2022-11-03 15:15:09 +02:00

648 lines
22 KiB

import json
import math
from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import Dict, List, Union
import httpx
# -------- cashu imports
from cashu.core.base import (
from fastapi import Query
from fastapi.params import Depends
from lnurl import decode as decode_lnurl
from loguru import logger
from secp256k1 import PublicKey
from starlette.exceptions import HTTPException
from lnbits import bolt11
from lnbits.core.crud import check_internal, get_user
from lnbits.core.services import (
from lnbits.core.views.api import api_payment
from lnbits.decorators import WalletTypeInfo, get_key_type, require_admin_key
from lnbits.helpers import urlsafe_short_hash
from lnbits.wallets.base import PaymentStatus
from . import cashu_ext, ledger
from .crud import create_cashu, delete_cashu, get_cashu, get_cashus
from .models import Cashu
# --------- extension imports
############### LNBITS MINTS ###########
@cashu_ext.get("/api/v1/mints", status_code=HTTPStatus.OK)
async def api_cashus(
all_wallets: bool = Query(False), wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type)
Get all mints of this wallet.
wallet_ids = [wallet.wallet.id]
if all_wallets:
wallet_ids = (await get_user(wallet.wallet.user)).wallet_ids
return [cashu.dict() for cashu in await get_cashus(wallet_ids)]
@cashu_ext.post("/api/v1/mints", status_code=HTTPStatus.CREATED)
async def api_cashu_create(data: Cashu, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type)):
Create a new mint for this wallet.
cashu_id = urlsafe_short_hash()
# generate a new keyset in cashu
keyset = await ledger.load_keyset(cashu_id)
cashu = await create_cashu(
cashu_id=cashu_id, keyset_id=keyset.id, wallet_id=wallet.wallet.id, data=data
return cashu.dict()
async def api_cashu_delete(
cashu_id: str, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(require_admin_key)
Delete an existing cashu mint.
cashu = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
if not cashu:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Cashu mint does not exist."
if cashu.wallet != wallet.wallet.id:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, detail="Not your Cashu mint."
await delete_cashu(cashu_id)
raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT)
########### CASHU ENDPOINTS ###########
@cashu_ext.get("/api/v1/{cashu_id}/keys", status_code=HTTPStatus.OK)
async def keys(cashu_id: str = Query(None)) -> dict[int, str]:
"""Get the public keys of the mint"""
cashu: Union[Cashu, None] = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
if not cashu:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Mint does not exist."
return ledger.get_keyset(keyset_id=cashu.keyset_id)
@cashu_ext.get("/api/v1/{cashu_id}/keysets", status_code=HTTPStatus.OK)
async def keysets(cashu_id: str = Query(None)) -> dict[str, list[str]]:
"""Get the public keys of the mint"""
cashu: Union[Cashu, None] = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
if not cashu:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Mint does not exist."
return {"keysets": [cashu.keyset_id]}
async def request_mint(cashu_id: str = Query(None), amount: int = 0) -> GetMintResponse:
Request minting of new tokens. The mint responds with a Lightning invoice.
This endpoint can be used for a Lightning invoice UX flow.
Call `POST /mint` after paying the invoice.
cashu: Union[Cashu, None] = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
if not cashu:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Mint does not exist."
# create an invoice that the wallet needs to pay
payment_hash, payment_request = await create_invoice(
extra={"tag": "cashu"},
invoice = Invoice(
amount=amount, pr=payment_request, hash=payment_hash, issued=False
# await store_lightning_invoice(cashu_id, invoice)
await ledger.crud.store_lightning_invoice(invoice=invoice, db=ledger.db)
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(e))
print(f"Lightning invoice: {payment_request}")
resp = GetMintResponse(pr=payment_request, hash=payment_hash)
# return {"pr": payment_request, "hash": payment_hash}
return resp
async def mint_coins(
data: MintRequest,
cashu_id: str = Query(None),
payment_hash: str = Query(None),
) -> List[BlindedSignature]:
Requests the minting of tokens belonging to a paid payment request.
Call this endpoint after `GET /mint`.
cashu: Union[Cashu, None] = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
if cashu is None:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Mint does not exist."
invoice: Invoice = await ledger.crud.get_lightning_invoice(
db=ledger.db, hash=payment_hash
if invoice is None:
raise HTTPException(
detail="Mint does not know this invoice.",
if invoice.issued == True:
raise HTTPException(
detail="Tokens already issued for this invoice.",
total_requested = sum([bm.amount for bm in data.blinded_messages])
if total_requested > invoice.amount:
raise HTTPException(
detail=f"Requested amount too high: {total_requested}. Invoice amount: {invoice.amount}",
status: PaymentStatus = await check_transaction_status(cashu.wallet, payment_hash)
if status.paid != True:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=HTTPStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED, detail="Invoice not paid."
keyset = ledger.keysets.keysets[cashu.keyset_id]
promises = await ledger._generate_promises(
B_s=data.blinded_messages, keyset=keyset
assert len(promises), HTTPException(
status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail="No promises returned."
await ledger.crud.update_lightning_invoice(
db=ledger.db, hash=payment_hash, issued=True
return promises
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(e))
async def melt_coins(
payload: MeltRequest, cashu_id: str = Query(None)
) -> GetMeltResponse:
"""Invalidates proofs and pays a Lightning invoice."""
cashu: Union[None, Cashu] = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
if cashu is None:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Mint does not exist."
proofs = payload.proofs
invoice = payload.invoice
assert all([p.id == cashu.keyset_id for p in proofs]), HTTPException(
detail="Proofs include tokens from another mint.",
assert all([ledger._verify_proof(p) for p in proofs]), HTTPException(
detail="Could not verify proofs.",
total_provided = sum([p["amount"] for p in proofs])
invoice_obj = bolt11.decode(invoice)
amount = math.ceil(invoice_obj.amount_msat / 1000)
internal_checking_id = await check_internal(invoice_obj.payment_hash)
if not internal_checking_id:
fees_msat = fee_reserve(invoice_obj.amount_msat)
fees_msat = 0
assert total_provided >= amount + fees_msat / 1000, Exception(
f"Provided proofs ({total_provided} sats) not enough for Lightning payment ({amount + fees_msat} sats)."
await pay_invoice(
description=f"pay cashu invoice",
extra={"tag": "cashu", "cahsu_name": cashu.name},
status: PaymentStatus = await check_transaction_status(
cashu.wallet, invoice_obj.payment_hash
if status.paid == True:
await ledger._invalidate_proofs(proofs)
return GetMeltResponse(paid=status.paid, preimage=status.preimage)
async def check_spendable(
payload: CheckRequest, cashu_id: str = Query(None)
) -> Dict[int, bool]:
"""Check whether a secret has been spent already or not."""
cashu: Union[None, Cashu] = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
if cashu is None:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Mint does not exist."
return await ledger.check_spendable(payload.proofs)
async def check_fees(
payload: CheckFeesRequest, cashu_id: str = Query(None)
) -> CheckFeesResponse:
Responds with the fees necessary to pay a Lightning invoice.
Used by wallets for figuring out the fees they need to supply.
This is can be useful for checking whether an invoice is internal (Cashu-to-Cashu).
cashu: Union[None, Cashu] = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
if cashu is None:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Mint does not exist."
invoice_obj = bolt11.decode(payload.pr)
internal_checking_id = await check_internal(invoice_obj.payment_hash)
if not internal_checking_id:
fees_msat = fee_reserve(invoice_obj.amount_msat)
fees_msat = 0
return CheckFeesResponse(fee=fees_msat / 1000)
async def split(
payload: SplitRequest, cashu_id: str = Query(None)
) -> PostSplitResponse:
Requetst a set of tokens with amount "total" to be split into two
newly minted sets with amount "split" and "total-split".
cashu: Union[None, Cashu] = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
if cashu is None:
raise HTTPException(
status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Mint does not exist."
proofs = payload.proofs
amount = payload.amount
outputs = payload.outputs.blinded_messages
assert outputs, Exception("no outputs provided.")
split_return = None
keyset = ledger.keysets.keysets[cashu.keyset_id]
split_return = await ledger.split(proofs, amount, outputs, keyset)
except Exception as exc:
raise HTTPException(
if not split_return:
raise HTTPException(
detail="there was an error with the split",
frst_promises, scnd_promises = split_return
resp = PostSplitResponse(fst=frst_promises, snd=scnd_promises)
return resp
# @cashu_ext.post("/api/v1s/upodatekeys", status_code=HTTPStatus.CREATED)
# async def api_cashu_update_keys(
# data: Cashu, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type)
# ):
# cashu = await get_cashu(data.id)
# cashu = await create_cashu(wallet_id=wallet.wallet.id, data=data)
# logger.debug(cashu)
# return cashu.dict()
# ########################################
# #################????###################
# ########################################
# @cashu_ext.post("/api/v1s/{cashu_id}/invoices", status_code=HTTPStatus.CREATED)
# async def api_cashu_create_invoice(
# amount: int = Query(..., ge=1), tipAmount: int = None, cashu_id: str = None
# ):
# cashu = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
# if not cashu:
# raise HTTPException(
# status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="TPoS does not exist."
# )
# if tipAmount:
# amount += tipAmount
# try:
# payment_hash, payment_request = await create_invoice(
# wallet_id=cashu.wallet,
# amount=amount,
# memo=f"{cashu.name}",
# extra={"tag": "cashu", "tipAmount": tipAmount, "cashuId": cashu_id},
# )
# except Exception as e:
# raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(e))
# return {"payment_hash": payment_hash, "payment_request": payment_request}
# @cashu_ext.post(
# "/api/v1s/{cashu_id}/invoices/{payment_request}/pay",
# status_code=HTTPStatus.OK,
# )
# async def api_cashu_pay_invoice(
# lnurl_data: PayLnurlWData, payment_request: str = None, cashu_id: str = None
# ):
# cashu = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
# if not cashu:
# raise HTTPException(
# status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="TPoS does not exist."
# )
# lnurl = (
# lnurl_data.lnurl.replace("lnurlw://", "")
# .replace("lightning://", "")
# .replace("LIGHTNING://", "")
# .replace("lightning:", "")
# .replace("LIGHTNING:", "")
# )
# if lnurl.lower().startswith("lnurl"):
# lnurl = decode_lnurl(lnurl)
# else:
# lnurl = "https://" + lnurl
# async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
# try:
# r = await client.get(lnurl, follow_redirects=True)
# if r.is_error:
# lnurl_response = {"success": False, "detail": "Error loading"}
# else:
# resp = r.json()
# if resp["tag"] != "withdrawRequest":
# lnurl_response = {"success": False, "detail": "Wrong tag type"}
# else:
# r2 = await client.get(
# resp["callback"],
# follow_redirects=True,
# params={
# "k1": resp["k1"],
# "pr": payment_request,
# },
# )
# resp2 = r2.json()
# if r2.is_error:
# lnurl_response = {
# "success": False,
# "detail": "Error loading callback",
# }
# elif resp2["status"] == "ERROR":
# lnurl_response = {"success": False, "detail": resp2["reason"]}
# else:
# lnurl_response = {"success": True, "detail": resp2}
# except (httpx.ConnectError, httpx.RequestError):
# lnurl_response = {"success": False, "detail": "Unexpected error occurred"}
# return lnurl_response
# @cashu_ext.get(
# "/api/v1s/{cashu_id}/invoices/{payment_hash}", status_code=HTTPStatus.OK
# )
# async def api_cashu_check_invoice(cashu_id: str, payment_hash: str):
# cashu = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
# if not cashu:
# raise HTTPException(
# status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="TPoS does not exist."
# )
# try:
# status = await api_payment(payment_hash)
# except Exception as exc:
# logger.error(exc)
# return {"paid": False}
# return status
# ########################################
# #################MINT###################
# ########################################
# # @cashu_ext.get("/api/v1/{cashu_id}/keys", status_code=HTTPStatus.OK)
# # async def keys(cashu_id: str = Query(False)):
# # """Get the public keys of the mint"""
# # mint = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
# # if mint is None:
# # raise HTTPException(
# # status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Mint does not exist."
# # )
# # return get_pubkeys(mint.prvkey)
# @cashu_ext.get("/api/v1/{cashu_id}/mint")
# async def mint_pay_request(amount: int = 0, cashu_id: str = Query(None)):
# """Request minting of tokens. Server responds with a Lightning invoice."""
# cashu = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
# if cashu is None:
# raise HTTPException(
# status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Mint does not exist."
# )
# try:
# payment_hash, payment_request = await create_invoice(
# wallet_id=cashu.wallet,
# amount=amount,
# memo=f"{cashu.name}",
# extra={"tag": "cashu"},
# )
# invoice = Invoice(
# amount=amount, pr=payment_request, hash=payment_hash, issued=False
# )
# await store_lightning_invoice(cashu_id, invoice)
# except Exception as e:
# logger.error(e)
# raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(e))
# return {"pr": payment_request, "hash": payment_hash}
# @cashu_ext.post("/api/v1/{cashu_id}/mint")
# async def mint_coins(
# data: MintPayloads,
# cashu_id: str = Query(None),
# payment_hash: Union[str, None] = None,
# ):
# """
# Requests the minting of tokens belonging to a paid payment request.
# Call this endpoint after `GET /mint`.
# """
# cashu: Cashu = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
# if cashu is None:
# raise HTTPException(
# status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Mint does not exist."
# )
# invoice: Invoice = (
# None
# if payment_hash == None
# else await get_lightning_invoice(cashu_id, payment_hash)
# )
# if invoice is None:
# raise HTTPException(
# status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Mint does not have this invoice."
# )
# if invoice.issued == True:
# raise HTTPException(
# status_code=HTTPStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED,
# detail="Tokens already issued for this invoice.",
# )
# total_requested = sum([bm.amount for bm in data.blinded_messages])
# if total_requested > invoice.amount:
# raise HTTPException(
# status_code=HTTPStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED,
# detail=f"Requested amount too high: {total_requested}. Invoice amount: {invoice.amount}",
# )
# status: PaymentStatus = await check_transaction_status(cashu.wallet, payment_hash)
# # todo: revert to: status.paid != True:
# if status.paid != True:
# raise HTTPException(
# status_code=HTTPStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED, detail="Invoice not paid."
# )
# try:
# await update_lightning_invoice(cashu_id, payment_hash, True)
# amounts = []
# B_s = []
# for payload in data.blinded_messages:
# amounts.append(payload.amount)
# B_s.append(PublicKey(bytes.fromhex(payload.B_), raw=True))
# promises = await generate_promises(cashu.prvkey, amounts, B_s)
# for amount, B_, p in zip(amounts, B_s, promises):
# await store_promise(amount, B_.serialize().hex(), p.C_, cashu_id)
# return promises
# except Exception as e:
# logger.error(e)
# raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(e))
# @cashu_ext.post("/api/v1/{cashu_id}/melt")
# async def melt_coins(payload: MeltPayload, cashu_id: str = Query(None)):
# """Invalidates proofs and pays a Lightning invoice."""
# cashu: Cashu = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
# if cashu is None:
# raise HTTPException(
# status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Mint does not exist."
# )
# try:
# ok, preimage = await melt(cashu, payload.proofs, payload.invoice)
# return {"paid": ok, "preimage": preimage}
# except Exception as e:
# logger.error(e)
# raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(e))
# @cashu_ext.post("/api/v1/{cashu_id}/check")
# async def check_spendable_coins(payload: CheckPayload, cashu_id: str = Query(None)):
# return await check_spendable(payload.proofs, cashu_id)
# @cashu_ext.post("/api/v1/{cashu_id}/split")
# async def split_proofs(payload: SplitRequest, cashu_id: str = Query(None)):
# """
# Requetst a set of tokens with amount "total" to be split into two
# newly minted sets with amount "split" and "total-split".
# """
# print("### RECEIVE")
# print("payload", json.dumps(payload, default=vars))
# cashu: Cashu = await get_cashu(cashu_id)
# if cashu is None:
# raise HTTPException(
# status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Mint does not exist."
# )
# proofs = payload.proofs
# amount = payload.amount
# outputs = payload.outputs.blinded_messages if payload.outputs else None
# try:
# split_return = await split(cashu, proofs, amount, outputs)
# except Exception as exc:
# raise CashuError(error=str(exc))
# if not split_return:
# return {"error": "there was a problem with the split."}
# frst_promises, scnd_promises = split_return
# resp = PostSplitResponse(fst=frst_promises, snd=scnd_promises)
# print("### resp", json.dumps(resp, default=vars))
# return resp