Bitkarrot d5ae1e3d6a
feat: add getalby wallet as funding source (#2086)
* initial scaffolding, methods for getalby wallet
* Add getAlby to docs and i18n
* update alby wallet methods
* change names from GetAlbyWallet to AlbyWallet
* remove unused variables in AlbyFundingSource in settings.py
* rename getalby.py to alby.py
* fix method auth and status
* resolve rolznz commented issues
* fix desc hash in create_invoice


Co-authored-by: Pavol Rusnak <pavol@rusnak.io>
Co-authored-by: dni  <office@dnilabs.com>
2023-11-14 20:28:25 +01:00

87 lines
2.5 KiB

// update cache version every time there is a new deployment
// so the service worker reinitializes the cache
const CACHE_VERSION = 72
const CURRENT_CACHE = `lnbits-${CACHE_VERSION}-`
const getApiKey = request => {
let api_key = request.headers.get('X-Api-Key')
if (!api_key || api_key == 'undefined') {
api_key = 'no_api_key'
return api_key
// on activation we clean up the previously registered service workers
self.addEventListener('activate', evt =>
caches.keys().then(cacheNames => {
return Promise.all(
cacheNames.map(cacheName => {
const currentCacheVersion = cacheName.split('-').slice(-2, 2)
if (currentCacheVersion !== CACHE_VERSION) {
return caches.delete(cacheName)
// The fetch handler serves responses for same-origin resources from a cache.
// If no response is found, it populates the runtime cache with the response
// from the network before returning it to the page.
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
if (
self.location.origin + '/api/v1/payments/sse'
) &&
event.request.url.startsWith(self.location.origin) &&
event.request.method == 'GET'
) {
// Open the cache
caches.open(CURRENT_CACHE + getApiKey(event.request)).then(cache => {
// Go to the network first
return fetch(event.request)
.then(fetchedResponse => {
cache.put(event.request, fetchedResponse.clone())
return fetchedResponse
.catch(() => {
// If the network is unavailable, get
return cache.match(event.request.url)
// Handle and show incoming push notifications
self.addEventListener('push', function (event) {
if (!(self.Notification && self.Notification.permission === 'granted')) {
let data = event.data.json()
const title = data.title
const body = data.body
const url = data.url
self.registration.showNotification(title, {
body: body,
icon: '/favicon.ico',
data: {
url: url
// User can click on the notification message to open wallet
// Installed app will open when `url_handlers` in web app manifest is supported
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function (event) {