1n3;
const offset1 = offset;
const offset2 = offset + Math.abs(wbits) - 1;
const cond1 = window % 2 !== 0;
const cond2 = wbits < 0;
if (wbits === 0) {
f = f.add(constTimeNegate(cond1, precomputes[offset1]));
} else {
p = p.add(constTimeNegate(cond2, precomputes[offset2]));
return { p, f };
wNAFCached(P, precomputesMap, n, transform) {
const W = P._WINDOW_SIZE || 1;
let comp = precomputesMap.get(P);
if (!comp) {
comp = this.precomputeWindow(P, W);
if (W !== 1) {
precomputesMap.set(P, transform(comp));
return this.wNAF(W, comp, n);
function validateBasic(curve) {
validateObject(curve, {
n: "bigint",
h: "bigint",
Gx: "field",
Gy: "field"
}, {
nBitLength: "isSafeInteger",
nByteLength: "isSafeInteger"
return Object.freeze({
...nLength(curve.n, curve.nBitLength),
...{ p: curve.Fp.ORDER }
// node_modules/@noble/curves/esm/abstract/weierstrass.js
function validatePointOpts(curve) {
const opts = validateBasic(curve);
validateObject(opts, {
a: "field",
b: "field"
}, {
allowedPrivateKeyLengths: "array",
wrapPrivateKey: "boolean",
isTorsionFree: "function",
clearCofactor: "function",
allowInfinityPoint: "boolean",
fromBytes: "function",
toBytes: "function"
const { endo, Fp: Fp2, a } = opts;
if (endo) {
if (!Fp2.eql(a, Fp2.ZERO)) {
throw new Error("Endomorphism can only be defined for Koblitz curves that have a=0");
if (typeof endo !== "object" || typeof endo.beta !== "bigint" || typeof endo.splitScalar !== "function") {
throw new Error("Expected endomorphism with beta: bigint and splitScalar: function");
return Object.freeze({ ...opts });
var { bytesToNumberBE: b2n, hexToBytes: h2b } = utils_exports;
var DER = {
Err: class DERErr extends Error {
constructor(m = "") {
_parseInt(data) {
const { Err: E } = DER;
if (data.length < 2 || data[0] !== 2)
throw new E("Invalid signature integer tag");
const len = data[1];
const res = data.subarray(2, len + 2);
if (!len || res.length !== len)
throw new E("Invalid signature integer: wrong length");
if (res[0] & 128)
throw new E("Invalid signature integer: negative");
if (res[0] === 0 && !(res[1] & 128))
throw new E("Invalid signature integer: unnecessary leading zero");
return { d: b2n(res), l: data.subarray(len + 2) };
toSig(hex2) {
const { Err: E } = DER;
const data = typeof hex2 === "string" ? h2b(hex2) : hex2;
if (!(data instanceof Uint8Array))
throw new Error("ui8a expected");
let l = data.length;
if (l < 2 || data[0] != 48)
throw new E("Invalid signature tag");
if (data[1] !== l - 2)
throw new E("Invalid signature: incorrect length");
const { d: r, l: sBytes } = DER._parseInt(data.subarray(2));
const { d: s, l: rBytesLeft } = DER._parseInt(sBytes);
if (rBytesLeft.length)
throw new E("Invalid signature: left bytes after parsing");
return { r, s };
hexFromSig(sig) {
const slice = (s2) => Number.parseInt(s2[0], 16) & 8 ? "00" + s2 : s2;
const h = (num) => {
const hex2 = num.toString(16);
return hex2.length & 1 ? `0${hex2}` : hex2;
const s = slice(h(sig.s));
const r = slice(h(sig.r));
const shl = s.length / 2;
const rhl = r.length / 2;
const sl = h(shl);
const rl = h(rhl);
return `30${h(rhl + shl + 4)}02${rl}${r}02${sl}${s}`;
var _0n4 = BigInt(0);
var _1n4 = BigInt(1);
var _2n3 = BigInt(2);
var _3n2 = BigInt(3);
var _4n2 = BigInt(4);
function weierstrassPoints(opts) {
const CURVE = validatePointOpts(opts);
const { Fp: Fp2 } = CURVE;
const toBytes4 = CURVE.toBytes || ((_c, point, _isCompressed) => {
const a = point.toAffine();
return concatBytes2(Uint8Array.from([4]), Fp2.toBytes(a.x), Fp2.toBytes(a.y));
const fromBytes = CURVE.fromBytes || ((bytes4) => {
const tail = bytes4.subarray(1);
const x = Fp2.fromBytes(tail.subarray(0, Fp2.BYTES));
const y = Fp2.fromBytes(tail.subarray(Fp2.BYTES, 2 * Fp2.BYTES));
return { x, y };
function weierstrassEquation(x) {
const { a, b } = CURVE;
const x2 = Fp2.sqr(x);
const x3 = Fp2.mul(x2, x);
return Fp2.add(Fp2.add(x3, Fp2.mul(x, a)), b);
if (!Fp2.eql(Fp2.sqr(CURVE.Gy), weierstrassEquation(CURVE.Gx)))
throw new Error("bad generator point: equation left != right");
function isWithinCurveOrder(num) {
return typeof num === "bigint" && _0n4 < num && num < CURVE.n;
function assertGE(num) {
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(num))
throw new Error("Expected valid bigint: 0 < bigint < curve.n");
function normPrivateKeyToScalar(key) {
const { allowedPrivateKeyLengths: lengths, nByteLength, wrapPrivateKey, n } = CURVE;
if (lengths && typeof key !== "bigint") {
if (key instanceof Uint8Array)
key = bytesToHex(key);
if (typeof key !== "string" || !lengths.includes(key.length))
throw new Error("Invalid key");
key = key.padStart(nByteLength * 2, "0");
let num;
try {
num = typeof key === "bigint" ? key : bytesToNumberBE(ensureBytes("private key", key, nByteLength));
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`private key must be ${nByteLength} bytes, hex or bigint, not ${typeof key}`);
if (wrapPrivateKey)
num = mod(num, n);
return num;
const pointPrecomputes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function assertPrjPoint(other) {
if (!(other instanceof Point2))
throw new Error("ProjectivePoint expected");
class Point2 {
constructor(px, py, pz) {
this.px = px;
this.py = py;
this.pz = pz;
if (px == null || !Fp2.isValid(px))
throw new Error("x required");
if (py == null || !Fp2.isValid(py))
throw new Error("y required");
if (pz == null || !Fp2.isValid(pz))
throw new Error("z required");
static fromAffine(p) {
const { x, y } = p || {};
if (!p || !Fp2.isValid(x) || !Fp2.isValid(y))
throw new Error("invalid affine point");
if (p instanceof Point2)
throw new Error("projective point not allowed");
const is0 = (i2) => Fp2.eql(i2, Fp2.ZERO);
if (is0(x) && is0(y))
return Point2.ZERO;
return new Point2(x, y, Fp2.ONE);
get x() {
return this.toAffine().x;
get y() {
return this.toAffine().y;
static normalizeZ(points) {
const toInv = Fp2.invertBatch(points.map((p) => p.pz));
return points.map((p, i2) => p.toAffine(toInv[i2])).map(Point2.fromAffine);
static fromHex(hex2) {
const P = Point2.fromAffine(fromBytes(ensureBytes("pointHex", hex2)));
return P;
static fromPrivateKey(privateKey) {
return Point2.BASE.multiply(normPrivateKeyToScalar(privateKey));
_setWindowSize(windowSize) {
this._WINDOW_SIZE = windowSize;
assertValidity() {
if (this.is0()) {
if (CURVE.allowInfinityPoint && !Fp2.is0(this.py))
throw new Error("bad point: ZERO");
const { x, y } = this.toAffine();
if (!Fp2.isValid(x) || !Fp2.isValid(y))
throw new Error("bad point: x or y not FE");
const left = Fp2.sqr(y);
const right = weierstrassEquation(x);
if (!Fp2.eql(left, right))
throw new Error("bad point: equation left != right");
if (!this.isTorsionFree())
throw new Error("bad point: not in prime-order subgroup");
hasEvenY() {
const { y } = this.toAffine();
if (Fp2.isOdd)
return !Fp2.isOdd(y);
throw new Error("Field doesn't support isOdd");
equals(other) {
const { px: X1, py: Y1, pz: Z1 } = this;
const { px: X2, py: Y2, pz: Z2 } = other;
const U1 = Fp2.eql(Fp2.mul(X1, Z2), Fp2.mul(X2, Z1));
const U2 = Fp2.eql(Fp2.mul(Y1, Z2), Fp2.mul(Y2, Z1));
return U1 && U2;
negate() {
return new Point2(this.px, Fp2.neg(this.py), this.pz);
double() {
const { a, b } = CURVE;
const b3 = Fp2.mul(b, _3n2);
const { px: X1, py: Y1, pz: Z1 } = this;
let X3 = Fp2.ZERO, Y3 = Fp2.ZERO, Z3 = Fp2.ZERO;
let t0 = Fp2.mul(X1, X1);
let t1 = Fp2.mul(Y1, Y1);
let t2 = Fp2.mul(Z1, Z1);
let t3 = Fp2.mul(X1, Y1);
t3 = Fp2.add(t3, t3);
Z3 = Fp2.mul(X1, Z1);
Z3 = Fp2.add(Z3, Z3);
X3 = Fp2.mul(a, Z3);
Y3 = Fp2.mul(b3, t2);
Y3 = Fp2.add(X3, Y3);
X3 = Fp2.sub(t1, Y3);
Y3 = Fp2.add(t1, Y3);
Y3 = Fp2.mul(X3, Y3);
X3 = Fp2.mul(t3, X3);
Z3 = Fp2.mul(b3, Z3);
t2 = Fp2.mul(a, t2);
t3 = Fp2.sub(t0, t2);
t3 = Fp2.mul(a, t3);
t3 = Fp2.add(t3, Z3);
Z3 = Fp2.add(t0, t0);
t0 = Fp2.add(Z3, t0);
t0 = Fp2.add(t0, t2);
t0 = Fp2.mul(t0, t3);
Y3 = Fp2.add(Y3, t0);
t2 = Fp2.mul(Y1, Z1);
t2 = Fp2.add(t2, t2);
t0 = Fp2.mul(t2, t3);
X3 = Fp2.sub(X3, t0);
Z3 = Fp2.mul(t2, t1);
Z3 = Fp2.add(Z3, Z3);
Z3 = Fp2.add(Z3, Z3);
return new Point2(X3, Y3, Z3);
add(other) {
const { px: X1, py: Y1, pz: Z1 } = this;
const { px: X2, py: Y2, pz: Z2 } = other;
let X3 = Fp2.ZERO, Y3 = Fp2.ZERO, Z3 = Fp2.ZERO;
const a = CURVE.a;
const b3 = Fp2.mul(CURVE.b, _3n2);
let t0 = Fp2.mul(X1, X2);
let t1 = Fp2.mul(Y1, Y2);
let t2 = Fp2.mul(Z1, Z2);
let t3 = Fp2.add(X1, Y1);
let t4 = Fp2.add(X2, Y2);
t3 = Fp2.mul(t3, t4);
t4 = Fp2.add(t0, t1);
t3 = Fp2.sub(t3, t4);
t4 = Fp2.add(X1, Z1);
let t5 = Fp2.add(X2, Z2);
t4 = Fp2.mul(t4, t5);
t5 = Fp2.add(t0, t2);
t4 = Fp2.sub(t4, t5);
t5 = Fp2.add(Y1, Z1);
X3 = Fp2.add(Y2, Z2);
t5 = Fp2.mul(t5, X3);
X3 = Fp2.add(t1, t2);
t5 = Fp2.sub(t5, X3);
Z3 = Fp2.mul(a, t4);
X3 = Fp2.mul(b3, t2);
Z3 = Fp2.add(X3, Z3);
X3 = Fp2.sub(t1, Z3);
Z3 = Fp2.add(t1, Z3);
Y3 = Fp2.mul(X3, Z3);
t1 = Fp2.add(t0, t0);
t1 = Fp2.add(t1, t0);
t2 = Fp2.mul(a, t2);
t4 = Fp2.mul(b3, t4);
t1 = Fp2.add(t1, t2);
t2 = Fp2.sub(t0, t2);
t2 = Fp2.mul(a, t2);
t4 = Fp2.add(t4, t2);
t0 = Fp2.mul(t1, t4);
Y3 = Fp2.add(Y3, t0);
t0 = Fp2.mul(t5, t4);
X3 = Fp2.mul(t3, X3);
X3 = Fp2.sub(X3, t0);
t0 = Fp2.mul(t3, t1);
Z3 = Fp2.mul(t5, Z3);
Z3 = Fp2.add(Z3, t0);
return new Point2(X3, Y3, Z3);
subtract(other) {
return this.add(other.negate());
is0() {
return this.equals(Point2.ZERO);
wNAF(n) {
return wnaf.wNAFCached(this, pointPrecomputes, n, (comp) => {
const toInv = Fp2.invertBatch(comp.map((p) => p.pz));
return comp.map((p, i2) => p.toAffine(toInv[i2])).map(Point2.fromAffine);
multiplyUnsafe(n) {
const I = Point2.ZERO;
if (n === _0n4)
return I;
if (n === _1n4)
return this;
const { endo } = CURVE;
if (!endo)
return wnaf.unsafeLadder(this, n);
let { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 } = endo.splitScalar(n);
let k1p = I;
let k2p = I;
let d = this;
while (k1 > _0n4 || k2 > _0n4) {
if (k1 & _1n4)
k1p = k1p.add(d);
if (k2 & _1n4)
k2p = k2p.add(d);
d = d.double();
k1 >>= _1n4;
k2 >>= _1n4;
if (k1neg)
k1p = k1p.negate();
if (k2neg)
k2p = k2p.negate();
k2p = new Point2(Fp2.mul(k2p.px, endo.beta), k2p.py, k2p.pz);
return k1p.add(k2p);
multiply(scalar) {
let n = scalar;
let point, fake;
const { endo } = CURVE;
if (endo) {
const { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 } = endo.splitScalar(n);
let { p: k1p, f: f1p } = this.wNAF(k1);
let { p: k2p, f: f2p } = this.wNAF(k2);
k1p = wnaf.constTimeNegate(k1neg, k1p);
k2p = wnaf.constTimeNegate(k2neg, k2p);
k2p = new Point2(Fp2.mul(k2p.px, endo.beta), k2p.py, k2p.pz);
point = k1p.add(k2p);
fake = f1p.add(f2p);
} else {
const { p, f } = this.wNAF(n);
point = p;
fake = f;
return Point2.normalizeZ([point, fake])[0];
multiplyAndAddUnsafe(Q, a, b) {
const G = Point2.BASE;
const mul3 = (P, a2) => a2 === _0n4 || a2 === _1n4 || !P.equals(G) ? P.multiplyUnsafe(a2) : P.multiply(a2);
const sum = mul3(this, a).add(mul3(Q, b));
return sum.is0() ? void 0 : sum;
toAffine(iz) {
const { px: x, py: y, pz: z } = this;
const is0 = this.is0();
if (iz == null)
iz = is0 ? Fp2.ONE : Fp2.inv(z);
const ax = Fp2.mul(x, iz);
const ay = Fp2.mul(y, iz);
const zz = Fp2.mul(z, iz);
if (is0)
return { x: Fp2.ZERO, y: Fp2.ZERO };
if (!Fp2.eql(zz, Fp2.ONE))
throw new Error("invZ was invalid");
return { x: ax, y: ay };
isTorsionFree() {
const { h: cofactor, isTorsionFree } = CURVE;
if (cofactor === _1n4)
return true;
if (isTorsionFree)
return isTorsionFree(Point2, this);
throw new Error("isTorsionFree() has not been declared for the elliptic curve");
clearCofactor() {
const { h: cofactor, clearCofactor } = CURVE;
if (cofactor === _1n4)
return this;
if (clearCofactor)
return clearCofactor(Point2, this);
return this.multiplyUnsafe(CURVE.h);
toRawBytes(isCompressed = true) {
return toBytes4(Point2, this, isCompressed);
toHex(isCompressed = true) {
return bytesToHex(this.toRawBytes(isCompressed));
Point2.BASE = new Point2(CURVE.Gx, CURVE.Gy, Fp2.ONE);
Point2.ZERO = new Point2(Fp2.ZERO, Fp2.ONE, Fp2.ZERO);
const _bits = CURVE.nBitLength;
const wnaf = wNAF(Point2, CURVE.endo ? Math.ceil(_bits / 2) : _bits);
return {
ProjectivePoint: Point2,
function validateOpts(curve) {
const opts = validateBasic(curve);
validateObject(opts, {
hash: "hash",
hmac: "function",
randomBytes: "function"
}, {
bits2int: "function",
bits2int_modN: "function",
lowS: "boolean"
return Object.freeze({ lowS: true, ...opts });
function weierstrass(curveDef) {
const CURVE = validateOpts(curveDef);
const { Fp: Fp2, n: CURVE_ORDER } = CURVE;
const compressedLen = Fp2.BYTES + 1;
const uncompressedLen = 2 * Fp2.BYTES + 1;
function isValidFieldElement(num) {
return _0n4 < num && num < Fp2.ORDER;
function modN2(a) {
return mod(a, CURVE_ORDER);
function invN(a) {
return invert(a, CURVE_ORDER);
const { ProjectivePoint: Point2, normPrivateKeyToScalar, weierstrassEquation, isWithinCurveOrder } = weierstrassPoints({
toBytes(_c, point, isCompressed) {
const a = point.toAffine();
const x = Fp2.toBytes(a.x);
const cat = concatBytes2;
if (isCompressed) {
return cat(Uint8Array.from([point.hasEvenY() ? 2 : 3]), x);
} else {
return cat(Uint8Array.from([4]), x, Fp2.toBytes(a.y));
fromBytes(bytes4) {
const len = bytes4.length;
const head = bytes4[0];
const tail = bytes4.subarray(1);
if (len === compressedLen && (head === 2 || head === 3)) {
const x = bytesToNumberBE(tail);
if (!isValidFieldElement(x))
throw new Error("Point is not on curve");
const y2 = weierstrassEquation(x);
let y = Fp2.sqrt(y2);
const isYOdd = (y & _1n4) === _1n4;
const isHeadOdd = (head & 1) === 1;
if (isHeadOdd !== isYOdd)
y = Fp2.neg(y);
return { x, y };
} else if (len === uncompressedLen && head === 4) {
const x = Fp2.fromBytes(tail.subarray(0, Fp2.BYTES));
const y = Fp2.fromBytes(tail.subarray(Fp2.BYTES, 2 * Fp2.BYTES));
return { x, y };
} else {
throw new Error(`Point of length ${len} was invalid. Expected ${compressedLen} compressed bytes or ${uncompressedLen} uncompressed bytes`);
const numToNByteStr = (num) => bytesToHex(numberToBytesBE(num, CURVE.nByteLength));
function isBiggerThanHalfOrder(number4) {
const HALF = CURVE_ORDER >> _1n4;
return number4 > HALF;
function normalizeS(s) {
return isBiggerThanHalfOrder(s) ? modN2(-s) : s;
const slcNum = (b, from, to) => bytesToNumberBE(b.slice(from, to));
class Signature {
constructor(r, s, recovery) {
this.r = r;
this.s = s;
this.recovery = recovery;
static fromCompact(hex2) {
const l = CURVE.nByteLength;
hex2 = ensureBytes("compactSignature", hex2, l * 2);
return new Signature(slcNum(hex2, 0, l), slcNum(hex2, l, 2 * l));
static fromDER(hex2) {
const { r, s } = DER.toSig(ensureBytes("DER", hex2));
return new Signature(r, s);
assertValidity() {
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(this.r))
throw new Error("r must be 0 < r < CURVE.n");
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(this.s))
throw new Error("s must be 0 < s < CURVE.n");
addRecoveryBit(recovery) {
return new Signature(this.r, this.s, recovery);
recoverPublicKey(msgHash) {
const { r, s, recovery: rec } = this;
const h = bits2int_modN(ensureBytes("msgHash", msgHash));
if (rec == null || ![0, 1, 2, 3].includes(rec))
throw new Error("recovery id invalid");
const radj = rec === 2 || rec === 3 ? r + CURVE.n : r;
if (radj >= Fp2.ORDER)
throw new Error("recovery id 2 or 3 invalid");
const prefix = (rec & 1) === 0 ? "02" : "03";
const R = Point2.fromHex(prefix + numToNByteStr(radj));
const ir = invN(radj);
const u1 = modN2(-h * ir);
const u2 = modN2(s * ir);
const Q = Point2.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(R, u1, u2);
if (!Q)
throw new Error("point at infinify");
return Q;
hasHighS() {
return isBiggerThanHalfOrder(this.s);
normalizeS() {
return this.hasHighS() ? new Signature(this.r, modN2(-this.s), this.recovery) : this;
toDERRawBytes() {
return hexToBytes(this.toDERHex());
toDERHex() {
return DER.hexFromSig({ r: this.r, s: this.s });
toCompactRawBytes() {
return hexToBytes(this.toCompactHex());
toCompactHex() {
return numToNByteStr(this.r) + numToNByteStr(this.s);
const utils = {
isValidPrivateKey(privateKey) {
try {
return true;
} catch (error) {
return false;
randomPrivateKey: () => {
const length = getMinHashLength(CURVE.n);
return mapHashToField(CURVE.randomBytes(length), CURVE.n);
precompute(windowSize = 8, point = Point2.BASE) {
return point;
function getPublicKey2(privateKey, isCompressed = true) {
return Point2.fromPrivateKey(privateKey).toRawBytes(isCompressed);
function isProbPub(item) {
const arr = item instanceof Uint8Array;
const str = typeof item === "string";
const len = (arr || str) && item.length;
if (arr)
return len === compressedLen || len === uncompressedLen;
if (str)
return len === 2 * compressedLen || len === 2 * uncompressedLen;
if (item instanceof Point2)
return true;
return false;
function getSharedSecret(privateA, publicB, isCompressed = true) {
if (isProbPub(privateA))
throw new Error("first arg must be private key");
if (!isProbPub(publicB))
throw new Error("second arg must be public key");
const b = Point2.fromHex(publicB);
return b.multiply(normPrivateKeyToScalar(privateA)).toRawBytes(isCompressed);
const bits2int = CURVE.bits2int || function(bytes4) {
const num = bytesToNumberBE(bytes4);
const delta = bytes4.length * 8 - CURVE.nBitLength;
return delta > 0 ? num >> BigInt(delta) : num;
const bits2int_modN = CURVE.bits2int_modN || function(bytes4) {
return modN2(bits2int(bytes4));
const ORDER_MASK = bitMask(CURVE.nBitLength);
function int2octets(num) {
if (typeof num !== "bigint")
throw new Error("bigint expected");
if (!(_0n4 <= num && num < ORDER_MASK))
throw new Error(`bigint expected < 2^${CURVE.nBitLength}`);
return numberToBytesBE(num, CURVE.nByteLength);
function prepSig(msgHash, privateKey, opts = defaultSigOpts) {
if (["recovered", "canonical"].some((k) => k in opts))
throw new Error("sign() legacy options not supported");
const { hash: hash3, randomBytes: randomBytes3 } = CURVE;
let { lowS, prehash, extraEntropy: ent } = opts;
if (lowS == null)
lowS = true;
msgHash = ensureBytes("msgHash", msgHash);
if (prehash)
msgHash = ensureBytes("prehashed msgHash", hash3(msgHash));
const h1int = bits2int_modN(msgHash);
const d = normPrivateKeyToScalar(privateKey);
const seedArgs = [int2octets(d), int2octets(h1int)];
if (ent != null) {
const e = ent === true ? randomBytes3(Fp2.BYTES) : ent;
seedArgs.push(ensureBytes("extraEntropy", e));
const seed = concatBytes2(...seedArgs);
const m = h1int;
function k2sig(kBytes) {
const k = bits2int(kBytes);
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(k))
const ik = invN(k);
const q = Point2.BASE.multiply(k).toAffine();
const r = modN2(q.x);
if (r === _0n4)
const s = modN2(ik * modN2(m + r * d));
if (s === _0n4)
let recovery = (q.x === r ? 0 : 2) | Number(q.y & _1n4);
let normS = s;
if (lowS && isBiggerThanHalfOrder(s)) {
normS = normalizeS(s);
recovery ^= 1;
return new Signature(r, normS, recovery);
return { seed, k2sig };
const defaultSigOpts = { lowS: CURVE.lowS, prehash: false };
const defaultVerOpts = { lowS: CURVE.lowS, prehash: false };
function sign(msgHash, privKey, opts = defaultSigOpts) {
const { seed, k2sig } = prepSig(msgHash, privKey, opts);
const C = CURVE;
const drbg = createHmacDrbg(C.hash.outputLen, C.nByteLength, C.hmac);
return drbg(seed, k2sig);
function verify(signature, msgHash, publicKey, opts = defaultVerOpts) {
const sg = signature;
msgHash = ensureBytes("msgHash", msgHash);
publicKey = ensureBytes("publicKey", publicKey);
if ("strict" in opts)
throw new Error("options.strict was renamed to lowS");
const { lowS, prehash } = opts;
let _sig = void 0;
let P;
try {
if (typeof sg === "string" || sg instanceof Uint8Array) {
try {
_sig = Signature.fromDER(sg);
} catch (derError) {
if (!(derError instanceof DER.Err))
throw derError;
_sig = Signature.fromCompact(sg);
} else if (typeof sg === "object" && typeof sg.r === "bigint" && typeof sg.s === "bigint") {
const { r: r2, s: s2 } = sg;
_sig = new Signature(r2, s2);
} else {
throw new Error("PARSE");
P = Point2.fromHex(publicKey);
} catch (error) {
if (error.message === "PARSE")
throw new Error(`signature must be Signature instance, Uint8Array or hex string`);
return false;
if (lowS && _sig.hasHighS())
return false;
if (prehash)
msgHash = CURVE.hash(msgHash);
const { r, s } = _sig;
const h = bits2int_modN(msgHash);
const is = invN(s);
const u1 = modN2(h * is);
const u2 = modN2(r * is);
const R = Point2.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(P, u1, u2)?.toAffine();
if (!R)
return false;
const v = modN2(R.x);
return v === r;
return {
getPublicKey: getPublicKey2,
ProjectivePoint: Point2,
// node_modules/@noble/curves/node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/hmac.js
var HMAC = class extends Hash {
constructor(hash3, _key) {
this.finished = false;
this.destroyed = false;
const key = toBytes(_key);
this.iHash = hash3.create();
if (typeof this.iHash.update !== "function")
throw new Error("Expected instance of class which extends utils.Hash");
this.blockLen = this.iHash.blockLen;
this.outputLen = this.iHash.outputLen;
const blockLen = this.blockLen;
const pad2 = new Uint8Array(blockLen);
pad2.set(key.length > blockLen ? hash3.create().update(key).digest() : key);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < pad2.length; i2++)
pad2[i2] ^= 54;
this.oHash = hash3.create();
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < pad2.length; i2++)
pad2[i2] ^= 54 ^ 92;
update(buf) {
return this;
digestInto(out) {
bytes(out, this.outputLen);
this.finished = true;
digest() {
const out = new Uint8Array(this.oHash.outputLen);
return out;
_cloneInto(to) {
to || (to = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this), {}));
const { oHash, iHash, finished, destroyed, blockLen, outputLen } = this;
to = to;
to.finished = finished;
to.destroyed = destroyed;
to.blockLen = blockLen;
to.outputLen = outputLen;
to.oHash = oHash._cloneInto(to.oHash);
to.iHash = iHash._cloneInto(to.iHash);
return to;
destroy() {
this.destroyed = true;
var hmac = (hash3, key, message) => new HMAC(hash3, key).update(message).digest();
hmac.create = (hash3, key) => new HMAC(hash3, key);
// node_modules/@noble/curves/esm/_shortw_utils.js
function getHash(hash3) {
return {
hash: hash3,
hmac: (key, ...msgs) => hmac(hash3, key, concatBytes(...msgs)),
function createCurve(curveDef, defHash) {
const create = (hash3) => weierstrass({ ...curveDef, ...getHash(hash3) });
return Object.freeze({ ...create(defHash), create });
// node_modules/@noble/curves/esm/secp256k1.js
var secp256k1P = BigInt("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f");
var secp256k1N = BigInt("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141");
var _1n5 = BigInt(1);
var _2n4 = BigInt(2);
var divNearest = (a, b) => (a + b / _2n4) / b;
function sqrtMod(y) {
const P = secp256k1P;
const _3n3 = BigInt(3), _6n = BigInt(6), _11n = BigInt(11), _22n = BigInt(22);
const _23n = BigInt(23), _44n = BigInt(44), _88n = BigInt(88);
const b2 = y * y * y % P;
const b3 = b2 * b2 * y % P;
const b6 = pow2(b3, _3n3, P) * b3 % P;
const b9 = pow2(b6, _3n3, P) * b3 % P;
const b11 = pow2(b9, _2n4, P) * b2 % P;
const b22 = pow2(b11, _11n, P) * b11 % P;
const b44 = pow2(b22, _22n, P) * b22 % P;
const b88 = pow2(b44, _44n, P) * b44 % P;
const b176 = pow2(b88, _88n, P) * b88 % P;
const b220 = pow2(b176, _44n, P) * b44 % P;
const b223 = pow2(b220, _3n3, P) * b3 % P;
const t1 = pow2(b223, _23n, P) * b22 % P;
const t2 = pow2(t1, _6n, P) * b2 % P;
const root = pow2(t2, _2n4, P);
if (!Fp.eql(Fp.sqr(root), y))
throw new Error("Cannot find square root");
return root;
var Fp = Field(secp256k1P, void 0, void 0, { sqrt: sqrtMod });
var secp256k1 = createCurve({
a: BigInt(0),
b: BigInt(7),
n: secp256k1N,
Gx: BigInt("55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240"),
Gy: BigInt("32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424"),
h: BigInt(1),
lowS: true,
endo: {
beta: BigInt("0x7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee"),
splitScalar: (k) => {
const n = secp256k1N;
const a1 = BigInt("0x3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15");
const b1 = -_1n5 * BigInt("0xe4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3");
const a2 = BigInt("0x114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8");
const b2 = a1;
const POW_2_128 = BigInt("0x100000000000000000000000000000000");
const c1 = divNearest(b2 * k, n);
const c2 = divNearest(-b1 * k, n);
let k1 = mod(k - c1 * a1 - c2 * a2, n);
let k2 = mod(-c1 * b1 - c2 * b2, n);
const k1neg = k1 > POW_2_128;
const k2neg = k2 > POW_2_128;
if (k1neg)
k1 = n - k1;
if (k2neg)
k2 = n - k2;
if (k1 > POW_2_128 || k2 > POW_2_128) {
throw new Error("splitScalar: Endomorphism failed, k=" + k);
return { k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2 };
}, sha256);
var _0n5 = BigInt(0);
var fe = (x) => typeof x === "bigint" && _0n5 < x && x < secp256k1P;
var ge = (x) => typeof x === "bigint" && _0n5 < x && x < secp256k1N;
function taggedHash(tag, ...messages) {
if (tagP === void 0) {
const tagH = sha256(Uint8Array.from(tag, (c) => c.charCodeAt(0)));
tagP = concatBytes2(tagH, tagH);
return sha256(concatBytes2(tagP, ...messages));
var pointToBytes = (point) => point.toRawBytes(true).slice(1);
var numTo32b = (n) => numberToBytesBE(n, 32);
var modP = (x) => mod(x, secp256k1P);
var modN = (x) => mod(x, secp256k1N);
var Point = secp256k1.ProjectivePoint;
var GmulAdd = (Q, a, b) => Point.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(Q, a, b);
function schnorrGetExtPubKey(priv) {
let d_ = secp256k1.utils.normPrivateKeyToScalar(priv);
let p = Point.fromPrivateKey(d_);
const scalar = p.hasEvenY() ? d_ : modN(-d_);
return { scalar, bytes: pointToBytes(p) };
function lift_x(x) {
if (!fe(x))
throw new Error("bad x: need 0 < x < p");
const xx = modP(x * x);
const c = modP(xx * x + BigInt(7));
let y = sqrtMod(c);
if (y % _2n4 !== _0n5)
y = modP(-y);
const p = new Point(x, y, _1n5);
return p;
function challenge(...args) {
return modN(bytesToNumberBE(taggedHash("BIP0340/challenge", ...args)));
function schnorrGetPublicKey(privateKey) {
return schnorrGetExtPubKey(privateKey).bytes;
function schnorrSign(message, privateKey, auxRand = randomBytes(32)) {
const m = ensureBytes("message", message);
const { bytes: px, scalar: d } = schnorrGetExtPubKey(privateKey);
const a = ensureBytes("auxRand", auxRand, 32);
const t = numTo32b(d ^ bytesToNumberBE(taggedHash("BIP0340/aux", a)));
const rand = taggedHash("BIP0340/nonce", t, px, m);
const k_ = modN(bytesToNumberBE(rand));
if (k_ === _0n5)
throw new Error("sign failed: k is zero");
const { bytes: rx, scalar: k } = schnorrGetExtPubKey(k_);
const e = challenge(rx, px, m);
const sig = new Uint8Array(64);
sig.set(rx, 0);
sig.set(numTo32b(modN(k + e * d)), 32);
if (!schnorrVerify(sig, m, px))
throw new Error("sign: Invalid signature produced");
return sig;
function schnorrVerify(signature, message, publicKey) {
const sig = ensureBytes("signature", signature, 64);
const m = ensureBytes("message", message);
const pub = ensureBytes("publicKey", publicKey, 32);
try {
const P = lift_x(bytesToNumberBE(pub));
const r = bytesToNumberBE(sig.subarray(0, 32));
if (!fe(r))
return false;
const s = bytesToNumberBE(sig.subarray(32, 64));
if (!ge(s))
return false;
const e = challenge(numTo32b(r), pointToBytes(P), m);
const R = GmulAdd(P, s, modN(-e));
if (!R || !R.hasEvenY() || R.toAffine().x !== r)
return false;
return true;
} catch (error) {
return false;
var schnorr = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => ({
getPublicKey: schnorrGetPublicKey,
sign: schnorrSign,
verify: schnorrVerify,
utils: {
randomPrivateKey: secp256k1.utils.randomPrivateKey,
// node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/crypto.js
var crypto2 = typeof globalThis === "object" && "crypto" in globalThis ? globalThis.crypto : void 0;
// node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/utils.js
var u8a3 = (a) => a instanceof Uint8Array;
var createView2 = (arr) => new DataView(arr.buffer, arr.byteOffset, arr.byteLength);
var rotr2 = (word, shift) => word << 32 - shift | word >>> shift;
var isLE2 = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0] === 68;
if (!isLE2)
throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");
var hexes2 = Array.from({ length: 256 }, (v, i2) => i2.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"));
function bytesToHex2(bytes4) {
if (!u8a3(bytes4))
throw new Error("Uint8Array expected");
let hex2 = "";
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < bytes4.length; i2++) {
hex2 += hexes2[bytes4[i2]];
return hex2;
function hexToBytes2(hex2) {
if (typeof hex2 !== "string")
throw new Error("hex string expected, got " + typeof hex2);
const len = hex2.length;
if (len % 2)
throw new Error("padded hex string expected, got unpadded hex of length " + len);
const array = new Uint8Array(len / 2);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < array.length; i2++) {
const j = i2 * 2;
const hexByte = hex2.slice(j, j + 2);
const byte = Number.parseInt(hexByte, 16);
if (Number.isNaN(byte) || byte < 0)
throw new Error("Invalid byte sequence");
array[i2] = byte;
return array;
function utf8ToBytes3(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string")
throw new Error(`utf8ToBytes expected string, got ${typeof str}`);
return new Uint8Array(new TextEncoder().encode(str));
function toBytes2(data) {
if (typeof data === "string")
data = utf8ToBytes3(data);
if (!u8a3(data))
throw new Error(`expected Uint8Array, got ${typeof data}`);
return data;
function concatBytes3(...arrays) {
const r = new Uint8Array(arrays.reduce((sum, a) => sum + a.length, 0));
let pad2 = 0;
arrays.forEach((a) => {
if (!u8a3(a))
throw new Error("Uint8Array expected");
r.set(a, pad2);
pad2 += a.length;
return r;
var Hash2 = class {
clone() {
return this._cloneInto();
function wrapConstructor2(hashCons) {
const hashC = (msg) => hashCons().update(toBytes2(msg)).digest();
const tmp = hashCons();
hashC.outputLen = tmp.outputLen;
hashC.blockLen = tmp.blockLen;
hashC.create = () => hashCons();
return hashC;
function randomBytes2(bytesLength = 32) {
if (crypto2 && typeof crypto2.getRandomValues === "function") {
return crypto2.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(bytesLength));
throw new Error("crypto.getRandomValues must be defined");
// core.ts
var verifiedSymbol = Symbol("verified");
var isRecord = (obj) => obj instanceof Object;
function validateEvent(event) {
if (!isRecord(event))
return false;
if (typeof event.kind !== "number")
return false;
if (typeof event.content !== "string")
return false;
if (typeof event.created_at !== "number")
return false;
if (typeof event.pubkey !== "string")
return false;
if (!event.pubkey.match(/^[a-f0-9]{64}$/))
return false;
if (!Array.isArray(event.tags))
return false;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < event.tags.length; i2++) {
let tag = event.tags[i2];
if (!Array.isArray(tag))
return false;
for (let j = 0; j < tag.length; j++) {
if (typeof tag[j] === "object")
return false;
return true;
function sortEvents(events) {
return events.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.created_at !== b.created_at) {
return b.created_at - a.created_at;
return a.id.localeCompare(b.id);
// node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/_assert.js
function number2(n) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(n) || n < 0)
throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${n}`);
function bool(b) {
if (typeof b !== "boolean")
throw new Error(`Expected boolean, not ${b}`);
function bytes2(b, ...lengths) {
if (!(b instanceof Uint8Array))
throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");
if (lengths.length > 0 && !lengths.includes(b.length))
throw new Error(`Expected Uint8Array of length ${lengths}, not of length=${b.length}`);
function hash2(hash3) {
if (typeof hash3 !== "function" || typeof hash3.create !== "function")
throw new Error("Hash should be wrapped by utils.wrapConstructor");
function exists2(instance, checkFinished = true) {
if (instance.destroyed)
throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");
if (checkFinished && instance.finished)
throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called");
function output2(out, instance) {
const min = instance.outputLen;
if (out.length < min) {
throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${min}`);
var assert = {
number: number2,
bytes: bytes2,
hash: hash2,
exists: exists2,
output: output2
var assert_default = assert;
// node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/_sha2.js
function setBigUint642(view, byteOffset, value, isLE4) {
if (typeof view.setBigUint64 === "function")
return view.setBigUint64(byteOffset, value, isLE4);
const _32n = BigInt(32);
const _u32_max = BigInt(4294967295);
const wh = Number(value >> _32n & _u32_max);
const wl = Number(value & _u32_max);
const h = isLE4 ? 4 : 0;
const l = isLE4 ? 0 : 4;
view.setUint32(byteOffset + h, wh, isLE4);
view.setUint32(byteOffset + l, wl, isLE4);
var SHA22 = class extends Hash2 {
constructor(blockLen, outputLen, padOffset, isLE4) {
this.blockLen = blockLen;
this.outputLen = outputLen;
this.padOffset = padOffset;
this.isLE = isLE4;
this.finished = false;
this.length = 0;
this.pos = 0;
this.destroyed = false;
this.buffer = new Uint8Array(blockLen);
this.view = createView2(this.buffer);
update(data) {
const { view, buffer, blockLen } = this;
data = toBytes2(data);
const len = data.length;
for (let pos = 0; pos < len; ) {
const take = Math.min(blockLen - this.pos, len - pos);
if (take === blockLen) {
const dataView = createView2(data);
for (; blockLen <= len - pos; pos += blockLen)
this.process(dataView, pos);
buffer.set(data.subarray(pos, pos + take), this.pos);
this.pos += take;
pos += take;
if (this.pos === blockLen) {
this.process(view, 0);
this.pos = 0;
this.length += data.length;
return this;
digestInto(out) {
assert_default.output(out, this);
this.finished = true;
const { buffer, view, blockLen, isLE: isLE4 } = this;
let { pos } = this;
buffer[pos++] = 128;
if (this.padOffset > blockLen - pos) {
this.process(view, 0);
pos = 0;
for (let i2 = pos; i2 < blockLen; i2++)
buffer[i2] = 0;
setBigUint642(view, blockLen - 8, BigInt(this.length * 8), isLE4);
this.process(view, 0);
const oview = createView2(out);
const len = this.outputLen;
if (len % 4)
throw new Error("_sha2: outputLen should be aligned to 32bit");
const outLen = len / 4;
const state = this.get();
if (outLen > state.length)
throw new Error("_sha2: outputLen bigger than state");
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < outLen; i2++)
oview.setUint32(4 * i2, state[i2], isLE4);
digest() {
const { buffer, outputLen } = this;
const res = buffer.slice(0, outputLen);
return res;
_cloneInto(to) {
to || (to = new this.constructor());
const { blockLen, buffer, length, finished, destroyed, pos } = this;
to.length = length;
to.pos = pos;
to.finished = finished;
to.destroyed = destroyed;
if (length % blockLen)
return to;
// node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/sha256.js
var Chi2 = (a, b, c) => a & b ^ ~a & c;
var Maj2 = (a, b, c) => a & b ^ a & c ^ b & c;
var SHA256_K2 = new Uint32Array([
var IV2 = new Uint32Array([
var SHA256_W2 = new Uint32Array(64);
var SHA2562 = class extends SHA22 {
constructor() {
super(64, 32, 8, false);
this.A = IV2[0] | 0;
this.B = IV2[1] | 0;
this.C = IV2[2] | 0;
this.D = IV2[3] | 0;
this.E = IV2[4] | 0;
this.F = IV2[5] | 0;
this.G = IV2[6] | 0;
this.H = IV2[7] | 0;
get() {
const { A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H } = this;
return [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H];
set(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) {
this.A = A | 0;
this.B = B | 0;
this.C = C | 0;
this.D = D | 0;
this.E = E | 0;
this.F = F | 0;
this.G = G | 0;
this.H = H | 0;
process(view, offset) {
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2++, offset += 4)
SHA256_W2[i2] = view.getUint32(offset, false);
for (let i2 = 16; i2 < 64; i2++) {
const W15 = SHA256_W2[i2 - 15];
const W2 = SHA256_W2[i2 - 2];
const s0 = rotr2(W15, 7) ^ rotr2(W15, 18) ^ W15 >>> 3;
const s1 = rotr2(W2, 17) ^ rotr2(W2, 19) ^ W2 >>> 10;
SHA256_W2[i2] = s1 + SHA256_W2[i2 - 7] + s0 + SHA256_W2[i2 - 16] | 0;
let { A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H } = this;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 64; i2++) {
const sigma1 = rotr2(E, 6) ^ rotr2(E, 11) ^ rotr2(E, 25);
const T1 = H + sigma1 + Chi2(E, F, G) + SHA256_K2[i2] + SHA256_W2[i2] | 0;
const sigma0 = rotr2(A, 2) ^ rotr2(A, 13) ^ rotr2(A, 22);
const T2 = sigma0 + Maj2(A, B, C) | 0;
H = G;
G = F;
F = E;
E = D + T1 | 0;
D = C;
C = B;
B = A;
A = T1 + T2 | 0;
A = A + this.A | 0;
B = B + this.B | 0;
C = C + this.C | 0;
D = D + this.D | 0;
E = E + this.E | 0;
F = F + this.F | 0;
G = G + this.G | 0;
H = H + this.H | 0;
this.set(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H);
roundClean() {
destroy() {
this.set(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
var SHA224 = class extends SHA2562 {
constructor() {
this.A = 3238371032 | 0;
this.B = 914150663 | 0;
this.C = 812702999 | 0;
this.D = 4144912697 | 0;
this.E = 4290775857 | 0;
this.F = 1750603025 | 0;
this.G = 1694076839 | 0;
this.H = 3204075428 | 0;
this.outputLen = 28;
var sha2562 = wrapConstructor2(() => new SHA2562());
var sha224 = wrapConstructor2(() => new SHA224());
// utils.ts
var utils_exports2 = {};
__export(utils_exports2, {
Queue: () => Queue,
QueueNode: () => QueueNode,
binarySearch: () => binarySearch,
insertEventIntoAscendingList: () => insertEventIntoAscendingList,
insertEventIntoDescendingList: () => insertEventIntoDescendingList,
normalizeURL: () => normalizeURL,
utf8Decoder: () => utf8Decoder,
utf8Encoder: () => utf8Encoder
var utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
var utf8Encoder = new TextEncoder();
function normalizeURL(url) {
if (url.indexOf("://") === -1)
url = "wss://" + url;
let p = new URL(url);
p.pathname = p.pathname.replace(/\/+/g, "/");
if (p.pathname.endsWith("/"))
p.pathname = p.pathname.slice(0, -1);
if (p.port === "80" && p.protocol === "ws:" || p.port === "443" && p.protocol === "wss:")
p.port = "";
p.hash = "";
return p.toString();
function insertEventIntoDescendingList(sortedArray, event) {
const [idx, found] = binarySearch(sortedArray, (b) => {
if (event.id === b.id)
return 0;
if (event.created_at === b.created_at)
return -1;
return b.created_at - event.created_at;
if (!found) {
sortedArray.splice(idx, 0, event);
return sortedArray;
function insertEventIntoAscendingList(sortedArray, event) {
const [idx, found] = binarySearch(sortedArray, (b) => {
if (event.id === b.id)
return 0;
if (event.created_at === b.created_at)
return -1;
return event.created_at - b.created_at;
if (!found) {
sortedArray.splice(idx, 0, event);
return sortedArray;
function binarySearch(arr, compare) {
let start = 0;
let end = arr.length - 1;
while (start <= end) {
const mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2);
const cmp = compare(arr[mid]);
if (cmp === 0) {
return [mid, true];
if (cmp < 0) {
end = mid - 1;
} else {
start = mid + 1;
return [start, false];
var QueueNode = class {
next = null;
prev = null;
constructor(message) {
this.value = message;
var Queue = class {
constructor() {
this.first = null;
this.last = null;
enqueue(value) {
const newNode = new QueueNode(value);
if (!this.last) {
this.first = newNode;
this.last = newNode;
} else if (this.last === this.first) {
this.last = newNode;
this.last.prev = this.first;
this.first.next = newNode;
} else {
newNode.prev = this.last;
this.last.next = newNode;
this.last = newNode;
return true;
dequeue() {
if (!this.first)
return null;
if (this.first === this.last) {
const target2 = this.first;
this.first = null;
this.last = null;
return target2.value;
const target = this.first;
this.first = target.next;
return target.value;
// pure.ts
var JS = class {
generateSecretKey() {
return schnorr.utils.randomPrivateKey();
getPublicKey(secretKey) {
return bytesToHex2(schnorr.getPublicKey(secretKey));
finalizeEvent(t, secretKey) {
const event = t;
event.pubkey = bytesToHex2(schnorr.getPublicKey(secretKey));
event.id = getEventHash(event);
event.sig = bytesToHex2(schnorr.sign(getEventHash(event), secretKey));
event[verifiedSymbol] = true;
return event;
verifyEvent(event) {
if (typeof event[verifiedSymbol] === "boolean")
return event[verifiedSymbol];
const hash3 = getEventHash(event);
if (hash3 !== event.id) {
event[verifiedSymbol] = false;
return false;
try {
const valid = schnorr.verify(event.sig, hash3, event.pubkey);
event[verifiedSymbol] = valid;
return valid;
} catch (err) {
event[verifiedSymbol] = false;
return false;
function serializeEvent(evt) {
if (!validateEvent(evt))
throw new Error("can't serialize event with wrong or missing properties");
return JSON.stringify([0, evt.pubkey, evt.created_at, evt.kind, evt.tags, evt.content]);
function getEventHash(event) {
let eventHash = sha2562(utf8Encoder.encode(serializeEvent(event)));
return bytesToHex2(eventHash);
var i = new JS();
var generateSecretKey = i.generateSecretKey;
var getPublicKey = i.getPublicKey;
var finalizeEvent = i.finalizeEvent;
var verifyEvent = i.verifyEvent;
// kinds.ts
var kinds_exports = {};
__export(kinds_exports, {
Application: () => Application,
BadgeAward: () => BadgeAward,
BadgeDefinition: () => BadgeDefinition,
BlockedRelaysList: () => BlockedRelaysList,
BookmarkList: () => BookmarkList,
Bookmarksets: () => Bookmarksets,
Calendar: () => Calendar,
CalendarEventRSVP: () => CalendarEventRSVP,
ChannelCreation: () => ChannelCreation,
ChannelHideMessage: () => ChannelHideMessage,
ChannelMessage: () => ChannelMessage,
ChannelMetadata: () => ChannelMetadata,
ChannelMuteUser: () => ChannelMuteUser,
ClassifiedListing: () => ClassifiedListing,
ClientAuth: () => ClientAuth,
CommunitiesList: () => CommunitiesList,
CommunityDefinition: () => CommunityDefinition,
CommunityPostApproval: () => CommunityPostApproval,
Contacts: () => Contacts,
CreateOrUpdateProduct: () => CreateOrUpdateProduct,
CreateOrUpdateStall: () => CreateOrUpdateStall,
Curationsets: () => Curationsets,
Date: () => Date2,
DraftClassifiedListing: () => DraftClassifiedListing,
DraftLong: () => DraftLong,
Emojisets: () => Emojisets,
EncryptedDirectMessage: () => EncryptedDirectMessage,
EncryptedDirectMessages: () => EncryptedDirectMessages,
EventDeletion: () => EventDeletion,
FileMetadata: () => FileMetadata,
FileServerPreference: () => FileServerPreference,
Followsets: () => Followsets,
GenericRepost: () => GenericRepost,
Genericlists: () => Genericlists,
HTTPAuth: () => HTTPAuth,
Handlerinformation: () => Handlerinformation,
Handlerrecommendation: () => Handlerrecommendation,
Highlights: () => Highlights,
InterestsList: () => InterestsList,
Interestsets: () => Interestsets,
JobFeedback: () => JobFeedback,
JobRequest: () => JobRequest,
JobResult: () => JobResult,
Label: () => Label,
LightningPubRPC: () => LightningPubRPC,
LiveChatMessage: () => LiveChatMessage,
LiveEvent: () => LiveEvent,
LongFormArticle: () => LongFormArticle,
Metadata: () => Metadata,
Mutelist: () => Mutelist,
NWCWalletInfo: () => NWCWalletInfo,
NWCWalletRequest: () => NWCWalletRequest,
NWCWalletResponse: () => NWCWalletResponse,
NostrConnect: () => NostrConnect,
OpenTimestamps: () => OpenTimestamps,
Pinlist: () => Pinlist,
ProblemTracker: () => ProblemTracker,
ProfileBadges: () => ProfileBadges,
PublicChatsList: () => PublicChatsList,
Reaction: () => Reaction,
RecommendRelay: () => RecommendRelay,
RelayList: () => RelayList,
Relaysets: () => Relaysets,
Report: () => Report,
Reporting: () => Reporting,
Repost: () => Repost,
SearchRelaysList: () => SearchRelaysList,
ShortTextNote: () => ShortTextNote,
Time: () => Time,
UserEmojiList: () => UserEmojiList,
UserStatuses: () => UserStatuses,
Zap: () => Zap,
ZapGoal: () => ZapGoal,
ZapRequest: () => ZapRequest,
classifyKind: () => classifyKind,
isEphemeralKind: () => isEphemeralKind,
isParameterizedReplaceableKind: () => isParameterizedReplaceableKind,
isRegularKind: () => isRegularKind,
isReplaceableKind: () => isReplaceableKind
function isRegularKind(kind) {
return 1e3 <= kind && kind < 1e4 || [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44].includes(kind);
function isReplaceableKind(kind) {
return [0, 3].includes(kind) || 1e4 <= kind && kind < 2e4;
function isEphemeralKind(kind) {
return 2e4 <= kind && kind < 3e4;
function isParameterizedReplaceableKind(kind) {
return 3e4 <= kind && kind < 4e4;
function classifyKind(kind) {
if (isRegularKind(kind))
return "regular";
if (isReplaceableKind(kind))
return "replaceable";
if (isEphemeralKind(kind))
return "ephemeral";
if (isParameterizedReplaceableKind(kind))
return "parameterized";
return "unknown";
var Metadata = 0;
var ShortTextNote = 1;
var RecommendRelay = 2;
var Contacts = 3;
var EncryptedDirectMessage = 4;
var EncryptedDirectMessages = 4;
var EventDeletion = 5;
var Repost = 6;
var Reaction = 7;
var BadgeAward = 8;
var GenericRepost = 16;
var ChannelCreation = 40;
var ChannelMetadata = 41;
var ChannelMessage = 42;
var ChannelHideMessage = 43;
var ChannelMuteUser = 44;
var OpenTimestamps = 1040;
var FileMetadata = 1063;
var LiveChatMessage = 1311;
var ProblemTracker = 1971;
var Report = 1984;
var Reporting = 1984;
var Label = 1985;
var CommunityPostApproval = 4550;
var JobRequest = 5999;
var JobResult = 6999;
var JobFeedback = 7e3;
var ZapGoal = 9041;
var ZapRequest = 9734;
var Zap = 9735;
var Highlights = 9802;
var Mutelist = 1e4;
var Pinlist = 10001;
var RelayList = 10002;
var BookmarkList = 10003;
var CommunitiesList = 10004;
var PublicChatsList = 10005;
var BlockedRelaysList = 10006;
var SearchRelaysList = 10007;
var InterestsList = 10015;
var UserEmojiList = 10030;
var FileServerPreference = 10096;
var NWCWalletInfo = 13194;
var LightningPubRPC = 21e3;
var ClientAuth = 22242;
var NWCWalletRequest = 23194;
var NWCWalletResponse = 23195;
var NostrConnect = 24133;
var HTTPAuth = 27235;
var Followsets = 3e4;
var Genericlists = 30001;
var Relaysets = 30002;
var Bookmarksets = 30003;
var Curationsets = 30004;
var ProfileBadges = 30008;
var BadgeDefinition = 30009;
var Interestsets = 30015;
var CreateOrUpdateStall = 30017;
var CreateOrUpdateProduct = 30018;
var LongFormArticle = 30023;
var DraftLong = 30024;
var Emojisets = 30030;
var Application = 30078;
var LiveEvent = 30311;
var UserStatuses = 30315;
var ClassifiedListing = 30402;
var DraftClassifiedListing = 30403;
var Date2 = 31922;
var Time = 31923;
var Calendar = 31924;
var CalendarEventRSVP = 31925;
var Handlerrecommendation = 31989;
var Handlerinformation = 31990;
var CommunityDefinition = 34550;
// filter.ts
function matchFilter(filter, event) {
if (filter.ids && filter.ids.indexOf(event.id) === -1) {
return false;
if (filter.kinds && filter.kinds.indexOf(event.kind) === -1) {
return false;
if (filter.authors && filter.authors.indexOf(event.pubkey) === -1) {
return false;
for (let f in filter) {
if (f[0] === "#") {
let tagName = f.slice(1);
let values = filter[`#${tagName}`];
if (values && !event.tags.find(([t, v]) => t === f.slice(1) && values.indexOf(v) !== -1))
return false;
if (filter.since && event.created_at < filter.since)
return false;
if (filter.until && event.created_at > filter.until)
return false;
return true;
function matchFilters(filters, event) {
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < filters.length; i2++) {
if (matchFilter(filters[i2], event)) {
return true;
return false;
function mergeFilters(...filters) {
let result = {};
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < filters.length; i2++) {
let filter = filters[i2];
Object.entries(filter).forEach(([property, values]) => {
if (property === "kinds" || property === "ids" || property === "authors" || property[0] === "#") {
result[property] = result[property] || [];
for (let v = 0; v < values.length; v++) {
let value = values[v];
if (!result[property].includes(value))
if (filter.limit && (!result.limit || filter.limit > result.limit))
result.limit = filter.limit;
if (filter.until && (!result.until || filter.until > result.until))
result.until = filter.until;
if (filter.since && (!result.since || filter.since < result.since))
result.since = filter.since;
return result;
function getFilterLimit(filter) {
if (filter.ids && !filter.ids.length)
return 0;
if (filter.kinds && !filter.kinds.length)
return 0;
if (filter.authors && !filter.authors.length)
return 0;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(filter)) {
if (key[0] === "#" && Array.isArray(value) && !value.length)
return 0;
return Math.min(
Math.max(0, filter.limit ?? Infinity),
filter.ids?.length ?? Infinity,
filter.authors?.length && filter.kinds?.every((kind) => isReplaceableKind(kind)) ? filter.authors.length * filter.kinds.length : Infinity,
filter.authors?.length && filter.kinds?.every((kind) => isParameterizedReplaceableKind(kind)) && filter["#d"]?.length ? filter.authors.length * filter.kinds.length * filter["#d"].length : Infinity
// fakejson.ts
var fakejson_exports = {};
__export(fakejson_exports, {
getHex64: () => getHex64,
getInt: () => getInt,
getSubscriptionId: () => getSubscriptionId,
matchEventId: () => matchEventId,
matchEventKind: () => matchEventKind,
matchEventPubkey: () => matchEventPubkey
function getHex64(json, field) {
let len = field.length + 3;
let idx = json.indexOf(`"${field}":`) + len;
let s = json.slice(idx).indexOf(`"`) + idx + 1;
return json.slice(s, s + 64);
function getInt(json, field) {
let len = field.length;
let idx = json.indexOf(`"${field}":`) + len + 3;
let sliced = json.slice(idx);
let end = Math.min(sliced.indexOf(","), sliced.indexOf("}"));
return parseInt(sliced.slice(0, end), 10);
function getSubscriptionId(json) {
let idx = json.slice(0, 22).indexOf(`"EVENT"`);
if (idx === -1)
return null;
let pstart = json.slice(idx + 7 + 1).indexOf(`"`);
if (pstart === -1)
return null;
let start = idx + 7 + 1 + pstart;
let pend = json.slice(start + 1, 80).indexOf(`"`);
if (pend === -1)
return null;
let end = start + 1 + pend;
return json.slice(start + 1, end);
function matchEventId(json, id) {
return id === getHex64(json, "id");
function matchEventPubkey(json, pubkey) {
return pubkey === getHex64(json, "pubkey");
function matchEventKind(json, kind) {
return kind === getInt(json, "kind");
// nip42.ts
var nip42_exports = {};
__export(nip42_exports, {
makeAuthEvent: () => makeAuthEvent
function makeAuthEvent(relayURL, challenge2) {
return {
kind: ClientAuth,
created_at: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1e3),
tags: [
["relay", relayURL],
["challenge", challenge2]
content: ""
// helpers.ts
async function yieldThread() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const ch = new MessageChannel();
const handler = () => {
ch.port1.removeEventListener("message", handler);
ch.port1.addEventListener("message", handler);
var alwaysTrue = (t) => {
t[verifiedSymbol] = true;
return true;
// abstract-relay.ts
var AbstractRelay = class {
_connected = false;
onclose = null;
onnotice = (msg) => console.debug(`NOTICE from ${this.url}: ${msg}`);
_onauth = null;
baseEoseTimeout = 4400;
connectionTimeout = 4400;
openSubs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
openCountRequests = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
openEventPublishes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
incomingMessageQueue = new Queue();
queueRunning = false;
serial = 0;
constructor(url, opts) {
this.url = normalizeURL(url);
this.verifyEvent = opts.verifyEvent;
this._WebSocket = opts.websocketImplementation || WebSocket;
static async connect(url, opts) {
const relay = new AbstractRelay(url, opts);
await relay.connect();
return relay;
closeAllSubscriptions(reason) {
for (let [_, sub] of this.openSubs) {
for (let [_, ep] of this.openEventPublishes) {
ep.reject(new Error(reason));
for (let [_, cr] of this.openCountRequests) {
cr.reject(new Error(reason));
get connected() {
return this._connected;
async connect() {
if (this.connectionPromise)
return this.connectionPromise;
this.challenge = void 0;
this.connectionPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.connectionTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => {
reject("connection timed out");
this.connectionPromise = void 0;
this.closeAllSubscriptions("relay connection timed out");
}, this.connectionTimeout);
try {
this.ws = new this._WebSocket(this.url);
} catch (err) {
this.ws.onopen = () => {
this._connected = true;
this.ws.onerror = (ev) => {
reject(ev.message || "websocket error");
if (this._connected) {
this._connected = false;
this.connectionPromise = void 0;
this.closeAllSubscriptions("relay connection errored");
this.ws.onclose = async () => {
if (this._connected) {
this._connected = false;
this.connectionPromise = void 0;
this.closeAllSubscriptions("relay connection closed");
this.ws.onmessage = this._onmessage.bind(this);
return this.connectionPromise;
async runQueue() {
this.queueRunning = true;
while (true) {
if (false === this.handleNext()) {
await yieldThread();
this.queueRunning = false;
handleNext() {
const json = this.incomingMessageQueue.dequeue();
if (!json) {
return false;
const subid = getSubscriptionId(json);
if (subid) {
const so = this.openSubs.get(subid);
if (!so) {
const id = getHex64(json, "id");
const alreadyHave = so.alreadyHaveEvent?.(id);
so.receivedEvent?.(this, id);
if (alreadyHave) {
try {
let data = JSON.parse(json);
switch (data[0]) {
case "EVENT": {
const so = this.openSubs.get(data[1]);
const event = data[2];
if (this.verifyEvent(event) && matchFilters(so.filters, event)) {
case "COUNT": {
const id = data[1];
const payload = data[2];
const cr = this.openCountRequests.get(id);
if (cr) {
case "EOSE": {
const so = this.openSubs.get(data[1]);
if (!so)
case "OK": {
const id = data[1];
const ok = data[2];
const reason = data[3];
const ep = this.openEventPublishes.get(id);
if (ok)
ep.reject(new Error(reason));
case "CLOSED": {
const id = data[1];
const so = this.openSubs.get(id);
if (!so)
so.closed = true;
case "NOTICE":
case "AUTH": {
this.challenge = data[1];
} catch (err) {
async send(message) {
if (!this.connectionPromise)
throw new Error("sending on closed connection");
this.connectionPromise.then(() => {
async auth(signAuthEvent) {
if (!this.challenge)
throw new Error("can't perform auth, no challenge was received");
const evt = await signAuthEvent(makeAuthEvent(this.url, this.challenge));
const ret = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.openEventPublishes.set(evt.id, { resolve, reject });
this.send('["AUTH",' + JSON.stringify(evt) + "]");
return ret;
async publish(event) {
const ret = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.openEventPublishes.set(event.id, { resolve, reject });
this.send('["EVENT",' + JSON.stringify(event) + "]");
return ret;
async count(filters, params) {
const id = params?.id || "count:" + this.serial;
const ret = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.openCountRequests.set(id, { resolve, reject });
this.send('["COUNT","' + id + '",' + JSON.stringify(filters).substring(1));
return ret;
subscribe(filters, params) {
const subscription = this.prepareSubscription(filters, params);
return subscription;
prepareSubscription(filters, params) {
const id = params.id || "sub:" + this.serial;
const subscription = new Subscription(this, id, filters, params);
this.openSubs.set(id, subscription);
return subscription;
close() {
this.closeAllSubscriptions("relay connection closed by us");
this._connected = false;
_onmessage(ev) {
if (!this.queueRunning) {
var Subscription = class {
closed = false;
eosed = false;
constructor(relay, id, filters, params) {
this.relay = relay;
this.filters = filters;
this.id = id;
this.alreadyHaveEvent = params.alreadyHaveEvent;
this.receivedEvent = params.receivedEvent;
this.eoseTimeout = params.eoseTimeout || relay.baseEoseTimeout;
this.oneose = params.oneose;
this.onclose = params.onclose;
this.onevent = params.onevent || ((event) => {
`onevent() callback not defined for subscription '${this.id}' in relay ${this.relay.url}. event received:`,
fire() {
this.relay.send('["REQ","' + this.id + '",' + JSON.stringify(this.filters).substring(1));
this.eoseTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(this.receivedEose.bind(this), this.eoseTimeout);
receivedEose() {
if (this.eosed)
this.eosed = true;
close(reason = "closed by caller") {
if (!this.closed && this.relay.connected) {
this.relay.send('["CLOSE",' + JSON.stringify(this.id) + "]");
this.closed = true;
// relay.ts
var _WebSocket;
try {
_WebSocket = WebSocket;
} catch {
var Relay = class extends AbstractRelay {
constructor(url) {
super(url, { verifyEvent, websocketImplementation: _WebSocket });
static async connect(url) {
const relay = new Relay(url);
await relay.connect();
return relay;
// abstract-pool.ts
var AbstractSimplePool = class {
relays = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
seenOn = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
trackRelays = false;
trustedRelayURLs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
constructor(opts) {
this.verifyEvent = opts.verifyEvent;
this._WebSocket = opts.websocketImplementation;
async ensureRelay(url, params) {
url = normalizeURL(url);
let relay = this.relays.get(url);
if (!relay) {
relay = new AbstractRelay(url, {
verifyEvent: this.trustedRelayURLs.has(url) ? alwaysTrue : this.verifyEvent,
websocketImplementation: this._WebSocket
if (params?.connectionTimeout)
relay.connectionTimeout = params.connectionTimeout;
this.relays.set(url, relay);
await relay.connect();
return relay;
close(relays) {
relays.map(normalizeURL).forEach((url) => {
subscribeMany(relays, filters, params) {
return this.subscribeManyMap(Object.fromEntries(relays.map((url) => [url, filters])), params);
subscribeManyMap(requests, params) {
if (this.trackRelays) {
params.receivedEvent = (relay, id) => {
let set = this.seenOn.get(id);
if (!set) {
set = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
this.seenOn.set(id, set);
const _knownIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
const subs = [];
const relaysLength = Object.keys(requests).length;
const eosesReceived = [];
let handleEose = (i2) => {
eosesReceived[i2] = true;
if (eosesReceived.filter((a) => a).length === relaysLength) {
handleEose = () => {
const closesReceived = [];
let handleClose = (i2, reason) => {
closesReceived[i2] = reason;
if (closesReceived.filter((a) => a).length === relaysLength) {
handleClose = () => {
const localAlreadyHaveEventHandler = (id) => {
if (params.alreadyHaveEvent?.(id)) {
return true;
const have = _knownIds.has(id);
return have;
const allOpened = Promise.all(
Object.entries(requests).map(async (req, i2, arr) => {
if (arr.indexOf(req) !== i2) {
handleClose(i2, "duplicate url");
let [url, filters] = req;
url = normalizeURL(url);
let relay;
try {
relay = await this.ensureRelay(url, {
connectionTimeout: params.maxWait ? Math.max(params.maxWait * 0.8, params.maxWait - 1e3) : void 0
} catch (err) {
handleClose(i2, err?.message || String(err));
let subscription = relay.subscribe(filters, {
oneose: () => handleEose(i2),
onclose: (reason) => handleClose(i2, reason),
alreadyHaveEvent: localAlreadyHaveEventHandler,
eoseTimeout: params.maxWait
return {
async close() {
await allOpened;
subs.forEach((sub) => {
subscribeManyEose(relays, filters, params) {
const subcloser = this.subscribeMany(relays, filters, {
oneose() {
return subcloser;
async querySync(relays, filter, params) {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const events = [];
this.subscribeManyEose(relays, [filter], {
onevent(event) {
onclose(_) {
async get(relays, filter, params) {
filter.limit = 1;
const events = await this.querySync(relays, filter, params);
events.sort((a, b) => b.created_at - a.created_at);
return events[0] || null;
publish(relays, event) {
return relays.map(normalizeURL).map(async (url, i2, arr) => {
if (arr.indexOf(url) !== i2) {
return Promise.reject("duplicate url");
let r = await this.ensureRelay(url);
return r.publish(event);
listConnectionStatus() {
const map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this.relays.forEach((relay, url) => map.set(url, relay.connected));
return map;
destroy() {
this.relays.forEach((conn) => conn.close());
this.relays = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
// pool.ts
var _WebSocket2;
try {
_WebSocket2 = WebSocket;
} catch {
var SimplePool = class extends AbstractSimplePool {
constructor() {
super({ verifyEvent, websocketImplementation: _WebSocket2 });
// nip19.ts
var nip19_exports = {};
__export(nip19_exports, {
Bech32MaxSize: () => Bech32MaxSize,
decode: () => decode,
encodeBytes: () => encodeBytes,
naddrEncode: () => naddrEncode,
neventEncode: () => neventEncode,
noteEncode: () => noteEncode,
nprofileEncode: () => nprofileEncode,
npubEncode: () => npubEncode,
nrelayEncode: () => nrelayEncode,
nsecEncode: () => nsecEncode
// node_modules/@scure/base/lib/esm/index.js
function assertNumber(n) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(n))
throw new Error(`Wrong integer: ${n}`);
function chain(...args) {
const wrap = (a, b) => (c) => a(b(c));
const encode = Array.from(args).reverse().reduce((acc, i2) => acc ? wrap(acc, i2.encode) : i2.encode, void 0);
const decode2 = args.reduce((acc, i2) => acc ? wrap(acc, i2.decode) : i2.decode, void 0);
return { encode, decode: decode2 };
function alphabet(alphabet2) {
return {
encode: (digits) => {
if (!Array.isArray(digits) || digits.length && typeof digits[0] !== "number")
throw new Error("alphabet.encode input should be an array of numbers");
return digits.map((i2) => {
if (i2 < 0 || i2 >= alphabet2.length)
throw new Error(`Digit index outside alphabet: ${i2} (alphabet: ${alphabet2.length})`);
return alphabet2[i2];
decode: (input) => {
if (!Array.isArray(input) || input.length && typeof input[0] !== "string")
throw new Error("alphabet.decode input should be array of strings");
return input.map((letter) => {
if (typeof letter !== "string")
throw new Error(`alphabet.decode: not string element=${letter}`);
const index = alphabet2.indexOf(letter);
if (index === -1)
throw new Error(`Unknown letter: "${letter}". Allowed: ${alphabet2}`);
return index;
function join(separator = "") {
if (typeof separator !== "string")
throw new Error("join separator should be string");
return {
encode: (from) => {
if (!Array.isArray(from) || from.length && typeof from[0] !== "string")
throw new Error("join.encode input should be array of strings");
for (let i2 of from)
if (typeof i2 !== "string")
throw new Error(`join.encode: non-string input=${i2}`);
return from.join(separator);
decode: (to) => {
if (typeof to !== "string")
throw new Error("join.decode input should be string");
return to.split(separator);
function padding(bits, chr = "=") {
if (typeof chr !== "string")
throw new Error("padding chr should be string");
return {
encode(data) {
if (!Array.isArray(data) || data.length && typeof data[0] !== "string")
throw new Error("padding.encode input should be array of strings");
for (let i2 of data)
if (typeof i2 !== "string")
throw new Error(`padding.encode: non-string input=${i2}`);
while (data.length * bits % 8)
return data;
decode(input) {
if (!Array.isArray(input) || input.length && typeof input[0] !== "string")
throw new Error("padding.encode input should be array of strings");
for (let i2 of input)
if (typeof i2 !== "string")
throw new Error(`padding.decode: non-string input=${i2}`);
let end = input.length;
if (end * bits % 8)
throw new Error("Invalid padding: string should have whole number of bytes");
for (; end > 0 && input[end - 1] === chr; end--) {
if (!((end - 1) * bits % 8))
throw new Error("Invalid padding: string has too much padding");
return input.slice(0, end);
function normalize(fn) {
if (typeof fn !== "function")
throw new Error("normalize fn should be function");
return { encode: (from) => from, decode: (to) => fn(to) };
function convertRadix(data, from, to) {
if (from < 2)
throw new Error(`convertRadix: wrong from=${from}, base cannot be less than 2`);
if (to < 2)
throw new Error(`convertRadix: wrong to=${to}, base cannot be less than 2`);
if (!Array.isArray(data))
throw new Error("convertRadix: data should be array");
if (!data.length)
return [];
let pos = 0;
const res = [];
const digits = Array.from(data);
digits.forEach((d) => {
if (d < 0 || d >= from)
throw new Error(`Wrong integer: ${d}`);
while (true) {
let carry = 0;
let done = true;
for (let i2 = pos; i2 < digits.length; i2++) {
const digit = digits[i2];
const digitBase = from * carry + digit;
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(digitBase) || from * carry / from !== carry || digitBase - digit !== from * carry) {
throw new Error("convertRadix: carry overflow");
carry = digitBase % to;
digits[i2] = Math.floor(digitBase / to);
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(digits[i2]) || digits[i2] * to + carry !== digitBase)
throw new Error("convertRadix: carry overflow");
if (!done)
else if (!digits[i2])
pos = i2;
done = false;
if (done)
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < data.length - 1 && data[i2] === 0; i2++)
return res.reverse();
var gcd = (a, b) => !b ? a : gcd(b, a % b);
var radix2carry = (from, to) => from + (to - gcd(from, to));
function convertRadix2(data, from, to, padding2) {
if (!Array.isArray(data))
throw new Error("convertRadix2: data should be array");
if (from <= 0 || from > 32)
throw new Error(`convertRadix2: wrong from=${from}`);
if (to <= 0 || to > 32)
throw new Error(`convertRadix2: wrong to=${to}`);
if (radix2carry(from, to) > 32) {
throw new Error(`convertRadix2: carry overflow from=${from} to=${to} carryBits=${radix2carry(from, to)}`);
let carry = 0;
let pos = 0;
const mask = 2 ** to - 1;
const res = [];
for (const n of data) {
if (n >= 2 ** from)
throw new Error(`convertRadix2: invalid data word=${n} from=${from}`);
carry = carry << from | n;
if (pos + from > 32)
throw new Error(`convertRadix2: carry overflow pos=${pos} from=${from}`);
pos += from;
for (; pos >= to; pos -= to)
res.push((carry >> pos - to & mask) >>> 0);
carry &= 2 ** pos - 1;
carry = carry << to - pos & mask;
if (!padding2 && pos >= from)
throw new Error("Excess padding");
if (!padding2 && carry)
throw new Error(`Non-zero padding: ${carry}`);
if (padding2 && pos > 0)
res.push(carry >>> 0);
return res;
function radix(num) {
return {
encode: (bytes4) => {
if (!(bytes4 instanceof Uint8Array))
throw new Error("radix.encode input should be Uint8Array");
return convertRadix(Array.from(bytes4), 2 ** 8, num);
decode: (digits) => {
if (!Array.isArray(digits) || digits.length && typeof digits[0] !== "number")
throw new Error("radix.decode input should be array of strings");
return Uint8Array.from(convertRadix(digits, num, 2 ** 8));
function radix2(bits, revPadding = false) {
if (bits <= 0 || bits > 32)
throw new Error("radix2: bits should be in (0..32]");
if (radix2carry(8, bits) > 32 || radix2carry(bits, 8) > 32)
throw new Error("radix2: carry overflow");
return {
encode: (bytes4) => {
if (!(bytes4 instanceof Uint8Array))
throw new Error("radix2.encode input should be Uint8Array");
return convertRadix2(Array.from(bytes4), 8, bits, !revPadding);
decode: (digits) => {
if (!Array.isArray(digits) || digits.length && typeof digits[0] !== "number")
throw new Error("radix2.decode input should be array of strings");
return Uint8Array.from(convertRadix2(digits, bits, 8, revPadding));
function unsafeWrapper(fn) {
if (typeof fn !== "function")
throw new Error("unsafeWrapper fn should be function");
return function(...args) {
try {
return fn.apply(null, args);
} catch (e) {
var base16 = chain(radix2(4), alphabet("0123456789ABCDEF"), join(""));
var base32 = chain(radix2(5), alphabet("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567"), padding(5), join(""));
var base32hex = chain(radix2(5), alphabet("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV"), padding(5), join(""));
var base32crockford = chain(radix2(5), alphabet("0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ"), join(""), normalize((s) => s.toUpperCase().replace(/O/g, "0").replace(/[IL]/g, "1")));
var base64 = chain(radix2(6), alphabet("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"), padding(6), join(""));
var base64url = chain(radix2(6), alphabet("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"), padding(6), join(""));
var genBase58 = (abc) => chain(radix(58), alphabet(abc), join(""));
var base58 = genBase58("123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz");
var base58flickr = genBase58("123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ");
var base58xrp = genBase58("rpshnaf39wBUDNEGHJKLM4PQRST7VWXYZ2bcdeCg65jkm8oFqi1tuvAxyz");
var XMR_BLOCK_LEN = [0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11];
var base58xmr = {
encode(data) {
let res = "";
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < data.length; i2 += 8) {
const block = data.subarray(i2, i2 + 8);
res += base58.encode(block).padStart(XMR_BLOCK_LEN[block.length], "1");
return res;
decode(str) {
let res = [];
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < str.length; i2 += 11) {
const slice = str.slice(i2, i2 + 11);
const blockLen = XMR_BLOCK_LEN.indexOf(slice.length);
const block = base58.decode(slice);
for (let j = 0; j < block.length - blockLen; j++) {
if (block[j] !== 0)
throw new Error("base58xmr: wrong padding");
res = res.concat(Array.from(block.slice(block.length - blockLen)));
return Uint8Array.from(res);
var BECH_ALPHABET = chain(alphabet("qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l"), join(""));
var POLYMOD_GENERATORS = [996825010, 642813549, 513874426, 1027748829, 705979059];
function bech32Polymod(pre) {
const b = pre >> 25;
let chk = (pre & 33554431) << 5;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < POLYMOD_GENERATORS.length; i2++) {
if ((b >> i2 & 1) === 1)
return chk;
function bechChecksum(prefix, words, encodingConst = 1) {
const len = prefix.length;
let chk = 1;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < len; i2++) {
const c = prefix.charCodeAt(i2);
if (c < 33 || c > 126)
throw new Error(`Invalid prefix (${prefix})`);
chk = bech32Polymod(chk) ^ c >> 5;
chk = bech32Polymod(chk);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < len; i2++)
chk = bech32Polymod(chk) ^ prefix.charCodeAt(i2) & 31;
for (let v of words)
chk = bech32Polymod(chk) ^ v;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 6; i2++)
chk = bech32Polymod(chk);
chk ^= encodingConst;
return BECH_ALPHABET.encode(convertRadix2([chk % 2 ** 30], 30, 5, false));
function genBech32(encoding) {
const ENCODING_CONST = encoding === "bech32" ? 1 : 734539939;
const _words = radix2(5);
const fromWords = _words.decode;
const toWords = _words.encode;
const fromWordsUnsafe = unsafeWrapper(fromWords);
function encode(prefix, words, limit2 = 90) {
if (typeof prefix !== "string")
throw new Error(`bech32.encode prefix should be string, not ${typeof prefix}`);
if (!Array.isArray(words) || words.length && typeof words[0] !== "number")
throw new Error(`bech32.encode words should be array of numbers, not ${typeof words}`);
const actualLength = prefix.length + 7 + words.length;
if (limit2 !== false && actualLength > limit2)
throw new TypeError(`Length ${actualLength} exceeds limit ${limit2}`);
prefix = prefix.toLowerCase();
return `${prefix}1${BECH_ALPHABET.encode(words)}${bechChecksum(prefix, words, ENCODING_CONST)}`;
function decode2(str, limit2 = 90) {
if (typeof str !== "string")
throw new Error(`bech32.decode input should be string, not ${typeof str}`);
if (str.length < 8 || limit2 !== false && str.length > limit2)
throw new TypeError(`Wrong string length: ${str.length} (${str}). Expected (8..${limit2})`);
const lowered = str.toLowerCase();
if (str !== lowered && str !== str.toUpperCase())
throw new Error(`String must be lowercase or uppercase`);
str = lowered;
const sepIndex = str.lastIndexOf("1");
if (sepIndex === 0 || sepIndex === -1)
throw new Error(`Letter "1" must be present between prefix and data only`);
const prefix = str.slice(0, sepIndex);
const _words2 = str.slice(sepIndex + 1);
if (_words2.length < 6)
throw new Error("Data must be at least 6 characters long");
const words = BECH_ALPHABET.decode(_words2).slice(0, -6);
const sum = bechChecksum(prefix, words, ENCODING_CONST);
if (!_words2.endsWith(sum))
throw new Error(`Invalid checksum in ${str}: expected "${sum}"`);
return { prefix, words };
const decodeUnsafe = unsafeWrapper(decode2);
function decodeToBytes(str) {
const { prefix, words } = decode2(str, false);
return { prefix, words, bytes: fromWords(words) };
return { encode, decode: decode2, decodeToBytes, decodeUnsafe, fromWords, fromWordsUnsafe, toWords };
var bech32 = genBech32("bech32");
var bech32m = genBech32("bech32m");
var utf8 = {
encode: (data) => new TextDecoder().decode(data),
decode: (str) => new TextEncoder().encode(str)
var hex = chain(radix2(4), alphabet("0123456789abcdef"), join(""), normalize((s) => {
if (typeof s !== "string" || s.length % 2)
throw new TypeError(`hex.decode: expected string, got ${typeof s} with length ${s.length}`);
return s.toLowerCase();
var CODERS = {
var coderTypeError = `Invalid encoding type. Available types: ${Object.keys(CODERS).join(", ")}`;
// nip19.ts
var Bech32MaxSize = 5e3;
var BECH32_REGEX = /[\x21-\x7E]{1,83}1[023456789acdefghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz]{6,}/;
function integerToUint8Array(number4) {
const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(4);
uint8Array[0] = number4 >> 24 & 255;
uint8Array[1] = number4 >> 16 & 255;
uint8Array[2] = number4 >> 8 & 255;
uint8Array[3] = number4 & 255;
return uint8Array;
function decode(nip19) {
let { prefix, words } = bech32.decode(nip19, Bech32MaxSize);
let data = new Uint8Array(bech32.fromWords(words));
switch (prefix) {
case "nprofile": {
let tlv = parseTLV(data);
if (!tlv[0]?.[0])
throw new Error("missing TLV 0 for nprofile");
if (tlv[0][0].length !== 32)
throw new Error("TLV 0 should be 32 bytes");
return {
type: "nprofile",
data: {
pubkey: bytesToHex2(tlv[0][0]),
relays: tlv[1] ? tlv[1].map((d) => utf8Decoder.decode(d)) : []
case "nevent": {
let tlv = parseTLV(data);
if (!tlv[0]?.[0])
throw new Error("missing TLV 0 for nevent");
if (tlv[0][0].length !== 32)
throw new Error("TLV 0 should be 32 bytes");
if (tlv[2] && tlv[2][0].length !== 32)
throw new Error("TLV 2 should be 32 bytes");
if (tlv[3] && tlv[3][0].length !== 4)
throw new Error("TLV 3 should be 4 bytes");
return {
type: "nevent",
data: {
id: bytesToHex2(tlv[0][0]),
relays: tlv[1] ? tlv[1].map((d) => utf8Decoder.decode(d)) : [],
author: tlv[2]?.[0] ? bytesToHex2(tlv[2][0]) : void 0,
kind: tlv[3]?.[0] ? parseInt(bytesToHex2(tlv[3][0]), 16) : void 0
case "naddr": {
let tlv = parseTLV(data);
if (!tlv[0]?.[0])
throw new Error("missing TLV 0 for naddr");
if (!tlv[2]?.[0])
throw new Error("missing TLV 2 for naddr");
if (tlv[2][0].length !== 32)
throw new Error("TLV 2 should be 32 bytes");
if (!tlv[3]?.[0])
throw new Error("missing TLV 3 for naddr");
if (tlv[3][0].length !== 4)
throw new Error("TLV 3 should be 4 bytes");
return {
type: "naddr",
data: {
identifier: utf8Decoder.decode(tlv[0][0]),
pubkey: bytesToHex2(tlv[2][0]),
kind: parseInt(bytesToHex2(tlv[3][0]), 16),
relays: tlv[1] ? tlv[1].map((d) => utf8Decoder.decode(d)) : []
case "nrelay": {
let tlv = parseTLV(data);
if (!tlv[0]?.[0])
throw new Error("missing TLV 0 for nrelay");
return {
type: "nrelay",
data: utf8Decoder.decode(tlv[0][0])
case "nsec":
return { type: prefix, data };
case "npub":
case "note":
return { type: prefix, data: bytesToHex2(data) };
throw new Error(`unknown prefix ${prefix}`);
function parseTLV(data) {
let result = {};
let rest = data;
while (rest.length > 0) {
let t = rest[0];
let l = rest[1];
let v = rest.slice(2, 2 + l);
rest = rest.slice(2 + l);
if (v.length < l)
throw new Error(`not enough data to read on TLV ${t}`);
result[t] = result[t] || [];
return result;
function nsecEncode(key) {
return encodeBytes("nsec", key);
function npubEncode(hex2) {
return encodeBytes("npub", hexToBytes2(hex2));
function noteEncode(hex2) {
return encodeBytes("note", hexToBytes2(hex2));
function encodeBech32(prefix, data) {
let words = bech32.toWords(data);
return bech32.encode(prefix, words, Bech32MaxSize);
function encodeBytes(prefix, bytes4) {
return encodeBech32(prefix, bytes4);
function nprofileEncode(profile) {
let data = encodeTLV({
0: [hexToBytes2(profile.pubkey)],
1: (profile.relays || []).map((url) => utf8Encoder.encode(url))
return encodeBech32("nprofile", data);
function neventEncode(event) {
let kindArray;
if (event.kind !== void 0) {
kindArray = integerToUint8Array(event.kind);
let data = encodeTLV({
0: [hexToBytes2(event.id)],
1: (event.relays || []).map((url) => utf8Encoder.encode(url)),
2: event.author ? [hexToBytes2(event.author)] : [],
3: kindArray ? [new Uint8Array(kindArray)] : []
return encodeBech32("nevent", data);
function naddrEncode(addr) {
let kind = new ArrayBuffer(4);
new DataView(kind).setUint32(0, addr.kind, false);
let data = encodeTLV({
0: [utf8Encoder.encode(addr.identifier)],
1: (addr.relays || []).map((url) => utf8Encoder.encode(url)),
2: [hexToBytes2(addr.pubkey)],
3: [new Uint8Array(kind)]
return encodeBech32("naddr", data);
function nrelayEncode(url) {
let data = encodeTLV({
0: [utf8Encoder.encode(url)]
return encodeBech32("nrelay", data);
function encodeTLV(tlv) {
let entries = [];
Object.entries(tlv).reverse().forEach(([t, vs]) => {
vs.forEach((v) => {
let entry = new Uint8Array(v.length + 2);
entry.set([parseInt(t)], 0);
entry.set([v.length], 1);
entry.set(v, 2);
return concatBytes3(...entries);
// references.ts
var mentionRegex = /\bnostr:((note|npub|naddr|nevent|nprofile)1\w+)\b|#\[(\d+)\]/g;
function parseReferences(evt) {
let references = [];
for (let ref of evt.content.matchAll(mentionRegex)) {
if (ref[2]) {
try {
let { type, data } = decode(ref[1]);
switch (type) {
case "npub": {
text: ref[0],
profile: { pubkey: data, relays: [] }
case "nprofile": {
text: ref[0],
profile: data
case "note": {
text: ref[0],
event: { id: data, relays: [] }
case "nevent": {
text: ref[0],
event: data
case "naddr": {
text: ref[0],
address: data
} catch (err) {
} else if (ref[3]) {
let idx = parseInt(ref[3], 10);
let tag = evt.tags[idx];
if (!tag)
switch (tag[0]) {
case "p": {
text: ref[0],
profile: { pubkey: tag[1], relays: tag[2] ? [tag[2]] : [] }
case "e": {
text: ref[0],
event: { id: tag[1], relays: tag[2] ? [tag[2]] : [] }
case "a": {
try {
let [kind, pubkey, identifier] = tag[1].split(":");
text: ref[0],
address: {
kind: parseInt(kind, 10),
relays: tag[2] ? [tag[2]] : []
} catch (err) {
return references;
// nip04.ts
var nip04_exports = {};
__export(nip04_exports, {
decrypt: () => decrypt2,
encrypt: () => encrypt2
// node_modules/@noble/ciphers/esm/_assert.js
function number3(n) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(n) || n < 0)
throw new Error(`positive integer expected, not ${n}`);
function bool2(b) {
if (typeof b !== "boolean")
throw new Error(`boolean expected, not ${b}`);
function isBytes(a) {
return a instanceof Uint8Array || a != null && typeof a === "object" && a.constructor.name === "Uint8Array";
function bytes3(b, ...lengths) {
if (!isBytes(b))
throw new Error("Uint8Array expected");
if (lengths.length > 0 && !lengths.includes(b.length))
throw new Error(`Uint8Array expected of length ${lengths}, not of length=${b.length}`);
function exists3(instance, checkFinished = true) {
if (instance.destroyed)
throw new Error("Hash instance has been destroyed");
if (checkFinished && instance.finished)
throw new Error("Hash#digest() has already been called");
function output3(out, instance) {
const min = instance.outputLen;
if (out.length < min) {
throw new Error(`digestInto() expects output buffer of length at least ${min}`);
// node_modules/@noble/ciphers/esm/utils.js
var u8 = (arr) => new Uint8Array(arr.buffer, arr.byteOffset, arr.byteLength);
var u32 = (arr) => new Uint32Array(arr.buffer, arr.byteOffset, Math.floor(arr.byteLength / 4));
var createView3 = (arr) => new DataView(arr.buffer, arr.byteOffset, arr.byteLength);
var isLE3 = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0] === 68;
if (!isLE3)
throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");
function utf8ToBytes4(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string")
throw new Error(`string expected, got ${typeof str}`);
return new Uint8Array(new TextEncoder().encode(str));
function toBytes3(data) {
if (typeof data === "string")
data = utf8ToBytes4(data);
else if (isBytes(data))
data = data.slice();
throw new Error(`Uint8Array expected, got ${typeof data}`);
return data;
function checkOpts(defaults, opts) {
if (opts == null || typeof opts !== "object")
throw new Error("options must be defined");
const merged = Object.assign(defaults, opts);
return merged;
function equalBytes2(a, b) {
if (a.length !== b.length)
return false;
let diff = 0;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < a.length; i2++)
diff |= a[i2] ^ b[i2];
return diff === 0;
var wrapCipher = (params, c) => {
Object.assign(c, params);
return c;
function setBigUint643(view, byteOffset, value, isLE4) {
if (typeof view.setBigUint64 === "function")
return view.setBigUint64(byteOffset, value, isLE4);
const _32n = BigInt(32);
const _u32_max = BigInt(4294967295);
const wh = Number(value >> _32n & _u32_max);
const wl = Number(value & _u32_max);
const h = isLE4 ? 4 : 0;
const l = isLE4 ? 0 : 4;
view.setUint32(byteOffset + h, wh, isLE4);
view.setUint32(byteOffset + l, wl, isLE4);
// node_modules/@noble/ciphers/esm/_polyval.js
var BLOCK_SIZE = 16;
var ZEROS16 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Uint8Array(16);
var ZEROS32 = u32(ZEROS16);
var POLY = 225;
var mul2 = (s0, s1, s2, s3) => {
const hiBit = s3 & 1;
return {
s3: s2 << 31 | s3 >>> 1,
s2: s1 << 31 | s2 >>> 1,
s1: s0 << 31 | s1 >>> 1,
s0: s0 >>> 1 ^ POLY << 24 & -(hiBit & 1)
var swapLE = (n) => (n >>> 0 & 255) << 24 | (n >>> 8 & 255) << 16 | (n >>> 16 & 255) << 8 | n >>> 24 & 255 | 0;
function _toGHASHKey(k) {
const hiBit = k[15] & 1;
let carry = 0;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < k.length; i2++) {
const t = k[i2];
k[i2] = t >>> 1 | carry;
carry = (t & 1) << 7;
k[0] ^= -hiBit & 225;
return k;
var estimateWindow = (bytes4) => {
if (bytes4 > 64 * 1024)
return 8;
if (bytes4 > 1024)
return 4;
return 2;
var GHASH = class {
constructor(key, expectedLength) {
this.blockLen = BLOCK_SIZE;
this.outputLen = BLOCK_SIZE;
this.s0 = 0;
this.s1 = 0;
this.s2 = 0;
this.s3 = 0;
this.finished = false;
key = toBytes3(key);
bytes3(key, 16);
const kView = createView3(key);
let k0 = kView.getUint32(0, false);
let k1 = kView.getUint32(4, false);
let k2 = kView.getUint32(8, false);
let k3 = kView.getUint32(12, false);
const doubles = [];
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 128; i2++) {
doubles.push({ s0: swapLE(k0), s1: swapLE(k1), s2: swapLE(k2), s3: swapLE(k3) });
({ s0: k0, s1: k1, s2: k2, s3: k3 } = mul2(k0, k1, k2, k3));
const W = estimateWindow(expectedLength || 1024);
if (![1, 2, 4, 8].includes(W))
throw new Error(`ghash: wrong window size=${W}, should be 2, 4 or 8`);
this.W = W;
const bits = 128;
const windows = bits / W;
const windowSize = this.windowSize = 2 ** W;
const items = [];
for (let w = 0; w < windows; w++) {
for (let byte = 0; byte < windowSize; byte++) {
let s0 = 0, s1 = 0, s2 = 0, s3 = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < W; j++) {
const bit = byte >>> W - j - 1 & 1;
if (!bit)
const { s0: d0, s1: d1, s2: d2, s3: d3 } = doubles[W * w + j];
s0 ^= d0, s1 ^= d1, s2 ^= d2, s3 ^= d3;
items.push({ s0, s1, s2, s3 });
this.t = items;
_updateBlock(s0, s1, s2, s3) {
s0 ^= this.s0, s1 ^= this.s1, s2 ^= this.s2, s3 ^= this.s3;
const { W, t, windowSize } = this;
let o0 = 0, o1 = 0, o2 = 0, o3 = 0;
const mask = (1 << W) - 1;
let w = 0;
for (const num of [s0, s1, s2, s3]) {
for (let bytePos = 0; bytePos < 4; bytePos++) {
const byte = num >>> 8 * bytePos & 255;
for (let bitPos = 8 / W - 1; bitPos >= 0; bitPos--) {
const bit = byte >>> W * bitPos & mask;
const { s0: e0, s1: e1, s2: e2, s3: e3 } = t[w * windowSize + bit];
o0 ^= e0, o1 ^= e1, o2 ^= e2, o3 ^= e3;
w += 1;
this.s0 = o0;
this.s1 = o1;
this.s2 = o2;
this.s3 = o3;
update(data) {
data = toBytes3(data);
const b32 = u32(data);
const blocks = Math.floor(data.length / BLOCK_SIZE);
const left = data.length % BLOCK_SIZE;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < blocks; i2++) {
this._updateBlock(b32[i2 * 4 + 0], b32[i2 * 4 + 1], b32[i2 * 4 + 2], b32[i2 * 4 + 3]);
if (left) {
ZEROS16.set(data.subarray(blocks * BLOCK_SIZE));
this._updateBlock(ZEROS32[0], ZEROS32[1], ZEROS32[2], ZEROS32[3]);
return this;
destroy() {
const { t } = this;
for (const elm of t) {
elm.s0 = 0, elm.s1 = 0, elm.s2 = 0, elm.s3 = 0;
digestInto(out) {
output3(out, this);
this.finished = true;
const { s0, s1, s2, s3 } = this;
const o32 = u32(out);
o32[0] = s0;
o32[1] = s1;
o32[2] = s2;
o32[3] = s3;
return out;
digest() {
const res = new Uint8Array(BLOCK_SIZE);
return res;
var Polyval = class extends GHASH {
constructor(key, expectedLength) {
key = toBytes3(key);
const ghKey = _toGHASHKey(key.slice());
super(ghKey, expectedLength);
update(data) {
data = toBytes3(data);
const b32 = u32(data);
const left = data.length % BLOCK_SIZE;
const blocks = Math.floor(data.length / BLOCK_SIZE);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < blocks; i2++) {
this._updateBlock(swapLE(b32[i2 * 4 + 3]), swapLE(b32[i2 * 4 + 2]), swapLE(b32[i2 * 4 + 1]), swapLE(b32[i2 * 4 + 0]));
if (left) {
ZEROS16.set(data.subarray(blocks * BLOCK_SIZE));
this._updateBlock(swapLE(ZEROS32[3]), swapLE(ZEROS32[2]), swapLE(ZEROS32[1]), swapLE(ZEROS32[0]));
return this;
digestInto(out) {
output3(out, this);
this.finished = true;
const { s0, s1, s2, s3 } = this;
const o32 = u32(out);
o32[0] = s0;
o32[1] = s1;
o32[2] = s2;
o32[3] = s3;
return out.reverse();
function wrapConstructorWithKey(hashCons) {
const hashC = (msg, key) => hashCons(key, msg.length).update(toBytes3(msg)).digest();
const tmp = hashCons(new Uint8Array(16), 0);
hashC.outputLen = tmp.outputLen;
hashC.blockLen = tmp.blockLen;
hashC.create = (key, expectedLength) => hashCons(key, expectedLength);
return hashC;
var ghash = wrapConstructorWithKey((key, expectedLength) => new GHASH(key, expectedLength));
var polyval = wrapConstructorWithKey((key, expectedLength) => new Polyval(key, expectedLength));
// node_modules/@noble/ciphers/esm/aes.js
var BLOCK_SIZE2 = 16;
var BLOCK_SIZE32 = 4;
var EMPTY_BLOCK = new Uint8Array(BLOCK_SIZE2);
var POLY2 = 283;
function mul22(n) {
return n << 1 ^ POLY2 & -(n >> 7);
function mul(a, b) {
let res = 0;
for (; b > 0; b >>= 1) {
res ^= a & -(b & 1);
a = mul22(a);
return res;
var sbox = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => {
let t = new Uint8Array(256);
for (let i2 = 0, x = 1; i2 < 256; i2++, x ^= mul22(x))
t[i2] = x;
const box = new Uint8Array(256);
box[0] = 99;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 255; i2++) {
let x = t[255 - i2];
x |= x << 8;
box[t[i2]] = (x ^ x >> 4 ^ x >> 5 ^ x >> 6 ^ x >> 7 ^ 99) & 255;
return box;
var invSbox = /* @__PURE__ */ sbox.map((_, j) => sbox.indexOf(j));
var rotr32_8 = (n) => n << 24 | n >>> 8;
var rotl32_8 = (n) => n << 8 | n >>> 24;
function genTtable(sbox2, fn) {
if (sbox2.length !== 256)
throw new Error("Wrong sbox length");
const T0 = new Uint32Array(256).map((_, j) => fn(sbox2[j]));
const T1 = T0.map(rotl32_8);
const T2 = T1.map(rotl32_8);
const T3 = T2.map(rotl32_8);
const T01 = new Uint32Array(256 * 256);
const T23 = new Uint32Array(256 * 256);
const sbox22 = new Uint16Array(256 * 256);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 256; i2++) {
for (let j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
const idx = i2 * 256 + j;
T01[idx] = T0[i2] ^ T1[j];
T23[idx] = T2[i2] ^ T3[j];
sbox22[idx] = sbox2[i2] << 8 | sbox2[j];
return { sbox: sbox2, sbox2: sbox22, T0, T1, T2, T3, T01, T23 };
var tableEncoding = /* @__PURE__ */ genTtable(sbox, (s) => mul(s, 3) << 24 | s << 16 | s << 8 | mul(s, 2));
var tableDecoding = /* @__PURE__ */ genTtable(invSbox, (s) => mul(s, 11) << 24 | mul(s, 13) << 16 | mul(s, 9) << 8 | mul(s, 14));
var xPowers = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => {
const p = new Uint8Array(16);
for (let i2 = 0, x = 1; i2 < 16; i2++, x = mul22(x))
p[i2] = x;
return p;
function expandKeyLE(key) {
const len = key.length;
if (![16, 24, 32].includes(len))
throw new Error(`aes: wrong key size: should be 16, 24 or 32, got: ${len}`);
const { sbox2 } = tableEncoding;
const k32 = u32(key);
const Nk = k32.length;
const subByte = (n) => applySbox(sbox2, n, n, n, n);
const xk = new Uint32Array(len + 28);
for (let i2 = Nk; i2 < xk.length; i2++) {
let t = xk[i2 - 1];
if (i2 % Nk === 0)
t = subByte(rotr32_8(t)) ^ xPowers[i2 / Nk - 1];
else if (Nk > 6 && i2 % Nk === 4)
t = subByte(t);
xk[i2] = xk[i2 - Nk] ^ t;
return xk;
function expandKeyDecLE(key) {
const encKey = expandKeyLE(key);
const xk = encKey.slice();
const Nk = encKey.length;
const { sbox2 } = tableEncoding;
const { T0, T1, T2, T3 } = tableDecoding;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < Nk; i2 += 4) {
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++)
xk[i2 + j] = encKey[Nk - i2 - 4 + j];
for (let i2 = 4; i2 < Nk - 4; i2++) {
const x = xk[i2];
const w = applySbox(sbox2, x, x, x, x);
xk[i2] = T0[w & 255] ^ T1[w >>> 8 & 255] ^ T2[w >>> 16 & 255] ^ T3[w >>> 24];
return xk;
function apply0123(T01, T23, s0, s1, s2, s3) {
return T01[s0 << 8 & 65280 | s1 >>> 8 & 255] ^ T23[s2 >>> 8 & 65280 | s3 >>> 24 & 255];
function applySbox(sbox2, s0, s1, s2, s3) {
return sbox2[s0 & 255 | s1 & 65280] | sbox2[s2 >>> 16 & 255 | s3 >>> 16 & 65280] << 16;
function encrypt(xk, s0, s1, s2, s3) {
const { sbox2, T01, T23 } = tableEncoding;
let k = 0;
s0 ^= xk[k++], s1 ^= xk[k++], s2 ^= xk[k++], s3 ^= xk[k++];
const rounds = xk.length / 4 - 2;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < rounds; i2++) {
const t02 = xk[k++] ^ apply0123(T01, T23, s0, s1, s2, s3);
const t12 = xk[k++] ^ apply0123(T01, T23, s1, s2, s3, s0);
const t22 = xk[k++] ^ apply0123(T01, T23, s2, s3, s0, s1);
const t32 = xk[k++] ^ apply0123(T01, T23, s3, s0, s1, s2);
s0 = t02, s1 = t12, s2 = t22, s3 = t32;
const t0 = xk[k++] ^ applySbox(sbox2, s0, s1, s2, s3);
const t1 = xk[k++] ^ applySbox(sbox2, s1, s2, s3, s0);
const t2 = xk[k++] ^ applySbox(sbox2, s2, s3, s0, s1);
const t3 = xk[k++] ^ applySbox(sbox2, s3, s0, s1, s2);
return { s0: t0, s1: t1, s2: t2, s3: t3 };
function decrypt(xk, s0, s1, s2, s3) {
const { sbox2, T01, T23 } = tableDecoding;
let k = 0;
s0 ^= xk[k++], s1 ^= xk[k++], s2 ^= xk[k++], s3 ^= xk[k++];
const rounds = xk.length / 4 - 2;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < rounds; i2++) {
const t02 = xk[k++] ^ apply0123(T01, T23, s0, s3, s2, s1);
const t12 = xk[k++] ^ apply0123(T01, T23, s1, s0, s3, s2);
const t22 = xk[k++] ^ apply0123(T01, T23, s2, s1, s0, s3);
const t32 = xk[k++] ^ apply0123(T01, T23, s3, s2, s1, s0);
s0 = t02, s1 = t12, s2 = t22, s3 = t32;
const t0 = xk[k++] ^ applySbox(sbox2, s0, s3, s2, s1);
const t1 = xk[k++] ^ applySbox(sbox2, s1, s0, s3, s2);
const t2 = xk[k++] ^ applySbox(sbox2, s2, s1, s0, s3);
const t3 = xk[k++] ^ applySbox(sbox2, s3, s2, s1, s0);
return { s0: t0, s1: t1, s2: t2, s3: t3 };
function getDst(len, dst) {
if (!dst)
return new Uint8Array(len);
if (dst.length < len)
throw new Error(`aes: wrong destination length, expected at least ${len}, got: ${dst.length}`);
return dst;
function ctrCounter(xk, nonce, src, dst) {
bytes3(nonce, BLOCK_SIZE2);
const srcLen = src.length;
dst = getDst(srcLen, dst);
const ctr3 = nonce;
const c32 = u32(ctr3);
let { s0, s1, s2, s3 } = encrypt(xk, c32[0], c32[1], c32[2], c32[3]);
const src32 = u32(src);
const dst32 = u32(dst);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 + 4 <= src32.length; i2 += 4) {
dst32[i2 + 0] = src32[i2 + 0] ^ s0;
dst32[i2 + 1] = src32[i2 + 1] ^ s1;
dst32[i2 + 2] = src32[i2 + 2] ^ s2;
dst32[i2 + 3] = src32[i2 + 3] ^ s3;
let carry = 1;
for (let i3 = ctr3.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) {
carry = carry + (ctr3[i3] & 255) | 0;
ctr3[i3] = carry & 255;
carry >>>= 8;
({ s0, s1, s2, s3 } = encrypt(xk, c32[0], c32[1], c32[2], c32[3]));
const start = BLOCK_SIZE2 * Math.floor(src32.length / BLOCK_SIZE32);
if (start < srcLen) {
const b32 = new Uint32Array([s0, s1, s2, s3]);
const buf = u8(b32);
for (let i2 = start, pos = 0; i2 < srcLen; i2++, pos++)
dst[i2] = src[i2] ^ buf[pos];
return dst;
function ctr32(xk, isLE4, nonce, src, dst) {
bytes3(nonce, BLOCK_SIZE2);
dst = getDst(src.length, dst);
const ctr3 = nonce;
const c32 = u32(ctr3);
const view = createView3(ctr3);
const src32 = u32(src);
const dst32 = u32(dst);
const ctrPos = isLE4 ? 0 : 12;
const srcLen = src.length;
let ctrNum = view.getUint32(ctrPos, isLE4);
let { s0, s1, s2, s3 } = encrypt(xk, c32[0], c32[1], c32[2], c32[3]);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 + 4 <= src32.length; i2 += 4) {
dst32[i2 + 0] = src32[i2 + 0] ^ s0;
dst32[i2 + 1] = src32[i2 + 1] ^ s1;
dst32[i2 + 2] = src32[i2 + 2] ^ s2;
dst32[i2 + 3] = src32[i2 + 3] ^ s3;
ctrNum = ctrNum + 1 >>> 0;
view.setUint32(ctrPos, ctrNum, isLE4);
({ s0, s1, s2, s3 } = encrypt(xk, c32[0], c32[1], c32[2], c32[3]));
const start = BLOCK_SIZE2 * Math.floor(src32.length / BLOCK_SIZE32);
if (start < srcLen) {
const b32 = new Uint32Array([s0, s1, s2, s3]);
const buf = u8(b32);
for (let i2 = start, pos = 0; i2 < srcLen; i2++, pos++)
dst[i2] = src[i2] ^ buf[pos];
return dst;
var ctr = wrapCipher({ blockSize: 16, nonceLength: 16 }, function ctr2(key, nonce) {
bytes3(nonce, BLOCK_SIZE2);
function processCtr(buf, dst) {
const xk = expandKeyLE(key);
const n = nonce.slice();
const out = ctrCounter(xk, n, buf, dst);
return out;
return {
encrypt: (plaintext, dst) => processCtr(plaintext, dst),
decrypt: (ciphertext, dst) => processCtr(ciphertext, dst)
function validateBlockDecrypt(data) {
if (data.length % BLOCK_SIZE2 !== 0) {
throw new Error(`aes/(cbc-ecb).decrypt ciphertext should consist of blocks with size ${BLOCK_SIZE2}`);
function validateBlockEncrypt(plaintext, pcks5, dst) {
let outLen = plaintext.length;
const remaining = outLen % BLOCK_SIZE2;
if (!pcks5 && remaining !== 0)
throw new Error("aec/(cbc-ecb): unpadded plaintext with disabled padding");
const b = u32(plaintext);
if (pcks5) {
let left = BLOCK_SIZE2 - remaining;
if (!left)
left = BLOCK_SIZE2;
outLen = outLen + left;
const out = getDst(outLen, dst);
const o = u32(out);
return { b, o, out };
function validatePCKS(data, pcks5) {
if (!pcks5)
return data;
const len = data.length;
if (!len)
throw new Error(`aes/pcks5: empty ciphertext not allowed`);
const lastByte = data[len - 1];
if (lastByte <= 0 || lastByte > 16)
throw new Error(`aes/pcks5: wrong padding byte: ${lastByte}`);
const out = data.subarray(0, -lastByte);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < lastByte; i2++)
if (data[len - i2 - 1] !== lastByte)
throw new Error(`aes/pcks5: wrong padding`);
return out;
function padPCKS(left) {
const tmp = new Uint8Array(16);
const tmp32 = u32(tmp);
const paddingByte = BLOCK_SIZE2 - left.length;
for (let i2 = BLOCK_SIZE2 - paddingByte; i2 < BLOCK_SIZE2; i2++)
tmp[i2] = paddingByte;
return tmp32;
var ecb = wrapCipher({ blockSize: 16 }, function ecb2(key, opts = {}) {
const pcks5 = !opts.disablePadding;
return {
encrypt: (plaintext, dst) => {
const { b, o, out: _out } = validateBlockEncrypt(plaintext, pcks5, dst);
const xk = expandKeyLE(key);
let i2 = 0;
for (; i2 + 4 <= b.length; ) {
const { s0, s1, s2, s3 } = encrypt(xk, b[i2 + 0], b[i2 + 1], b[i2 + 2], b[i2 + 3]);
o[i2++] = s0, o[i2++] = s1, o[i2++] = s2, o[i2++] = s3;
if (pcks5) {
const tmp32 = padPCKS(plaintext.subarray(i2 * 4));
const { s0, s1, s2, s3 } = encrypt(xk, tmp32[0], tmp32[1], tmp32[2], tmp32[3]);
o[i2++] = s0, o[i2++] = s1, o[i2++] = s2, o[i2++] = s3;
return _out;
decrypt: (ciphertext, dst) => {
const xk = expandKeyDecLE(key);
const out = getDst(ciphertext.length, dst);
const b = u32(ciphertext);
const o = u32(out);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 + 4 <= b.length; ) {
const { s0, s1, s2, s3 } = decrypt(xk, b[i2 + 0], b[i2 + 1], b[i2 + 2], b[i2 + 3]);
o[i2++] = s0, o[i2++] = s1, o[i2++] = s2, o[i2++] = s3;
return validatePCKS(out, pcks5);
var cbc = wrapCipher({ blockSize: 16, nonceLength: 16 }, function cbc2(key, iv, opts = {}) {
bytes3(iv, 16);
const pcks5 = !opts.disablePadding;
return {
encrypt: (plaintext, dst) => {
const xk = expandKeyLE(key);
const { b, o, out: _out } = validateBlockEncrypt(plaintext, pcks5, dst);
const n32 = u32(iv);
let s0 = n32[0], s1 = n32[1], s2 = n32[2], s3 = n32[3];
let i2 = 0;
for (; i2 + 4 <= b.length; ) {
s0 ^= b[i2 + 0], s1 ^= b[i2 + 1], s2 ^= b[i2 + 2], s3 ^= b[i2 + 3];
({ s0, s1, s2, s3 } = encrypt(xk, s0, s1, s2, s3));
o[i2++] = s0, o[i2++] = s1, o[i2++] = s2, o[i2++] = s3;
if (pcks5) {
const tmp32 = padPCKS(plaintext.subarray(i2 * 4));
s0 ^= tmp32[0], s1 ^= tmp32[1], s2 ^= tmp32[2], s3 ^= tmp32[3];
({ s0, s1, s2, s3 } = encrypt(xk, s0, s1, s2, s3));
o[i2++] = s0, o[i2++] = s1, o[i2++] = s2, o[i2++] = s3;
return _out;
decrypt: (ciphertext, dst) => {
const xk = expandKeyDecLE(key);
const n32 = u32(iv);
const out = getDst(ciphertext.length, dst);
const b = u32(ciphertext);
const o = u32(out);
let s0 = n32[0], s1 = n32[1], s2 = n32[2], s3 = n32[3];
for (let i2 = 0; i2 + 4 <= b.length; ) {
const ps0 = s0, ps1 = s1, ps2 = s2, ps3 = s3;
s0 = b[i2 + 0], s1 = b[i2 + 1], s2 = b[i2 + 2], s3 = b[i2 + 3];
const { s0: o0, s1: o1, s2: o2, s3: o3 } = decrypt(xk, s0, s1, s2, s3);
o[i2++] = o0 ^ ps0, o[i2++] = o1 ^ ps1, o[i2++] = o2 ^ ps2, o[i2++] = o3 ^ ps3;
return validatePCKS(out, pcks5);
function computeTag(fn, isLE4, key, data, AAD) {
const h = fn.create(key, data.length + (AAD?.length || 0));
if (AAD)
const num = new Uint8Array(16);
const view = createView3(num);
if (AAD)
setBigUint643(view, 0, BigInt(AAD.length * 8), isLE4);
setBigUint643(view, 8, BigInt(data.length * 8), isLE4);
return h.digest();
var gcm = wrapCipher({ blockSize: 16, nonceLength: 12, tagLength: 16 }, function gcm2(key, nonce, AAD) {
if (nonce.length === 0)
throw new Error("aes/gcm: empty nonce");
const tagLength = 16;
function _computeTag(authKey, tagMask, data) {
const tag = computeTag(ghash, false, authKey, data, AAD);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < tagMask.length; i2++)
tag[i2] ^= tagMask[i2];
return tag;
function deriveKeys() {
const xk = expandKeyLE(key);
const authKey = EMPTY_BLOCK.slice();
const counter = EMPTY_BLOCK.slice();
ctr32(xk, false, counter, counter, authKey);
if (nonce.length === 12) {
} else {
const nonceLen = EMPTY_BLOCK.slice();
const view = createView3(nonceLen);
setBigUint643(view, 8, BigInt(nonce.length * 8), false);
const tagMask = ctr32(xk, false, counter, EMPTY_BLOCK);
return { xk, authKey, counter, tagMask };
return {
encrypt: (plaintext) => {
const { xk, authKey, counter, tagMask } = deriveKeys();
const out = new Uint8Array(plaintext.length + tagLength);
ctr32(xk, false, counter, plaintext, out);
const tag = _computeTag(authKey, tagMask, out.subarray(0, out.length - tagLength));
out.set(tag, plaintext.length);
return out;
decrypt: (ciphertext) => {
if (ciphertext.length < tagLength)
throw new Error(`aes/gcm: ciphertext less than tagLen (${tagLength})`);
const { xk, authKey, counter, tagMask } = deriveKeys();
const data = ciphertext.subarray(0, -tagLength);
const passedTag = ciphertext.subarray(-tagLength);
const tag = _computeTag(authKey, tagMask, data);
if (!equalBytes2(tag, passedTag))
throw new Error("aes/gcm: invalid ghash tag");
const out = ctr32(xk, false, counter, data);
return out;
var limit = (name, min, max) => (value) => {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(value) || min > value || value > max)
throw new Error(`${name}: invalid value=${value}, must be [${min}..${max}]`);
var siv = wrapCipher({ blockSize: 16, nonceLength: 12, tagLength: 16 }, function siv2(key, nonce, AAD) {
const tagLength = 16;
const AAD_LIMIT = limit("AAD", 0, 2 ** 36);
const PLAIN_LIMIT = limit("plaintext", 0, 2 ** 36);
const NONCE_LIMIT = limit("nonce", 12, 12);
const CIPHER_LIMIT = limit("ciphertext", 16, 2 ** 36 + 16);
if (AAD) {
function deriveKeys() {
const len = key.length;
if (len !== 16 && len !== 24 && len !== 32)
throw new Error(`key length must be 16, 24 or 32 bytes, got: ${len} bytes`);
const xk = expandKeyLE(key);
const encKey = new Uint8Array(len);
const authKey = new Uint8Array(16);
const n32 = u32(nonce);
let s0 = 0, s1 = n32[0], s2 = n32[1], s3 = n32[2];
let counter = 0;
for (const derivedKey of [authKey, encKey].map(u32)) {
const d32 = u32(derivedKey);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < d32.length; i2 += 2) {
const { s0: o0, s1: o1 } = encrypt(xk, s0, s1, s2, s3);
d32[i2 + 0] = o0;
d32[i2 + 1] = o1;
s0 = ++counter;
return { authKey, encKey: expandKeyLE(encKey) };
function _computeTag(encKey, authKey, data) {
const tag = computeTag(polyval, true, authKey, data, AAD);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 12; i2++)
tag[i2] ^= nonce[i2];
tag[15] &= 127;
const t32 = u32(tag);
let s0 = t32[0], s1 = t32[1], s2 = t32[2], s3 = t32[3];
({ s0, s1, s2, s3 } = encrypt(encKey, s0, s1, s2, s3));
t32[0] = s0, t32[1] = s1, t32[2] = s2, t32[3] = s3;
return tag;
function processSiv(encKey, tag, input) {
let block = tag.slice();
block[15] |= 128;
return ctr32(encKey, true, block, input);
return {
encrypt: (plaintext) => {
const { encKey, authKey } = deriveKeys();
const tag = _computeTag(encKey, authKey, plaintext);
const out = new Uint8Array(plaintext.length + tagLength);
out.set(tag, plaintext.length);
out.set(processSiv(encKey, tag, plaintext));
return out;
decrypt: (ciphertext) => {
const tag = ciphertext.subarray(-tagLength);
const { encKey, authKey } = deriveKeys();
const plaintext = processSiv(encKey, tag, ciphertext.subarray(0, -tagLength));
const expectedTag = _computeTag(encKey, authKey, plaintext);
if (!equalBytes2(tag, expectedTag))
throw new Error("invalid polyval tag");
return plaintext;
// nip04.ts
async function encrypt2(secretKey, pubkey, text) {
const privkey = secretKey instanceof Uint8Array ? bytesToHex2(secretKey) : secretKey;
const key = secp256k1.getSharedSecret(privkey, "02" + pubkey);
const normalizedKey = getNormalizedX(key);
let iv = Uint8Array.from(randomBytes2(16));
let plaintext = utf8Encoder.encode(text);
let ciphertext = cbc(normalizedKey, iv).encrypt(plaintext);
let ctb64 = base64.encode(new Uint8Array(ciphertext));
let ivb64 = base64.encode(new Uint8Array(iv.buffer));
return `${ctb64}?iv=${ivb64}`;
async function decrypt2(secretKey, pubkey, data) {
const privkey = secretKey instanceof Uint8Array ? bytesToHex2(secretKey) : secretKey;
let [ctb64, ivb64] = data.split("?iv=");
let key = secp256k1.getSharedSecret(privkey, "02" + pubkey);
let normalizedKey = getNormalizedX(key);
let iv = base64.decode(ivb64);
let ciphertext = base64.decode(ctb64);
let plaintext = cbc(normalizedKey, iv).decrypt(ciphertext);
return utf8Decoder.decode(plaintext);
function getNormalizedX(key) {
return key.slice(1, 33);
// nip05.ts
var nip05_exports = {};
__export(nip05_exports, {
isValid: () => isValid,
queryProfile: () => queryProfile,
searchDomain: () => searchDomain,
useFetchImplementation: () => useFetchImplementation
var NIP05_REGEX = /^(?:([\w.+-]+)@)?([\w_-]+(\.[\w_-]+)+)$/;
var _fetch;
try {
_fetch = fetch;
} catch {
function useFetchImplementation(fetchImplementation) {
_fetch = fetchImplementation;
async function searchDomain(domain, query = "") {
try {
const url = `https://${domain}/.well-known/nostr.json?name=${query}`;
const res = await _fetch(url, { redirect: "error" });
const json = await res.json();
return json.names;
} catch (_) {
return {};
async function queryProfile(fullname) {
const match = fullname.match(NIP05_REGEX);
if (!match)
return null;
const [_, name = "_", domain] = match;
try {
const url = `https://${domain}/.well-known/nostr.json?name=${name}`;
const res = await (await _fetch(url, { redirect: "error" })).json();
let pubkey = res.names[name];
return pubkey ? { pubkey, relays: res.relays?.[pubkey] } : null;
} catch (_e) {
return null;
async function isValid(pubkey, nip05) {
let res = await queryProfile(nip05);
return res ? res.pubkey === pubkey : false;
// nip10.ts
var nip10_exports = {};
__export(nip10_exports, {
parse: () => parse
function parse(event) {
const result = {
reply: void 0,
root: void 0,
mentions: [],
profiles: []
const eTags = [];
for (const tag of event.tags) {
if (tag[0] === "e" && tag[1]) {
if (tag[0] === "p" && tag[1]) {
pubkey: tag[1],
relays: tag[2] ? [tag[2]] : []
for (let eTagIndex = 0; eTagIndex < eTags.length; eTagIndex++) {
const eTag = eTags[eTagIndex];
const [_, eTagEventId, eTagRelayUrl, eTagMarker] = eTag;
const eventPointer = {
id: eTagEventId,
relays: eTagRelayUrl ? [eTagRelayUrl] : []
const isFirstETag = eTagIndex === 0;
const isLastETag = eTagIndex === eTags.length - 1;
if (eTagMarker === "root") {
result.root = eventPointer;
if (eTagMarker === "reply") {
result.reply = eventPointer;
if (eTagMarker === "mention") {
if (isFirstETag) {
result.root = eventPointer;
if (isLastETag) {
result.reply = eventPointer;
return result;
// nip11.ts
var nip11_exports = {};
__export(nip11_exports, {
fetchRelayInformation: () => fetchRelayInformation,
useFetchImplementation: () => useFetchImplementation2
var _fetch2;
try {
_fetch2 = fetch;
} catch {
function useFetchImplementation2(fetchImplementation) {
_fetch2 = fetchImplementation;
async function fetchRelayInformation(url) {
return await (await fetch(url.replace("ws://", "http://").replace("wss://", "https://"), {
headers: { Accept: "application/nostr+json" }
// nip13.ts
var nip13_exports = {};
__export(nip13_exports, {
getPow: () => getPow,
minePow: () => minePow
function getPow(hex2) {
let count = 0;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < hex2.length; i2++) {
const nibble = parseInt(hex2[i2], 16);
if (nibble === 0) {
count += 4;
} else {
count += Math.clz32(nibble) - 28;
return count;
function minePow(unsigned, difficulty) {
let count = 0;
const event = unsigned;
const tag = ["nonce", count.toString(), difficulty.toString()];
while (true) {
const now = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1e3);
if (now !== event.created_at) {
count = 0;
event.created_at = now;
tag[1] = (++count).toString();
event.id = getEventHash(event);
if (getPow(event.id) >= difficulty) {
return event;
// nip18.ts
var nip18_exports = {};
__export(nip18_exports, {
finishRepostEvent: () => finishRepostEvent,
getRepostedEvent: () => getRepostedEvent,
getRepostedEventPointer: () => getRepostedEventPointer
function finishRepostEvent(t, reposted, relayUrl, privateKey) {
return finalizeEvent(
kind: Repost,
tags: [...t.tags ?? [], ["e", reposted.id, relayUrl], ["p", reposted.pubkey]],
content: t.content === "" ? "" : JSON.stringify(reposted),
created_at: t.created_at
function getRepostedEventPointer(event) {
if (event.kind !== Repost) {
return void 0;
let lastETag;
let lastPTag;
for (let i2 = event.tags.length - 1; i2 >= 0 && (lastETag === void 0 || lastPTag === void 0); i2--) {
const tag = event.tags[i2];
if (tag.length >= 2) {
if (tag[0] === "e" && lastETag === void 0) {
lastETag = tag;
} else if (tag[0] === "p" && lastPTag === void 0) {
lastPTag = tag;
if (lastETag === void 0) {
return void 0;
return {
id: lastETag[1],
relays: [lastETag[2], lastPTag?.[2]].filter((x) => typeof x === "string"),
author: lastPTag?.[1]
function getRepostedEvent(event, { skipVerification } = {}) {
const pointer = getRepostedEventPointer(event);
if (pointer === void 0 || event.content === "") {
return void 0;
let repostedEvent;
try {
repostedEvent = JSON.parse(event.content);
} catch (error) {
return void 0;
if (repostedEvent.id !== pointer.id) {
return void 0;
if (!skipVerification && !verifyEvent(repostedEvent)) {
return void 0;
return repostedEvent;
// nip21.ts
var nip21_exports = {};
__export(nip21_exports, {
parse: () => parse2,
test: () => test
var NOSTR_URI_REGEX = new RegExp(`nostr:(${BECH32_REGEX.source})`);
function test(value) {
return typeof value === "string" && new RegExp(`^${NOSTR_URI_REGEX.source}$`).test(value);
function parse2(uri) {
const match = uri.match(new RegExp(`^${NOSTR_URI_REGEX.source}$`));
if (!match)
throw new Error(`Invalid Nostr URI: ${uri}`);
return {
uri: match[0],
value: match[1],
decoded: decode(match[1])
// nip25.ts
var nip25_exports = {};
__export(nip25_exports, {
finishReactionEvent: () => finishReactionEvent,
getReactedEventPointer: () => getReactedEventPointer
function finishReactionEvent(t, reacted, privateKey) {
const inheritedTags = reacted.tags.filter((tag) => tag.length >= 2 && (tag[0] === "e" || tag[0] === "p"));
return finalizeEvent(
kind: Reaction,
tags: [...t.tags ?? [], ...inheritedTags, ["e", reacted.id], ["p", reacted.pubkey]],
content: t.content ?? "+"
function getReactedEventPointer(event) {
if (event.kind !== Reaction) {
return void 0;
let lastETag;
let lastPTag;
for (let i2 = event.tags.length - 1; i2 >= 0 && (lastETag === void 0 || lastPTag === void 0); i2--) {
const tag = event.tags[i2];
if (tag.length >= 2) {
if (tag[0] === "e" && lastETag === void 0) {
lastETag = tag;
} else if (tag[0] === "p" && lastPTag === void 0) {
lastPTag = tag;
if (lastETag === void 0 || lastPTag === void 0) {
return void 0;
return {
id: lastETag[1],
relays: [lastETag[2], lastPTag[2]].filter((x) => x !== void 0),
author: lastPTag[1]
// nip27.ts
var nip27_exports = {};
__export(nip27_exports, {
matchAll: () => matchAll,
regex: () => regex,
replaceAll: () => replaceAll
var regex = () => new RegExp(`\\b${NOSTR_URI_REGEX.source}\\b`, "g");
function* matchAll(content) {
const matches = content.matchAll(regex());
for (const match of matches) {
try {
const [uri, value] = match;
yield {
decoded: decode(value),
start: match.index,
end: match.index + uri.length
} catch (_e) {
function replaceAll(content, replacer) {
return content.replaceAll(regex(), (uri, value) => {
return replacer({
decoded: decode(value)
// nip28.ts
var nip28_exports = {};
__export(nip28_exports, {
channelCreateEvent: () => channelCreateEvent,
channelHideMessageEvent: () => channelHideMessageEvent,
channelMessageEvent: () => channelMessageEvent,
channelMetadataEvent: () => channelMetadataEvent,
channelMuteUserEvent: () => channelMuteUserEvent
var channelCreateEvent = (t, privateKey) => {
let content;
if (typeof t.content === "object") {
content = JSON.stringify(t.content);
} else if (typeof t.content === "string") {
content = t.content;
} else {
return void 0;
return finalizeEvent(
kind: ChannelCreation,
tags: [...t.tags ?? []],
created_at: t.created_at
var channelMetadataEvent = (t, privateKey) => {
let content;
if (typeof t.content === "object") {
content = JSON.stringify(t.content);
} else if (typeof t.content === "string") {
content = t.content;
} else {
return void 0;
return finalizeEvent(
kind: ChannelMetadata,
tags: [["e", t.channel_create_event_id], ...t.tags ?? []],
created_at: t.created_at
var channelMessageEvent = (t, privateKey) => {
const tags = [["e", t.channel_create_event_id, t.relay_url, "root"]];
if (t.reply_to_channel_message_event_id) {
tags.push(["e", t.reply_to_channel_message_event_id, t.relay_url, "reply"]);
return finalizeEvent(
kind: ChannelMessage,
tags: [...tags, ...t.tags ?? []],
content: t.content,
created_at: t.created_at
var channelHideMessageEvent = (t, privateKey) => {
let content;
if (typeof t.content === "object") {
content = JSON.stringify(t.content);
} else if (typeof t.content === "string") {
content = t.content;
} else {
return void 0;
return finalizeEvent(
kind: ChannelHideMessage,
tags: [["e", t.channel_message_event_id], ...t.tags ?? []],
created_at: t.created_at
var channelMuteUserEvent = (t, privateKey) => {
let content;
if (typeof t.content === "object") {
content = JSON.stringify(t.content);
} else if (typeof t.content === "string") {
content = t.content;
} else {
return void 0;
return finalizeEvent(
kind: ChannelMuteUser,
tags: [["p", t.pubkey_to_mute], ...t.tags ?? []],
created_at: t.created_at
// nip30.ts
var nip30_exports = {};
__export(nip30_exports, {
matchAll: () => matchAll2,
regex: () => regex2,
replaceAll: () => replaceAll2
var EMOJI_SHORTCODE_REGEX = /:(\w+):/;
var regex2 = () => new RegExp(`\\B${EMOJI_SHORTCODE_REGEX.source}\\B`, "g");
function* matchAll2(content) {
const matches = content.matchAll(regex2());
for (const match of matches) {
try {
const [shortcode, name] = match;
yield {
start: match.index,
end: match.index + shortcode.length
} catch (_e) {
function replaceAll2(content, replacer) {
return content.replaceAll(regex2(), (shortcode, name) => {
return replacer({
// nip39.ts
var nip39_exports = {};
__export(nip39_exports, {
useFetchImplementation: () => useFetchImplementation3,
validateGithub: () => validateGithub
var _fetch3;
try {
_fetch3 = fetch;
} catch {
function useFetchImplementation3(fetchImplementation) {
_fetch3 = fetchImplementation;
async function validateGithub(pubkey, username, proof) {
try {
let res = await (await _fetch3(`https://gist.github.com/${username}/${proof}/raw`)).text();
return res === `Verifying that I control the following Nostr public key: ${pubkey}`;
} catch (_) {
return false;
// nip44.ts
var nip44_exports = {};
__export(nip44_exports, {
decrypt: () => decrypt3,
encrypt: () => encrypt3,
getConversationKey: () => getConversationKey,
v2: () => v2
// node_modules/@noble/ciphers/esm/_poly1305.js
var u8to16 = (a, i2) => a[i2++] & 255 | (a[i2++] & 255) << 8;
var Poly1305 = class {
constructor(key) {
this.blockLen = 16;
this.outputLen = 16;
this.buffer = new Uint8Array(16);
this.r = new Uint16Array(10);
this.h = new Uint16Array(10);
this.pad = new Uint16Array(8);
this.pos = 0;
this.finished = false;
key = toBytes3(key);
bytes3(key, 32);
const t0 = u8to16(key, 0);
const t1 = u8to16(key, 2);
const t2 = u8to16(key, 4);
const t3 = u8to16(key, 6);
const t4 = u8to16(key, 8);
const t5 = u8to16(key, 10);
const t6 = u8to16(key, 12);
const t7 = u8to16(key, 14);
this.r[0] = t0 & 8191;
this.r[1] = (t0 >>> 13 | t1 << 3) & 8191;
this.r[2] = (t1 >>> 10 | t2 << 6) & 7939;
this.r[3] = (t2 >>> 7 | t3 << 9) & 8191;
this.r[4] = (t3 >>> 4 | t4 << 12) & 255;
this.r[5] = t4 >>> 1 & 8190;
this.r[6] = (t4 >>> 14 | t5 << 2) & 8191;
this.r[7] = (t5 >>> 11 | t6 << 5) & 8065;
this.r[8] = (t6 >>> 8 | t7 << 8) & 8191;
this.r[9] = t7 >>> 5 & 127;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 8; i2++)
this.pad[i2] = u8to16(key, 16 + 2 * i2);
process(data, offset, isLast = false) {
const hibit = isLast ? 0 : 1 << 11;
const { h, r } = this;
const r0 = r[0];
const r1 = r[1];
const r2 = r[2];
const r3 = r[3];
const r4 = r[4];
const r5 = r[5];
const r6 = r[6];
const r7 = r[7];
const r8 = r[8];
const r9 = r[9];
const t0 = u8to16(data, offset + 0);
const t1 = u8to16(data, offset + 2);
const t2 = u8to16(data, offset + 4);
const t3 = u8to16(data, offset + 6);
const t4 = u8to16(data, offset + 8);
const t5 = u8to16(data, offset + 10);
const t6 = u8to16(data, offset + 12);
const t7 = u8to16(data, offset + 14);
let h0 = h[0] + (t0 & 8191);
let h1 = h[1] + ((t0 >>> 13 | t1 << 3) & 8191);
let h2 = h[2] + ((t1 >>> 10 | t2 << 6) & 8191);
let h3 = h[3] + ((t2 >>> 7 | t3 << 9) & 8191);
let h4 = h[4] + ((t3 >>> 4 | t4 << 12) & 8191);
let h5 = h[5] + (t4 >>> 1 & 8191);
let h6 = h[6] + ((t4 >>> 14 | t5 << 2) & 8191);
let h7 = h[7] + ((t5 >>> 11 | t6 << 5) & 8191);
let h8 = h[8] + ((t6 >>> 8 | t7 << 8) & 8191);
let h9 = h[9] + (t7 >>> 5 | hibit);
let c = 0;
let d0 = c + h0 * r0 + h1 * (5 * r9) + h2 * (5 * r8) + h3 * (5 * r7) + h4 * (5 * r6);
c = d0 >>> 13;
d0 &= 8191;
d0 += h5 * (5 * r5) + h6 * (5 * r4) + h7 * (5 * r3) + h8 * (5 * r2) + h9 * (5 * r1);
c += d0 >>> 13;
d0 &= 8191;
let d1 = c + h0 * r1 + h1 * r0 + h2 * (5 * r9) + h3 * (5 * r8) + h4 * (5 * r7);
c = d1 >>> 13;
d1 &= 8191;
d1 += h5 * (5 * r6) + h6 * (5 * r5) + h7 * (5 * r4) + h8 * (5 * r3) + h9 * (5 * r2);
c += d1 >>> 13;
d1 &= 8191;
let d2 = c + h0 * r2 + h1 * r1 + h2 * r0 + h3 * (5 * r9) + h4 * (5 * r8);
c = d2 >>> 13;
d2 &= 8191;
d2 += h5 * (5 * r7) + h6 * (5 * r6) + h7 * (5 * r5) + h8 * (5 * r4) + h9 * (5 * r3);
c += d2 >>> 13;
d2 &= 8191;
let d3 = c + h0 * r3 + h1 * r2 + h2 * r1 + h3 * r0 + h4 * (5 * r9);
c = d3 >>> 13;
d3 &= 8191;
d3 += h5 * (5 * r8) + h6 * (5 * r7) + h7 * (5 * r6) + h8 * (5 * r5) + h9 * (5 * r4);
c += d3 >>> 13;
d3 &= 8191;
let d4 = c + h0 * r4 + h1 * r3 + h2 * r2 + h3 * r1 + h4 * r0;
c = d4 >>> 13;
d4 &= 8191;
d4 += h5 * (5 * r9) + h6 * (5 * r8) + h7 * (5 * r7) + h8 * (5 * r6) + h9 * (5 * r5);
c += d4 >>> 13;
d4 &= 8191;
let d5 = c + h0 * r5 + h1 * r4 + h2 * r3 + h3 * r2 + h4 * r1;
c = d5 >>> 13;
d5 &= 8191;
d5 += h5 * r0 + h6 * (5 * r9) + h7 * (5 * r8) + h8 * (5 * r7) + h9 * (5 * r6);
c += d5 >>> 13;
d5 &= 8191;
let d6 = c + h0 * r6 + h1 * r5 + h2 * r4 + h3 * r3 + h4 * r2;
c = d6 >>> 13;
d6 &= 8191;
d6 += h5 * r1 + h6 * r0 + h7 * (5 * r9) + h8 * (5 * r8) + h9 * (5 * r7);
c += d6 >>> 13;
d6 &= 8191;
let d7 = c + h0 * r7 + h1 * r6 + h2 * r5 + h3 * r4 + h4 * r3;
c = d7 >>> 13;
d7 &= 8191;
d7 += h5 * r2 + h6 * r1 + h7 * r0 + h8 * (5 * r9) + h9 * (5 * r8);
c += d7 >>> 13;
d7 &= 8191;
let d8 = c + h0 * r8 + h1 * r7 + h2 * r6 + h3 * r5 + h4 * r4;
c = d8 >>> 13;
d8 &= 8191;
d8 += h5 * r3 + h6 * r2 + h7 * r1 + h8 * r0 + h9 * (5 * r9);
c += d8 >>> 13;
d8 &= 8191;
let d9 = c + h0 * r9 + h1 * r8 + h2 * r7 + h3 * r6 + h4 * r5;
c = d9 >>> 13;
d9 &= 8191;
d9 += h5 * r4 + h6 * r3 + h7 * r2 + h8 * r1 + h9 * r0;
c += d9 >>> 13;
d9 &= 8191;
c = (c << 2) + c | 0;
c = c + d0 | 0;
d0 = c & 8191;
c = c >>> 13;
d1 += c;
h[0] = d0;
h[1] = d1;
h[2] = d2;
h[3] = d3;
h[4] = d4;
h[5] = d5;
h[6] = d6;
h[7] = d7;
h[8] = d8;
h[9] = d9;
finalize() {
const { h, pad: pad2 } = this;
const g = new Uint16Array(10);
let c = h[1] >>> 13;
h[1] &= 8191;
for (let i2 = 2; i2 < 10; i2++) {
h[i2] += c;
c = h[i2] >>> 13;
h[i2] &= 8191;
h[0] += c * 5;
c = h[0] >>> 13;
h[0] &= 8191;
h[1] += c;
c = h[1] >>> 13;
h[1] &= 8191;
h[2] += c;
g[0] = h[0] + 5;
c = g[0] >>> 13;
g[0] &= 8191;
for (let i2 = 1; i2 < 10; i2++) {
g[i2] = h[i2] + c;
c = g[i2] >>> 13;
g[i2] &= 8191;
g[9] -= 1 << 13;
let mask = (c ^ 1) - 1;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 10; i2++)
g[i2] &= mask;
mask = ~mask;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 10; i2++)
h[i2] = h[i2] & mask | g[i2];
h[0] = (h[0] | h[1] << 13) & 65535;
h[1] = (h[1] >>> 3 | h[2] << 10) & 65535;
h[2] = (h[2] >>> 6 | h[3] << 7) & 65535;
h[3] = (h[3] >>> 9 | h[4] << 4) & 65535;
h[4] = (h[4] >>> 12 | h[5] << 1 | h[6] << 14) & 65535;
h[5] = (h[6] >>> 2 | h[7] << 11) & 65535;
h[6] = (h[7] >>> 5 | h[8] << 8) & 65535;
h[7] = (h[8] >>> 8 | h[9] << 5) & 65535;
let f = h[0] + pad2[0];
h[0] = f & 65535;
for (let i2 = 1; i2 < 8; i2++) {
f = (h[i2] + pad2[i2] | 0) + (f >>> 16) | 0;
h[i2] = f & 65535;
update(data) {
const { buffer, blockLen } = this;
data = toBytes3(data);
const len = data.length;
for (let pos = 0; pos < len; ) {
const take = Math.min(blockLen - this.pos, len - pos);
if (take === blockLen) {
for (; blockLen <= len - pos; pos += blockLen)
this.process(data, pos);
buffer.set(data.subarray(pos, pos + take), this.pos);
this.pos += take;
pos += take;
if (this.pos === blockLen) {
this.process(buffer, 0, false);
this.pos = 0;
return this;
destroy() {
digestInto(out) {
output3(out, this);
this.finished = true;
const { buffer, h } = this;
let { pos } = this;
if (pos) {
buffer[pos++] = 1;
for (; pos < 16; pos++)
buffer[pos] = 0;
this.process(buffer, 0, true);
let opos = 0;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < 8; i2++) {
out[opos++] = h[i2] >>> 0;
out[opos++] = h[i2] >>> 8;
return out;
digest() {
const { buffer, outputLen } = this;
const res = buffer.slice(0, outputLen);
return res;
function wrapConstructorWithKey2(hashCons) {
const hashC = (msg, key) => hashCons(key).update(toBytes3(msg)).digest();
const tmp = hashCons(new Uint8Array(32));
hashC.outputLen = tmp.outputLen;
hashC.blockLen = tmp.blockLen;
hashC.create = (key) => hashCons(key);
return hashC;
var poly1305 = wrapConstructorWithKey2((key) => new Poly1305(key));
// node_modules/@noble/ciphers/esm/_arx.js
var sigma16 = utf8ToBytes4("expand 16-byte k");
var sigma32 = utf8ToBytes4("expand 32-byte k");
var sigma16_32 = u32(sigma16);
var sigma32_32 = u32(sigma32);
function rotl(a, b) {
return a << b | a >>> 32 - b;
function isAligned32(b) {
return b.byteOffset % 4 === 0;
var BLOCK_LEN = 64;
var BLOCK_LEN32 = 16;
var MAX_COUNTER = 2 ** 32 - 1;
var U32_EMPTY = new Uint32Array();
function runCipher(core, sigma, key, nonce, data, output4, counter, rounds) {
const len = data.length;
const block = new Uint8Array(BLOCK_LEN);
const b32 = u32(block);
const isAligned = isAligned32(data) && isAligned32(output4);
const d32 = isAligned ? u32(data) : U32_EMPTY;
const o32 = isAligned ? u32(output4) : U32_EMPTY;
for (let pos = 0; pos < len; counter++) {
core(sigma, key, nonce, b32, counter, rounds);
if (counter >= MAX_COUNTER)
throw new Error("arx: counter overflow");
const take = Math.min(BLOCK_LEN, len - pos);
if (isAligned && take === BLOCK_LEN) {
const pos32 = pos / 4;
if (pos % 4 !== 0)
throw new Error("arx: invalid block position");
for (let j = 0, posj; j < BLOCK_LEN32; j++) {
posj = pos32 + j;
o32[posj] = d32[posj] ^ b32[j];
pos += BLOCK_LEN;
for (let j = 0, posj; j < take; j++) {
posj = pos + j;
output4[posj] = data[posj] ^ block[j];
pos += take;
function createCipher(core, opts) {
const { allowShortKeys, extendNonceFn, counterLength, counterRight, rounds } = checkOpts({ allowShortKeys: false, counterLength: 8, counterRight: false, rounds: 20 }, opts);
if (typeof core !== "function")
throw new Error("core must be a function");
return (key, nonce, data, output4, counter = 0) => {
const len = data.length;
if (!output4)
output4 = new Uint8Array(len);
if (counter < 0 || counter >= MAX_COUNTER)
throw new Error("arx: counter overflow");
if (output4.length < len)
throw new Error(`arx: output (${output4.length}) is shorter than data (${len})`);
const toClean = [];
let l = key.length, k, sigma;
if (l === 32) {
k = key.slice();
sigma = sigma32_32;
} else if (l === 16 && allowShortKeys) {
k = new Uint8Array(32);
k.set(key, 16);
sigma = sigma16_32;
} else {
throw new Error(`arx: invalid 32-byte key, got length=${l}`);
if (!isAligned32(nonce)) {
nonce = nonce.slice();
const k32 = u32(k);
if (extendNonceFn) {
if (nonce.length !== 24)
throw new Error(`arx: extended nonce must be 24 bytes`);
extendNonceFn(sigma, k32, u32(nonce.subarray(0, 16)), k32);
nonce = nonce.subarray(16);
const nonceNcLen = 16 - counterLength;
if (nonceNcLen !== nonce.length)
throw new Error(`arx: nonce must be ${nonceNcLen} or 16 bytes`);
if (nonceNcLen !== 12) {
const nc = new Uint8Array(12);
nc.set(nonce, counterRight ? 0 : 12 - nonce.length);
nonce = nc;
const n32 = u32(nonce);
runCipher(core, sigma, k32, n32, data, output4, counter, rounds);
while (toClean.length > 0)
return output4;
// node_modules/@noble/ciphers/esm/chacha.js
function chachaCore(s, k, n, out, cnt, rounds = 20) {
let y00 = s[0], y01 = s[1], y02 = s[2], y03 = s[3], y04 = k[0], y05 = k[1], y06 = k[2], y07 = k[3], y08 = k[4], y09 = k[5], y10 = k[6], y11 = k[7], y12 = cnt, y13 = n[0], y14 = n[1], y15 = n[2];
let x00 = y00, x01 = y01, x02 = y02, x03 = y03, x04 = y04, x05 = y05, x06 = y06, x07 = y07, x08 = y08, x09 = y09, x10 = y10, x11 = y11, x12 = y12, x13 = y13, x14 = y14, x15 = y15;
for (let r = 0; r < rounds; r += 2) {
x00 = x00 + x04 | 0;
x12 = rotl(x12 ^ x00, 16);
x08 = x08 + x12 | 0;
x04 = rotl(x04 ^ x08, 12);
x00 = x00 + x04 | 0;
x12 = rotl(x12 ^ x00, 8);
x08 = x08 + x12 | 0;
x04 = rotl(x04 ^ x08, 7);
x01 = x01 + x05 | 0;
x13 = rotl(x13 ^ x01, 16);
x09 = x09 + x13 | 0;
x05 = rotl(x05 ^ x09, 12);
x01 = x01 + x05 | 0;
x13 = rotl(x13 ^ x01, 8);
x09 = x09 + x13 | 0;
x05 = rotl(x05 ^ x09, 7);
x02 = x02 + x06 | 0;
x14 = rotl(x14 ^ x02, 16);
x10 = x10 + x14 | 0;
x06 = rotl(x06 ^ x10, 12);
x02 = x02 + x06 | 0;
x14 = rotl(x14 ^ x02, 8);
x10 = x10 + x14 | 0;
x06 = rotl(x06 ^ x10, 7);
x03 = x03 + x07 | 0;
x15 = rotl(x15 ^ x03, 16);
x11 = x11 + x15 | 0;
x07 = rotl(x07 ^ x11, 12);
x03 = x03 + x07 | 0;
x15 = rotl(x15 ^ x03, 8);
x11 = x11 + x15 | 0;
x07 = rotl(x07 ^ x11, 7);
x00 = x00 + x05 | 0;
x15 = rotl(x15 ^ x00, 16);
x10 = x10 + x15 | 0;
x05 = rotl(x05 ^ x10, 12);
x00 = x00 + x05 | 0;
x15 = rotl(x15 ^ x00, 8);
x10 = x10 + x15 | 0;
x05 = rotl(x05 ^ x10, 7);
x01 = x01 + x06 | 0;
x12 = rotl(x12 ^ x01, 16);
x11 = x11 + x12 | 0;
x06 = rotl(x06 ^ x11, 12);
x01 = x01 + x06 | 0;
x12 = rotl(x12 ^ x01, 8);
x11 = x11 + x12 | 0;
x06 = rotl(x06 ^ x11, 7);
x02 = x02 + x07 | 0;
x13 = rotl(x13 ^ x02, 16);
x08 = x08 + x13 | 0;
x07 = rotl(x07 ^ x08, 12);
x02 = x02 + x07 | 0;
x13 = rotl(x13 ^ x02, 8);
x08 = x08 + x13 | 0;
x07 = rotl(x07 ^ x08, 7);
x03 = x03 + x04 | 0;
x14 = rotl(x14 ^ x03, 16);
x09 = x09 + x14 | 0;
x04 = rotl(x04 ^ x09, 12);
x03 = x03 + x04 | 0;
x14 = rotl(x14 ^ x03, 8);
x09 = x09 + x14 | 0;
x04 = rotl(x04 ^ x09, 7);
let oi = 0;
out[oi++] = y00 + x00 | 0;
out[oi++] = y01 + x01 | 0;
out[oi++] = y02 + x02 | 0;
out[oi++] = y03 + x03 | 0;
out[oi++] = y04 + x04 | 0;
out[oi++] = y05 + x05 | 0;
out[oi++] = y06 + x06 | 0;
out[oi++] = y07 + x07 | 0;
out[oi++] = y08 + x08 | 0;
out[oi++] = y09 + x09 | 0;
out[oi++] = y10 + x10 | 0;
out[oi++] = y11 + x11 | 0;
out[oi++] = y12 + x12 | 0;
out[oi++] = y13 + x13 | 0;
out[oi++] = y14 + x14 | 0;
out[oi++] = y15 + x15 | 0;
function hchacha(s, k, i2, o32) {
let x00 = s[0], x01 = s[1], x02 = s[2], x03 = s[3], x04 = k[0], x05 = k[1], x06 = k[2], x07 = k[3], x08 = k[4], x09 = k[5], x10 = k[6], x11 = k[7], x12 = i2[0], x13 = i2[1], x14 = i2[2], x15 = i2[3];
for (let r = 0; r < 20; r += 2) {
x00 = x00 + x04 | 0;
x12 = rotl(x12 ^ x00, 16);
x08 = x08 + x12 | 0;
x04 = rotl(x04 ^ x08, 12);
x00 = x00 + x04 | 0;
x12 = rotl(x12 ^ x00, 8);
x08 = x08 + x12 | 0;
x04 = rotl(x04 ^ x08, 7);
x01 = x01 + x05 | 0;
x13 = rotl(x13 ^ x01, 16);
x09 = x09 + x13 | 0;
x05 = rotl(x05 ^ x09, 12);
x01 = x01 + x05 | 0;
x13 = rotl(x13 ^ x01, 8);
x09 = x09 + x13 | 0;
x05 = rotl(x05 ^ x09, 7);
x02 = x02 + x06 | 0;
x14 = rotl(x14 ^ x02, 16);
x10 = x10 + x14 | 0;
x06 = rotl(x06 ^ x10, 12);
x02 = x02 + x06 | 0;
x14 = rotl(x14 ^ x02, 8);
x10 = x10 + x14 | 0;
x06 = rotl(x06 ^ x10, 7);
x03 = x03 + x07 | 0;
x15 = rotl(x15 ^ x03, 16);
x11 = x11 + x15 | 0;
x07 = rotl(x07 ^ x11, 12);
x03 = x03 + x07 | 0;
x15 = rotl(x15 ^ x03, 8);
x11 = x11 + x15 | 0;
x07 = rotl(x07 ^ x11, 7);
x00 = x00 + x05 | 0;
x15 = rotl(x15 ^ x00, 16);
x10 = x10 + x15 | 0;
x05 = rotl(x05 ^ x10, 12);
x00 = x00 + x05 | 0;
x15 = rotl(x15 ^ x00, 8);
x10 = x10 + x15 | 0;
x05 = rotl(x05 ^ x10, 7);
x01 = x01 + x06 | 0;
x12 = rotl(x12 ^ x01, 16);
x11 = x11 + x12 | 0;
x06 = rotl(x06 ^ x11, 12);
x01 = x01 + x06 | 0;
x12 = rotl(x12 ^ x01, 8);
x11 = x11 + x12 | 0;
x06 = rotl(x06 ^ x11, 7);
x02 = x02 + x07 | 0;
x13 = rotl(x13 ^ x02, 16);
x08 = x08 + x13 | 0;
x07 = rotl(x07 ^ x08, 12);
x02 = x02 + x07 | 0;
x13 = rotl(x13 ^ x02, 8);
x08 = x08 + x13 | 0;
x07 = rotl(x07 ^ x08, 7);
x03 = x03 + x04 | 0;
x14 = rotl(x14 ^ x03, 16);
x09 = x09 + x14 | 0;
x04 = rotl(x04 ^ x09, 12);
x03 = x03 + x04 | 0;
x14 = rotl(x14 ^ x03, 8);
x09 = x09 + x14 | 0;
x04 = rotl(x04 ^ x09, 7);
let oi = 0;
o32[oi++] = x00;
o32[oi++] = x01;
o32[oi++] = x02;
o32[oi++] = x03;
o32[oi++] = x12;
o32[oi++] = x13;
o32[oi++] = x14;
o32[oi++] = x15;
var chacha20 = /* @__PURE__ */ createCipher(chachaCore, {
counterRight: false,
counterLength: 4,
allowShortKeys: false
var xchacha20 = /* @__PURE__ */ createCipher(chachaCore, {
counterRight: false,
counterLength: 8,
extendNonceFn: hchacha,
allowShortKeys: false
var ZEROS162 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Uint8Array(16);
var updatePadded = (h, msg) => {
const left = msg.length % 16;
if (left)
var ZEROS322 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Uint8Array(32);
function computeTag2(fn, key, nonce, data, AAD) {
const authKey = fn(key, nonce, ZEROS322);
const h = poly1305.create(authKey);
if (AAD)
updatePadded(h, AAD);
updatePadded(h, data);
const num = new Uint8Array(16);
const view = createView3(num);
setBigUint643(view, 0, BigInt(AAD ? AAD.length : 0), true);
setBigUint643(view, 8, BigInt(data.length), true);
const res = h.digest();
return res;
var _poly1305_aead = (xorStream) => (key, nonce, AAD) => {
const tagLength = 16;
bytes3(key, 32);
return {
encrypt: (plaintext, output4) => {
const plength = plaintext.length;
const clength = plength + tagLength;
if (output4) {
bytes3(output4, clength);
} else {
output4 = new Uint8Array(clength);
xorStream(key, nonce, plaintext, output4, 1);
const tag = computeTag2(xorStream, key, nonce, output4.subarray(0, -tagLength), AAD);
output4.set(tag, plength);
return output4;
decrypt: (ciphertext, output4) => {
const clength = ciphertext.length;
const plength = clength - tagLength;
if (clength < tagLength)
throw new Error(`encrypted data must be at least ${tagLength} bytes`);
if (output4) {
bytes3(output4, plength);
} else {
output4 = new Uint8Array(plength);
const data = ciphertext.subarray(0, -tagLength);
const passedTag = ciphertext.subarray(-tagLength);
const tag = computeTag2(xorStream, key, nonce, data, AAD);
if (!equalBytes2(passedTag, tag))
throw new Error("invalid tag");
xorStream(key, nonce, data, output4, 1);
return output4;
var chacha20poly1305 = /* @__PURE__ */ wrapCipher({ blockSize: 64, nonceLength: 12, tagLength: 16 }, _poly1305_aead(chacha20));
var xchacha20poly1305 = /* @__PURE__ */ wrapCipher({ blockSize: 64, nonceLength: 24, tagLength: 16 }, _poly1305_aead(xchacha20));
// node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/hmac.js
var HMAC2 = class extends Hash2 {
constructor(hash3, _key) {
this.finished = false;
this.destroyed = false;
const key = toBytes2(_key);
this.iHash = hash3.create();
if (typeof this.iHash.update !== "function")
throw new Error("Expected instance of class which extends utils.Hash");
this.blockLen = this.iHash.blockLen;
this.outputLen = this.iHash.outputLen;
const blockLen = this.blockLen;
const pad2 = new Uint8Array(blockLen);
pad2.set(key.length > blockLen ? hash3.create().update(key).digest() : key);
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < pad2.length; i2++)
pad2[i2] ^= 54;
this.oHash = hash3.create();
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < pad2.length; i2++)
pad2[i2] ^= 54 ^ 92;
update(buf) {
return this;
digestInto(out) {
assert_default.bytes(out, this.outputLen);
this.finished = true;
digest() {
const out = new Uint8Array(this.oHash.outputLen);
return out;
_cloneInto(to) {
to || (to = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this), {}));
const { oHash, iHash, finished, destroyed, blockLen, outputLen } = this;
to = to;
to.finished = finished;
to.destroyed = destroyed;
to.blockLen = blockLen;
to.outputLen = outputLen;
to.oHash = oHash._cloneInto(to.oHash);
to.iHash = iHash._cloneInto(to.iHash);
return to;
destroy() {
this.destroyed = true;
var hmac2 = (hash3, key, message) => new HMAC2(hash3, key).update(message).digest();
hmac2.create = (hash3, key) => new HMAC2(hash3, key);
// node_modules/@noble/hashes/esm/hkdf.js
function extract(hash3, ikm, salt) {
if (salt === void 0)
salt = new Uint8Array(hash3.outputLen);
return hmac2(hash3, toBytes2(salt), toBytes2(ikm));
var HKDF_COUNTER = new Uint8Array([0]);
var EMPTY_BUFFER = new Uint8Array();
function expand(hash3, prk, info, length = 32) {
if (length > 255 * hash3.outputLen)
throw new Error("Length should be <= 255*HashLen");
const blocks = Math.ceil(length / hash3.outputLen);
if (info === void 0)
const okm = new Uint8Array(blocks * hash3.outputLen);
const HMAC3 = hmac2.create(hash3, prk);
const HMACTmp = HMAC3._cloneInto();
const T = new Uint8Array(HMAC3.outputLen);
for (let counter = 0; counter < blocks; counter++) {
HKDF_COUNTER[0] = counter + 1;
HMACTmp.update(counter === 0 ? EMPTY_BUFFER : T).update(info).update(HKDF_COUNTER).digestInto(T);
okm.set(T, hash3.outputLen * counter);
return okm.slice(0, length);
// nip44.ts
var minPlaintextSize = 1;
var maxPlaintextSize = 65535;
function getConversationKey(privkeyA, pubkeyB) {
const sharedX = secp256k1.getSharedSecret(privkeyA, "02" + pubkeyB).subarray(1, 33);
return extract(sha2562, sharedX, "nip44-v2");
function getMessageKeys(conversationKey, nonce) {
const keys = expand(sha2562, conversationKey, nonce, 76);
return {
chacha_key: keys.subarray(0, 32),
chacha_nonce: keys.subarray(32, 44),
hmac_key: keys.subarray(44, 76)
function calcPaddedLen(len) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(len) || len < 1)
throw new Error("expected positive integer");
if (len <= 32)
return 32;
const nextPower = 1 << Math.floor(Math.log2(len - 1)) + 1;
const chunk = nextPower <= 256 ? 32 : nextPower / 8;
return chunk * (Math.floor((len - 1) / chunk) + 1);
function writeU16BE(num) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(num) || num < minPlaintextSize || num > maxPlaintextSize)
throw new Error("invalid plaintext size: must be between 1 and 65535 bytes");
const arr = new Uint8Array(2);
new DataView(arr.buffer).setUint16(0, num, false);
return arr;
function pad(plaintext) {
const unpadded = utf8Encoder.encode(plaintext);
const unpaddedLen = unpadded.length;
const prefix = writeU16BE(unpaddedLen);
const suffix = new Uint8Array(calcPaddedLen(unpaddedLen) - unpaddedLen);
return concatBytes3(prefix, unpadded, suffix);
function unpad(padded) {
const unpaddedLen = new DataView(padded.buffer).getUint16(0);
const unpadded = padded.subarray(2, 2 + unpaddedLen);
if (unpaddedLen < minPlaintextSize || unpaddedLen > maxPlaintextSize || unpadded.length !== unpaddedLen || padded.length !== 2 + calcPaddedLen(unpaddedLen))
throw new Error("invalid padding");
return utf8Decoder.decode(unpadded);
function hmacAad(key, message, aad) {
if (aad.length !== 32)
throw new Error("AAD associated data must be 32 bytes");
const combined = concatBytes3(aad, message);
return hmac2(sha2562, key, combined);
function decodePayload(payload) {
if (typeof payload !== "string")
throw new Error("payload must be a valid string");
const plen = payload.length;
if (plen < 132 || plen > 87472)
throw new Error("invalid payload length: " + plen);
if (payload[0] === "#")
throw new Error("unknown encryption version");
let data;
try {
data = base64.decode(payload);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error("invalid base64: " + error.message);
const dlen = data.length;
if (dlen < 99 || dlen > 65603)
throw new Error("invalid data length: " + dlen);
const vers = data[0];
if (vers !== 2)
throw new Error("unknown encryption version " + vers);
return {
nonce: data.subarray(1, 33),
ciphertext: data.subarray(33, -32),
mac: data.subarray(-32)
function encrypt3(plaintext, conversationKey, nonce = randomBytes2(32)) {
const { chacha_key, chacha_nonce, hmac_key } = getMessageKeys(conversationKey, nonce);
const padded = pad(plaintext);
const ciphertext = chacha20(chacha_key, chacha_nonce, padded);
const mac = hmacAad(hmac_key, ciphertext, nonce);
return base64.encode(concatBytes3(new Uint8Array([2]), nonce, ciphertext, mac));
function decrypt3(payload, conversationKey) {
const { nonce, ciphertext, mac } = decodePayload(payload);
const { chacha_key, chacha_nonce, hmac_key } = getMessageKeys(conversationKey, nonce);
const calculatedMac = hmacAad(hmac_key, ciphertext, nonce);
if (!equalBytes2(calculatedMac, mac))
throw new Error("invalid MAC");
const padded = chacha20(chacha_key, chacha_nonce, ciphertext);
return unpad(padded);
var v2 = {
utils: {
encrypt: encrypt3,
decrypt: decrypt3
// nip47.ts
var nip47_exports = {};
__export(nip47_exports, {
makeNwcRequestEvent: () => makeNwcRequestEvent,
parseConnectionString: () => parseConnectionString
function parseConnectionString(connectionString) {
const { pathname, searchParams } = new URL(connectionString);
const pubkey = pathname;
const relay = searchParams.get("relay");
const secret = searchParams.get("secret");
if (!pubkey || !relay || !secret) {
throw new Error("invalid connection string");
return { pubkey, relay, secret };
async function makeNwcRequestEvent(pubkey, secretKey, invoice) {
const content = {
method: "pay_invoice",
params: {
const encryptedContent = await encrypt2(secretKey, pubkey, JSON.stringify(content));
const eventTemplate = {
kind: NWCWalletRequest,
created_at: Math.round(Date.now() / 1e3),
content: encryptedContent,
tags: [["p", pubkey]]
return finalizeEvent(eventTemplate, secretKey);
// nip57.ts
var nip57_exports = {};
__export(nip57_exports, {
getZapEndpoint: () => getZapEndpoint,
makeZapReceipt: () => makeZapReceipt,
makeZapRequest: () => makeZapRequest,
useFetchImplementation: () => useFetchImplementation4,
validateZapRequest: () => validateZapRequest
var _fetch4;
try {
_fetch4 = fetch;
} catch {
function useFetchImplementation4(fetchImplementation) {
_fetch4 = fetchImplementation;
async function getZapEndpoint(metadata) {
try {
let lnurl = "";
let { lud06, lud16 } = JSON.parse(metadata.content);
if (lud06) {
let { words } = bech32.decode(lud06, 1e3);
let data = bech32.fromWords(words);
lnurl = utf8Decoder.decode(data);
} else if (lud16) {
let [name, domain] = lud16.split("@");
lnurl = new URL(`/.well-known/lnurlp/${name}`, `https://${domain}`).toString();
} else {
return null;
let res = await _fetch4(lnurl);
let body = await res.json();
if (body.allowsNostr && body.nostrPubkey) {
return body.callback;
} catch (err) {
return null;
function makeZapRequest({
comment = ""
}) {
if (!amount)
throw new Error("amount not given");
if (!profile)
throw new Error("profile not given");
let zr = {
kind: 9734,
created_at: Math.round(Date.now() / 1e3),
content: comment,
tags: [
["p", profile],
["amount", amount.toString()],
["relays", ...relays]
if (event) {
zr.tags.push(["e", event]);
return zr;
function validateZapRequest(zapRequestString) {
let zapRequest;
try {
zapRequest = JSON.parse(zapRequestString);
} catch (err) {
return "Invalid zap request JSON.";
if (!validateEvent(zapRequest))
return "Zap request is not a valid Nostr event.";
if (!verifyEvent(zapRequest))
return "Invalid signature on zap request.";
let p = zapRequest.tags.find(([t, v]) => t === "p" && v);
if (!p)
return "Zap request doesn't have a 'p' tag.";
if (!p[1].match(/^[a-f0-9]{64}$/))
return "Zap request 'p' tag is not valid hex.";
let e = zapRequest.tags.find(([t, v]) => t === "e" && v);
if (e && !e[1].match(/^[a-f0-9]{64}$/))
return "Zap request 'e' tag is not valid hex.";
let relays = zapRequest.tags.find(([t, v]) => t === "relays" && v);
if (!relays)
return "Zap request doesn't have a 'relays' tag.";
return null;
function makeZapReceipt({
}) {
let zr = JSON.parse(zapRequest);
let tagsFromZapRequest = zr.tags.filter(([t]) => t === "e" || t === "p" || t === "a");
let zap = {
kind: 9735,
created_at: Math.round(paidAt.getTime() / 1e3),
content: "",
tags: [...tagsFromZapRequest, ["P", zr.pubkey], ["bolt11", bolt11], ["description", zapRequest]]
if (preimage) {
zap.tags.push(["preimage", preimage]);
return zap;
// nip98.ts
var nip98_exports = {};
__export(nip98_exports, {
getToken: () => getToken,
hashPayload: () => hashPayload,
unpackEventFromToken: () => unpackEventFromToken,
validateEvent: () => validateEvent2,
validateEventKind: () => validateEventKind,
validateEventMethodTag: () => validateEventMethodTag,
validateEventPayloadTag: () => validateEventPayloadTag,
validateEventTimestamp: () => validateEventTimestamp,
validateEventUrlTag: () => validateEventUrlTag,
validateToken: () => validateToken
var _authorizationScheme = "Nostr ";
async function getToken(loginUrl, httpMethod, sign, includeAuthorizationScheme = false, payload) {
const event = {
kind: HTTPAuth,
tags: [
["u", loginUrl],
["method", httpMethod]
created_at: Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1e3),
content: ""
if (payload) {
event.tags.push(["payload", hashPayload(payload)]);
const signedEvent = await sign(event);
const authorizationScheme = includeAuthorizationScheme ? _authorizationScheme : "";
return authorizationScheme + base64.encode(utf8Encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(signedEvent)));
async function validateToken(token, url, method) {
const event = await unpackEventFromToken(token).catch((error) => {
throw error;
const valid = await validateEvent2(event, url, method).catch((error) => {
throw error;
return valid;
async function unpackEventFromToken(token) {
if (!token) {
throw new Error("Missing token");
token = token.replace(_authorizationScheme, "");
const eventB64 = utf8Decoder.decode(base64.decode(token));
if (!eventB64 || eventB64.length === 0 || !eventB64.startsWith("{")) {
throw new Error("Invalid token");
const event = JSON.parse(eventB64);
return event;
function validateEventTimestamp(event) {
if (!event.created_at) {
return false;
return Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1e3) - event.created_at < 60;
function validateEventKind(event) {
return event.kind === HTTPAuth;
function validateEventUrlTag(event, url) {
const urlTag = event.tags.find((t) => t[0] === "u");
if (!urlTag) {
return false;
return urlTag.length > 0 && urlTag[1] === url;
function validateEventMethodTag(event, method) {
const methodTag = event.tags.find((t) => t[0] === "method");
if (!methodTag) {
return false;
return methodTag.length > 0 && methodTag[1].toLowerCase() === method.toLowerCase();
function hashPayload(payload) {
const hash3 = sha2562(utf8Encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(payload)));
return bytesToHex2(hash3);
function validateEventPayloadTag(event, payload) {
const payloadTag = event.tags.find((t) => t[0] === "payload");
if (!payloadTag) {
return false;
const payloadHash = hashPayload(payload);
return payloadTag.length > 0 && payloadTag[1] === payloadHash;
async function validateEvent2(event, url, method, body) {
if (!verifyEvent(event)) {
throw new Error("Invalid nostr event, signature invalid");
if (!validateEventKind(event)) {
throw new Error("Invalid nostr event, kind invalid");
if (!validateEventTimestamp(event)) {
throw new Error("Invalid nostr event, created_at timestamp invalid");
if (!validateEventUrlTag(event, url)) {
throw new Error("Invalid nostr event, url tag invalid");
if (!validateEventMethodTag(event, method)) {
throw new Error("Invalid nostr event, method tag invalid");
if (Boolean(body) && typeof body === "object" && Object.keys(body).length > 0) {
if (!validateEventPayloadTag(event, body)) {
throw new Error("Invalid nostr event, payload tag does not match request body hash");
return true;
return __toCommonJS(nostr_tools_exports);