fiatjaf d3fc52cd49 migrate to sqlalchemy-aio.
a big refactor that:

- fixes some issues that might have happened (or not) with asynchronous
    reactions to payments;
- paves the way to https://github.com/lnbits/lnbits/issues/121;
- uses more async/await notation which just looks nice; and
- makes it simple(r?) for one extension to modify stuff from other extensions.
2020-11-21 23:02:14 -03:00

116 lines
3.5 KiB

from typing import List, Optional, Union
from lnbits.helpers import urlsafe_short_hash
from . import db
from .models import Tickets, Forms
async def create_ticket(
payment_hash: str, wallet: str, form: str, name: str, email: str, ltext: str, sats: int,
) -> Tickets:
await db.execute(
INSERT INTO ticket (id, form, email, ltext, name, wallet, sats, paid)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
(payment_hash, form, email, ltext, name, wallet, sats, False),
ticket = await get_ticket(payment_hash)
assert ticket, "Newly created ticket couldn't be retrieved"
return ticket
async def set_ticket_paid(payment_hash: str) -> Tickets:
row = await db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM ticket WHERE id = ?", (payment_hash,))
if row[7] == False:
await db.execute(
UPDATE ticket
SET paid = true
WHERE id = ?
formdata = await get_form(row[1])
assert formdata, "Couldn't get form from paid ticket"
amount = formdata.amountmade + row[7]
await db.execute(
UPDATE forms
SET amountmade = ?
WHERE id = ?
(amount, row[1]),
ticket = await get_ticket(payment_hash)
assert ticket, "Newly updated ticket couldn't be retrieved"
return ticket
async def get_ticket(ticket_id: str) -> Optional[Tickets]:
row = await db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM ticket WHERE id = ?", (ticket_id,))
return Tickets(**row) if row else None
async def get_tickets(wallet_ids: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[Tickets]:
if isinstance(wallet_ids, str):
wallet_ids = [wallet_ids]
q = ",".join(["?"] * len(wallet_ids))
rows = await db.fetchall(f"SELECT * FROM ticket WHERE wallet IN ({q})", (*wallet_ids,))
return [Tickets(**row) for row in rows]
async def delete_ticket(ticket_id: str) -> None:
await db.execute("DELETE FROM ticket WHERE id = ?", (ticket_id,))
async def create_form(*, wallet: str, name: str, description: str, costpword: int) -> Forms:
form_id = urlsafe_short_hash()
await db.execute(
INSERT INTO forms (id, wallet, name, description, costpword, amountmade)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
(form_id, wallet, name, description, costpword, 0),
form = await get_form(form_id)
assert form, "Newly created form couldn't be retrieved"
return form
async def update_form(form_id: str, **kwargs) -> Forms:
q = ", ".join([f"{field[0]} = ?" for field in kwargs.items()])
await db.execute(f"UPDATE forms SET {q} WHERE id = ?", (*kwargs.values(), form_id))
row = await db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM forms WHERE id = ?", (form_id,))
assert row, "Newly updated form couldn't be retrieved"
return Forms(**row)
async def get_form(form_id: str) -> Optional[Forms]:
row = await db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM forms WHERE id = ?", (form_id,))
return Forms(**row) if row else None
async def get_forms(wallet_ids: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[Forms]:
if isinstance(wallet_ids, str):
wallet_ids = [wallet_ids]
q = ",".join(["?"] * len(wallet_ids))
rows = await db.fetchall(f"SELECT * FROM forms WHERE wallet IN ({q})", (*wallet_ids,))
return [Forms(**row) for row in rows]
async def delete_form(form_id: str) -> None:
await db.execute("DELETE FROM forms WHERE id = ?", (form_id,))