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synced 2025-03-04 01:53:59 +01:00
37923 lines
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37923 lines
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* Quasar Framework v1.13.2
* (c) 2015-present Razvan Stoenescu
* Released under the MIT License.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory(require('vue')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['vue'], factory) :
(global = global || self, global.Quasar = factory(global.Vue));
}(this, (function (Vue) { 'use strict';
Vue = Vue && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Vue, 'default') ? Vue['default'] : Vue;
var version = "1.13.2";
/* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */
var isSSR = typeof window === 'undefined';
var fromSSR = false;
var onSSR = isSSR;
var iosEmulated = false;
var iosCorrection;
function getMatch (userAgent, platformMatch) {
var match = /(edge|edga|edgios)\/([\w.]+)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(opr)[\/]([\w.]+)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(vivaldi)[\/]([\w.]+)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(chrome|crios)[\/]([\w.]+)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(iemobile)[\/]([\w.]+)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(version)(applewebkit)[\/]([\w.]+).*(safari)[\/]([\w.]+)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(webkit)[\/]([\w.]+).*(version)[\/]([\w.]+).*(safari)[\/]([\w.]+)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(firefox|fxios)[\/]([\w.]+)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(webkit)[\/]([\w.]+)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(opera)(?:.*version|)[\/]([\w.]+)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(userAgent) ||
(userAgent.indexOf('trident') >= 0 && /(rv)(?::| )([\w.]+)/.exec(userAgent)) ||
(userAgent.indexOf('compatible') < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(userAgent)) ||
return {
browser: match[5] || match[3] || match[1] || '',
version: match[2] || match[4] || '0',
versionNumber: match[4] || match[2] || '0',
platform: platformMatch[0] || ''
function getPlatformMatch (userAgent) {
return /(ipad)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(ipod)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(windows phone)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(iphone)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(kindle)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(silk)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(android)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(win)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(mac)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(linux)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(cros)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(playbook)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(bb)/.exec(userAgent) ||
/(blackberry)/.exec(userAgent) ||
var hasTouch = isSSR === false
? 'ontouchstart' in window || window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0
: false;
function applyIosCorrection (is) {
var obj;
iosCorrection = { is: Object.assign({}, is) };
delete is.mac;
delete is.desktop;
var platform = Math.min(window.innerHeight, window.innerWidth) > 414
? 'ipad'
: 'iphone';
Object.assign(is, ( obj = {
mobile: true,
ios: true,
platform: platform
}, obj[ platform ] = true, obj ));
function getPlatform (UA) {
userAgent = UA.toLowerCase(),
platformMatch = getPlatformMatch(userAgent),
matched = getMatch(userAgent, platformMatch),
browser = {};
if (matched.browser) {
browser[matched.browser] = true;
browser.version = matched.version;
browser.versionNumber = parseInt(matched.versionNumber, 10);
if (matched.platform) {
browser[matched.platform] = true;
var knownMobiles = browser.android ||
browser.ios ||
browser.bb ||
browser.blackberry ||
browser.ipad ||
browser.iphone ||
browser.ipod ||
browser.kindle ||
browser.playbook ||
browser.silk ||
browser['windows phone'];
// These are all considered mobile platforms, meaning they run a mobile browser
if (knownMobiles === true || userAgent.indexOf('mobile') > -1) {
browser.mobile = true;
if (browser.edga || browser.edgios) {
browser.edge = true;
matched.browser = 'edge';
else if (browser.crios) {
browser.chrome = true;
matched.browser = 'chrome';
else if (browser.fxios) {
browser.firefox = true;
matched.browser = 'firefox';
// If it's not mobile we should consider it's desktop platform, meaning it runs a desktop browser
// It's a workaround for anonymized user agents
// (browser.cros || browser.mac || browser.linux || browser.win)
else {
browser.desktop = true;
// Set iOS if on iPod, iPad or iPhone
if (browser.ipod || browser.ipad || browser.iphone) {
browser.ios = true;
if (browser['windows phone']) {
browser.winphone = true;
delete browser['windows phone'];
// Chrome, Opera 15+, Vivaldi and Safari are webkit based browsers
if (
browser.chrome ||
browser.opr ||
browser.safari ||
browser.vivaldi ||
// we expect unknown, non iOS mobile browsers to be webkit based
browser.mobile === true &&
browser.ios !== true &&
knownMobiles !== true
) {
browser.webkit = true;
// IE11 has a new token so we will assign it msie to avoid breaking changes
if (browser.rv || browser.iemobile) {
matched.browser = 'ie';
browser.ie = true;
// Blackberry browsers are marked as Safari on BlackBerry
if (browser.safari && browser.blackberry || browser.bb) {
matched.browser = 'blackberry';
browser.blackberry = true;
// Playbook browsers are marked as Safari on Playbook
if (browser.safari && browser.playbook) {
matched.browser = 'playbook';
browser.playbook = true;
// Opera 15+ are identified as opr
if (browser.opr) {
matched.browser = 'opera';
browser.opera = true;
// Stock Android browsers are marked as Safari on Android.
if (browser.safari && browser.android) {
matched.browser = 'android';
browser.android = true;
// Kindle browsers are marked as Safari on Kindle
if (browser.safari && browser.kindle) {
matched.browser = 'kindle';
browser.kindle = true;
// Kindle Silk browsers are marked as Safari on Kindle
if (browser.safari && browser.silk) {
matched.browser = 'silk';
browser.silk = true;
if (browser.vivaldi) {
matched.browser = 'vivaldi';
browser.vivaldi = true;
// Assign the name and platform variable
browser.name = matched.browser;
browser.platform = matched.platform;
if (isSSR === false) {
if (userAgent.indexOf('electron') > -1) {
browser.electron = true;
else if (document.location.href.indexOf('-extension://') > -1) {
browser.bex = true;
else {
if (window.Capacitor !== void 0) {
browser.capacitor = true;
browser.nativeMobile = true;
browser.nativeMobileWrapper = 'capacitor';
else if (window._cordovaNative !== void 0 || window.cordova !== void 0) {
browser.cordova = true;
browser.nativeMobile = true;
browser.nativeMobileWrapper = 'cordova';
if (
hasTouch === true &&
browser.mac === true &&
(browser.desktop === true && browser.safari === true) ||
browser.nativeMobile === true &&
browser.android !== true &&
browser.ios !== true &&
browser.ipad !== true
) {
* Correction needed for iOS since the default
* setting on iPad is to request desktop view; if we have
* touch support and the user agent says it's a
* desktop, we infer that it's an iPhone/iPad with desktop view
* so we must fix the false positives
fromSSR = browser.nativeMobile === void 0 &&
browser.electron === void 0 &&
document.querySelector('[data-server-rendered]') !== null;
if (fromSSR === true) {
onSSR = true;
return browser
var userAgent = isSSR !== true
? navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera
: '';
var ssrClient = {
has: {
touch: false,
webStorage: false
within: { iframe: false }
// We export "client" for hydration error-free parts,
// like touch directives who do not (and must NOT) wait
// for the client takeover;
// Do NOT import this directly in your app, unless you really know
// what you are doing.
var client = isSSR === false
? {
userAgent: userAgent,
is: getPlatform(userAgent),
has: {
touch: hasTouch,
webStorage: (function () {
try {
if (window.localStorage) {
return true
catch (e) {}
return false
within: {
iframe: window.self !== window.top
: ssrClient;
var Platform = {
install: function install ($q, queues) {
var this$1 = this;
if (isSSR === true) {
// we're on server-side, so we push
// to the server queue instead of
// applying directly
queues.server.push(function (q, ctx) {
q.platform = this$1.parseSSR(ctx.ssr);
else if (fromSSR === true) {
// must match with server-side before
// client taking over in order to prevent
// hydration errors
Object.assign(this, client, iosCorrection, ssrClient);
// takeover should increase accuracy for
// the rest of the props; we also avoid
// hydration errors
queues.takeover.push(function (q) {
onSSR = fromSSR = false;
Object.assign(q.platform, client);
iosCorrection = void 0;
// we need to make platform reactive
// for the takeover phase
Vue.util.defineReactive($q, 'platform', this);
else {
// we don't have any business with SSR, so
// directly applying...
Object.assign(this, client);
$q.platform = this;
if (isSSR === true) {
Platform.parseSSR = function (/* ssrContext */ ssr) {
var userAgent = ssr.req.headers['user-agent'] || ssr.req.headers['User-Agent'] || '';
return Object.assign({}, client,
{userAgent: userAgent,
is: getPlatform(userAgent)})
else {
iosEmulated = client.is.ios === true &&
window.navigator.vendor.toLowerCase().indexOf('apple') === -1;
var listenOpts = {
hasPassive: false,
passiveCapture: true,
notPassiveCapture: true
try {
var opts = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {
get: function get () {
Object.assign(listenOpts, {
hasPassive: true,
passive: { passive: true },
notPassive: { passive: false },
passiveCapture: { passive: true, capture: true },
notPassiveCapture: { passive: false, capture: true }
window.addEventListener('qtest', null, opts);
window.removeEventListener('qtest', null, opts);
catch (e) {}
function noop () {}
function leftClick (e) {
return e.button === 0
function middleClick (e) {
return e.button === 1
function rightClick (e) {
return e.button === 2
function position (e) {
if (e.touches && e.touches[0]) {
e = e.touches[0];
else if (e.changedTouches && e.changedTouches[0]) {
e = e.changedTouches[0];
else if (e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches[0]) {
e = e.targetTouches[0];
return {
top: e.clientY,
left: e.clientX
function getEventPath (e) {
if (e.path) {
return e.path
if (e.composedPath) {
return e.composedPath()
var path = [];
var el = e.target;
while (el) {
if (el.tagName === 'HTML') {
return path
el = el.parentElement;
// Reasonable defaults
function getMouseWheelDistance (e) {
var assign;
var x = e.deltaX, y = e.deltaY;
if ((x || y) && e.deltaMode) {
var multiplier = e.deltaMode === 1 ? LINE_HEIGHT : PAGE_HEIGHT;
x *= multiplier;
y *= multiplier;
if (e.shiftKey && !x) {
(assign = [x, y], y = assign[0], x = assign[1]);
return { x: x, y: y }
function stop (e) {
function prevent (e) {
e.cancelable !== false && e.preventDefault();
function stopAndPrevent (e) {
e.cancelable !== false && e.preventDefault();
function preventDraggable (el, status) {
if (el === void 0 || (status === true && el.__dragPrevented === true)) {
var fn = status === true
? function (el) {
el.__dragPrevented = true;
el.addEventListener('dragstart', prevent, listenOpts.notPassiveCapture);
: function (el) {
delete el.__dragPrevented;
el.removeEventListener('dragstart', prevent, listenOpts.notPassiveCapture);
el.querySelectorAll('a, img').forEach(fn);
function create (name, ref) {
if ( ref === void 0 ) ref = {};
var bubbles = ref.bubbles; if ( bubbles === void 0 ) bubbles = false;
var cancelable = ref.cancelable; if ( cancelable === void 0 ) cancelable = false;
try {
return new Event(name, { bubbles: bubbles, cancelable: cancelable })
catch (e) {
// IE doesn't support `new Event()`, so...
var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
evt.initEvent(name, bubbles, cancelable);
return evt
function addEvt (ctx, targetName, events) {
var name = "__q_" + targetName + "_evt";
ctx[name] = ctx[name] !== void 0
? ctx[name].concat(events)
: events;
events.forEach(function (evt) {
evt[0].addEventListener(evt[1], ctx[evt[2]], listenOpts[evt[3]]);
function cleanEvt (ctx, targetName) {
var name = "__q_" + targetName + "_evt";
if (ctx[name] !== void 0) {
ctx[name].forEach(function (evt) {
evt[0].removeEventListener(evt[1], ctx[evt[2]], listenOpts[evt[3]]);
ctx[name] = void 0;
* also update /types/utils/event.d.ts
var event = {
listenOpts: listenOpts,
leftClick: leftClick,
middleClick: middleClick,
rightClick: rightClick,
position: position,
getEventPath: getEventPath,
getMouseWheelDistance: getMouseWheelDistance,
stop: stop,
prevent: prevent,
stopAndPrevent: stopAndPrevent,
preventDraggable: preventDraggable,
create: create
function debounce (fn, wait, immediate) {
if ( wait === void 0 ) wait = 250;
var timeout;
function debounced (/* ...args */) {
var this$1 = this;
var args = arguments;
var later = function () {
timeout = void 0;
if (immediate !== true) {
fn.apply(this$1, args);
if (immediate === true && timeout === void 0) {
fn.apply(this, args);
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
debounced.cancel = function () {
return debounced
var SIZE_LIST = ['sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'];
var passive = listenOpts.passive;
var Screen = {
width: 0,
height: 0,
name: 'xs',
sizes: {
sm: 600,
md: 1024,
lg: 1440,
xl: 1920
lt: {
sm: true,
md: true,
lg: true,
xl: true
gt: {
xs: false,
sm: false,
md: false,
lg: false
xs: true,
sm: false,
md: false,
lg: false,
xl: false,
setSizes: noop,
setDebounce: noop,
install: function install ($q, queues, cfg) {
var this$1 = this;
if (isSSR === true) {
$q.screen = this;
var classes = cfg.screen !== void 0 && cfg.screen.bodyClasses === true;
var update = function (force) {
w = window.innerWidth,
h = window.innerHeight;
if (h !== this$1.height) {
this$1.height = h;
if (w !== this$1.width) {
this$1.width = w;
else if (force !== true) {
var s = this$1.sizes;
this$1.gt.xs = w >= s.sm;
this$1.gt.sm = w >= s.md;
this$1.gt.md = w >= s.lg;
this$1.gt.lg = w >= s.xl;
this$1.lt.sm = w < s.sm;
this$1.lt.md = w < s.md;
this$1.lt.lg = w < s.lg;
this$1.lt.xl = w < s.xl;
this$1.xs = this$1.lt.sm;
this$1.sm = this$1.gt.xs === true && this$1.lt.md === true;
this$1.md = this$1.gt.sm === true && this$1.lt.lg === true;
this$1.lg = this$1.gt.md === true && this$1.lt.xl === true;
this$1.xl = this$1.gt.lg;
s = (this$1.xs === true && 'xs') ||
(this$1.sm === true && 'sm') ||
(this$1.md === true && 'md') ||
(this$1.lg === true && 'lg') ||
if (s !== this$1.name) {
if (classes === true) {
document.body.classList.remove(("screen--" + (this$1.name)));
document.body.classList.add(("screen--" + s));
this$1.name = s;
var updateEvt, updateSizes = {}, updateDebounce = 16;
this.setSizes = function (sizes) {
SIZE_LIST.forEach(function (name) {
if (sizes[name] !== void 0) {
updateSizes[name] = sizes[name];
this.setDebounce = function (deb) {
updateDebounce = deb;
var start = function () {
style = getComputedStyle(document.body),
target = window.visualViewport !== void 0
? window.visualViewport
: window;
// if css props available
if (style.getPropertyValue('--q-size-sm')) {
SIZE_LIST.forEach(function (name) {
this$1.sizes[name] = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue(("--q-size-" + name)), 10);
this$1.setSizes = function (sizes) {
SIZE_LIST.forEach(function (name) {
if (sizes[name]) {
this$1.sizes[name] = sizes[name];
this$1.setDebounce = function (delay) {
updateEvt !== void 0 && target.removeEventListener('resize', updateEvt, passive);
updateEvt = delay > 0
? debounce(update, delay)
: update;
target.addEventListener('resize', updateEvt, passive);
if (Object.keys(updateSizes).length > 0) {
updateSizes = void 0; // free up memory
else {
// due to optimizations, this would be left out otherwise
classes === true && this$1.name === 'xs' &&
if (fromSSR === true) {
else {
Vue.util.defineReactive($q, 'screen', this);
var Dark = {
isActive: false,
mode: false,
install: function install ($q, queues, ref) {
var this$1 = this;
var dark = ref.dark;
this.isActive = dark === true;
if (isSSR === true) {
queues.server.push(function (q, ctx) {
q.dark = {
isActive: false,
mode: false,
set: function (val) {
.replace(' body--light', '')
.replace(' body--dark', '') + " body--" + (val === true ? 'dark' : 'light');
q.dark.isActive = val === true;
q.dark.mode = val;
toggle: function () {
q.dark.set(q.dark.isActive === false);
this.set = noop;
var initialVal = dark !== void 0
? dark
: false;
if (fromSSR === true) {
var ssrSet = function (val) {
this$1.__fromSSR = val;
var originalSet = this.set;
this.set = ssrSet;
queues.takeover.push(function () {
this$1.set = originalSet;
else {
Vue.util.defineReactive(this, 'isActive', this.isActive);
Vue.util.defineReactive($q, 'dark', this);
set: function set (val) {
var this$1 = this;
this.mode = val;
if (val === 'auto') {
if (this.__media === void 0) {
this.__media = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
this.__updateMedia = function () { this$1.set('auto'); };
val = this.__media.matches;
else if (this.__media !== void 0) {
this.__media = void 0;
this.isActive = val === true;
document.body.classList.remove(("body--" + (val === true ? 'light' : 'dark')));
document.body.classList.add(("body--" + (val === true ? 'dark' : 'light')));
toggle: function toggle () {
Dark.set(Dark.isActive === false);
__media: void 0
var getTrue = function () { return true; };
function filterInvalidPath (path) {
return typeof path === 'string' &&
path !== '' &&
path !== '/' &&
path !== '#/'
function normalizeExitPath (path) {
path.startsWith('#') === true && (path = path.substr(1));
path.startsWith('/') === false && (path = '/' + path);
path.endsWith('/') === true && (path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1));
return '#' + path
function getShouldExitFn (cfg) {
if (cfg.backButtonExit === false) {
return function () { return false; }
if (cfg.backButtonExit === '*') {
return getTrue
// Add default root path
var exitPaths = [ '#/' ];
// Add custom exit paths
Array.isArray(cfg.backButtonExit) === true && exitPaths.push.apply(
exitPaths, cfg.backButtonExit.filter(filterInvalidPath).map(normalizeExitPath)
return function () { return exitPaths.includes(window.location.hash); }
var History = {
__history: [],
add: noop,
remove: noop,
install: function install (cfg) {
var this$1 = this;
if (isSSR === true) {
var ref = client.is;
var cordova = ref.cordova;
var capacitor = ref.capacitor;
if (cordova !== true && capacitor !== true) {
this.add = function (entry) {
if (entry.condition === void 0) {
entry.condition = getTrue;
this.remove = function (entry) {
var index = this$1.__history.indexOf(entry);
if (index >= 0) {
this$1.__history.splice(index, 1);
var shouldExit = getShouldExitFn(
{ backButtonExit: true },
cfg[cordova === true ? 'cordova' : 'capacitor']
var backHandler = function () {
if (this$1.__history.length) {
var entry = this$1.__history[this$1.__history.length - 1];
if (entry.condition() === true) {
else if (shouldExit() === true) {
else {
if (cordova === true) {
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
document.addEventListener('backbutton', backHandler, false);
else {
window.Capacitor.Plugins.App.addListener('backButton', backHandler);
var langEn = {
isoName: 'en-us',
nativeName: 'English (US)',
label: {
clear: 'Clear',
ok: 'OK',
cancel: 'Cancel',
close: 'Close',
set: 'Set',
select: 'Select',
reset: 'Reset',
remove: 'Remove',
update: 'Update',
create: 'Create',
search: 'Search',
filter: 'Filter',
refresh: 'Refresh'
date: {
days: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_'),
daysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split('_'),
monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
firstDayOfWeek: 0, // 0-6, 0 - Sunday, 1 Monday, ...
format24h: false,
pluralDay: 'days'
table: {
noData: 'No data available',
noResults: 'No matching records found',
loading: 'Loading...',
selectedRecords: function (rows) {
return rows === 1
? '1 record selected.'
: (rows === 0 ? 'No' : rows) + ' records selected.'
recordsPerPage: 'Records per page:',
allRows: 'All',
pagination: function (start, end, total) {
return start + '-' + end + ' of ' + total
columns: 'Columns'
editor: {
url: 'URL',
bold: 'Bold',
italic: 'Italic',
strikethrough: 'Strikethrough',
underline: 'Underline',
unorderedList: 'Unordered List',
orderedList: 'Ordered List',
subscript: 'Subscript',
superscript: 'Superscript',
hyperlink: 'Hyperlink',
toggleFullscreen: 'Toggle Fullscreen',
quote: 'Quote',
left: 'Left align',
center: 'Center align',
right: 'Right align',
justify: 'Justify align',
print: 'Print',
outdent: 'Decrease indentation',
indent: 'Increase indentation',
removeFormat: 'Remove formatting',
formatting: 'Formatting',
fontSize: 'Font Size',
align: 'Align',
hr: 'Insert Horizontal Rule',
undo: 'Undo',
redo: 'Redo',
heading1: 'Heading 1',
heading2: 'Heading 2',
heading3: 'Heading 3',
heading4: 'Heading 4',
heading5: 'Heading 5',
heading6: 'Heading 6',
paragraph: 'Paragraph',
code: 'Code',
size1: 'Very small',
size2: 'A bit small',
size3: 'Normal',
size4: 'Medium-large',
size5: 'Big',
size6: 'Very big',
size7: 'Maximum',
defaultFont: 'Default Font',
viewSource: 'View Source'
tree: {
noNodes: 'No nodes available',
noResults: 'No matching nodes found'
function getLocale () {
if (isSSR === true) { return }
var val =
navigator.language ||
navigator.languages[0] ||
navigator.browserLanguage ||
navigator.userLanguage ||
if (val) {
return val.toLowerCase()
var lang = {
getLocale: getLocale,
install: function install ($q, queues, lang) {
var this$1 = this;
var initialLang = lang || langEn;
this.set = function (langObject, ssrContext) {
if ( langObject === void 0 ) langObject = langEn;
var lang = Object.assign({}, langObject,
{rtl: langObject.rtl === true,
getLocale: getLocale});
if (isSSR === true) {
if (ssrContext === void 0) {
console.error('SSR ERROR: second param required: Quasar.lang.set(lang, ssrContext)');
var dir = lang.rtl === true ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
var attrs = "lang=" + (lang.isoName) + " dir=" + dir;
lang.set = ssrContext.$q.lang.set;
ssrContext.Q_HTML_ATTRS = ssrContext.Q_PREV_LANG !== void 0
? ssrContext.Q_HTML_ATTRS.replace(ssrContext.Q_PREV_LANG, attrs)
: attrs;
ssrContext.Q_PREV_LANG = attrs;
ssrContext.$q.lang = lang;
else {
if (fromSSR === false) {
var el = document.documentElement;
el.setAttribute('dir', lang.rtl === true ? 'rtl' : 'ltr');
el.setAttribute('lang', lang.isoName);
lang.set = this$1.set;
$q.lang = this$1.props = lang;
this$1.isoName = lang.isoName;
this$1.nativeName = lang.nativeName;
if (isSSR === true) {
queues.server.push(function (q, ctx) {
q.lang = {};
q.lang.set = function (langObject) {
this$1.set(langObject, ctx.ssr);
this.isoName = initialLang.isoName;
this.nativeName = initialLang.nativeName;
this.props = initialLang;
else {
Vue.util.defineReactive($q, 'lang', {});
var reRGBA = /^rgb(a)?\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3}),?([01]?\.?\d*?)?\)$/;
function rgbToHex (ref) {
var r = ref.r;
var g = ref.g;
var b = ref.b;
var a = ref.a;
var alpha = a !== void 0;
r = Math.round(r);
g = Math.round(g);
b = Math.round(b);
if (
r > 255 ||
g > 255 ||
b > 255 ||
(alpha && a > 100)
) {
throw new TypeError('Expected 3 numbers below 256 (and optionally one below 100)')
a = alpha
? (Math.round(255 * a / 100) | 1 << 8).toString(16).slice(1)
: '';
return '#' + ((b | g << 8 | r << 16) | 1 << 24).toString(16).slice(1) + a
function rgbToString (ref) {
var r = ref.r;
var g = ref.g;
var b = ref.b;
var a = ref.a;
return ("rgb" + (a !== void 0 ? 'a' : '') + "(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + (a !== void 0 ? ',' + (a / 100) : '') + ")")
function hexToRgb (hex) {
if (typeof hex !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string')
hex = hex.replace(/^#/, '');
if (hex.length === 3) {
hex = hex[0] + hex[0] + hex[1] + hex[1] + hex[2] + hex[2];
else if (hex.length === 4) {
hex = hex[0] + hex[0] + hex[1] + hex[1] + hex[2] + hex[2] + hex[3] + hex[3];
var num = parseInt(hex, 16);
return hex.length > 6
? { r: num >> 24 & 255, g: num >> 16 & 255, b: num >> 8 & 255, a: Math.round((num & 255) / 2.55) }
: { r: num >> 16, g: num >> 8 & 255, b: num & 255 }
function hsvToRgb (ref) {
var h = ref.h;
var s = ref.s;
var v = ref.v;
var a = ref.a;
var r, g, b;
s = s / 100;
v = v / 100;
h = h / 360;
i = Math.floor(h * 6),
f = h * 6 - i,
p = v * (1 - s),
q = v * (1 - f * s),
t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
switch (i % 6) {
case 0:
r = v;
g = t;
b = p;
case 1:
r = q;
g = v;
b = p;
case 2:
r = p;
g = v;
b = t;
case 3:
r = p;
g = q;
b = v;
case 4:
r = t;
g = p;
b = v;
case 5:
r = v;
g = p;
b = q;
return {
r: Math.round(r * 255),
g: Math.round(g * 255),
b: Math.round(b * 255),
a: a
function rgbToHsv (ref) {
var r = ref.r;
var g = ref.g;
var b = ref.b;
var a = ref.a;
max = Math.max(r, g, b),
min = Math.min(r, g, b),
d = max - min,
s = (max === 0 ? 0 : d / max),
v = max / 255;
var h;
switch (max) {
case min:
h = 0;
case r:
h = (g - b) + d * (g < b ? 6 : 0);
h /= 6 * d;
case g:
h = (b - r) + d * 2;
h /= 6 * d;
case b:
h = (r - g) + d * 4;
h /= 6 * d;
return {
h: Math.round(h * 360),
s: Math.round(s * 100),
v: Math.round(v * 100),
a: a
function textToRgb (str) {
if (typeof str !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string')
var color = str.replace(/ /g, '');
var m = reRGBA.exec(color);
if (m === null) {
return hexToRgb(color)
var rgb = {
r: Math.min(255, parseInt(m[2], 10)),
g: Math.min(255, parseInt(m[3], 10)),
b: Math.min(255, parseInt(m[4], 10))
if (m[1]) {
var alpha = parseFloat(m[5]);
rgb.a = Math.min(1, isNaN(alpha) === true ? 1 : alpha) * 100;
return rgb
/* works as darken if percent < 0 */
function lighten (color, percent) {
if (typeof color !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string as color')
if (typeof percent !== 'number') {
throw new TypeError('Expected a numeric percent')
var rgb = textToRgb(color),
t = percent < 0 ? 0 : 255,
p = Math.abs(percent) / 100,
R = rgb.r,
G = rgb.g,
B = rgb.b;
return '#' + (
0x1000000 + (Math.round((t - R) * p) + R) * 0x10000 +
(Math.round((t - G) * p) + G) * 0x100 +
(Math.round((t - B) * p) + B)
function luminosity (color) {
if (typeof color !== 'string' && (!color || color.r === void 0)) {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string or a {r, g, b} object as color')
rgb = typeof color === 'string' ? textToRgb(color) : color,
r = rgb.r / 255,
g = rgb.g / 255,
b = rgb.b / 255,
R = r <= 0.03928 ? r / 12.92 : Math.pow((r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4),
G = g <= 0.03928 ? g / 12.92 : Math.pow((g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4),
B = b <= 0.03928 ? b / 12.92 : Math.pow((b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
return 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B
function brightness (color) {
if (typeof color !== 'string' && (!color || color.r === void 0)) {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string or a {r, g, b} object as color')
var rgb = typeof color === 'string'
? textToRgb(color)
: color;
return (rgb.r * 299 + rgb.g * 587 + rgb.b * 114) / 1000
function blend (fgColor, bgColor) {
if (typeof fgColor !== 'string' && (!fgColor || fgColor.r === void 0)) {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string or a {r, g, b[, a]} object as fgColor')
if (typeof bgColor !== 'string' && (!bgColor || bgColor.r === void 0)) {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string or a {r, g, b[, a]} object as bgColor')
rgb1 = typeof fgColor === 'string' ? textToRgb(fgColor) : fgColor,
r1 = rgb1.r / 255,
g1 = rgb1.g / 255,
b1 = rgb1.b / 255,
a1 = rgb1.a !== void 0 ? rgb1.a / 100 : 1,
rgb2 = typeof bgColor === 'string' ? textToRgb(bgColor) : bgColor,
r2 = rgb2.r / 255,
g2 = rgb2.g / 255,
b2 = rgb2.b / 255,
a2 = rgb2.a !== void 0 ? rgb2.a / 100 : 1,
a = a1 + a2 * (1 - a1),
r = Math.round(((r1 * a1 + r2 * a2 * (1 - a1)) / a) * 255),
g = Math.round(((g1 * a1 + g2 * a2 * (1 - a1)) / a) * 255),
b = Math.round(((b1 * a1 + b2 * a2 * (1 - a1)) / a) * 255);
var ret = { r: r, g: g, b: b, a: Math.round(a * 100) };
return typeof fgColor === 'string'
? rgbToHex(ret)
: ret
function changeAlpha (color, offset) {
if (typeof color !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string as color')
if (offset === void 0 || offset < -1 || offset > 1) {
throw new TypeError('Expected offset to be between -1 and 1')
var ref = textToRgb(color);
var r = ref.r;
var g = ref.g;
var b = ref.b;
var a = ref.a;
var alpha = a !== void 0 ? a / 100 : 0;
return rgbToHex({
r: r, g: g, b: b, a: Math.round(Math.min(1, Math.max(0, alpha + offset)) * 100)
function setBrand (color, value, element) {
if ( element === void 0 ) element = document.body;
if (typeof color !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string as color')
if (typeof value !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string as value')
if (!(element instanceof Element)) {
throw new TypeError('Expected a DOM element')
element.style.setProperty(("--q-color-" + color), value);
function getBrand (color, element) {
if ( element === void 0 ) element = document.body;
if (typeof color !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string as color')
if (!(element instanceof Element)) {
throw new TypeError('Expected a DOM element')
return getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(("--q-color-" + color)).trim() || null
function getPaletteColor (colorName) {
if (typeof colorName !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Expected a string as color')
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.className = "text-" + colorName + " invisible fixed no-pointer-events";
var result = getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('color');
return rgbToHex(textToRgb(result))
var colors = {
rgbToHex: rgbToHex,
hexToRgb: hexToRgb,
hsvToRgb: hsvToRgb,
rgbToHsv: rgbToHsv,
textToRgb: textToRgb,
lighten: lighten,
luminosity: luminosity,
brightness: brightness,
blend: blend,
changeAlpha: changeAlpha,
setBrand: setBrand,
getBrand: getBrand,
getPaletteColor: getPaletteColor
var lastKeyCompositionStatus = false;
function onKeyDownComposition (evt) {
lastKeyCompositionStatus = evt.isComposing === true;
function shouldIgnoreKey (evt) {
return lastKeyCompositionStatus === true ||
evt !== Object(evt) ||
evt.isComposing === true ||
evt.qKeyEvent === true
function isKeyCode (evt, keyCodes) {
return shouldIgnoreKey(evt) === true
? false
: [].concat(keyCodes).includes(evt.keyCode)
function getMobilePlatform (is) {
if (is.ios === true) { return 'ios' }
if (is.android === true) { return 'android' }
function getBodyClasses (ref, cfg) {
var is = ref.is;
var has = ref.has;
var within = ref.within;
var cls = [
is.desktop === true ? 'desktop' : 'mobile',
((has.touch === false ? 'no-' : '') + "touch")
if (is.mobile === true) {
var mobile = getMobilePlatform(is);
mobile !== void 0 && cls.push('platform-' + mobile);
if (is.nativeMobile === true) {
var type = is.nativeMobileWrapper;
if (
is.ios === true &&
(cfg[type] === void 0 || cfg[type].iosStatusBarPadding !== false)
) {
else if (is.electron === true) {
else if (is.bex === true) {
within.iframe === true && cls.push('within-iframe');
return cls
// SSR takeover corrections
function clientUpdate () {
var classes = document.body.className;
var newCls = classes;
if (iosCorrection !== void 0) {
newCls = newCls.replace('desktop', 'platform-ios mobile');
if (client.has.touch === true) {
newCls = newCls.replace('no-touch', 'touch');
if (client.within.iframe === true) {
newCls += ' within-iframe';
if (classes !== newCls) {
document.body.className = newCls;
function setColors (brand) {
for (var color in brand) {
setBrand(color, brand[color]);
var Body = {
install: function install (queues, cfg) {
if (isSSR === true) {
queues.server.push(function (q, ctx) {
cls = getBodyClasses(q.platform, cfg),
fn = ctx.ssr.setBodyClasses;
if (cfg.screen !== void 0 && cfg.screen.bodyClass === true) {
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
else {
ctx.ssr.Q_BODY_CLASSES = cls.join(' ');
if (fromSSR === true) {
else {
var cls = getBodyClasses(client, cfg);
if (client.is.ie === true && client.is.versionNumber === 11) {
cls.forEach(function (c) { return document.body.classList.add(c); });
else {
document.body.classList.add.apply(document.body.classList, cls);
cfg.brand !== void 0 && setColors(cfg.brand);
if (client.is.ios === true) {
// needed for iOS button active state
document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', noop);
window.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDownComposition, true);
var materialIcons = {
name: 'material-icons',
type: {
positive: 'check_circle',
negative: 'warning',
info: 'info',
warning: 'priority_high'
arrow: {
up: 'arrow_upward',
right: 'arrow_forward',
down: 'arrow_downward',
left: 'arrow_back',
dropdown: 'arrow_drop_down'
chevron: {
left: 'chevron_left',
right: 'chevron_right'
colorPicker: {
spectrum: 'gradient',
tune: 'tune',
palette: 'style'
pullToRefresh: {
icon: 'refresh'
carousel: {
left: 'chevron_left',
right: 'chevron_right',
up: 'keyboard_arrow_up',
down: 'keyboard_arrow_down',
navigationIcon: 'lens'
chip: {
remove: 'cancel',
selected: 'check'
datetime: {
arrowLeft: 'chevron_left',
arrowRight: 'chevron_right',
now: 'access_time',
today: 'today'
editor: {
bold: 'format_bold',
italic: 'format_italic',
strikethrough: 'strikethrough_s',
underline: 'format_underlined',
unorderedList: 'format_list_bulleted',
orderedList: 'format_list_numbered',
subscript: 'vertical_align_bottom',
superscript: 'vertical_align_top',
hyperlink: 'link',
toggleFullscreen: 'fullscreen',
quote: 'format_quote',
left: 'format_align_left',
center: 'format_align_center',
right: 'format_align_right',
justify: 'format_align_justify',
print: 'print',
outdent: 'format_indent_decrease',
indent: 'format_indent_increase',
removeFormat: 'format_clear',
formatting: 'text_format',
fontSize: 'format_size',
align: 'format_align_left',
hr: 'remove',
undo: 'undo',
redo: 'redo',
heading: 'format_size',
code: 'code',
size: 'format_size',
font: 'font_download',
viewSource: 'code'
expansionItem: {
icon: 'keyboard_arrow_down',
denseIcon: 'arrow_drop_down'
fab: {
icon: 'add',
activeIcon: 'close'
field: {
clear: 'cancel',
error: 'error'
pagination: {
first: 'first_page',
prev: 'keyboard_arrow_left',
next: 'keyboard_arrow_right',
last: 'last_page'
rating: {
icon: 'grade'
stepper: {
done: 'check',
active: 'edit',
error: 'warning'
tabs: {
left: 'chevron_left',
right: 'chevron_right',
up: 'keyboard_arrow_up',
down: 'keyboard_arrow_down'
table: {
arrowUp: 'arrow_upward',
warning: 'warning',
firstPage: 'first_page',
prevPage: 'chevron_left',
nextPage: 'chevron_right',
lastPage: 'last_page'
tree: {
icon: 'play_arrow'
uploader: {
done: 'done',
clear: 'clear',
add: 'add_box',
upload: 'cloud_upload',
removeQueue: 'clear_all',
removeUploaded: 'done_all'
var iconSet = {
install: function install ($q, queues, iconSet) {
var this$1 = this;
var initialSet = iconSet || materialIcons;
this.set = function (setObject, ssrContext) {
var def = Object.assign({}, setObject);
if (isSSR === true) {
if (ssrContext === void 0) {
console.error('SSR ERROR: second param required: Quasar.iconSet.set(iconSet, ssrContext)');
def.set = ssrContext.$q.iconSet.set;
ssrContext.$q.iconSet = def;
else {
def.set = this$1.set;
$q.iconSet = def;
if (isSSR === true) {
queues.server.push(function (q, ctx) {
q.iconSet = {};
q.iconSet.set = function (setObject) {
this$1.set(setObject, ctx.ssr);
else {
Vue.util.defineReactive($q, 'iconMapFn', void 0);
Vue.util.defineReactive($q, 'iconSet', {});
var autoInstalled = [
Platform, Screen, Dark
var queues = {
server: [], // on SSR update
takeover: [] // on client takeover
var $q = {
version: version,
config: {}
function install (Vue, opts) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) opts = {};
if (this.__qInstalled === true) { return }
this.__qInstalled = true;
var cfg = $q.config = Object.freeze(opts.config || {});
// required plugins
Platform.install($q, queues);
Body.install(queues, cfg);
Dark.install($q, queues, cfg);
Screen.install($q, queues, cfg);
lang.install($q, queues, opts.lang);
iconSet.install($q, queues, opts.iconSet);
if (isSSR === true) {
beforeCreate: function beforeCreate () {
this.$q = this.$root.$options.$q;
else {
Vue.prototype.$q = $q;
opts.components && Object.keys(opts.components).forEach(function (key) {
var c = opts.components[key];
if (typeof c === 'function') {
Vue.component(c.options.name, c);
opts.directives && Object.keys(opts.directives).forEach(function (key) {
var d = opts.directives[key];
if (d.name !== undefined && d.unbind !== void 0) {
Vue.directive(d.name, d);
if (opts.plugins) {
var param = { $q: $q, queues: queues, cfg: cfg };
Object.keys(opts.plugins).forEach(function (key) {
var p = opts.plugins[key];
if (typeof p.install === 'function' && autoInstalled.includes(p) === false) {
var units = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'];
function humanStorageSize (bytes) {
var u = 0;
while (parseInt(bytes, 10) >= 1024 && u < units.length - 1) {
bytes /= 1024;
return ("" + (bytes.toFixed(1)) + (units[u]))
function capitalize (str) {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)
function between (v, min, max) {
return max <= min
? min
: Math.min(max, Math.max(min, v))
function normalizeToInterval (v, min, max) {
if (max <= min) {
return min
var size = (max - min + 1);
var index = min + (v - min) % size;
if (index < min) {
index = size + index;
return index === 0 ? 0 : index // fix for (-a % a) => -0
function pad (v, length, char) {
if ( length === void 0 ) length = 2;
if ( char === void 0 ) char = '0';
if (v === void 0 || v === null) {
return v
var val = '' + v;
return val.length >= length
? val
: new Array(length - val.length + 1).join(char) + val
var format = {
humanStorageSize: humanStorageSize,
capitalize: capitalize,
between: between,
normalizeToInterval: normalizeToInterval,
pad: pad
function cache (vm, key, obj) {
if (isSSR === true) { return obj }
var k = "__qcache_" + key;
return vm[k] === void 0
? (vm[k] = obj)
: vm[k]
function cacheWithFn (vm, key, fn) {
if (isSSR === true) { return fn() }
var k = "__qcache_" + key;
return vm[k] === void 0
? (vm[k] = fn())
: vm[k]
function getPropCacheMixin (propName, proxyPropName) {
var obj;
return {
data: function data () {
var obj;
var target = {};
var source = this[propName];
for (var prop in source) {
target[prop] = source[prop];
return ( obj = {}, obj[proxyPropName] = target, obj )
watch: ( obj = {}, obj[propName] = function (newObj, oldObj) {
var target = this[proxyPropName];
if (oldObj !== void 0) {
// we first delete obsolete events
for (var prop in oldObj) {
if (newObj[prop] === void 0) {
this.$delete(target, prop);
for (var prop$1 in newObj) {
// we then update changed events
if (target[prop$1] !== newObj[prop$1]) {
this.$set(target, prop$1, newObj[prop$1]);
}, obj )
var ariaHidden = { 'aria-hidden': 'true' };
var AttrsMixin = getPropCacheMixin('$attrs', 'qAttrs');
xhr = isSSR ? null : XMLHttpRequest,
send = isSSR ? null : xhr.prototype.send,
stackStart = [],
stackStop = [];
var highjackCount = 0;
function translate (ref) {
var p = ref.p;
var pos = ref.pos;
var active = ref.active;
var horiz = ref.horiz;
var reverse = ref.reverse;
var dir = ref.dir;
var x = 1, y = 1;
if (horiz) {
if (reverse) { x = -1; }
if (pos === 'bottom') { y = -1; }
return { transform: ("translate3d(" + (x * (p - 100)) + "%," + (active ? 0 : y * -200) + "%,0)") }
if (reverse) { y = -1; }
if (pos === 'right') { x = -1; }
return { transform: ("translate3d(" + (active ? 0 : dir * x * -200) + "%," + (y * (p - 100)) + "%,0)") }
function inc (p, amount) {
if (typeof amount !== 'number') {
if (p < 25) {
amount = Math.random() * 3 + 3;
else if (p < 65) {
amount = Math.random() * 3;
else if (p < 85) {
amount = Math.random() * 2;
else if (p < 99) {
amount = 0.6;
else {
amount = 0;
return between(p + amount, 0, 100)
function highjackAjax (start, stop) {
if (highjackCount > 1) { return }
function endHandler () {
stackStop.forEach(function (fn) { fn(); });
xhr.prototype.send = function (/* ...args */) {
stackStart.forEach(function (fn) { fn(); });
this.addEventListener('loadend', endHandler, false);
send.apply(this, arguments);
function restoreAjax (start, stop) {
stackStart.splice(stackStart.indexOf(start), 1);
stackStop.splice(stackStop.indexOf(stop), 1);
highjackCount = Math.max(0, highjackCount - 1);
if (!highjackCount) {
xhr.prototype.send = send;
var QAjaxBar = Vue.extend({
name: 'QAjaxBar',
props: {
position: {
type: String,
default: 'top',
validator: function (val) { return ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'].includes(val); }
size: {
type: String,
default: '2px'
color: String,
skipHijack: Boolean,
reverse: Boolean
data: function data () {
return {
calls: 0,
progress: 0,
onScreen: false,
animate: true
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return "q-loading-bar q-loading-bar--" + (this.position) +
(this.color !== void 0 ? (" bg-" + (this.color)) : '') +
(this.animate === true ? '' : ' no-transition')
style: function style () {
var active = this.onScreen;
var o = translate({
p: this.progress,
pos: this.position,
active: active,
horiz: this.horizontal,
reverse: this.$q.lang.rtl === true && ['top', 'bottom'].includes(this.position)
? !this.reverse
: this.reverse,
dir: this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? -1 : 1
o[this.sizeProp] = this.size;
o.opacity = active ? 1 : 0;
return o
horizontal: function horizontal () {
return this.position === 'top' || this.position === 'bottom'
sizeProp: function sizeProp () {
return this.horizontal ? 'height' : 'width'
attrs: function attrs () {
return this.onScreen === true
? {
role: 'progressbar',
'aria-valuemin': 0,
'aria-valuemax': 100,
'aria-valuenow': this.progress
: ariaHidden
methods: {
start: function start (speed) {
var this$1 = this;
if ( speed === void 0 ) speed = 300;
var oldSpeed = this.speed;
this.speed = Math.max(0, speed) || 0;
if (this.calls > 1) {
if (oldSpeed === 0 && speed > 0) {
else if (oldSpeed > 0 && speed <= 0) {
this.progress = 0;
if (this.onScreen === true) { return }
this.onScreen = true;
this.animate = false;
this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
this$1.animate = true;
speed > 0 && this$1.__work();
}, 100);
increment: function increment (amount) {
if (this.calls > 0) {
this.progress = inc(this.progress, amount);
stop: function stop () {
var this$1 = this;
this.calls = Math.max(0, this.calls - 1);
if (this.calls > 0) { return }
var end = function () {
this$1.animate = true;
this$1.progress = 100;
this$1.timer = setTimeout(function () {
this$1.onScreen = false;
}, 1000);
if (this.progress === 0) {
this.timer = setTimeout(end, 1);
else {
__work: function __work () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.progress < 100) {
this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
}, this.speed);
mounted: function mounted () {
if (this.skipHijack !== true) {
this.hijacked = true;
highjackAjax(this.start, this.stop);
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
this.hijacked === true && restoreAjax(this.start, this.stop);
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
class: this.classes,
style: this.style,
attrs: this.attrs
var sizes = {
xs: 18,
sm: 24,
md: 32,
lg: 38,
xl: 46
function getSizeMixin (sizes) {
return {
props: {
size: String
computed: {
sizeStyle: function sizeStyle () {
if (this.size !== void 0) {
return { fontSize: this.size in sizes ? ((sizes[this.size]) + "px") : this.size }
var SizeMixin = getSizeMixin(sizes);
var TagMixin = {
props: {
tag: {
type: String,
default: 'div'
var ListenersMixin = getPropCacheMixin('$listeners', 'qListeners');
function slot (vm, slotName, otherwise) {
return vm.$scopedSlots[slotName] !== void 0
? vm.$scopedSlots[slotName]()
: otherwise
function uniqueSlot (vm, slotName, otherwise) {
return vm.$scopedSlots[slotName] !== void 0
? vm.$scopedSlots[slotName]().slice()
: otherwise
* Source definitely exists,
* so it's merged with the possible slot
function mergeSlot (source, vm, slotName) {
return vm.$scopedSlots[slotName] !== void 0
? source.concat(vm.$scopedSlots[slotName]())
: source
* Merge with possible slot,
* even if source might not exist
function mergeSlotSafely (source, vm, slotName) {
if (vm.$scopedSlots[slotName] === void 0) {
return source
var slot = vm.$scopedSlots[slotName]();
return source !== void 0
? source.concat(slot)
: slot
var QIcon = Vue.extend({
name: 'QIcon',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, SizeMixin, TagMixin ],
props: {
tag: {
default: 'i'
name: String,
color: String,
left: Boolean,
right: Boolean
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
// "notranslate" class is for Google Translate
// to avoid tampering with Material Icons ligature font
return 'q-icon notranslate' +
(this.left === true ? ' on-left' : '') +
(this.right === true ? ' on-right' : '') +
(this.color !== void 0 ? (" text-" + (this.color)) : '')
type: function type () {
var this$1 = this;
var cls;
var icon = this.name;
if (!icon) {
return {
none: true,
cls: this.classes
if (this.$q.iconMapFn !== void 0) {
var res = this.$q.iconMapFn(icon);
if (res !== void 0) {
if (res.icon !== void 0) {
icon = res.icon;
else {
return {
cls: res.cls + ' ' + this.classes,
content: res.content !== void 0
? res.content
: ' '
if (icon.startsWith('M') === true) {
var ref = icon.split('|');
var def = ref[0];
var viewBox = ref[1];
return {
svg: true,
cls: this.classes,
nodes: def.split('&&').map(function (path) {
var ref = path.split('@@');
var d = ref[0];
var style = ref[1];
var transform = ref[2];
return this$1.$createElement('path', {
attrs: {
d: d,
transform: transform
style: style
viewBox: viewBox !== void 0 ? viewBox : '0 0 24 24'
if (icon.startsWith('img:') === true) {
return {
img: true,
cls: this.classes,
src: icon.substring(4)
if (icon.startsWith('svguse:') === true) {
var ref$1 = icon.split('|');
var def$1 = ref$1[0];
var viewBox$1 = ref$1[1];
return {
svguse: true,
cls: this.classes,
src: def$1.substring(7),
viewBox: viewBox$1 !== void 0 ? viewBox$1 : '0 0 24 24'
var content = ' ';
if (/^[l|f]a[s|r|l|b|d]{0,1} /.test(icon) || icon.startsWith('icon-') === true) {
cls = icon;
else if (icon.startsWith('bt-') === true) {
cls = "bt " + icon;
else if (icon.startsWith('eva-') === true) {
cls = "eva " + icon;
else if (/^ion-(md|ios|logo)/.test(icon) === true) {
cls = "ionicons " + icon;
else if (icon.startsWith('ion-') === true) {
cls = "ionicons ion-" + (this.$q.platform.is.ios === true ? 'ios' : 'md') + (icon.substr(3));
else if (icon.startsWith('mdi-') === true) {
cls = "mdi " + icon;
else if (icon.startsWith('iconfont ') === true) {
cls = "" + icon;
else if (icon.startsWith('ti-') === true) {
cls = "themify-icon " + icon;
else {
cls = 'material-icons';
if (icon.startsWith('o_') === true) {
icon = icon.substring(2);
cls += '-outlined';
else if (icon.startsWith('r_') === true) {
icon = icon.substring(2);
cls += '-round';
else if (icon.startsWith('s_') === true) {
icon = icon.substring(2);
cls += '-sharp';
content = icon;
return {
cls: cls + ' ' + this.classes,
content: content
render: function render (h) {
var data = {
class: this.type.cls,
style: this.sizeStyle,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: {
'aria-hidden': 'true',
role: 'presentation'
if (this.type.none === true) {
return h(this.tag, data, slot(this, 'default'))
if (this.type.img === true) {
data.attrs.src = this.type.src;
return h('img', data)
if (this.type.svg === true) {
data.attrs.focusable = 'false'; /* needed for IE11 */
data.attrs.viewBox = this.type.viewBox;
return h('svg', data, mergeSlot(this.type.nodes, this, 'default'))
if (this.type.svguse === true) {
data.attrs.focusable = 'false'; /* needed for IE11 */
data.attrs.viewBox = this.type.viewBox;
return h('svg', data, [
h('use', {
attrs: {
'xlink:href': this.type.src
mergeSlot(this.type.nodes, this, 'default')
return h(this.tag, data, mergeSlot([
], this, 'default'))
var QAvatar = Vue.extend({
name: 'QAvatar',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, SizeMixin ],
props: {
fontSize: String,
color: String,
textColor: String,
icon: String,
square: Boolean,
rounded: Boolean
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
var obj;
return ( obj = {}, obj[("bg-" + (this.color))] = this.color, obj[("text-" + (this.textColor) + " q-chip--colored")] = this.textColor, obj['q-avatar--square'] = this.square, obj['rounded-borders'] = this.rounded, obj )
contentStyle: function contentStyle () {
if (this.fontSize) {
return { fontSize: this.fontSize }
render: function render (h) {
var icon = this.icon !== void 0
? [ h(QIcon, { props: { name: this.icon } }) ]
: void 0;
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-avatar',
style: this.sizeStyle,
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-avatar__content row flex-center overflow-hidden',
style: this.contentStyle
}, mergeSlotSafely(icon, this, 'default'))
var QBadge = Vue.extend({
name: 'QBadge',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
color: String,
textColor: String,
floating: Boolean,
transparent: Boolean,
multiLine: Boolean,
outline: Boolean,
label: [Number, String],
align: {
type: String,
validator: function (v) { return ['top', 'middle', 'bottom'].includes(v); }
computed: {
style: function style () {
if (this.align !== void 0) {
return { verticalAlign: this.align }
classes: function classes () {
var text = this.outline === true
? this.color || this.textColor
: this.textColor;
return 'q-badge flex inline items-center no-wrap' +
" q-badge--" + (this.multiLine === true ? 'multi' : 'single') + "-line" +
(this.outline === true
? ' q-badge--outline'
: (this.color !== void 0 ? (" bg-" + (this.color)) : '')
) +
(text !== void 0 ? (" text-" + text) : '') +
(this.floating === true ? ' q-badge--floating' : '') +
(this.transparent === true ? ' q-badge--transparent' : '')
attrs: function attrs () {
return {
role: 'alert',
'aria-label': this.label
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
style: this.style,
class: this.classes,
attrs: this.attrs,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, this.label !== void 0 ? [ this.label ] : slot(this, 'default'))
var DarkMixin = {
props: {
dark: {
type: Boolean,
default: null
computed: {
isDark: function isDark () {
return this.dark === null
? this.$q.dark.isActive
: this.dark
var attrs = { role: 'alert' };
var QBanner = Vue.extend({
name: 'QBanner',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, DarkMixin ],
props: {
inlineActions: Boolean,
dense: Boolean,
rounded: Boolean
render: function render (h) {
var actions = slot(this, 'action');
var child = [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-banner__avatar col-auto row items-center self-start'
}, slot(this, 'avatar')),
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-banner__content col text-body2'
}, slot(this, 'default'))
actions !== void 0 && child.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-banner__actions row items-center justify-end',
class: ("col-" + (this.inlineActions === true ? 'auto' : 'all'))
}, actions)
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-banner row items-center',
class: {
'q-banner--top-padding': actions !== void 0 && !this.inlineActions,
'q-banner--dense': this.dense,
'q-banner--dark q-dark': this.isDark,
'rounded-borders': this.rounded
attrs: attrs,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, child)
var attrs$1 = { role: 'toolbar' };
var QBar = Vue.extend({
name: 'QBar',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, DarkMixin ],
props: {
dense: Boolean
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return "q-bar--" + (this.dense === true ? 'dense' : 'standard') + " " +
"q-bar--" + (this.isDark === true ? 'dark' : 'light')
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-bar row no-wrap items-center',
class: this.classes,
attrs: attrs$1,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
alignMap = {
left: 'start',
center: 'center',
right: 'end',
between: 'between',
around: 'around',
evenly: 'evenly',
stretch: 'stretch'
alignValues = Object.keys(alignMap);
var AlignMixin = {
props: {
align: {
type: String,
validator: function (v) { return alignValues.includes(v); }
computed: {
alignClass: function alignClass () {
var align = this.align === void 0
? (this.vertical === true ? 'stretch' : 'left')
: this.align;
return ((this.vertical === true ? 'items' : 'justify') + "-" + (alignMap[align]))
var QBreadcrumbs = Vue.extend({
name: 'QBreadcrumbs',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, AlignMixin ],
props: {
separator: {
type: String,
default: '/'
separatorColor: String,
activeColor: {
type: String,
default: 'primary'
gutter: {
type: String,
validator: function (v) { return ['none', 'xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'].includes(v); },
default: 'sm'
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return ("" + (this.alignClass) + (this.gutter === 'none' ? '' : (" q-gutter-" + (this.gutter))))
sepClass: function sepClass () {
if (this.separatorColor) {
return ("text-" + (this.separatorColor))
activeClass: function activeClass () {
return ("text-" + (this.activeColor))
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var nodes = slot(this, 'default');
if (nodes === void 0) { return }
var els = 1;
child = [],
len = nodes.filter(function (c) { return c.tag !== void 0 && c.tag.endsWith('-QBreadcrumbsEl'); }).length,
separator = this.$scopedSlots.separator !== void 0
? this.$scopedSlots.separator
: function () { return this$1.separator; };
nodes.forEach(function (comp) {
if (comp.tag !== void 0 && comp.tag.endsWith('-QBreadcrumbsEl')) {
var middle = els < len;
child.push(h('div', {
staticClass: 'flex items-center',
class: middle ? this$1.activeClass : 'q-breadcrumbs--last'
}, [ comp ]));
if (middle) {
child.push(h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-breadcrumbs__separator', class: this$1.sepClass
}, separator()));
else {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-breadcrumbs',
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'flex items-center',
class: this.classes
}, child)
var routerLinkProps = {
to: [String, Object],
exact: Boolean,
append: Boolean,
replace: Boolean,
activeClass: String,
exactActiveClass: String,
disable: Boolean
var RouterLinkMixin = {
props: routerLinkProps,
computed: {
hasRouterLink: function hasRouterLink () {
return this.disable !== true && this.to !== void 0 && this.to !== null && this.to !== ''
routerLinkProps: function routerLinkProps () {
return {
to: this.to,
exact: this.exact,
append: this.append,
replace: this.replace,
activeClass: this.activeClass || 'q-router-link--active',
exactActiveClass: this.exactActiveClass || 'q-router-link--exact-active',
event: this.disable === true ? '' : void 0
var QBreadcrumbsEl = Vue.extend({
name: 'QBreadcrumbsEl',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, RouterLinkMixin ],
props: {
label: String,
icon: String
render: function render (h) {
var obj;
var child = [];
this.icon !== void 0 && child.push(
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-breadcrumbs__el-icon',
class: this.label !== void 0 ? 'q-breadcrumbs__el-icon--with-label' : null,
props: { name: this.icon }
this.label && child.push(this.label);
return h(this.hasRouterLink === true ? 'router-link' : 'span', ( obj = {
staticClass: 'q-breadcrumbs__el q-link flex inline items-center relative-position',
props: this.hasRouterLink === true ? this.routerLinkProps : null
}, obj[this.hasRouterLink === true ? 'nativeOn' : 'on'] = Object.assign({}, this.qListeners), obj ), mergeSlot(child, this, 'default'))
var mixin = {
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
color: String,
size: {
type: [Number, String],
default: '1em'
computed: {
cSize: function cSize () {
return this.size in sizes
? ((sizes[this.size]) + "px")
: this.size
classes: function classes () {
if (this.color) {
return ("text-" + (this.color))
var QSpinner = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpinner',
mixins: [ mixin ],
props: {
thickness: {
type: Number,
default: 5
render: function render (h) {
return h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-spinner q-spinner-mat',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: {
focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */,
'width': this.cSize,
'height': this.cSize,
'viewBox': '25 25 50 50'
}, [
h('circle', {
staticClass: 'path',
attrs: {
'cx': '50',
'cy': '50',
'r': '20',
'fill': 'none',
'stroke': 'currentColor',
'stroke-width': this.thickness,
'stroke-miterlimit': '10'
function offset (el) {
if (el === window) {
return { top: 0, left: 0 }
var ref = el.getBoundingClientRect();
var top = ref.top;
var left = ref.left;
return { top: top, left: left }
function style (el, property) {
return window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue(property)
function height (el) {
return el === window
? window.innerHeight
: el.getBoundingClientRect().height
function width (el) {
return el === window
? window.innerWidth
: el.getBoundingClientRect().width
function css (element, css) {
var style = element.style;
Object.keys(css).forEach(function (prop) {
style[prop] = css[prop];
function cssBatch (elements, style) {
elements.forEach(function (el) { return css(el, style); });
function ready (fn) {
if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {
return fn()
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn, false);
// internal
function childHasFocus (el, focusedEl) {
if (el === void 0 || el.contains(focusedEl) === true) {
return true
for (var next = el.nextElementSibling; next !== null; next = next.nextElementSibling) {
if (next.contains(focusedEl)) {
return true
return false
// internal
function getBodyFullscreenElement (isFullscreen, activeEl) {
return isFullscreen === true
? (
// when a video tag enters fullscreen activeEl is null
activeEl === document.documentElement || activeEl === null
? document.body
: activeEl
: document.body
var dom = {
offset: offset,
style: style,
height: height,
width: width,
css: css,
cssBatch: cssBatch,
ready: ready
function throttle (fn, limit) {
if ( limit === void 0 ) limit = 250;
var wait = false, result;
return function (/* ...args */) {
if (wait === false) {
wait = true;
setTimeout(function () { wait = false; }, limit);
result = fn.apply(this, arguments);
return result
function showRipple (evt, el, ctx, forceCenter) {
ctx.modifiers.stop === true && stop(evt);
var color = ctx.modifiers.color;
var center = ctx.modifiers.center;
center = center === true || forceCenter === true;
node = document.createElement('span'),
innerNode = document.createElement('span'),
pos = position(evt);
var ref = el.getBoundingClientRect();
var left = ref.left;
var top = ref.top;
var width = ref.width;
var height = ref.height;
var diameter = Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height),
radius = diameter / 2,
centerX = ((width - diameter) / 2) + "px",
x = center ? centerX : ((pos.left - left - radius) + "px"),
centerY = ((height - diameter) / 2) + "px",
y = center ? centerY : ((pos.top - top - radius) + "px");
innerNode.className = 'q-ripple__inner';
css(innerNode, {
height: (diameter + "px"),
width: (diameter + "px"),
transform: ("translate3d(" + x + "," + y + ",0) scale3d(.2,.2,1)"),
opacity: 0
node.className = "q-ripple" + (color ? ' text-' + color : '');
node.setAttribute('dir', 'ltr');
var abort = function () {
var timer = setTimeout(function () {
innerNode.style.transform = "translate3d(" + centerX + "," + centerY + ",0) scale3d(1,1,1)";
innerNode.style.opacity = 0.2;
timer = setTimeout(function () {
innerNode.style.opacity = 0;
timer = setTimeout(function () {
ctx.abort.splice(ctx.abort.indexOf(abort), 1);
}, 275);
}, 250);
}, 50);
function updateModifiers (ctx, ref) {
var modifiers = ref.modifiers;
var value = ref.value;
var arg = ref.arg;
var cfg = Object.assign({}, $q.config.ripple, modifiers, value);
ctx.modifiers = {
early: cfg.early === true,
stop: cfg.stop === true,
center: cfg.center === true,
color: cfg.color || arg,
keyCodes: [].concat(cfg.keyCodes || 13)
function destroy (el) {
var ctx = el.__qripple;
if (ctx !== void 0) {
ctx.abort.forEach(function (fn) { fn(); });
cleanEvt(ctx, 'main');
delete el._qripple;
var Ripple = {
name: 'ripple',
inserted: function inserted (el, binding) {
if (el.__qripple !== void 0) {
el.__qripple_destroyed = true;
var ctx = {
enabled: binding.value !== false,
modifiers: {},
abort: [],
start: function start (evt) {
if (
ctx.enabled === true &&
evt.qSkipRipple !== true &&
// on ENTER in form IE emits a PointerEvent with negative client cordinates
(client.is.ie !== true || evt.clientX >= 0) &&
ctx.modifiers.early === true
? ['mousedown', 'touchstart'].includes(evt.type) === true
: evt.type === 'click'
) {
showRipple(evt, el, ctx, evt.qKeyEvent === true);
keystart: throttle(function (evt) {
if (
ctx.enabled === true &&
evt.qSkipRipple !== true &&
isKeyCode(evt, ctx.modifiers.keyCodes) === true &&
evt.type === ("key" + (ctx.modifiers.early === true ? 'down' : 'up'))
) {
showRipple(evt, el, ctx, true);
}, 300)
updateModifiers(ctx, binding);
el.__qripple = ctx;
addEvt(ctx, 'main', [
[ el, 'mousedown', 'start', 'passive' ],
[ el, 'touchstart', 'start', 'passive' ],
[ el, 'click', 'start', 'passive' ],
[ el, 'keydown', 'keystart', 'passive' ],
[ el, 'keyup', 'keystart', 'passive' ]
update: function update (el, binding) {
var ctx = el.__qripple;
if (ctx !== void 0 && binding.oldValue !== binding.value) {
ctx.enabled = binding.value !== false;
if (ctx.enabled === true && Object(binding.value) === binding.value) {
updateModifiers(ctx, binding);
unbind: function unbind (el) {
if (el.__qripple_destroyed === void 0) {
else {
delete el.__qripple_destroyed;
var RippleMixin = {
directives: {
Ripple: Ripple
props: {
ripple: {
type: [Boolean, Object],
default: true
var padding = {
none: 0,
xs: 4,
sm: 8,
md: 16,
lg: 24,
xl: 32
var BtnMixin = {
mixins: [
xs: 8,
sm: 10,
md: 14,
lg: 20,
xl: 24
props: {
type: String,
to: [ Object, String ],
replace: Boolean,
append: Boolean,
label: [ Number, String ],
icon: String,
iconRight: String,
round: Boolean,
outline: Boolean,
flat: Boolean,
unelevated: Boolean,
rounded: Boolean,
push: Boolean,
glossy: Boolean,
size: String,
fab: Boolean,
fabMini: Boolean,
padding: String,
color: String,
textColor: String,
noCaps: Boolean,
noWrap: Boolean,
dense: Boolean,
tabindex: [ Number, String ],
align: { default: 'center' },
stack: Boolean,
stretch: Boolean,
loading: {
type: Boolean,
default: null
disable: Boolean
computed: {
style: function style () {
if (this.fab === false && this.fabMini === false) {
return this.sizeStyle
isRounded: function isRounded () {
return this.rounded === true || this.fab === true || this.fabMini === true
isActionable: function isActionable () {
return this.disable !== true && this.loading !== true
computedTabIndex: function computedTabIndex () {
return this.isActionable === true ? this.tabindex || 0 : -1
hasRouterLink: function hasRouterLink () {
return this.disable !== true && this.to !== void 0 && this.to !== null && this.to !== ''
isLink: function isLink () {
return this.type === 'a' || this.hasRouterLink === true
design: function design () {
if (this.flat === true) { return 'flat' }
if (this.outline === true) { return 'outline' }
if (this.push === true) { return 'push' }
if (this.unelevated === true) { return 'unelevated' }
return 'standard'
currentLocation: function currentLocation () {
if (this.hasRouterLink === true) {
// we protect from accessing this.$route without
// actually needing it so that we won't trigger
// unnecessary updates
return this.append === true
? this.$router.resolve(this.to, this.$route, true)
: this.$router.resolve(this.to)
attrs: function attrs () {
var attrs = { tabindex: this.computedTabIndex };
if (this.type !== 'a') {
attrs.type = this.type || 'button';
if (this.hasRouterLink === true) {
attrs.href = this.currentLocation.href;
attrs.role = 'link';
else {
attrs.role = this.type === 'a' ? 'link' : 'button';
if (this.loading === true && this.percentage !== void 0) {
attrs.role = 'progressbar';
attrs['aria-valuemin'] = 0;
attrs['aria-valuemax'] = 100;
attrs['aria-valuenow'] = this.percentage;
if (this.disable === true) {
attrs.disabled = '';
attrs['aria-disabled'] = 'true';
return attrs
classes: function classes () {
var colors;
if (this.color !== void 0) {
if (this.flat === true || this.outline === true) {
colors = "text-" + (this.textColor || this.color);
else {
colors = "bg-" + (this.color) + " text-" + (this.textColor || 'white');
else if (this.textColor) {
colors = "text-" + (this.textColor);
return "q-btn--" + (this.design) + " " +
"q-btn--" + (this.round === true ? 'round' : ("rectangle" + (this.isRounded === true ? ' q-btn--rounded' : ''))) +
(colors !== void 0 ? ' ' + colors : '') +
(this.isActionable === true ? ' q-btn--actionable q-focusable q-hoverable' : (this.disable === true ? ' disabled' : '')) +
(this.fab === true ? ' q-btn--fab' : (this.fabMini === true ? ' q-btn--fab-mini' : '')) +
(this.noCaps === true ? ' q-btn--no-uppercase' : '') +
(this.noWrap === true ? '' : ' q-btn--wrap') + // this is for IE11
(this.dense === true ? ' q-btn--dense' : '') +
(this.stretch === true ? ' no-border-radius self-stretch' : '') +
(this.glossy === true ? ' glossy' : '')
innerClasses: function innerClasses () {
return this.alignClass + (this.stack === true ? ' column' : ' row') +
(this.noWrap === true ? ' no-wrap text-no-wrap' : '') +
(this.loading === true ? ' q-btn__content--hidden' : '')
wrapperStyle: function wrapperStyle () {
if (this.padding !== void 0) {
return {
padding: this.padding
.map(function (v) { return v in padding ? padding[v] + 'px' : v; })
.join(' '),
minWidth: '0',
minHeight: '0'
var directions = [ 'left', 'right', 'up', 'down', 'horizontal', 'vertical' ];
var modifiersAll = {
left: true,
right: true,
up: true,
down: true,
horizontal: true,
vertical: true,
all: true
function getModifierDirections (mod) {
var dir = {};
directions.forEach(function (direction) {
if (mod[direction]) {
dir[direction] = true;
if (Object.keys(dir).length === 0) {
return modifiersAll
if (dir.horizontal === true) {
dir.left = dir.right = true;
if (dir.vertical === true) {
dir.up = dir.down = true;
if (dir.left === true && dir.right === true) {
dir.horizontal = true;
if (dir.up === true && dir.down === true) {
dir.vertical = true;
if (dir.horizontal === true && dir.vertical === true) {
dir.all = true;
return dir
var getTouchTarget = isSSR === false && iosEmulated !== true && (
client.is.ios === true ||
window.navigator.vendor.toLowerCase().indexOf('apple') > -1
? function () { return document; }
: function (target) { return target; };
function shouldStart (evt, ctx) {
return ctx.event === void 0 &&
evt.target !== void 0 &&
evt.target.draggable !== true &&
typeof ctx.handler === 'function' &&
evt.target.nodeName.toUpperCase() !== 'INPUT' &&
(evt.qClonedBy === void 0 || evt.qClonedBy.indexOf(ctx.uid) === -1)
var passiveCapture = listenOpts.passiveCapture;
touchTarget = void 0,
keyboardTarget = void 0,
mouseTarget = void 0;
var iconAttrs = { role: 'img', 'aria-hidden': 'true' };
var QBtn = Vue.extend({
name: 'QBtn',
mixins: [ BtnMixin ],
props: {
percentage: Number,
darkPercentage: Boolean
computed: {
hasLabel: function hasLabel () {
return this.label !== void 0 && this.label !== null && this.label !== ''
computedRipple: function computedRipple () {
return this.ripple === false
? false
: Object.assign({}, {keyCodes: this.isLink === true ? [ 13, 32 ] : [ 13 ]},
(this.ripple === true ? {} : this.ripple))
percentageStyle: function percentageStyle () {
var val = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, this.percentage));
if (val > 0) {
return { transition: 'transform 0.6s', transform: ("translateX(" + (val - 100) + "%)") }
onEvents: function onEvents () {
if (this.loading === true) {
return {
mousedown: this.__onLoadingEvt,
touchstart: this.__onLoadingEvt,
click: this.__onLoadingEvt,
keydown: this.__onLoadingEvt,
keyup: this.__onLoadingEvt
else if (this.isActionable === true) {
var on = Object.assign({}, this.qListeners,
{click: this.click,
keydown: this.__onKeydown,
mousedown: this.__onMousedown});
if (this.$q.platform.has.touch === true) {
on.touchstart = this.__onTouchstart;
return on
return {}
directives: function directives () {
if (this.disable !== true && this.ripple !== false) {
return [{
name: 'ripple',
value: this.computedRipple,
modifiers: { center: this.round }
methods: {
click: function click (e) {
var this$1 = this;
if (e !== void 0) {
if (e.defaultPrevented === true) {
var el = document.activeElement;
// focus button if it came from ENTER on form
// prevent the new submit (already done)
if (
this.type === 'submit' &&
(this.$q.platform.is.ie === true && (e.clientX < 0 || e.clientY < 0)) ||
el !== document.body &&
this.$el.contains(el) === false &&
// required for iOS and desktop Safari
el.contains(this.$el) === false
) {
var onClickCleanup = function () {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', stopAndPrevent, true);
document.removeEventListener('keyup', onClickCleanup, passiveCapture);
this$1.$el !== void 0 && this$1.$el.removeEventListener('blur', onClickCleanup, passiveCapture);
document.addEventListener('keydown', stopAndPrevent, true);
document.addEventListener('keyup', onClickCleanup, passiveCapture);
this.$el.addEventListener('blur', onClickCleanup, passiveCapture);
if (this.hasRouterLink === true) {
if (
e.ctrlKey === true ||
e.shiftKey === true ||
e.altKey === true ||
e.metaKey === true
) {
// if it has meta keys, let vue-router link
// handle this by its own
var go = function () {
// vue-router now throwing error if navigating
// to the same route that the user is currently at
// https://github.com/vuejs/vue-router/issues/2872
this$1.$router[this$1.replace === true ? 'replace' : 'push'](this$1.currentLocation.route, void 0, noop);
this.$emit('click', e, go);
this.hasRouterLink === true && e.navigate !== false && go();
__onKeydown: function __onKeydown (e) {
if (isKeyCode(e, [ 13, 32 ]) === true) {
if (keyboardTarget !== this.$el) {
keyboardTarget !== void 0 && this.__cleanup();
// focus external button if the focus helper was focused before
keyboardTarget = this.$el;
document.addEventListener('keyup', this.__onPressEnd, true);
this.$el.addEventListener('blur', this.__onPressEnd, passiveCapture);
this.$emit('keydown', e);
__onTouchstart: function __onTouchstart (e) {
var this$1 = this;
if (touchTarget !== this.$el) {
touchTarget !== void 0 && this.__cleanup();
touchTarget = this.$el;
var target = this.touchTargetEl = getTouchTarget(e.target);
target.addEventListener('touchcancel', this.__onPressEnd, passiveCapture);
target.addEventListener('touchend', this.__onPressEnd, passiveCapture);
// avoid duplicated mousedown event
// triggering another early ripple
this.avoidMouseRipple = true;
this.mouseTimer = setTimeout(function () {
this$1.avoidMouseRipple = false;
}, 200);
this.$emit('touchstart', e);
__onMousedown: function __onMousedown (e) {
if (mouseTarget !== this.$el) {
mouseTarget !== void 0 && this.__cleanup();
mouseTarget = this.$el;
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.__onPressEnd, passiveCapture);
e.qSkipRipple = this.avoidMouseRipple === true;
this.$emit('mousedown', e);
__onPressEnd: function __onPressEnd (e) {
// needed for IE (because it emits blur when focusing button from focus helper)
if (e !== void 0 && e.type === 'blur' && document.activeElement === this.$el) {
if (e !== void 0 && e.type === 'keyup') {
if (keyboardTarget === this.$el && isKeyCode(e, [ 13, 32 ]) === true) {
// for click trigger
var evt = new MouseEvent('click', e);
evt.qKeyEvent = true;
e.defaultPrevented === true && prevent(evt);
e.cancelBubble === true && stop(evt);
// for ripple
e.qKeyEvent = true;
this.$emit('keyup', e);
__cleanup: function __cleanup (destroying) {
var blurTarget = this.$refs.blurTarget;
if (
destroying !== true &&
(touchTarget === this.$el || mouseTarget === this.$el) &&
blurTarget !== void 0 &&
blurTarget !== document.activeElement
) {
blurTarget.setAttribute('tabindex', -1);
if (touchTarget === this.$el) {
var target = this.touchTargetEl;
target.removeEventListener('touchcancel', this.__onPressEnd, passiveCapture);
target.removeEventListener('touchend', this.__onPressEnd, passiveCapture);
touchTarget = this.touchTargetEl = void 0;
if (mouseTarget === this.$el) {
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.__onPressEnd, passiveCapture);
mouseTarget = void 0;
if (keyboardTarget === this.$el) {
document.removeEventListener('keyup', this.__onPressEnd, true);
this.$el !== void 0 && this.$el.removeEventListener('blur', this.__onPressEnd, passiveCapture);
keyboardTarget = void 0;
this.$el !== void 0 && this.$el.classList.remove('q-btn--active');
__onLoadingEvt: function __onLoadingEvt (evt) {
evt.qSkipRipple = true;
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
render: function render (h) {
var inner = [];
this.icon !== void 0 && inner.push(
h(QIcon, {
attrs: iconAttrs,
props: { name: this.icon, left: this.stack === false && this.hasLabel === true }
this.hasLabel === true && inner.push(
h('span', { staticClass: 'block' }, [ this.label ])
inner = mergeSlot(inner, this, 'default');
if (this.iconRight !== void 0 && this.round === false) {
h(QIcon, {
attrs: iconAttrs,
props: { name: this.iconRight, right: this.stack === false && this.hasLabel === true }
var child = [
h('span', {
staticClass: 'q-focus-helper',
ref: 'blurTarget'
if (this.loading === true && this.percentage !== void 0) {
h('span', {
staticClass: 'q-btn__progress absolute-full overflow-hidden'
}, [
h('span', {
staticClass: 'q-btn__progress-indicator fit block',
class: this.darkPercentage === true ? 'q-btn__progress--dark' : '',
style: this.percentageStyle
h('span', {
staticClass: 'q-btn__wrapper col row q-anchor--skip',
style: this.wrapperStyle
}, [
h('span', {
staticClass: 'q-btn__content text-center col items-center q-anchor--skip',
class: this.innerClasses
}, inner)
this.loading !== null && child.push(
h('transition', {
props: { name: 'q-transition--fade' }
}, this.loading === true ? [
h('span', {
key: 'loading',
staticClass: 'absolute-full flex flex-center'
}, this.$scopedSlots.loading !== void 0 ? this.$scopedSlots.loading() : [ h(QSpinner) ])
] : void 0)
return h(this.isLink === true ? 'a' : 'button', {
staticClass: 'q-btn q-btn-item non-selectable no-outline',
class: this.classes,
style: this.style,
attrs: this.attrs,
on: this.onEvents,
directives: this.directives
}, child)
var QBtnGroup = Vue.extend({
name: 'QBtnGroup',
mixin: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
unelevated: Boolean,
outline: Boolean,
flat: Boolean,
rounded: Boolean,
push: Boolean,
stretch: Boolean,
glossy: Boolean,
spread: Boolean
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
var this$1 = this;
return ['unelevated', 'outline', 'flat', 'rounded', 'push', 'stretch', 'glossy']
.filter(function (t) { return this$1[t] === true; })
.map(function (t) { return ("q-btn-group--" + t); }).join(' ')
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-btn-group row no-wrap ' +
(this.spread === true ? 'q-btn-group--spread' : 'inline'),
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
function clearSelection () {
if (window.getSelection !== void 0) {
var selection = window.getSelection();
if (selection.empty !== void 0) {
else if (selection.removeAllRanges !== void 0) {
Platform.is.mobile !== true && selection.addRange(document.createRange());
else if (document.selection !== void 0) {
var AnchorMixin = {
props: {
target: {
default: true
noParentEvent: Boolean,
contextMenu: Boolean
watch: {
contextMenu: function contextMenu (val) {
if (this.anchorEl !== void 0) {
target: function target () {
if (this.anchorEl !== void 0) {
noParentEvent: function noParentEvent (val) {
if (this.anchorEl !== void 0) {
if (val === true) {
else {
methods: {
__showCondition: function __showCondition (evt) {
// abort with no parent configured or on multi-touch
if (this.anchorEl === void 0) {
return false
if (evt === void 0) {
return true
return evt.touches === void 0 || evt.touches.length <= 1
__contextClick: function __contextClick (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
this.$nextTick(function () {
__toggleKey: function __toggleKey (evt) {
isKeyCode(evt, 13) === true && this.toggle(evt);
__mobileCleanup: function __mobileCleanup (evt) {
if (this.showing === true && evt !== void 0) {
__mobilePrevent: prevent,
__mobileTouch: function __mobileTouch (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.__showCondition(evt) !== true) {
var target = getTouchTarget(evt.target);
addEvt(this, 'anchor', [
[ target, 'touchmove', '__mobileCleanup', 'passive' ],
[ target, 'touchend', '__mobileCleanup', 'passive' ],
[ target, 'touchcancel', '__mobileCleanup', 'passive' ],
[ this.anchorEl, 'contextmenu', '__mobilePrevent', 'notPassive' ]
this.touchTimer = setTimeout(function () {
}, 300);
__unconfigureAnchorEl: function __unconfigureAnchorEl () {
cleanEvt(this, 'anchor');
__configureAnchorEl: function __configureAnchorEl (context) {
if ( context === void 0 ) context = this.contextMenu;
if (this.noParentEvent === true || this.anchorEl === void 0) { return }
var evts;
if (context === true) {
if (this.$q.platform.is.mobile === true) {
evts = [
[ this.anchorEl, 'touchstart', '__mobileTouch', 'passive' ]
else {
evts = [
[ this.anchorEl, 'click', 'hide', 'passive' ],
[ this.anchorEl, 'contextmenu', '__contextClick', 'notPassive' ]
else {
evts = [
[ this.anchorEl, 'click', 'toggle', 'passive' ],
[ this.anchorEl, 'keyup', '__toggleKey', 'passive' ]
addEvt(this, 'anchor', evts);
__setAnchorEl: function __setAnchorEl (el) {
this.anchorEl = el;
while (this.anchorEl.classList.contains('q-anchor--skip')) {
this.anchorEl = this.anchorEl.parentNode;
__pickAnchorEl: function __pickAnchorEl () {
if (this.target === false || this.target === '') {
this.anchorEl = void 0;
else if (this.target === true) {
else {
var el = this.target;
if (typeof this.target === 'string') {
try {
el = document.querySelector(this.target);
catch (err) {
el = void 0;
if (el !== void 0 && el !== null) {
this.anchorEl = el._isVue === true && el.$el !== void 0 ? el.$el : el;
else {
this.anchorEl = void 0;
console.error(("Anchor: target \"" + (this.target) + "\" not found"), this);
__changeScrollEvent: function __changeScrollEvent (scrollTarget, fn) {
var fnProp = (fn !== void 0 ? 'add' : 'remove') + "EventListener";
var fnHandler = fn !== void 0 ? fn : this.__scrollFn;
if (scrollTarget !== window) {
scrollTarget[fnProp]('scroll', fnHandler, listenOpts.passive);
window[fnProp]('scroll', fnHandler, listenOpts.passive);
this.__scrollFn = fn;
created: function created () {
var this$1 = this;
if (
typeof this.__configureScrollTarget === 'function' &&
typeof this.__unconfigureScrollTarget === 'function'
) {
this.noParentEventWatcher = this.$watch('noParentEvent', function () {
if (this$1.__scrollTarget !== void 0) {
mounted: function mounted () {
this.parentEl = this.$el.parentNode;
if (this.value === true && this.anchorEl === void 0) {
this.$emit('input', false);
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
this.noParentEventWatcher !== void 0 && this.noParentEventWatcher();
this.__anchorCleanup !== void 0 && this.__anchorCleanup();
var TimeoutMixin = {
methods: {
__nextTick: function __nextTick (fn) {
this.__tickFn = fn;
__prepareTick: function __prepareTick () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.__tickFn !== void 0) {
var fn = this.__tickFn;
this.$nextTick(function () {
if (this$1.__tickFn === fn) {
this$1.__tickFn = void 0;
__clearTick: function __clearTick () {
this.__tickFn = void 0;
__setTimeout: function __setTimeout (fn, delay) {
this.__timer = setTimeout(fn, delay);
__clearTimeout: function __clearTimeout () {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
this.__tickFn = void 0;
var ModelToggleMixin = {
mixins: [ TimeoutMixin, ListenersMixin ],
props: {
value: {
type: Boolean,
default: void 0
data: function data () {
return {
showing: false
watch: {
value: function value (val) {
$route: function $route () {
this.hideOnRouteChange === true && this.showing === true && this.hide();
methods: {
toggle: function toggle (evt) {
this[this.showing === true ? 'hide' : 'show'](evt);
show: function show (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.disable === true || (this.__showCondition !== void 0 && this.__showCondition(evt) !== true)) {
if (this.qListeners.input !== void 0 && isSSR === false) {
this.$emit('input', true);
this.payload = evt;
this.$nextTick(function () {
if (this$1.payload === evt) {
this$1.payload = void 0;
if (this.value === void 0 || this.qListeners.input === void 0 || isSSR === true) {
__processShow: function __processShow (evt) {
if (this.showing === true) {
// need to call it before setting showing to true
// in order to not ruin the animation
this.__preparePortal !== void 0 && this.__preparePortal();
this.showing = true;
this.$emit('before-show', evt);
if (this.__show !== void 0) {
else {
this.$emit('show', evt);
hide: function hide (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.disable === true) {
if (this.qListeners.input !== void 0 && isSSR === false) {
this.$emit('input', false);
this.payload = evt;
this.$nextTick(function () {
if (this$1.payload === evt) {
this$1.payload = void 0;
if (this.value === void 0 || this.qListeners.input === void 0 || isSSR === true) {
__processHide: function __processHide (evt) {
if (this.showing === false) {
this.showing = false;
this.$emit('before-hide', evt);
if (this.__hide !== void 0) {
else {
this.$emit('hide', evt);
__processModelChange: function __processModelChange (val) {
if (this.disable === true && val === true) {
this.qListeners.input !== void 0 && this.$emit('input', false);
else if ((val === true) !== this.showing) {
this[("__process" + (val === true ? 'Show' : 'Hide'))](this.payload);
function closePortalMenus (vm, evt) {
do {
if (vm.$options.name === 'QMenu') {
// is this a point of separation?
if (vm.separateClosePopup === true) {
return vm.$parent
else if (vm.__renderPortal !== void 0) {
// treat it as point of separation if parent is QPopupProxy
// (so mobile matches desktop behavior)
// and hide it too
if (vm.$parent !== void 0 && vm.$parent.$options.name === 'QPopupProxy') {
return vm.$parent
else {
return vm
vm = vm.$parent;
} while (vm !== void 0)
function closePortals (vm, evt, depth) {
while (depth !== 0 && vm !== void 0) {
if (vm.__renderPortal !== void 0) {
if (vm.$options.name === 'QMenu') {
vm = closePortalMenus(vm, evt);
vm = vm.$parent;
function isOnGlobalDialog (vm) {
while (vm !== void 0) {
if (vm.$options.name === 'QGlobalDialog') {
return true
if (vm.$options.name === 'QDialog') {
return false
vm = vm.$parent;
return false
var Portal = {
inheritAttrs: false,
props: {
contentClass: [ Array, String, Object ],
contentStyle: [ Array, String, Object ]
methods: {
__showPortal: function __showPortal () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.$q.fullscreen !== void 0 && this.$q.fullscreen.isCapable === true) {
var append = function (isFullscreen) {
if (this$1.__portal === void 0) {
var newParent = getBodyFullscreenElement(
if (
this$1.__portal.$el.parentElement !== newParent &&
newParent.contains(this$1.$el) === (this$1.__onGlobalDialog === false)
) {
this.unwatchFullscreen = this.$watch('$q.fullscreen.isActive', append);
var isActive = this.$q.fullscreen.isActive;
if (this.__onGlobalDialog === false || isActive === true) {
else if (this.__portal !== void 0 && this.__onGlobalDialog === false) {
__hidePortal: function __hidePortal () {
if (this.__portal !== void 0) {
if (this.unwatchFullscreen !== void 0) {
this.unwatchFullscreen = void 0;
if (this.__onGlobalDialog === false) {
this.__portal = void 0;
__preparePortal: function __preparePortal () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.__portal === void 0) {
this.__portal = this.__onGlobalDialog === true
? {
$el: this.$el,
$refs: this.$refs
: new Vue({
name: 'QPortal',
parent: this,
inheritAttrs: false,
render: function (h) { return this$1.__renderPortal(h); },
components: this.$options.components,
directives: this.$options.directives
render: function render (h) {
if (this.__onGlobalDialog === true) {
return this.__renderPortal(h)
if (this.__portal !== void 0) {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
if (isSSR === false) {
Portal.created = function () {
this.__onGlobalDialog = isOnGlobalDialog(this.$parent);
var TransitionMixin = {
props: {
transitionShow: {
type: String,
default: 'fade'
transitionHide: {
type: String,
default: 'fade'
data: function data () {
return {
transitionState: this.showing
watch: {
showing: function showing (val) {
var this$1 = this;
this.transitionShow !== this.transitionHide && this.$nextTick(function () {
this$1.transitionState = val;
computed: {
transition: function transition () {
return 'q-transition--' + (this.transitionState === true ? this.transitionHide : this.transitionShow)
function getVmOfNode (el) {
for (var node = el; node !== null; node = node.parentNode) {
// node.__vue__ can be null if the instance was destroyed
if (node.__vue__ === null) {
if (node.__vue__ !== void 0) {
return node.__vue__
function isVmChildOf (childVm, parentVm) {
for (var vm = childVm; vm !== void 0; vm = vm.$parent) {
if (vm === parentVm) {
return true
return false
var timer;
var notPassiveCapture = listenOpts.notPassiveCapture;
var passiveCapture$1 = listenOpts.passiveCapture;
var handlers = {
click: [],
focus: []
function execHandlers (list, evt) {
for (var i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (list[i](evt) === void 0) {
function globalHandler (evt) {
// prevent autofocus on body resulting from blur
if (evt.type === 'focusin' && evt.target.hasAttribute('tabindex') === true) {
timer = setTimeout(function () {
execHandlers(handlers.focus, evt);
}, 200);
else {
execHandlers(handlers.click, evt);
var ClickOutside = {
name: 'click-outside',
bind: function bind (el, ref, vnode) {
var value = ref.value;
var arg = ref.arg;
var vmEl = vnode.componentInstance || vnode.context;
var ctx = {
trigger: value,
toggleEl: arg,
handler: function handler (evt) {
var target = evt.target;
if (
target !== void 0 &&
target.nodeType !== 8 &&
// directives that prevent click by using pointer-events none generate click on html element
target !== document.documentElement &&
target.classList.contains('no-pointer-events') === false &&
ctx.toggleEl === void 0 ||
ctx.toggleEl.contains(target) === false
) &&
target === document.body ||
isVmChildOf(getVmOfNode(target), vmEl) === false
) {
// mark the event as being processed by clickOutside
// used to prevent refocus after menu close
evt.qClickOutside = true;
return ctx.trigger(evt)
if (el.__qclickoutside) {
el.__qclickoutside_old = el.__qclickoutside;
el.__qclickoutside = ctx;
if (handlers.click.length === 0) {
document.addEventListener('mousedown', globalHandler, notPassiveCapture);
document.addEventListener('touchstart', globalHandler, notPassiveCapture);
document.addEventListener('focusin', globalHandler, passiveCapture$1);
ctx.timerFocusin = setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
update: function update (el, ref) {
var value = ref.value;
var oldValue = ref.oldValue;
var arg = ref.arg;
var ctx = el.__qclickoutside;
if (value !== oldValue) {
ctx.trigger = value;
if (arg !== ctx.arg) {
ctx.toggleEl = arg;
unbind: function unbind (el) {
var ctx = el.__qclickoutside_old || el.__qclickoutside;
if (ctx !== void 0) {
indexClick = handlers.click.findIndex(function (h) { return h === ctx.handler; }),
indexFocus = handlers.focus.findIndex(function (h) { return h === ctx.handler; });
indexClick > -1 && handlers.click.splice(indexClick, 1);
indexFocus > -1 && handlers.focus.splice(indexFocus, 1);
if (handlers.click.length === 0) {
document.removeEventListener('mousedown', globalHandler, notPassiveCapture);
document.removeEventListener('touchstart', globalHandler, notPassiveCapture);
document.removeEventListener('focusin', globalHandler, passiveCapture$1);
delete el[el.__qclickoutside_old ? '__qclickoutside_old' : '__qclickoutside'];
var scrollTargets = isSSR === false
? [ null, document, document.body, document.scrollingElement, document.documentElement ]
: [];
function getScrollTarget (el, target) {
if (typeof target === 'string') {
try {
target = document.querySelector(target);
catch (err) {
target = void 0;
if (target === void 0 || target === null) {
target = el.closest('.scroll,.scroll-y,.overflow-auto');
else if (target._isVue === true && target.$el !== void 0) {
target = target.$el;
return scrollTargets.includes(target)
? window
: target
function getScrollHeight (el) {
return (el === window ? document.body : el).scrollHeight
function getScrollWidth (el) {
return (el === window ? document.body : el).scrollWidth
function getScrollPosition (scrollTarget) {
if (scrollTarget === window) {
return window.pageYOffset || window.scrollY || document.body.scrollTop || 0
return scrollTarget.scrollTop
function getHorizontalScrollPosition (scrollTarget) {
if (scrollTarget === window) {
return window.pageXOffset || window.scrollX || document.body.scrollLeft || 0
return scrollTarget.scrollLeft
function animScrollTo (el, to, duration) {
if ( duration === void 0 ) duration = 0;
var pos = getScrollPosition(el);
if (duration <= 0) {
if (pos !== to) {
setScroll(el, to);
requestAnimationFrame(function () {
var newPos = pos + (to - pos) / Math.max(16, duration) * 16;
setScroll(el, newPos);
if (newPos !== to) {
animScrollTo(el, to, duration - 16);
function animHorizontalScrollTo (el, to, duration) {
if ( duration === void 0 ) duration = 0;
var pos = getHorizontalScrollPosition(el);
if (duration <= 0) {
if (pos !== to) {
setHorizontalScroll(el, to);
requestAnimationFrame(function () {
var newPos = pos + (to - pos) / Math.max(16, duration) * 16;
setHorizontalScroll(el, newPos);
if (newPos !== to) {
animHorizontalScrollTo(el, to, duration - 16);
function setScroll (scrollTarget, offset) {
if (scrollTarget === window) {
window.scrollTo(window.pageXOffset || window.scrollX || document.body.scrollLeft || 0, offset);
scrollTarget.scrollTop = offset;
function setHorizontalScroll (scrollTarget, offset) {
if (scrollTarget === window) {
window.scrollTo(offset, window.pageYOffset || window.scrollY || document.body.scrollTop || 0);
scrollTarget.scrollLeft = offset;
function setScrollPosition (scrollTarget, offset, duration) {
if (duration) {
animScrollTo(scrollTarget, offset, duration);
setScroll(scrollTarget, offset);
function setHorizontalScrollPosition (scrollTarget, offset, duration) {
if (duration) {
animHorizontalScrollTo(scrollTarget, offset, duration);
setHorizontalScroll(scrollTarget, offset);
var size;
function getScrollbarWidth () {
if (size !== undefined) {
return size
inner = document.createElement('p'),
outer = document.createElement('div');
css(inner, {
width: '100%',
height: '200px'
css(outer, {
position: 'absolute',
top: '0px',
left: '0px',
visibility: 'hidden',
width: '200px',
height: '150px',
overflow: 'hidden'
var w1 = inner.offsetWidth;
outer.style.overflow = 'scroll';
var w2 = inner.offsetWidth;
if (w1 === w2) {
w2 = outer.clientWidth;
size = w1 - w2;
return size
function hasScrollbar (el, onY) {
if ( onY === void 0 ) onY = true;
if (!el || el.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return false
return onY
? (
el.scrollHeight > el.clientHeight && (
el.classList.contains('scroll') ||
el.classList.contains('overflow-auto') ||
['auto', 'scroll'].includes(window.getComputedStyle(el)['overflow-y'])
: (
el.scrollWidth > el.clientWidth && (
el.classList.contains('scroll') ||
el.classList.contains('overflow-auto') ||
['auto', 'scroll'].includes(window.getComputedStyle(el)['overflow-x'])
var scroll = {
getScrollTarget: getScrollTarget,
getScrollHeight: getScrollHeight,
getScrollWidth: getScrollWidth,
getScrollPosition: getScrollPosition,
getHorizontalScrollPosition: getHorizontalScrollPosition,
animScrollTo: animScrollTo,
animHorizontalScrollTo: animHorizontalScrollTo,
setScrollPosition: setScrollPosition,
setHorizontalScrollPosition: setHorizontalScrollPosition,
getScrollbarWidth: getScrollbarWidth,
hasScrollbar: hasScrollbar
var handlers$1 = [];
var escDown = false;
var EscapeKey = {
__install: function __install () {
this.__installed = true;
window.addEventListener('keydown', function (evt) {
escDown = evt.keyCode === 27;
window.addEventListener('blur', function () {
escDown === true && (escDown = false);
window.addEventListener('keyup', function (evt) {
if (escDown === true) {
escDown = false;
if (handlers$1.length !== 0 && isKeyCode(evt, 27) === true) {
handlers$1[handlers$1.length - 1].fn(evt);
register: function register (comp, fn) {
if (comp.$q.platform.is.desktop === true) {
this.__installed !== true && this.__install();
handlers$1.push({ comp: comp, fn: fn });
pop: function pop (comp) {
if (comp.$q.platform.is.desktop === true) {
var index = handlers$1.findIndex(function (h) { return h.comp === comp; });
if (index > -1) {
handlers$1.splice(index, 1);
var vpLeft, vpTop;
function validatePosition (pos) {
var parts = pos.split(' ');
if (parts.length !== 2) {
return false
if (!['top', 'center', 'bottom'].includes(parts[0])) {
console.error('Anchor/Self position must start with one of top/center/bottom');
return false
if (!['left', 'middle', 'right'].includes(parts[1])) {
console.error('Anchor/Self position must end with one of left/middle/right');
return false
return true
function validateOffset (val) {
if (!val) { return true }
if (val.length !== 2) { return false }
if (typeof val[0] !== 'number' || typeof val[1] !== 'number') {
return false
return true
function parsePosition (pos) {
var parts = pos.split(' ');
return { vertical: parts[0], horizontal: parts[1] }
function getAnchorProps (el, offset) {
var ref = el.getBoundingClientRect();
var top = ref.top;
var left = ref.left;
var right = ref.right;
var bottom = ref.bottom;
var width = ref.width;
var height = ref.height;
if (offset !== void 0) {
top -= offset[1];
left -= offset[0];
bottom += offset[1];
right += offset[0];
width += offset[0];
height += offset[1];
return {
top: top,
left: left,
right: right,
bottom: bottom,
width: width,
height: height,
middle: left + (right - left) / 2,
center: top + (bottom - top) / 2
function getTargetProps (el) {
return {
top: 0,
center: el.offsetHeight / 2,
bottom: el.offsetHeight,
left: 0,
middle: el.offsetWidth / 2,
right: el.offsetWidth
// cfg: { el, anchorEl, anchorOrigin, selfOrigin, offset, absoluteOffset, cover, fit, maxHeight, maxWidth }
function setPosition (cfg) {
if (client.is.ios === true && window.visualViewport !== void 0) {
// uses the q-position-engine CSS class
var el = document.body.style;
var ref = window.visualViewport;
var left = ref.offsetLeft;
var top = ref.offsetTop;
if (left !== vpLeft) {
el.setProperty('--q-pe-left', left + 'px');
vpLeft = left;
if (top !== vpTop) {
el.setProperty('--q-pe-top', top + 'px');
vpTop = top;
var anchorProps;
// scroll position might change
// if max-height/-width changes, so we
// need to restore it after we calculate
// the new positioning
var ref$1 = cfg.el;
var scrollLeft = ref$1.scrollLeft;
var scrollTop = ref$1.scrollTop;
if (cfg.absoluteOffset === void 0) {
anchorProps = getAnchorProps(cfg.anchorEl, cfg.cover === true ? [0, 0] : cfg.offset);
else {
var ref$2 = cfg.anchorEl.getBoundingClientRect();
var anchorTop = ref$2.top;
var anchorLeft = ref$2.left;
var top$1 = anchorTop + cfg.absoluteOffset.top,
left$1 = anchorLeft + cfg.absoluteOffset.left;
anchorProps = { top: top$1, left: left$1, width: 1, height: 1, right: left$1 + 1, center: top$1, middle: left$1, bottom: top$1 + 1 };
var elStyle = {
maxHeight: cfg.maxHeight,
maxWidth: cfg.maxWidth,
visibility: 'visible'
if (cfg.fit === true || cfg.cover === true) {
elStyle.minWidth = anchorProps.width + 'px';
if (cfg.cover === true) {
elStyle.minHeight = anchorProps.height + 'px';
Object.assign(cfg.el.style, elStyle);
targetProps = getTargetProps(cfg.el),
props = {
top: anchorProps[cfg.anchorOrigin.vertical] - targetProps[cfg.selfOrigin.vertical],
left: anchorProps[cfg.anchorOrigin.horizontal] - targetProps[cfg.selfOrigin.horizontal]
applyBoundaries(props, anchorProps, targetProps, cfg.anchorOrigin, cfg.selfOrigin);
elStyle = {
top: props.top + 'px',
left: props.left + 'px'
if (props.maxHeight !== void 0) {
elStyle.maxHeight = props.maxHeight + 'px';
if (anchorProps.height > props.maxHeight) {
elStyle.minHeight = elStyle.maxHeight;
if (props.maxWidth !== void 0) {
elStyle.maxWidth = props.maxWidth + 'px';
if (anchorProps.width > props.maxWidth) {
elStyle.minWidth = elStyle.maxWidth;
Object.assign(cfg.el.style, elStyle);
// restore scroll position
if (cfg.el.scrollTop !== scrollTop) {
cfg.el.scrollTop = scrollTop;
if (cfg.el.scrollLeft !== scrollLeft) {
cfg.el.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
function applyBoundaries (props, anchorProps, targetProps, anchorOrigin, selfOrigin) {
currentHeight = targetProps.bottom,
currentWidth = targetProps.right,
margin = getScrollbarWidth(),
innerHeight = window.innerHeight - margin,
innerWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
if (props.top < 0 || props.top + currentHeight > innerHeight) {
if (selfOrigin.vertical === 'center') {
props.top = anchorProps[anchorOrigin.vertical] > innerHeight / 2
? Math.max(0, innerHeight - currentHeight)
: 0;
props.maxHeight = Math.min(currentHeight, innerHeight);
else if (anchorProps[anchorOrigin.vertical] > innerHeight / 2) {
var anchorY = Math.min(
anchorOrigin.vertical === 'center'
? anchorProps.center
: (anchorOrigin.vertical === selfOrigin.vertical ? anchorProps.bottom : anchorProps.top)
props.maxHeight = Math.min(currentHeight, anchorY);
props.top = Math.max(0, anchorY - currentHeight);
else {
props.top = Math.max(0, anchorOrigin.vertical === 'center'
? anchorProps.center
: (anchorOrigin.vertical === selfOrigin.vertical ? anchorProps.top : anchorProps.bottom)
props.maxHeight = Math.min(currentHeight, innerHeight - props.top);
if (props.left < 0 || props.left + currentWidth > innerWidth) {
props.maxWidth = Math.min(currentWidth, innerWidth);
if (selfOrigin.horizontal === 'middle') {
props.left = anchorProps[anchorOrigin.horizontal] > innerWidth / 2
? Math.max(0, innerWidth - currentWidth)
: 0;
else if (anchorProps[anchorOrigin.horizontal] > innerWidth / 2) {
var anchorX = Math.min(
anchorOrigin.horizontal === 'middle'
? anchorProps.middle
: (anchorOrigin.horizontal === selfOrigin.horizontal ? anchorProps.right : anchorProps.left)
props.maxWidth = Math.min(currentWidth, anchorX);
props.left = Math.max(0, anchorX - props.maxWidth);
else {
props.left = Math.max(0, anchorOrigin.horizontal === 'middle'
? anchorProps.middle
: (anchorOrigin.horizontal === selfOrigin.horizontal ? anchorProps.left : anchorProps.right)
props.maxWidth = Math.min(currentWidth, innerWidth - props.left);
var QMenu = Vue.extend({
name: 'QMenu',
mixins: [
directives: {
ClickOutside: ClickOutside
props: {
persistent: Boolean,
autoClose: Boolean,
separateClosePopup: Boolean,
noRouteDismiss: Boolean,
noRefocus: Boolean,
noFocus: Boolean,
fit: Boolean,
cover: Boolean,
square: Boolean,
anchor: {
type: String,
validator: validatePosition
self: {
type: String,
validator: validatePosition
offset: {
type: Array,
validator: validateOffset
scrollTarget: {
default: void 0
touchPosition: Boolean,
maxHeight: {
type: String,
default: null
maxWidth: {
type: String,
default: null
computed: {
horizSide: function horizSide () {
return this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'right' : 'left'
anchorOrigin: function anchorOrigin () {
return parsePosition(
this.anchor || (
this.cover === true ? "center middle" : ("bottom " + (this.horizSide))
selfOrigin: function selfOrigin () {
return this.cover === true
? this.anchorOrigin
: parsePosition(this.self || ("top " + (this.horizSide)))
menuClass: function menuClass () {
return (this.square === true ? ' q-menu--square' : '') +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-menu--dark q-dark' : '')
hideOnRouteChange: function hideOnRouteChange () {
return this.persistent !== true &&
this.noRouteDismiss !== true
onEvents: function onEvents () {
var on = Object.assign({}, this.qListeners,
// stop propagating these events from children
{input: stop,
'popup-show': stop,
'popup-hide': stop});
if (this.autoClose === true) {
on.click = this.__onAutoClose;
return on
attrs: function attrs () {
return Object.assign({}, {tabindex: -1},
methods: {
focus: function focus () {
var node = this.__portal !== void 0 && this.__portal.$refs !== void 0
? this.__portal.$refs.inner
: void 0;
if (node !== void 0 && node.contains(document.activeElement) !== true) {
node = node.querySelector('[autofocus], [data-autofocus]') || node;
__show: function __show (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
// IE can have null document.activeElement
this.__refocusTarget = this.noRefocus === false && document.activeElement !== null
? document.activeElement
: void 0;
EscapeKey.register(this, function () {
if (this$1.persistent !== true) {
this.absoluteOffset = void 0;
if (evt !== void 0 && (this.touchPosition || this.contextMenu)) {
var pos = position(evt);
if (pos.left !== void 0) {
var ref = this.anchorEl.getBoundingClientRect();
var top = ref.top;
var left = ref.left;
this.absoluteOffset = { left: pos.left - left, top: pos.top - top };
if (this.unwatch === void 0) {
this.unwatch = this.$watch(
function () { return this$1.$q.screen.width + '|' + this$1.$q.screen.height + '|' + this$1.self + '|' + this$1.anchor; },
this.$el.dispatchEvent(create('popup-show', { bubbles: true }));
// IE can have null document.activeElement
if (this.noFocus !== true && document.activeElement !== null) {
this.__nextTick(function () {
this$1.noFocus !== true && this$1.focus();
this.__setTimeout(function () {
// required in order to avoid the "double-tap needed" issue
if (this$1.$q.platform.is.ios === true) {
// if auto-close, then this click should
// not close the menu
this$1.__avoidAutoClose = this$1.autoClose;
this$1.$emit('show', evt);
}, 300);
__hide: function __hide (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
// check null for IE
if (
this.__refocusTarget !== void 0 &&
this.__refocusTarget !== null &&
// menu was hidden from code or ESC plugin
evt === void 0 ||
// menu was not closed from a mouse or touch clickOutside
evt.qClickOutside !== true
) {
this.$el.dispatchEvent(create('popup-hide', { bubbles: true }));
this.__setTimeout(function () {
this$1.$emit('hide', evt);
}, 300);
__anchorCleanup: function __anchorCleanup (hiding) {
this.absoluteOffset = void 0;
if (this.unwatch !== void 0) {
this.unwatch = void 0;
if (hiding === true || this.showing === true) {
__unconfigureScrollTarget: function __unconfigureScrollTarget () {
if (this.__scrollTarget !== void 0) {
this.__scrollTarget = void 0;
__configureScrollTarget: function __configureScrollTarget () {
if (this.anchorEl !== void 0 || this.scrollTarget !== void 0) {
this.__scrollTarget = getScrollTarget(this.anchorEl, this.scrollTarget);
this.__changeScrollEvent(this.__scrollTarget, this.updatePosition);
__onAutoClose: function __onAutoClose (e) {
// if auto-close, then the ios double-tap fix which
// issues a click should not close the menu
if (this.__avoidAutoClose !== true) {
closePortalMenus(this, e);
this.qListeners.click !== void 0 && this.$emit('click', e);
else {
this.__avoidAutoClose = false;
updatePosition: function updatePosition () {
if (this.anchorEl === void 0 || this.__portal === void 0) {
var el = this.__portal.$el;
if (el.nodeType === 8) { // IE replaces the comment with delay
setTimeout(this.updatePosition, 25);
el: el,
offset: this.offset,
anchorEl: this.anchorEl,
anchorOrigin: this.anchorOrigin,
selfOrigin: this.selfOrigin,
absoluteOffset: this.absoluteOffset,
fit: this.fit,
cover: this.cover,
maxHeight: this.maxHeight,
maxWidth: this.maxWidth
__onClickOutside: function __onClickOutside (e) {
if (this.persistent !== true && this.showing === true) {
var targetClassList = e.target.classList;
if (
// always prevent touch event
e.type === 'touchstart' ||
// prevent click if it's on a dialog backdrop
) {
return true
__renderPortal: function __renderPortal (h) {
return h('transition', {
props: { name: this.transition }
}, [
this.showing === true ? h('div', {
ref: 'inner',
staticClass: 'q-menu q-position-engine scroll' + this.menuClass,
class: this.contentClass,
style: this.contentStyle,
attrs: this.attrs,
on: this.onEvents,
directives: [{
name: 'click-outside',
value: this.__onClickOutside,
arg: this.anchorEl
}, slot(this, 'default')) : null
mounted: function mounted () {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
// When the menu is destroyed while open we can only emit the event on anchorEl
if (this.showing === true && this.anchorEl !== void 0) {
create('popup-hide', { bubbles: true })
var QBtnDropdown = Vue.extend({
name: 'QBtnDropdown',
mixins: [ BtnMixin ],
props: {
value: Boolean,
split: Boolean,
dropdownIcon: String,
contentClass: [ Array, String, Object ],
contentStyle: [ Array, String, Object ],
cover: Boolean,
persistent: Boolean,
noRouteDismiss: Boolean,
autoClose: Boolean,
menuAnchor: {
type: String,
default: 'bottom right'
menuSelf: {
type: String,
default: 'top right'
menuOffset: Array,
disableMainBtn: Boolean,
disableDropdown: Boolean,
noIconAnimation: Boolean
data: function data () {
return {
showing: this.value
watch: {
value: function value (val) {
this.$refs.menu !== void 0 && this.$refs.menu[val ? 'show' : 'hide']();
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var label = slot(this, 'label', []);
var attrs = {
'aria-expanded': this.showing === true ? 'true' : 'false',
'aria-haspopup': 'true'
if (
this.disable === true ||
(this.split === false && this.disableMainBtn === true) ||
this.disableDropdown === true
) {
attrs['aria-disabled'] = 'true';
var Arrow = [
h(QIcon, {
props: { name: this.dropdownIcon || this.$q.iconSet.arrow.dropdown },
class: 'q-btn-dropdown__arrow' +
(this.showing === true && this.noIconAnimation === false ? ' rotate-180' : '') +
(this.split === false ? ' q-btn-dropdown__arrow-container' : '')
this.disableDropdown !== true && Arrow.push(
h(QMenu, {
ref: 'menu',
props: {
cover: this.cover,
fit: true,
persistent: this.persistent,
noRouteDismiss: this.noRouteDismiss,
autoClose: this.autoClose,
anchor: this.menuAnchor,
self: this.menuSelf,
offset: this.menuOffset,
contentClass: this.contentClass,
contentStyle: this.contentStyle,
separateClosePopup: true
on: cache(this, 'menu', {
'before-show': function (e) {
this$1.showing = true;
this$1.$emit('before-show', e);
show: function (e) {
this$1.$emit('show', e);
this$1.$emit('input', true);
'before-hide': function (e) {
this$1.showing = false;
this$1.$emit('before-hide', e);
hide: function (e) {
this$1.$emit('hide', e);
this$1.$emit('input', false);
}, slot(this, 'default'))
if (this.split === false) {
return h(QBtn, {
class: 'q-btn-dropdown q-btn-dropdown--simple',
props: Object.assign({}, this.$props,
{disable: this.disable === true || this.disableMainBtn === true,
noWrap: true,
round: false}),
attrs: attrs,
on: cache(this, 'nonSpl', {
click: function (e) {
this$1.$emit('click', e);
}, label.concat(Arrow))
var Btn = h(QBtn, {
class: 'q-btn-dropdown--current',
props: Object.assign({}, this.$props,
{disable: this.disable === true || this.disableMainBtn === true,
noWrap: true,
iconRight: this.iconRight,
round: false}),
on: cache(this, 'spl', {
click: function (e) {
this$1.$emit('click', e);
}, label);
return h(QBtnGroup, {
props: {
outline: this.outline,
flat: this.flat,
rounded: this.rounded,
push: this.push,
unelevated: this.unelevated,
glossy: this.glossy,
stretch: this.stretch
staticClass: 'q-btn-dropdown q-btn-dropdown--split no-wrap q-btn-item'
}, [
h(QBtn, {
staticClass: 'q-btn-dropdown__arrow-container',
attrs: attrs,
props: {
disable: this.disable === true || this.disableDropdown === true,
outline: this.outline,
flat: this.flat,
rounded: this.rounded,
push: this.push,
size: this.size,
color: this.color,
textColor: this.textColor,
dense: this.dense,
ripple: this.ripple
}, Arrow)
methods: {
toggle: function toggle (evt) {
this.$refs.menu && this.$refs.menu.toggle(evt);
show: function show (evt) {
this.$refs.menu && this.$refs.menu.show(evt);
hide: function hide (evt) {
this.$refs.menu && this.$refs.menu.hide(evt);
mounted: function mounted () {
this.value === true && this.show();
var FormMixin = {
props: {
name: String
computed: {
formAttrs: function formAttrs () {
return {
type: 'hidden',
name: this.name,
value: this.value
methods: {
__injectFormInput: function __injectFormInput (child, action, className) {
this.$createElement('input', {
staticClass: 'hidden',
class: className,
attrs: this.formAttrs,
domProps: this.formDomProps
var FormFieldMixin = {
props: {
name: String
computed: {
nameProp: function nameProp () {
return this.name || this.for
var QBtnToggle = Vue.extend({
name: 'QBtnToggle',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, RippleMixin, FormMixin ],
props: {
value: {
required: true
options: {
type: Array,
required: true,
validator: function (v) { return v.every(
function (opt) { return ('label' in opt || 'icon' in opt || 'slot' in opt) && 'value' in opt; }
); }
// To avoid seeing the active raise shadow through the transparent button, give it a color (even white).
color: String,
textColor: String,
toggleColor: {
type: String,
default: 'primary'
toggleTextColor: String,
outline: Boolean,
flat: Boolean,
unelevated: Boolean,
rounded: Boolean,
push: Boolean,
glossy: Boolean,
size: String,
padding: String,
noCaps: Boolean,
noWrap: Boolean,
dense: Boolean,
readonly: Boolean,
disable: Boolean,
stack: Boolean,
stretch: Boolean,
spread: Boolean,
clearable: Boolean
computed: {
hasActiveValue: function hasActiveValue () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.options.find(function (opt) { return opt.value === this$1.value; }) !== void 0
formAttrs: function formAttrs () {
return {
type: 'hidden',
name: this.name,
value: this.value
btnOptions: function btnOptions () {
var this$1 = this;
var mergeOption = function (opt, key) { return opt[key] === void 0 ? this$1[key] : opt[key]; };
return this.options.map(function (opt, i) { return ({
slot: opt.slot,
options: {
key: i,
class: opt.class,
style: opt.style,
on: Object.assign({}, this$1.qListeners,
{click: function (e) { return this$1.__set(opt.value, opt, e); }}),
attrs: opt.attrs,
props: Object.assign({}, opt,
{slot: void 0,
class: void 0,
style: void 0,
value: void 0,
attrs: void 0,
outline: this$1.outline,
flat: this$1.flat,
rounded: this$1.rounded,
push: this$1.push,
unelevated: this$1.unelevated,
dense: this$1.dense,
disable: this$1.disable === true || opt.disable === true,
// Options that come from the button specific options first, then from general props
color: opt.value === this$1.value ? mergeOption(opt, 'toggleColor') : mergeOption(opt, 'color'),
textColor: opt.value === this$1.value ? mergeOption(opt, 'toggleTextColor') : mergeOption(opt, 'textColor'),
noCaps: mergeOption(opt, 'noCaps') === true,
noWrap: mergeOption(opt, 'noWrap') === true,
size: mergeOption(opt, 'size'),
padding: mergeOption(opt, 'padding'),
ripple: mergeOption(opt, 'ripple'),
stack: mergeOption(opt, 'stack') === true,
stretch: mergeOption(opt, 'stretch') === true})
}); })
methods: {
__set: function __set (value, opt, e) {
if (this.readonly !== true) {
if (this.value === value) {
if (this.clearable === true) {
this.$emit('input', null, null);
else {
this.$emit('input', value, opt);
this.$emit('click', e);
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var child = this.btnOptions.map(function (opt) {
return h(QBtn, opt.options, opt.slot !== void 0 ? slot(this$1, opt.slot) : void 0)
if (this.name !== void 0 && this.disable !== true && this.hasActiveValue === true) {
this.__injectFormInput(child, 'push');
return h(QBtnGroup, {
staticClass: 'q-btn-toggle',
props: {
outline: this.outline,
flat: this.flat,
rounded: this.rounded,
push: this.push,
stretch: this.stretch,
unelevated: this.unelevated,
glossy: this.glossy,
spread: this.spread
}, mergeSlot(child, this, 'default'))
var QCard = Vue.extend({
name: 'QCard',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, DarkMixin, TagMixin ],
props: {
square: Boolean,
flat: Boolean,
bordered: Boolean
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-card' +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-card--dark q-dark' : '') +
(this.bordered === true ? ' q-card--bordered' : '') +
(this.square === true ? ' q-card--square no-border-radius' : '') +
(this.flat === true ? ' q-card--flat no-shadow' : '')
render: function render (h) {
return h(this.tag, {
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QCardSection = Vue.extend({
name: 'QCardSection',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, TagMixin ],
props: {
horizontal: Boolean
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-card__section ' +
"q-card__section--" + (this.horizontal === true ? 'horiz row no-wrap' : 'vert')
render: function render (h) {
return h(this.tag, {
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QCardActions = Vue.extend({
name: 'QCardActions',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, AlignMixin ],
props: {
vertical: Boolean
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return ("q-card__actions--" + (this.vertical === true ? 'vert column' : 'horiz row') + " " + (this.alignClass))
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-card__actions',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
function parseArg (arg) {
// delta (min velocity -- dist / time)
// mobile min distance on first move
// desktop min distance until deciding if it's a swipe or not
var data = [0.06, 6, 50];
if (typeof arg === 'string' && arg.length) {
arg.split(':').forEach(function (val, index) {
var v = parseFloat(val);
v && (data[index] = v);
return data
function destroy$1 (el) {
var ctx = el.__qtouchswipe;
if (ctx !== void 0) {
cleanEvt(ctx, 'main');
cleanEvt(ctx, 'temp');
client.is.firefox === true && preventDraggable(el, false);
ctx.styleCleanup !== void 0 && ctx.styleCleanup();
delete el.__qtouchswipe;
var TouchSwipe = {
name: 'touch-swipe',
bind: function bind (el, ref) {
var value = ref.value;
var arg = ref.arg;
var modifiers = ref.modifiers;
if (el.__qtouchswipe !== void 0) {
el.__qtouchswipe_destroyed = true;
// early return, we don't need to do anything
if (modifiers.mouse !== true && client.has.touch !== true) {
var mouseCapture = modifiers.mouseCapture === true ? 'Capture' : '';
var ctx = {
handler: value,
sensitivity: parseArg(arg),
modifiers: modifiers,
direction: getModifierDirections(modifiers),
noop: noop,
mouseStart: function mouseStart (evt) {
if (shouldStart(evt, ctx) && leftClick(evt)) {
addEvt(ctx, 'temp', [
[ document, 'mousemove', 'move', ("notPassive" + mouseCapture) ],
[ document, 'mouseup', 'end', 'notPassiveCapture' ]
ctx.start(evt, true);
touchStart: function touchStart (evt) {
if (shouldStart(evt, ctx)) {
var target = getTouchTarget(evt.target);
addEvt(ctx, 'temp', [
[ target, 'touchmove', 'move', 'notPassiveCapture' ],
[ target, 'touchcancel', 'end', 'notPassiveCapture' ],
[ target, 'touchend', 'end', 'notPassiveCapture' ]
start: function start (evt, mouseEvent) {
client.is.firefox === true && preventDraggable(el, true);
var pos = position(evt);
ctx.event = {
x: pos.left,
y: pos.top,
time: Date.now(),
mouse: mouseEvent === true,
dir: false
move: function move (evt) {
if (ctx.event === void 0) {
if (ctx.event.dir !== false) {
var time = Date.now() - ctx.event.time;
if (time === 0) {
pos = position(evt),
distX = pos.left - ctx.event.x,
absX = Math.abs(distX),
distY = pos.top - ctx.event.y,
absY = Math.abs(distY);
if (ctx.event.mouse !== true) {
if (absX < ctx.sensitivity[1] && absY < ctx.sensitivity[1]) {
else if (absX < ctx.sensitivity[2] && absY < ctx.sensitivity[2]) {
velX = absX / time,
velY = absY / time;
if (
ctx.direction.vertical === true &&
absX < absY &&
absX < 100 &&
velY > ctx.sensitivity[0]
) {
ctx.event.dir = distY < 0 ? 'up' : 'down';
if (
ctx.direction.horizontal === true &&
absX > absY &&
absY < 100 &&
velX > ctx.sensitivity[0]
) {
ctx.event.dir = distX < 0 ? 'left' : 'right';
if (
ctx.direction.up === true &&
absX < absY &&
distY < 0 &&
absX < 100 &&
velY > ctx.sensitivity[0]
) {
ctx.event.dir = 'up';
if (
ctx.direction.down === true &&
absX < absY &&
distY > 0 &&
absX < 100 &&
velY > ctx.sensitivity[0]
) {
ctx.event.dir = 'down';
if (
ctx.direction.left === true &&
absX > absY &&
distX < 0 &&
absY < 100 &&
velX > ctx.sensitivity[0]
) {
ctx.event.dir = 'left';
if (
ctx.direction.right === true &&
absX > absY &&
distX > 0 &&
absY < 100 &&
velX > ctx.sensitivity[0]
) {
ctx.event.dir = 'right';
if (ctx.event.dir !== false) {
if (ctx.event.mouse === true) {
ctx.styleCleanup = function (withDelay) {
ctx.styleCleanup = void 0;
var remove = function () {
if (withDelay === true) { setTimeout(remove, 50); }
else { remove(); }
evt: evt,
touch: ctx.event.mouse !== true,
mouse: ctx.event.mouse,
direction: ctx.event.dir,
duration: time,
distance: {
x: absX,
y: absY
else {
end: function end (evt) {
if (ctx.event === void 0) {
cleanEvt(ctx, 'temp');
client.is.firefox === true && preventDraggable(el, false);
ctx.styleCleanup !== void 0 && ctx.styleCleanup(true);
evt !== void 0 && ctx.event.dir !== false && stopAndPrevent(evt);
ctx.event = void 0;
el.__qtouchswipe = ctx;
modifiers.mouse === true && addEvt(ctx, 'main', [
[ el, 'mousedown', 'mouseStart', ("passive" + mouseCapture) ]
client.has.touch === true && addEvt(ctx, 'main', [
[ el, 'touchstart', 'touchStart', ("passive" + (modifiers.capture === true ? 'Capture' : '')) ],
[ el, 'touchmove', 'noop', "notPassiveCapture" ]
update: function update (el, ref) {
var oldValue = ref.oldValue;
var value = ref.value;
var ctx = el.__qtouchswipe;
if (ctx !== void 0 && oldValue !== value) {
typeof value !== 'function' && ctx.end();
ctx.handler = value;
unbind: function unbind (el) {
if (el.__qtouchswipe_destroyed === void 0) {
else {
delete el.__qtouchswipe_destroyed;
var PanelWrapper = Vue.extend({
name: 'QTabPanelWrapper',
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-panel scroll',
attrs: { role: 'tabpanel' },
// stop propagation of content emitted @input
// which would tamper with Panel's model
on: cache(this, 'stop', { input: stop })
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var PanelParentMixin = {
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
directives: {
TouchSwipe: TouchSwipe
props: {
value: {
required: true
animated: Boolean,
infinite: Boolean,
swipeable: Boolean,
vertical: Boolean,
transitionPrev: String,
transitionNext: String,
keepAlive: Boolean
data: function data () {
return {
panelIndex: null,
panelTransition: null
computed: {
panelDirectives: function panelDirectives () {
if (this.swipeable === true) {
return [{
name: 'touch-swipe',
value: this.__swipe,
modifiers: {
horizontal: this.vertical !== true,
vertical: this.vertical,
mouse: true
contentKey: function contentKey () {
return typeof this.value === 'string' || typeof this.value === 'number'
? this.value
: String(this.value)
transitionPrevComputed: function transitionPrevComputed () {
return this.transitionPrev || ("slide-" + (this.vertical === true ? 'down' : 'right'))
transitionNextComputed: function transitionNextComputed () {
return this.transitionNext || ("slide-" + (this.vertical === true ? 'up' : 'left'))
watch: {
value: function value (newVal, oldVal) {
var this$1 = this;
var index = this.__isValidPanelName(newVal) === true
? this.__getPanelIndex(newVal)
: -1;
if (this.__forcedPanelTransition !== true) {
index === -1 ? 0 : (index < this.__getPanelIndex(oldVal) ? -1 : 1)
if (this.panelIndex !== index) {
this.panelIndex = index;
this.$emit('before-transition', newVal, oldVal);
this.$nextTick(function () {
this$1.$emit('transition', newVal, oldVal);
methods: {
next: function next () {
previous: function previous () {
goTo: function goTo (name) {
this.$emit('input', name);
__isValidPanelName: function __isValidPanelName (name) {
return name !== void 0 && name !== null && name !== ''
__getPanelIndex: function __getPanelIndex (name) {
return this.panels.findIndex(function (panel) {
var opt = panel.componentOptions;
return opt &&
opt.propsData.name === name &&
opt.propsData.disable !== '' &&
opt.propsData.disable !== true
__getAllPanels: function __getAllPanels () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.panels.filter(
function (panel) { return panel.componentOptions !== void 0 &&
this$1.__isValidPanelName(panel.componentOptions.propsData.name); }
__getAvailablePanels: function __getAvailablePanels () {
return this.panels.filter(function (panel) {
var opt = panel.componentOptions;
return opt &&
opt.propsData.name !== void 0 &&
opt.propsData.disable !== '' &&
opt.propsData.disable !== true
__updatePanelTransition: function __updatePanelTransition (direction) {
var val = direction !== 0 && this.animated === true && this.panelIndex !== -1
? 'q-transition--' + (direction === -1 ? this.transitionPrevComputed : this.transitionNextComputed)
: null;
if (this.panelTransition !== val) {
this.panelTransition = val;
__go: function __go (direction, startIndex) {
var this$1 = this;
if ( startIndex === void 0 ) startIndex = this.panelIndex;
var index = startIndex + direction;
var slots = this.panels;
while (index > -1 && index < slots.length) {
var opt = slots[index].componentOptions;
if (
opt !== void 0 &&
opt.propsData.disable !== '' &&
opt.propsData.disable !== true
) {
this.__forcedPanelTransition = true;
this.$emit('input', slots[index].componentOptions.propsData.name);
setTimeout(function () {
this$1.__forcedPanelTransition = false;
index += direction;
if (this.infinite === true && slots.length > 0 && startIndex !== -1 && startIndex !== slots.length) {
this.__go(direction, direction === -1 ? slots.length : -1);
__swipe: function __swipe (evt) {
var dir = this.vertical === true ? 'up' : 'left';
this.__go((this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? -1 : 1) * (evt.direction === dir ? 1 : -1));
__updatePanelIndex: function __updatePanelIndex () {
var index = this.__getPanelIndex(this.value);
if (this.panelIndex !== index) {
this.panelIndex = index;
return true
__getPanelContent: function __getPanelContent (h) {
if (this.panels.length === 0) {
var panel = this.__isValidPanelName(this.value) &&
this.__updatePanelIndex() &&
var content = this.keepAlive === true
? [
h('keep-alive', [
h(PanelWrapper, {
key: this.contentKey
}, [ panel ])
: [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-panel scroll',
key: this.contentKey,
attrs: { role: 'tabpanel' },
// stop propagation of content emitted @input
// which would tamper with Panel's model
on: cache(this, 'stop', { input: stop })
}, [ panel ])
return this.animated === true
? [
h('transition', {
props: {
name: this.panelTransition
}, content)
: content
render: function render (h) {
this.panels = slot(this, 'default', []);
return this.__renderPanels(h)
var PanelChildMixin = {
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
name: {
required: true
disable: Boolean
var FullscreenMixin = {
props: {
fullscreen: Boolean,
noRouteFullscreenExit: Boolean
data: function data () {
return {
inFullscreen: false
watch: {
$route: function $route () {
this.noRouteFullscreenExit !== true && this.exitFullscreen();
fullscreen: function fullscreen (v) {
if (this.inFullscreen !== v) {
inFullscreen: function inFullscreen (v) {
this.$emit('update:fullscreen', v);
this.$emit('fullscreen', v);
methods: {
toggleFullscreen: function toggleFullscreen () {
if (this.inFullscreen === true) {
else {
setFullscreen: function setFullscreen () {
if (this.inFullscreen === true) {
this.inFullscreen = true;
this.container = this.$el.parentNode;
this.container.replaceChild(this.fullscreenFillerNode, this.$el);
this.__historyFullscreen = {
handler: this.exitFullscreen
exitFullscreen: function exitFullscreen () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.inFullscreen !== true) {
if (this.__historyFullscreen !== void 0) {
this.__historyFullscreen = void 0;
this.container.replaceChild(this.$el, this.fullscreenFillerNode);
this.inFullscreen = false;
if (this.$el.scrollIntoView !== void 0) {
setTimeout(function () { this$1.$el.scrollIntoView(); });
beforeMount: function beforeMount () {
this.fullscreenFillerNode = document.createElement('span');
mounted: function mounted () {
this.fullscreen === true && this.setFullscreen();
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
hasMap = typeof Map === 'function',
hasSet = typeof Set === 'function',
hasArrayBuffer = typeof ArrayBuffer === 'function';
function isDeepEqual (a, b) {
if (a === b) {
return true
if (a !== null && b !== null && typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object') {
if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) {
return false
var length, i;
if (a.constructor === Array) {
length = a.length;
if (length !== b.length) {
return false
for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) {
if (isDeepEqual(a[i], b[i]) !== true) {
return false
return true
if (hasMap === true && a.constructor === Map) {
if (a.size !== b.size) {
return false
i = a.entries().next();
while (i.done !== true) {
if (b.has(i.value[0]) !== true) {
return false
i = i.next();
i = a.entries().next();
while (i.done !== true) {
if (isDeepEqual(i.value[1], b.get(i.value[0])) !== true) {
return false
i = i.next();
return true
if (hasSet === true && a.constructor === Set) {
if (a.size !== b.size) {
return false
i = a.entries().next();
while (i.done !== true) {
if (b.has(i.value[0]) !== true) {
return false
i = i.next();
return true
if (hasArrayBuffer === true && a.buffer != null && a.buffer.constructor === ArrayBuffer) {
length = a.length;
if (length !== b.length) {
return false
for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
return false
return true
if (a.constructor === RegExp) {
return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags
if (a.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf) {
return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf()
if (a.toString !== Object.prototype.toString) {
return a.toString() === b.toString()
var keys = Object.keys(a);
length = keys.length;
if (length !== Object.keys(b).length) {
return false
for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) {
var key = keys[i];
if (isDeepEqual(a[key], b[key]) !== true) {
return false
return true
// true if both NaN, false otherwise
return a !== a && b !== b // eslint-disable-line no-self-compare
function isDate (v) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(v) === '[object Date]'
function isNumber (v) {
return typeof v === 'number' && isFinite(v)
var QCarousel = Vue.extend({
name: 'QCarousel',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, PanelParentMixin, FullscreenMixin ],
props: {
height: String,
padding: Boolean,
controlType: {
type: String,
validator: function (v) { return [ 'regular', 'flat', 'outline', 'push', 'unelevated' ].includes(v); },
default: 'flat'
controlColor: String,
controlTextColor: String,
autoplay: [ Number, Boolean ],
arrows: Boolean,
prevIcon: String,
nextIcon: String,
navigation: Boolean,
navigationPosition: {
type: String,
validator: function (v) { return [ 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left' ].includes(v); }
navigationIcon: String,
navigationActiveIcon: String,
thumbnails: Boolean
computed: {
style: function style () {
if (this.inFullscreen !== true && this.height !== void 0) {
return {
height: this.height
direction: function direction () {
return this.vertical === true ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'
classes: function classes () {
return "q-carousel q-panel-parent q-carousel--with" + (this.padding === true ? '' : 'out') + "-padding" +
(this.inFullscreen === true ? ' fullscreen' : '') +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-carousel--dark q-dark' : '') +
(this.arrows === true ? (" q-carousel--arrows-" + (this.direction)) : '') +
(this.navigation === true ? (" q-carousel--navigation-" + (this.navigationPositionComputed)) : '')
arrowIcons: function arrowIcons () {
var ico = [
this.prevIcon || this.$q.iconSet.carousel[this.vertical === true ? 'up' : 'left'],
this.nextIcon || this.$q.iconSet.carousel[this.vertical === true ? 'down' : 'right']
return this.vertical === false && this.$q.lang.rtl === true
? ico.reverse()
: ico
navIcon: function navIcon () {
return this.navigationIcon || this.$q.iconSet.carousel.navigationIcon
navActiveIcon: function navActiveIcon () {
return this.navigationActiveIcon || this.navIcon
navigationPositionComputed: function navigationPositionComputed () {
return this.navigationPosition || (this.vertical === true ? 'right' : 'bottom')
controlProps: function controlProps () {
var obj;
return ( obj = {
color: this.controlColor,
textColor: this.controlTextColor,
round: true
}, obj[ this.controlType ] = true, obj.dense = true, obj )
transitionPrevComputed: function transitionPrevComputed () {
return this.transitionPrev || "fade"
transitionNextComputed: function transitionNextComputed () {
return this.transitionNext || "fade"
watch: {
value: function value () {
if (this.autoplay) {
autoplay: function autoplay (val) {
if (val) {
else {
methods: {
__startTimer: function __startTimer () {
this.timer = setTimeout(
isNumber(this.autoplay) ? this.autoplay : 5000
__getNavigationContainer: function __getNavigationContainer (h, type, mapping) {
return h('div', {
class: 'q-carousel__control q-carousel__navigation no-wrap absolute flex' +
" q-carousel__navigation--" + type + " q-carousel__navigation--" + (this.navigationPositionComputed) +
(this.controlColor !== void 0 ? (" text-" + (this.controlColor)) : '')
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-carousel__navigation-inner flex flex-center no-wrap'
}, this.__getAvailablePanels().map(mapping))
__getContent: function __getContent (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var node = [];
if (this.navigation === true) {
var fn = this.$scopedSlots['navigation-icon'] !== void 0
? this.$scopedSlots['navigation-icon']
: function (opts) { return h(QBtn, {
key: 'nav' + opts.name,
class: ("q-carousel__navigation-icon q-carousel__navigation-icon--" + (opts.active === true ? '' : 'in') + "active"),
props: opts.btnProps,
on: cache(this$1, 'nav#' + opts.name, { click: opts.onClick })
}); };
var maxIndex = this.panels.length - 1;
this.__getNavigationContainer(h, 'buttons', function (panel, index) {
var name = panel.componentOptions.propsData.name;
var active = this$1.panelIndex === index;
return fn({
index: index,
maxIndex: maxIndex,
name: name,
active: active,
btnProps: Object.assign({}, {icon: active === true ? this$1.navActiveIcon : this$1.navIcon,
size: 'sm'},
onClick: function () { this$1.goTo(name); }
else if (this.thumbnails === true) {
var color = this.controlColor !== void 0
? (" text-" + (this.controlColor))
: '';
node.push(this.__getNavigationContainer(h, 'thumbnails', function (panel) {
var slide = panel.componentOptions.propsData;
return h('img', {
class: "q-carousel__thumbnail q-carousel__thumbnail--" + (slide.name === this$1.value ? '' : 'in') + "active" + color,
attrs: {
src: slide.imgSrc
key: 'tmb#' + slide.name,
on: cache(this$1, 'tmb#' + slide.name, { click: function () { this$1.goTo(slide.name); } })
if (this.arrows === true && this.panelIndex >= 0) {
if (this.infinite === true || this.panelIndex > 0) {
h('div', {
key: 'prev',
staticClass: ("q-carousel__control q-carousel__arrow q-carousel__prev-arrow q-carousel__prev-arrow--" + (this.direction) + " absolute flex flex-center")
}, [
h(QBtn, {
props: Object.assign({}, {icon: this.arrowIcons[0]}, this.controlProps),
on: cache(this, 'prev', { click: this.previous })
if (this.infinite === true || this.panelIndex < this.panels.length - 1) {
h('div', {
key: 'next',
staticClass: ("q-carousel__control q-carousel__arrow q-carousel__next-arrow q-carousel__next-arrow--" + (this.direction) + " absolute flex flex-center")
}, [
h(QBtn, {
props: Object.assign({}, {icon: this.arrowIcons[1]}, this.controlProps),
on: cache(this, 'next', { click: this.next })
return mergeSlot(node, this, 'control')
__renderPanels: function __renderPanels (h) {
return h('div', {
style: this.style,
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-carousel__slides-container',
directives: this.panelDirectives
}, this.__getPanelContent(h))
mounted: function mounted () {
this.autoplay && this.__startTimer();
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
var QCarouselSlide = Vue.extend({
name: 'QCarouselSlide',
mixins: [ PanelChildMixin ],
props: {
imgSrc: String
computed: {
style: function style () {
if (this.imgSrc) {
return {
backgroundImage: ("url(\"" + (this.imgSrc) + "\")")
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-carousel__slide',
style: this.style,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QCarouselControl = Vue.extend({
name: 'QCarouselControl',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
position: {
type: String,
default: 'bottom-right',
validator: function (v) { return [
'top-right', 'top-left',
'bottom-right', 'bottom-left',
'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'
].includes(v); }
offset: {
type: Array,
default: function () { return [18, 18]; },
validator: function (v) { return v.length === 2; }
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return ("absolute-" + (this.position))
style: function style () {
return {
margin: ((this.offset[1]) + "px " + (this.offset[0]) + "px")
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-carousel__control absolute',
style: this.style,
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QChatMessage = Vue.extend({
name: 'QChatMessage',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
sent: Boolean,
label: String,
bgColor: String,
textColor: String,
name: String,
avatar: String,
text: Array,
stamp: String,
size: String,
labelSanitize: Boolean,
nameSanitize: Boolean,
textSanitize: Boolean,
stampSanitize: Boolean
computed: {
textClass: function textClass () {
return "q-message-text-content q-message-text-content--" + (this.op) +
(this.textColor !== void 0 ? (" text-" + (this.textColor)) : '')
messageClass: function messageClass () {
return "q-message-text q-message-text--" + (this.op) +
(this.bgColor !== void 0 ? (" text-" + (this.bgColor)) : '')
containerClass: function containerClass () {
return "q-message-container row items-end no-wrap" +
(this.sent === true ? ' reverse' : '')
sizeClass: function sizeClass () {
if (this.size !== void 0) {
return ("col-" + (this.size))
op: function op () {
return this.sent === true ? 'sent' : 'received'
methods: {
__getText: function __getText (h) {
var this$1 = this;
domPropText = this.textSanitize === true ? 'textContent' : 'innerHTML',
domPropStamp = this.stampSanitize === true ? 'textContent' : 'innerHTML';
return this.text.map(function (msg, index) {
var obj, obj$1;
return h('div', {
key: index,
class: this$1.messageClass
}, [
h('div', { class: this$1.textClass }, [
h('div', { domProps: ( obj = {}, obj[domPropText] = msg, obj ) }),
? h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-message-stamp',
domProps: ( obj$1 = {}, obj$1[domPropStamp] = this$1.stamp, obj$1 )
: null
__getMessage: function __getMessage (h) {
var obj;
var content = uniqueSlot(this, 'default', []);
this.stamp !== void 0 && content.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-message-stamp',
domProps: ( obj = {}, obj[this.stampSanitize === true ? 'textContent' : 'innerHTML'] = this.stamp, obj )
return h('div', { class: this.messageClass }, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-message-text-content',
class: this.textClass
}, content)
render: function render (h) {
var obj, obj$1;
var container = [];
if (this.$scopedSlots.avatar !== void 0) {
else if (this.avatar !== void 0) {
h('img', {
class: ("q-message-avatar q-message-avatar--" + (this.op)),
attrs: { src: this.avatar, 'aria-hidden': 'true' }
var msg = [];
this.name !== void 0 && msg.push(
h('div', {
class: ("q-message-name q-message-name--" + (this.op)),
domProps: ( obj = {}, obj[this.nameSanitize === true ? 'textContent' : 'innerHTML'] = this.name, obj )
this.text !== void 0 && msg.push(
this.$scopedSlots.default !== void 0 && msg.push(
h('div', { class: this.sizeClass }, msg)
var child = [];
this.label && child.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-message-label text-center',
domProps: ( obj$1 = {}, obj$1[this.labelSanitize === true ? 'textContent' : 'innerHTML'] = this.label, obj$1 )
h('div', { class: this.containerClass }, container)
return h('div', {
class: ("q-message q-message-" + (this.op)),
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, child)
var OptionSizeMixin = getSizeMixin({
xs: 30,
sm: 35,
md: 40,
lg: 50,
xl: 60
var RefocusTargetMixin = {
computed: {
__refocusTargetEl: function __refocusTargetEl () {
if (this.disable !== true) {
return this.$createElement('span', {
ref: 'refocusTarget',
staticClass: 'no-outline',
attrs: { tabindex: -1 }
methods: {
__refocusTarget: function __refocusTarget (e) {
if (e !== void 0 && e.type.indexOf('key') === 0) {
if (document.activeElement !== this.$el && this.$el.contains(document.activeElement) === true) {
else if ((e === void 0 || this.$el.contains(e.target) === true) && this.$refs.refocusTarget !== void 0) {
var CheckboxMixin = {
mixins: [ DarkMixin, OptionSizeMixin, FormMixin, RefocusTargetMixin ],
props: {
value: {
required: true,
default: null
val: {},
trueValue: { default: true },
falseValue: { default: false },
indeterminateValue: { default: null },
toggleOrder: {
type: String,
validator: function (v) { return v === 'tf' || v === 'ft'; }
toggleIndeterminate: Boolean,
label: String,
leftLabel: Boolean,
fontSize: String,
color: String,
keepColor: Boolean,
dense: Boolean,
disable: Boolean,
tabindex: [String, Number]
computed: {
isTrue: function isTrue () {
return this.modelIsArray === true
? this.index > -1
: this.value === this.trueValue
isFalse: function isFalse () {
return this.modelIsArray === true
? this.index === -1
: this.value === this.falseValue
isIndeterminate: function isIndeterminate () {
return this.isTrue === false && this.isFalse === false
index: function index () {
if (this.modelIsArray === true) {
return this.value.indexOf(this.val)
modelIsArray: function modelIsArray () {
return this.val !== void 0 && Array.isArray(this.value)
computedTabindex: function computedTabindex () {
return this.disable === true ? -1 : this.tabindex || 0
labelStyle: function labelStyle () {
if (this.fontSize !== void 0) {
return { fontSize: this.fontSize }
classes: function classes () {
return "q-" + (this.type) + " cursor-pointer no-outline row inline no-wrap items-center" +
(this.disable === true ? ' disabled' : '') +
(this.isDark === true ? (" q-" + (this.type) + "--dark") : '') +
(this.dense === true ? (" q-" + (this.type) + "--dense") : '') +
(this.leftLabel === true ? ' reverse' : '')
innerClass: function innerClass () {
var state = this.isTrue === true ? 'truthy' : (this.isFalse === true ? 'falsy' : 'indet');
var color = this.color !== void 0 && (
this.keepColor === true ||
(this.type === 'toggle' ? this.isTrue === true : this.isFalse !== true)
? (" text-" + (this.color))
: '';
return ("q-" + (this.type) + "__inner--" + state + color)
formAttrs: function formAttrs () {
var prop = { type: 'checkbox' };
this.name !== void 0 && Object.assign(prop, {
checked: this.isTrue,
name: this.name,
value: this.modelIsArray === true
? this.val
: this.trueValue
return prop
attrs: function attrs () {
var attrs = {
tabindex: this.computedTabindex,
role: 'checkbox',
'aria-label': this.label,
'aria-checked': this.isIndeterminate === true
? 'mixed'
: (this.isTrue === true ? 'true' : 'false')
if (this.disable === true) {
attrs['aria-disabled'] = 'true';
return attrs
methods: {
toggle: function toggle (e) {
if (e !== void 0) {
if (this.disable !== true) {
this.$emit('input', this.__getNextValue(), e);
__getNextValue: function __getNextValue () {
if (this.modelIsArray === true) {
if (this.isTrue === true) {
var val = this.value.slice();
val.splice(this.index, 1);
return val
return this.value.concat([ this.val ])
if (this.isTrue === true) {
if (this.toggleOrder !== 'ft' || this.toggleIndeterminate === false) {
return this.falseValue
else if (this.isFalse === true) {
if (this.toggleOrder === 'ft' || this.toggleIndeterminate === false) {
return this.trueValue
else {
return this.toggleOrder !== 'ft'
? this.trueValue
: this.falseValue
return this.indeterminateValue
__onKeydown: function __onKeydown (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 32) {
__onKeyup: function __onKeyup (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 32) {
render: function render (h) {
var inner = this.__getInner(h);
this.disable !== true && this.__injectFormInput(
("q-" + (this.type) + "__native absolute q-ma-none q-pa-none invisible")
var child = [
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-" + (this.type) + "__inner relative-position no-pointer-events"),
class: this.innerClass,
style: this.sizeStyle
}, inner)
if (this.__refocusTargetEl !== void 0) {
var label = this.label !== void 0
? mergeSlot([ this.label ], this, 'default')
: slot(this, 'default');
label !== void 0 && child.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-" + (this.type) + "__label q-anchor--skip")
}, label)
return h('div', {
class: this.classes,
attrs: this.attrs,
on: cache(this, 'inpExt', {
click: this.toggle,
keydown: this.__onKeydown,
keyup: this.__onKeyup
}, child)
var QCheckbox = Vue.extend({
name: 'QCheckbox',
mixins: [ CheckboxMixin ],
methods: {
__getInner: function __getInner (h) {
return [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-checkbox__bg absolute'
}, [
h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-checkbox__svg fit absolute-full',
attrs: { focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */, viewBox: '0 0 24 24', 'aria-hidden': 'true' }
}, [
h('path', {
staticClass: 'q-checkbox__truthy',
attrs: {
fill: 'none',
d: 'M1.73,12.91 8.1,19.28 22.79,4.59'
h('path', {
staticClass: 'q-checkbox__indet',
attrs: {
d: 'M4,14H20V10H4'
created: function created () {
this.type = 'checkbox';
var QChip = Vue.extend({
name: 'QChip',
mixins: [
xs: 8,
sm: 10,
md: 14,
lg: 20,
xl: 24
model: {
event: 'remove'
props: {
dense: Boolean,
icon: String,
iconRight: String,
iconRemove: String,
label: [String, Number],
color: String,
textColor: String,
value: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
selected: {
type: Boolean,
default: null
square: Boolean,
outline: Boolean,
clickable: Boolean,
removable: Boolean,
tabindex: [String, Number],
disable: Boolean
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
var obj;
var text = this.outline === true
? this.color || this.textColor
: this.textColor;
return ( obj = {}, obj[("bg-" + (this.color))] = this.outline === false && this.color !== void 0, obj[("text-" + text + " q-chip--colored")] = text, obj.disabled = this.disable, obj['q-chip--dense'] = this.dense, obj['q-chip--outline'] = this.outline, obj['q-chip--selected'] = this.selected, obj['q-chip--clickable cursor-pointer non-selectable q-hoverable'] = this.isClickable, obj['q-chip--square'] = this.square, obj['q-chip--dark q-dark'] = this.isDark, obj )
hasLeftIcon: function hasLeftIcon () {
return this.selected === true || this.icon !== void 0
isClickable: function isClickable () {
return this.disable === false && (this.clickable === true || this.selected !== null)
attrs: function attrs () {
return this.disable === true
? { tabindex: -1, 'aria-disabled': 'true' }
: { tabindex: this.tabindex || 0 }
methods: {
__onKeyup: function __onKeyup (e) {
e.keyCode === 13 /* ENTER */ && this.__onClick(e);
__onClick: function __onClick (e) {
if (!this.disable) {
this.$emit('update:selected', !this.selected);
this.$emit('click', e);
__onRemove: function __onRemove (e) {
if (e.keyCode === void 0 || e.keyCode === 13) {
!this.disable && this.$emit('remove', false);
__getContent: function __getContent (h) {
var child = [];
this.isClickable === true && child.push(
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-focus-helper' })
this.hasLeftIcon === true && child.push(
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-chip__icon q-chip__icon--left',
props: { name: this.selected === true ? this.$q.iconSet.chip.selected : this.icon }
var label = this.label !== void 0
? [ h('div', { staticClass: 'ellipsis' }, [ this.label ]) ]
: void 0;
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-chip__content col row no-wrap items-center q-anchor--skip'
}, mergeSlotSafely(label, this, 'default'))
this.iconRight && child.push(
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-chip__icon q-chip__icon--right',
props: { name: this.iconRight }
this.removable === true && child.push(
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-chip__icon q-chip__icon--remove cursor-pointer',
props: { name: this.iconRemove || this.$q.iconSet.chip.remove },
attrs: this.attrs,
on: cache(this, 'non', {
click: this.__onRemove,
keyup: this.__onRemove
return child
render: function render (h) {
if (this.value === false) { return }
var data = {
staticClass: 'q-chip row inline no-wrap items-center',
class: this.classes,
style: this.sizeStyle
this.isClickable === true && Object.assign(data, {
attrs: this.attrs,
on: cache(this, 'click', {
click: this.__onClick,
keyup: this.__onKeyup
directives: cache(this, 'dir#' + this.ripple, [
{ name: 'ripple', value: this.ripple }
return h('div', data, this.__getContent(h))
radius = 50,
diameter = 2 * radius,
circumference = diameter * Math.PI,
strokeDashArray = Math.round(circumference * 1000) / 1000;
var QCircularProgress = Vue.extend({
name: 'QCircularProgress',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, SizeMixin ],
props: {
value: {
type: Number,
default: 0
min: {
type: Number,
default: 0
max: {
type: Number,
default: 100
color: String,
centerColor: String,
trackColor: String,
fontSize: String,
// ratio
thickness: {
type: Number,
default: 0.2,
validator: function (v) { return v >= 0 && v <= 1; }
angle: {
type: Number,
default: 0
indeterminate: Boolean,
showValue: Boolean,
reverse: Boolean,
instantFeedback: Boolean
computed: {
normalizedValue: function normalizedValue () {
return between(this.value, this.min, this.max)
svgStyle: function svgStyle () {
return { transform: ("rotate3d(0, 0, 1, " + (this.angle - 90) + "deg)") }
circleStyle: function circleStyle () {
if (this.instantFeedback !== true && this.indeterminate !== true) {
return { transition: 'stroke-dashoffset 0.6s ease 0s, stroke 0.6s ease' }
dir: function dir () {
return (this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? -1 : 1) * (this.reverse ? -1 : 1)
viewBox: function viewBox () {
return diameter / (1 - this.thickness / 2)
viewBoxAttr: function viewBoxAttr () {
return ((this.viewBox / 2) + " " + (this.viewBox / 2) + " " + (this.viewBox) + " " + (this.viewBox))
strokeDashOffset: function strokeDashOffset () {
var progress = 1 - (this.normalizedValue - this.min) / (this.max - this.min);
return (this.dir * progress) * circumference
strokeWidth: function strokeWidth () {
return this.thickness / 2 * this.viewBox
attrs: function attrs () {
return {
role: 'progressbar',
'aria-valuemin': this.min,
'aria-valuemax': this.max,
'aria-valuenow': this.indeterminate === true ? void 0 : this.normalizedValue
methods: {
__getCircle: function __getCircle (h, ref) {
var thickness = ref.thickness;
var offset = ref.offset;
var color = ref.color;
var cls = ref.cls;
return h('circle', {
staticClass: 'q-circular-progress__' + cls,
class: color !== void 0 ? ("text-" + color) : null,
style: this.circleStyle,
attrs: {
fill: 'transparent',
stroke: 'currentColor',
'stroke-width': thickness,
'stroke-dasharray': strokeDashArray,
'stroke-dashoffset': offset,
cx: this.viewBox,
cy: this.viewBox,
r: radius
render: function render (h) {
var svgChild = [];
this.centerColor !== void 0 && this.centerColor !== 'transparent' && svgChild.push(
h('circle', {
staticClass: 'q-circular-progress__center',
class: ("text-" + (this.centerColor)),
attrs: {
fill: 'currentColor',
r: radius - this.strokeWidth / 2,
cx: this.viewBox,
cy: this.viewBox
this.trackColor !== void 0 && this.trackColor !== 'transparent' && svgChild.push(
this.__getCircle(h, {
cls: 'track',
thickness: this.strokeWidth,
offset: 0,
color: this.trackColor
this.__getCircle(h, {
cls: 'circle',
thickness: this.strokeWidth,
offset: this.strokeDashOffset,
color: this.color
var child = [
h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-circular-progress__svg',
style: this.svgStyle,
attrs: {
focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */,
viewBox: this.viewBoxAttr,
'aria-hidden': 'true'
}, svgChild)
this.showValue === true && child.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-circular-progress__text absolute-full row flex-center content-center',
style: { fontSize: this.fontSize }
}, this.$scopedSlots.default !== void 0 ? this.$scopedSlots.default() : [ h('div', [ this.normalizedValue ]) ])
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-circular-progress',
class: ("q-circular-progress--" + (this.indeterminate === true ? 'in' : '') + "determinate"),
style: this.sizeStyle,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: this.attrs
}, mergeSlotSafely(child, this, 'internal'))
// file referenced from docs
hex = /^#[0-9a-fA-F]{3}([0-9a-fA-F]{3})?$/,
hexa = /^#[0-9a-fA-F]{4}([0-9a-fA-F]{4})?$/,
hexOrHexa = /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6}|[0-9a-fA-F]{8})$/,
rgb = /^rgb\(((0|[1-9][\d]?|1[\d]{0,2}|2[\d]?|2[0-4][\d]|25[0-5]),){2}(0|[1-9][\d]?|1[\d]{0,2}|2[\d]?|2[0-4][\d]|25[0-5])\)$/,
rgba = /^rgba\(((0|[1-9][\d]?|1[\d]{0,2}|2[\d]?|2[0-4][\d]|25[0-5]),){2}(0|[1-9][\d]?|1[\d]{0,2}|2[\d]?|2[0-4][\d]|25[0-5]),(0|0\.[0-9]+[1-9]|0\.[1-9]+|1)\)$/;
var testPattern = {
date: function (v) { return /^-?[\d]+\/[0-1]\d\/[0-3]\d$/.test(v); },
time: function (v) { return /^([0-1]?\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\d$/.test(v); },
fulltime: function (v) { return /^([0-1]?\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d$/.test(v); },
timeOrFulltime: function (v) { return /^([0-1]?\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\d(:[0-5]\d)?$/.test(v); },
hexColor: function (v) { return hex.test(v); },
hexaColor: function (v) { return hexa.test(v); },
hexOrHexaColor: function (v) { return hexOrHexa.test(v); },
rgbColor: function (v) { return rgb.test(v); },
rgbaColor: function (v) { return rgba.test(v); },
rgbOrRgbaColor: function (v) { return rgb.test(v) || rgba.test(v); },
hexOrRgbColor: function (v) { return hex.test(v) || rgb.test(v); },
hexaOrRgbaColor: function (v) { return hexa.test(v) || rgba.test(v); },
anyColor: function (v) { return hexOrHexa.test(v) || rgb.test(v) || rgba.test(v); }
var patterns = {
testPattern: testPattern
function getChanges (evt, ctx, isFinal) {
var pos = position(evt);
distX = pos.left - ctx.event.x,
distY = pos.top - ctx.event.y,
absX = Math.abs(distX),
absY = Math.abs(distY);
var direction = ctx.direction;
if (direction.horizontal === true && direction.vertical !== true) {
dir = distX < 0 ? 'left' : 'right';
else if (direction.horizontal !== true && direction.vertical === true) {
dir = distY < 0 ? 'up' : 'down';
else if (direction.up === true && distY < 0) {
dir = 'up';
if (absX > absY) {
if (direction.left === true && distX < 0) {
dir = 'left';
else if (direction.right === true && distX > 0) {
dir = 'right';
else if (direction.down === true && distY > 0) {
dir = 'down';
if (absX > absY) {
if (direction.left === true && distX < 0) {
dir = 'left';
else if (direction.right === true && distX > 0) {
dir = 'right';
else if (direction.left === true && distX < 0) {
dir = 'left';
if (absX < absY) {
if (direction.up === true && distY < 0) {
dir = 'up';
else if (direction.down === true && distY > 0) {
dir = 'down';
else if (direction.right === true && distX > 0) {
dir = 'right';
if (absX < absY) {
if (direction.up === true && distY < 0) {
dir = 'up';
else if (direction.down === true && distY > 0) {
dir = 'down';
var synthetic = false;
if (dir === void 0 && isFinal === false) {
if (ctx.event.isFirst === true || ctx.event.lastDir === void 0) {
return {}
dir = ctx.event.lastDir;
synthetic = true;
if (dir === 'left' || dir === 'right') {
pos.left -= distX;
absX = 0;
distX = 0;
else {
pos.top -= distY;
absY = 0;
distY = 0;
return {
synthetic: synthetic,
payload: {
evt: evt,
touch: ctx.event.mouse !== true,
mouse: ctx.event.mouse === true,
position: pos,
direction: dir,
isFirst: ctx.event.isFirst,
isFinal: isFinal === true,
duration: Date.now() - ctx.event.time,
distance: {
x: absX,
y: absY
offset: {
x: distX,
y: distY
delta: {
x: pos.left - ctx.event.lastX,
y: pos.top - ctx.event.lastY
function destroy$2 (el) {
var ctx = el.__qtouchpan;
if (ctx !== void 0) {
// emit the end event when the directive is destroyed while active
// this is only needed in TouchPan because the rest of the touch directives do not emit an end event
// the condition is also checked in the start of function but we avoid the call
ctx.event !== void 0 && ctx.end();
cleanEvt(ctx, 'main');
cleanEvt(ctx, 'temp');
client.is.firefox === true && preventDraggable(el, false);
ctx.styleCleanup !== void 0 && ctx.styleCleanup();
delete el.__qtouchpan;
var uid = 0;
var TouchPan = {
name: 'touch-pan',
bind: function bind (el, ref) {
var value = ref.value;
var modifiers = ref.modifiers;
if (el.__qtouchpan !== void 0) {
el.__qtouchpan_destroyed = true;
// early return, we don't need to do anything
if (modifiers.mouse !== true && client.has.touch !== true) {
function handleEvent (evt, mouseEvent) {
if (modifiers.mouse === true && mouseEvent === true) {
else {
modifiers.stop === true && stop(evt);
modifiers.prevent === true && prevent(evt);
var ctx = {
uid: 'qvtp_' + (uid++),
handler: value,
modifiers: modifiers,
direction: getModifierDirections(modifiers),
noop: noop,
mouseStart: function mouseStart (evt) {
if (shouldStart(evt, ctx) && leftClick(evt)) {
addEvt(ctx, 'temp', [
[ document, 'mousemove', 'move', 'notPassiveCapture' ],
[ document, 'mouseup', 'end', 'passiveCapture' ]
ctx.start(evt, true);
touchStart: function touchStart (evt) {
if (shouldStart(evt, ctx)) {
var target = getTouchTarget(evt.target);
addEvt(ctx, 'temp', [
[ target, 'touchmove', 'move', 'notPassiveCapture' ],
[ target, 'touchcancel', 'end', 'passiveCapture' ],
[ target, 'touchend', 'end', 'passiveCapture' ]
start: function start (evt, mouseEvent) {
client.is.firefox === true && preventDraggable(el, true);
ctx.lastEvt = evt;
var pos = position(evt);
* Stop propagation so possible upper v-touch-pan don't catch this as well;
* If we're not the target (based on modifiers), we'll re-emit the event later
if (mouseEvent === true || modifiers.stop === true) {
* are we directly switching to detected state?
* clone event only otherwise
if (
ctx.direction.all !== true &&
(mouseEvent !== true || ctx.direction.mouseAllDir !== true)
) {
var clone = evt.type.indexOf('mouse') > -1
? new MouseEvent(evt.type, evt)
: new TouchEvent(evt.type, evt);
evt.defaultPrevented === true && prevent(clone);
evt.cancelBubble === true && stop(clone);
clone.qClonedBy = evt.qClonedBy === void 0
? [ctx.uid]
: evt.qClonedBy.concat(ctx.uid);
clone.qKeyEvent = evt.qKeyEvent;
clone.qClickOutside = evt.qClickOutside;
ctx.initialEvent = {
target: evt.target,
event: clone
ctx.event = {
x: pos.left,
y: pos.top,
time: Date.now(),
mouse: mouseEvent === true,
detected: false,
isFirst: true,
isFinal: false,
lastX: pos.left,
lastY: pos.top
move: function move (evt) {
if (ctx.event === void 0) {
ctx.lastEvt = evt;
var isMouseEvt = ctx.event.mouse === true;
var start = function () {
handleEvent(evt, isMouseEvt);
if (modifiers.preserveCursor !== true) {
document.documentElement.style.cursor = 'grabbing';
isMouseEvt === true && document.body.classList.add('no-pointer-events--children');
ctx.styleCleanup = function (withDelayedFn) {
ctx.styleCleanup = void 0;
if (modifiers.preserveCursor !== true) {
document.documentElement.style.cursor = '';
if (isMouseEvt === true) {
var remove = function () {
if (withDelayedFn !== void 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
else { remove(); }
else if (withDelayedFn !== void 0) {
if (ctx.event.detected === true) {
ctx.event.isFirst !== true && handleEvent(evt, ctx.event.mouse);
var ref = getChanges(evt, ctx, false);
var payload = ref.payload;
var synthetic = ref.synthetic;
if (payload !== void 0) {
if (ctx.handler(payload) === false) {
else {
if (ctx.styleCleanup === void 0 && ctx.event.isFirst === true) {
ctx.event.lastX = payload.position.left;
ctx.event.lastY = payload.position.top;
ctx.event.lastDir = synthetic === true ? void 0 : payload.direction;
ctx.event.isFirst = false;
if (
ctx.direction.all === true ||
(isMouseEvt === true && ctx.modifiers.mouseAllDir === true)
) {
ctx.event.detected = true;
pos = position(evt),
distX = pos.left - ctx.event.x,
distY = pos.top - ctx.event.y,
absX = Math.abs(distX),
absY = Math.abs(distY);
if (absX !== absY) {
if (
(ctx.direction.horizontal === true && absX > absY) ||
(ctx.direction.vertical === true && absX < absY) ||
(ctx.direction.up === true && absX < absY && distY < 0) ||
(ctx.direction.down === true && absX < absY && distY > 0) ||
(ctx.direction.left === true && absX > absY && distX < 0) ||
(ctx.direction.right === true && absX > absY && distX > 0)
) {
ctx.event.detected = true;
else {
ctx.end(evt, true);
end: function end (evt, abort) {
if (ctx.event === void 0) {
cleanEvt(ctx, 'temp');
client.is.firefox === true && preventDraggable(el, false);
if (abort === true) {
ctx.styleCleanup !== void 0 && ctx.styleCleanup();
if (ctx.event.detected !== true && ctx.initialEvent !== void 0) {
else if (ctx.event.detected === true) {
ctx.event.isFirst === true && ctx.handler(getChanges(evt === void 0 ? ctx.lastEvt : evt, ctx).payload);
var ref = getChanges(evt === void 0 ? ctx.lastEvt : evt, ctx, true);
var payload = ref.payload;
var fn = function () { ctx.handler(payload); };
if (ctx.styleCleanup !== void 0) {
else {
ctx.event = void 0;
ctx.initialEvent = void 0;
ctx.lastEvt = void 0;
el.__qtouchpan = ctx;
modifiers.mouse === true && addEvt(ctx, 'main', [
[ el, 'mousedown', 'mouseStart', ("passive" + (modifiers.mouseCapture === true ? 'Capture' : '')) ]
client.has.touch === true && addEvt(ctx, 'main', [
[ el, 'touchstart', 'touchStart', ("passive" + (modifiers.capture === true ? 'Capture' : '')) ],
[ el, 'touchmove', 'noop', 'notPassiveCapture' ]
update: function update (el, ref) {
var oldValue = ref.oldValue;
var value = ref.value;
var ctx = el.__qtouchpan;
if (ctx !== void 0 && oldValue !== value) {
typeof value !== 'function' && ctx.end();
ctx.handler = value;
unbind: function unbind (el) {
if (el.__qtouchpan_destroyed === void 0) {
else {
delete el.__qtouchpan_destroyed;
var keyCodes = [ 34, 37, 40, 33, 39, 38 ];
function getRatio (evt, dragging, reverse, vertical) {
pos = position(evt),
val = vertical === true
? between((pos.top - dragging.top) / dragging.height, 0, 1)
: between((pos.left - dragging.left) / dragging.width, 0, 1);
return reverse === true ? 1.0 - val : val
function getModel (ratio, min, max, step, decimals) {
var model = min + ratio * (max - min);
if (step > 0) {
var modulo = (model - min) % step;
model += (Math.abs(modulo) >= step / 2 ? (modulo < 0 ? -1 : 1) * step : 0) - modulo;
if (decimals > 0) {
model = parseFloat(model.toFixed(decimals));
return between(model, min, max)
var SliderMixin = {
mixins: [ DarkMixin, FormMixin ],
directives: {
TouchPan: TouchPan
props: {
min: {
type: Number,
default: 0
max: {
type: Number,
default: 100
step: {
type: Number,
default: 1,
validator: function (v) { return v >= 0; }
color: String,
labelColor: String,
labelTextColor: String,
dense: Boolean,
label: Boolean,
labelAlways: Boolean,
markers: Boolean,
snap: Boolean,
vertical: Boolean,
reverse: Boolean,
disable: Boolean,
readonly: Boolean,
tabindex: [ String, Number ],
thumbPath: {
type: String,
default: 'M 4, 10 a 6,6 0 1,0 12,0 a 6,6 0 1,0 -12,0'
data: function data () {
return {
active: false,
preventFocus: false,
focus: false
computed: {
axis: function axis () {
return this.vertical === true ? '--v' : '--h'
classes: function classes () {
return "q-slider q-slider" + (this.axis) + " q-slider--" + (this.active === true ? '' : 'in') + "active" +
(this.isReversed === true ? ' q-slider--reversed' : '') +
(this.color !== void 0 ? (" text-" + (this.color)) : '') +
(this.disable === true ? ' disabled' : ' q-slider--enabled' + (this.editable === true ? ' q-slider--editable' : '')) +
(this.focus === 'both' ? ' q-slider--focus' : '') +
(this.label || this.labelAlways === true ? ' q-slider--label' : '') +
(this.labelAlways === true ? ' q-slider--label-always' : '') +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-slider--dark' : '') +
(this.dense === true ? ' q-slider--dense q-slider--dense' + this.axis : '')
editable: function editable () {
return this.disable !== true && this.readonly !== true
decimals: function decimals () {
return (String(this.step).trim('0').split('.')[1] || '').length
computedStep: function computedStep () {
return this.step === 0 ? 1 : this.step
markerStyle: function markerStyle () {
return {
backgroundSize: this.vertical === true
? '2px ' + (100 * this.computedStep / (this.max - this.min)) + '%'
: (100 * this.computedStep / (this.max - this.min)) + '% 2px'
computedTabindex: function computedTabindex () {
return this.editable === true ? this.tabindex || 0 : -1
isReversed: function isReversed () {
return this.vertical === true
? this.reverse === true
: this.reverse !== (this.$q.lang.rtl === true)
positionProp: function positionProp () {
if (this.vertical === true) {
return this.isReversed === true ? 'bottom' : 'top'
return this.isReversed === true ? 'right' : 'left'
sizeProp: function sizeProp () {
return this.vertical === true ? 'height' : 'width'
orientation: function orientation () {
return this.vertical === true ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'
attrs: function attrs () {
var attrs = {
role: 'slider',
'aria-valuemin': this.min,
'aria-valuemax': this.max,
'aria-orientation': this.orientation,
'data-step': this.step
if (this.disable === true) {
attrs['aria-disabled'] = 'true';
else if (this.readonly === true) {
attrs['aria-readonly'] = 'true';
return attrs
panDirectives: function panDirectives () {
var obj;
return this.editable === true
? [{
name: 'touch-pan',
value: this.__pan,
modifiers: ( obj = {}, obj[ this.orientation ] = true, obj.prevent = true, obj.stop = true, obj.mouse = true, obj.mouseAllDir = true, obj )
: null
methods: {
__getThumbSvg: function __getThumbSvg (h) {
return h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-slider__thumb absolute',
attrs: {
focusable: 'false', /* needed for IE11 */
viewBox: '0 0 20 20',
width: '20',
height: '20',
'aria-hidden': 'true'
}, [
h('path', {
attrs: {
d: this.thumbPath
__getPinStyle: function __getPinStyle (percent, ratio) {
var obj;
if (this.vertical === true) {
return {}
var offset = (Math.ceil(20 * Math.abs(0.5 - ratio))) + "px";
return {
pin: {
transformOrigin: ((this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? offset : (this.$q.platform.is.ie === true ? '100%' : ("calc(100% - " + offset + ")"))) + " 50%")
pinTextContainer: ( obj = {}, obj[this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'left' : 'right'] = ((percent * 100) + "%"), obj.transform = ("translateX(" + (Math.ceil((this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? -1 : 1) * 20 * percent)) + "px)"), obj )
__pan: function __pan (event) {
if (event.isFinal) {
if (this.dragging !== void 0) {
// only if touch, because we also have mousedown/up:
event.touch === true && this.__updateValue(true);
this.dragging = void 0;
this.active = false;
else if (event.isFirst) {
this.dragging = this.__getDragging(event.evt);
this.active = true;
else {
__blur: function __blur () {
this.focus = false;
__activate: function __activate (evt) {
this.__updatePosition(evt, this.__getDragging(evt));
this.preventFocus = true;
this.active = true;
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.__deactivate, true);
__deactivate: function __deactivate () {
this.preventFocus = false;
if (this.dragging === void 0) {
this.active = false;
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.__deactivate, true);
__mobileClick: function __mobileClick (evt) {
this.__updatePosition(evt, this.__getDragging(evt));
__keyup: function __keyup (evt) {
if (keyCodes.includes(evt.keyCode)) {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.__deactivate, true);
var QSlider = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSlider',
mixins: [ SliderMixin ],
props: {
value: {
required: true,
default: null,
validator: function (v) { return typeof v === 'number' || v === null; }
labelValue: [ String, Number ]
data: function data () {
return {
model: this.value === null ? this.min : this.value,
curRatio: 0
watch: {
value: function value (v) {
this.model = v === null
? 0
: between(v, this.min, this.max);
min: function min (v) {
this.model = between(this.model, v, this.max);
max: function max (v) {
this.model = between(this.model, this.min, v);
computed: {
ratio: function ratio () {
return this.active === true ? this.curRatio : this.modelRatio
modelRatio: function modelRatio () {
return (this.model - this.min) / (this.max - this.min)
trackStyle: function trackStyle () {
var obj;
return ( obj = {}, obj[ this.positionProp ] = 0, obj[ this.sizeProp ] = ((100 * this.ratio) + "%"), obj )
thumbStyle: function thumbStyle () {
var obj;
return ( obj = {}, obj[ this.positionProp ] = ((100 * this.ratio) + "%"), obj )
thumbClass: function thumbClass () {
if (this.preventFocus === false && this.focus === true) {
return 'q-slider--focus'
pinClass: function pinClass () {
if (this.labelColor !== void 0) {
return ("text-" + (this.labelColor))
pinTextClass: function pinTextClass () {
return 'q-slider__pin-value-marker-text' +
(this.labelTextColor !== void 0 ? (" text-" + (this.labelTextColor)) : '')
events: function events () {
if (this.editable === true) {
return this.$q.platform.is.mobile === true
? { click: this.__mobileClick }
: {
mousedown: this.__activate,
focus: this.__focus,
blur: this.__blur,
keydown: this.__keydown,
keyup: this.__keyup
computedLabel: function computedLabel () {
return this.labelValue !== void 0
? this.labelValue
: this.model
pinStyle: function pinStyle () {
var percent = (this.reverse === true ? -this.ratio : this.ratio - 1);
return this.__getPinStyle(percent, this.ratio)
methods: {
__updateValue: function __updateValue (change) {
if (this.model !== this.value) {
this.$emit('input', this.model);
change === true && this.$emit('change', this.model);
__getDragging: function __getDragging () {
return this.$el.getBoundingClientRect()
__updatePosition: function __updatePosition (event, dragging) {
if ( dragging === void 0 ) dragging = this.dragging;
var ratio = getRatio(
this.model = getModel(ratio, this.min, this.max, this.step, this.decimals);
this.curRatio = this.snap !== true || this.step === 0
? ratio
: (this.model - this.min) / (this.max - this.min);
__focus: function __focus () {
this.focus = true;
__keydown: function __keydown (evt) {
if (!keyCodes.includes(evt.keyCode)) {
step = ([34, 33].includes(evt.keyCode) ? 10 : 1) * this.computedStep,
offset = [34, 37, 40].includes(evt.keyCode) ? -step : step;
this.model = between(
parseFloat((this.model + offset).toFixed(this.decimals)),
render: function render (h) {
var child = [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-slider__focus-ring' })
if (this.label === true || this.labelAlways === true) {
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-slider__pin q-slider__pin" + (this.axis) + " absolute"),
style: this.pinStyle.pin,
class: this.pinClass
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-slider__pin-text-container q-slider__pin-text-container" + (this.axis)),
style: this.pinStyle.pinTextContainer
}, [
h('span', {
staticClass: 'q-slider__pin-text',
class: this.pinTextClass
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-slider__arrow q-slider__arrow" + (this.axis)),
class: this.pinClass
if (this.name !== void 0 && this.disable !== true) {
this.__injectFormInput(child, 'push');
var track = [
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-slider__track q-slider__track" + (this.axis) + " absolute"),
style: this.trackStyle
this.markers === true && track.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-slider__track-markers q-slider__track-markers" + (this.axis) + " absolute-full fit"),
style: this.markerStyle
return h('div', {
staticClass: this.value === null ? ' q-slider--no-value' : '',
attrs: Object.assign({}, this.attrs,
{'aria-valuenow': this.value,
tabindex: this.computedTabindex}),
class: this.classes,
on: this.events,
directives: this.panDirectives
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-slider__track-container q-slider__track-container" + (this.axis) + " absolute")
}, track),
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-slider__thumb-container q-slider__thumb-container" + (this.axis) + " absolute non-selectable"),
class: this.thumbClass,
style: this.thumbStyle
}, child)
// using it to manage SSR rendering with best performance
var CanRenderMixin = {
data: function data () {
return {
canRender: !onSSR
mounted: function mounted () {
this.canRender === false && (this.canRender = true);
var QResizeObserver = Vue.extend({
name: 'QResizeObserver',
mixins: [ CanRenderMixin ],
props: {
debounce: {
type: [ String, Number ],
default: 100
data: function data () {
return this.hasObserver === true
? {}
: { url: this.$q.platform.is.ie === true ? null : 'about:blank' }
methods: {
trigger: function trigger (now) {
if (now === true || this.debounce === 0 || this.debounce === '0') {
else if (!this.timer) {
this.timer = setTimeout(this.__onResize, this.debounce);
__onResize: function __onResize () {
this.timer = null;
if (!this.$el || !this.$el.parentNode) {
parent = this.$el.parentNode,
size = {
width: parent.offsetWidth,
height: parent.offsetHeight
if (size.width === this.size.width && size.height === this.size.height) {
this.size = size;
this.$emit('resize', this.size);
__cleanup: function __cleanup () {
if (this.curDocView !== void 0) {
// iOS is fuzzy, need to check it first
if (this.curDocView.removeEventListener !== void 0) {
this.curDocView.removeEventListener('resize', this.trigger, listenOpts.passive);
this.curDocView = void 0;
__onObjLoad: function __onObjLoad () {
if (this.$el.contentDocument) {
this.curDocView = this.$el.contentDocument.defaultView;
this.curDocView.addEventListener('resize', this.trigger, listenOpts.passive);
render: function render (h) {
if (this.canRender === false || this.hasObserver === true) {
return h('object', {
style: this.style,
attrs: {
tabindex: -1, // fix for Firefox
type: 'text/html',
data: this.url,
'aria-hidden': 'true'
on: cache(this, 'load', {
load: this.__onObjLoad
beforeCreate: function beforeCreate () {
this.size = { width: -1, height: -1 };
if (isSSR === true) { return }
this.hasObserver = typeof ResizeObserver !== 'undefined';
if (this.hasObserver !== true) {
this.style = (this.$q.platform.is.ie ? 'visibility:hidden;' : '') + "display:block;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;height:100%;width:100%;overflow:hidden;pointer-events:none;z-index:-1;";
mounted: function mounted () {
if (this.hasObserver === true) {
this.observer = new ResizeObserver(this.trigger);
if (this.$q.platform.is.ie === true) {
this.url = 'about:blank';
else {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
if (this.hasObserver === true) {
if (this.observer !== void 0 && this.$el.parentNode) {
function getIndicatorClass (color, top, vertical) {
var pos = vertical === true
? ['left', 'right']
: ['top', 'bottom'];
return ("absolute-" + (top === true ? pos[0] : pos[1]) + (color ? (" text-" + color) : ''))
function bufferPrioritySort (t1, t2) {
if (t1.priorityMatched === t2.priorityMatched) {
return t2.priorityHref - t1.priorityHref
return t2.priorityMatched - t1.priorityMatched
function bufferCleanSelected (t) {
t.selected = false;
return t
bufferFilters = [
function (t) { return t.selected === true && t.exact === true && t.redirected !== true; },
function (t) { return t.selected === true && t.exact === true; },
function (t) { return t.selected === true && t.redirected !== true; },
function (t) { return t.selected === true; },
function (t) { return t.exact === true && t.redirected !== true; },
function (t) { return t.redirected !== true; },
function (t) { return t.exact === true; },
function (t) { return true; }
bufferFiltersLen = bufferFilters.length;
var QTabs = Vue.extend({
name: 'QTabs',
mixins: [ TimeoutMixin, ListenersMixin ],
provide: function provide () {
return {
tabs: this.tabs,
__recalculateScroll: this.__recalculateScroll,
__activateTab: this.__activateTab,
__activateRoute: this.__activateRoute
props: {
value: [Number, String],
align: {
type: String,
default: 'center',
validator: function (v) { return ['left', 'center', 'right', 'justify'].includes(v); }
breakpoint: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 600
vertical: Boolean,
shrink: Boolean,
stretch: Boolean,
activeColor: String,
activeBgColor: String,
indicatorColor: String,
leftIcon: String,
rightIcon: String,
outsideArrows: Boolean,
mobileArrows: Boolean,
switchIndicator: Boolean,
narrowIndicator: Boolean,
inlineLabel: Boolean,
noCaps: Boolean,
dense: Boolean,
contentClass: String
data: function data () {
return {
tabs: {
current: this.value,
activeColor: this.activeColor,
activeBgColor: this.activeBgColor,
indicatorClass: getIndicatorClass(
narrowIndicator: this.narrowIndicator,
inlineLabel: this.inlineLabel,
noCaps: this.noCaps
scrollable: false,
leftArrow: true,
rightArrow: false,
justify: false
watch: {
value: function value (name) {
this.__activateTab(name, true, true);
activeColor: function activeColor (v) {
this.tabs.activeColor = v;
activeBgColor: function activeBgColor (v) {
this.tabs.activeBgColor = v;
vertical: function vertical (v) {
this.tabs.indicatorClass = getIndicatorClass(this.indicatorColor, this.switchIndicator, v);
indicatorColor: function indicatorColor (v) {
this.tabs.indicatorClass = getIndicatorClass(v, this.switchIndicator, this.vertical);
switchIndicator: function switchIndicator (v) {
this.tabs.indicatorClass = getIndicatorClass(this.indicatorColor, v, this.vertical);
narrowIndicator: function narrowIndicator (v) {
this.tabs.narrowIndicator = v;
inlineLabel: function inlineLabel (v) {
this.tabs.inlineLabel = v;
noCaps: function noCaps (v) {
this.tabs.noCaps = v;
outsideArrows: function outsideArrows () {
arrowsEnabled: function arrowsEnabled (v) {
this.__updateArrows = v === true
? this.__updateArrowsFn
: noop;
computed: {
arrowsEnabled: function arrowsEnabled () {
return this.$q.platform.is.desktop === true || this.mobileArrows === true
alignClass: function alignClass () {
var align = this.scrollable === true
? 'left'
: (this.justify === true ? 'justify' : this.align);
return ("q-tabs__content--align-" + align)
classes: function classes () {
return "q-tabs--" + (this.scrollable === true ? '' : 'not-') + "scrollable" +
" q-tabs--" + (this.vertical === true ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal') +
" q-tabs__arrows--" + (this.arrowsEnabled === true && this.outsideArrows === true ? 'outside' : 'inside') +
(this.dense === true ? ' q-tabs--dense' : '') +
(this.shrink === true ? ' col-shrink' : '') +
(this.stretch === true ? ' self-stretch' : '')
innerClass: function innerClass () {
return this.alignClass + (this.contentClass !== void 0 ? (" " + (this.contentClass)) : '')
domProps: function domProps () {
return this.vertical === true
? { container: 'height', content: 'scrollHeight', posLeft: 'top', posRight: 'bottom' }
: { container: 'width', content: 'scrollWidth', posLeft: 'left', posRight: 'right' }
onEvents: function onEvents () {
return Object.assign({}, {input: stop},
methods: {
__activateTab: function __activateTab (name, setCurrent, skipEmit) {
if (this.tabs.current !== name) {
skipEmit !== true && this.$emit('input', name);
if (setCurrent === true || this.qListeners.input === void 0) {
this.__animate(this.tabs.current, name);
this.tabs.current = name;
__activateRoute: function __activateRoute (params) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.bufferRoute !== this.$route && this.buffer.length > 0) {
this.bufferTimer = void 0;
this.buffer.length = 0;
this.bufferRoute = this.$route;
if (params !== void 0) {
if (params.remove === true) {
this.buffer = this.buffer.filter(function (t) { return t.name !== params.name; });
else {
if (this.bufferTimer === void 0) {
this.bufferTimer = setTimeout(function () {
var tabs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < bufferFiltersLen && tabs.length === 0; i++) {
tabs = this$1.buffer.filter(bufferFilters[i]);
this$1.__activateTab(tabs.length === 0 ? null : tabs[0].name, true);
this$1.buffer = this$1.buffer.map(bufferCleanSelected);
this$1.bufferTimer = void 0;
}, 1);
__recalculateScroll: function __recalculateScroll () {
var this$1 = this;
this.__nextTick(function () {
this$1._isDestroyed !== true && this$1.__updateContainer({
width: this$1.$el.offsetWidth,
height: this$1.$el.offsetHeight
__updateContainer: function __updateContainer (domSize) {
var this$1 = this;
size = domSize[this.domProps.container],
scrollSize = this.$refs.content[this.domProps.content],
scroll = size > 0 && scrollSize > size; // when there is no tab, in Chrome, size === 0 and scrollSize === 1
if (this.scrollable !== scroll) {
this.scrollable = scroll;
// Arrows need to be updated even if the scroll status was already true
scroll === true && this.$nextTick(function () { return this$1.__updateArrows(); });
var justify = size < parseInt(this.breakpoint, 10);
if (this.justify !== justify) {
this.justify = justify;
__animate: function __animate (oldName, newName) {
var this$1 = this;
oldTab = oldName !== void 0 && oldName !== null && oldName !== ''
? this.$children.find(function (tab) { return tab.name === oldName; })
: null,
newTab = newName !== void 0 && newName !== null && newName !== ''
? this.$children.find(function (tab) { return tab.name === newName; })
: null;
if (oldTab && newTab) {
oldEl = oldTab.$el.getElementsByClassName('q-tab__indicator')[0],
newEl = newTab.$el.getElementsByClassName('q-tab__indicator')[0];
oldEl.style.transition = 'none';
oldEl.style.transform = 'none';
newEl.style.transition = 'none';
newEl.style.transform = 'none';
oldPos = oldEl.getBoundingClientRect(),
newPos = newEl.getBoundingClientRect();
newEl.style.transform = this.vertical === true
? ("translate3d(0," + (oldPos.top - newPos.top) + "px,0) scale3d(1," + (newPos.height ? oldPos.height / newPos.height : 1) + ",1)")
: ("translate3d(" + (oldPos.left - newPos.left) + "px,0,0) scale3d(" + (newPos.width ? oldPos.width / newPos.width : 1) + ",1,1)");
// allow scope updates to kick in (QRouteTab needs more time)
this.$nextTick(function () {
this$1.animateTimer = setTimeout(function () {
newEl.style.transition = 'transform .25s cubic-bezier(.4, 0, .2, 1)';
newEl.style.transform = 'none';
}, 70);
if (newTab && this.scrollable === true) {
var ref = this.$refs.content.getBoundingClientRect();
var left = ref.left;
var width = ref.width;
var top = ref.top;
var height = ref.height;
var newPos$1 = newTab.$el.getBoundingClientRect();
var offset = this.vertical === true ? newPos$1.top - top : newPos$1.left - left;
if (offset < 0) {
this.$refs.content[this.vertical === true ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft'] += Math.floor(offset);
offset += this.vertical === true ? newPos$1.height - height : newPos$1.width - width;
if (offset > 0) {
this.$refs.content[this.vertical === true ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft'] += Math.ceil(offset);
__updateArrowsFn: function __updateArrowsFn () {
content = this.$refs.content,
rect = content.getBoundingClientRect(),
pos = this.vertical === true ? content.scrollTop : content.scrollLeft;
this.leftArrow = pos > 0;
this.rightArrow = this.vertical === true
? Math.ceil(pos + rect.height) < content.scrollHeight
: Math.ceil(pos + rect.width) < content.scrollWidth;
__animScrollTo: function __animScrollTo (value) {
var this$1 = this;
this.scrollTimer = setInterval(function () {
if (this$1.__scrollTowards(value)) {
}, 5);
__scrollToStart: function __scrollToStart () {
__scrollToEnd: function __scrollToEnd () {
__stopAnimScroll: function __stopAnimScroll () {
__scrollTowards: function __scrollTowards (value) {
var content = this.$refs.content;
pos = this.vertical === true ? content.scrollTop : content.scrollLeft,
done = false;
var direction = value < pos ? -1 : 1;
pos += direction * 5;
if (pos < 0) {
done = true;
pos = 0;
else if (
(direction === -1 && pos <= value) ||
(direction === 1 && pos >= value)
) {
done = true;
pos = value;
content[this.vertical === true ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft'] = pos;
return done
created: function created () {
this.buffer = [];
this.__updateArrows = this.arrowsEnabled === true
? this.__updateArrowsFn
: noop;
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
render: function render (h) {
var child = [
h(QResizeObserver, {
on: cache(this, 'resize', { resize: this.__updateContainer })
h('div', {
ref: 'content',
staticClass: 'q-tabs__content row no-wrap items-center self-stretch hide-scrollbar',
class: this.innerClass
}, slot(this, 'default'))
this.arrowsEnabled === true && child.push(
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-tabs__arrow q-tabs__arrow--left absolute q-tab__icon',
class: this.leftArrow === true ? '' : 'q-tabs__arrow--faded',
props: { name: this.leftIcon || (this.vertical === true ? this.$q.iconSet.tabs.up : this.$q.iconSet.tabs.left) },
on: cache(this, 'onL', {
mousedown: this.__scrollToStart,
touchstart: this.__scrollToStart,
mouseup: this.__stopAnimScroll,
mouseleave: this.__stopAnimScroll,
touchend: this.__stopAnimScroll
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-tabs__arrow q-tabs__arrow--right absolute q-tab__icon',
class: this.rightArrow === true ? '' : 'q-tabs__arrow--faded',
props: { name: this.rightIcon || (this.vertical === true ? this.$q.iconSet.tabs.down : this.$q.iconSet.tabs.right) },
on: cache(this, 'onR', {
mousedown: this.__scrollToEnd,
touchstart: this.__scrollToEnd,
mouseup: this.__stopAnimScroll,
mouseleave: this.__stopAnimScroll,
touchend: this.__stopAnimScroll
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-tabs row no-wrap items-center',
class: this.classes,
on: this.onEvents,
attrs: { role: 'tablist' }
}, child)
var uid$1 = 0;
var QTab = Vue.extend({
name: 'QTab',
mixins: [ RippleMixin, ListenersMixin ],
inject: {
tabs: {
default: function default$1 () {
console.error('QTab/QRouteTab components need to be child of QTabs');
__activateTab: {},
__recalculateScroll: {}
props: {
icon: String,
label: [Number, String],
alert: [Boolean, String],
alertIcon: String,
name: {
type: [Number, String],
default: function () { return ("t_" + (uid$1++)); }
noCaps: Boolean,
tabindex: [String, Number],
disable: Boolean,
contentClass: String
computed: {
isActive: function isActive () {
return this.tabs.current === this.name
classes: function classes () {
var obj;
return ( obj = {}, obj[("q-tab--" + (this.isActive ? '' : 'in') + "active")] = true, obj[("text-" + (this.tabs.activeColor))] = this.isActive && this.tabs.activeColor, obj[("bg-" + (this.tabs.activeBgColor))] = this.isActive && this.tabs.activeBgColor, obj['q-tab--full'] = this.icon && this.label && !this.tabs.inlineLabel, obj['q-tab--no-caps'] = this.noCaps === true || this.tabs.noCaps === true, obj['q-focusable q-hoverable cursor-pointer'] = !this.disable, obj.disabled = this.disable, obj )
innerClass: function innerClass () {
return (this.tabs.inlineLabel === true ? 'row no-wrap q-tab__content--inline' : 'column') +
(this.contentClass !== void 0 ? (" " + (this.contentClass)) : '')
computedTabIndex: function computedTabIndex () {
return this.disable === true || this.isActive === true ? -1 : this.tabindex || 0
onEvents: function onEvents () {
return Object.assign({}, {input: stop},
{click: this.__activate,
keyup: this.__onKeyup})
attrs: function attrs () {
var attrs = {
tabindex: this.computedTabIndex,
role: 'tab',
'aria-selected': this.isActive
if (this.disable === true) {
attrs['aria-disabled'] = 'true';
return attrs
methods: {
__activate: function __activate (e, keyboard) {
keyboard !== true && this.$refs.blurTarget !== void 0 && this.$refs.blurTarget.focus();
if (this.disable !== true) {
this.qListeners.click !== void 0 && this.$emit('click', e);
__onKeyup: function __onKeyup (e) {
isKeyCode(e, 13) === true && this.__activate(e, true);
__getContent: function __getContent (h) {
narrow = this.tabs.narrowIndicator,
content = [],
indicator = h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-tab__indicator',
class: this.tabs.indicatorClass
this.icon !== void 0 && content.push(
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-tab__icon',
props: { name: this.icon }
this.label !== void 0 && content.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-tab__label'
}, [ this.label ])
this.alert !== false && content.push(
this.alertIcon !== void 0
? h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-tab__alert-icon',
props: {
color: this.alert !== true
? this.alert
: void 0,
name: this.alertIcon
: h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-tab__alert',
class: this.alert !== true
? ("text-" + (this.alert))
: null
narrow === true && content.push(indicator);
var node = [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-focus-helper', attrs: { tabindex: -1 }, ref: 'blurTarget' }),
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-tab__content self-stretch flex-center relative-position q-anchor--skip non-selectable',
class: this.innerClass
}, mergeSlot(content, this, 'default'))
narrow === false && node.push(indicator);
return node
__renderTab: function __renderTab (h, tag, props) {
var data = {
staticClass: 'q-tab relative-position self-stretch flex flex-center text-center',
class: this.classes,
attrs: this.attrs,
directives: this.ripple !== false && this.disable === true ? null : [
{ name: 'ripple', value: this.ripple }
data[ tag === 'div' ? 'on' : 'nativeOn' ] = this.onEvents;
if (props !== void 0) {
data.props = props;
return h(tag, data, this.__getContent(h))
mounted: function mounted () {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
render: function render (h) {
return this.__renderTab(h, 'div')
var QTabPanels = Vue.extend({
name: 'QTabPanels',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, PanelParentMixin ],
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-tab-panels q-panel-parent' +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-tab-panels--dark q-dark' : '')
methods: {
__renderPanels: function __renderPanels (h) {
return h('div', {
class: this.classes,
directives: this.panelDirectives,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, this.__getPanelContent(h))
var QTabPanel = Vue.extend({
name: 'QTabPanel',
mixins: [ PanelChildMixin ],
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-tab-panel',
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var palette = [
'rgb(255,204,204)', 'rgb(255,230,204)', 'rgb(255,255,204)', 'rgb(204,255,204)', 'rgb(204,255,230)', 'rgb(204,255,255)', 'rgb(204,230,255)', 'rgb(204,204,255)', 'rgb(230,204,255)', 'rgb(255,204,255)',
'rgb(255,153,153)', 'rgb(255,204,153)', 'rgb(255,255,153)', 'rgb(153,255,153)', 'rgb(153,255,204)', 'rgb(153,255,255)', 'rgb(153,204,255)', 'rgb(153,153,255)', 'rgb(204,153,255)', 'rgb(255,153,255)',
'rgb(255,102,102)', 'rgb(255,179,102)', 'rgb(255,255,102)', 'rgb(102,255,102)', 'rgb(102,255,179)', 'rgb(102,255,255)', 'rgb(102,179,255)', 'rgb(102,102,255)', 'rgb(179,102,255)', 'rgb(255,102,255)',
'rgb(255,51,51)', 'rgb(255,153,51)', 'rgb(255,255,51)', 'rgb(51,255,51)', 'rgb(51,255,153)', 'rgb(51,255,255)', 'rgb(51,153,255)', 'rgb(51,51,255)', 'rgb(153,51,255)', 'rgb(255,51,255)',
'rgb(255,0,0)', 'rgb(255,128,0)', 'rgb(255,255,0)', 'rgb(0,255,0)', 'rgb(0,255,128)', 'rgb(0,255,255)', 'rgb(0,128,255)', 'rgb(0,0,255)', 'rgb(128,0,255)', 'rgb(255,0,255)',
'rgb(245,0,0)', 'rgb(245,123,0)', 'rgb(245,245,0)', 'rgb(0,245,0)', 'rgb(0,245,123)', 'rgb(0,245,245)', 'rgb(0,123,245)', 'rgb(0,0,245)', 'rgb(123,0,245)', 'rgb(245,0,245)',
'rgb(214,0,0)', 'rgb(214,108,0)', 'rgb(214,214,0)', 'rgb(0,214,0)', 'rgb(0,214,108)', 'rgb(0,214,214)', 'rgb(0,108,214)', 'rgb(0,0,214)', 'rgb(108,0,214)', 'rgb(214,0,214)',
'rgb(163,0,0)', 'rgb(163,82,0)', 'rgb(163,163,0)', 'rgb(0,163,0)', 'rgb(0,163,82)', 'rgb(0,163,163)', 'rgb(0,82,163)', 'rgb(0,0,163)', 'rgb(82,0,163)', 'rgb(163,0,163)',
'rgb(92,0,0)', 'rgb(92,46,0)', 'rgb(92,92,0)', 'rgb(0,92,0)', 'rgb(0,92,46)', 'rgb(0,92,92)', 'rgb(0,46,92)', 'rgb(0,0,92)', 'rgb(46,0,92)', 'rgb(92,0,92)',
'rgb(255,255,255)', 'rgb(205,205,205)', 'rgb(178,178,178)', 'rgb(153,153,153)', 'rgb(127,127,127)', 'rgb(102,102,102)', 'rgb(76,76,76)', 'rgb(51,51,51)', 'rgb(25,25,25)', 'rgb(0,0,0)'
var QColor = Vue.extend({
name: 'QColor',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, DarkMixin, FormMixin ],
directives: {
TouchPan: TouchPan
props: {
value: String,
defaultValue: String,
defaultView: {
type: String,
default: 'spectrum',
validator: function (v) { return ['spectrum', 'tune', 'palette'].includes(v); }
formatModel: {
type: String,
default: 'auto',
validator: function (v) { return ['auto', 'hex', 'rgb', 'hexa', 'rgba'].includes(v); }
palette: Array,
noHeader: Boolean,
noFooter: Boolean,
square: Boolean,
flat: Boolean,
bordered: Boolean,
disable: Boolean,
readonly: Boolean
data: function data () {
return {
topView: this.formatModel === 'auto'
? (
(this.value === void 0 || this.value === null || this.value === '' || this.value.startsWith('#'))
? 'hex'
: 'rgb'
: (this.formatModel.startsWith('hex') ? 'hex' : 'rgb'),
view: this.defaultView,
model: this.__parseModel(this.value || this.defaultValue)
watch: {
value: function value (v) {
var model = this.__parseModel(v || this.defaultValue);
if (model.hex !== this.model.hex) {
this.model = model;
defaultValue: function defaultValue (v) {
if (!this.value && v) {
var model = this.__parseModel(v);
if (model.hex !== this.model.hex) {
this.model = model;
computed: {
editable: function editable () {
return this.disable !== true && this.readonly !== true
forceHex: function forceHex () {
return this.formatModel === 'auto'
? null
: this.formatModel.indexOf('hex') > -1
forceAlpha: function forceAlpha () {
return this.formatModel === 'auto'
? null
: this.formatModel.indexOf('a') > -1
isHex: function isHex () {
return this.value === void 0 ||
this.value === null ||
this.value === '' ||
isOutputHex: function isOutputHex () {
return this.forceHex !== null
? this.forceHex
: this.isHex
formAttrs: function formAttrs () {
return {
type: 'hidden',
name: this.name,
value: this.model[ this.isOutputHex === true ? 'hex' : 'rgb' ]
hasAlpha: function hasAlpha () {
if (this.forceAlpha !== null) {
return this.forceAlpha
return this.model.a !== void 0
currentBgColor: function currentBgColor () {
return {
backgroundColor: this.model.rgb || '#000'
headerClass: function headerClass () {
var light = this.model.a !== void 0 && this.model.a < 65
? true
: luminosity(this.model) > 0.4;
return ("q-color-picker__header-content--" + (light ? 'light' : 'dark'))
spectrumStyle: function spectrumStyle () {
return {
background: ("hsl(" + (this.model.h) + ",100%,50%)")
spectrumPointerStyle: function spectrumPointerStyle () {
var obj;
return ( obj = {
top: ((100 - this.model.v) + "%")
}, obj[this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'right' : 'left'] = ((this.model.s) + "%"), obj )
inputsArray: function inputsArray () {
var inp = ['r', 'g', 'b'];
if (this.hasAlpha === true) {
return inp
computedPalette: function computedPalette () {
return this.palette !== void 0 && this.palette.length > 0
? this.palette
: palette
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-color-picker' +
(this.bordered === true ? ' q-color-picker--bordered' : '') +
(this.square === true ? ' q-color-picker--square no-border-radius' : '') +
(this.flat === true ? ' q-color-picker--flat no-shadow' : '') +
(this.disable === true ? ' disabled' : '') +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-color-picker--dark q-dark' : '')
attrs: function attrs () {
if (this.disable === true) {
return { 'aria-disabled': 'true' }
if (this.readonly === true) {
return { 'aria-readonly': 'true' }
created: function created () {
this.__spectrumChange = throttle(this.__spectrumChange, 20);
render: function render (h) {
var child = [ this.__getContent(h) ];
if (this.name !== void 0 && this.disable !== true) {
this.__injectFormInput(child, 'push');
this.noHeader !== true && child.unshift(
this.noFooter !== true && child.push(
return h('div', {
class: this.classes,
attrs: this.attrs,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, child)
methods: {
__getHeader: function __getHeader (h) {
var this$1 = this;
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-color-picker__header relative-position overflow-hidden'
}, [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-color-picker__header-bg absolute-full' }),
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-color-picker__header-content absolute-full',
class: this.headerClass,
style: this.currentBgColor
}, [
h(QTabs, {
props: {
value: this.topView,
dense: true,
align: 'justify'
on: cache(this, 'topVTab', {
input: function (val) { this$1.topView = val; }
}, [
h(QTab, {
props: {
label: 'HEX' + (this.hasAlpha === true ? 'A' : ''),
name: 'hex',
ripple: false
h(QTab, {
props: {
label: 'RGB' + (this.hasAlpha === true ? 'A' : ''),
name: 'rgb',
ripple: false
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-color-picker__header-banner row flex-center no-wrap'
}, [
h('input', {
staticClass: 'fit',
domProps: { value: this.model[this.topView] },
attrs: this.editable !== true ? {
readonly: true
} : null,
on: cache(this, 'topIn', {
input: function (evt) {
this$1.__updateErrorIcon(this$1.__onEditorChange(evt) === true);
change: stop,
blur: function (evt) {
this$1.__onEditorChange(evt, true) === true && this$1.$forceUpdate();
h(QIcon, {
ref: 'errorIcon',
staticClass: 'q-color-picker__error-icon absolute no-pointer-events',
props: { name: this.$q.iconSet.type.negative }
__getContent: function __getContent (h) {
return h(QTabPanels, {
props: {
value: this.view,
animated: true
}, [
h(QTabPanel, {
staticClass: 'q-color-picker__spectrum-tab overflow-hidden',
props: { name: 'spectrum' }
}, this.__getSpectrumTab(h)),
h(QTabPanel, {
staticClass: 'q-pa-md q-color-picker__tune-tab',
props: { name: 'tune' }
}, this.__getTuneTab(h)),
h(QTabPanel, {
staticClass: 'q-color-picker__palette-tab',
props: { name: 'palette' }
}, this.__getPaletteTab(h))
__getFooter: function __getFooter (h) {
var this$1 = this;
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-color-picker__footer relative-position overflow-hidden'
}, [
h(QTabs, {
staticClass: 'absolute-full',
props: {
value: this.view,
dense: true,
align: 'justify'
on: cache(this, 'ftIn', {
input: function (val) { this$1.view = val; }
}, [
h(QTab, {
props: {
icon: this.$q.iconSet.colorPicker.spectrum,
name: 'spectrum',
ripple: false
h(QTab, {
props: {
icon: this.$q.iconSet.colorPicker.tune,
name: 'tune',
ripple: false
h(QTab, {
props: {
icon: this.$q.iconSet.colorPicker.palette,
name: 'palette',
ripple: false
__getSpectrumTab: function __getSpectrumTab (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var thumbPath = 'M5 5 h10 v10 h-10 v-10 z';
return [
h('div', {
ref: 'spectrum',
staticClass: 'q-color-picker__spectrum non-selectable relative-position cursor-pointer',
style: this.spectrumStyle,
class: { readonly: this.editable !== true },
on: this.editable === true
? cache(this, 'spectrT', {
click: this.__spectrumClick,
mousedown: this.__activate
: null,
directives: this.editable === true
? cache(this, 'spectrDir', [{
name: 'touch-pan',
modifiers: {
prevent: true,
stop: true,
mouse: true
value: this.__spectrumPan
: null
}, [
h('div', { style: { paddingBottom: '100%' } }),
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-color-picker__spectrum-white absolute-full' }),
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-color-picker__spectrum-black absolute-full' }),
h('div', {
staticClass: 'absolute',
style: this.spectrumPointerStyle
}, [
this.model.hex !== void 0 ? h('div', { staticClass: 'q-color-picker__spectrum-circle' }) : null
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-color-picker__sliders'
}, [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-color-picker__hue non-selectable' }, [
h(QSlider, {
props: {
value: this.model.h,
min: 0,
max: 360,
fillHandleAlways: true,
readonly: this.editable !== true,
thumbPath: thumbPath
on: cache(this, 'hueSlide', {
input: this.__onHueChange,
change: function (val) { return this$1.__onHueChange(val, true); }
this.hasAlpha === true
? h('div', { staticClass: 'q-color-picker__alpha non-selectable' }, [
h(QSlider, {
props: {
value: this.model.a,
min: 0,
max: 100,
fillHandleAlways: true,
readonly: this.editable !== true,
thumbPath: thumbPath
on: cache(this, 'alphaSlide', {
input: function (value) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(value, 'a', 100); },
change: function (value) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(value, 'a', 100, void 0, true); }
: null
__getTuneTab: function __getTuneTab (h) {
var this$1 = this;
return [
h('div', { staticClass: 'row items-center no-wrap' }, [
h('div', ['R']),
h(QSlider, {
props: {
value: this.model.r,
min: 0,
max: 255,
color: 'red',
dark: this.isDark,
readonly: this.editable !== true
on: cache(this, 'rSlide', {
input: function (value) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(value, 'r', 255); },
change: function (value) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(value, 'r', 255, void 0, true); }
h('input', {
domProps: {
value: this.model.r
attrs: {
maxlength: 3,
readonly: this.editable !== true
on: cache(this, 'rIn', {
input: function (evt) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(evt.target.value, 'r', 255, evt); },
change: stop,
blur: function (evt) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(evt.target.value, 'r', 255, evt, true); }
h('div', { staticClass: 'row items-center no-wrap' }, [
h('div', ['G']),
h(QSlider, {
props: {
value: this.model.g,
min: 0,
max: 255,
color: 'green',
dark: this.isDark,
readonly: this.editable !== true
on: cache(this, 'gSlide', {
input: function (value) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(value, 'g', 255); },
change: function (value) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(value, 'g', 255, void 0, true); }
h('input', {
domProps: {
value: this.model.g
attrs: {
maxlength: 3,
readonly: this.editable !== true
on: cache(this, 'gIn', {
input: function (evt) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(evt.target.value, 'g', 255, evt); },
change: stop,
blur: function (evt) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(evt.target.value, 'g', 255, evt, true); }
h('div', { staticClass: 'row items-center no-wrap' }, [
h('div', ['B']),
h(QSlider, {
props: {
value: this.model.b,
min: 0,
max: 255,
color: 'blue',
readonly: this.editable !== true,
dark: this.isDark
on: cache(this, 'bSlide', {
input: function (value) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(value, 'b', 255); },
change: function (value) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(value, 'b', 255, void 0, true); }
h('input', {
domProps: {
value: this.model.b
attrs: {
maxlength: 3,
readonly: this.editable !== true
on: cache(this, 'bIn', {
input: function (evt) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(evt.target.value, 'b', 255, evt); },
change: stop,
blur: function (evt) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(evt.target.value, 'b', 255, evt, true); }
this.hasAlpha === true ? h('div', { staticClass: 'row items-center no-wrap' }, [
h('div', ['A']),
h(QSlider, {
props: {
value: this.model.a,
color: 'grey',
readonly: this.editable !== true,
dark: this.isDark
on: cache(this, 'aSlide', {
input: function (value) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(value, 'a', 100); },
change: function (value) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(value, 'a', 100, void 0, true); }
h('input', {
domProps: {
value: this.model.a
attrs: {
maxlength: 3,
readonly: this.editable !== true
on: cache(this, 'aIn', {
input: function (evt) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(evt.target.value, 'a', 100, evt); },
change: stop,
blur: function (evt) { return this$1.__onNumericChange(evt.target.value, 'a', 100, evt, true); }
]) : null
__getPaletteTab: function __getPaletteTab (h) {
var this$1 = this;
return [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'row items-center q-color-picker__palette-rows',
class: this.editable === true
? 'q-color-picker__palette-rows--editable'
: ''
}, this.computedPalette.map(function (color) { return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-color-picker__cube col-auto',
style: { backgroundColor: color },
on: this$1.editable === true ? cache(this$1, 'palette#' + color, {
click: function () {
}) : null
}); }))
__onSpectrumChange: function __onSpectrumChange (left, top, change) {
var panel = this.$refs.spectrum;
if (panel === void 0) { return }
width = panel.clientWidth,
height = panel.clientHeight,
rect = panel.getBoundingClientRect();
var x = Math.min(width, Math.max(0, left - rect.left));
if (this.$q.lang.rtl === true) {
x = width - x;
y = Math.min(height, Math.max(0, top - rect.top)),
s = Math.round(100 * x / width),
v = Math.round(100 * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, -(y / height) + 1))),
rgb = hsvToRgb({
h: this.model.h,
s: s,
v: v,
a: this.hasAlpha === true ? this.model.a : void 0
this.model.s = s;
this.model.v = v;
this.__update(rgb, change);
__onHueChange: function __onHueChange (h, change) {
h = Math.round(h);
var rgb = hsvToRgb({
h: h,
s: this.model.s,
v: this.model.v,
a: this.hasAlpha === true ? this.model.a : void 0
this.model.h = h;
this.__update(rgb, change);
__onNumericChange: function __onNumericChange (value, formatModel, max, evt, change) {
evt !== void 0 && stop(evt);
if (!/^[0-9]+$/.test(value)) {
change && this.$forceUpdate();
var val = Math.floor(Number(value));
if (val < 0 || val > max) {
change === true && this.$forceUpdate();
var rgb = {
r: formatModel === 'r' ? val : this.model.r,
g: formatModel === 'g' ? val : this.model.g,
b: formatModel === 'b' ? val : this.model.b,
a: this.hasAlpha === true
? (formatModel === 'a' ? val : this.model.a)
: void 0
if (formatModel !== 'a') {
var hsv = rgbToHsv(rgb);
this.model.h = hsv.h;
this.model.s = hsv.s;
this.model.v = hsv.v;
this.__update(rgb, change);
if (evt !== void 0 && change !== true && evt.target.selectionEnd !== void 0) {
var index = evt.target.selectionEnd;
this.$nextTick(function () {
evt.target.setSelectionRange(index, index);
__onEditorChange: function __onEditorChange (evt, change) {
var rgb;
var inp = evt.target.value;
if (this.topView === 'hex') {
if (
inp.length !== (this.hasAlpha === true ? 9 : 7) ||
) {
return true
rgb = hexToRgb(inp);
else {
var model;
if (!inp.endsWith(')')) {
return true
else if (this.hasAlpha !== true && inp.startsWith('rgb(')) {
model = inp.substring(4, inp.length - 1).split(',').map(function (n) { return parseInt(n, 10); });
if (
model.length !== 3 ||
) {
return true
else if (this.hasAlpha === true && inp.startsWith('rgba(')) {
model = inp.substring(5, inp.length - 1).split(',');
if (
model.length !== 4 ||
) {
return true
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var v = parseInt(model[i], 10);
if (v < 0 || v > 255) {
return true
model[i] = v;
var v$1 = parseFloat(model[3]);
if (v$1 < 0 || v$1 > 1) {
return true
model[3] = v$1;
else {
return true
if (
model[0] < 0 || model[0] > 255 ||
model[1] < 0 || model[1] > 255 ||
model[2] < 0 || model[2] > 255 ||
(this.hasAlpha === true && (model[3] < 0 || model[3] > 1))
) {
return true
rgb = {
r: model[0],
g: model[1],
b: model[2],
a: this.hasAlpha === true
? model[3] * 100
: void 0
var hsv = rgbToHsv(rgb);
this.model.h = hsv.h;
this.model.s = hsv.s;
this.model.v = hsv.v;
this.__update(rgb, change);
if (change !== true) {
var index = evt.target.selectionEnd;
this.$nextTick(function () {
evt.target.setSelectionRange(index, index);
__onPalettePick: function __onPalettePick (color) {
var def = this.__parseModel(color);
var rgb = { r: def.r, g: def.g, b: def.b, a: def.a };
if (rgb.a === void 0) {
rgb.a = this.model.a;
this.model.h = def.h;
this.model.s = def.s;
this.model.v = def.v;
this.__update(rgb, true);
__update: function __update (rgb, change) {
// update internally
this.model.hex = rgbToHex(rgb);
this.model.rgb = rgbToString(rgb);
this.model.r = rgb.r;
this.model.g = rgb.g;
this.model.b = rgb.b;
this.model.a = rgb.a;
var value = this.model[this.isOutputHex === true ? 'hex' : 'rgb'];
// emit new value
this.$emit('input', value);
change === true && this.$emit('change', value);
__updateErrorIcon: function __updateErrorIcon (val) {
// we MUST avoid vue triggering a render,
// so manually changing this
if (this.$refs.errorIcon !== void 0) {
this.$refs.errorIcon.$el.style.opacity = val ? 1 : 0;
__parseModel: function __parseModel (v) {
var forceAlpha = this.forceAlpha !== void 0
? this.forceAlpha
: (
this.formatModel === 'auto'
? null
: this.formatModel.indexOf('a') > -1
if (typeof v !== 'string' || v.length === 0 || testPattern.anyColor(v.replace(/ /g, '')) !== true) {
return {
h: 0,
s: 0,
v: 0,
r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 0,
a: forceAlpha === true ? 100 : void 0,
hex: void 0,
rgb: void 0
var model = textToRgb(v);
if (forceAlpha === true && model.a === void 0) {
model.a = 100;
model.hex = rgbToHex(model);
model.rgb = rgbToString(model);
return Object.assign(model, rgbToHsv(model))
__spectrumPan: function __spectrumPan (evt) {
if (evt.isFinal) {
else {
// throttled in created()
__spectrumChange: function __spectrumChange (evt) {
__spectrumClick: function __spectrumClick (evt) {
evt.pageX - window.pageXOffset,
evt.pageY - window.pageYOffset,
__activate: function __activate (evt) {
evt.pageX - window.pageXOffset,
evt.pageY - window.pageYOffset
// taken from https://github.com/jalaali/jalaali-js
Jalaali years starting the 33-year rule.
var breaks = [ -61, 9, 38, 199, 426, 686, 756, 818, 1111, 1181, 1210,
1635, 2060, 2097, 2192, 2262, 2324, 2394, 2456, 3178
Converts a Gregorian date to Jalaali.
function toJalaali (gy, gm, gd) {
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(gy) === '[object Date]') {
gd = gy.getDate();
gm = gy.getMonth() + 1;
gy = gy.getFullYear();
return d2j(g2d(gy, gm, gd))
Converts a Jalaali date to Gregorian.
function toGregorian (jy, jm, jd) {
return d2g(j2d(jy, jm, jd))
Is this a leap year or not?
function isLeapJalaaliYear (jy) {
return jalCalLeap(jy) === 0
Number of days in a given month in a Jalaali year.
function jalaaliMonthLength (jy, jm) {
if (jm <= 6) { return 31 }
if (jm <= 11) { return 30 }
if (isLeapJalaaliYear(jy)) { return 30 }
return 29
This function determines if the Jalaali (Persian) year is
leap (366-day long) or is the common year (365 days)
@param jy Jalaali calendar year (-61 to 3177)
@returns number of years since the last leap year (0 to 4)
function jalCalLeap (jy) {
var bl = breaks.length;
jp = breaks[0],
if (jy < jp || jy >= breaks[bl - 1]) { throw new Error('Invalid Jalaali year ' + jy) }
for (i = 1; i < bl; i += 1) {
jm = breaks[i];
jump = jm - jp;
if (jy < jm) { break }
jp = jm;
n = jy - jp;
if (jump - n < 6) { n = n - jump + div(jump + 4, 33) * 33; }
leap = mod(mod(n + 1, 33) - 1, 4);
if (leap === -1) {
leap = 4;
return leap
This function determines if the Jalaali (Persian) year is
leap (366-day long) or is the common year (365 days), and
finds the day in March (Gregorian calendar) of the first
day of the Jalaali year (jy).
@param jy Jalaali calendar year (-61 to 3177)
@param withoutLeap when don't need leap (true or false) default is false
leap: number of years since the last leap year (0 to 4)
gy: Gregorian year of the beginning of Jalaali year
march: the March day of Farvardin the 1st (1st day of jy)
@see: http://www.astro.uni.torun.pl/~kb/Papers/EMP/PersianC-EMP.htm
@see: http://www.fourmilab.ch/documents/calendar/
function jalCal (jy, withoutLeap) {
bl = breaks.length,
gy = jy + 621;
leapJ = -14,
jp = breaks[0],
if (jy < jp || jy >= breaks[bl - 1]) { throw new Error('Invalid Jalaali year ' + jy) }
// Find the limiting years for the Jalaali year jy.
for (i = 1; i < bl; i += 1) {
jm = breaks[i];
jump = jm - jp;
if (jy < jm) { break }
leapJ = leapJ + div(jump, 33) * 8 + div(mod(jump, 33), 4);
jp = jm;
n = jy - jp;
// Find the number of leap years from AD 621 to the beginning
// of the current Jalaali year in the Persian calendar.
leapJ = leapJ + div(n, 33) * 8 + div(mod(n, 33) + 3, 4);
if (mod(jump, 33) === 4 && jump - n === 4) { leapJ += 1; }
// And the same in the Gregorian calendar (until the year gy).
var leapG = div(gy, 4) - div((div(gy, 100) + 1) * 3, 4) - 150;
// Determine the Gregorian date of Farvardin the 1st.
var march = 20 + leapJ - leapG;
// Find how many years have passed since the last leap year.
if (!withoutLeap) {
if (jump - n < 6) { n = n - jump + div(jump + 4, 33) * 33; }
leap = mod(mod(n + 1, 33) - 1, 4);
if (leap === -1) {
leap = 4;
return {
leap: leap,
gy: gy,
march: march
Converts a date of the Jalaali calendar to the Julian Day number.
@param jy Jalaali year (1 to 3100)
@param jm Jalaali month (1 to 12)
@param jd Jalaali day (1 to 29/31)
@return Julian Day number
function j2d (jy, jm, jd) {
var r = jalCal(jy, true);
return g2d(r.gy, 3, r.march) + (jm - 1) * 31 - div(jm, 7) * (jm - 7) + jd - 1
Converts the Julian Day number to a date in the Jalaali calendar.
@param jdn Julian Day number
jy: Jalaali year (1 to 3100)
jm: Jalaali month (1 to 12)
jd: Jalaali day (1 to 29/31)
function d2j (jdn) {
var gy = d2g(jdn).gy; // Calculate Gregorian year (gy).
jy = gy - 621,
r = jalCal(jy, false),
jdn1f = g2d(gy, 3, r.march);
// Find number of days that passed since 1 Farvardin.
k = jdn - jdn1f;
if (k >= 0) {
if (k <= 185) {
// The first 6 months.
jm = 1 + div(k, 31);
jd = mod(k, 31) + 1;
return { jy: jy,
jm: jm,
jd: jd
else {
// The remaining months.
k -= 186;
else {
// Previous Jalaali year.
jy -= 1;
k += 179;
if (r.leap === 1) { k += 1; }
jm = 7 + div(k, 30);
jd = mod(k, 30) + 1;
return { jy: jy,
jm: jm,
jd: jd
Calculates the Julian Day number from Gregorian or Julian
calendar dates. This integer number corresponds to the noon of
the date (i.e. 12 hours of Universal Time).
The procedure was tested to be good since 1 March, -100100 (of both
calendars) up to a few million years into the future.
@param gy Calendar year (years BC numbered 0, -1, -2, ...)
@param gm Calendar month (1 to 12)
@param gd Calendar day of the month (1 to 28/29/30/31)
@return Julian Day number
function g2d (gy, gm, gd) {
var d = div((gy + div(gm - 8, 6) + 100100) * 1461, 4) +
div(153 * mod(gm + 9, 12) + 2, 5) +
gd - 34840408;
d = d - div(div(gy + 100100 + div(gm - 8, 6), 100) * 3, 4) + 752;
return d
Calculates Gregorian and Julian calendar dates from the Julian Day number
(jdn) for the period since jdn=-34839655 (i.e. the year -100100 of both
calendars) to some millions years ahead of the present.
@param jdn Julian Day number
gy: Calendar year (years BC numbered 0, -1, -2, ...)
gm: Calendar month (1 to 12)
gd: Calendar day of the month M (1 to 28/29/30/31)
function d2g (jdn) {
var j = 4 * jdn + 139361631;
j = j + div(div(4 * jdn + 183187720, 146097) * 3, 4) * 4 - 3908;
i = div(mod(j, 1461), 4) * 5 + 308,
gd = div(mod(i, 153), 5) + 1,
gm = mod(div(i, 153), 12) + 1,
gy = div(j, 1461) - 100100 + div(8 - gm, 6);
return {
gy: gy,
gm: gm,
gd: gd
Utility helper functions.
function div (a, b) {
return ~~(a / b)
function mod (a, b) {
return a - ~~(a / b) * b
var calendars = [ 'gregorian', 'persian' ];
var DateTimeMixin = {
mixins: [ DarkMixin, FormMixin, ListenersMixin ],
props: {
value: {
required: true
mask: {
type: String
locale: Object,
calendar: {
type: String,
validator: function (v) { return calendars.includes(v); },
default: 'gregorian'
landscape: Boolean,
color: String,
textColor: String,
square: Boolean,
flat: Boolean,
bordered: Boolean,
readonly: Boolean,
disable: Boolean
computed: {
computedMask: function computedMask () {
return this.__getMask()
computedLocale: function computedLocale () {
return this.__getLocale()
editable: function editable () {
return this.disable !== true && this.readonly !== true
computedColor: function computedColor () {
return this.color || 'primary'
computedTextColor: function computedTextColor () {
return this.textColor || 'white'
computedTabindex: function computedTabindex () {
return this.editable === true ? 0 : -1
headerClass: function headerClass () {
var cls = [];
this.color !== void 0 && cls.push(("bg-" + (this.color)));
this.textColor !== void 0 && cls.push(("text-" + (this.textColor)));
return cls.join(' ')
methods: {
__getLocale: function __getLocale () {
return this.locale || this.$q.lang.date
__getCurrentDate: function __getCurrentDate () {
var d = new Date();
if (this.calendar === 'persian') {
var jDate = toJalaali(d);
return {
year: jDate.jy,
month: jDate.jm,
day: jDate.jd
return {
year: d.getFullYear(),
month: d.getMonth() + 1,
day: d.getDate(),
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
second: 0,
millisecond: 0
__getCurrentTime: function __getCurrentTime () {
var d = new Date();
return {
hour: d.getHours(),
minute: d.getMinutes(),
second: d.getSeconds(),
millisecond: d.getMilliseconds()
/* eslint no-fallthrough: 0 */
defaultMask = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ',
token = /\[((?:[^\]\\]|\\]|\\)*)\]|d{1,4}|M{1,4}|m{1,2}|w{1,2}|Qo|Do|D{1,4}|YY(?:YY)?|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|s{1,2}|S{1,3}|Z{1,2}|a{1,2}|[AQExX]/g,
reverseToken = /(\[[^\]]*\])|d{1,4}|M{1,4}|m{1,2}|w{1,2}|Qo|Do|D{1,4}|YY(?:YY)?|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|s{1,2}|S{1,3}|Z{1,2}|a{1,2}|[AQExX]|([.*+:?^,\s${}()|\\]+)/g,
regexStore = {};
function getRegexData (mask, dateLocale) {
days = '(' + dateLocale.days.join('|') + ')',
key = mask + days;
if (regexStore[key] !== void 0) {
return regexStore[key]
daysShort = '(' + dateLocale.daysShort.join('|') + ')',
months = '(' + dateLocale.months.join('|') + ')',
monthsShort = '(' + dateLocale.monthsShort.join('|') + ')';
var map = {};
var index = 0;
var regexText = mask.replace(reverseToken, function (match) {
switch (match) {
case 'YY':
map.YY = index;
return '(-?\\d{1,2})'
case 'YYYY':
map.YYYY = index;
return '(-?\\d{1,4})'
case 'M':
map.M = index;
return '(\\d{1,2})'
case 'MM':
map.M = index; // bumping to M
return '(\\d{2})'
case 'MMM':
map.MMM = index;
return monthsShort
case 'MMMM':
map.MMMM = index;
return months
case 'D':
map.D = index;
return '(\\d{1,2})'
case 'Do':
map.D = index++; // bumping to D
return '(\\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th))'
case 'DD':
map.D = index; // bumping to D
return '(\\d{2})'
case 'H':
map.H = index;
return '(\\d{1,2})'
case 'HH':
map.H = index; // bumping to H
return '(\\d{2})'
case 'h':
map.h = index;
return '(\\d{1,2})'
case 'hh':
map.h = index; // bumping to h
return '(\\d{2})'
case 'm':
map.m = index;
return '(\\d{1,2})'
case 'mm':
map.m = index; // bumping to m
return '(\\d{2})'
case 's':
map.s = index;
return '(\\d{1,2})'
case 'ss':
map.s = index; // bumping to s
return '(\\d{2})'
case 'S':
map.S = index;
return '(\\d{1})'
case 'SS':
map.S = index; // bump to S
return '(\\d{2})'
case 'SSS':
map.S = index; // bump to S
return '(\\d{3})'
case 'A':
map.A = index;
return '(AM|PM)'
case 'a':
map.a = index;
return '(am|pm)'
case 'aa':
map.aa = index;
return '(a\\.m\\.|p\\.m\\.)'
case 'ddd':
return daysShort
case 'dddd':
return days
case 'Q':
case 'd':
case 'E':
return '(\\d{1})'
case 'Qo':
return '(1st|2nd|3rd|4th)'
case 'DDD':
case 'DDDD':
return '(\\d{1,3})'
case 'w':
return '(\\d{1,2})'
case 'ww':
return '(\\d{2})'
case 'Z': // to split: (?:(Z)()()|([+-])?(\\d{2}):?(\\d{2}))
map.Z = index;
return '(Z|[+-]\\d{2}:\\d{2})'
case 'ZZ':
map.ZZ = index;
return '(Z|[+-]\\d{2}\\d{2})'
case 'X':
map.X = index;
return '(-?\\d+)'
case 'x':
map.x = index;
return '(-?\\d{4,})'
if (match[0] === '[') {
match = match.substring(1, match.length - 1);
return match.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')
var res = { map: map, regex: new RegExp('^' + regexText) };
regexStore[key] = res;
return res
function extractDate (str, mask, dateLocale) {
var d = __splitDate(str, mask, dateLocale);
var date = new Date(
d.month === null ? null : d.month - 1,
var tzOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
return d.timezoneOffset === null || d.timezoneOffset === tzOffset
? date
: getChange(date, { minutes: d.timezoneOffset - tzOffset }, true)
function __splitDate (str, mask, dateLocale, calendar, defaultModel) {
var date = {
year: null,
month: null,
day: null,
hour: null,
minute: null,
second: null,
millisecond: null,
timezoneOffset: null,
dateHash: null,
timeHash: null
defaultModel !== void 0 && Object.assign(date, defaultModel);
if (
str === void 0 ||
str === null ||
str === '' ||
typeof str !== 'string'
) {
return date
if (mask === void 0) {
mask = defaultMask;
langOpts = dateLocale !== void 0 ? dateLocale : lang.props.date,
months = langOpts.months,
monthsShort = langOpts.monthsShort;
var ref = getRegexData(mask, langOpts);
var regex = ref.regex;
var map = ref.map;
var match = str.match(regex);
if (match === null) {
return date
var tzString = '';
if (map.X !== void 0 || map.x !== void 0) {
var stamp = parseInt(match[map.X !== void 0 ? map.X : map.x], 10);
if (isNaN(stamp) === true || stamp < 0) {
return date
var d = new Date(stamp * (map.X !== void 0 ? 1000 : 1));
date.year = d.getFullYear();
date.month = d.getMonth() + 1;
date.day = d.getDate();
date.hour = d.getHours();
date.minute = d.getMinutes();
date.second = d.getSeconds();
date.millisecond = d.getMilliseconds();
else {
if (map.YYYY !== void 0) {
date.year = parseInt(match[map.YYYY], 10);
else if (map.YY !== void 0) {
var y = parseInt(match[map.YY], 10);
date.year = y < 0 ? y : 2000 + y;
if (map.M !== void 0) {
date.month = parseInt(match[map.M], 10);
if (date.month < 1 || date.month > 12) {
return date
else if (map.MMM !== void 0) {
date.month = monthsShort.indexOf(match[map.MMM]) + 1;
else if (map.MMMM !== void 0) {
date.month = months.indexOf(match[map.MMMM]) + 1;
if (map.D !== void 0) {
date.day = parseInt(match[map.D], 10);
if (date.year === null || date.month === null || date.day < 1) {
return date
var maxDay = calendar !== 'persian'
? (new Date(date.year, date.month, 0)).getDate()
: jalaaliMonthLength(date.year, date.month);
if (date.day > maxDay) {
return date
if (map.H !== void 0) {
date.hour = parseInt(match[map.H], 10) % 24;
else if (map.h !== void 0) {
date.hour = parseInt(match[map.h], 10) % 12;
if (
(map.A && match[map.A] === 'PM') ||
(map.a && match[map.a] === 'pm') ||
(map.aa && match[map.aa] === 'p.m.')
) {
date.hour += 12;
date.hour = date.hour % 24;
if (map.m !== void 0) {
date.minute = parseInt(match[map.m], 10) % 60;
if (map.s !== void 0) {
date.second = parseInt(match[map.s], 10) % 60;
if (map.S !== void 0) {
date.millisecond = parseInt(match[map.S], 10) * Math.pow( 10, (3 - match[map.S].length) );
if (map.Z !== void 0 || map.ZZ !== void 0) {
tzString = (map.Z !== void 0 ? match[map.Z].replace(':', '') : match[map.ZZ]);
date.timezoneOffset = (tzString[0] === '+' ? -1 : 1) * (60 * tzString.slice(1, 3) + 1 * tzString.slice(3, 5));
date.dateHash = date.year + '/' + pad(date.month) + '/' + pad(date.day);
date.timeHash = pad(date.hour) + ':' + pad(date.minute) + ':' + pad(date.second) + tzString;
return date
function formatTimezone (offset, delimeter) {
if ( delimeter === void 0 ) delimeter = '';
sign = offset > 0 ? '-' : '+',
absOffset = Math.abs(offset),
hours = Math.floor(absOffset / 60),
minutes = absOffset % 60;
return sign + pad(hours) + delimeter + pad(minutes)
function setMonth (date, newMonth /* 1-based */) {
test = new Date(date.getFullYear(), newMonth, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
days = test.getDate();
date.setMonth(newMonth - 1, Math.min(days, date.getDate()));
function getChange (date, mod, add) {
t = new Date(date),
sign = (add ? 1 : -1);
Object.keys(mod).forEach(function (key) {
if (key === 'month') {
setMonth(t, t.getMonth() + 1 + sign * mod.month);
var op = key === 'year'
? 'FullYear'
: capitalize(key === 'days' ? 'date' : key);
t[("set" + op)](t[("get" + op)]() + sign * mod[key]);
return t
function isValid (date) {
return typeof date === 'number'
? true
: isNaN(Date.parse(date)) === false
function buildDate (mod, utc) {
return adjustDate(new Date(), mod, utc)
function getDayOfWeek (date) {
var dow = new Date(date).getDay();
return dow === 0 ? 7 : dow
function getWeekOfYear (date) {
// Remove time components of date
var thursday = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate());
// Change date to Thursday same week
thursday.setDate(thursday.getDate() - ((thursday.getDay() + 6) % 7) + 3);
// Take January 4th as it is always in week 1 (see ISO 8601)
var firstThursday = new Date(thursday.getFullYear(), 0, 4);
// Change date to Thursday same week
firstThursday.setDate(firstThursday.getDate() - ((firstThursday.getDay() + 6) % 7) + 3);
// Check if daylight-saving-time-switch occurred and correct for it
var ds = thursday.getTimezoneOffset() - firstThursday.getTimezoneOffset();
thursday.setHours(thursday.getHours() - ds);
// Number of weeks between target Thursday and first Thursday
var weekDiff = (thursday - firstThursday) / (MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY * 7);
return 1 + Math.floor(weekDiff)
function getDayIdentifier (date) {
return date.getFullYear() * 10000 + date.getMonth() * 100 + date.getDate()
function getDateIdentifier (date, onlyDate /* = false */) {
var d = new Date(date);
return onlyDate === true ? getDayIdentifier(d) : d.getTime()
function isBetweenDates (date, from, to, opts) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) opts = {};
d1 = getDateIdentifier(from, opts.onlyDate),
d2 = getDateIdentifier(to, opts.onlyDate),
cur = getDateIdentifier(date, opts.onlyDate);
return (cur > d1 || (opts.inclusiveFrom === true && cur === d1)) &&
(cur < d2 || (opts.inclusiveTo === true && cur === d2))
function addToDate (date, mod) {
return getChange(date, mod, true)
function subtractFromDate (date, mod) {
return getChange(date, mod, false)
function adjustDate (date, mod, utc) {
t = new Date(date),
prefix = "set" + (utc ? 'UTC' : '');
Object.keys(mod).forEach(function (key) {
if (key === 'month') {
setMonth(t, mod.month);
var op = key === 'year'
? 'FullYear'
: key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1);
t[("" + prefix + op)](mod[key]);
return t
function startOfDate (date, unit) {
var t = new Date(date);
switch (unit) {
case 'year':
case 'month':
case 'day':
case 'hour':
case 'minute':
case 'second':
return t
function endOfDate (date, unit) {
var t = new Date(date);
switch (unit) {
case 'year':
case 'month':
case 'day':
case 'hour':
case 'minute':
case 'second':
return t
function getMaxDate (date /* , ...args */) {
var t = new Date(date);
Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1).forEach(function (d) {
t = Math.max(t, new Date(d));
return t
function getMinDate (date /*, ...args */) {
var t = new Date(date);
Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1).forEach(function (d) {
t = Math.min(t, new Date(d));
return t
function getDiff (t, sub, interval) {
return (
(t.getTime() - t.getTimezoneOffset() * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE) -
(sub.getTime() - sub.getTimezoneOffset() * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE)
) / interval
function getDateDiff (date, subtract, unit) {
if ( unit === void 0 ) unit = 'days';
t = new Date(date),
sub = new Date(subtract);
switch (unit) {
case 'years':
return (t.getFullYear() - sub.getFullYear())
case 'months':
return (t.getFullYear() - sub.getFullYear()) * 12 + t.getMonth() - sub.getMonth()
case 'days':
return getDiff(startOfDate(t, 'day'), startOfDate(sub, 'day'), MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY)
case 'hours':
return getDiff(startOfDate(t, 'hour'), startOfDate(sub, 'hour'), MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR)
case 'minutes':
return getDiff(startOfDate(t, 'minute'), startOfDate(sub, 'minute'), MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE)
case 'seconds':
return getDiff(startOfDate(t, 'second'), startOfDate(sub, 'second'), 1000)
function getDayOfYear (date) {
return getDateDiff(date, startOfDate(date, 'year'), 'days') + 1
function inferDateFormat (date) {
return isDate(date) === true
? 'date'
: (typeof date === 'number' ? 'number' : 'string')
function getDateBetween (date, min, max) {
var t = new Date(date);
if (min) {
var low = new Date(min);
if (t < low) {
return low
if (max) {
var high = new Date(max);
if (t > high) {
return high
return t
function isSameDate (date, date2, unit) {
t = new Date(date),
d = new Date(date2);
if (unit === void 0) {
return t.getTime() === d.getTime()
switch (unit) {
case 'second':
if (t.getSeconds() !== d.getSeconds()) {
return false
case 'minute': // intentional fall-through
if (t.getMinutes() !== d.getMinutes()) {
return false
case 'hour': // intentional fall-through
if (t.getHours() !== d.getHours()) {
return false
case 'day': // intentional fall-through
if (t.getDate() !== d.getDate()) {
return false
case 'month': // intentional fall-through
if (t.getMonth() !== d.getMonth()) {
return false
case 'year': // intentional fall-through
if (t.getFullYear() !== d.getFullYear()) {
return false
throw new Error(("date isSameDate unknown unit " + unit))
return true
function daysInMonth (date) {
return (new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0)).getDate()
function getOrdinal (n) {
if (n >= 11 && n <= 13) {
return (n + "th")
switch (n % 10) {
case 1: return (n + "st")
case 2: return (n + "nd")
case 3: return (n + "rd")
return (n + "th")
var formatter = {
// Year: 00, 01, ..., 99
YY: function YY (date, _, forcedYear) {
// workaround for < 1900 with new Date()
var y = this.YYYY(date, _, forcedYear) % 100;
return y > 0
? pad(y)
: '-' + pad(Math.abs(y))
// Year: 1900, 1901, ..., 2099
YYYY: function YYYY (date, _, forcedYear) {
// workaround for < 1900 with new Date()
return forcedYear !== void 0 && forcedYear !== null
? forcedYear
: date.getFullYear()
// Month: 1, 2, ..., 12
M: function M (date) {
return date.getMonth() + 1
// Month: 01, 02, ..., 12
MM: function MM (date) {
return pad(date.getMonth() + 1)
// Month Short Name: Jan, Feb, ...
MMM: function MMM (date, dateLocale) {
return dateLocale.monthsShort[date.getMonth()]
// Month Name: January, February, ...
MMMM: function MMMM (date, dateLocale) {
return dateLocale.months[date.getMonth()]
// Quarter: 1, 2, 3, 4
Q: function Q (date) {
return Math.ceil((date.getMonth() + 1) / 3)
// Quarter: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Qo: function Qo (date) {
return getOrdinal(this.Q(date))
// Day of month: 1, 2, ..., 31
D: function D (date) {
return date.getDate()
// Day of month: 1st, 2nd, ..., 31st
Do: function Do (date) {
return getOrdinal(date.getDate())
// Day of month: 01, 02, ..., 31
DD: function DD (date) {
return pad(date.getDate())
// Day of year: 1, 2, ..., 366
DDD: function DDD (date) {
return getDayOfYear(date)
// Day of year: 001, 002, ..., 366
DDDD: function DDDD (date) {
return pad(getDayOfYear(date), 3)
// Day of week: 0, 1, ..., 6
d: function d (date) {
return date.getDay()
// Day of week: Su, Mo, ...
dd: function dd (date, dateLocale) {
return this.dddd(date, dateLocale).slice(0, 2)
// Day of week: Sun, Mon, ...
ddd: function ddd (date, dateLocale) {
return dateLocale.daysShort[date.getDay()]
// Day of week: Sunday, Monday, ...
dddd: function dddd (date, dateLocale) {
return dateLocale.days[date.getDay()]
// Day of ISO week: 1, 2, ..., 7
E: function E (date) {
return date.getDay() || 7
// Week of Year: 1 2 ... 52 53
w: function w (date) {
return getWeekOfYear(date)
// Week of Year: 01 02 ... 52 53
ww: function ww (date) {
return pad(getWeekOfYear(date))
// Hour: 0, 1, ... 23
H: function H (date) {
return date.getHours()
// Hour: 00, 01, ..., 23
HH: function HH (date) {
return pad(date.getHours())
// Hour: 1, 2, ..., 12
h: function h (date) {
var hours = date.getHours();
if (hours === 0) {
return 12
if (hours > 12) {
return hours % 12
return hours
// Hour: 01, 02, ..., 12
hh: function hh (date) {
return pad(this.h(date))
// Minute: 0, 1, ..., 59
m: function m (date) {
return date.getMinutes()
// Minute: 00, 01, ..., 59
mm: function mm (date) {
return pad(date.getMinutes())
// Second: 0, 1, ..., 59
s: function s (date) {
return date.getSeconds()
// Second: 00, 01, ..., 59
ss: function ss (date) {
return pad(date.getSeconds())
// 1/10 of second: 0, 1, ..., 9
S: function S (date) {
return Math.floor(date.getMilliseconds() / 100)
// 1/100 of second: 00, 01, ..., 99
SS: function SS (date) {
return pad(Math.floor(date.getMilliseconds() / 10))
// Millisecond: 000, 001, ..., 999
SSS: function SSS (date) {
return pad(date.getMilliseconds(), 3)
// Meridiem: AM, PM
A: function A (date) {
return this.H(date) < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'
// Meridiem: am, pm
a: function a (date) {
return this.H(date) < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'
// Meridiem: a.m., p.m.
aa: function aa (date) {
return this.H(date) < 12 ? 'a.m.' : 'p.m.'
// Timezone: -01:00, +00:00, ... +12:00
Z: function Z (date, dateLocale, forcedYear, forcedTimezoneOffset) {
var tzOffset = forcedTimezoneOffset === void 0 || forcedTimezoneOffset === null
? date.getTimezoneOffset()
: forcedTimezoneOffset;
return formatTimezone(tzOffset, ':')
// Timezone: -0100, +0000, ... +1200
ZZ: function ZZ (date, dateLocale, forcedYear, forcedTimezoneOffset) {
var tzOffset = forcedTimezoneOffset === void 0 || forcedTimezoneOffset === null
? date.getTimezoneOffset()
: forcedTimezoneOffset;
return formatTimezone(tzOffset)
// Seconds timestamp: 512969520
X: function X (date) {
return Math.floor(date.getTime() / 1000)
// Milliseconds timestamp: 512969520900
x: function x (date) {
return date.getTime()
function formatDate (val, mask, dateLocale, __forcedYear, __forcedTimezoneOffset) {
if (
(val !== 0 && !val) ||
val === Infinity ||
val === -Infinity
) {
var date = new Date(val);
if (isNaN(date)) {
if (mask === void 0) {
mask = defaultMask;
var locale = dateLocale !== void 0
? dateLocale
: lang.props.date;
return mask.replace(
function (match, text) { return match in formatter
? formatter[match](date, locale, __forcedYear, __forcedTimezoneOffset)
: (text === void 0 ? match : text.split('\\]').join(']')); }
function clone (date) {
return isDate(date) === true
? new Date(date.getTime())
: date
var date = {
isValid: isValid,
extractDate: extractDate,
buildDate: buildDate,
getDayOfWeek: getDayOfWeek,
getWeekOfYear: getWeekOfYear,
isBetweenDates: isBetweenDates,
addToDate: addToDate,
subtractFromDate: subtractFromDate,
adjustDate: adjustDate,
startOfDate: startOfDate,
endOfDate: endOfDate,
getMaxDate: getMaxDate,
getMinDate: getMinDate,
getDateDiff: getDateDiff,
getDayOfYear: getDayOfYear,
inferDateFormat: inferDateFormat,
getDateBetween: getDateBetween,
isSameDate: isSameDate,
daysInMonth: daysInMonth,
formatDate: formatDate,
clone: clone
var yearsInterval = 20;
var views = [ 'Calendar', 'Years', 'Months' ];
var viewIsValid = function (v) { return views.includes(v); };
var yearMonthValidator = function (v) { return /^-?[\d]+\/[0-1]\d$/.test(v); };
var lineStr = ' \u2014 ';
var QDate = Vue.extend({
name: 'QDate',
mixins: [ DateTimeMixin ],
props: {
multiple: Boolean,
range: Boolean,
title: String,
subtitle: String,
mask: {
// this mask is forced
// when using persian calendar
default: 'YYYY/MM/DD'
defaultYearMonth: {
type: String,
validator: yearMonthValidator
yearsInMonthView: Boolean,
events: [ Array, Function ],
eventColor: [ String, Function ],
// DEPRECATED; TODO: remove in v2
emitImmediately: Boolean,
options: [ Array, Function ],
navigationMinYearMonth: {
type: String,
validator: yearMonthValidator
navigationMaxYearMonth: {
type: String,
validator: yearMonthValidator
noUnset: Boolean,
firstDayOfWeek: [ String, Number ],
todayBtn: Boolean,
minimal: Boolean,
defaultView: {
type: String,
default: 'Calendar',
validator: viewIsValid
data: function data () {
innerMask = this.__getMask(),
innerLocale = this.__getLocale(),
viewModel = this.__getViewModel(innerMask, innerLocale),
year = viewModel.year,
direction = this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'right' : 'left';
return {
view: this.defaultView,
monthDirection: direction,
yearDirection: direction,
startYear: year - (year % yearsInterval) - (year < 0 ? yearsInterval : 0),
editRange: void 0,
innerMask: innerMask,
innerLocale: innerLocale,
viewModel: viewModel // model of current calendar view
watch: {
value: function value (v) {
if (this.lastEmitValue === v) {
this.lastEmitValue = 0;
else {
var ref = this.__getViewModel(this.innerMask, this.innerLocale);
var year = ref.year;
var month = ref.month;
this.__updateViewModel(year, month);
view: function view () {
this.$refs.blurTarget !== void 0 && this.$refs.blurTarget.focus();
'viewModel.year': function viewModel_year (year) {
this.$emit('navigation', { year: year, month: this.viewModel.month });
'viewModel.month': function viewModel_month (month) {
this.$emit('navigation', { year: this.viewModel.year, month: month });
computedMask: function computedMask (val) {
this.__updateValue(val, this.innerLocale, 'mask');
this.innerMask = val;
computedLocale: function computedLocale (val) {
this.__updateValue(this.innerMask, val, 'locale');
this.innerLocale = val;
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
var type = this.landscape === true ? 'landscape' : 'portrait';
return "q-date q-date--" + type + " q-date--" + type + "-" + (this.minimal === true ? 'minimal' : 'standard') +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-date--dark q-dark' : '') +
(this.bordered === true ? " q-date--bordered" : '') +
(this.square === true ? " q-date--square no-border-radius" : '') +
(this.flat === true ? " q-date--flat no-shadow" : '') +
(this.disable === true ? ' disabled' : (this.readonly === true ? ' q-date--readonly' : ''))
// DEPRECATED; TODO: remove in v2
isImmediate: function isImmediate () {
return this.emitImmediately === true &&
this.daysModel[0] !== void 0 &&
this.daysModel[0].dateHash !== null
normalizedModel: function normalizedModel () {
return Array.isArray(this.value) === true
? this.value
: (this.value !== null && this.value !== void 0 ? [ this.value ] : [])
daysModel: function daysModel () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.normalizedModel
.filter(function (date) { return typeof date === 'string'; })
.map(function (date) { return this$1.__decodeString(date, this$1.innerMask, this$1.innerLocale); })
.filter(function (date) { return date.dateHash !== null; })
rangeModel: function rangeModel () {
var this$1 = this;
var fn = function (date) { return this$1.__decodeString(date, this$1.innerMask, this$1.innerLocale); };
return this.normalizedModel
.filter(function (date) { return Object(date) === date && date.from !== void 0 && date.to !== void 0; })
.map(function (range) { return ({ from: fn(range.from), to: fn(range.to) }); })
.filter(function (range) { return range.from.dateHash !== null && range.to.dateHash !== null && range.from.dateHash < range.to.dateHash; })
getNativeDateFn: function getNativeDateFn () {
return this.calendar !== 'persian'
? function (model) { return new Date(model.year, model.month - 1, model.day); }
: function (model) {
var gDate = toGregorian(model.year, model.month, model.day);
return new Date(gDate.gy, gDate.gm - 1, gDate.gd)
encodeObjectFn: function encodeObjectFn () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.calendar === 'persian'
? this.__getDayHash
: function (date, mask, locale) { return formatDate(
new Date(
date.month - 1,
mask === void 0 ? this$1.innerMask : mask,
locale === void 0 ? this$1.innerLocale : locale,
); }
daysInModel: function daysInModel () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.daysModel.length + this.rangeModel.reduce(
function (acc, range) { return acc + 1 + getDateDiff(
); },
headerTitle: function headerTitle () {
if (this.title !== void 0 && this.title !== null && this.title.length > 0) {
return this.title
if (this.editRange !== void 0) {
var model$1 = this.editRange.init;
var date$1 = this.getNativeDateFn(model$1);
return this.innerLocale.daysShort[ date$1.getDay() ] + ', ' +
this.innerLocale.monthsShort[ model$1.month - 1 ] + ' ' +
model$1.day + lineStr + '?'
if (this.daysInModel === 0) {
return lineStr
if (this.daysInModel > 1) {
return ((this.daysInModel) + " " + (this.innerLocale.pluralDay))
var model = this.daysModel[0];
var date = this.getNativeDateFn(model);
if (isNaN(date.valueOf()) === true) {
return lineStr
if (this.innerLocale.headerTitle !== void 0) {
return this.innerLocale.headerTitle(date, model)
return this.innerLocale.daysShort[ date.getDay() ] + ', ' +
this.innerLocale.monthsShort[ model.month - 1 ] + ' ' +
headerSubtitle: function headerSubtitle () {
if (this.subtitle !== void 0 && this.subtitle !== null && this.subtitle.length > 0) {
return this.subtitle
if (this.daysInModel === 0) {
return lineStr
if (this.daysInModel > 1) {
var from = this.minSelectedModel;
var to = this.maxSelectedModel;
var month = this.innerLocale.monthsShort;
return month[from.month - 1] + (
from.year !== to.year
? ' ' + from.year + lineStr + month[to.month - 1] + ' '
: (
from.month !== to.month
? lineStr + month[to.month - 1]
: ''
) + ' ' + to.year
return this.daysModel[0].year
minSelectedModel: function minSelectedModel () {
var model = this.daysModel.concat(this.rangeModel.map(function (range) { return range.from; }))
.sort(function (a, b) { return a.year - b.year || a.month - b.month; });
return model[0]
maxSelectedModel: function maxSelectedModel () {
var model = this.daysModel.concat(this.rangeModel.map(function (range) { return range.to; }))
.sort(function (a, b) { return b.year - a.year || b.month - a.month; });
return model[0]
dateArrow: function dateArrow () {
var val = [ this.$q.iconSet.datetime.arrowLeft, this.$q.iconSet.datetime.arrowRight ];
return this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? val.reverse() : val
computedFirstDayOfWeek: function computedFirstDayOfWeek () {
return this.firstDayOfWeek !== void 0
? Number(this.firstDayOfWeek)
: this.innerLocale.firstDayOfWeek
daysOfWeek: function daysOfWeek () {
days = this.innerLocale.daysShort,
first = this.computedFirstDayOfWeek;
return first > 0
? days.slice(first, 7).concat(days.slice(0, first))
: days
daysInMonth: function daysInMonth () {
var date = this.viewModel;
return this.calendar !== 'persian'
? (new Date(date.year, date.month, 0)).getDate()
: jalaaliMonthLength(date.year, date.month)
today: function today () {
return this.__getCurrentDate()
evtColor: function evtColor () {
var this$1 = this;
return typeof this.eventColor === 'function'
? this.eventColor
: function () { return this$1.eventColor; }
minNav: function minNav () {
if (this.navigationMinYearMonth !== void 0) {
var data = this.navigationMinYearMonth.split('/');
return { year: parseInt(data[0], 10), month: parseInt(data[1], 10) }
maxNav: function maxNav () {
if (this.navigationMaxYearMonth !== void 0) {
var data = this.navigationMaxYearMonth.split('/');
return { year: parseInt(data[0], 10), month: parseInt(data[1], 10) }
navBoundaries: function navBoundaries () {
var data = {
month: { prev: true, next: true },
year: { prev: true, next: true }
if (this.minNav !== void 0 && this.minNav.year >= this.viewModel.year) {
data.year.prev = false;
if (this.minNav.year === this.viewModel.year && this.minNav.month >= this.viewModel.month) {
data.month.prev = false;
if (this.maxNav !== void 0 && this.maxNav.year <= this.viewModel.year) {
data.year.next = false;
if (this.maxNav.year === this.viewModel.year && this.maxNav.month <= this.viewModel.month) {
data.month.next = false;
return data
daysMap: function daysMap () {
var this$1 = this;
var map = {};
this.daysModel.forEach(function (entry) {
var hash = this$1.__getMonthHash(entry);
if (map[hash] === void 0) {
map[hash] = [];
return map
rangeMap: function rangeMap () {
var this$1 = this;
var map = {};
this.rangeModel.forEach(function (entry) {
var hashFrom = this$1.__getMonthHash(entry.from);
var hashTo = this$1.__getMonthHash(entry.to);
if (map[hashFrom] === void 0) {
map[hashFrom] = [];
from: entry.from.day,
to: hashFrom === hashTo ? entry.to.day : void 0,
range: entry
if (hashFrom < hashTo) {
var hash;
var ref = entry.from;
var year = ref.year;
var month = ref.month;
var cur = month < 12
? { year: year, month: month + 1 }
: { year: year + 1, month: 1 };
while ((hash = this$1.__getMonthHash(cur)) <= hashTo) {
if (map[hash] === void 0) {
map[hash] = [];
from: void 0,
to: hash === hashTo ? entry.to.day : void 0,
range: entry
if (cur.month > 12) {
cur.month = 1;
return map
rangeView: function rangeView () {
if (this.editRange === void 0) {
var ref = this.editRange;
var init = ref.init;
var initHash = ref.initHash;
var final = ref.final;
var finalHash = ref.finalHash;
var ref$1 = initHash <= finalHash
? [ init, final ]
: [ final, init ];
var from = ref$1[0];
var to = ref$1[1];
var fromHash = this.__getMonthHash(from);
var toHash = this.__getMonthHash(to);
if (fromHash !== this.viewMonthHash && toHash !== this.viewMonthHash) {
var view = {};
if (fromHash === this.viewMonthHash) {
view.from = from.day;
view.includeFrom = true;
else {
view.from = 1;
if (toHash === this.viewMonthHash) {
view.to = to.day;
view.includeTo = true;
else {
view.to = this.daysInMonth;
return view
viewMonthHash: function viewMonthHash () {
return this.__getMonthHash(this.viewModel)
selectionDaysMap: function selectionDaysMap () {
var this$1 = this;
var map = {};
if (this.options === void 0) {
for (var i = 1; i <= this.daysInMonth; i++) {
map[i] = true;
return map
var fn = typeof this.options === 'function'
? this.options
: function (date) { return this$1.options.includes(date); };
for (var i$1 = 1; i$1 <= this.daysInMonth; i$1++) {
var dayHash = this.viewMonthHash + '/' + pad(i$1);
map[i$1] = fn(dayHash);
return map
eventDaysMap: function eventDaysMap () {
var this$1 = this;
var map = {};
if (this.events === void 0) {
for (var i = 1; i <= this.daysInMonth; i++) {
map[i] = false;
else {
var fn = typeof this.events === 'function'
? this.events
: function (date) { return this$1.events.includes(date); };
for (var i$1 = 1; i$1 <= this.daysInMonth; i$1++) {
var dayHash = this.viewMonthHash + '/' + pad(i$1);
map[i$1] = fn(dayHash) === true && this.evtColor(dayHash);
return map
viewDays: function viewDays () {
var date, endDay;
var ref = this.viewModel;
var year = ref.year;
var month = ref.month;
if (this.calendar !== 'persian') {
date = new Date(year, month - 1, 1);
endDay = (new Date(year, month - 1, 0)).getDate();
else {
var gDate = toGregorian(year, month, 1);
date = new Date(gDate.gy, gDate.gm - 1, gDate.gd);
var prevJM = month - 1;
var prevJY = year;
if (prevJM === 0) {
prevJM = 12;
endDay = jalaaliMonthLength(prevJY, prevJM);
return {
days: date.getDay() - this.computedFirstDayOfWeek - 1,
endDay: endDay
days: function days () {
var this$1 = this;
var res = [];
var ref = this.viewDays;
var days = ref.days;
var endDay = ref.endDay;
var len = days < 0 ? days + 7 : days;
if (len < 6) {
for (var i = endDay - len; i <= endDay; i++) {
res.push({ i: i, fill: true });
var index = res.length;
for (var i$1 = 1; i$1 <= this.daysInMonth; i$1++) {
var day = { i: i$1, event: this.eventDaysMap[i$1], classes: [] };
if (this.selectionDaysMap[i$1] === true) {
day.in = true;
day.flat = true;
// if current view has days in model
if (this.daysMap[this.viewMonthHash] !== void 0) {
this.daysMap[this.viewMonthHash].forEach(function (day) {
var i = index + day - 1;
Object.assign(res[i], {
selected: true,
unelevated: true,
flat: false,
color: this$1.computedColor,
textColor: this$1.computedTextColor
// if current view has ranges in model
if (this.rangeMap[this.viewMonthHash] !== void 0) {
this.rangeMap[this.viewMonthHash].forEach(function (entry) {
if (entry.from !== void 0) {
var from = index + entry.from - 1;
var to = index + (entry.to || this$1.daysInMonth) - 1;
for (var day = from; day <= to; day++) {
Object.assign(res[day], {
range: entry.range,
unelevated: true,
color: this$1.computedColor,
textColor: this$1.computedTextColor
Object.assign(res[from], {
rangeFrom: true,
flat: false
entry.to !== void 0 && Object.assign(res[to], {
rangeTo: true,
flat: false
else if (entry.to !== void 0) {
var to$1 = index + entry.to - 1;
for (var day$1 = index; day$1 <= to$1; day$1++) {
Object.assign(res[day$1], {
range: entry.range,
unelevated: true,
color: this$1.computedColor,
textColor: this$1.computedTextColor
Object.assign(res[to$1], {
flat: false,
rangeTo: true
else {
var to$2 = index + this$1.daysInMonth - 1;
for (var day$2 = index; day$2 <= to$2; day$2++) {
Object.assign(res[day$2], {
range: entry.range,
unelevated: true,
color: this$1.computedColor,
textColor: this$1.computedTextColor
if (this.rangeView !== void 0) {
var from = index + this.rangeView.from - 1;
var to = index + this.rangeView.to - 1;
for (var day$1 = from; day$1 <= to; day$1++) {
res[day$1].color = this.computedColor;
res[day$1].editRange = true;
if (this.rangeView.includeFrom === true) {
res[from].editRangeFrom = true;
if (this.rangeView.includeTo === true) {
res[to].editRangeTo = true;
if (this.viewModel.year === this.today.year && this.viewModel.month === this.today.month) {
res[index + this.today.day - 1].today = true;
var left = res.length % 7;
if (left > 0) {
var afterDays = 7 - left;
for (var i$2 = 1; i$2 <= afterDays; i$2++) {
res.push({ i: i$2, fill: true });
res.forEach(function (day) {
var cls = "q-date__calendar-item ";
if (day.fill === true) {
cls += 'q-date__calendar-item--fill';
else {
cls += "q-date__calendar-item--" + (day.in === true ? 'in' : 'out');
if (day.range !== void 0) {
cls += " q-date__range" + (day.rangeTo === true ? '-to' : (day.rangeFrom === true ? '-from' : ''));
if (day.editRange === true) {
cls += " q-date__edit-range" + (day.editRangeFrom === true ? '-from' : '') + (day.editRangeTo === true ? '-to' : '');
if (day.range !== void 0 || day.editRange === true) {
cls += " text-" + (day.color);
day.classes = cls;
return res
attrs: function attrs () {
if (this.disable === true) {
return { 'aria-disabled': 'true' }
if (this.readonly === true) {
return { 'aria-readonly': 'true' }
methods: {
setToday: function setToday () {
this.__toggleDate(this.today, this.__getMonthHash(this.today));
this.setCalendarTo(this.today.year, this.today.month);
setView: function setView (view) {
if (viewIsValid(view) === true) {
this.view = view;
offsetCalendar: function offsetCalendar (type, descending) {
if (['month', 'year'].includes(type)) {
this[("__goTo" + (type === 'month' ? 'Month' : 'Year'))](
descending === true ? -1 : 1
setCalendarTo: function setCalendarTo (year, month) {
this.view = 'Calendar';
this.__updateViewModel(year, month);
setEditingRange: function setEditingRange (from, to) {
if (this.range === false || !from) {
this.editRange = void 0;
var init = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.viewModel), from);
var final = to !== void 0
? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.viewModel), to)
: init;
this.editRange = {
init: init,
initHash: this.__getDayHash(init),
final: final,
finalHash: this.__getDayHash(final)
this.setCalendarTo(init.year, init.month);
__getMask: function __getMask () {
return this.calendar === 'persian' ? 'YYYY/MM/DD' : this.mask
__decodeString: function __decodeString (date, mask, locale) {
return __splitDate(
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
second: 0,
millisecond: 0
__getViewModel: function __getViewModel (mask, locale) {
var model = Array.isArray(this.value) === true
? this.value
: (this.value ? [ this.value ] : []);
if (model.length === 0) {
return this.__getDefaultViewModel()
var decoded = this.__decodeString(
model[0].from !== void 0 ? model[0].from : model[0],
return decoded.dateHash === null
? this.__getDefaultViewModel()
: decoded
__getDefaultViewModel: function __getDefaultViewModel () {
var year, month;
if (this.defaultYearMonth !== void 0) {
var d = this.defaultYearMonth.split('/');
year = parseInt(d[0], 10);
month = parseInt(d[1], 10);
else {
// may come from data() where computed
// props are not yet available
var d$1 = this.today !== void 0
? this.today
: this.__getCurrentDate();
year = d$1.year;
month = d$1.month;
return {
year: year,
month: month,
day: 1,
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
second: 0,
millisecond: 0,
dateHash: year + '/' + pad(month) + '/01'
__getHeader: function __getHeader (h) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.minimal === true) { return }
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-date__header',
class: this.headerClass
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'relative-position'
}, [
h('transition', {
props: {
name: 'q-transition--fade'
}, [
h('div', {
key: 'h-yr-' + this.headerSubtitle,
staticClass: 'q-date__header-subtitle q-date__header-link',
class: this.view === 'Years' ? 'q-date__header-link--active' : 'cursor-pointer',
attrs: { tabindex: this.computedTabindex },
on: cache(this, 'vY', {
click: function () { this$1.view = 'Years'; },
keyup: function (e) { e.keyCode === 13 && (this$1.view = 'Years'); }
}, [ this.headerSubtitle ])
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-date__header-title relative-position flex no-wrap'
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'relative-position col'
}, [
h('transition', {
props: {
name: 'q-transition--fade'
}, [
h('div', {
key: 'h-sub' + this.headerTitle,
staticClass: 'q-date__header-title-label q-date__header-link',
class: this.view === 'Calendar' ? 'q-date__header-link--active' : 'cursor-pointer',
attrs: { tabindex: this.computedTabindex },
on: cache(this, 'vC', {
click: function () { this$1.view = 'Calendar'; },
keyup: function (e) { e.keyCode === 13 && (this$1.view = 'Calendar'); }
}, [ this.headerTitle ])
this.todayBtn === true ? h(QBtn, {
staticClass: 'q-date__header-today self-start',
props: {
icon: this.$q.iconSet.datetime.today,
flat: true,
size: 'sm',
round: true,
tabindex: this.computedTabindex
on: cache(this, 'today', { click: this.setToday })
}) : null
__getNavigation: function __getNavigation (h, ref) {
var this$1 = this;
var label = ref.label;
var view = ref.view;
var key = ref.key;
var dir = ref.dir;
var goTo = ref.goTo;
var boundaries = ref.boundaries;
var cls = ref.cls;
return [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'row items-center q-date__arrow'
}, [
h(QBtn, {
props: {
round: true,
dense: true,
size: 'sm',
flat: true,
icon: this.dateArrow[0],
tabindex: this.computedTabindex,
disable: boundaries.prev === false
on: cache(this, 'go-#' + view, { click: function click () { goTo(-1); } })
h('div', {
staticClass: 'relative-position overflow-hidden flex flex-center' + cls
}, [
h('transition', {
props: {
name: 'q-transition--jump-' + dir
}, [
h('div', { key: key }, [
h(QBtn, {
props: {
flat: true,
dense: true,
noCaps: true,
label: label,
tabindex: this.computedTabindex
on: cache(this, 'view#' + view, { click: function () { this$1.view = view; } })
h('div', {
staticClass: 'row items-center q-date__arrow'
}, [
h(QBtn, {
props: {
round: true,
dense: true,
size: 'sm',
flat: true,
icon: this.dateArrow[1],
tabindex: this.computedTabindex,
disable: boundaries.next === false
on: cache(this, 'go+#' + view, { click: function click () { goTo(1); } })
__getCalendarView: function __getCalendarView (h) {
var this$1 = this;
return [
h('div', {
key: 'calendar-view',
staticClass: 'q-date__view q-date__calendar'
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-date__navigation row items-center no-wrap'
}, this.__getNavigation(h, {
label: this.innerLocale.months[ this.viewModel.month - 1 ],
view: 'Months',
key: this.viewModel.month,
dir: this.monthDirection,
goTo: this.__goToMonth,
boundaries: this.navBoundaries.month,
cls: ' col'
}).concat(this.__getNavigation(h, {
label: this.viewModel.year,
view: 'Years',
key: this.viewModel.year,
dir: this.yearDirection,
goTo: this.__goToYear,
boundaries: this.navBoundaries.year,
cls: ''
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-date__calendar-weekdays row items-center no-wrap'
}, this.daysOfWeek.map(function (day) { return h('div', { staticClass: 'q-date__calendar-item' }, [ h('div', [ day ]) ]); })),
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-date__calendar-days-container relative-position overflow-hidden'
}, [
h('transition', {
props: {
name: 'q-transition--slide-' + this.monthDirection
}, [
h('div', {
key: this.viewMonthHash,
staticClass: 'q-date__calendar-days fit'
}, this.days.map(function (day) { return h('div', { staticClass: day.classes }, [
day.in === true
? h(QBtn, {
staticClass: day.today === true ? 'q-date__today' : null,
props: {
dense: true,
flat: day.flat,
unelevated: day.unelevated,
color: day.color,
textColor: day.textColor,
label: day.i,
tabindex: this$1.computedTabindex
on: cache(this$1, 'day#' + day.i, {
click: function () { this$1.__onDayClick(day.i); },
mouseover: function () { this$1.__onDayMouseover(day.i); }
}, day.event !== false ? [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-date__event bg-' + day.event })
] : null)
: h('div', [ day.i ])
]); }))
__getMonthsView: function __getMonthsView (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var currentYear = this.viewModel.year === this.today.year;
var isDisabled = function (month) {
return (
(this$1.minNav !== void 0 && this$1.viewModel.year === this$1.minNav.year && this$1.minNav.month > month) ||
(this$1.maxNav !== void 0 && this$1.viewModel.year === this$1.maxNav.year && this$1.maxNav.month < month)
var content = this.innerLocale.monthsShort.map(function (month, i) {
var active = this$1.viewModel.month === i + 1;
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-date__months-item flex flex-center'
}, [
h(QBtn, {
staticClass: currentYear === true && this$1.today.month === i + 1 ? 'q-date__today' : null,
props: {
flat: active !== true,
label: month,
unelevated: active,
color: active === true ? this$1.computedColor : null,
textColor: active === true ? this$1.computedTextColor : null,
tabindex: this$1.computedTabindex,
disable: isDisabled(i + 1)
on: cache(this$1, 'month#' + i, { click: function () { this$1.__setMonth(i + 1); } })
this.yearsInMonthView === true && content.unshift(
h('div', { staticClass: 'row no-wrap full-width' }, [
this.__getNavigation(h, {
label: this.viewModel.year,
view: 'Years',
key: this.viewModel.year,
dir: this.yearDirection,
goTo: this.__goToYear,
boundaries: this.navBoundaries.year,
cls: ' col'
return h('div', {
key: 'months-view',
staticClass: 'q-date__view q-date__months flex flex-center'
}, content)
__getYearsView: function __getYearsView (h) {
var this$1 = this;
start = this.startYear,
stop = start + yearsInterval,
years = [];
var isDisabled = function (year) {
return (
(this$1.minNav !== void 0 && this$1.minNav.year > year) ||
(this$1.maxNav !== void 0 && this$1.maxNav.year < year)
var loop = function ( i ) {
var active = this$1.viewModel.year === i;
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-date__years-item flex flex-center'
}, [
h(QBtn, {
key: 'yr' + i,
staticClass: this$1.today.year === i ? 'q-date__today' : null,
props: {
flat: !active,
label: i,
dense: true,
unelevated: active,
color: active === true ? this$1.computedColor : null,
textColor: active === true ? this$1.computedTextColor : null,
tabindex: this$1.computedTabindex,
disable: isDisabled(i)
on: cache(this$1, 'yr#' + i, { click: function () { this$1.__setYear(i); } })
for (var i = start; i <= stop; i++) loop( i );
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-date__view q-date__years flex flex-center'
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'col-auto'
}, [
h(QBtn, {
props: {
round: true,
dense: true,
flat: true,
icon: this.dateArrow[0],
tabindex: this.computedTabindex,
disable: isDisabled(start)
on: cache(this, 'y-', { click: function () { this$1.startYear -= yearsInterval; } })
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-date__years-content col self-stretch row items-center'
}, years),
h('div', {
staticClass: 'col-auto'
}, [
h(QBtn, {
props: {
round: true,
dense: true,
flat: true,
icon: this.dateArrow[1],
tabindex: this.computedTabindex,
disable: isDisabled(stop)
on: cache(this, 'y+', { click: function () { this$1.startYear += yearsInterval; } })
__goToMonth: function __goToMonth (offset) {
var year = this.viewModel.year;
var month = Number(this.viewModel.month) + offset;
if (month === 13) {
month = 1;
else if (month === 0) {
month = 12;
this.__updateViewModel(year, month);
this.isImmediate === true && this.__emitImmediately('month');
__goToYear: function __goToYear (offset) {
var year = Number(this.viewModel.year) + offset;
this.__updateViewModel(year, this.viewModel.month);
this.isImmediate === true && this.__emitImmediately('year');
__setYear: function __setYear (year) {
this.__updateViewModel(year, this.viewModel.month);
this.view = this.defaultView === 'Years' ? 'Months' : 'Calendar';
this.isImmediate === true && this.__emitImmediately('year');
__setMonth: function __setMonth (month) {
this.__updateViewModel(this.viewModel.year, month);
this.view = 'Calendar';
this.isImmediate === true && this.__emitImmediately('month');
__getMonthHash: function __getMonthHash (date) {
return date.year + '/' + pad(date.month)
__getDayHash: function __getDayHash (date) {
return date.year + '/' + pad(date.month) + '/' + pad(date.day)
__toggleDate: function __toggleDate (date, monthHash) {
var month = this.daysMap[monthHash];
var fn = month !== void 0 && month.includes(date.day) === true
? this.__removeFromModel
: this.__addToModel;
__getShortDate: function __getShortDate (date) {
return { year: date.year, month: date.month, day: date.day }
__onDayClick: function __onDayClick (dayIndex) {
var day = Object.assign({}, this.viewModel, {day: dayIndex});
if (this.range === false) {
this.__toggleDate(day, this.viewMonthHash);
if (this.editRange === void 0) {
var dayProps = this.days.find(function (day) { return day.fill !== true && day.i === dayIndex; });
if (dayProps.range !== void 0) {
this.__removeFromModel({ target: day, from: dayProps.range.from, to: dayProps.range.to });
if (dayProps.selected === true) {
var initHash = this.__getDayHash(day);
this.editRange = {
init: day,
initHash: initHash,
final: day,
finalHash: initHash
this.$emit('range-start', this.__getShortDate(day));
else {
initHash$1 = this.editRange.initHash,
finalHash = this.__getDayHash(day),
payload = initHash$1 <= finalHash
? { from: this.editRange.init, to: day }
: { from: day, to: this.editRange.init };
this.editRange = void 0;
this.__addToModel(initHash$1 === finalHash ? day : Object.assign({}, {target: day}, payload));
this.$emit('range-end', {
from: this.__getShortDate(payload.from),
to: this.__getShortDate(payload.to)
__onDayMouseover: function __onDayMouseover (dayIndex) {
if (this.editRange !== void 0) {
var final = Object.assign({}, this.viewModel, {day: dayIndex});
Object.assign(this.editRange, {
final: final,
finalHash: this.__getDayHash(final)
__updateViewModel: function __updateViewModel (year, month) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.minNav !== void 0 && year <= this.minNav.year) {
year = this.minNav.year;
if (month < this.minNav.month) {
month = this.minNav.month;
if (this.maxNav !== void 0 && year >= this.maxNav.year) {
year = this.maxNav.year;
if (month > this.maxNav.month) {
month = this.maxNav.month;
var newHash = year + '/' + pad(month) + '/01';
if (newHash !== this.viewModel.dateHash) {
this.monthDirection = (this.viewModel.dateHash < newHash) === (this.$q.lang.rtl !== true) ? 'left' : 'right';
if (year !== this.viewModel.year) {
this.yearDirection = this.monthDirection;
this.$nextTick(function () {
this$1.startYear = year - year % yearsInterval - (year < 0 ? yearsInterval : 0);
Object.assign(this$1.viewModel, {
year: year,
month: month,
day: 1,
dateHash: newHash
__emitValue: function __emitValue (val, action, date) {
var value = val !== null && val.length === 1 && this.multiple === false
? val[0]
: val;
this.lastEmitValue = value;
var ref = this.__getEmitParams(action, date);
var reason = ref.reason;
var details = ref.details;
this.$emit('input', value, reason, details);
// DEPRECATED - TODO: remove in v2
__emitImmediately: function __emitImmediately (reason) {
var this$1 = this;
var date = this.daysModel[0];
// nextTick required because of animation delay in viewModel
this.$nextTick(function () {
date.year = this$1.viewModel.year;
date.month = this$1.viewModel.month;
var maxDay = this$1.calendar !== 'persian'
? (new Date(date.year, date.month, 0)).getDate()
: jalaaliMonthLength(date.year, date.month);
date.day = Math.min(Math.max(1, date.day), maxDay);
var value = this$1.__encodeEntry(date);
this$1.lastEmitValue = value;
var ref = this$1.__getEmitParams('', date);
var details = ref.details;
this$1.$emit('input', value, reason, details);
__getEmitParams: function __getEmitParams (action, date) {
return date.from !== void 0
? {
reason: (action + "-range"),
details: Object.assign({}, this.__getShortDate(date.target),
{from: this.__getShortDate(date.from),
to: this.__getShortDate(date.to),
changed: true})
: {
reason: (action + "-day"),
details: Object.assign({}, this.__getShortDate(date),
{changed: true})
__encodeEntry: function __encodeEntry (date, mask, locale) {
return date.from !== void 0
? { from: this.encodeObjectFn(date.from, mask, locale), to: this.encodeObjectFn(date.to, mask, locale) }
: this.encodeObjectFn(date, mask, locale)
__addToModel: function __addToModel (date) {
var this$1 = this;
var value;
if (this.multiple === true) {
if (date.from !== void 0) {
// we also need to filter out intersections
var fromHash = this.__getDayHash(date.from);
var toHash = this.__getDayHash(date.to);
var days = this.daysModel
.filter(function (day) { return day.dateHash < fromHash || day.dateHash > toHash; });
var ranges = this.rangeModel
.filter(function (ref) {
var from = ref.from;
var to = ref.to;
return to.dateHash < fromHash || from.dateHash > toHash;
value = days.concat(ranges).concat(date).map(function (entry) { return this$1.__encodeEntry(entry); });
else {
var model = this.normalizedModel.slice();
value = model;
else {
value = this.__encodeEntry(date);
this.__emitValue(value, 'add', date);
__removeFromModel: function __removeFromModel (date) {
if (this.noUnset === true) {
var model = null;
if (this.multiple === true && Array.isArray(this.value) === true) {
var val = this.__encodeEntry(date);
if (date.from !== void 0) {
model = this.value.filter(
function (date) { return date.from !== void 0
? (date.from !== val.from && date.to !== val.to)
: true; }
else {
model = this.value.filter(function (date) { return date !== val; });
if (model.length === 0) {
model = null;
this.__emitValue(model, 'remove', date);
__updateValue: function __updateValue (mask, locale, reason) {
var this$1 = this;
var model = this.daysModel
.map(function (entry) { return this$1.__encodeEntry(entry, mask, locale); })
.filter(function (entry) {
return entry.from !== void 0
? entry.from.dateHash !== null && entry.to.dateHash !== null
: entry.dateHash !== null
this.$emit('input', (this.multiple === true ? model : model[0]) || null, reason);
render: function render (h) {
var content = [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-date__content col relative-position'
}, [
h('transition', {
props: { name: 'q-transition--fade' }
}, [
this[("__get" + (this.view) + "View")](h)
var def = slot(this, 'default');
def !== void 0 && content.push(
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-date__actions' }, def)
if (this.name !== void 0 && this.disable !== true) {
this.__injectFormInput(content, 'push');
return h('div', {
class: this.classes,
attrs: this.attrs,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-date__main col column',
attrs: { tabindex: -1 },
ref: 'blurTarget'
}, content)
var HistoryMixin = {
methods: {
__addHistory: function __addHistory () {
var this$1 = this;
this.__historyEntry = {
condition: function () { return this$1.hideOnRouteChange === true },
handler: this.hide
__removeHistory: function __removeHistory () {
if (this.__historyEntry !== void 0) {
this.__historyEntry = void 0;
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
this.showing === true && this.__removeHistory();
registered = 0,
vpPendingUpdate = false,
function onWheel (e) {
if (shouldPreventScroll(e)) {
function shouldPreventScroll (e) {
if (e.target === document.body || e.target.classList.contains('q-layout__backdrop')) {
return true
path = getEventPath(e),
shift = e.shiftKey && !e.deltaX,
scrollY = !shift && Math.abs(e.deltaX) <= Math.abs(e.deltaY),
delta = shift || scrollY ? e.deltaY : e.deltaX;
for (var index = 0; index < path.length; index++) {
var el = path[index];
if (hasScrollbar(el, scrollY)) {
return scrollY
? (
delta < 0 && el.scrollTop === 0
? true
: delta > 0 && el.scrollTop + el.clientHeight === el.scrollHeight
: (
delta < 0 && el.scrollLeft === 0
? true
: delta > 0 && el.scrollLeft + el.clientWidth === el.scrollWidth
return true
function onAppleScroll (e) {
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// required, otherwise iOS blocks further scrolling
// until the mobile scrollbar dissappears
document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop; // eslint-disable-line
function onAppleResize (evt) {
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function apply (action) {
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bodyTop = body.style.top;
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if (client.is.ios === true) {
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window.scrollTo(0, 0);
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window.visualViewport.addEventListener('scroll', onAppleResize, listenOpts.passiveCapture);
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
else {
window.addEventListener('scroll', onAppleScroll, listenOpts.passiveCapture);
if (client.is.desktop === true && client.is.mac === true) {
// ref. https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/01/scrolling-intervention
window[(action + "EventListener")]('wheel', onWheel, listenOpts.notPassive);
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window.scrollTo(scrollPositionX, scrollPositionY);
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function preventScroll (state) {
var action = 'add';
if (state === true) {
if (closeTimer !== void 0) {
closeTimer = void 0;
if (registered > 1) {
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if (registered === 0) {
if (registered > 0) {
action = 'remove';
if (client.is.ios === true && client.is.nativeMobile === true) {
closeTimer = setTimeout(function () {
closeTimer = void 0;
}, 100);
var PreventScrollMixin = {
methods: {
__preventScroll: function __preventScroll (state) {
if (
state !== this.preventedScroll &&
(this.preventedScroll !== void 0 || state === true)
) {
this.preventedScroll = state;
var maximizedModals = 0;
var positionClass = {
standard: 'fixed-full flex-center',
top: 'fixed-top justify-center',
bottom: 'fixed-bottom justify-center',
right: 'fixed-right items-center',
left: 'fixed-left items-center'
var transitions = {
standard: ['scale', 'scale'],
top: ['slide-down', 'slide-up'],
bottom: ['slide-up', 'slide-down'],
right: ['slide-left', 'slide-right'],
left: ['slide-right', 'slide-left']
var QDialog = Vue.extend({
name: 'QDialog',
mixins: [
props: {
persistent: Boolean,
autoClose: Boolean,
noEscDismiss: Boolean,
noBackdropDismiss: Boolean,
noRouteDismiss: Boolean,
noRefocus: Boolean,
noFocus: Boolean,
seamless: Boolean,
maximized: Boolean,
fullWidth: Boolean,
fullHeight: Boolean,
square: Boolean,
position: {
type: String,
default: 'standard',
validator: function (val) { return val === 'standard' ||
['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'].includes(val); }
transitionShow: String,
transitionHide: String
data: function data () {
return {
transitionState: this.showing
watch: {
showing: function showing (val) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.transitionShowComputed !== this.transitionHideComputed) {
this.$nextTick(function () {
this$1.transitionState = val;
maximized: function maximized (state) {
this.showing === true && this.__updateMaximized(state);
useBackdrop: function useBackdrop (v) {
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return "q-dialog__inner--" + (this.maximized === true ? 'maximized' : 'minimized') + " " +
"q-dialog__inner--" + (this.position) + " " + (positionClass[this.position]) +
(this.fullWidth === true ? ' q-dialog__inner--fullwidth' : '') +
(this.fullHeight === true ? ' q-dialog__inner--fullheight' : '') +
(this.square === true ? ' q-dialog__inner--square' : '')
transitionShowComputed: function transitionShowComputed () {
return 'q-transition--' + (this.transitionShow === void 0 ? transitions[this.position][0] : this.transitionShow)
transitionHideComputed: function transitionHideComputed () {
return 'q-transition--' + (this.transitionHide === void 0 ? transitions[this.position][1] : this.transitionHide)
transition: function transition () {
return this.transitionState === true
? this.transitionHideComputed
: this.transitionShowComputed
useBackdrop: function useBackdrop () {
return this.showing === true && this.seamless !== true
hideOnRouteChange: function hideOnRouteChange () {
return this.persistent !== true &&
this.noRouteDismiss !== true &&
this.seamless !== true
onEvents: function onEvents () {
var on = Object.assign({}, this.qListeners,
// stop propagating these events from children
{input: stop,
'popup-show': stop,
'popup-hide': stop});
if (this.autoClose === true) {
on.click = this.__onAutoClose;
return on
methods: {
focus: function focus () {
var node = this.__getInnerNode();
if (node === void 0 || node.contains(document.activeElement) === true) {
node = node.querySelector('[autofocus], [data-autofocus]') || node;
shake: function shake () {
var node = this.__getInnerNode();
if (node !== void 0) {
this.shakeTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, 170);
__getInnerNode: function __getInnerNode () {
return this.__portal !== void 0 && this.__portal.$refs !== void 0
? this.__portal.$refs.inner
: void 0
__show: function __show (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
// IE can have null document.activeElement
this.__refocusTarget = this.noRefocus === false && document.activeElement !== null
? document.activeElement
: void 0;
this.$el.dispatchEvent(create('popup-show', { bubbles: true }));
EscapeKey.register(this, function () {
if (this$1.seamless !== true) {
if (this$1.persistent === true || this$1.noEscDismiss === true) {
this$1.maximized !== true && this$1.shake();
else {
if (this.noFocus !== true) {
// IE can have null document.activeElement
document.activeElement !== null && document.activeElement.blur();
this.__setTimeout(function () {
if (this$1.$q.platform.is.ios === true) {
if (this$1.seamless !== true && document.activeElement) {
var ref = document.activeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
var top = ref.top;
var bottom = ref.bottom;
var innerHeight = window.innerHeight;
var height = window.visualViewport !== void 0
? window.visualViewport.height
: innerHeight;
if (top > 0 && bottom > height / 2) {
var scrollTop = Math.min(
document.scrollingElement.scrollHeight - height,
bottom >= innerHeight
? Infinity
: Math.ceil(document.scrollingElement.scrollTop + bottom - height / 2)
var fn = function () {
requestAnimationFrame(function () {
document.scrollingElement.scrollTop += Math.ceil((scrollTop - document.scrollingElement.scrollTop) / 8);
if (document.scrollingElement.scrollTop !== scrollTop) {
// required in order to avoid the "double-tap needed" issue
this$1.$emit('show', evt);
}, 300);
__hide: function __hide (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
// check null for IE
if (this.__refocusTarget !== void 0 && this.__refocusTarget !== null) {
this.$el.dispatchEvent(create('popup-hide', { bubbles: true }));
this.__setTimeout(function () {
this$1.$emit('hide', evt);
}, 300);
__cleanup: function __cleanup (hiding) {
if (hiding === true || this.showing === true) {
if (this.seamless !== true) {
__updateMaximized: function __updateMaximized (active) {
if (active === true) {
if (this.isMaximized !== true) {
maximizedModals < 1 && document.body.classList.add('q-body--dialog');
this.isMaximized = true;
else if (this.isMaximized === true) {
if (maximizedModals < 2) {
this.isMaximized = false;
__preventFocusout: function __preventFocusout (state) {
if (this.$q.platform.is.desktop === true) {
var action = (state === true ? 'add' : 'remove') + "EventListener";
document.body[action]('focusin', this.__onFocusChange);
__onAutoClose: function __onAutoClose (e) {
this.qListeners.click !== void 0 && this.$emit('click', e);
__onBackdropClick: function __onBackdropClick (e) {
if (this.persistent !== true && this.noBackdropDismiss !== true) {
else {
__onFocusChange: function __onFocusChange (e) {
// the focus is not in a vue child component
if (
this.showing === true &&
this.__portal !== void 0 &&
childHasFocus(this.__portal.$el, e.target) !== true
) {
__renderPortal: function __renderPortal (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-dialog fullscreen no-pointer-events',
class: this.contentClass,
style: this.contentStyle,
attrs: this.qAttrs
}, [
h('transition', {
props: { name: 'q-transition--fade' }
}, this.useBackdrop === true ? [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-dialog__backdrop fixed-full',
attrs: ariaHidden,
on: cache(this, 'bkdrop', {
click: this.__onBackdropClick
] : null),
h('transition', {
props: { name: this.transition }
}, [
this.showing === true ? h('div', {
ref: 'inner',
staticClass: 'q-dialog__inner flex no-pointer-events',
class: this.classes,
attrs: { tabindex: -1 },
on: this.onEvents
}, slot(this, 'default')) : null
mounted: function mounted () {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
var duration = 150;
var mouseEvents = [
'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave'
var QDrawer = Vue.extend({
name: 'QDrawer',
inject: {
layout: {
default: function default$1 () {
console.error('QDrawer needs to be child of QLayout');
mixins: [ DarkMixin, HistoryMixin, ModelToggleMixin, PreventScrollMixin ],
directives: {
TouchPan: TouchPan
props: {
side: {
type: String,
default: 'left',
validator: function (v) { return ['left', 'right'].includes(v); }
width: {
type: Number,
default: 300
mini: Boolean,
miniToOverlay: Boolean,
miniWidth: {
type: Number,
default: 57
breakpoint: {
type: Number,
default: 1023
showIfAbove: Boolean,
behavior: {
type: String,
validator: function (v) { return ['default', 'desktop', 'mobile'].includes(v); },
default: 'default'
bordered: Boolean,
elevated: Boolean,
contentStyle: [String, Object, Array],
contentClass: [String, Object, Array],
overlay: Boolean,
persistent: Boolean,
noSwipeOpen: Boolean,
noSwipeClose: Boolean,
noSwipeBackdrop: Boolean
data: function data () {
var belowBreakpoint = (
this.behavior === 'mobile' ||
(this.behavior !== 'desktop' && this.layout.totalWidth <= this.breakpoint)
return {
belowBreakpoint: belowBreakpoint,
showing: this.showIfAbove === true && belowBreakpoint === false
? true
: this.value === true
watch: {
belowBreakpoint: function belowBreakpoint (val) {
if (val === true) { // from lg to xs
this.lastDesktopState = this.showing;
this.showing === true && this.hide(false);
else if (
this.overlay === false &&
this.behavior !== 'mobile' &&
this.lastDesktopState !== false
) { // from xs to lg
if (this.showing === true) {
else {
'layout.totalWidth': function layout_totalWidth (val) {
this.__updateLocal('belowBreakpoint', (
this.behavior === 'mobile' ||
(this.behavior !== 'desktop' && val <= this.breakpoint)
side: function side (newSide, oldSide) {
if (this.layout.instances[oldSide] === this) {
this.layout.instances[oldSide] = void 0;
this.layout[oldSide].space = false;
this.layout[oldSide].offset = 0;
this.layout.instances[newSide] = this;
this.layout[newSide].size = this.size;
this.layout[newSide].space = this.onLayout;
this.layout[newSide].offset = this.offset;
behavior: function behavior (val) {
this.__updateLocal('belowBreakpoint', (
val === 'mobile' ||
(val !== 'desktop' && this.layout.totalWidth <= this.breakpoint)
breakpoint: function breakpoint (val) {
this.__updateLocal('belowBreakpoint', (
this.behavior === 'mobile' ||
(this.behavior !== 'desktop' && this.layout.totalWidth <= val)
'layout.container': function layout_container (val) {
this.showing === true && this.__preventScroll(val !== true);
'layout.scrollbarWidth': function layout_scrollbarWidth () {
this.__applyPosition(this.showing === true ? 0 : void 0);
offset: function offset (val) {
this.__update('offset', val);
onLayout: function onLayout (val) {
this.$emit('on-layout', val);
this.__update('space', val);
rightSide: function rightSide () {
size: function size (val) {
this.__updateSizeOnLayout(this.miniToOverlay, val);
miniToOverlay: function miniToOverlay (val) {
this.__updateSizeOnLayout(val, this.size);
'$q.lang.rtl': function $q_lang_rtl () {
mini: function mini () {
if (this.value === true) {
isMini: function isMini (val) {
this.$emit('mini-state', val);
computed: {
rightSide: function rightSide () {
return this.side === 'right'
otherSide: function otherSide () {
return this.rightSide === true ? 'left' : 'right'
offset: function offset () {
return this.showing === true && this.belowBreakpoint === false && this.overlay === false
? (this.miniToOverlay === true ? this.miniWidth : this.size)
: 0
size: function size () {
return this.isMini === true
? this.miniWidth
: this.width
fixed: function fixed () {
return this.overlay === true ||
this.miniToOverlay === true ||
this.layout.view.indexOf(this.rightSide ? 'R' : 'L') > -1 ||
(this.$q.platform.is.ios && this.layout.container === true)
onLayout: function onLayout () {
return this.showing === true && this.belowBreakpoint === false && this.overlay === false
onScreenOverlay: function onScreenOverlay () {
return this.showing === true && this.belowBreakpoint === false && this.overlay === true
backdropClass: function backdropClass () {
return this.showing === false ? 'hidden' : null
headerSlot: function headerSlot () {
return this.rightSide === true
? this.layout.rows.top[2] === 'r'
: this.layout.rows.top[0] === 'l'
footerSlot: function footerSlot () {
return this.rightSide === true
? this.layout.rows.bottom[2] === 'r'
: this.layout.rows.bottom[0] === 'l'
aboveStyle: function aboveStyle () {
var css = {};
if (this.layout.header.space === true && this.headerSlot === false) {
if (this.fixed === true) {
css.top = (this.layout.header.offset) + "px";
else if (this.layout.header.space === true) {
css.top = (this.layout.header.size) + "px";
if (this.layout.footer.space === true && this.footerSlot === false) {
if (this.fixed === true) {
css.bottom = (this.layout.footer.offset) + "px";
else if (this.layout.footer.space === true) {
css.bottom = (this.layout.footer.size) + "px";
return css
style: function style () {
var style = { width: ((this.size) + "px") };
return this.belowBreakpoint === true
? style
: Object.assign(style, this.aboveStyle)
classes: function classes () {
return "q-drawer--" + (this.side) +
(this.bordered === true ? ' q-drawer--bordered' : '') +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-drawer--dark q-dark' : '') +
(this.showing !== true ? ' q-layout--prevent-focus' : '') +
this.belowBreakpoint === true
? ' fixed q-drawer--on-top q-drawer--mobile q-drawer--top-padding'
: " q-drawer--" + (this.isMini === true ? 'mini' : 'standard') +
(this.fixed === true || this.onLayout !== true ? ' fixed' : '') +
(this.overlay === true || this.miniToOverlay === true ? ' q-drawer--on-top' : '') +
(this.headerSlot === true ? ' q-drawer--top-padding' : '')
stateDirection: function stateDirection () {
return (this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? -1 : 1) * (this.rightSide === true ? 1 : -1)
isMini: function isMini () {
return this.mini === true && this.belowBreakpoint !== true
onNativeEvents: function onNativeEvents () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.belowBreakpoint !== true) {
var evt = {
'!click': function (e) { this$1.$emit('click', e); }
mouseEvents.forEach(function (name) {
evt[name] = function (e) {
this$1.qListeners[name] !== void 0 && this$1.$emit(name, e);
return evt
hideOnRouteChange: function hideOnRouteChange () {
return this.persistent !== true &&
(this.belowBreakpoint === true || this.onScreenOverlay === true)
openDirective: function openDirective () {
var obj;
var dir = this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? this.side : this.otherSide;
return [{
name: 'touch-pan',
value: this.__openByTouch,
modifiers: ( obj = {}, obj[ dir ] = true, obj.mouse = true, obj )
contentCloseDirective: function contentCloseDirective () {
var obj;
if (this.noSwipeClose !== true) {
var dir = this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? this.otherSide : this.side;
return [{
name: 'touch-pan',
value: this.__closeByTouch,
modifiers: ( obj = {}, obj[ dir ] = true, obj.mouse = true, obj )
backdropCloseDirective: function backdropCloseDirective () {
var obj;
if (this.noSwipeBackdrop !== true) {
var dir = this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? this.otherSide : this.side;
return [{
name: 'touch-pan',
value: this.__closeByTouch,
modifiers: ( obj = {}, obj[ dir ] = true, obj.mouse = true, obj.mouseAllDir = true, obj )
methods: {
__applyPosition: function __applyPosition (position) {
var this$1 = this;
if (position === void 0) {
this.$nextTick(function () {
position = this$1.showing === true ? 0 : this$1.size;
this$1.__applyPosition(this$1.stateDirection * position);
else if (this.$refs.content !== void 0) {
if (
this.layout.container === true &&
this.rightSide === true &&
(this.belowBreakpoint === true || Math.abs(position) === this.size)
) {
position += this.stateDirection * this.layout.scrollbarWidth;
if (this.__lastPosition !== position) {
this.$refs.content.style.transform = "translateX(" + position + "px)";
this.__lastPosition = position;
__applyBackdrop: function __applyBackdrop (x, retry) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.$refs.backdrop !== void 0) {
this.$refs.backdrop.style.backgroundColor =
this.lastBackdropBg = "rgba(0,0,0," + (x * 0.4) + ")";
else {
// rendered nodes might not have
// picked up this.showing change yet,
// so we need one retry
retry !== true && this.$nextTick(function () {
this$1.__applyBackdrop(x, true);
__setBackdropVisible: function __setBackdropVisible (v) {
if (this.$refs.backdrop !== void 0) {
this.$refs.backdrop.classList[v === true ? 'remove' : 'add']('hidden');
__setScrollable: function __setScrollable (v) {
var action = v === true
? 'remove'
: (this.layout.container !== true ? 'add' : '');
action !== '' && document.body.classList[action]('q-body--drawer-toggle');
__animateMini: function __animateMini () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.timerMini !== void 0) {
else if (this.$el !== void 0) {
this.timerMini = setTimeout(function () {
this$1.$el !== void 0 && this$1.$el.classList.remove('q-drawer--mini-animate');
this$1.timerMini = void 0;
}, 150);
__openByTouch: function __openByTouch (evt) {
if (this.showing !== false) {
// some browsers might capture and trigger this
// even if Drawer has just been opened (but animation is still pending)
width = this.size,
position = between(evt.distance.x, 0, width);
if (evt.isFinal === true) {
el = this.$refs.content,
opened = position >= Math.min(75, width);
if (opened === true) {
else {
this.__applyPosition(this.stateDirection * width);
(this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? this.rightSide !== true : this.rightSide)
? Math.max(width - position, 0)
: Math.min(0, position - width)
between(position / width, 0, 1)
if (evt.isFirst === true) {
var el$1 = this.$refs.content;
__closeByTouch: function __closeByTouch (evt) {
if (this.showing !== true) {
// some browsers might capture and trigger this
// even if Drawer has just been closed (but animation is still pending)
width = this.size,
dir = evt.direction === this.side,
position = (this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? dir !== true : dir)
? between(evt.distance.x, 0, width)
: 0;
if (evt.isFinal === true) {
var opened = Math.abs(position) < Math.min(75, width);
if (opened === true) {
else {
this.__applyPosition(this.stateDirection * position);
this.__applyBackdrop(between(1 - position / width, 0, 1));
if (evt.isFirst === true) {
__show: function __show (evt, noEvent) {
var this$1 = this;
evt !== false && this.layout.__animate();
if (this.belowBreakpoint === true) {
var otherSide = this.layout.instances[this.otherSide];
if (otherSide !== void 0 && otherSide.belowBreakpoint === true) {
this.layout.container !== true && this.__preventScroll(true);
else {
evt !== false && this.__setScrollable(false);
this.__setTimeout(function () {
evt !== false && this$1.__setScrollable(true);
noEvent !== true && this$1.$emit('show', evt);
}, duration);
__hide: function __hide (evt, noEvent) {
var this$1 = this;
evt !== false && this.layout.__animate();
this.__applyPosition(this.stateDirection * this.size);
noEvent !== true && this.__setTimeout(function () {
this$1.$emit('hide', evt);
}, duration);
__cleanup: function __cleanup () {
__update: function __update (prop, val) {
if (this.layout[this.side][prop] !== val) {
this.layout[this.side][prop] = val;
__updateLocal: function __updateLocal (prop, val) {
if (this[prop] !== val) {
this[prop] = val;
__updateSizeOnLayout: function __updateSizeOnLayout (miniToOverlay, size) {
this.__update('size', miniToOverlay === true ? this.miniWidth : size);
created: function created () {
this.layout.instances[this.side] = this;
this.__updateSizeOnLayout(this.miniToOverlay, this.size);
this.__update('space', this.onLayout);
this.__update('offset', this.offset);
if (
this.showIfAbove === true &&
this.value !== true &&
this.showing === true &&
this.qListeners.input !== void 0
) {
this.$emit('input', true);
mounted: function mounted () {
var this$1 = this;
this.$emit('on-layout', this.onLayout);
this.$emit('mini-state', this.isMini);
this.lastDesktopState = this.showIfAbove === true;
var fn = function () {
var action = this$1.showing === true ? 'show' : 'hide';
this$1[("__" + action)](false, true);
if (this.layout.totalWidth !== 0) {
// make sure that all computed properties
// have been updated before calling __show/__hide()
this.watcher = this.$watch('layout.totalWidth', function () {
this$1.watcher = void 0;
if (this$1.showing === false && this$1.showIfAbove === true && this$1.belowBreakpoint === false) {
else {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
this.watcher !== void 0 && this.watcher();
this.showing === true && this.__cleanup();
if (this.layout.instances[this.side] === this) {
this.layout.instances[this.side] = void 0;
this.__update('size', 0);
this.__update('offset', 0);
this.__update('space', false);
render: function render (h) {
var child = [];
if (this.belowBreakpoint === true) {
this.noSwipeOpen !== true && child.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-drawer__opener fixed-" + (this.side)),
attrs: ariaHidden,
directives: this.openDirective
h('div', {
ref: 'backdrop',
staticClass: 'fullscreen q-drawer__backdrop',
class: this.backdropClass,
attrs: ariaHidden,
style: this.lastBackdropBg !== void 0
? { backgroundColor: this.lastBackdropBg }
: null,
on: cache(this, 'bkdrop', { click: this.hide }),
directives: this.showing === false
? void 0
: this.backdropCloseDirective
var content = [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-drawer__content fit ' + (this.layout.container === true ? 'overflow-auto' : 'scroll'),
class: this.contentClass,
style: this.contentStyle
}, this.isMini === true && this.$scopedSlots.mini !== void 0
? this.$scopedSlots.mini()
: slot(this, 'default')
if (this.elevated === true && this.showing === true) {
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-layout__shadow absolute-full overflow-hidden no-pointer-events'
h('aside', {
ref: 'content',
staticClass: "q-drawer",
class: this.classes,
style: this.style,
on: this.onNativeEvents,
directives: this.belowBreakpoint === true
? this.contentCloseDirective
: void 0
}, content)
return h('div', { staticClass: 'q-drawer-container' }, child)
var lazyRulesValues = [ true, false, 'ondemand' ];
var ValidateMixin = {
props: {
value: {},
error: {
type: Boolean,
default: null
errorMessage: String,
noErrorIcon: Boolean,
rules: Array,
reactiveRules: Boolean,
lazyRules: {
type: [ Boolean, String ],
validator: function (v) { return lazyRulesValues.includes(v); }
data: function data () {
return {
isDirty: null,
innerError: false,
innerErrorMessage: void 0
watch: {
value: function value () {
reactiveRules: {
handler: function handler (val) {
var this$1 = this;
if (val === true) {
if (this.unwatchRules === void 0) {
this.unwatchRules = this.$watch('rules', function () {
else if (this.unwatchRules !== void 0) {
this.unwatchRules = void 0;
immediate: true
focused: function focused (focused$1) {
if (this.lazyRules !== 'ondemand') {
if (focused$1 === true) {
if (this.isDirty === null) {
this.isDirty = false;
else if (this.isDirty === false && this.hasRules === true) {
this.isDirty = true;
computed: {
hasRules: function hasRules () {
return this.rules !== void 0 &&
this.rules !== null &&
this.rules.length > 0
hasError: function hasError () {
return this.error === true || this.innerError === true
computedErrorMessage: function computedErrorMessage () {
return typeof this.errorMessage === 'string' && this.errorMessage.length > 0
? this.errorMessage
: this.innerErrorMessage
mounted: function mounted () {
this.validateIndex = 0;
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
this.unwatchRules !== void 0 && this.unwatchRules();
methods: {
resetValidation: function resetValidation () {
this.innerLoading = false;
this.isDirty = null;
this.innerError = false;
this.innerErrorMessage = void 0;
* Return value
* - true (validation succeeded)
* - false (validation failed)
* - Promise (pending async validation)
validate: function validate (val) {
var this$1 = this;
if ( val === void 0 ) val = this.value;
if (this.hasRules !== true) {
return true
if (this.innerLoading !== true && this.lazyRules !== true) {
this.isDirty = true;
var update = function (err, msg) {
if (this$1.innerError !== err) {
this$1.innerError = err;
var m = msg || void 0;
if (this$1.innerErrorMessage !== m) {
this$1.innerErrorMessage = m;
if (this$1.innerLoading !== false) {
this$1.innerLoading = false;
var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.rules.length; i++) {
var rule = this.rules[i];
var res = (void 0);
if (typeof rule === 'function') {
res = rule(val);
else if (typeof rule === 'string' && testPattern[rule] !== void 0) {
res = testPattern[rule](val);
if (res === false || typeof res === 'string') {
update(true, res);
return false
else if (res !== true && res !== void 0) {
if (promises.length === 0) {
return true
if (this.innerLoading !== true) {
this.innerLoading = true;
var index = this.validateIndex;
return Promise.all(promises).then(
function (res) {
if (index !== this$1.validateIndex) {
return true
if (res === void 0 || Array.isArray(res) === false || res.length === 0) {
return true
var msg = res.find(function (r) { return r === false || typeof r === 'string'; });
update(msg !== void 0, msg);
return msg === void 0
function (e) {
if (index === this$1.validateIndex) {
return false
return true
__validateIfNeeded: function __validateIfNeeded (changedRules) {
if (
this.hasRules === true &&
this.lazyRules !== 'ondemand' &&
(this.isDirty === true || (this.lazyRules !== true && changedRules !== true))
) {
* Based on the work of https://github.com/jchook/uuid-random
bufIdx = 0;
var hexBytes = new Array(256);
// Pre-calculate toString(16) for speed
for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
hexBytes[i] = (i + 0x100).toString(16).substr(1);
// Use best available PRNG
var randomBytes = (function () {
// Node & Browser support
var lib = typeof crypto !== 'undefined'
? crypto
: (
typeof window !== 'undefined'
? window.msCrypto // IE11
: void 0
if (lib !== void 0) {
if (lib.randomBytes !== void 0) {
return lib.randomBytes
if (lib.getRandomValues !== void 0) {
return function (n) {
var bytes = new Uint8Array(n);
return bytes
return function (n) {
var r = [];
for (var i = n; i > 0; i--) {
r.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));
return r
// Buffer random numbers for speed
// Reduce memory usage by decreasing this number (min 16)
// or improve speed by increasing this number (try 16384)
var BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
function uid$2 () {
// Buffer some random bytes for speed
if (buf === void 0 || (bufIdx + 16 > BUFFER_SIZE)) {
bufIdx = 0;
buf = randomBytes(BUFFER_SIZE);
var b = Array.prototype.slice.call(buf, bufIdx, (bufIdx += 16));
b[6] = (b[6] & 0x0f) | 0x40;
b[8] = (b[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80;
return hexBytes[b[0]] + hexBytes[b[1]] +
hexBytes[b[2]] + hexBytes[b[3]] + '-' +
hexBytes[b[4]] + hexBytes[b[5]] + '-' +
hexBytes[b[6]] + hexBytes[b[7]] + '-' +
hexBytes[b[8]] + hexBytes[b[9]] + '-' +
hexBytes[b[10]] + hexBytes[b[11]] +
hexBytes[b[12]] + hexBytes[b[13]] +
hexBytes[b[14]] + hexBytes[b[15]]
function getTargetUid (val) {
return val === void 0 ? ("f_" + (uid$2())) : val
var QField = Vue.extend({
name: 'QField',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, ValidateMixin, AttrsMixin ],
inheritAttrs: false,
props: {
label: String,
stackLabel: Boolean,
hint: String,
hideHint: Boolean,
prefix: String,
suffix: String,
labelColor: String,
color: String,
bgColor: String,
filled: Boolean,
outlined: Boolean,
borderless: Boolean,
standout: [Boolean, String],
square: Boolean,
loading: Boolean,
labelSlot: Boolean,
bottomSlots: Boolean,
hideBottomSpace: Boolean,
rounded: Boolean,
dense: Boolean,
itemAligned: Boolean,
counter: Boolean,
clearable: Boolean,
clearIcon: String,
disable: Boolean,
readonly: Boolean,
autofocus: Boolean,
for: String,
maxlength: [Number, String],
maxValues: [Number, String] // private, do not add to JSON; internally needed by QSelect
data: function data () {
return {
focused: false,
targetUid: getTargetUid(this.for),
// used internally by validation for QInput
// or menu handling for QSelect
innerLoading: false
watch: {
for: function for$1 (val) {
// don't transform targetUid into a computed
// prop as it will break SSR
this.targetUid = getTargetUid(val);
computed: {
editable: function editable () {
return this.disable !== true && this.readonly !== true
hasValue: function hasValue () {
var value = this.__getControl === void 0 ? this.value : this.innerValue;
return value !== void 0 &&
value !== null &&
('' + value).length > 0
computedCounter: function computedCounter () {
if (this.counter !== false) {
var len = typeof this.value === 'string' || typeof this.value === 'number'
? ('' + this.value).length
: (Array.isArray(this.value) === true ? this.value.length : 0);
var max = this.maxlength !== void 0
? this.maxlength
: this.maxValues;
return len + (max !== void 0 ? ' / ' + max : '')
floatingLabel: function floatingLabel () {
return this.stackLabel === true ||
this.focused === true ||
this.inputValue !== void 0 && this.hideSelected === true
? this.inputValue.length > 0
: this.hasValue === true
) ||
this.displayValue !== void 0 &&
this.displayValue !== null &&
('' + this.displayValue).length > 0
shouldRenderBottom: function shouldRenderBottom () {
return this.bottomSlots === true ||
this.hint !== void 0 ||
this.hasRules === true ||
this.counter === true ||
this.error !== null
classes: function classes () {
var obj;
return ( obj = {}, obj[this.fieldClass] = this.fieldClass !== void 0, obj[("q-field--" + (this.styleType))] = true, obj['q-field--rounded'] = this.rounded, obj['q-field--square'] = this.square, obj['q-field--focused'] = this.focused === true || this.hasError === true, obj['q-field--float'] = this.floatingLabel, obj['q-field--labeled'] = this.hasLabel, obj['q-field--dense'] = this.dense, obj['q-field--item-aligned q-item-type'] = this.itemAligned, obj['q-field--dark'] = this.isDark, obj['q-field--auto-height'] = this.__getControl === void 0, obj['q-field--with-bottom'] = this.hideBottomSpace !== true && this.shouldRenderBottom === true, obj['q-field--error'] = this.hasError, obj['q-field--readonly'] = this.readonly === true && this.disable !== true, obj['q-field--disabled'] = this.disable, obj )
styleType: function styleType () {
if (this.filled === true) { return 'filled' }
if (this.outlined === true) { return 'outlined' }
if (this.borderless === true) { return 'borderless' }
if (this.standout) { return 'standout' }
return 'standard'
contentClass: function contentClass () {
var cls = [];
if (this.hasError === true) {
else if (typeof this.standout === 'string' && this.standout.length > 0 && this.focused === true) {
return this.standout
else if (this.color !== void 0) {
cls.push('text-' + this.color);
if (this.bgColor !== void 0) {
cls.push(("bg-" + (this.bgColor)));
return cls
hasLabel: function hasLabel () {
return this.labelSlot === true || this.label !== void 0
labelClass: function labelClass () {
if (
this.labelColor !== void 0 &&
this.hasError !== true
) {
return 'text-' + this.labelColor
controlSlotScope: function controlSlotScope () {
return {
id: this.targetUid,
field: this.$el,
editable: this.editable,
focused: this.focused,
floatingLabel: this.floatingLabel,
value: this.value,
emitValue: this.__emitValue
attrs: function attrs () {
var attrs = {
for: this.targetUid
if (this.disable === true) {
attrs['aria-disabled'] = 'true';
else if (this.readonly === true) {
attrs['aria-readonly'] = 'true';
return attrs
methods: {
focus: function focus () {
if (this.showPopup !== void 0 && this.hasDialog === true) {
blur: function blur () {
var el = document.activeElement;
// IE can have null document.activeElement
if (el !== null && this.$el.contains(el)) {
__focus: function __focus () {
var el = document.activeElement;
var target = this.$refs.target;
// IE can have null document.activeElement
if (target !== void 0 && (el === null || el.id !== this.targetUid)) {
target.hasAttribute('tabindex') === true || (target = target.querySelector('[tabindex]'));
target !== null && target !== el && target.focus();
__getContent: function __getContent (h) {
var node = [];
this.$scopedSlots.prepend !== void 0 && node.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-field__prepend q-field__marginal row no-wrap items-center',
key: 'prepend',
on: this.slotsEvents
}, this.$scopedSlots.prepend())
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-field__control-container col relative-position row no-wrap q-anchor--skip'
}, this.__getControlContainer(h))
this.$scopedSlots.append !== void 0 && node.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-field__append q-field__marginal row no-wrap items-center',
key: 'append',
on: this.slotsEvents
}, this.$scopedSlots.append())
this.hasError === true && this.noErrorIcon === false && node.push(
this.__getInnerAppendNode(h, 'error', [
h(QIcon, { props: { name: this.$q.iconSet.field.error, color: 'negative' } })
if (this.loading === true || this.innerLoading === true) {
this.$scopedSlots.loading !== void 0
? this.$scopedSlots.loading()
: [ h(QSpinner, { props: { color: this.color } }) ]
else if (this.clearable === true && this.hasValue === true && this.editable === true) {
this.__getInnerAppendNode(h, 'inner-clearable-append', [
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-field__focusable-action',
props: { tag: 'button', name: this.clearIcon || this.$q.iconSet.field.clear },
attrs: { tabindex: 0, type: 'button' },
on: this.clearableEvents
this.__getInnerAppend !== void 0 && node.push(
this.__getInnerAppendNode(h, 'inner-append', this.__getInnerAppend(h))
this.__getControlChild !== void 0 && node.push(
return node
__getControlContainer: function __getControlContainer (h) {
var node = [];
this.prefix !== void 0 && this.prefix !== null && node.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-field__prefix no-pointer-events row items-center'
}, [ this.prefix ])
if (this.hasShadow === true && this.__getShadowControl !== void 0) {
if (this.__getControl !== void 0) {
// internal usage only:
else if (this.$scopedSlots.rawControl !== void 0) {
else if (this.$scopedSlots.control !== void 0) {
h('div', {
ref: 'target',
staticClass: 'q-field__native row',
attrs: Object.assign({}, this.qAttrs,
{'data-autofocus': this.autofocus})
}, this.$scopedSlots.control(this.controlSlotScope))
this.hasLabel === true && node.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-field__label no-pointer-events absolute ellipsis',
class: this.labelClass
}, [ slot(this, 'label', this.label) ])
this.suffix !== void 0 && this.suffix !== null && node.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-field__suffix no-pointer-events row items-center'
}, [ this.suffix ])
return node.concat(
this.__getDefaultSlot !== void 0
? this.__getDefaultSlot(h)
: slot(this, 'default')
__getBottom: function __getBottom (h) {
var msg, key;
if (this.hasError === true) {
if (this.computedErrorMessage !== void 0) {
msg = [ h('div', [ this.computedErrorMessage ]) ];
key = this.computedErrorMessage;
else {
msg = slot(this, 'error');
key = 'q--slot-error';
else if (this.hideHint !== true || this.focused === true) {
if (this.hint !== void 0) {
msg = [ h('div', [ this.hint ]) ];
key = this.hint;
else {
msg = slot(this, 'hint');
key = 'q--slot-hint';
var hasCounter = this.counter === true || this.$scopedSlots.counter !== void 0;
if (this.hideBottomSpace === true && hasCounter === false && msg === void 0) {
var main = h('div', {
key: key,
staticClass: 'q-field__messages col'
}, msg);
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-field__bottom row items-start q-field__bottom--' +
(this.hideBottomSpace !== true ? 'animated' : 'stale')
}, [
this.hideBottomSpace === true
? main
: h('transition', { props: { name: 'q-transition--field-message' } }, [
hasCounter === true
? h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-field__counter'
}, this.$scopedSlots.counter !== void 0 ? this.$scopedSlots.counter() : [ this.computedCounter ])
: null
__getInnerAppendNode: function __getInnerAppendNode (h, key, content) {
return content === null ? null : h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-field__append q-field__marginal row no-wrap items-center q-anchor--skip',
key: key
}, content)
__onControlPopupShow: function __onControlPopupShow (e) {
e !== void 0 && stop(e);
this.$emit('popup-show', e);
this.hasPopupOpen = true;
__onControlPopupHide: function __onControlPopupHide (e) {
e !== void 0 && stop(e);
this.$emit('popup-hide', e);
this.hasPopupOpen = false;
__onControlFocusin: function __onControlFocusin (e) {
if (this.editable === true && this.focused === false) {
this.focused = true;
this.$emit('focus', e);
__onControlFocusout: function __onControlFocusout (e, then) {
var this$1 = this;
this.focusoutTimer = setTimeout(function () {
if (
document.hasFocus() === true && (
this$1.hasPopupOpen === true ||
this$1.$refs === void 0 ||
this$1.$refs.control === void 0 ||
this$1.$refs.control.contains(document.activeElement) !== false
) {
if (this$1.focused === true) {
this$1.focused = false;
this$1.$emit('blur', e);
then !== void 0 && then();
__clearValue: function __clearValue (e) {
// prevent activating the field but keep focus on desktop
var el = this.$refs.target || this.$el;
if (this.type === 'file') {
// do not let focus be triggered
// as it will make the native file dialog
// appear for another selection
this.$refs.input.value = null;
this.$emit('input', null);
this.$emit('clear', this.value);
__emitValue: function __emitValue (value) {
this.$emit('input', value);
render: function render (h) {
this.__onPreRender !== void 0 && this.__onPreRender();
this.__onPostRender !== void 0 && this.$nextTick(this.__onPostRender);
return h('label', {
staticClass: 'q-field q-validation-component row no-wrap items-start',
class: this.classes,
attrs: this.attrs
}, [
this.$scopedSlots.before !== void 0 ? h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-field__before q-field__marginal row no-wrap items-center',
on: this.slotsEvents
}, this.$scopedSlots.before()) : null,
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-field__inner relative-position col self-stretch column justify-center'
}, [
h('div', {
ref: 'control',
staticClass: 'q-field__control relative-position row no-wrap',
class: this.contentClass,
attrs: { tabindex: -1 },
on: this.controlEvents
}, this.__getContent(h)),
this.shouldRenderBottom === true
? this.__getBottom(h)
: null
this.$scopedSlots.after !== void 0 ? h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-field__after q-field__marginal row no-wrap items-center',
on: this.slotsEvents
}, this.$scopedSlots.after()) : null
created: function created () {
this.__onPreRender !== void 0 && this.__onPreRender();
this.slotsEvents = { click: prevent };
this.clearableEvents = { click: this.__clearValue };
this.controlEvents = this.__getControlEvents !== void 0
? this.__getControlEvents()
: {
focusin: this.__onControlFocusin,
focusout: this.__onControlFocusout,
'popup-show': this.__onControlPopupShow,
'popup-hide': this.__onControlPopupHide
mounted: function mounted () {
if (fromSSR === true && this.for === void 0) {
this.targetUid = getTargetUid();
this.autofocus === true && this.focus();
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
function filterFiles (files, rejectedFiles, failedPropValidation, filterFn) {
var acceptedFiles = [];
files.forEach(function (file) {
if (filterFn(file) === true) {
else {
rejectedFiles.push({ failedPropValidation: failedPropValidation, file: file });
return acceptedFiles
var FileMixin = {
props: {
multiple: Boolean,
accept: String,
capture: String,
maxFileSize: [ Number, String ],
maxTotalSize: [ Number, String ],
maxFiles: [ Number, String ],
filter: Function
computed: {
extensions: function extensions () {
if (this.accept !== void 0) {
return this.accept.split(',').map(function (ext) {
ext = ext.trim();
if (ext === '*') { // support "*"
return '*/'
else if (ext.endsWith('/*')) { // support "image/*" or "*/*"
ext = ext.slice(0, ext.length - 1);
return ext.toUpperCase()
maxFilesNumber: function maxFilesNumber () {
return parseInt(this.maxFiles, 10)
maxTotalSizeNumber: function maxTotalSizeNumber () {
return parseInt(this.maxTotalSize, 10)
methods: {
pickFiles: function pickFiles (e) {
if (this.editable) {
var input = this.__getFileInput();
input && input.click(e);
addFiles: function addFiles (files) {
if (this.editable && files) {
this.__addFiles(null, files);
__processFiles: function __processFiles (e, filesToProcess, currentFileList, append) {
var this$1 = this;
var files = Array.from(filesToProcess || e.target.files);
var rejectedFiles = [];
var done = function () {
if (rejectedFiles.length > 0) {
this$1.$emit('rejected', rejectedFiles);
// filter file types
if (this.accept !== void 0 && this.extensions.indexOf('*/') === -1) {
files = filterFiles(files, rejectedFiles, 'accept', function (file) {
return this$1.extensions.some(function (ext) { return (
file.type.toUpperCase().startsWith(ext) ||
); })
if (files.length === 0) { return done() }
// filter max file size
if (this.maxFileSize !== void 0) {
var maxFileSize = parseInt(this.maxFileSize, 10);
files = filterFiles(files, rejectedFiles, 'max-file-size', function (file) {
return file.size <= maxFileSize
if (files.length === 0) { return done() }
// Cordova/iOS allows selecting multiple files even when the
// multiple attribute is not specified. We also normalize drag'n'dropped
// files here:
if (this.multiple !== true) {
files = [ files[0] ];
if (this.maxTotalSize !== void 0) {
var size = append === true
? currentFileList.reduce(function (total, file) { return total + file.size; }, 0)
: 0;
files = filterFiles(files, rejectedFiles, 'max-total-size', function (file) {
size += file.size;
return size <= this$1.maxTotalSizeNumber
if (files.length === 0) { return done() }
// do we have custom filter function?
if (typeof this.filter === 'function') {
var filteredFiles = this.filter(files);
files = filterFiles(files, rejectedFiles, 'filter', function (file) {
return filteredFiles.includes(file)
if (this.maxFiles !== void 0) {
var filesNumber = append === true
? currentFileList.length
: 0;
files = filterFiles(files, rejectedFiles, 'max-files', function () {
return filesNumber <= this$1.maxFilesNumber
if (files.length === 0) { return done() }
if (files.length > 0) {
return files
__onDragOver: function __onDragOver (e) {
this.dnd = true;
__onDragLeave: function __onDragLeave (e) {
this.dnd = false;
__onDrop: function __onDrop (e) {
var files = e.dataTransfer.files;
if (files.length > 0) {
this.__addFiles(null, files);
this.dnd = false;
__getDnd: function __getDnd (h, type) {
if (this.dnd === true) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-" + type + "__dnd absolute-full"),
on: cache(this, 'dnd', {
dragenter: stopAndPrevent,
dragover: stopAndPrevent,
dragleave: this.__onDragLeave,
drop: this.__onDrop
var FileValueMixin = {
computed: {
formDomProps: function formDomProps () {
if (this.type !== 'file') {
try {
var dt = 'DataTransfer' in window
? new DataTransfer()
: ('ClipboardEvent' in window
? new ClipboardEvent('').clipboardData
: void 0
if (Object(this.value) === this.value) {
('length' in this.value
? Array.from(this.value)
: [ this.value ]
).forEach(function (file) {
return {
files: dt.files
catch (e) {
return {
files: void 0
// leave NAMED_MASKS at top of file (code referenced from docs)
date: '####/##/##',
datetime: '####/##/## ##:##',
time: '##:##',
fulltime: '##:##:##',
phone: '(###) ### - ####',
card: '#### #### #### ####'
var TOKENS = {
'#': { pattern: '[\\d]', negate: '[^\\d]' },
S: { pattern: '[a-zA-Z]', negate: '[^a-zA-Z]' },
N: { pattern: '[0-9a-zA-Z]', negate: '[^0-9a-zA-Z]' },
A: { pattern: '[a-zA-Z]', negate: '[^a-zA-Z]', transform: function (v) { return v.toLocaleUpperCase(); } },
a: { pattern: '[a-zA-Z]', negate: '[^a-zA-Z]', transform: function (v) { return v.toLocaleLowerCase(); } },
X: { pattern: '[0-9a-zA-Z]', negate: '[^0-9a-zA-Z]', transform: function (v) { return v.toLocaleUpperCase(); } },
x: { pattern: '[0-9a-zA-Z]', negate: '[^0-9a-zA-Z]', transform: function (v) { return v.toLocaleLowerCase(); } }
var KEYS = Object.keys(TOKENS);
KEYS.forEach(function (key) {
TOKENS[key].regex = new RegExp(TOKENS[key].pattern);
tokenRegexMask = new RegExp('\\\\([^.*+?^${}()|([\\]])|([.*+?^${}()|[\\]])|([' + KEYS.join('') + '])|(.)', 'g'),
escRegex = /[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g;
var MARKER = String.fromCharCode(1);
var MaskMixin = {
props: {
mask: String,
reverseFillMask: Boolean,
fillMask: [Boolean, String],
unmaskedValue: Boolean
watch: {
type: function type () {
mask: function mask (v) {
if (v !== void 0) {
this.__updateMaskValue(this.innerValue, true);
else {
var val = this.__unmask(this.innerValue);
this.value !== val && this.$emit('input', val);
fillMask: function fillMask () {
this.hasMask === true && this.__updateMaskValue(this.innerValue, true);
reverseFillMask: function reverseFillMask () {
this.hasMask === true && this.__updateMaskValue(this.innerValue, true);
unmaskedValue: function unmaskedValue () {
this.hasMask === true && this.__updateMaskValue(this.innerValue);
methods: {
__getInitialMaskedValue: function __getInitialMaskedValue () {
if (this.hasMask === true) {
var masked = this.__mask(this.__unmask(this.value));
return this.fillMask !== false
? this.__fillWithMask(masked)
: masked
return this.value
__getPaddedMaskMarked: function __getPaddedMaskMarked (size) {
if (size < this.maskMarked.length) {
return this.maskMarked.slice(-size)
maskMarked = this.maskMarked,
pad = '';
padPos = maskMarked.indexOf(MARKER);
if (padPos > -1) {
for (var i = size - maskMarked.length; i > 0; i--) {
pad += MARKER;
maskMarked = maskMarked.slice(0, padPos) + pad + maskMarked.slice(padPos);
return maskMarked
__updateMaskInternals: function __updateMaskInternals () {
var this$1 = this;
this.hasMask = this.mask !== void 0 &&
this.mask.length > 0 &&
['text', 'search', 'url', 'tel', 'password'].includes(this.type);
if (this.hasMask === false) {
this.computedUnmask = void 0;
this.maskMarked = '';
this.maskReplaced = '';
computedMask = NAMED_MASKS[this.mask] === void 0
? this.mask
: NAMED_MASKS[this.mask],
fillChar = typeof this.fillMask === 'string' && this.fillMask.length > 0
? this.fillMask.slice(0, 1)
: '_',
fillCharEscaped = fillChar.replace(escRegex, '\\$&'),
unmask = [],
extract = [],
mask = [];
firstMatch = this.reverseFillMask === true,
unmaskChar = '',
negateChar = '';
computedMask.replace(tokenRegexMask, function (_, char1, esc, token, char2) {
if (token !== void 0) {
var c = TOKENS[token];
negateChar = c.negate;
if (firstMatch === true) {
extract.push('(?:' + negateChar + '+)?(' + c.pattern + '+)?(?:' + negateChar + '+)?(' + c.pattern + '+)?');
firstMatch = false;
extract.push('(?:' + negateChar + '+)?(' + c.pattern + ')?');
else if (esc !== void 0) {
unmaskChar = '\\' + (esc === '\\' ? '' : esc);
unmask.push('([^' + unmaskChar + ']+)?' + unmaskChar + '?');
else {
var c$1 = char1 !== void 0 ? char1 : char2;
unmaskChar = c$1 === '\\' ? '\\\\\\\\' : c$1.replace(escRegex, '\\\\$&');
unmask.push('([^' + unmaskChar + ']+)?' + unmaskChar + '?');
unmaskMatcher = new RegExp(
'^' +
unmask.join('') +
'(' + (unmaskChar === '' ? '.' : '[^' + unmaskChar + ']') + '+)?' +
extractLast = extract.length - 1,
extractMatcher = extract.map(function (re, index) {
if (index === 0 && this$1.reverseFillMask === true) {
return new RegExp('^' + fillCharEscaped + '*' + re)
else if (index === extractLast) {
return new RegExp(
'^' + re +
'(' + (negateChar === '' ? '.' : negateChar) + '+)?' +
(this$1.reverseFillMask === true ? '$' : fillCharEscaped + '*')
return new RegExp('^' + re)
this.computedMask = mask;
this.computedUnmask = function (val) {
var unmaskMatch = unmaskMatcher.exec(val);
if (unmaskMatch !== null) {
val = unmaskMatch.slice(1).join('');
extractMatch = [],
extractMatcherLength = extractMatcher.length;
for (var i = 0, str = val; i < extractMatcherLength; i++) {
var m = extractMatcher[i].exec(str);
if (m === null) {
str = str.slice(m.shift().length);
extractMatch.push.apply(extractMatch, m);
if (extractMatch.length > 0) {
return extractMatch.join('')
return val
this.maskMarked = mask.map(function (v) { return typeof v === 'string' ? v : MARKER; }).join('');
this.maskReplaced = this.maskMarked.split(MARKER).join(fillChar);
__updateMaskValue: function __updateMaskValue (rawVal, updateMaskInternals, inputType) {
var this$1 = this;
inp = this.$refs.input,
end = inp.selectionEnd,
endReverse = inp.value.length - end,
unmasked = this.__unmask(rawVal);
// Update here so unmask uses the original fillChar
updateMaskInternals === true && this.__updateMaskInternals();
preMasked = this.__mask(unmasked),
masked = this.fillMask !== false
? this.__fillWithMask(preMasked)
: preMasked,
changed = this.innerValue !== masked;
// We want to avoid "flickering" so we set value immediately
inp.value !== masked && (inp.value = masked);
changed === true && (this.innerValue = masked);
document.activeElement === inp && this.$nextTick(function () {
if (masked === this$1.maskReplaced) {
var cursor = this$1.reverseFillMask === true ? this$1.maskReplaced.length : 0;
inp.setSelectionRange(cursor, cursor, 'forward');
if (inputType === 'insertFromPaste' && this$1.reverseFillMask !== true) {
var cursor$1 = end - 1;
this$1.__moveCursorRight(inp, cursor$1, cursor$1);
if (['deleteContentBackward', 'deleteContentForward'].indexOf(inputType) > -1) {
var cursor$2 = this$1.reverseFillMask === true
? Math.max(0, masked.length - (masked === this$1.maskReplaced ? 0 : Math.min(preMasked.length, endReverse) + 1)) + 1
: end;
inp.setSelectionRange(cursor$2, cursor$2, 'forward');
if (this$1.reverseFillMask === true) {
if (changed === true) {
var cursor$3 = Math.max(0, masked.length - (masked === this$1.maskReplaced ? 0 : Math.min(preMasked.length, endReverse + 1)));
this$1.__moveCursorRightReverse(inp, cursor$3, cursor$3);
else {
var cursor$4 = masked.length - endReverse;
inp.setSelectionRange(cursor$4, cursor$4, 'backward');
else {
if (changed === true) {
var cursor$5 = Math.max(0, this$1.maskMarked.indexOf(MARKER), Math.min(preMasked.length, end) - 1);
this$1.__moveCursorRight(inp, cursor$5, cursor$5);
else {
var cursor$6 = end - 1;
this$1.__moveCursorRight(inp, cursor$6, cursor$6);
var val = this.unmaskedValue === true
? this.__unmask(masked)
: masked;
this.value !== val && this.__emitValue(val, true);
__moveCursorForPaste: function __moveCursorForPaste (inp, start, end) {
var preMasked = this.__mask(this.__unmask(inp.value));
start = Math.max(0, this.maskMarked.indexOf(MARKER), Math.min(preMasked.length, start));
inp.setSelectionRange(start, end, 'forward');
__moveCursorLeft: function __moveCursorLeft (inp, start, end, selection) {
var noMarkBefore = this.maskMarked.slice(start - 1).indexOf(MARKER) === -1;
var i = Math.max(0, start - 1);
for (; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.maskMarked[i] === MARKER) {
start = i;
noMarkBefore === true && start++;
if (
i < 0 &&
this.maskMarked[start] !== void 0 &&
this.maskMarked[start] !== MARKER
) {
return this.__moveCursorRight(inp, 0, 0)
start >= 0 && inp.setSelectionRange(
selection === true ? end : start, 'backward'
__moveCursorRight: function __moveCursorRight (inp, start, end, selection) {
var limit = inp.value.length;
var i = Math.min(limit, end + 1);
for (; i <= limit; i++) {
if (this.maskMarked[i] === MARKER) {
end = i;
else if (this.maskMarked[i - 1] === MARKER) {
end = i;
if (
i > limit &&
this.maskMarked[end - 1] !== void 0 &&
this.maskMarked[end - 1] !== MARKER
) {
return this.__moveCursorLeft(inp, limit, limit)
inp.setSelectionRange(selection ? start : end, end, 'forward');
__moveCursorLeftReverse: function __moveCursorLeftReverse (inp, start, end, selection) {
maskMarked = this.__getPaddedMaskMarked(inp.value.length);
var i = Math.max(0, start - 1);
for (; i >= 0; i--) {
if (maskMarked[i - 1] === MARKER) {
start = i;
else if (maskMarked[i] === MARKER) {
start = i;
if (i === 0) {
if (
i < 0 &&
maskMarked[start] !== void 0 &&
maskMarked[start] !== MARKER
) {
return this.__moveCursorRightReverse(inp, 0, 0)
start >= 0 && inp.setSelectionRange(
selection === true ? end : start, 'backward'
__moveCursorRightReverse: function __moveCursorRightReverse (inp, start, end, selection) {
limit = inp.value.length,
maskMarked = this.__getPaddedMaskMarked(limit),
noMarkBefore = maskMarked.slice(0, end + 1).indexOf(MARKER) === -1;
var i = Math.min(limit, end + 1);
for (; i <= limit; i++) {
if (maskMarked[i - 1] === MARKER) {
end = i;
end > 0 && noMarkBefore === true && end--;
if (
i > limit &&
maskMarked[end - 1] !== void 0 &&
maskMarked[end - 1] !== MARKER
) {
return this.__moveCursorLeftReverse(inp, limit, limit)
inp.setSelectionRange(selection === true ? start : end, end, 'forward');
__onMaskedKeydown: function __onMaskedKeydown (e) {
if (shouldIgnoreKey(e) === true) {
inp = this.$refs.input,
start = inp.selectionStart,
end = inp.selectionEnd;
if (e.keyCode === 37 || e.keyCode === 39) { // Left / Right
var fn = this['__moveCursor' + (e.keyCode === 39 ? 'Right' : 'Left') + (this.reverseFillMask === true ? 'Reverse' : '')];
fn(inp, start, end, e.shiftKey);
else if (
e.keyCode === 8 && // Backspace
this.reverseFillMask !== true &&
start === end
) {
this.__moveCursorLeft(inp, start, end, true);
else if (
e.keyCode === 46 && // Delete
this.reverseFillMask === true &&
start === end
) {
this.__moveCursorRightReverse(inp, start, end, true);
this.$emit('keydown', e);
__mask: function __mask (val) {
if (val === void 0 || val === null || val === '') { return '' }
if (this.reverseFillMask === true) {
return this.__maskReverse(val)
var mask = this.computedMask;
var valIndex = 0, output = '';
for (var maskIndex = 0; maskIndex < mask.length; maskIndex++) {
valChar = val[valIndex],
maskDef = mask[maskIndex];
if (typeof maskDef === 'string') {
output += maskDef;
valChar === maskDef && valIndex++;
else if (valChar !== void 0 && maskDef.regex.test(valChar)) {
output += maskDef.transform !== void 0
? maskDef.transform(valChar)
: valChar;
else {
return output
return output
__maskReverse: function __maskReverse (val) {
mask = this.computedMask,
firstTokenIndex = this.maskMarked.indexOf(MARKER);
var valIndex = val.length - 1, output = '';
for (var maskIndex = mask.length - 1; maskIndex >= 0; maskIndex--) {
var maskDef = mask[maskIndex];
var valChar = val[valIndex];
if (typeof maskDef === 'string') {
output = maskDef + output;
valChar === maskDef && valIndex--;
else if (valChar !== void 0 && maskDef.regex.test(valChar)) {
do {
output = (maskDef.transform !== void 0 ? maskDef.transform(valChar) : valChar) + output;
valChar = val[valIndex];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unmodified-loop-condition
} while (firstTokenIndex === maskIndex && valChar !== void 0 && maskDef.regex.test(valChar))
else {
return output
return output
__unmask: function __unmask (val) {
return typeof val !== 'string' || this.computedUnmask === void 0
? (typeof val === 'number' ? this.computedUnmask('' + val) : val)
: this.computedUnmask(val)
__fillWithMask: function __fillWithMask (val) {
if (this.maskReplaced.length - val.length <= 0) {
return val
return this.reverseFillMask === true && val.length > 0
? this.maskReplaced.slice(0, -val.length) + val
: val + this.maskReplaced.slice(val.length)
var isJapanese = /[\u3000-\u303f\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff\uff00-\uff9f\u4e00-\u9faf\u3400-\u4dbf]/;
var isChinese = /(?:[\u3300-\u4DBF\u4E00-\u9FFF\uF900-\uFAFF\uFE30-\uFE4F]|[\uD840-\uD868\uD86A-\uD872][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD869[\uDC00-\uDEDF\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD873[\uDC00-\uDEAF]|\uD87E[\uDC00-\uDE1F])/;
var isKorean = /[\u3131-\u314e\u314f-\u3163\uac00-\ud7a3]/;
var CompositionMixin = {
methods: {
__onComposition: function __onComposition (e) {
if (e.type === 'compositionend' || e.type === 'change') {
if (e.target.composing !== true) { return }
e.target.composing = false;
else if (e.type === 'compositionupdate') {
if (
typeof e.data === 'string' &&
isJapanese.test(e.data) === false &&
isChinese.test(e.data) === false &&
isKorean.test(e.data) === false
) {
e.target.composing = false;
else {
e.target.composing = true;
var QInput = Vue.extend({
name: 'QInput',
mixins: [
props: {
value: { required: false },
shadowText: String,
type: {
type: String,
default: 'text'
debounce: [String, Number],
autogrow: Boolean, // makes a textarea
inputClass: [Array, String, Object],
inputStyle: [Array, String, Object]
watch: {
value: function value (v) {
if (this.hasMask === true) {
if (this.stopValueWatcher === true) {
this.stopValueWatcher = false;
else if (this.innerValue !== v) {
this.innerValue = v;
if (
this.type === 'number' &&
this.hasOwnProperty('tempValue') === true
) {
if (this.typedNumber === true) {
this.typedNumber = false;
else {
delete this.tempValue;
// textarea only
this.autogrow === true && this.$nextTick(this.__adjustHeight);
autogrow: function autogrow (autogrow$1) {
// textarea only
if (autogrow$1 === true) {
// if it has a number of rows set respect it
else if (this.qAttrs.rows > 0 && this.$refs.input !== void 0) {
var inp = this.$refs.input;
inp.style.height = 'auto';
dense: function dense () {
this.autogrow === true && this.$nextTick(this.__adjustHeight);
data: function data () {
return { innerValue: this.__getInitialMaskedValue() }
computed: {
isTextarea: function isTextarea () {
return this.type === 'textarea' || this.autogrow === true
fieldClass: function fieldClass () {
return "q-" + (this.isTextarea === true ? 'textarea' : 'input') +
(this.autogrow === true ? ' q-textarea--autogrow' : '')
hasShadow: function hasShadow () {
return this.type !== 'file' &&
typeof this.shadowText === 'string' &&
this.shadowText.length > 0
onEvents: function onEvents () {
var on = Object.assign({}, this.qListeners,
{input: this.__onInput,
paste: this.__onPaste,
// Safari < 10.2 & UIWebView doesn't fire compositionend when
// switching focus before confirming composition choice
// this also fixes the issue where some browsers e.g. iOS Chrome
// fires "change" instead of "input" on autocomplete.
change: this.__onChange,
blur: this.__onFinishEditing,
focus: stop});
on.compositionstart = on.compositionupdate = on.compositionend = this.__onComposition;
if (this.hasMask === true) {
on.keydown = this.__onMaskedKeydown;
if (this.autogrow === true) {
on.animationend = this.__adjustHeight;
return on
inputAttrs: function inputAttrs () {
var attrs = Object.assign({}, {tabindex: 0,
'data-autofocus': this.autofocus,
rows: this.type === 'textarea' ? 6 : void 0,
'aria-label': this.label,
name: this.nameProp},
{id: this.targetUid,
type: this.type,
maxlength: this.maxlength,
disabled: this.disable === true,
readonly: this.readonly === true});
if (this.autogrow === true) {
attrs.rows = 1;
return attrs
methods: {
focus: function focus () {
var el = document.activeElement;
if (
this.$refs.input !== void 0 &&
this.$refs.input !== el &&
// IE can have null document.activeElement
(el === null || el.id !== this.targetUid)
) {
select: function select () {
this.$refs.input !== void 0 && this.$refs.input.select();
__onPaste: function __onPaste (e) {
if (this.hasMask === true && this.reverseFillMask !== true) {
var inp = e.target;
this.__moveCursorForPaste(inp, inp.selectionStart, inp.selectionEnd);
this.$emit('paste', e);
__onInput: function __onInput (e) {
if (e && e.target && e.target.composing === true) {
if (this.type === 'file') {
this.$emit('input', e.target.files);
var val = e.target.value;
if (this.hasMask === true) {
this.__updateMaskValue(val, false, e.inputType);
else {
// we need to trigger it immediately too,
// to avoid "flickering"
this.autogrow === true && this.__adjustHeight();
__emitValue: function __emitValue (val, stopWatcher) {
var this$1 = this;
this.emitValueFn = function () {
if (
this$1.type !== 'number' &&
this$1.hasOwnProperty('tempValue') === true
) {
delete this$1.tempValue;
if (this$1.value !== val) {
stopWatcher === true && (this$1.stopValueWatcher = true);
this$1.$emit('input', val);
this$1.emitValueFn = void 0;
if (this.type === 'number') {
this.typedNumber = true;
this.tempValue = val;
if (this.debounce !== void 0) {
this.tempValue = val;
this.emitTimer = setTimeout(this.emitValueFn, this.debounce);
else {
// textarea only
__adjustHeight: function __adjustHeight () {
var inp = this.$refs.input;
if (inp !== void 0) {
var parentStyle = inp.parentNode.style;
// reset height of textarea to a small size to detect the real height
// but keep the total control size the same
parentStyle.marginBottom = (inp.scrollHeight - 1) + 'px';
inp.style.height = '1px';
inp.style.height = inp.scrollHeight + 'px';
parentStyle.marginBottom = '';
__onChange: function __onChange (e) {
this.emitValueFn !== void 0 && this.emitValueFn();
this.$emit('change', e);
__onFinishEditing: function __onFinishEditing (e) {
var this$1 = this;
e !== void 0 && stop(e);
this.emitValueFn !== void 0 && this.emitValueFn();
this.typedNumber = false;
this.stopValueWatcher = false;
delete this.tempValue;
this.type !== 'file' && this.$nextTick(function () {
if (this$1.$refs.input !== void 0) {
this$1.$refs.input.value = this$1.innerValue !== void 0 ? this$1.innerValue : '';
__getCurValue: function __getCurValue () {
return this.hasOwnProperty('tempValue') === true
? this.tempValue
: (this.innerValue !== void 0 ? this.innerValue : '')
__getShadowControl: function __getShadowControl (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-field__native q-field__shadow absolute-full no-pointer-events'
}, [
h('span', { staticClass: 'invisible' }, this.__getCurValue()),
h('span', this.shadowText)
__getControl: function __getControl (h) {
return h(this.isTextarea === true ? 'textarea' : 'input', {
ref: 'input',
staticClass: 'q-field__native q-placeholder',
style: this.inputStyle,
class: this.inputClass,
attrs: this.inputAttrs,
on: this.onEvents,
domProps: this.type !== 'file'
? { value: this.__getCurValue() }
: this.formDomProps
mounted: function mounted () {
// textarea only
this.autogrow === true && this.__adjustHeight();
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
var QTooltip = Vue.extend({
name: 'QTooltip',
mixins: [ AnchorMixin, ModelToggleMixin, Portal, TransitionMixin ],
props: {
maxHeight: {
type: String,
default: null
maxWidth: {
type: String,
default: null
transitionShow: {
default: 'jump-down'
transitionHide: {
default: 'jump-up'
anchor: {
type: String,
default: 'bottom middle',
validator: validatePosition
self: {
type: String,
default: 'top middle',
validator: validatePosition
offset: {
type: Array,
default: function () { return [14, 14]; },
validator: validateOffset
scrollTarget: {
default: void 0
delay: {
type: Number,
default: 0
hideDelay: {
type: Number,
default: 0
computed: {
anchorOrigin: function anchorOrigin () {
return parsePosition(this.anchor)
selfOrigin: function selfOrigin () {
return parsePosition(this.self)
hideOnRouteChange: function hideOnRouteChange () {
return this.persistent !== true
methods: {
__show: function __show (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
this.__nextTick(function () {
this$1.observer = new MutationObserver(function () { return this$1.updatePosition(); });
this$1.observer.observe(this$1.__portal.$el, { attributes: false, childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true });
this.__setTimeout(function () {
this$1.$emit('show', evt);
}, 300);
__hide: function __hide (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
this.__setTimeout(function () {
this$1.$emit('hide', evt);
}, 300);
__anchorCleanup: function __anchorCleanup () {
if (this.observer !== void 0) {
this.observer = void 0;
cleanEvt(this, 'tooltipTemp');
updatePosition: function updatePosition () {
if (this.anchorEl === void 0 || this.__portal === void 0) {
var el = this.__portal.$el;
if (el.nodeType === 8) { // IE replaces the comment with delay
setTimeout(this.updatePosition, 25);
el: el,
offset: this.offset,
anchorEl: this.anchorEl,
anchorOrigin: this.anchorOrigin,
selfOrigin: this.selfOrigin,
maxHeight: this.maxHeight,
maxWidth: this.maxWidth
__delayShow: function __delayShow (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.$q.platform.is.mobile === true) {
var target = getTouchTarget(this.anchorEl);
var evts = ['touchmove', 'touchcancel', 'touchend', 'click']
.map(function (e) { return ([ target, e, '__delayHide', 'passiveCapture' ]); });
addEvt(this, 'tooltipTemp', evts);
this.__setTimeout(function () {
}, this.delay);
__delayHide: function __delayHide (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.$q.platform.is.mobile === true) {
cleanEvt(this, 'tooltipTemp');
// delay needed otherwise selection still occurs
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10);
this.__setTimeout(function () {
}, this.hideDelay);
__configureAnchorEl: function __configureAnchorEl () {
if (this.noParentEvent === true || this.anchorEl === void 0) { return }
var evts = this.$q.platform.is.mobile === true
? [
[ this.anchorEl, 'touchstart', '__delayShow', 'passive' ]
: [
[ this.anchorEl, 'mouseenter', '__delayShow', 'passive' ],
[ this.anchorEl, 'mouseleave', '__delayHide', 'passive' ]
addEvt(this, 'anchor', evts);
__unconfigureScrollTarget: function __unconfigureScrollTarget () {
if (this.__scrollTarget !== void 0) {
this.__scrollTarget = void 0;
__configureScrollTarget: function __configureScrollTarget () {
if (this.anchorEl !== void 0 || this.scrollTarget !== void 0) {
this.__scrollTarget = getScrollTarget(this.anchorEl, this.scrollTarget);
var fn = this.noParentEvent === true
? this.updatePosition
: this.hide;
this.__changeScrollEvent(this.__scrollTarget, fn);
__renderPortal: function __renderPortal (h) {
return h('transition', {
props: { name: this.transition }
}, [
this.showing === true ? h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-tooltip q-tooltip--style q-position-engine no-pointer-events',
class: this.contentClass,
style: this.contentStyle,
attrs: {
role: 'complementary'
}, slot(this, 'default')) : null
mounted: function mounted () {
var QList = Vue.extend({
name: 'QList',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, DarkMixin ],
props: {
bordered: Boolean,
dense: Boolean,
separator: Boolean,
padding: Boolean
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-list' +
(this.bordered === true ? ' q-list--bordered' : '') +
(this.dense === true ? ' q-list--dense' : '') +
(this.separator === true ? ' q-list--separator' : '') +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-list--dark' : '') +
(this.padding === true ? ' q-list--padding' : '')
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QItem = Vue.extend({
name: 'QItem',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, RouterLinkMixin, TagMixin, ListenersMixin ],
props: {
active: Boolean,
clickable: Boolean,
dense: Boolean,
insetLevel: Number,
tabindex: [ String, Number ],
focused: Boolean,
manualFocus: Boolean
computed: {
isActionable: function isActionable () {
return this.clickable === true ||
this.hasRouterLink === true ||
this.tag === 'a' ||
this.tag === 'label'
isClickable: function isClickable () {
return this.disable !== true && this.isActionable === true
classes: function classes () {
var obj;
return ( obj = {
'q-item--clickable q-link cursor-pointer': this.isClickable,
'q-focusable q-hoverable': this.isClickable === true && this.manualFocus === false,
'q-manual-focusable': this.isClickable === true && this.manualFocus === true,
'q-manual-focusable--focused': this.isClickable === true && this.focused === true,
'q-item--dense': this.dense,
'q-item--dark': this.isDark,
'q-item--active': this.active
}, obj[this.activeClass] = this.active === true && this.hasRouterLink !== true && this.activeClass !== void 0, obj['disabled'] = this.disable, obj )
style: function style () {
var obj;
if (this.insetLevel !== void 0) {
var dir = this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'Right' : 'Left';
return ( obj = {}, obj['padding' + dir] = (16 + this.insetLevel * 56) + 'px', obj )
onEvents: function onEvents () {
return Object.assign({}, this.qListeners,
{click: this.__onClick,
keyup: this.__onKeyup})
methods: {
__getContent: function __getContent (h) {
var child = uniqueSlot(this, 'default', []);
this.isClickable === true && child.unshift(
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-focus-helper', attrs: { tabindex: -1 }, ref: 'blurTarget' })
return child
__onClick: function __onClick (e) {
if (this.isClickable === true) {
if (this.$refs.blurTarget !== void 0) {
if (e.qKeyEvent !== true && document.activeElement === this.$el) {
else if (document.activeElement === this.$refs.blurTarget) {
this.$emit('click', e);
__onKeyup: function __onKeyup (e) {
if (this.isClickable === true && isKeyCode(e, 13) === true) {
// for ripple
e.qKeyEvent = true;
// for click trigger
var evt = new MouseEvent('click', e);
evt.qKeyEvent = true;
this.$emit('keyup', e);
render: function render (h) {
var data = {
staticClass: 'q-item q-item-type row no-wrap',
class: this.classes,
style: this.style
data[ this.hasRouterLink === true ? 'nativeOn' : 'on' ] = this.onEvents;
if (this.isClickable === true) {
data.attrs = {
tabindex: this.tabindex || '0'
else if (this.isActionable === true) {
data.attrs = {
'aria-disabled': 'true'
if (this.hasRouterLink === true) {
data.tag = 'a';
data.props = this.routerLinkProps;
return h('router-link', data, this.__getContent(h))
return h(
var QItemSection = Vue.extend({
name: 'QItemSection',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
avatar: Boolean,
thumbnail: Boolean,
side: Boolean,
top: Boolean,
noWrap: Boolean
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
var obj;
var side = this.avatar || this.side || this.thumbnail;
return ( obj = {
'q-item__section--top': this.top,
'q-item__section--avatar': this.avatar,
'q-item__section--thumbnail': this.thumbnail,
'q-item__section--side': side,
'q-item__section--nowrap': this.noWrap,
'q-item__section--main': !side
}, obj[("justify-" + (this.top ? 'start' : 'center'))] = true, obj )
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-item__section column',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
function run (e, btn, vm) {
if (btn.handler) {
btn.handler(e, vm, vm.caret);
else {
vm.runCmd(btn.cmd, btn.param);
function __getGroup (h, children) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-editor__toolbar-group'
}, children)
function getBtn (h, vm, btn, clickHandler, active) {
if ( active === void 0 ) active = false;
toggled = active || (btn.type === 'toggle'
? (btn.toggled ? btn.toggled(vm) : btn.cmd && vm.caret.is(btn.cmd, btn.param))
: false),
child = [],
events = {
click: function click (e) {
clickHandler && clickHandler();
run(e, btn, vm);
if (btn.tip && vm.$q.platform.is.desktop) {
var Key = btn.key
? h('div', [h('small', ("(CTRL + " + (String.fromCharCode(btn.key)) + ")"))])
: null;
h(QTooltip, { props: { delay: 1000 } }, [
h('div', { domProps: { innerHTML: btn.tip } }),
return h(QBtn, {
props: Object.assign({}, vm.buttonProps,
{icon: btn.icon,
color: toggled ? btn.toggleColor || vm.toolbarToggleColor : btn.color || vm.toolbarColor,
textColor: toggled && !vm.toolbarPush ? null : btn.textColor || vm.toolbarTextColor,
label: btn.label,
disable: btn.disable ? (typeof btn.disable === 'function' ? btn.disable(vm) : true) : false,
size: 'sm'}),
on: events
}, child)
function getDropdown (h, vm, btn) {
var onlyIcons = btn.list === 'only-icons';
label = btn.label,
icon = btn.icon,
function closeDropdown () {
if (onlyIcons) {
Items = btn.options.map(function (btn) {
var active = btn.type === void 0
? vm.caret.is(btn.cmd, btn.param)
: false;
if (active) {
label = btn.tip;
icon = btn.icon;
return getBtn(h, vm, btn, closeDropdown, active)
contentClass = vm.toolbarBackgroundClass;
Items = [
__getGroup(h, Items)
else {
var activeClass = vm.toolbarToggleColor !== void 0
? ("text-" + (vm.toolbarToggleColor))
: null;
var inactiveClass = vm.toolbarTextColor !== void 0
? ("text-" + (vm.toolbarTextColor))
: null;
Items = btn.options.map(function (btn) {
var disable = btn.disable ? btn.disable(vm) : false;
var active = btn.type === void 0
? vm.caret.is(btn.cmd, btn.param)
: false;
if (active) {
label = btn.tip;
icon = btn.icon;
var htmlTip = btn.htmlTip;
return h(
props: { active: active, activeClass: activeClass, clickable: true, disable: disable, dense: true },
on: {
click: function click (e) {
vm.$refs.content && vm.$refs.content.focus();
run(e, btn, vm);
btn.list === 'no-icons'
? null
: h(QItemSection, {
class: active ? activeClass : inactiveClass,
props: { side: true }
}, [
h(QIcon, { props: { name: btn.icon } })
h(QItemSection, [
? h('div', {
domProps: { innerHTML: btn.htmlTip }
: (btn.tip ? h('div', [ btn.tip ]) : null)
contentClass = [vm.toolbarBackgroundClass, inactiveClass];
Items = [
h(QList, [ Items ])
var highlight = btn.highlight && label !== btn.label;
var Dropdown = h(
props: Object.assign({}, vm.buttonProps,
{noCaps: true,
noWrap: true,
color: highlight ? vm.toolbarToggleColor : vm.toolbarColor,
textColor: highlight && !vm.toolbarPush ? null : vm.toolbarTextColor,
label: btn.fixedLabel ? btn.label : label,
icon: btn.fixedIcon ? btn.icon : icon,
contentClass: contentClass})
return Dropdown
function getToolbar (h, vm) {
if (vm.caret) {
return vm.buttons
.filter(function (f) {
return !vm.isViewingSource || f.find(function (fb) { return fb.cmd === 'viewsource'; })
.map(function (group) { return __getGroup(
group.map(function (btn) {
if (vm.isViewingSource && btn.cmd !== 'viewsource') {
return false
if (btn.type === 'slot') {
return slot(vm, btn.slot)
if (btn.type === 'dropdown') {
return getDropdown(h, vm, btn)
return getBtn(h, vm, btn)
); })
function getFonts (defaultFont, defaultFontLabel, defaultFontIcon, fonts) {
if ( fonts === void 0 ) fonts = {};
var aliases = Object.keys(fonts);
if (aliases.length === 0) {
return {}
var def = {
default_font: {
cmd: 'fontName',
param: defaultFont,
icon: defaultFontIcon,
tip: defaultFontLabel
aliases.forEach(function (alias) {
var name = fonts[alias];
def[alias] = {
cmd: 'fontName',
param: name,
icon: defaultFontIcon,
tip: name,
htmlTip: ("<font face=\"" + name + "\">" + name + "</font>")
return def
function getLinkEditor (h, vm, ie11) {
if (vm.caret) {
var color = vm.toolbarColor || vm.toolbarTextColor;
var link = vm.editLinkUrl;
var updateLink = function () {
if (link !== vm.editLinkUrl) {
document.execCommand('createLink', false, link === '' ? ' ' : link);
vm.editLinkUrl = null;
ie11 === true && vm.$nextTick(vm.__onInput);
return [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-mx-xs', 'class': ("text-" + color) }, [((vm.$q.lang.editor.url) + ": ")]),
h(QInput, {
key: 'qedt_btm_input',
staticClass: 'q-ma-none q-pa-none col q-editor-input',
props: {
value: link,
color: color,
autofocus: true,
borderless: true,
dense: true
on: {
input: function (val) { link = val; },
keydown: function (event) {
if (shouldIgnoreKey(event) === true) {
switch (event.keyCode) {
case 13: // ENTER key
return updateLink()
case 27: // ESCAPE key
if (!vm.editLinkUrl || vm.editLinkUrl === 'https://') {
vm.editLinkUrl = null;
__getGroup(h, [
h(QBtn, {
key: 'qedt_btm_rem',
attrs: { tabindex: -1 },
props: Object.assign({}, vm.buttonProps,
{label: vm.$q.lang.label.remove,
noCaps: true}),
on: {
click: function () {
vm.editLinkUrl = null;
ie11 === true && vm.$nextTick(vm.__onInput);
h(QBtn, {
key: 'qedt_btm_upd',
props: Object.assign({}, vm.buttonProps,
{label: vm.$q.lang.label.update,
noCaps: true}),
on: {
click: updateLink
function getBlockElement (el, parent) {
if (parent && el === parent) {
return null
var nodeName = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (['div', 'li', 'ul', 'ol', 'blockquote'].includes(nodeName) === true) {
return el
style = window.getComputedStyle
? window.getComputedStyle(el)
: el.currentStyle,
display = style.display;
if (display === 'block' || display === 'table') {
return el
return getBlockElement(el.parentNode)
function isChildOf (el, parent) {
return !el || el === document.body
? false
: (parent === document ? document.body : parent).contains(el.parentNode)
function createRange (node, chars, range) {
if (!range) {
range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(node, 0);
if (chars.count === 0) {
range.setEnd(node, chars.count);
else if (chars.count > 0) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
if (node.textContent.length < chars.count) {
chars.count -= node.textContent.length;
else {
range.setEnd(node, chars.count);
chars.count = 0;
else {
for (var lp = 0; chars.count !== 0 && lp < node.childNodes.length; lp++) {
range = createRange(node.childNodes[lp], chars, range);
return range
var urlRegex = /^https?:\/\//;
var Caret = function Caret (el, vm) {
this.el = el;
this.vm = vm;
this._range = null;
var prototypeAccessors = { selection: { configurable: true },hasSelection: { configurable: true },range: { configurable: true },parent: { configurable: true },blockParent: { configurable: true } };
prototypeAccessors.selection.get = function () {
if (this.el) {
var sel = document.getSelection();
// only when the selection in element
if (isChildOf(sel.anchorNode, this.el) && isChildOf(sel.focusNode, this.el)) {
return sel
return null
prototypeAccessors.hasSelection.get = function () {
return this.selection !== null
? this.selection.toString().length > 0
: false
prototypeAccessors.range.get = function () {
var sel = this.selection;
if (sel !== null && sel.rangeCount) {
return sel.getRangeAt(0)
return this._range
prototypeAccessors.parent.get = function () {
var range = this.range;
if (range !== null) {
var node = range.startContainer;
return node.nodeType === document.ELEMENT_NODE
? node
: node.parentNode
return null
prototypeAccessors.blockParent.get = function () {
var parent = this.parent;
if (parent !== null) {
return getBlockElement(parent, this.el)
return null
Caret.prototype.save = function save (range) {
if ( range === void 0 ) range = this.range;
if (range !== null) {
this._range = range;
Caret.prototype.restore = function restore (range) {
if ( range === void 0 ) range = this._range;
r = document.createRange(),
sel = document.getSelection();
if (range !== null) {
r.setStart(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
r.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
else {
Caret.prototype.savePosition = function savePosition () {
var charCount = -1, node;
selection = document.getSelection(),
parentEl = this.el.parentNode;
if (selection.focusNode && isChildOf(selection.focusNode, parentEl)) {
node = selection.focusNode;
charCount = selection.focusOffset;
while (node && node !== parentEl) {
if (node !== this.el && node.previousSibling) {
node = node.previousSibling;
charCount += node.textContent.length;
else {
node = node.parentNode;
this.savedPos = charCount;
Caret.prototype.restorePosition = function restorePosition () {
if (this.savedPos >= 0) {
selection = window.getSelection(),
range = createRange(this.el, { count: this.savedPos });
if (range) {
Caret.prototype.hasParent = function hasParent (name, spanLevel) {
var el = spanLevel
? this.parent
: this.blockParent;
return el !== null
? el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()
: false
Caret.prototype.hasParents = function hasParents (list, recursive, el) {
if ( el === void 0 ) el = this.parent;
if (el === null) {
return false
if (el !== null && list.includes(el.nodeName.toLowerCase()) === true) {
return true
return recursive === true
? this.hasParents(list, recursive, el.parentNode)
: false
Caret.prototype.is = function is (cmd, param) {
switch (cmd) {
case 'formatBlock':
if (param === 'DIV' && this.parent === this.el) {
return true
return this.hasParent(param, param === 'PRE')
case 'link':
return this.hasParent('A', true)
case 'fontSize':
return document.queryCommandValue(cmd) === param
case 'fontName':
var res = document.queryCommandValue(cmd);
return res === ("\"" + param + "\"") || res === param
case 'fullscreen':
return this.vm.inFullscreen
case 'viewsource':
return this.vm.isViewingSource
case void 0:
return false
var state = document.queryCommandState(cmd);
return param !== void 0 ? state === param : state
Caret.prototype.getParentAttribute = function getParentAttribute (attrib) {
if (this.parent !== null) {
return this.parent.getAttribute(attrib)
return null
Caret.prototype.can = function can (name) {
if (name === 'outdent') {
return this.hasParents(['blockquote', 'li'], true)
if (name === 'indent') {
return this.hasParents(['li'], true)
if (name === 'link') {
return this.selection !== null || this.is('link')
Caret.prototype.apply = function apply (cmd, param, done) {
if ( done === void 0 ) done = noop;
if (cmd === 'formatBlock') {
if (['BLOCKQUOTE', 'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6'].includes(param) && this.is(cmd, param)) {
cmd = 'outdent';
param = null;
if (param === 'PRE' && this.is(cmd, 'PRE')) {
param = 'P';
else if (cmd === 'print') {
var win = window.open();
win.document.write(("\n <!doctype html>\n <html>\n <head>\n <title>Print - " + (document.title) + "</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n <div>" + (this.el.innerHTML) + "</div>\n </body>\n </html>\n "));
else if (cmd === 'link') {
var link = this.getParentAttribute('href');
if (link === null) {
var selection = this.selectWord(this.selection);
var url = selection ? selection.toString() : '';
if (!url.length) {
this.vm.editLinkUrl = urlRegex.test(url) ? url : 'https://';
document.execCommand('createLink', false, this.vm.editLinkUrl);
else {
this.vm.editLinkUrl = link;
else if (cmd === 'fullscreen') {
else if (cmd === 'viewsource') {
this.vm.isViewingSource = this.vm.isViewingSource === false;
document.execCommand(cmd, false, param);
Caret.prototype.selectWord = function selectWord (sel) {
if (sel === null || sel.isCollapsed !== true || /* IE 11 */ sel.modify === void 0) {
return sel
// Detect if selection is backwards
var range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset);
range.setEnd(sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset);
var direction = range.collapsed ? ['backward', 'forward'] : ['forward', 'backward'];
// modify() works on the focus of the selection
endNode = sel.focusNode,
endOffset = sel.focusOffset;
sel.collapse(sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset);
sel.modify('move', direction[0], 'character');
sel.modify('move', direction[1], 'word');
sel.extend(endNode, endOffset);
sel.modify('extend', direction[1], 'character');
sel.modify('extend', direction[0], 'word');
return sel
Object.defineProperties( Caret.prototype, prototypeAccessors );
toString = Object.prototype.toString,
hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
class2type = {};
'Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object'.split(' ').forEach(function (name) {
class2type['[object ' + name + ']'] = name.toLowerCase();
function type (obj) {
return obj === null ? String(obj) : class2type[toString.call(obj)] || 'object'
function isPlainObject (obj) {
if (!obj || type(obj) !== 'object') {
return false
if (obj.constructor &&
!hasOwn.call(obj, 'constructor') &&
!hasOwn.call(obj.constructor.prototype, 'isPrototypeOf')) {
return false
var key;
for (key in obj) {}
return key === undefined || hasOwn.call(obj, key)
function extend () {
var arguments$1 = arguments;
options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
target = arguments[0] || {},
i = 1,
deep = false;
var length = arguments.length;
if (typeof target === 'boolean') {
deep = target;
target = arguments[1] || {};
i = 2;
if (Object(target) !== target && type(target) !== 'function') {
target = {};
if (length === i) {
target = this;
for (; i < length; i++) {
if ((options = arguments$1[i]) !== null) {
for (name in options) {
src = target[name];
copy = options[name];
if (target === copy) {
if (deep && copy && (isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = type(copy) === 'array'))) {
if (copyIsArray) {
copyIsArray = false;
clone = src && type(src) === 'array' ? src : [];
else {
clone = src && isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};
target[name] = extend(deep, clone, copy);
else if (copy !== undefined) {
target[name] = copy;
return target
var QEditor = Vue.extend({
name: 'QEditor',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, FullscreenMixin, DarkMixin ],
props: {
value: {
type: String,
required: true
readonly: Boolean,
disable: Boolean,
minHeight: {
type: String,
default: '10rem'
maxHeight: String,
height: String,
definitions: Object,
fonts: Object,
placeholder: String,
toolbar: {
type: Array,
validator: function (v) { return v.length === 0 || v.every(function (group) { return group.length; }); },
default: function default$1 () {
return [
['left', 'center', 'right', 'justify'],
['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'],
['undo', 'redo']
toolbarColor: String,
toolbarBg: String,
toolbarTextColor: String,
toolbarToggleColor: {
type: String,
default: 'primary'
toolbarOutline: Boolean,
toolbarPush: Boolean,
toolbarRounded: Boolean,
contentStyle: Object,
contentClass: [Object, Array, String],
square: Boolean,
flat: Boolean,
dense: Boolean
computed: {
editable: function editable () {
return !this.readonly && !this.disable
hasToolbar: function hasToolbar () {
return this.toolbar && this.toolbar.length > 0
toolbarBackgroundClass: function toolbarBackgroundClass () {
if (this.toolbarBg) {
return ("bg-" + (this.toolbarBg))
buttonProps: function buttonProps () {
var flat = this.toolbarOutline !== true &&
this.toolbarPush !== true;
return {
type: 'a',
flat: flat,
noWrap: true,
outline: this.toolbarOutline,
push: this.toolbarPush,
rounded: this.toolbarRounded,
dense: true,
color: this.toolbarColor,
disable: !this.editable,
size: 'sm'
buttonDef: function buttonDef () {
e = this.$q.lang.editor,
i = this.$q.iconSet.editor;
return {
bold: { cmd: 'bold', icon: i.bold, tip: e.bold, key: 66 },
italic: { cmd: 'italic', icon: i.italic, tip: e.italic, key: 73 },
strike: { cmd: 'strikeThrough', icon: i.strikethrough, tip: e.strikethrough, key: 83 },
underline: { cmd: 'underline', icon: i.underline, tip: e.underline, key: 85 },
unordered: { cmd: 'insertUnorderedList', icon: i.unorderedList, tip: e.unorderedList },
ordered: { cmd: 'insertOrderedList', icon: i.orderedList, tip: e.orderedList },
subscript: { cmd: 'subscript', icon: i.subscript, tip: e.subscript, htmlTip: 'x<subscript>2</subscript>' },
superscript: { cmd: 'superscript', icon: i.superscript, tip: e.superscript, htmlTip: 'x<superscript>2</superscript>' },
link: { cmd: 'link', disable: function (vm) { return vm.caret && !vm.caret.can('link'); }, icon: i.hyperlink, tip: e.hyperlink, key: 76 },
fullscreen: { cmd: 'fullscreen', icon: i.toggleFullscreen, tip: e.toggleFullscreen, key: 70 },
viewsource: { cmd: 'viewsource', icon: i.viewSource, tip: e.viewSource },
quote: { cmd: 'formatBlock', param: 'BLOCKQUOTE', icon: i.quote, tip: e.quote, key: 81 },
left: { cmd: 'justifyLeft', icon: i.left, tip: e.left },
center: { cmd: 'justifyCenter', icon: i.center, tip: e.center },
right: { cmd: 'justifyRight', icon: i.right, tip: e.right },
justify: { cmd: 'justifyFull', icon: i.justify, tip: e.justify },
print: { type: 'no-state', cmd: 'print', icon: i.print, tip: e.print, key: 80 },
outdent: { type: 'no-state', disable: function (vm) { return vm.caret && !vm.caret.can('outdent'); }, cmd: 'outdent', icon: i.outdent, tip: e.outdent },
indent: { type: 'no-state', disable: function (vm) { return vm.caret && !vm.caret.can('indent'); }, cmd: 'indent', icon: i.indent, tip: e.indent },
removeFormat: { type: 'no-state', cmd: 'removeFormat', icon: i.removeFormat, tip: e.removeFormat },
hr: { type: 'no-state', cmd: 'insertHorizontalRule', icon: i.hr, tip: e.hr },
undo: { type: 'no-state', cmd: 'undo', icon: i.undo, tip: e.undo, key: 90 },
redo: { type: 'no-state', cmd: 'redo', icon: i.redo, tip: e.redo, key: 89 },
h1: { cmd: 'formatBlock', param: 'H1', icon: i.heading1 || i.heading, tip: e.heading1, htmlTip: ("<h1 class=\"q-ma-none\">" + (e.heading1) + "</h1>") },
h2: { cmd: 'formatBlock', param: 'H2', icon: i.heading2 || i.heading, tip: e.heading2, htmlTip: ("<h2 class=\"q-ma-none\">" + (e.heading2) + "</h2>") },
h3: { cmd: 'formatBlock', param: 'H3', icon: i.heading3 || i.heading, tip: e.heading3, htmlTip: ("<h3 class=\"q-ma-none\">" + (e.heading3) + "</h3>") },
h4: { cmd: 'formatBlock', param: 'H4', icon: i.heading4 || i.heading, tip: e.heading4, htmlTip: ("<h4 class=\"q-ma-none\">" + (e.heading4) + "</h4>") },
h5: { cmd: 'formatBlock', param: 'H5', icon: i.heading5 || i.heading, tip: e.heading5, htmlTip: ("<h5 class=\"q-ma-none\">" + (e.heading5) + "</h5>") },
h6: { cmd: 'formatBlock', param: 'H6', icon: i.heading6 || i.heading, tip: e.heading6, htmlTip: ("<h6 class=\"q-ma-none\">" + (e.heading6) + "</h6>") },
p: { cmd: 'formatBlock', param: 'DIV', icon: i.heading, tip: e.paragraph },
code: { cmd: 'formatBlock', param: 'PRE', icon: i.code, htmlTip: ("<code>" + (e.code) + "</code>") },
'size-1': { cmd: 'fontSize', param: '1', icon: i.size1 || i.size, tip: e.size1, htmlTip: ("<font size=\"1\">" + (e.size1) + "</font>") },
'size-2': { cmd: 'fontSize', param: '2', icon: i.size2 || i.size, tip: e.size2, htmlTip: ("<font size=\"2\">" + (e.size2) + "</font>") },
'size-3': { cmd: 'fontSize', param: '3', icon: i.size3 || i.size, tip: e.size3, htmlTip: ("<font size=\"3\">" + (e.size3) + "</font>") },
'size-4': { cmd: 'fontSize', param: '4', icon: i.size4 || i.size, tip: e.size4, htmlTip: ("<font size=\"4\">" + (e.size4) + "</font>") },
'size-5': { cmd: 'fontSize', param: '5', icon: i.size5 || i.size, tip: e.size5, htmlTip: ("<font size=\"5\">" + (e.size5) + "</font>") },
'size-6': { cmd: 'fontSize', param: '6', icon: i.size6 || i.size, tip: e.size6, htmlTip: ("<font size=\"6\">" + (e.size6) + "</font>") },
'size-7': { cmd: 'fontSize', param: '7', icon: i.size7 || i.size, tip: e.size7, htmlTip: ("<font size=\"7\">" + (e.size7) + "</font>") }
buttons: function buttons () {
var this$1 = this;
var userDef = this.definitions || {};
var def = this.definitions || this.fonts
? extend(
: this.buttonDef;
return this.toolbar.map(
function (group) { return group.map(function (token) {
if (token.options) {
return {
type: 'dropdown',
icon: token.icon,
label: token.label,
size: 'sm',
dense: true,
fixedLabel: token.fixedLabel,
fixedIcon: token.fixedIcon,
highlight: token.highlight,
list: token.list,
options: token.options.map(function (item) { return def[item]; })
var obj = def[token];
if (obj) {
return obj.type === 'no-state' || (userDef[token] && (
obj.cmd === void 0 || (this$1.buttonDef[obj.cmd] && this$1.buttonDef[obj.cmd].type === 'no-state')
? obj
: Object.assign({ type: 'toggle' }, obj)
else {
return {
type: 'slot',
slot: token
}); }
keys: function keys () {
k = {},
add = function (btn) {
if (btn.key) {
k[btn.key] = {
cmd: btn.cmd,
param: btn.param
this.buttons.forEach(function (group) {
group.forEach(function (token) {
if (token.options) {
else {
return k
innerStyle: function innerStyle () {
return this.inFullscreen
? this.contentStyle
: [
minHeight: this.minHeight,
height: this.height,
maxHeight: this.maxHeight
classes: function classes () {
return "q-editor q-editor--" + (this.isViewingSource === true ? 'source' : 'default') +
(this.disable === true ? ' disabled' : '') +
(this.inFullscreen === true ? ' fullscreen column' : '') +
(this.square === true ? ' q-editor--square no-border-radius' : '') +
(this.flat === true ? ' q-editor--flat' : '') +
(this.dense === true ? ' q-editor--dense' : '') +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-editor--dark q-dark' : '')
innerClass: function innerClass () {
return [
{ col: this.inFullscreen, 'overflow-auto': this.inFullscreen || this.maxHeight }
attrs: function attrs () {
if (this.disable === true) {
return { 'aria-disabled': 'true' }
if (this.readonly === true) {
return { 'aria-readonly': 'true' }
data: function data () {
return {
lastEmit: this.value,
editLinkUrl: null,
isViewingSource: false
watch: {
value: function value (v) {
if (this.lastEmit !== v) {
this.__setContent(v, true);
methods: {
__onInput: function __onInput () {
if (this.$refs.content !== void 0) {
var val = this.isViewingSource === true
? this.$refs.content.innerText
: this.$refs.content.innerHTML;
if (val !== this.value) {
this.lastEmit = val;
this.$emit('input', val);
__onKeydown: function __onKeydown (e) {
this.$emit('keydown', e);
if (e.ctrlKey !== true || shouldIgnoreKey(e) === true) {
this.$q.platform.is.ie && this.$nextTick(this.__onInput);
var key = e.keyCode;
var target = this.keys[key];
if (target !== void 0) {
var cmd = target.cmd;
var param = target.param;
this.runCmd(cmd, param, false);
__onClick: function __onClick (e) {
this.$emit('click', e);
__onBlur: function __onBlur (e) {
if (this.$refs.content !== void 0) {
var ref = this.$refs.content;
var scrollTop = ref.scrollTop;
var scrollHeight = ref.scrollHeight;
this.__offsetBottom = scrollHeight - scrollTop;
this.$q.platform.is.ie !== true && this.caret.save();
this.$emit('blur', e);
__onFocus: function __onFocus (e) {
var this$1 = this;
this.$nextTick(function () {
if (this$1.$refs.content !== void 0 && this$1.__offsetBottom !== void 0) {
this$1.$refs.content.scrollTop = this$1.$refs.content.scrollHeight - this$1.__offsetBottom;
this.$emit('focus', e);
__onMouseup: function __onMouseup (e) {
if (this.qListeners.mouseup !== void 0) {
this.$emit('mouseup', e);
__onKeyup: function __onKeyup (e) {
if (this.qListeners.keyup !== void 0) {
this.$emit('keyup', e);
__onTouchend: function __onTouchend (e) {
if (this.qListeners.touchend !== void 0) {
this.$emit('touchend', e);
runCmd: function runCmd (cmd, param, update) {
var this$1 = this;
if ( update === void 0 ) update = true;
this.caret.apply(cmd, param, function () {
if (this$1.$q.platform.is.ie === true || this$1.$q.platform.is.edge === true) {
if (update) {
refreshToolbar: function refreshToolbar () {
var this$1 = this;
setTimeout(function () {
this$1.editLinkUrl = null;
}, 1);
focus: function focus () {
this.$refs.content !== void 0 && this.$refs.content.focus();
getContentEl: function getContentEl () {
return this.$refs.content
__setContent: function __setContent (v, restorePosition) {
if (this.$refs.content !== void 0) {
if (restorePosition === true) {
var prop = "inner" + (this.isViewingSource === true ? 'Text' : 'HTML');
this.$refs.content[prop] = v;
if (restorePosition === true) {
created: function created () {
if (isSSR === false) {
document.execCommand('defaultParagraphSeparator', false, 'div');
this.defaultFont = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).fontFamily;
mounted: function mounted () {
this.caret = new Caret(this.$refs.content, this);
render: function render (h) {
var toolbars;
if (this.hasToolbar) {
var bars = [
h('div', {
key: 'qedt_top',
staticClass: 'q-editor__toolbar row no-wrap scroll-x',
class: this.toolbarBackgroundClass
}, getToolbar(h, this))
this.editLinkUrl !== null && bars.push(
h('div', {
key: 'qedt_btm',
staticClass: 'q-editor__toolbar row no-wrap items-center scroll-x',
class: this.toolbarBackgroundClass
}, getLinkEditor(h, this, this.$q.platform.is.ie))
toolbars = h('div', {
key: 'toolbar_ctainer',
staticClass: 'q-editor__toolbars-container'
}, bars);
var on = Object.assign({}, this.qListeners,
{input: this.__onInput,
keydown: this.__onKeydown,
click: this.__onClick,
blur: this.__onBlur,
focus: this.__onFocus,
// save caret
mouseup: this.__onMouseup,
keyup: this.__onKeyup,
touchend: this.__onTouchend});
return h('div', {
style: {
height: this.inFullscreen === true ? '100vh' : null
class: this.classes,
attrs: this.attrs
}, [
ref: 'content',
staticClass: "q-editor__content",
style: this.innerStyle,
class: this.innerClass,
attrs: {
contenteditable: this.editable,
placeholder: this.placeholder
domProps: isSSR
? { innerHTML: this.value }
: undefined,
on: on
var QItemLabel = Vue.extend({
name: 'QItemLabel',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
overline: Boolean,
caption: Boolean,
header: Boolean,
lines: [ Number, String ]
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return {
'q-item__label--overline text-overline': this.overline,
'q-item__label--caption text-caption': this.caption,
'q-item__label--header': this.header,
'ellipsis': parseInt(this.lines, 10) === 1
style: function style () {
if (this.lines !== void 0 && parseInt(this.lines, 10) > 1) {
return {
overflow: 'hidden',
display: '-webkit-box',
'-webkit-box-orient': 'vertical',
'-webkit-line-clamp': this.lines
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-item__label',
style: this.style,
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QSlideTransition = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSlideTransition',
props: {
appear: Boolean,
duration: {
type: Number,
default: 300
methods: {
__begin: function __begin (el, height, done) {
el.style.overflowY = 'hidden';
if (height !== void 0) {
el.style.height = height + "px";
el.style.transition = "height " + (this.duration) + "ms cubic-bezier(.25, .8, .50, 1)";
this.animating = true;
this.done = done;
__end: function __end (el, event) {
el.style.overflowY = null;
el.style.height = null;
el.style.transition = null;
event !== this.lastEvent && this.$emit(event);
__cleanup: function __cleanup () {
this.done && this.done();
this.done = null;
this.animating = false;
this.el !== void 0 && this.el.removeEventListener('transitionend', this.animListener);
this.animListener = null;
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
this.animating && this.__cleanup();
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
return h('transition', {
props: {
css: false,
appear: this.appear
on: cache(this, 'tr', {
enter: function (el, done) {
var pos = 0;
this$1.el = el;
if (this$1.animating === true) {
pos = el.offsetHeight === el.scrollHeight ? 0 : void 0;
else {
this$1.lastEvent = 'hide';
this$1.__begin(el, pos, done);
this$1.timer = setTimeout(function () {
el.style.height = (el.scrollHeight) + "px";
this$1.animListener = function (ev) {
if (Object(ev) !== ev || ev.target === el) {
this$1.__end(el, 'show');
el.addEventListener('transitionend', this$1.animListener);
this$1.timerFallback = setTimeout(this$1.animListener, this$1.duration * 1.1);
}, 100);
leave: function (el, done) {
var pos;
this$1.el = el;
if (this$1.animating === true) {
else {
this$1.lastEvent = 'show';
pos = el.scrollHeight;
this$1.__begin(el, pos, done);
this$1.timer = setTimeout(function () {
el.style.height = 0;
this$1.animListener = function (ev) {
if (Object(ev) !== ev || ev.target === el) {
this$1.__end(el, 'hide');
el.addEventListener('transitionend', this$1.animListener);
this$1.timerFallback = setTimeout(this$1.animListener, this$1.duration * 1.1);
}, 100);
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var insetMap = {
true: 'inset',
item: 'item-inset',
'item-thumbnail': 'item-thumbnail-inset'
var margins = {
xs: 2,
sm: 4,
md: 8,
lg: 16,
xl: 24
var QSeparator = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSeparator',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, ListenersMixin ],
props: {
spaced: [ Boolean, String ],
inset: [ Boolean, String ],
vertical: Boolean,
color: String,
size: String
computed: {
orientation: function orientation () {
return this.vertical === true
? 'vertical'
: 'horizontal'
classPrefix: function classPrefix () {
return (" q-separator--" + (this.orientation))
insetClass: function insetClass () {
return this.inset !== false
? ((this.classPrefix) + "-" + (insetMap[this.inset]))
: ''
classes: function classes () {
return "q-separator" + (this.classPrefix) + (this.insetClass) +
(this.color !== void 0 ? (" bg-" + (this.color)) : '') +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-separator--dark' : '')
style: function style () {
var style = {};
if (this.size !== void 0) {
style[ this.vertical === true ? 'width' : 'height' ] = this.size;
if (this.spaced !== false) {
var size = this.spaced === true
? ((margins.md) + "px")
: this.spaced in margins ? ((margins[this.spaced]) + "px") : this.spaced;
var props = this.vertical === true
? [ 'Left', 'Right' ]
: [ 'Top', 'Bottom' ];
style[("margin" + (props[0]))] = style[("margin" + (props[1]))] = size;
return style
attrs: function attrs () {
return {
role: 'separator',
'aria-orientation': this.orientation
render: function render (h) {
return h('hr', {
staticClass: 'q-separator',
class: this.classes,
style: this.style,
attrs: this.attrs,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
var eventName = 'q:expansion-item:close';
var QExpansionItem = Vue.extend({
name: 'QExpansionItem',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, RouterLinkMixin, ModelToggleMixin ],
props: {
icon: String,
label: String,
labelLines: [ Number, String ],
caption: String,
captionLines: [ Number, String ],
dense: Boolean,
expandIcon: String,
expandedIcon: String,
expandIconClass: [ Array, String, Object ],
duration: Number,
headerInsetLevel: Number,
contentInsetLevel: Number,
expandSeparator: Boolean,
defaultOpened: Boolean,
expandIconToggle: Boolean,
switchToggleSide: Boolean,
denseToggle: Boolean,
group: String,
popup: Boolean,
headerStyle: [Array, String, Object],
headerClass: [Array, String, Object]
data: function data () {
return {
showing: this.value !== void 0
? this.value
: this.defaultOpened
watch: {
showing: function showing (val) {
val === true && this.group !== void 0 && this.$root.$emit(eventName, this);
group: function group (newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal !== void 0 && oldVal === void 0) {
this.$root.$on(eventName, this.__eventHandler);
else if (newVal === void 0 && oldVal !== void 0) {
this.$root.$off(eventName, this.__eventHandler);
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return "q-expansion-item--" + (this.showing === true ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed') +
" q-expansion-item--" + (this.popup === true ? 'popup' : 'standard')
contentStyle: function contentStyle () {
var obj;
if (this.contentInsetLevel !== void 0) {
var dir = this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'Right' : 'Left';
return ( obj = {}, obj['padding' + dir] = (this.contentInsetLevel * 56) + 'px', obj )
isClickable: function isClickable () {
return this.hasRouterLink === true || this.expandIconToggle !== true
expansionIcon: function expansionIcon () {
return this.expandedIcon !== void 0 && this.showing === true
? this.expandedIcon
: this.expandIcon || this.$q.iconSet.expansionItem[this.denseToggle === true ? 'denseIcon' : 'icon']
activeToggleIcon: function activeToggleIcon () {
return this.disable !== true && (this.hasRouterLink === true || this.expandIconToggle === true)
methods: {
__onHeaderClick: function __onHeaderClick (e) {
this.hasRouterLink !== true && this.toggle(e);
this.$emit('click', e);
__toggleIconKeyboard: function __toggleIconKeyboard (e) {
e.keyCode === 13 && this.__toggleIcon(e, true);
__toggleIcon: function __toggleIcon (e, keyboard) {
keyboard !== true && this.$refs.blurTarget !== void 0 && this.$refs.blurTarget.focus();
__eventHandler: function __eventHandler (comp) {
this !== comp && this.group === comp.group && this.hide();
__getToggleIcon: function __getToggleIcon (h) {
var data = {
staticClass: ("q-focusable relative-position cursor-pointer" + (this.denseToggle === true && this.switchToggleSide === true ? ' items-end' : '')),
class: this.expandIconClass,
props: {
side: this.switchToggleSide !== true,
avatar: this.switchToggleSide
var child = [
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-expansion-item__toggle-icon',
class: this.expandedIcon === void 0 && this.showing === true
? 'q-expansion-item__toggle-icon--rotated'
: void 0,
props: { name: this.expansionIcon }
if (this.activeToggleIcon === true) {
Object.assign(data, {
attrs: { tabindex: 0 },
on: cache(this, 'inpExt', {
click: this.__toggleIcon,
keyup: this.__toggleIconKeyboard
h('div', {
ref: 'blurTarget',
staticClass: 'q-expansion-item__toggle-focus q-icon q-focus-helper q-focus-helper--rounded',
attrs: { tabindex: -1 }
return h(QItemSection, data, child)
__getHeader: function __getHeader (h) {
var child;
if (this.$scopedSlots.header !== void 0) {
child = this.$scopedSlots.header().slice();
else {
child = [
h(QItemSection, [
h(QItemLabel, {
props: { lines: this.labelLines }
}, [ this.label || '' ]),
? h(QItemLabel, {
props: { lines: this.captionLines, caption: true }
}, [ this.caption ])
: null
this.icon && child[this.switchToggleSide === true ? 'push' : 'unshift'](
h(QItemSection, {
props: {
side: this.switchToggleSide === true,
avatar: this.switchToggleSide !== true
}, [
h(QIcon, {
props: { name: this.icon }
this.disable !== true && child[this.switchToggleSide === true ? 'unshift' : 'push'](
var data = {
ref: 'item',
style: this.headerStyle,
class: this.headerClass,
props: {
dark: this.isDark,
disable: this.disable,
dense: this.dense,
insetLevel: this.headerInsetLevel
if (this.isClickable === true) {
var evtProp = this.hasRouterLink === true ? 'nativeOn' : 'on';
data.props.clickable = true;
data[evtProp] = Object.assign({}, this.qListeners,
{click: this.__onHeaderClick});
this.hasRouterLink === true && Object.assign(
return h(QItem, data, child)
__getContent: function __getContent (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var node = [
h(QSlideTransition, {
props: { duration: this.duration },
on: cache(this, 'slide', {
show: function () { this$1.$emit('after-show'); },
hide: function () { this$1.$emit('after-hide'); }
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-expansion-item__content relative-position',
style: this.contentStyle,
directives: [{ name: 'show', value: this.showing }]
}, slot(this, 'default'))
if (this.expandSeparator) {
h(QSeparator, {
staticClass: 'q-expansion-item__border q-expansion-item__border--top absolute-top',
props: { dark: this.isDark }
h(QSeparator, {
staticClass: 'q-expansion-item__border q-expansion-item__border--bottom absolute-bottom',
props: { dark: this.isDark }
return node
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-expansion-item q-item-type',
class: this.classes
}, [
{ staticClass: 'q-expansion-item__container relative-position' },
created: function created () {
this.group !== void 0 && this.$root.$on(eventName, this.__eventHandler);
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
this.group !== void 0 && this.$root.$off(eventName, this.__eventHandler);
var labelPositions = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'];
var FabMixin = {
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default: 'a'
outline: Boolean,
push: Boolean,
flat: Boolean,
unelevated: Boolean,
color: String,
textColor: String,
glossy: Boolean,
square: Boolean,
padding: String,
label: {
type: [ String, Number ],
default: ''
labelPosition: {
type: String,
default: 'right',
validator: function (v) { return labelPositions.includes(v); }
externalLabel: Boolean,
hideLabel: {
type: Boolean
labelClass: [ Array, String, Object ],
labelStyle: [ Array, String, Object ],
disable: Boolean,
tabindex: [ Number, String ]
computed: {
formClass: function formClass () {
return ("q-fab--form-" + (this.square === true ? 'square' : 'rounded'))
stacked: function stacked () {
return this.externalLabel === false && ['top', 'bottom'].includes(this.labelPosition)
labelProps: function labelProps () {
if (this.externalLabel === true) {
var hideLabel = this.hideLabel === null
? this.showing === false
: this.hideLabel;
return {
action: 'push',
data: {
staticClass: "q-fab__label q-tooltip--style q-fab__label--external" +
" q-fab__label--external-" + (this.labelPosition) +
(hideLabel === true ? ' q-fab__label--external-hidden' : ''),
style: this.labelStyle,
class: this.labelClass
return {
action: [ 'left', 'top' ].includes(this.labelPosition)
? 'unshift'
: 'push',
data: {
staticClass: "q-fab__label q-fab__label--internal q-fab__label--internal-" + (this.labelPosition) +
(this.hideLabel === true ? ' q-fab__label--internal-hidden' : ''),
style: this.labelStyle,
class: this.labelClass
var directions$1 = ['up', 'right', 'down', 'left'];
var alignValues$1 = [ 'left', 'center', 'right' ];
var QFab = Vue.extend({
name: 'QFab',
inheritAttrs: false,
mixins: [ FabMixin, AttrsMixin, ModelToggleMixin ],
provide: function provide () {
return {
__qFab: this
props: {
icon: String,
activeIcon: String,
hideIcon: Boolean,
hideLabel: {
default: null
direction: {
type: String,
default: 'right',
validator: function (v) { return directions$1.includes(v); }
persistent: Boolean,
verticalActionsAlign: {
type: String,
default: 'center',
validator: function (v) { return alignValues$1.includes(v); }
data: function data () {
return {
showing: this.value === true
computed: {
hideOnRouteChange: function hideOnRouteChange () {
return this.persistent !== true
classes: function classes () {
return "q-fab--align-" + (this.verticalActionsAlign) + " " + (this.formClass) +
(this.showing === true ? ' q-fab--opened' : '')
attrs: function attrs () {
return Object.assign({}, {'aria-expanded': this.showing === true ? 'true' : 'false',
'aria-haspopup': 'true'},
methods: {
__onChildClick: function __onChildClick (evt) {
if (this.$refs.trigger && this.$refs.trigger.$el) {
render: function render (h) {
var child = [];
this.hideIcon !== true && child.push(
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-fab__icon-holder' }, [
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-fab__icon absolute-full',
props: { name: this.icon || this.$q.iconSet.fab.icon }
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-fab__active-icon absolute-full',
props: { name: this.activeIcon || this.$q.iconSet.fab.activeIcon }
this.label !== '' && child[this.labelProps.action](
h('div', this.labelProps.data, [ this.label ])
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-fab z-fab row inline justify-center',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, [
h(QBtn, {
ref: 'trigger',
class: this.formClass,
props: Object.assign({}, this.$props,
{noWrap: true,
stack: this.stacked,
align: void 0,
icon: void 0,
label: void 0,
noCaps: true,
fab: true}),
attrs: this.attrs,
on: cache(this, 'tog', {
click: this.toggle
}, mergeSlot(child, this, 'tooltip')),
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-fab__actions flex no-wrap inline',
class: ("q-fab__actions--" + (this.direction))
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var anchorMap = {
start: 'self-end',
center: 'self-center',
end: 'self-start'
var anchorValues = Object.keys(anchorMap);
var QFabAction = Vue.extend({
name: 'QFabAction',
mixins: [ FabMixin ],
props: {
icon: {
type: String,
default: ''
anchor: {
type: String,
validator: function (v) { return anchorValues.includes(v); }
to: [ String, Object ],
replace: Boolean
inject: {
__qFab: {
default: function default$1 () {
console.error('QFabAction needs to be child of QFab');
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
var align = anchorMap[this.anchor];
return this.formClass + (align !== void 0 ? (" " + align) : '')
onEvents: function onEvents () {
return Object.assign({}, this.qListeners,
{click: this.click})
isDisabled: function isDisabled () {
return this.__qFab.showing !== true || this.disable === true
methods: {
click: function click (e) {
this.$emit('click', e);
render: function render (h) {
var child = [];
this.icon !== '' && child.push(
h(QIcon, {
props: { name: this.icon }
this.label !== '' && child[this.labelProps.action](
h('div', this.labelProps.data, [ this.label ])
return h(QBtn, {
class: this.classes,
props: Object.assign({}, this.$props,
{noWrap: true,
stack: this.stacked,
icon: void 0,
label: void 0,
noCaps: true,
fabMini: true,
disable: this.isDisabled}),
on: this.onEvents
}, mergeSlot(child, this, 'default'))
var QFile = Vue.extend({
name: 'QFile',
mixins: [ QField, FileMixin, FormFieldMixin, FileValueMixin ],
props: {
/* SSR does not know about File & FileList */
value: isSSR === true
? {}
: [ File, FileList, Array ],
append: Boolean,
useChips: Boolean,
displayValue: [ String, Number ],
tabindex: {
type: [ String, Number ],
default: 0
counterLabel: Function,
inputClass: [ Array, String, Object ],
inputStyle: [ Array, String, Object ]
data: function data () {
return {
dnd: false
computed: {
innerValue: function innerValue () {
return Object(this.value) === this.value
? ('length' in this.value ? Array.from(this.value) : [ this.value ])
: []
selectedString: function selectedString () {
return this.innerValue
.map(function (file) { return file.name; })
.join(', ')
totalSize: function totalSize () {
return humanStorageSize(
this.innerValue.reduce(function (acc, file) { return acc + file.size; }, 0)
counterProps: function counterProps () {
return {
totalSize: this.totalSize,
filesNumber: this.innerValue.length,
maxFiles: this.maxFiles
computedCounter: function computedCounter () {
if (this.counterLabel !== void 0) {
return this.counterLabel(this.counterProps)
var max = this.maxFiles;
return ("" + (this.innerValue.length) + (max !== void 0 ? ' / ' + max : '') + " (" + (this.totalSize) + ")")
inputAttrs: function inputAttrs () {
return Object.assign({}, {tabindex: -1,
type: 'file',
title: '', // try to remove default tooltip,
accept: this.accept,
capture: this.capture,
name: this.nameProp},
{id: this.targetUid,
disabled: this.editable !== true})
isAppending: function isAppending () {
return this.multiple === true && this.append === true
methods: {
removeAtIndex: function removeAtIndex (index) {
var files = this.innerValue.slice();
files.splice(index, 1);
removeFile: function removeFile (file) {
var index = this.innerValue.findIndex(file);
if (index > -1) {
__emitValue: function __emitValue (files) {
this.$emit('input', this.multiple === true ? files : files[0]);
__onKeyup: function __onKeyup (e) {
// only on ENTER
e.keyCode === 13 && this.pickFiles(e);
__getFileInput: function __getFileInput () {
return this.$refs.input
__addFiles: function __addFiles (e, fileList) {
var files = this.__processFiles(e, fileList, this.innerValue, this.isAppending);
files !== void 0 && this.__emitValue(
this.isAppending === true
? this.innerValue.concat(files)
: files
__getControl: function __getControl (h) {
var data = {
ref: 'target',
staticClass: 'q-field__native row items-center cursor-pointer',
attrs: {
tabindex: this.tabindex
if (this.editable === true) {
data.on = cache(this, 'native', {
dragover: this.__onDragOver,
keyup: this.__onKeyup
return h('div', data, [ this.__getInput(h) ].concat(this.__getSelection(h)))
__getControlChild: function __getControlChild (h) {
return this.__getDnd(h, 'file')
__getSelection: function __getSelection (h) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.$scopedSlots.file !== void 0) {
return this.innerValue.map(function (file, index) { return this$1.$scopedSlots.file({ index: index, file: file, ref: this$1 }); })
if (this.$scopedSlots.selected !== void 0) {
return this.$scopedSlots.selected({ files: this.innerValue, ref: this })
if (this.useChips === true) {
return this.innerValue.map(function (file, i) { return h(QChip, {
key: 'file-' + i,
props: {
removable: this$1.editable,
dense: true,
textColor: this$1.color,
tabindex: this$1.tabindex
on: cache(this$1, 'rem#' + i, {
remove: function () { this$1.removeAtIndex(i); }
}, [
h('span', {
staticClass: 'ellipsis',
domProps: {
textContent: file.name
]); })
return [
h('div', {
style: this.inputStyle,
class: this.inputClass,
domProps: {
textContent: this.displayValue !== void 0
? this.displayValue
: this.selectedString
__getInput: function __getInput (h) {
var data = {
ref: 'input',
staticClass: 'q-field__input fit absolute-full cursor-pointer',
attrs: this.inputAttrs,
domProps: this.formDomProps,
on: cache(this, 'input', {
change: this.__addFiles
if (this.multiple === true) {
data.attrs.multiple = true;
return h('input', data)
created: function created () {
this.fieldClass = 'q-file q-field--auto-height';
// necessary for QField's clearable
// and FileValueMixin
this.type = 'file';
var QFooter = Vue.extend({
name: 'QFooter',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
inject: {
layout: {
default: function default$1 () {
console.error('QFooter needs to be child of QLayout');
props: {
value: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
reveal: Boolean,
bordered: Boolean,
elevated: Boolean,
heightHint: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 50
data: function data () {
return {
size: parseInt(this.heightHint, 10),
revealed: true,
windowHeight: onSSR || this.layout.container ? 0 : window.innerHeight
watch: {
value: function value (val) {
this.__update('space', val);
this.__updateLocal('revealed', true);
offset: function offset (val) {
this.__update('offset', val);
reveal: function reveal (val) {
val === false && this.__updateLocal('revealed', this.value);
revealed: function revealed (val) {
this.$emit('reveal', val);
'layout.scroll': function layout_scroll () {
'layout.height': function layout_height () {
size: function size () {
'$q.screen.height': function $q_screen_height (val) {
this.layout.container !== true && this.__updateLocal('windowHeight', val);
computed: {
fixed: function fixed () {
return this.reveal === true ||
this.layout.view.indexOf('F') > -1 ||
this.layout.container === true
containerHeight: function containerHeight () {
return this.layout.container === true
? this.layout.containerHeight
: this.windowHeight
offset: function offset () {
if (this.value !== true) {
return 0
if (this.fixed === true) {
return this.revealed === true ? this.size : 0
var offset = this.layout.scroll.position + this.containerHeight + this.size - this.layout.height;
return offset > 0 ? offset : 0
hidden: function hidden () {
return this.value !== true || (this.fixed === true && this.revealed !== true)
revealOnFocus: function revealOnFocus () {
return this.value === true && this.hidden === true && this.reveal === true
classes: function classes () {
return (this.fixed === true ? 'fixed' : 'absolute') + '-bottom' +
(this.bordered === true ? ' q-footer--bordered' : '') +
(this.hidden === true ? ' q-footer--hidden' : '') +
(this.value !== true ? ' q-layout--prevent-focus' : '') +
(this.value !== true && this.fixed !== true ? ' hidden' : '')
style: function style () {
view = this.layout.rows.bottom,
css = {};
if (view[0] === 'l' && this.layout.left.space === true) {
css[this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'right' : 'left'] = (this.layout.left.size) + "px";
if (view[2] === 'r' && this.layout.right.space === true) {
css[this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'left' : 'right'] = (this.layout.right.size) + "px";
return css
onEvents: function onEvents () {
return Object.assign({}, this.qListeners,
{focusin: this.__onFocusin,
input: stop})
render: function render (h) {
var child = mergeSlot([
h(QResizeObserver, {
props: { debounce: 0 },
on: cache(this, 'resize', { resize: this.__onResize })
], this, 'default');
this.elevated === true && child.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-layout__shadow absolute-full overflow-hidden no-pointer-events'
return h('footer', {
staticClass: 'q-footer q-layout__section--marginal',
class: this.classes,
style: this.style,
on: this.onEvents
}, child)
created: function created () {
this.layout.instances.footer = this;
this.value === true && this.__update('size', this.size);
this.__update('space', this.value);
this.__update('offset', this.offset);
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
if (this.layout.instances.footer === this) {
this.layout.instances.footer = void 0;
this.__update('size', 0);
this.__update('offset', 0);
this.__update('space', false);
methods: {
__onResize: function __onResize (ref) {
var height = ref.height;
this.__updateLocal('size', height);
this.__update('size', height);
__update: function __update (prop, val) {
if (this.layout.footer[prop] !== val) {
this.layout.footer[prop] = val;
__updateLocal: function __updateLocal (prop, val) {
if (this[prop] !== val) {
this[prop] = val;
__updateRevealed: function __updateRevealed () {
if (this.reveal !== true) { return }
var ref = this.layout.scroll;
var direction = ref.direction;
var position = ref.position;
var inflexionPosition = ref.inflexionPosition;
this.__updateLocal('revealed', (
direction === 'up' ||
position - inflexionPosition < 100 ||
this.layout.height - this.containerHeight - position - this.size < 300
__onFocusin: function __onFocusin (evt) {
if (this.revealOnFocus === true) {
this.__updateLocal('revealed', true);
this.$emit('focusin', evt);
var QForm = Vue.extend({
name: 'QForm',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
autofocus: Boolean,
noErrorFocus: Boolean,
noResetFocus: Boolean,
greedy: Boolean
computed: {
onEvents: function onEvents () {
return Object.assign({}, this.qListeners,
{submit: this.submit,
reset: this.reset})
mounted: function mounted () {
this.validateIndex = 0;
this.autofocus === true && this.focus();
methods: {
validate: function validate (shouldFocus) {
var this$1 = this;
var promises = [];
var focus = typeof shouldFocus === 'boolean'
? shouldFocus
: this.noErrorFocus !== true;
var components = this.getValidationComponents();
var emit = function (res, ref) {
this$1.$emit('validation-' + (res === true ? 'success' : 'error'), ref);
var loop = function ( i ) {
var comp = components[i];
var valid = comp.validate();
if (typeof valid.then === 'function') {
function (valid) { return ({ valid: valid, comp: comp }); },
function (error) { return ({ valid: false, comp: comp, error: error }); }
else if (valid !== true) {
if (this$1.greedy === false) {
emit(false, comp);
if (focus === true && typeof comp.focus === 'function') {
return { v: Promise.resolve(false) }
promises.push({ valid: false, comp: comp });
for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
var returned = loop( i );
if ( returned ) return returned.v;
if (promises.length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve(true)
var index = this.validateIndex;
return Promise.all(promises).then(
function (res) {
if (index === this$1.validateIndex) {
var errors = res.filter(function (r) { return r.valid !== true; });
if (errors.length === 0) {
return true
var ref = errors[0];
var valid = ref.valid;
var comp = ref.comp;
emit(false, comp);
if (
focus === true &&
valid !== true &&
typeof comp.focus === 'function'
) {
return false
resetValidation: function resetValidation () {
this.getValidationComponents().forEach(function (comp) {
submit: function submit (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
evt !== void 0 && stopAndPrevent(evt);
this.validate().then(function (val) {
if (val === true) {
if (this$1.qListeners.submit !== void 0) {
this$1.$emit('submit', evt);
else if (evt !== void 0 && evt.target !== void 0 && typeof evt.target.submit === 'function') {
reset: function reset (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
evt !== void 0 && stopAndPrevent(evt);
this.$nextTick(function () { // allow userland to reset values before
if (this$1.autofocus === true && this$1.noResetFocus !== true) {
focus: function focus () {
var target = this.$el.querySelector('[autofocus], [data-autofocus]') ||
Array.prototype.find.call(this.$el.querySelectorAll('[tabindex]'), function (el) { return el.tabIndex > -1; });
target !== null && target !== void 0 && target.focus();
getValidationComponents: function getValidationComponents () {
return Array.prototype.map.call(
function (field) { return field.__vue__; }
).filter(function (c) { return c !== void 0 && typeof c.validate === 'function'; })
render: function render (h) {
return h('form', {
staticClass: 'q-form',
on: this.onEvents
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QHeader = Vue.extend({
name: 'QHeader',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
inject: {
layout: {
default: function default$1 () {
console.error('QHeader needs to be child of QLayout');
props: {
value: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
reveal: Boolean,
revealOffset: {
type: Number,
default: 250
bordered: Boolean,
elevated: Boolean,
heightHint: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 50
data: function data () {
return {
size: parseInt(this.heightHint, 10),
revealed: true
watch: {
value: function value (val) {
this.__update('space', val);
this.__updateLocal('revealed', true);
offset: function offset (val) {
this.__update('offset', val);
reveal: function reveal (val) {
val === false && this.__updateLocal('revealed', this.value);
revealed: function revealed (val) {
this.$emit('reveal', val);
'layout.scroll': function layout_scroll (scroll) {
this.reveal === true && this.__updateLocal('revealed',
scroll.direction === 'up' ||
scroll.position <= this.revealOffset ||
scroll.position - scroll.inflexionPosition < 100
computed: {
fixed: function fixed () {
return this.reveal === true ||
this.layout.view.indexOf('H') > -1 ||
this.layout.container === true
offset: function offset () {
if (this.value !== true) {
return 0
if (this.fixed === true) {
return this.revealed === true ? this.size : 0
var offset = this.size - this.layout.scroll.position;
return offset > 0 ? offset : 0
hidden: function hidden () {
return this.value !== true || (this.fixed === true && this.revealed !== true)
revealOnFocus: function revealOnFocus () {
return this.value === true && this.hidden === true && this.reveal === true
classes: function classes () {
return (this.fixed === true ? 'fixed' : 'absolute') + '-top' +
(this.bordered === true ? ' q-header--bordered' : '') +
(this.hidden === true ? ' q-header--hidden' : '') +
(this.value !== true ? ' q-layout--prevent-focus' : '')
style: function style () {
view = this.layout.rows.top,
css = {};
if (view[0] === 'l' && this.layout.left.space === true) {
css[this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'right' : 'left'] = (this.layout.left.size) + "px";
if (view[2] === 'r' && this.layout.right.space === true) {
css[this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'left' : 'right'] = (this.layout.right.size) + "px";
return css
onEvents: function onEvents () {
return Object.assign({}, this.qListeners,
{focusin: this.__onFocusin,
input: stop})
render: function render (h) {
var child = uniqueSlot(this, 'default', []);
this.elevated === true && child.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-layout__shadow absolute-full overflow-hidden no-pointer-events'
h(QResizeObserver, {
props: { debounce: 0 },
on: cache(this, 'resize', { resize: this.__onResize })
return h('header', {
staticClass: 'q-header q-layout__section--marginal',
class: this.classes,
style: this.style,
on: this.onEvents
}, child)
created: function created () {
this.layout.instances.header = this;
this.value === true && this.__update('size', this.size);
this.__update('space', this.value);
this.__update('offset', this.offset);
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
if (this.layout.instances.header === this) {
this.layout.instances.header = void 0;
this.__update('size', 0);
this.__update('offset', 0);
this.__update('space', false);
methods: {
__onResize: function __onResize (ref) {
var height = ref.height;
this.__updateLocal('size', height);
this.__update('size', height);
__update: function __update (prop, val) {
if (this.layout.header[prop] !== val) {
this.layout.header[prop] = val;
__updateLocal: function __updateLocal (prop, val) {
if (this[prop] !== val) {
this[prop] = val;
__onFocusin: function __onFocusin (evt) {
if (this.revealOnFocus === true) {
this.__updateLocal('revealed', true);
this.$emit('focusin', evt);
var RatioMixin = {
props: {
ratio: [ String, Number ]
computed: {
ratioStyle: function ratioStyle () {
var ratio = this.ratio || this.naturalRatio;
if (ratio !== void 0) {
return { paddingBottom: ((100 / ratio) + "%") }
var QImg = Vue.extend({
name: 'QImg',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, RatioMixin ],
props: {
src: String,
srcset: String,
sizes: String,
alt: String,
width: String,
height: String,
placeholderSrc: String,
basic: Boolean,
contain: Boolean,
position: {
type: String,
default: '50% 50%'
transition: {
type: String,
default: 'fade'
imgClass: [ Array, String, Object ],
imgStyle: Object,
nativeContextMenu: Boolean,
noDefaultSpinner: Boolean,
spinnerColor: String,
spinnerSize: String
data: function data () {
return {
currentSrc: '',
image: null,
isLoading: !!this.src,
hasError: false,
naturalRatio: void 0
watch: {
src: function src () {
srcset: function srcset (val) {
computed: {
url: function url () {
return this.currentSrc || this.placeholderSrc || void 0
attrs: function attrs () {
var att = { role: 'img' };
if (this.alt !== void 0) {
att['aria-label'] = this.alt;
return att
imgContainerStyle: function imgContainerStyle () {
return Object.assign(
backgroundSize: this.contain === true ? 'contain' : 'cover',
backgroundPosition: this.position
{ backgroundImage: ("url(\"" + (this.url) + "\")") })
style: function style () {
return {
width: this.width,
height: this.height
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-img overflow-hidden' +
(this.nativeContextMenu === true ? ' q-img--menu' : '')
methods: {
__onLoad: function __onLoad (img) {
this.isLoading = false;
this.hasError = false;
this.$emit('load', this.currentSrc);
__onError: function __onError (err) {
this.isLoading = false;
this.hasError = true;
this.currentSrc = '';
this.$emit('error', err);
__updateSrc: function __updateSrc () {
if (this.image !== void 0 && this.isLoading === false) {
var src = this.image.currentSrc || this.image.src;
if (this.currentSrc !== src) {
this.currentSrc = src;
__updateWatcher: function __updateWatcher (srcset) {
if (srcset) {
if (this.unwatch === void 0) {
this.unwatch = this.$watch('$q.screen.width', this.__updateSrc);
else if (this.unwatch !== void 0) {
this.unwatch = void 0;
__load: function __load () {
var this$1 = this;
this.hasError = false;
if (!this.src) {
this.isLoading = false;
this.image = void 0;
this.currentSrc = '';
this.isLoading = true;
var img = new Image();
this.image = img;
img.onerror = function (err) {
// if we are still rendering same image
if (this$1.image === img && this$1.destroyed !== true) {
img.onload = function () {
if (this$1.destroyed === true) {
// if we are still rendering same image
if (this$1.image === img) {
if (img.decode !== void 0) {
.catch(function (err) {
if (this$1.image === img && this$1.destroyed !== true) {
.then(function () {
if (this$1.image === img && this$1.destroyed !== true) {
else {
img.src = this.src;
if (this.srcset) {
img.srcset = this.srcset;
if (this.sizes !== void 0) {
img.sizes = this.sizes;
else {
Object.assign(img, {
height: this.height,
width: this.width
__computeRatio: function __computeRatio (img) {
var this$1 = this;
var naturalHeight = img.naturalHeight;
var naturalWidth = img.naturalWidth;
if (naturalHeight || naturalWidth) {
this.naturalRatio = naturalHeight === 0
? 1
: naturalWidth / naturalHeight;
else {
this.ratioTimer = setTimeout(function () {
if (this$1.image === img && this$1.destroyed !== true) {
}, 100);
__getImage: function __getImage (h) {
var nativeImg = this.nativeContextMenu === true
? [
h('img', {
staticClass: 'absolute-full fit',
attrs: { src: this.url, 'aria-hidden': 'true' }
: void 0;
var content = this.url !== void 0
? h('div', {
key: this.url,
staticClass: 'q-img__image absolute-full',
class: this.imgClass,
style: this.imgContainerStyle
}, nativeImg)
: null;
return this.basic === true
? content
: h('transition', {
props: { name: 'q-transition--' + this.transition }
}, [ content ])
__getContent: function __getContent (h) {
var slotVm = slot(this, this.hasError === true ? 'error' : 'default');
if (this.basic === true) {
return h('div', {
key: 'content',
staticClass: 'q-img__content absolute-full'
}, slotVm)
var content = this.isLoading === true
? h('div', {
key: 'placeholder',
staticClass: 'q-img__loading absolute-full flex flex-center'
}, this.$scopedSlots.loading !== void 0
? this.$scopedSlots.loading()
: (
this.noDefaultSpinner === false
? [
h(QSpinner, {
props: {
color: this.spinnerColor,
size: this.spinnerSize
: void 0
: h('div', {
key: 'content',
staticClass: 'q-img__content absolute-full'
}, slotVm);
return h('transition', {
props: { name: 'q-transition--fade' }
}, [ content ])
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
class: this.classes,
style: this.style,
attrs: this.attrs,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, [
h('div', { style: this.ratioStyle }),
beforeMount: function beforeMount () {
if (this.placeholderSrc !== void 0 && this.ratio === void 0) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = this.placeholderSrc;
this.isLoading === true && this.__load();
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
this.destroyed = true;
this.unwatch !== void 0 && this.unwatch();
var QInfiniteScroll = Vue.extend({
name: 'QInfiniteScroll',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
offset: {
type: Number,
default: 500
debounce: {
type: [ String, Number ],
default: 100
scrollTarget: {
default: void 0
initialIndex: Number,
disable: Boolean,
reverse: Boolean
data: function data () {
return {
index: this.initialIndex || 0,
fetching: false,
working: true
watch: {
disable: function disable (val) {
if (val === true) {
else {
scrollTarget: function scrollTarget () {
debounce: function debounce (val) {
methods: {
poll: function poll () {
if (this.disable === true || this.fetching === true || this.working === false) {
scrollHeight = getScrollHeight(this.__scrollTarget),
scrollPosition = getScrollPosition(this.__scrollTarget),
containerHeight = height(this.__scrollTarget);
if (this.reverse === false) {
if (scrollPosition + containerHeight + this.offset >= scrollHeight) {
else {
if (scrollPosition < this.offset) {
trigger: function trigger () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.disable === true || this.fetching === true || this.working === false) {
this.fetching = true;
var heightBefore = getScrollHeight(this.__scrollTarget);
this.$emit('load', this.index, function (stop) {
if (this$1.working === true) {
this$1.fetching = false;
this$1.$nextTick(function () {
if (this$1.reverse === true) {
heightAfter = getScrollHeight(this$1.__scrollTarget),
scrollPosition = getScrollPosition(this$1.__scrollTarget),
heightDifference = heightAfter - heightBefore;
setScrollPosition(this$1.__scrollTarget, scrollPosition + heightDifference);
if (stop === true) {
else {
this$1.$el.closest('body') && this$1.poll();
reset: function reset () {
this.index = 0;
resume: function resume () {
if (this.working === false) {
this.working = true;
this.__scrollTarget.addEventListener('scroll', this.poll, listenOpts.passive);
stop: function stop () {
if (this.working === true) {
this.working = false;
this.fetching = false;
this.__scrollTarget.removeEventListener('scroll', this.poll, listenOpts.passive);
updateScrollTarget: function updateScrollTarget () {
if (this.__scrollTarget && this.working === true) {
this.__scrollTarget.removeEventListener('scroll', this.poll, listenOpts.passive);
this.__scrollTarget = getScrollTarget(this.$el, this.scrollTarget);
if (this.working === true) {
this.__scrollTarget.addEventListener('scroll', this.poll, listenOpts.passive);
setIndex: function setIndex (index) {
this.index = index;
__setDebounce: function __setDebounce (val) {
val = parseInt(val, 10);
if (val <= 0) {
this.poll = this.immediatePoll;
else {
this.poll = debounce(this.immediatePoll, isNaN(val) === true ? 100 : val);
mounted: function mounted () {
this.immediatePoll = this.poll;
if (this.reverse === true) {
scrollHeight = getScrollHeight(this.__scrollTarget),
containerHeight = height(this.__scrollTarget);
setScrollPosition(this.__scrollTarget, scrollHeight - containerHeight);
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
if (this.working === true) {
this.__scrollTarget.removeEventListener('scroll', this.poll, listenOpts.passive);
render: function render (h) {
var child = uniqueSlot(this, 'default', []);
if (this.disable !== true && this.working === true) {
child[this.reverse === false ? 'push' : 'unshift'](
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-infinite-scroll__loading',
class: this.fetching === true ? '' : 'invisible'
}, slot(this, 'loading'))
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-infinite-scroll',
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, child)
var QInnerLoading = Vue.extend({
name: 'QInnerLoading',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin, DarkMixin, TransitionMixin ],
props: {
showing: Boolean,
color: String,
size: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 42
render: function render (h) {
var child = this.showing === true
? [
staticClass: 'q-inner-loading absolute-full column flex-center',
class: this.isDark === true ? 'q-inner-loading--dark' : null,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
this.$scopedSlots.default !== void 0
? this.$scopedSlots.default()
: [
h(QSpinner, {
props: {
size: this.size,
color: this.color
: void 0;
return h('transition', {
props: {
name: this.transition,
appear: true
}, child)
var defaultCfg = {
threshold: 0,
root: null,
rootMargin: '0px'
function update (el, ctx, value) {
var handler, cfg, changed;
if (typeof value === 'function') {
handler = value;
cfg = defaultCfg;
changed = ctx.cfg === void 0;
else {
handler = value.handler;
cfg = Object.assign({}, defaultCfg, value.cfg);
changed = ctx.cfg === void 0 || isDeepEqual(ctx.cfg, cfg) === false;
if (ctx.handler !== handler) {
ctx.handler = handler;
if (changed === true) {
ctx.cfg = cfg;
ctx.observer !== void 0 && ctx.observer.unobserve(el);
ctx.observer = new IntersectionObserver(function (ref) {
var entry = ref[0];
if (typeof ctx.handler === 'function') {
// if observed element is part of a vue transition
// then we need to be careful...
if (
entry.rootBounds === null &&
(el.__vue__ !== void 0 ? el.__vue__._inactive !== true : document.body.contains(el) === true)
) {
var res = ctx.handler(entry, ctx.observer);
if (
res === false ||
(ctx.once === true && entry.isIntersecting === true)
) {
}, cfg);
function destroy$3 (el) {
var ctx = el.__qvisible;
if (ctx !== void 0) {
ctx.observer !== void 0 && ctx.observer.unobserve(el);
delete el.__qvisible;
var Intersection = {
name: 'intersection',
inserted: function inserted (el, ref) {
var modifiers = ref.modifiers;
var value = ref.value;
if (el.__qvisible !== void 0) {
el.__qvisible_destroyed = true;
var ctx = {
once: modifiers.once === true
update(el, ctx, value);
el.__qvisible = ctx;
update: function update$1 (el, binding) {
var ctx = el.__qvisible;
ctx !== void 0 && update(el, ctx, binding.value);
unbind: function unbind (el) {
if (el.__qvisible_destroyed === void 0) {
else {
delete el.__qvisible_destroyed;
var QIntersection = Vue.extend({
name: 'QIntersection',
mixins: [ TagMixin, ListenersMixin ],
directives: {
Intersection: Intersection
props: {
once: Boolean,
transition: String,
ssrPrerender: Boolean,
margin: String,
threshold: [ Number, Array ],
disable: Boolean
data: function data () {
return {
showing: onSSR === true ? this.ssrPrerender : false
computed: {
value: function value () {
return this.margin !== void 0 || this.threshold !== void 0
? {
handler: this.__trigger,
cfg: {
rootMargin: this.margin,
threshold: this.threshold
: this.__trigger
directives: function directives () {
if (this.disable !== true && (onSSR !== true || this.once !== true || this.ssrPrerender !== true)) {
return [{
name: 'intersection',
value: this.value,
modifiers: {
once: this.once
methods: {
__trigger: function __trigger (entry) {
if (this.showing !== entry.isIntersecting) {
this.showing = entry.isIntersecting;
if (this.qListeners.visibility !== void 0) {
this.$emit('visibility', this.showing);
render: function render (h) {
var content = this.showing === true
? [ h('div', { key: 'content' }, slot(this, 'default')) ]
: void 0;
return h(this.tag, {
staticClass: 'q-intersection',
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
directives: this.directives
}, this.transition
? [
h('transition', {
props: { name: 'q-transition--' + this.transition }
}, content)
: content
var keyCodes$1 = [34, 37, 40, 33, 39, 38];
var QKnob = Vue.extend({
name: 'QKnob',
mixins: [
{ props: QCircularProgress.options.props },
directives: {
TouchPan: TouchPan
props: {
step: {
type: Number,
default: 1,
validator: function (v) { return v >= 0; }
tabindex: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 0
disable: Boolean,
readonly: Boolean
data: function data () {
return {
model: this.value,
dragging: false
watch: {
value: function value (value$1) {
if (value$1 < this.min) {
this.model = this.min;
else if (value$1 > this.max) {
this.model = this.max;
else {
if (value$1 !== this.model) {
this.model = value$1;
if (this.model !== this.value) {
this.$emit('input', this.model);
this.$emit('change', this.model);
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-knob non-selectable' + (
this.editable === true
? ' q-knob--editable'
: (this.disable === true ? ' disabled' : '')
editable: function editable () {
return this.disable === false && this.readonly === false
decimals: function decimals () {
return (String(this.step).trim('0').split('.')[1] || '').length
computedStep: function computedStep () {
return this.step === 0 ? 1 : this.step
computedInstantFeedback: function computedInstantFeedback () {
return this.instantFeedback === true ||
this.dragging === true
onEvents: function onEvents () {
return this.$q.platform.is.mobile === true
? { click: this.__click }
: {
mousedown: this.__activate,
click: this.__click,
keydown: this.__keydown,
keyup: this.__keyup
attrs: function attrs () {
var attrs = {
role: 'slider',
'aria-valuemin': this.min,
'aria-valuemax': this.max,
'aria-valuenow': this.value
if (this.editable === true) {
attrs.tabindex = this.tabindex;
else {
attrs[("aria-" + (this.disable === true ? 'disabled' : 'readonly'))] = '';
return attrs
methods: {
__updateCenterPosition: function __updateCenterPosition () {
var ref = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect();
var top = ref.top;
var left = ref.left;
var width = ref.width;
var height = ref.height;
this.centerPosition = {
top: top + height / 2,
left: left + width / 2
__pan: function __pan (event) {
if (event.isFinal) {
this.__updatePosition(event.evt, true);
this.dragging = false;
else if (event.isFirst) {
this.dragging = true;
else {
__click: function __click (evt) {
this.__updatePosition(evt, true);
__keydown: function __keydown (evt) {
if (!keyCodes$1.includes(evt.keyCode)) {
step = ([34, 33].includes(evt.keyCode) ? 10 : 1) * this.computedStep,
offset = [34, 37, 40].includes(evt.keyCode) ? -step : step;
this.model = between(
parseFloat((this.model + offset).toFixed(this.decimals)),
__keyup: function __keyup (evt) {
if (keyCodes$1.includes(evt.keyCode)) {
__activate: function __activate (evt) {
__updatePosition: function __updatePosition (evt, change) {
center = this.centerPosition,
pos = position(evt),
height = Math.abs(pos.top - center.top),
distance = Math.sqrt(
Math.pow( height, 2 ) +
Math.pow( Math.abs(pos.left - center.left), 2 )
var angle = Math.asin(height / distance) * (180 / Math.PI);
if (pos.top < center.top) {
angle = center.left < pos.left ? 90 - angle : 270 + angle;
else {
angle = center.left < pos.left ? angle + 90 : 270 - angle;
if (this.angle) {
angle = normalizeToInterval(angle - this.angle, 0, 360);
if (this.$q.lang.rtl === true) {
angle = 360 - angle;
var model = this.min + (angle / 360) * (this.max - this.min);
if (this.step !== 0) {
step = this.computedStep,
modulo = model % step;
model = model - modulo +
(Math.abs(modulo) >= step / 2 ? (modulo < 0 ? -1 : 1) * step : 0);
model = parseFloat(model.toFixed(this.decimals));
model = between(model, this.min, this.max);
this.$emit('drag-value', model);
if (this.model !== model) {
this.model = model;
__updateValue: function __updateValue (change) {
this.value !== this.model && this.$emit('input', this.model);
change === true && this.$emit('change', this.model);
__getNameInput: function __getNameInput () {
return this.$createElement('input', { attrs: this.formAttrs })
render: function render (h) {
var data = {
class: this.classes,
attrs: this.attrs,
props: Object.assign({}, this.$props,
{value: this.model,
instantFeedback: this.computedInstantFeedback})
if (this.editable === true) {
data.on = this.onEvents;
data.directives = cache(this, 'dir', [{
name: 'touch-pan',
value: this.__pan,
modifiers: {
prevent: true,
stop: true,
mouse: true
if (this.name !== void 0) {
data.scopedSlots = {
internal: this.__getNameInput
return h(QCircularProgress, data, slot(this, 'default'))
var passive$1 = listenOpts.passive;
var QScrollObserver = Vue.extend({
name: 'QScrollObserver',
props: {
debounce: [ String, Number ],
horizontal: Boolean,
scrollTarget: {
default: void 0
render: noop, // eslint-disable-line
data: function data () {
return {
pos: 0,
dir: this.horizontal === true ? 'right' : 'down',
dirChanged: false,
dirChangePos: 0
watch: {
scrollTarget: function scrollTarget () {
methods: {
getPosition: function getPosition () {
return {
position: this.pos,
direction: this.dir,
directionChanged: this.dirChanged,
inflexionPosition: this.dirChangePos
trigger: function trigger (immediately) {
if (immediately === true || this.debounce === 0 || this.debounce === '0') {
else if (!this.timer) {
this.timer = this.debounce
? setTimeout(this.__emit, this.debounce)
: requestAnimationFrame(this.__emit);
__emit: function __emit () {
var fn = this.horizontal === true
? getHorizontalScrollPosition
: getScrollPosition;
pos = Math.max(0, fn(this.__scrollTarget)),
delta = pos - this.pos,
dir = this.horizontal === true
? delta < 0 ? 'left' : 'right'
: delta < 0 ? 'up' : 'down';
this.dirChanged = this.dir !== dir;
if (this.dirChanged) {
this.dir = dir;
this.dirChangePos = this.pos;
this.timer = null;
this.pos = pos;
this.$emit('scroll', this.getPosition());
__configureScrollTarget: function __configureScrollTarget () {
this.__scrollTarget = getScrollTarget(this.$el.parentNode, this.scrollTarget);
this.__scrollTarget.addEventListener('scroll', this.trigger, passive$1);
__unconfigureScrollTarget: function __unconfigureScrollTarget () {
if (this.__scrollTarget !== void 0) {
this.__scrollTarget.removeEventListener('scroll', this.trigger, passive$1);
this.__scrollTarget = void 0;
mounted: function mounted () {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
var QLayout = Vue.extend({
name: 'QLayout',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
provide: function provide () {
return {
layout: this
props: {
container: Boolean,
view: {
type: String,
default: 'hhh lpr fff',
validator: function (v) { return /^(h|l)h(h|r) lpr (f|l)f(f|r)$/.test(v.toLowerCase()); }
data: function data () {
return {
// page related
height: this.$q.screen.height,
width: this.container === true ? 0 : this.$q.screen.width,
// container only prop
containerHeight: 0,
scrollbarWidth: onSSR === true ? 0 : getScrollbarWidth(),
header: {
size: 0,
offset: 0,
space: false
right: {
size: 300,
offset: 0,
space: false
footer: {
size: 0,
offset: 0,
space: false
left: {
size: 300,
offset: 0,
space: false
scroll: {
position: 0,
direction: 'down'
computed: {
rows: function rows () {
var rows = this.view.toLowerCase().split(' ');
return {
top: rows[0].split(''),
middle: rows[1].split(''),
bottom: rows[2].split('')
style: function style () {
return this.container === true
? null
: { minHeight: this.$q.screen.height + 'px' }
// used by container only
targetStyle: function targetStyle () {
var obj;
if (this.scrollbarWidth !== 0) {
return ( obj = {}, obj[this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'left' : 'right'] = ((this.scrollbarWidth) + "px"), obj )
targetChildStyle: function targetChildStyle () {
var obj;
if (this.scrollbarWidth !== 0) {
return ( obj = {}, obj[this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'right' : 'left'] = 0, obj[this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'left' : 'right'] = ("-" + (this.scrollbarWidth) + "px"), obj.width = ("calc(100% + " + (this.scrollbarWidth) + "px)"), obj )
totalWidth: function totalWidth () {
return this.width + this.scrollbarWidth
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-layout q-layout--' +
(this.container === true ? 'containerized' : 'standard')
created: function created () {
this.instances = {};
render: function render (h) {
var layout = h('div', {
class: this.classes,
style: this.style,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, mergeSlot([
h(QScrollObserver, {
on: cache(this, 'scroll', { scroll: this.__onPageScroll })
h(QResizeObserver, {
on: cache(this, 'resizeOut', { resize: this.__onPageResize })
], this, 'default'));
return this.container === true
? h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-layout-container overflow-hidden'
}, [
h(QResizeObserver, {
on: cache(this, 'resizeIn', { resize: this.__onContainerResize })
h('div', {
staticClass: 'absolute-full',
style: this.targetStyle
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'scroll',
style: this.targetChildStyle
}, [ layout ])
: layout
methods: {
__animate: function __animate () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.timer !== void 0) {
else {
this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
this$1.timer = void 0;
}, 150);
__onPageScroll: function __onPageScroll (data) {
if (this.container === true || document.qScrollPrevented !== true) {
this.scroll = data;
this.qListeners.scroll !== void 0 && this.$emit('scroll', data);
__onPageResize: function __onPageResize (ref) {
var height = ref.height;
var width = ref.width;
var resized = false;
if (this.height !== height) {
resized = true;
this.height = height;
if (this.qListeners['scroll-height'] !== void 0) {
this.$emit('scroll-height', height);
if (this.width !== width) {
resized = true;
this.width = width;
if (resized === true && this.qListeners.resize !== void 0) {
this.$emit('resize', { height: height, width: width });
__onContainerResize: function __onContainerResize (ref) {
var height = ref.height;
if (this.containerHeight !== height) {
this.containerHeight = height;
__updateScrollbarWidth: function __updateScrollbarWidth () {
if (this.container === true) {
var width = this.height > this.containerHeight
? getScrollbarWidth()
: 0;
if (this.scrollbarWidth !== width) {
this.scrollbarWidth = width;
var QMarkupTable = Vue.extend({
name: 'QMarkupTable',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, ListenersMixin ],
props: {
dense: Boolean,
flat: Boolean,
bordered: Boolean,
square: Boolean,
separator: {
type: String,
default: 'horizontal',
validator: function (v) { return ['horizontal', 'vertical', 'cell', 'none'].includes(v); }
wrapCells: Boolean
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return "q-table--" + (this.separator) + "-separator" +
(this.isDark === true ? " q-table--dark q-table__card--dark q-dark" : '') +
(this.dense === true ? " q-table--dense" : '') +
(this.flat === true ? " q-table--flat" : '') +
(this.bordered === true ? " q-table--bordered" : '') +
(this.square === true ? " q-table--square" : '') +
(this.wrapCells === false ? " q-table--no-wrap" : '')
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-markup-table q-table__container q-table__card',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, [
h('table', { staticClass: 'q-table' }, slot(this, 'default'))
var QNoSsr = Vue.extend({
name: 'QNoSsr',
mixins: [ CanRenderMixin, TagMixin, ListenersMixin ],
props: {
placeholder: String
render: function render (h) {
var data = {
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
if (this.canRender === true) {
var node$1 = slot(this, 'default');
return node$1 === void 0
? node$1
: (node$1.length > 1 ? h(this.tag, data, node$1) : node$1[0])
data.staticClass = 'q-no-ssr-placeholder';
var node = slot(this, 'placeholder');
if (node !== void 0) {
return node.length > 1
? h(this.tag, data, node)
: node[0]
if (this.placeholder !== void 0) {
return h(this.tag, data, [
var QRadio = Vue.extend({
name: 'QRadio',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, OptionSizeMixin, FormMixin, RefocusTargetMixin ],
props: {
value: {
required: true
val: {
required: true
label: String,
leftLabel: Boolean,
color: String,
keepColor: Boolean,
dense: Boolean,
disable: Boolean,
tabindex: [String, Number]
computed: {
isTrue: function isTrue () {
return this.value === this.val
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-radio cursor-pointer no-outline row inline no-wrap items-center' +
(this.disable === true ? ' disabled' : '') +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-radio--dark' : '') +
(this.dense === true ? ' q-radio--dense' : '') +
(this.leftLabel === true ? ' reverse' : '')
innerClass: function innerClass () {
var color = this.color !== void 0 && (
this.keepColor === true ||
this.isTrue === true
? (" text-" + (this.color))
: '';
return ("q-radio__inner--" + (this.isTrue === true ? 'truthy' : 'falsy') + color)
computedTabindex: function computedTabindex () {
return this.disable === true ? -1 : this.tabindex || 0
formAttrs: function formAttrs () {
var prop = { type: 'radio' };
this.name !== void 0 && Object.assign(prop, {
name: this.name,
value: this.val
return prop
formDomProps: function formDomProps () {
if (this.name !== void 0 && this.isTrue === true) {
return { checked: true }
attrs: function attrs () {
var attrs = {
tabindex: this.computedTabindex,
role: 'radio',
'aria-label': this.label,
'aria-checked': this.isTrue === true ? 'true' : 'false'
if (this.disable === true) {
attrs['aria-disabled'] = 'true';
return attrs
methods: {
set: function set (e) {
if (e !== void 0) {
if (this.disable !== true && this.isTrue !== true) {
this.$emit('input', this.val, e);
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var content = [
h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-radio__bg absolute',
attrs: { focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */, viewBox: '0 0 24 24', 'aria-hidden': 'true' }
}, [
h('path', {
attrs: {
d: 'M12,22a10,10 0 0 1 -10,-10a10,10 0 0 1 10,-10a10,10 0 0 1 10,10a10,10 0 0 1 -10,10m0,-22a12,12 0 0 0 -12,12a12,12 0 0 0 12,12a12,12 0 0 0 12,-12a12,12 0 0 0 -12,-12'
h('path', {
staticClass: 'q-radio__check',
attrs: {
d: 'M12,6a6,6 0 0 0 -6,6a6,6 0 0 0 6,6a6,6 0 0 0 6,-6a6,6 0 0 0 -6,-6'
this.disable !== true && this.__injectFormInput(
'q-radio__native q-ma-none q-pa-none invisible'
var child = [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-radio__inner relative-position no-pointer-events',
class: this.innerClass,
style: this.sizeStyle
}, content)
if (this.__refocusTargetEl !== void 0) {
var label = this.label !== void 0
? mergeSlot([ this.label ], this, 'default')
: slot(this, 'default');
label !== void 0 && child.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-radio__label q-anchor--skip'
}, label)
return h('div', {
class: this.classes,
attrs: this.attrs,
on: cache(this, 'inpExt', {
click: this.set,
keydown: function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 32) {
keyup: function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 32) {
}, child)
var QToggle = Vue.extend({
name: 'QToggle',
mixins: [ CheckboxMixin ],
props: {
icon: String,
checkedIcon: String,
uncheckedIcon: String,
indeterminateIcon: String,
iconColor: String
computed: {
computedIcon: function computedIcon () {
return (
this.isTrue === true
? this.checkedIcon
: (this.isIndeterminate === true ? this.indeterminateIcon : this.uncheckedIcon)
) || this.icon
computedIconColor: function computedIconColor () {
if (this.isTrue === true) {
return this.iconColor
methods: {
__getInner: function __getInner (h) {
return [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-toggle__track' }),
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-toggle__thumb absolute flex flex-center no-wrap'
}, this.computedIcon !== void 0
? [
h(QIcon, {
props: {
name: this.computedIcon,
color: this.computedIconColor
: void 0
created: function created () {
this.type = 'toggle';
var components = {
radio: QRadio,
checkbox: QCheckbox,
toggle: QToggle
var typeValues = Object.keys(components);
var QOptionGroup = Vue.extend({
name: 'QOptionGroup',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, ListenersMixin ],
props: {
value: {
required: true
options: {
type: Array,
validator: function validator (opts) {
return opts.every(function (opt) { return 'value' in opt && 'label' in opt; })
name: String,
type: {
default: 'radio',
validator: function (v) { return typeValues.includes(v); }
color: String,
keepColor: Boolean,
dense: Boolean,
size: String,
leftLabel: Boolean,
inline: Boolean,
disable: Boolean
computed: {
component: function component () {
return components[this.type]
model: function model () {
return Array.isArray(this.value)
? this.value.slice()
: this.value
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-option-group q-gutter-x-sm' +
(this.inline === true ? ' q-option-group--inline' : '')
attrs: function attrs () {
if (this.type === 'radio') {
var attrs = {
role: 'radiogroup'
if (this.disable === true) {
attrs['aria-disabled'] = 'true';
return attrs
methods: {
__update: function __update (value) {
this.$emit('input', value);
created: function created () {
var isArray = Array.isArray(this.value);
if (this.type === 'radio') {
if (isArray) {
console.error('q-option-group: model should not be array');
else if (isArray === false) {
console.error('q-option-group: model should be array in your case');
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
return h('div', {
class: this.classes,
attrs: this.attrs,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, this.options.map(function (opt) { return h('div', [
h(this$1.component, {
props: {
value: this$1.value,
val: opt.value,
name: this$1.name || opt.name,
disable: this$1.disable || opt.disable,
label: opt.label,
leftLabel: this$1.leftLabel || opt.leftLabel,
color: opt.color || this$1.color,
checkedIcon: opt.checkedIcon,
uncheckedIcon: opt.uncheckedIcon,
dark: opt.dark || this$1.isDark,
size: opt.size || this$1.size,
dense: this$1.dense,
keepColor: opt.keepColor || this$1.keepColor
on: cache(this$1, 'inp', {
input: this$1.__update
]); }))
var QPage = Vue.extend({
name: 'QPage',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
inject: {
pageContainer: {
default: function default$1 () {
console.error('QPage needs to be child of QPageContainer');
layout: {}
props: {
padding: Boolean,
styleFn: Function
computed: {
style: function style () {
var offset =
(this.layout.header.space === true ? this.layout.header.size : 0) +
(this.layout.footer.space === true ? this.layout.footer.size : 0);
if (typeof this.styleFn === 'function') {
var height = this.layout.container === true
? this.layout.containerHeight
: this.$q.screen.height;
return this.styleFn(offset, height)
return {
minHeight: this.layout.container === true
? (this.layout.containerHeight - offset) + 'px'
: (
this.$q.screen.height === 0
? ("calc(100vh - " + offset + "px)")
: (this.$q.screen.height - offset) + 'px'
classes: function classes () {
if (this.padding === true) {
return 'q-layout-padding'
render: function render (h) {
return h('main', {
staticClass: 'q-page',
style: this.style,
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QPageContainer = Vue.extend({
name: 'QPageContainer',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
inject: {
layout: {
default: function default$1 () {
console.error('QPageContainer needs to be child of QLayout');
provide: {
pageContainer: true
computed: {
style: function style () {
var css = {};
if (this.layout.header.space === true) {
css.paddingTop = (this.layout.header.size) + "px";
if (this.layout.right.space === true) {
css[("padding" + (this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'Left' : 'Right'))] = (this.layout.right.size) + "px";
if (this.layout.footer.space === true) {
css.paddingBottom = (this.layout.footer.size) + "px";
if (this.layout.left.space === true) {
css[("padding" + (this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'Right' : 'Left'))] = (this.layout.left.size) + "px";
return css
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-page-container',
style: this.style,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QPageSticky = Vue.extend({
name: 'QPageSticky',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
inject: {
layout: {
default: function default$1 () {
console.error('QPageSticky needs to be child of QLayout');
props: {
position: {
type: String,
default: 'bottom-right',
validator: function (v) { return [
'top-right', 'top-left',
'bottom-right', 'bottom-left',
'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'
].includes(v); }
offset: {
type: Array,
validator: function (v) { return v.length === 2; }
expand: Boolean
computed: {
attach: function attach () {
var pos = this.position;
return {
top: pos.indexOf('top') > -1,
right: pos.indexOf('right') > -1,
bottom: pos.indexOf('bottom') > -1,
left: pos.indexOf('left') > -1,
vertical: pos === 'top' || pos === 'bottom',
horizontal: pos === 'left' || pos === 'right'
top: function top () {
return this.layout.header.offset
right: function right () {
return this.layout.right.offset
bottom: function bottom () {
return this.layout.footer.offset
left: function left () {
return this.layout.left.offset
style: function style () {
posX = 0,
posY = 0;
attach = this.attach,
dir = this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? -1 : 1;
if (attach.top === true && this.top !== 0) {
posY = (this.top) + "px";
else if (attach.bottom === true && this.bottom !== 0) {
posY = (-this.bottom) + "px";
if (attach.left === true && this.left !== 0) {
posX = (dir * this.left) + "px";
else if (attach.right === true && this.right !== 0) {
posX = (-dir * this.right) + "px";
var css = { transform: ("translate(" + posX + ", " + posY + ")") };
if (this.offset) {
css.margin = (this.offset[1]) + "px " + (this.offset[0]) + "px";
if (attach.vertical === true) {
if (this.left !== 0) {
css[this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'right' : 'left'] = (this.left) + "px";
if (this.right !== 0) {
css[this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? 'left' : 'right'] = (this.right) + "px";
else if (attach.horizontal === true) {
if (this.top !== 0) {
css.top = (this.top) + "px";
if (this.bottom !== 0) {
css.bottom = (this.bottom) + "px";
return css
classes: function classes () {
return ("fixed-" + (this.position) + " q-page-sticky--" + (this.expand === true ? 'expand' : 'shrink'))
render: function render (h) {
var content = slot(this, 'default');
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-page-sticky row flex-center',
class: this.classes,
style: this.style,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
this.expand === true
? content
: [ h('div', content) ]
var QPageScroller = Vue.extend({
name: 'QPageScroller',
mixins: [ QPageSticky ],
props: {
scrollOffset: {
type: Number,
default: 1000
reverse: Boolean,
duration: {
type: Number,
default: 300
offset: {
default: function () { return [18, 18]; }
inject: {
layout: {
default: function default$1 () {
console.error('QPageScroller needs to be used within a QLayout');
data: function data () {
return {
showing: this.__isVisible()
computed: {
height: function height () {
return this.layout.container === true
? this.layout.containerHeight
: this.layout.height
onEvents: function onEvents () {
return Object.assign({}, this.qListeners,
{click: this.__onClick})
watch: {
'layout.scroll.position': function layout_scroll_position () {
reverse: {
handler: function handler (val) {
if (val === true) {
if (this.heightWatcher === void 0) {
this.heightWatcher = this.$watch('height', this.__updateVisibility);
else if (this.heightWatcher !== void 0) {
immediate: true
methods: {
__isVisible: function __isVisible () {
return this.reverse === true
? this.height - this.layout.scroll.position > this.scrollOffset
: this.layout.scroll.position > this.scrollOffset
__onClick: function __onClick (e) {
var target = this.layout.container === true
? getScrollTarget(this.$el)
: getScrollTarget(this.layout.$el);
setScrollPosition(target, this.reverse === true ? this.layout.height : 0, this.duration);
this.$emit('click', e);
__updateVisibility: function __updateVisibility () {
var newVal = this.__isVisible();
if (this.showing !== newVal) {
this.showing = newVal;
__cleanup: function __cleanup () {
this.heightWatcher = void 0;
render: function render (h) {
return h('transition', {
props: { name: 'q-transition--fade' }
this.showing === true
? [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-page-scroller',
on: this.onEvents
}, [
QPageSticky.options.render.call(this, h)
: null
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
this.heightWatcher !== void 0 && this.__cleanup();
var QPagination = Vue.extend({
name: 'QPagination',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, ListenersMixin ],
props: {
value: {
type: Number,
required: true
min: {
type: Number,
default: 1
max: {
type: Number,
required: true
color: {
type: String,
default: 'primary'
textColor: String,
inputStyle: [Array, String, Object],
inputClass: [Array, String, Object],
size: String,
disable: Boolean,
input: Boolean,
iconPrev: String,
iconNext: String,
iconFirst: String,
iconLast: String,
toFn: Function,
boundaryLinks: {
type: Boolean,
default: null
boundaryNumbers: {
type: Boolean,
default: null
directionLinks: {
type: Boolean,
default: null
ellipses: {
type: Boolean,
default: null
maxPages: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
validator: function (v) { return v >= 0; }
ripple: {
type: [Boolean, Object],
default: null
data: function data () {
return {
newPage: null
watch: {
min: function min () {
this.model = this.value;
max: function max () {
this.model = this.value;
computed: {
model: {
get: function get () {
return this.value
set: function set (val) {
val = parseInt(val, 10);
if (this.disable || isNaN(val) || val === 0) {
var value = between(val, this.min, this.max);
this.$emit('input', value);
inputPlaceholder: function inputPlaceholder () {
return this.model + ' / ' + this.max
__boundaryLinks: function __boundaryLinks () {
return this.__getBool(this.boundaryLinks, this.input)
__boundaryNumbers: function __boundaryNumbers () {
return this.__getBool(this.boundaryNumbers, !this.input)
__directionLinks: function __directionLinks () {
return this.__getBool(this.directionLinks, this.input)
__ellipses: function __ellipses () {
return this.__getBool(this.ellipses, !this.input)
icons: function icons () {
var ico = [
this.iconFirst || this.$q.iconSet.pagination.first,
this.iconPrev || this.$q.iconSet.pagination.prev,
this.iconNext || this.$q.iconSet.pagination.next,
this.iconLast || this.$q.iconSet.pagination.last
return this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? ico.reverse() : ico
attrs: function attrs () {
if (this.disable === true) {
return {
'aria-disabled': 'true'
btnProps: function btnProps () {
return {
color: this.color,
flat: true,
size: this.size,
ripple: this.ripple !== null
? this.ripple
: true
methods: {
set: function set (value) {
this.model = value;
setByOffset: function setByOffset (offset) {
this.model = this.model + offset;
__update: function __update () {
this.model = this.newPage;
this.newPage = null;
__getBool: function __getBool (val, otherwise) {
return [true, false].includes(val)
? val
: otherwise
__getBtn: function __getBtn (h, data, props, page) {
var this$1 = this;
data.props = Object.assign({}, this.btnProps,
if (page !== void 0) {
if (this.toFn !== void 0) {
data.props.to = this.toFn(page);
else {
data.on = { click: function () { return this$1.set(page); } };
return h(QBtn, data)
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
contentStart = [],
contentEnd = [],
contentMiddle = [];
if (this.__boundaryLinks) {
contentStart.push(this.__getBtn(h, {
key: 'bls'
}, {
disable: this.disable || this.value <= this.min,
icon: this.icons[0]
}, this.min));
contentEnd.unshift(this.__getBtn(h, {
key: 'ble'
}, {
disable: this.disable || this.value >= this.max,
icon: this.icons[3]
}, this.max));
if (this.__directionLinks) {
contentStart.push(this.__getBtn(h, {
key: 'bdp'
}, {
disable: this.disable || this.value <= this.min,
icon: this.icons[1]
}, this.value - 1));
contentEnd.unshift(this.__getBtn(h, {
key: 'bdn'
}, {
disable: this.disable || this.value >= this.max,
icon: this.icons[2]
}, this.value + 1));
if (this.input === true) {
contentMiddle.push(h(QInput, {
staticClass: 'inline',
style: {
width: ((this.inputPlaceholder.length / 1.5) + "em")
props: {
type: 'number',
dense: true,
value: this.newPage,
disable: this.disable,
dark: this.isDark,
borderless: true,
inputClass: this.inputClass,
inputStyle: this.inputStyle
attrs: {
placeholder: this.inputPlaceholder,
min: this.min,
max: this.max
on: cache(this, 'inp', {
input: function (value) { this$1.newPage = value; },
keyup: function (e) { isKeyCode(e, 13) === true && this$1.__update(); },
blur: this.__update
else { // is type select
maxPages = Math.max(
1 + (this.__ellipses ? 2 : 0) + (this.__boundaryNumbers ? 2 : 0)
pgFrom = this.min,
pgTo = this.max,
ellipsesStart = false,
ellipsesEnd = false,
boundaryStart = false,
boundaryEnd = false;
if (this.maxPages && maxPages < (this.max - this.min + 1)) {
maxPages = 1 + Math.floor(maxPages / 2) * 2;
pgFrom = Math.max(this.min, Math.min(this.max - maxPages + 1, this.value - Math.floor(maxPages / 2)));
pgTo = Math.min(this.max, pgFrom + maxPages - 1);
if (this.__boundaryNumbers) {
boundaryStart = true;
pgFrom += 1;
if (this.__ellipses && pgFrom > (this.min + (this.__boundaryNumbers ? 1 : 0))) {
ellipsesStart = true;
pgFrom += 1;
if (this.__boundaryNumbers) {
boundaryEnd = true;
pgTo -= 1;
if (this.__ellipses && pgTo < (this.max - (this.__boundaryNumbers ? 1 : 0))) {
ellipsesEnd = true;
pgTo -= 1;
var style = {
minWidth: ((Math.max(2, String(this.max).length)) + "em")
if (boundaryStart) {
var active = this.min === this.value;
contentStart.push(this.__getBtn(h, {
key: 'bns',
style: style
}, {
disable: this.disable,
flat: !active,
textColor: active ? this.textColor : null,
label: this.min
}, this.min));
if (boundaryEnd) {
var active$1 = this.max === this.value;
contentEnd.unshift(this.__getBtn(h, {
key: 'bne',
style: style
}, {
disable: this.disable,
flat: !active$1,
textColor: active$1 ? this.textColor : null,
label: this.max
}, this.max));
if (ellipsesStart) {
contentStart.push(this.__getBtn(h, {
key: 'bes',
style: style
}, {
disable: this.disable,
label: '…',
ripple: false
}, pgFrom - 1));
if (ellipsesEnd) {
contentEnd.unshift(this.__getBtn(h, {
key: 'bee',
style: style
}, {
disable: this.disable,
label: '…',
ripple: false
}, pgTo + 1));
for (var i = pgFrom; i <= pgTo; i++) {
var active$2 = i === this.value;
contentMiddle.push(this.__getBtn(h, {
key: ("bpg" + i),
style: style
}, {
disable: this.disable,
flat: !active$2,
textColor: active$2 ? this.textColor : null,
label: i
}, i));
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-pagination row no-wrap items-center',
class: { disabled: this.disable },
attrs: this.attrs,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'row justify-center',
on: this.input === true
? cache(this, 'stop', { input: stop })
: null
}, [
function frameDebounce (fn) {
var wait = false, frame, callArgs;
function debounced (/* ...args */) {
var this$1 = this;
callArgs = arguments;
if (wait === true) { return }
wait = true;
frame = requestAnimationFrame(function () {
fn.apply(this$1, callArgs);
callArgs = void 0;
wait = false;
debounced.cancel = function () {
wait = false;
return debounced
var passive$2 = listenOpts.passive;
var QParallax = Vue.extend({
name: 'QParallax',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
src: String,
height: {
type: Number,
default: 500
speed: {
type: Number,
default: 1,
validator: function (v) { return v >= 0 && v <= 1; }
scrollTarget: {
default: void 0
data: function data () {
return {
scrolling: false,
percentScrolled: 0
watch: {
height: function height () {
this.working === true && this.__updatePos();
scrollTarget: function scrollTarget () {
if (this.working === true) {
methods: {
__update: function __update (percentage) {
this.percentScrolled = percentage;
this.qListeners.scroll !== void 0 && this.$emit('scroll', percentage);
__updatePos: function __updatePos () {
var containerTop, containerHeight, containerBottom;
if (this.__scrollTarget === window) {
containerTop = 0;
containerHeight = window.innerHeight;
containerBottom = containerHeight;
else {
containerTop = offset(this.__scrollTarget).top;
containerHeight = height(this.__scrollTarget);
containerBottom = containerTop + containerHeight;
var top = offset(this.$el).top;
var bottom = top + this.height;
if (this.observer !== void 0 || (bottom > containerTop && top < containerBottom)) {
var percent = (containerBottom - top) / (this.height + containerHeight);
this.__setPos((this.mediaHeight - this.height) * percent * this.speed);
__setPos: function __setPos (offset) {
// apply it immediately without any delay
this.media.style.transform = "translate3D(-50%," + (Math.round(offset)) + "px, 0)";
__onResize: function __onResize () {
this.mediaHeight = this.media.naturalHeight || this.media.videoHeight || height(this.media);
this.working === true && this.__updatePos();
__start: function __start () {
this.working = true;
this.__scrollTarget = getScrollTarget(this.$el, this.scrollTarget);
this.__scrollTarget.addEventListener('scroll', this.__updatePos, passive$2);
window.addEventListener('resize', this.__resizeHandler, passive$2);
__stop: function __stop () {
if (this.working === true) {
this.working = false;
this.__scrollTarget.removeEventListener('scroll', this.__updatePos, passive$2);
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.__resizeHandler, passive$2);
this.__scrollTarget = void 0;
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-parallax',
style: { height: ((this.height) + "px") },
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, [
h('div', {
ref: 'mediaParent',
staticClass: 'q-parallax__media absolute-full'
}, this.$scopedSlots.media !== void 0 ? this.$scopedSlots.media() : [
h('img', {
ref: 'media',
attrs: {
src: this.src
{ staticClass: 'q-parallax__content absolute-full column flex-center' },
this.$scopedSlots.content !== void 0
? this.$scopedSlots.content({ percentScrolled: this.percentScrolled })
: slot(this, 'default')
mounted: function mounted () {
var this$1 = this;
this.__setPos = frameDebounce(this.__setPos);
this.__update = frameDebounce(this.__update);
this.__resizeHandler = frameDebounce(this.__onResize);
this.media = this.$scopedSlots.media !== void 0
? this.$refs.mediaParent.children[0]
: this.$refs.media;
this.media.onload = this.media.onloadstart = this.media.loadedmetadata = this.__onResize;
this.media.style.display = 'initial';
if (window.IntersectionObserver !== void 0) {
this.observer = new IntersectionObserver(function (entries) {
this$1[entries[0].isIntersecting === true ? '__start' : '__stop']();
else {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
this.observer !== void 0 && this.observer.disconnect();
this.media.onload = this.media.onloadstart = this.media.loadedmetadata = null;
function clone$1 (data) {
var s = JSON.stringify(data);
if (s) {
return JSON.parse(s)
var QPopupEdit = Vue.extend({
name: 'QPopupEdit',
mixins: [ AttrsMixin ],
props: {
value: {
required: true
title: String,
buttons: Boolean,
labelSet: String,
labelCancel: String,
color: {
type: String,
default: 'primary'
validate: {
type: Function,
default: function () { return true; }
autoSave: Boolean,
/* menu props overrides */
cover: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
contentClass: String,
/* end of menu props */
disable: Boolean
data: function data () {
return {
initialValue: ''
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-popup-edit' +
(this.contentClass !== void 0 ? (" " + (this.contentClass)) : '')
defaultSlotScope: function defaultSlotScope () {
return {
initialValue: this.initialValue,
value: this.value,
emitValue: this.__emitValue,
validate: this.validate,
set: this.set,
cancel: this.cancel
menuProps: function menuProps () {
return Object.assign({}, this.qAttrs,
{cover: this.cover,
contentClass: this.classes})
methods: {
set: function set () {
if (this.__hasChanged() === true) {
if (this.validate(this.value) === false) {
this.$emit('save', this.value, this.initialValue);
cancel: function cancel () {
if (this.__hasChanged() === true) {
this.$emit('input', this.initialValue);
this.$emit('cancel', this.value, this.initialValue);
show: function show (e) {
this.$refs.menu !== void 0 && this.$refs.menu.show(e);
hide: function hide (e) {
this.$refs.menu !== void 0 && this.$refs.menu.hide(e);
__hasChanged: function __hasChanged () {
return isDeepEqual(this.value, this.initialValue) === false
__emitValue: function __emitValue (val) {
if (this.disable !== true) {
this.$emit('input', val);
__close: function __close () {
this.validated = true;
this.$refs.menu.showing === true && this.$refs.menu.hide();
__reposition: function __reposition () {
var this$1 = this;
this.$nextTick(function () {
__getContent: function __getContent (h) {
title = slot(this, 'title', this.title),
child = this.$scopedSlots.default === void 0
? []
: this.$scopedSlots.default(this.defaultSlotScope).slice();
title && child.unshift(
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-dialog__title q-mt-sm q-mb-sm' }, [ title ])
this.buttons === true && child.push(
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-popup-edit__buttons row justify-center no-wrap' }, [
h(QBtn, {
props: {
flat: true,
color: this.color,
label: this.labelCancel || this.$q.lang.label.cancel
on: cache(this, 'cancel', { click: this.cancel })
h(QBtn, {
props: {
flat: true,
color: this.color,
label: this.labelSet || this.$q.lang.label.set
on: cache(this, 'ok', { click: this.set })
return child
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.disable === true) { return }
return h(QMenu, {
ref: 'menu',
props: this.menuProps,
on: cache(this, 'menu', {
'before-show': function () {
this$1.validated = false;
this$1.initialValue = clone$1(this$1.value);
this$1.watcher = this$1.$watch('value', this$1.__reposition);
show: function () {
'escape-key': this.cancel,
'before-hide': function () {
if (this$1.validated === false && this$1.__hasChanged() === true) {
if (this$1.autoSave === true && this$1.validate(this$1.value) === true) {
this$1.$emit('save', this$1.value, this$1.initialValue);
else {
this$1.$emit('cancel', this$1.value, this$1.initialValue);
this$1.$emit('input', this$1.initialValue);
hide: function () {
keyup: function (e) {
isKeyCode(e, 13) === true && this$1.set();
}, this.__getContent(h))
var QPopupProxy = Vue.extend({
name: 'QPopupProxy',
mixins: [ AttrsMixin, ListenersMixin, AnchorMixin ],
props: {
breakpoint: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 450
data: function data () {
var breakpoint = parseInt(this.breakpoint, 10);
return {
type: this.$q.screen.width < breakpoint || this.$q.screen.height < breakpoint
? 'dialog'
: 'menu'
computed: {
parsedBreakpoint: function parsedBreakpoint () {
return parseInt(this.breakpoint, 10)
onEvents: function onEvents () {
return Object.assign({}, this.qListeners,
{hide: this.__onHide})
watch: {
'$q.screen.width': function $q_screen_width (width) {
if (this.$refs.popup.showing !== true) {
this.__updateType(width, this.$q.screen.height, this.parsedBreakpoint);
'$q.screen.height': function $q_screen_height (height) {
if (this.$refs.popup.showing !== true) {
this.__updateType(this.$q.screen.width, height, this.parsedBreakpoint);
breakpoint: function breakpoint (breakpoint$1) {
if (this.$refs.popup.showing !== true) {
this.__updateType(this.$q.screen.width, this.$q.screen.height, parseInt(breakpoint$1, 10));
methods: {
toggle: function toggle (evt) {
show: function show (evt) {
hide: function hide (evt) {
__onHide: function __onHide (evt) {
this.__updateType(this.$q.screen.width, this.$q.screen.height, this.parsedBreakpoint);
this.$emit('hide', evt);
__updateType: function __updateType (width, height, breakpoint) {
var type = width < breakpoint || height < breakpoint
? 'dialog'
: 'menu';
if (this.type !== type) {
this.type = type;
render: function render (h) {
var def = slot(this, 'default');
var props = (
this.type === 'menu' &&
def !== void 0 &&
def[0] !== void 0 &&
def[0].componentOptions !== void 0 &&
def[0].componentOptions.Ctor !== void 0 &&
def[0].componentOptions.Ctor.sealedOptions !== void 0 &&
['QDate', 'QTime', 'QCarousel', 'QColor'].includes(
) ? { cover: true, maxHeight: '99vh' } : {};
var data = {
ref: 'popup',
props: Object.assign({}, props, this.qAttrs),
on: this.onEvents
var component;
if (this.type === 'dialog') {
component = QDialog;
else {
component = QMenu;
data.props.target = this.target;
data.props.contextMenu = this.contextMenu;
data.props.noParentEvent = true;
data.props.separateClosePopup = true;
return h(component, data, def)
function width$1 (val, reverse) {
if (reverse === true) {
return { transform: ("translateX(100%) scale3d(" + (-val) + ",1,1)") }
return { transform: ("scale3d(" + val + ",1,1)") }
var QLinearProgress = Vue.extend({
name: 'QLinearProgress',
mixins: [
xs: 2,
sm: 4,
md: 6,
lg: 10,
xl: 14
props: {
value: {
type: Number,
default: 0
buffer: Number,
color: String,
trackColor: String,
reverse: Boolean,
stripe: Boolean,
indeterminate: Boolean,
query: Boolean,
rounded: Boolean,
instantFeedback: Boolean
computed: {
motion: function motion () {
return this.indeterminate === true || this.query === true
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-linear-progress' +
(this.color !== void 0 ? (" text-" + (this.color)) : '') +
(this.reverse === true || this.query === true ? ' q-linear-progress--reverse' : '') +
(this.rounded === true ? ' rounded-borders' : '')
trackStyle: function trackStyle () {
return width$1(this.buffer !== void 0 ? this.buffer : 1, this.reverse)
trackClass: function trackClass () {
return "q-linear-progress__track--with" + (this.instantFeedback === true ? 'out' : '') + "-transition" +
" q-linear-progress__track--" + (this.isDark === true ? 'dark' : 'light') +
(this.trackColor !== void 0 ? (" bg-" + (this.trackColor)) : '')
modelStyle: function modelStyle () {
return width$1(this.motion === true ? 1 : this.value, this.reverse)
modelClasses: function modelClasses () {
return "q-linear-progress__model--with" + (this.instantFeedback === true ? 'out' : '') + "-transition" +
" q-linear-progress__model--" + (this.motion === true ? 'in' : '') + "determinate"
stripeStyle: function stripeStyle () {
return { width: (this.value * 100) + '%' }
attrs: function attrs () {
return {
role: 'progressbar',
'aria-valuemin': 0,
'aria-valuemax': 1,
'aria-valuenow': this.indeterminate === true ? void 0 : this.value
render: function render (h) {
var child = [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-linear-progress__track absolute-full',
style: this.trackStyle,
class: this.trackClass
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-linear-progress__model absolute-full',
style: this.modelStyle,
class: this.modelClasses
this.stripe === true && this.motion === false && child.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-linear-progress__stripe absolute-full',
style: this.stripeStyle
return h('div', {
style: this.sizeStyle,
class: this.classes,
attrs: this.attrs,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, mergeSlot(child, this, 'default'))
var QPullToRefresh = Vue.extend({
name: 'QPullToRefresh',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
directives: {
TouchPan: TouchPan
props: {
color: String,
bgColor: String,
icon: String,
noMouse: Boolean,
disable: Boolean,
scrollTarget: {
default: void 0
data: function data () {
return {
state: 'pull',
pullRatio: 0,
pulling: false,
pullPosition: -PULLER_HEIGHT,
animating: false,
positionCSS: {}
computed: {
style: function style () {
return {
opacity: this.pullRatio,
transform: ("translateY(" + (this.pullPosition) + "px) rotate(" + (this.pullRatio * 360) + "deg)")
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-pull-to-refresh__puller row flex-center' +
(this.animating === true ? ' q-pull-to-refresh__puller--animating' : '') +
(this.bgColor !== void 0 ? (" bg-" + (this.bgColor)) : '')
directives: function directives () {
if (this.disable !== true) {
var modifiers = {
down: true,
mightPrevent: true
if (this.noMouse !== true) {
modifiers.mouse = true;
return [{
name: 'touch-pan',
modifiers: modifiers,
value: this.__pull
contentClass: function contentClass () {
return ("q-pull-to-refresh__content" + (this.pulling === true ? ' no-pointer-events' : ''))
watch: {
scrollTarget: function scrollTarget () {
methods: {
trigger: function trigger () {
var this$1 = this;
this.$emit('refresh', function () {
this$1.__animateTo({ pos: -PULLER_HEIGHT, ratio: 0 }, function () {
this$1.state = 'pull';
updateScrollTarget: function updateScrollTarget () {
this.__scrollTarget = getScrollTarget(this.$el, this.scrollTarget);
__pull: function __pull (event) {
if (event.isFinal === true) {
if (this.pulling === true) {
this.pulling = false;
if (this.state === 'pulled') {
this.state = 'refreshing';
this.__animateTo({ pos: OFFSET_TOP });
else if (this.state === 'pull') {
this.__animateTo({ pos: -PULLER_HEIGHT, ratio: 0 });
if (this.animating === true || this.state === 'refreshing') {
return false
if (event.isFirst === true) {
if (getScrollPosition(this.__scrollTarget) !== 0) {
if (this.pulling === true) {
this.pulling = false;
this.state = 'pull';
this.__animateTo({ pos: -PULLER_HEIGHT, ratio: 0 });
return false
this.pulling = true;
var ref = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect();
var top = ref.top;
var left = ref.left;
this.positionCSS = {
top: top + 'px',
left: left + 'px',
width: window.getComputedStyle(this.$el).getPropertyValue('width')
var distance = Math.min(140, Math.max(0, event.distance.y));
this.pullPosition = distance - PULLER_HEIGHT;
this.pullRatio = between(distance / (OFFSET_TOP + PULLER_HEIGHT), 0, 1);
var state = this.pullPosition > OFFSET_TOP ? 'pulled' : 'pull';
if (this.state !== state) {
this.state = state;
__animateTo: function __animateTo (ref, done) {
var this$1 = this;
var pos = ref.pos;
var ratio = ref.ratio;
this.animating = true;
this.pullPosition = pos;
if (ratio !== void 0) {
this.pullRatio = ratio;
this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
this$1.animating = false;
done && done();
}, 300);
mounted: function mounted () {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-pull-to-refresh',
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
directives: this.directives
}, [
h('div', {
class: this.contentClass
}, slot(this, 'default')),
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-pull-to-refresh__puller-container fixed row flex-center no-pointer-events z-top',
style: this.positionCSS
}, [
h('div', {
style: this.style,
class: this.classes
}, [
this.state !== 'refreshing'
? h(QIcon, {
props: {
name: this.icon || this.$q.iconSet.pullToRefresh.icon,
color: this.color,
size: '32px'
: h(QSpinner, {
props: {
size: '24px',
color: this.color
var dragType = {
MIN: 0,
MAX: 2
var QRange = Vue.extend({
name: 'QRange',
mixins: [ SliderMixin ],
props: {
value: {
type: Object,
default: function () { return ({
min: null,
max: null
}); },
validator: function validator (val) {
return 'min' in val && 'max' in val
name: String,
dragRange: Boolean,
dragOnlyRange: Boolean,
leftLabelColor: String,
leftLabelTextColor: String,
rightLabelColor: String,
rightLabelTextColor: String,
leftLabelValue: [ String, Number ],
rightLabelValue: [ String, Number ]
data: function data () {
return {
model: {
min: this.value.min === null ? this.min : this.value.min,
max: this.value.max === null ? this.max : this.value.max
curMinRatio: 0,
curMaxRatio: 0
watch: {
'value.min': function value_min (val) {
this.model.min = val === null
? this.min
: val;
'value.max': function value_max (val) {
this.model.max = val === null
? this.max
: val;
min: function min (value) {
if (this.model.min < value) {
this.model.min = value;
if (this.model.max < value) {
this.model.max = value;
max: function max (value) {
if (this.model.min > value) {
this.model.min = value;
if (this.model.max > value) {
this.model.max = value;
computed: {
ratioMin: function ratioMin () {
return this.active === true ? this.curMinRatio : this.modelMinRatio
ratioMax: function ratioMax () {
return this.active === true ? this.curMaxRatio : this.modelMaxRatio
modelMinRatio: function modelMinRatio () {
return (this.model.min - this.min) / (this.max - this.min)
modelMaxRatio: function modelMaxRatio () {
return (this.model.max - this.min) / (this.max - this.min)
trackStyle: function trackStyle () {
var obj;
return ( obj = {}, obj[ this.positionProp ] = ((100 * this.ratioMin) + "%"), obj[ this.sizeProp ] = ((100 * (this.ratioMax - this.ratioMin)) + "%"), obj )
minThumbStyle: function minThumbStyle () {
var obj;
return ( obj = {}, obj[ this.positionProp ] = ((100 * this.ratioMin) + "%"), obj['z-index'] = this.__nextFocus === 'min' ? 2 : void 0, obj )
maxThumbStyle: function maxThumbStyle () {
var obj;
return ( obj = {}, obj[ this.positionProp ] = ((100 * this.ratioMax) + "%"), obj )
minThumbClass: function minThumbClass () {
if (this.preventFocus === false && this.focus === 'min') {
return 'q-slider--focus'
maxThumbClass: function maxThumbClass () {
if (this.preventFocus === false && this.focus === 'max') {
return 'q-slider--focus'
events: function events () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.editable === true) {
if (this.$q.platform.is.mobile === true) {
return { click: this.__mobileClick }
var evt = { mousedown: this.__activate };
this.dragOnlyRange === true && Object.assign(evt, {
focus: function () { this$1.__focus('both'); },
blur: this.__blur,
keydown: this.__keydown,
keyup: this.__keyup
return evt
minEvents: function minEvents () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.editable === true && this.$q.platform.is.mobile !== true && this.dragOnlyRange !== true) {
return {
focus: function () { this$1.__focus('min'); },
blur: this.__blur,
keydown: this.__keydown,
keyup: this.__keyup
maxEvents: function maxEvents () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.editable === true && this.$q.platform.is.mobile !== true && this.dragOnlyRange !== true) {
return {
focus: function () { this$1.__focus('max'); },
blur: this.__blur,
keydown: this.__keydown,
keyup: this.__keyup
minPinClass: function minPinClass () {
var color = this.leftLabelColor || this.labelColor;
if (color) {
return ("text-" + color)
minPinTextClass: function minPinTextClass () {
var color = this.leftLabelTextColor || this.labelTextColor;
if (color) {
return ("text-" + color)
maxPinClass: function maxPinClass () {
var color = this.rightLabelColor || this.labelColor;
if (color) {
return ("text-" + color)
maxPinTextClass: function maxPinTextClass () {
var color = this.rightLabelTextColor || this.labelTextColor;
if (color) {
return ("text-" + color)
minLabel: function minLabel () {
return this.leftLabelValue !== void 0
? this.leftLabelValue
: this.model.min
maxLabel: function maxLabel () {
return this.rightLabelValue !== void 0
? this.rightLabelValue
: this.model.max
minPinStyle: function minPinStyle () {
var percent = (this.reverse === true ? -this.ratioMin : this.ratioMin - 1);
return this.__getPinStyle(percent, this.ratioMin)
maxPinStyle: function maxPinStyle () {
var percent = (this.reverse === true ? -this.ratioMax : this.ratioMax - 1);
return this.__getPinStyle(percent, this.ratioMax)
formAttrs: function formAttrs () {
return {
type: 'hidden',
name: this.name,
value: ((this.value.min) + "|" + (this.value.max))
methods: {
__updateValue: function __updateValue (change) {
if (this.model.min !== this.value.min || this.model.max !== this.value.max) {
this.$emit('input', this.model);
change === true && this.$emit('change', this.model);
__getDragging: function __getDragging (event) {
var ref = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect();
var left = ref.left;
var top = ref.top;
var width = ref.width;
var height = ref.height;
var sensitivity = this.dragOnlyRange === true
? 0
: (this.vertical === true
? this.$refs.minThumb.offsetHeight / (2 * height)
: this.$refs.minThumb.offsetWidth / (2 * width)
diff = this.max - this.min;
var dragging = {
left: left,
top: top,
width: width,
height: height,
valueMin: this.model.min,
valueMax: this.model.max,
ratioMin: (this.model.min - this.min) / diff,
ratioMax: (this.model.max - this.min) / diff
var ratio = getRatio(event, dragging, this.isReversed, this.vertical);
var type;
if (this.dragOnlyRange !== true && ratio < dragging.ratioMin + sensitivity) {
type = dragType.MIN;
else if (this.dragOnlyRange === true || ratio < dragging.ratioMax - sensitivity) {
if (this.dragRange === true || this.dragOnlyRange === true) {
type = dragType.RANGE;
Object.assign(dragging, {
offsetRatio: ratio,
offsetModel: getModel(ratio, this.min, this.max, this.step, this.decimals),
rangeValue: dragging.valueMax - dragging.valueMin,
rangeRatio: dragging.ratioMax - dragging.ratioMin
else {
type = dragging.ratioMax - ratio < ratio - dragging.ratioMin
? dragType.MAX
: dragType.MIN;
else {
type = dragType.MAX;
dragging.type = type;
this.__nextFocus = void 0;
return dragging
__updatePosition: function __updatePosition (event, dragging) {
if ( dragging === void 0 ) dragging = this.dragging;
ratio = getRatio(event, dragging, this.isReversed, this.vertical),
model = getModel(ratio, this.min, this.max, this.step, this.decimals);
var pos;
switch (dragging.type) {
case dragType.MIN:
if (ratio <= dragging.ratioMax) {
pos = {
minR: ratio,
maxR: dragging.ratioMax,
min: model,
max: dragging.valueMax
this.__nextFocus = 'min';
else {
pos = {
minR: dragging.ratioMax,
maxR: ratio,
min: dragging.valueMax,
max: model
this.__nextFocus = 'max';
case dragType.MAX:
if (ratio >= dragging.ratioMin) {
pos = {
minR: dragging.ratioMin,
maxR: ratio,
min: dragging.valueMin,
max: model
this.__nextFocus = 'max';
else {
pos = {
minR: ratio,
maxR: dragging.ratioMin,
min: model,
max: dragging.valueMin
this.__nextFocus = 'min';
case dragType.RANGE:
ratioDelta = ratio - dragging.offsetRatio,
minR = between(dragging.ratioMin + ratioDelta, 0, 1 - dragging.rangeRatio),
modelDelta = model - dragging.offsetModel,
min = between(dragging.valueMin + modelDelta, this.min, this.max - dragging.rangeValue);
pos = {
minR: minR,
maxR: minR + dragging.rangeRatio,
min: parseFloat(min.toFixed(this.decimals)),
max: parseFloat((min + dragging.rangeValue).toFixed(this.decimals))
this.model = {
min: pos.min,
max: pos.max
// If either of the values to be emitted are null, set them to the defaults the user has entered.
if (this.model.min === null || this.model.max === null) {
this.model.min = pos.min || this.min;
this.model.max = pos.max || this.max;
if (this.snap !== true || this.step === 0) {
this.curMinRatio = pos.minR;
this.curMaxRatio = pos.maxR;
else {
var diff = this.max - this.min;
this.curMinRatio = (this.model.min - this.min) / diff;
this.curMaxRatio = (this.model.max - this.min) / diff;
__focus: function __focus (which) {
this.focus = which;
__keydown: function __keydown (evt) {
var obj;
if (!keyCodes.includes(evt.keyCode)) {
step = ([34, 33].includes(evt.keyCode) ? 10 : 1) * this.computedStep,
offset = [34, 37, 40].includes(evt.keyCode) ? -step : step;
if (this.dragOnlyRange) {
var interval = this.dragOnlyRange
? this.model.max - this.model.min
: 0;
var min = between(
parseFloat((this.model.min + offset).toFixed(this.decimals)),
this.max - interval
this.model = {
min: min,
max: parseFloat((min + interval).toFixed(this.decimals))
else if (this.focus === false) {
else {
var which = this.focus;
this.model = Object.assign({}, this.model,
( obj = {}, obj[which] = between(
parseFloat((this.model[which] + offset).toFixed(this.decimals)),
which === 'min' ? this.min : this.model.min,
which === 'max' ? this.max : this.model.max
), obj ));
__getThumb: function __getThumb (h, which) {
var child = [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-slider__focus-ring' })
if (this.label === true || this.labelAlways === true) {
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-slider__pin q-slider__pin" + (this.axis) + " absolute"),
style: this[which + 'PinStyle'].pin,
class: this[which + 'PinClass']
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-slider__pin-text-container q-slider__pin-text-container" + (this.axis)),
style: this[which + 'PinStyle'].pinTextContainer
}, [
h('span', {
staticClass: 'q-slider__pin-text',
class: this[which + 'PinTextClass']
}, [
this[which + 'Label']
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-slider__arrow q-slider__arrow" + (this.axis)),
class: this[which + 'PinClass']
return h('div', {
ref: which + 'Thumb',
staticClass: ("q-slider__thumb-container q-slider__thumb-container" + (this.axis) + " absolute non-selectable"),
style: this[which + 'ThumbStyle'],
class: this[which + 'ThumbClass'],
on: this[which + 'Events'],
attrs: { tabindex: this.dragOnlyRange !== true ? this.computedTabindex : null }
}, child)
render: function render (h) {
var track = [
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-slider__track q-slider__track" + (this.axis) + " absolute"),
style: this.trackStyle
this.markers === true && track.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-slider__track-markers q-slider__track-markers" + (this.axis) + " absolute-full fit"),
style: this.markerStyle
var child = [
h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-slider__track-container q-slider__track-container" + (this.axis) + " absolute")
}, track),
this.__getThumb(h, 'min'),
this.__getThumb(h, 'max')
if (this.name !== void 0 && this.disable !== true) {
this.__injectFormInput(child, 'push');
return h('div', {
staticClass: this.value.min === null || this.value.max === null
? 'q-slider--no-value'
: void 0,
attrs: Object.assign({}, this.attrs,
{'aria-valuenow': this.value.min + '|' + this.value.max,
tabindex: this.dragOnlyRange === true && this.$q.platform.is.mobile !== true
? this.computedTabindex
: null}),
class: this.classes,
on: this.events,
directives: this.panDirectives
}, child)
var QRating = Vue.extend({
name: 'QRating',
mixins: [ SizeMixin, FormMixin, ListenersMixin ],
props: {
value: {
type: Number,
required: true
max: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 5
icon: [String, Array],
iconHalf: [String, Array],
iconSelected: [String, Array],
color: [String, Array],
colorHalf: [String, Array],
colorSelected: [String, Array],
noReset: Boolean,
noDimming: Boolean,
readonly: Boolean,
disable: Boolean
data: function data () {
return {
mouseModel: 0
computed: {
editable: function editable () {
return this.readonly !== true && this.disable !== true
classes: function classes () {
return "q-rating--" + (this.editable === true ? '' : 'non-') + "editable" +
(this.noDimming === true ? ' q-rating--no-dimming' : '') +
(this.disable === true ? ' disabled' : '') +
(this.color !== void 0 && Array.isArray(this.color) === false ? (" text-" + (this.color)) : '')
iconData: function iconData () {
iconLen = Array.isArray(this.icon) === true ? this.icon.length : 0,
selIconLen = Array.isArray(this.iconSelected) === true ? this.iconSelected.length : 0,
halfIconLen = Array.isArray(this.iconHalf) === true ? this.iconHalf.length : 0,
colorLen = Array.isArray(this.color) === true ? this.color.length : 0,
selColorLen = Array.isArray(this.colorSelected) === true ? this.colorSelected.length : 0,
halfColorLen = Array.isArray(this.colorHalf) === true ? this.colorHalf.length : 0;
return {
iconLen: iconLen,
icon: iconLen > 0 ? this.icon[iconLen - 1] : this.icon,
selIconLen: selIconLen,
selIcon: selIconLen > 0 ? this.iconSelected[selIconLen - 1] : this.iconSelected,
halfIconLen: halfIconLen,
halfIcon: halfIconLen > 0 ? this.iconHalf[selIconLen - 1] : this.iconHalf,
colorLen: colorLen,
color: colorLen > 0 ? this.color[colorLen - 1] : this.color,
selColorLen: selColorLen,
selColor: selColorLen > 0 ? this.colorSelected[selColorLen - 1] : this.colorSelected,
halfColorLen: halfColorLen,
halfColor: halfColorLen > 0 ? this.colorHalf[halfColorLen - 1] : this.colorHalf
attrs: function attrs () {
if (this.disable === true) {
return { 'aria-disabled': 'true' }
if (this.readonly === true) {
return { 'aria-readonly': 'true' }
methods: {
__set: function __set (value) {
if (this.editable === true) {
model = between(parseInt(value, 10), 1, parseInt(this.max, 10)),
newVal = this.noReset !== true && this.value === model ? 0 : model;
newVal !== this.value && this.$emit('input', newVal);
this.mouseModel = 0;
__setHoverValue: function __setHoverValue (value) {
if (this.editable === true) {
this.mouseModel = value;
__keyup: function __keyup (e, i) {
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 13:
case 32:
return stopAndPrevent(e)
case 37: // LEFT ARROW
case 40: // DOWN ARROW
if (this.$refs[("rt" + (i - 1))]) {
this.$refs[("rt" + (i - 1))].focus();
return stopAndPrevent(e)
case 39: // RIGHT ARROW
case 38: // UP ARROW
if (this.$refs[("rt" + (i + 1))]) {
this.$refs[("rt" + (i + 1))].focus();
return stopAndPrevent(e)
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var obj;
child = [],
tabindex = this.editable === true ? 0 : null,
icons = this.iconData,
ceil = Math.ceil(this.value);
var halfIndex = this.iconHalf === void 0 || ceil === this.value
? -1
: ceil;
var loop = function ( i ) {
active = (this$1.mouseModel === 0 && this$1.value >= i) || (this$1.mouseModel > 0 && this$1.mouseModel >= i),
half = halfIndex === i && this$1.mouseModel < i,
exSelected = this$1.mouseModel > 0 && (half === true ? ceil : this$1.value) >= i && this$1.mouseModel < i,
name = half === true
? (i <= icons.halfIconLen ? this$1.iconHalf[i - 1] : icons.halfIcon)
: (
icons.selIcon !== void 0 && (active === true || exSelected === true)
? (i <= icons.selIconLen ? this$1.iconSelected[i - 1] : icons.selIcon)
: (i <= icons.iconLen ? this$1.icon[i - 1] : icons.icon)
color = half === true
? (i <= icons.halfColorLen ? this$1.colorHalf[i - 1] : icons.halfColor)
: (
icons.selColor !== void 0 && active === true
? (i <= icons.selColorLen ? this$1.colorSelected[i - 1] : icons.selColor)
: (i <= icons.colorLen ? this$1.color[i - 1] : icons.color)
h(QIcon, {
key: i,
ref: ("rt" + i),
staticClass: 'q-rating__icon',
class: ( obj = {
'q-rating__icon--active': active === true || half === true,
'q-rating__icon--exselected': exSelected,
'q-rating__icon--hovered': this$1.mouseModel === i
}, obj[("text-" + color)] = color !== void 0, obj ),
props: { name: name || this$1.$q.iconSet.rating.icon },
attrs: { tabindex: tabindex },
on: cache(this$1, 'i#' + i, {
click: function () { this$1.__set(i); },
mouseover: function () { this$1.__setHoverValue(i); },
mouseout: function () { this$1.mouseModel = 0; },
focus: function () { this$1.__setHoverValue(i); },
blur: function () { this$1.mouseModel = 0; },
keyup: function (e) { this$1.__keyup(e, i); }
}, slot(this$1, ("tip-" + i)))
for (var i = 1; i <= this$1.max; i++) loop( i );
if (this.name !== void 0 && this.disable !== true) {
this.__injectFormInput(child, 'push');
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-rating row inline items-center',
class: this.classes,
style: this.sizeStyle,
attrs: this.attrs,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, child)
var QResponsive = Vue.extend({
name: 'QResponsive',
mixins: [ RatioMixin, ListenersMixin ],
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-responsive',
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-responsive__filler overflow-hidden'
}, [
h('div', { style: this.ratioStyle })
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-responsive__content absolute-full fit'
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QScrollArea = Vue.extend({
name: 'QScrollArea',
mixins: [ DarkMixin ],
directives: {
TouchPan: TouchPan
props: {
barStyle: [ Array, String, Object ],
thumbStyle: Object,
contentStyle: [ Array, String, Object ],
contentActiveStyle: [ Array, String, Object ],
delay: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 1000
visible: {
type: Boolean,
default: null
horizontal: Boolean
data: function data () {
return {
// state management
tempShowing: false,
panning: false,
hover: false,
// other...
containerWidth: 0,
containerHeight: 0,
scrollPosition: 0,
scrollSize: 0
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-scrollarea' +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-scrollarea--dark' : '')
thumbHidden: function thumbHidden () {
return (
(this.visible === null ? this.hover : this.visible) !== true &&
this.tempShowing === false &&
this.panning === false
) || this.scrollSize <= this.containerSize
thumbSize: function thumbSize () {
return Math.round(
this.containerSize * this.containerSize / this.scrollSize,
style: function style () {
var pos = this.scrollPercentage * (this.containerSize - this.thumbSize);
return Object.assign(
this.horizontal === true
? {
left: (pos + "px"),
width: ((this.thumbSize) + "px")
: {
top: (pos + "px"),
height: ((this.thumbSize) + "px")
mainStyle: function mainStyle () {
return this.thumbHidden === true
? this.contentStyle
: this.contentActiveStyle
scrollPercentage: function scrollPercentage () {
var p = between(this.scrollPosition / (this.scrollSize - this.containerSize), 0, 1);
return Math.round(p * 10000) / 10000
containerSize: function containerSize () {
return this[("container" + (this.dirProps.suffix))]
dirProps: function dirProps () {
return this.horizontal === true
? { prefix: 'horizontal', suffix: 'Width', scroll: 'scrollLeft', classSuffix: 'h absolute-bottom', dir: 'right', dist: 'x' }
: { prefix: 'vertical', suffix: 'Height', scroll: 'scrollTop', classSuffix: 'v absolute-right', dir: 'down', dist: 'y' }
thumbClass: function thumbClass () {
return "q-scrollarea__thumb--" + (this.dirProps.classSuffix) +
(this.thumbHidden === true ? ' q-scrollarea__thumb--invisible' : '')
barClass: function barClass () {
return "q-scrollarea__bar--" + (this.dirProps.classSuffix) +
(this.thumbHidden === true ? ' q-scrollarea__bar--invisible' : '')
thumbDirectives: function thumbDirectives () {
var obj;
return [{
name: 'touch-pan',
modifiers: ( obj = {}, obj[ this.horizontal === true ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical' ] = true, obj.prevent = true, obj.mouse = true, obj.mouseAllDir = true, obj ),
value: this.__panThumb
methods: {
getScrollTarget: function getScrollTarget () {
return this.$refs.target
getScrollPosition: function getScrollPosition () {
return this.scrollPosition
setScrollPosition: function setScrollPosition$1 (offset, duration) {
var fn = this.horizontal === true
? setHorizontalScrollPosition
: setScrollPosition;
fn(this.$refs.target, offset, duration);
setScrollPercentage: function setScrollPercentage (percentage, duration) {
percentage * (this.scrollSize - this.containerSize),
__updateContainer: function __updateContainer (ref) {
var height = ref.height;
var width = ref.width;
var change = false;
if (this.containerWidth !== width) {
this.containerWidth = width;
change = true;
if (this.containerHeight !== height) {
this.containerHeight = height;
change = true;
change === true && this.__startTimer();
__updateScroll: function __updateScroll (info) {
if (this.scrollPosition !== info.position) {
this.scrollPosition = info.position;
__updateScrollSize: function __updateScrollSize (ref) {
var height = ref.height;
var width = ref.width;
if (this.horizontal === true) {
if (this.scrollSize !== width) {
this.scrollSize = width;
else if (this.scrollSize !== height) {
this.scrollSize = height;
__panThumb: function __panThumb (e) {
if (e.isFirst === true) {
if (this.thumbHidden === true) {
this.refPos = this.scrollPosition;
this.panning = true;
else if (this.panning !== true) {
if (e.isFinal === true) {
this.panning = false;
var multiplier = (this.scrollSize - this.containerSize) / (this.containerSize - this.thumbSize);
var distance = e.distance[this.dirProps.dist];
var pos = this.refPos + (e.direction === this.dirProps.dir ? 1 : -1) * distance * multiplier;
__mouseDown: function __mouseDown (evt) {
if (this.thumbHidden !== true) {
var pos = evt[("offset" + (this.horizontal === true ? 'X' : 'Y'))] - this.thumbSize / 2;
this.__setScroll(pos / this.containerSize * this.scrollSize);
// activate thumb pan
if (this.$refs.thumb !== void 0) {
this.$refs.thumb.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(evt.type, evt));
__startTimer: function __startTimer () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.tempShowing === true) {
else {
this.tempShowing = true;
this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
this$1.tempShowing = false;
}, this.delay);
__setScroll: function __setScroll (offset) {
this.$refs.target[this.dirProps.scroll] = offset;
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
return h('div', {
class: this.classes,
on: cache(this, 'desk', {
mouseenter: function () { this$1.hover = true; },
mouseleave: function () { this$1.hover = false; }
}, [
h('div', {
ref: 'target',
staticClass: 'scroll relative-position fit hide-scrollbar'
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'absolute',
style: this.mainStyle,
class: ("full-" + (this.horizontal === true ? 'height' : 'width'))
}, mergeSlot([
h(QResizeObserver, {
on: cache(this, 'resizeIn', { resize: this.__updateScrollSize })
], this, 'default')),
h(QScrollObserver, {
props: { horizontal: this.horizontal },
on: cache(this, 'scroll', { scroll: this.__updateScroll })
h(QResizeObserver, {
on: cache(this, 'resizeOut', { resize: this.__updateContainer })
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-scrollarea__bar',
style: this.barStyle,
class: this.barClass,
attrs: ariaHidden,
on: cache(this, 'bar', {
mousedown: this.__mouseDown
h('div', {
ref: 'thumb',
staticClass: 'q-scrollarea__thumb',
style: this.style,
class: this.thumbClass,
attrs: ariaHidden,
directives: this.thumbDirectives
created: function created () {
var this$1 = this;
// we have lots of listeners, so
// ensure we're not emitting same info
// multiple times
this.__emitScroll = debounce(function () {
if (this$1.$listeners.scroll !== void 0) {
var info = { ref: this$1 };
var prefix = this$1.dirProps.prefix;
info[prefix + 'Position'] = this$1.scrollPosition;
info[prefix + 'Percentage'] = this$1.scrollPercentage;
info[prefix + 'Size'] = this$1.scrollSize;
info[prefix + 'ContainerSize'] = this$1.containerSize;
this$1.$emit('scroll', info);
}, 0);
var aggBucketSize = 1000;
var scrollToEdges = [
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
var buggyRTL = void 0;
// mobile Chrome takes the crown for this
function detectBuggyRTL () {
var scroller = document.createElement('div');
var spacer = document.createElement('div');
scroller.setAttribute('dir', 'rtl');
scroller.style.width = '1px';
scroller.style.height = '1px';
scroller.style.overflow = 'auto';
spacer.style.width = '1000px';
spacer.style.height = '1px';
scroller.scrollLeft = -1000;
buggyRTL = scroller.scrollLeft >= 0;
function sumFn (acc, h) {
return acc + h
function getScrollDetails (
) {
parentCalc = parent === window ? document.scrollingElement || document.documentElement : parent,
propElSize = horizontal === true ? 'offsetWidth' : 'offsetHeight',
details = {
scrollStart: 0,
scrollViewSize: -stickyStart - stickyEnd,
scrollMaxSize: 0,
offsetStart: -stickyStart,
offsetEnd: -stickyEnd
if (horizontal === true) {
if (parent === window) {
details.scrollStart = window.pageXOffset || window.scrollX || document.body.scrollLeft || 0;
details.scrollViewSize += window.innerWidth;
else {
details.scrollStart = parentCalc.scrollLeft;
details.scrollViewSize += parentCalc.clientWidth;
details.scrollMaxSize = parentCalc.scrollWidth;
if (rtl === true) {
details.scrollStart = (buggyRTL === true ? details.scrollMaxSize - details.scrollViewSize : 0) - details.scrollStart;
else {
if (parent === window) {
details.scrollStart = window.pageYOffset || window.scrollY || document.body.scrollTop || 0;
details.scrollViewSize += window.innerHeight;
else {
details.scrollStart = parentCalc.scrollTop;
details.scrollViewSize += parentCalc.clientHeight;
details.scrollMaxSize = parentCalc.scrollHeight;
if (beforeRef !== void 0) {
for (var el = beforeRef.previousElementSibling; el !== null; el = el.previousElementSibling) {
if (el.classList.contains('q-virtual-scroll--skip') === false) {
details.offsetStart += el[propElSize];
if (afterRef !== void 0) {
for (var el$1 = afterRef.nextElementSibling; el$1 !== null; el$1 = el$1.nextElementSibling) {
if (el$1.classList.contains('q-virtual-scroll--skip') === false) {
details.offsetEnd += el$1[propElSize];
if (child !== parent) {
parentRect = parentCalc.getBoundingClientRect(),
childRect = child.getBoundingClientRect();
if (horizontal === true) {
details.offsetStart += childRect.left - parentRect.left;
details.offsetEnd -= childRect.width;
else {
details.offsetStart += childRect.top - parentRect.top;
details.offsetEnd -= childRect.height;
if (parent !== window) {
details.offsetStart += details.scrollStart;
details.offsetEnd += details.scrollMaxSize - details.offsetStart;
return details
function setScroll$1 (parent, scroll, horizontal, rtl) {
if (parent === window) {
if (horizontal === true) {
if (rtl === true) {
scroll = (buggyRTL === true ? document.body.scrollWidth - window.innerWidth : 0) - scroll;
window.scrollTo(scroll, window.pageYOffset || window.scrollY || document.body.scrollTop || 0);
else {
window.scrollTo(window.pageXOffset || window.scrollX || document.body.scrollLeft || 0, scroll);
else if (horizontal === true) {
if (rtl === true) {
scroll = (buggyRTL === true ? parent.scrollWidth - parent.offsetWidth : 0) - scroll;
parent.scrollLeft = scroll;
else {
parent.scrollTop = scroll;
function sumSize (sizeAgg, size, from, to) {
if (from >= to) { return 0 }
lastTo = size.length,
fromAgg = Math.floor(from / aggBucketSize),
toAgg = Math.floor((to - 1) / aggBucketSize) + 1;
var total = sizeAgg.slice(fromAgg, toAgg).reduce(sumFn, 0);
if (from % aggBucketSize !== 0) {
total -= size.slice(fromAgg * aggBucketSize, from).reduce(sumFn, 0);
if (to % aggBucketSize !== 0 && to !== lastTo) {
total -= size.slice(to, toAgg * aggBucketSize).reduce(sumFn, 0);
return total
var commonVirtScrollProps = {
virtualScrollSliceSize: {
type: Number,
default: null
virtualScrollItemSize: {
type: Number,
default: 24
virtualScrollStickySizeStart: {
type: Number,
default: 0
virtualScrollStickySizeEnd: {
type: Number,
default: 0
tableColspan: [ Number, String ]
var commonVirtPropsList = Object.keys(commonVirtScrollProps);
var VirtualScroll = {
props: Object.assign({}, {virtualScrollHorizontal: Boolean},
data: function data () {
return {
virtualScrollSliceRange: { from: 0, to: 0 }
watch: {
virtualScrollHorizontal: function virtualScrollHorizontal () {
needsReset: function needsReset () {
computed: {
needsReset: function needsReset () {
var this$1 = this;
return ['virtualScrollItemSize', 'virtualScrollHorizontal']
.map(function (p) { return this$1[p]; }).join(';')
colspanAttr: function colspanAttr () {
return this.tableColspan !== void 0
? { colspan: this.tableColspan }
: { colspan: 100 }
methods: {
reset: function reset () {
this.__resetVirtualScroll(this.prevToIndex, true);
refresh: function refresh (toIndex) {
this.__resetVirtualScroll(toIndex === void 0 ? this.prevToIndex : toIndex);
scrollTo: function scrollTo (toIndex, edge) {
var scrollEl = this.__getVirtualScrollTarget();
if (scrollEl === void 0 || scrollEl === null || scrollEl.nodeType === 8) {
var scrollDetails = getScrollDetails(
this.__scrollViewSize !== scrollDetails.scrollViewSize && this.__setVirtualScrollSize(scrollDetails.scrollViewSize);
Math.min(this.virtualScrollLength - 1, Math.max(0, parseInt(toIndex, 10) || 0)),
scrollToEdges.indexOf(edge) > -1 ? edge : (this.prevToIndex > -1 && toIndex > this.prevToIndex ? 'end' : 'start')
__onVirtualScrollEvt: function __onVirtualScrollEvt () {
var scrollEl = this.__getVirtualScrollTarget();
if (scrollEl === void 0 || scrollEl === null || scrollEl.nodeType === 8) {
scrollDetails = getScrollDetails(
listLastIndex = this.virtualScrollLength - 1,
listEndOffset = scrollDetails.scrollMaxSize - scrollDetails.offsetStart - scrollDetails.offsetEnd - this.virtualScrollPaddingAfter;
if (this.prevScrollStart === scrollDetails.scrollStart) {
this.prevScrollStart = void 0;
if (scrollDetails.scrollMaxSize <= 0) {
this.__setVirtualScrollSliceRange(scrollEl, scrollDetails, 0, 0);
this.__scrollViewSize !== scrollDetails.scrollViewSize && this.__setVirtualScrollSize(scrollDetails.scrollViewSize);
var scrollMaxStart = scrollDetails.scrollMaxSize - Math.max(scrollDetails.scrollViewSize, scrollDetails.offsetEnd) - this.virtualScrollSizes[listLastIndex];
if (scrollMaxStart > 0 && scrollDetails.scrollStart >= scrollMaxStart) {
scrollDetails.scrollMaxSize - scrollDetails.offsetEnd - this.virtualScrollSizesAgg.reduce(sumFn, 0)
toIndex = 0,
listOffset = scrollDetails.scrollStart - scrollDetails.offsetStart,
offset = listOffset;
if (listOffset <= listEndOffset && listOffset + scrollDetails.scrollViewSize >= this.virtualScrollPaddingBefore) {
listOffset -= this.virtualScrollPaddingBefore;
toIndex = this.virtualScrollSliceRange.from;
offset = listOffset;
else {
for (var j = 0; listOffset >= this.virtualScrollSizesAgg[j] && toIndex < listLastIndex; j++) {
listOffset -= this.virtualScrollSizesAgg[j];
toIndex += aggBucketSize;
while (listOffset > 0 && toIndex < listLastIndex) {
listOffset -= this.virtualScrollSizes[toIndex];
if (listOffset > -scrollDetails.scrollViewSize) {
offset = listOffset;
else {
offset = this.virtualScrollSizes[toIndex] + listOffset;
__setVirtualScrollSliceRange: function __setVirtualScrollSliceRange (scrollEl, scrollDetails, toIndex, offset, align) {
var this$1 = this;
var alignForce = typeof align === 'string' && align.indexOf('-force') > -1;
var alignEnd = alignForce === true ? align.replace('-force', '') : align;
from = Math.max(0, Math.ceil(toIndex - this.virtualScrollSliceSizeComputed / (alignEnd === void 0 || alignEnd === 'center' ? 2 : (alignEnd === 'start' ? 3 : 1.5)))),
to = from + this.virtualScrollSliceSizeComputed;
if (to > this.virtualScrollLength) {
to = this.virtualScrollLength;
from = Math.max(0, to - this.virtualScrollSliceSizeComputed);
var rangeChanged = from !== this.virtualScrollSliceRange.from || to !== this.virtualScrollSliceRange.to;
if (rangeChanged === false && alignEnd === void 0) {
var hadFocus = rangeChanged === true && typeof scrollEl.contains === 'function' && scrollEl.contains(document.activeElement);
var sizeBefore = alignEnd !== void 0 ? this.virtualScrollSizes.slice(from, toIndex).reduce(sumFn, 0) : 0;
if (rangeChanged === true) {
this.virtualScrollSliceRange = { from: from, to: to };
this.virtualScrollPaddingBefore = sumSize(this.virtualScrollSizesAgg, this.virtualScrollSizes, 0, from);
this.virtualScrollPaddingAfter = sumSize(this.virtualScrollSizesAgg, this.virtualScrollSizes, to, this.virtualScrollLength);
this.__activeScrollStart = scrollDetails.scrollStart;
requestAnimationFrame(function () {
if (hadFocus === true && scrollEl.contains(document.activeElement) !== true) {
if (this$1.__activeScrollStart !== scrollDetails.scrollStart) {
if (rangeChanged === true) {
sizeAfter = this$1.virtualScrollSizes.slice(from, toIndex).reduce(sumFn, 0),
posStart = sizeAfter + scrollDetails.offsetStart + this$1.virtualScrollPaddingBefore,
posEnd = posStart + this$1.virtualScrollSizes[toIndex],
rtl = this$1.$q.lang.rtl === true;
var scrollPosition = posStart + offset;
if (alignEnd !== void 0) {
var sizeDiff = sizeAfter - sizeBefore;
var scrollStart = scrollDetails.scrollStart + sizeDiff;
scrollPosition = alignForce !== true && scrollStart < posStart && posEnd < scrollStart + scrollDetails.scrollViewSize
? scrollStart
: (
alignEnd === 'end'
? posEnd - scrollDetails.scrollViewSize
: posStart - (alignEnd === 'start' ? 0 : Math.round((scrollDetails.scrollViewSize - this$1.virtualScrollSizes[toIndex]) / 2))
this$1.prevScrollStart = scrollPosition;
__updateVirtualScrollSizes: function __updateVirtualScrollSizes (from) {
var contentEl = this.$refs.content;
if (contentEl !== void 0) {
children = slice.call(contentEl.children).filter(function (el) { return el.classList.contains('q-virtual-scroll--skip') === false; }),
childrenLength = children.length,
sizeFn = this.virtualScrollHorizontal === true
? function (el) { return el.getBoundingClientRect().width; }
: function (el) { return el.offsetHeight; };
index = from,
size, diff;
for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength;) {
size = sizeFn(children[i]);
while (i < childrenLength && children[i].classList.contains('q-virtual-scroll--with-prev') === true) {
size += sizeFn(children[i]);
diff = size - this.virtualScrollSizes[index];
if (diff !== 0) {
this.virtualScrollSizes[index] += diff;
this.virtualScrollSizesAgg[Math.floor(index / aggBucketSize)] += diff;
__resetVirtualScroll: function __resetVirtualScroll (toIndex, fullReset) {
var this$1 = this;
var defaultSize = this.virtualScrollItemSize;
if (fullReset === true || Array.isArray(this.virtualScrollSizes) === false) {
this.virtualScrollSizes = [];
var oldVirtualScrollSizesLength = this.virtualScrollSizes.length;
this.virtualScrollSizes.length = this.virtualScrollLength;
for (var i = this.virtualScrollLength - 1; i >= oldVirtualScrollSizesLength; i--) {
this.virtualScrollSizes[i] = defaultSize;
var jMax = Math.floor((this.virtualScrollLength - 1) / aggBucketSize);
this.virtualScrollSizesAgg = [];
for (var j = 0; j <= jMax; j++) {
var size = 0;
var iMax = Math.min((j + 1) * aggBucketSize, this.virtualScrollLength);
for (var i$1 = j * aggBucketSize; i$1 < iMax; i$1++) {
size += this.virtualScrollSizes[i$1];
this.prevToIndex = -1;
this.prevScrollStart = void 0;
if (toIndex >= 0) {
this.$nextTick(function () {
else {
this.virtualScrollPaddingBefore = sumSize(this.virtualScrollSizesAgg, this.virtualScrollSizes, 0, this.virtualScrollSliceRange.from);
this.virtualScrollPaddingAfter = sumSize(this.virtualScrollSizesAgg, this.virtualScrollSizes, this.virtualScrollSliceRange.to, this.virtualScrollLength);
__setVirtualScrollSize: function __setVirtualScrollSize (scrollViewSize) {
if (this.virtualScrollSliceSize > 0) {
this.virtualScrollSliceSizeComputed = this.virtualScrollSliceSize;
if (scrollViewSize === void 0 && typeof window !== 'undefined') {
var scrollEl = this.__getVirtualScrollTarget();
if (scrollEl !== void 0 && scrollEl !== null && scrollEl.nodeType !== 8) {
scrollViewSize = getScrollDetails(
this.__scrollViewSize = scrollViewSize;
this.virtualScrollSliceSizeComputed = scrollViewSize === void 0 || scrollViewSize <= 0
? 30
: Math.ceil(scrollViewSize / this.virtualScrollItemSize * 3);
__padVirtualScroll: function __padVirtualScroll (h, tag, content) {
var obj, obj$1, obj$2, obj$3;
var paddingSize = this.virtualScrollHorizontal === true ? 'width' : 'height';
return [
tag === 'tbody'
? h(tag, {
staticClass: 'q-virtual-scroll__padding',
key: 'before',
ref: 'before'
}, [
h('tr', [
h('td', {
style: ( obj = {}, obj[paddingSize] = ((this.virtualScrollPaddingBefore) + "px"), obj ),
attrs: this.colspanAttr
: h(tag, {
staticClass: 'q-virtual-scroll__padding',
key: 'before',
ref: 'before',
style: ( obj$1 = {}, obj$1[paddingSize] = ((this.virtualScrollPaddingBefore) + "px"), obj$1 )
h(tag, {
staticClass: 'q-virtual-scroll__content',
key: 'content',
ref: 'content'
}, content),
tag === 'tbody'
? h(tag, {
staticClass: 'q-virtual-scroll__padding',
key: 'after',
ref: 'after'
}, [
h('tr', [
h('td', {
style: ( obj$2 = {}, obj$2[paddingSize] = ((this.virtualScrollPaddingAfter) + "px"), obj$2 ),
attrs: this.colspanAttr
: h(tag, {
staticClass: 'q-virtual-scroll__padding',
key: 'after',
ref: 'after',
style: ( obj$3 = {}, obj$3[paddingSize] = ((this.virtualScrollPaddingAfter) + "px"), obj$3 )
__emitScroll: function __emitScroll (index) {
if (this.prevToIndex !== index) {
this.qListeners['virtual-scroll'] !== void 0 && this.$emit('virtual-scroll', {
index: index,
from: this.virtualScrollSliceRange.from,
to: this.virtualScrollSliceRange.to - 1,
direction: index < this.prevToIndex ? 'decrease' : 'increase',
ref: this
this.prevToIndex = index;
created: function created () {
beforeMount: function beforeMount () {
buggyRTL === void 0 && detectBuggyRTL();
this.__onVirtualScrollEvt = debounce(this.__onVirtualScrollEvt, this.$q.platform.is.ios === true ? 120 : 70);
var validateNewValueMode = function (v) { return ['add', 'add-unique', 'toggle'].includes(v); };
var reEscapeList = '.*+?^${}()|[]\\';
var QSelect = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSelect',
mixins: [
props: {
value: {
required: true
multiple: Boolean,
displayValue: [String, Number],
displayValueSanitize: Boolean,
dropdownIcon: String,
options: {
type: Array,
default: function () { return []; }
optionValue: [Function, String],
optionLabel: [Function, String],
optionDisable: [Function, String],
hideSelected: Boolean,
hideDropdownIcon: Boolean,
fillInput: Boolean,
maxValues: [Number, String],
optionsDense: Boolean,
optionsDark: {
type: Boolean,
default: null
optionsSelectedClass: String,
optionsSanitize: Boolean,
optionsCover: Boolean,
menuShrink: Boolean,
menuAnchor: String,
menuSelf: String,
menuOffset: Array,
popupContentClass: String,
popupContentStyle: [String, Array, Object],
useInput: Boolean,
useChips: Boolean,
newValueMode: {
type: String,
validator: validateNewValueMode
mapOptions: Boolean,
emitValue: Boolean,
inputDebounce: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 500
inputClass: [Array, String, Object],
inputStyle: [Array, String, Object],
tabindex: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 0
transitionShow: String,
transitionHide: String,
behavior: {
type: String,
validator: function (v) { return ['default', 'menu', 'dialog'].includes(v); },
default: 'default'
data: function data () {
return {
menu: false,
dialog: false,
optionIndex: -1,
inputValue: '',
dialogFieldFocused: false
watch: {
innerValue: {
handler: function handler (val) {
this.innerValueCache = val;
if (
this.useInput === true &&
this.fillInput === true &&
this.multiple !== true &&
// Prevent re-entering in filter while filtering
// Also prevent clearing inputValue while filtering
this.innerLoading !== true &&
((this.dialog !== true && this.menu !== true) || this.hasValue !== true)
) {
this.userInputValue !== true && this.__resetInputValue();
if (this.dialog === true || this.menu === true) {
immediate: true
fillInput: function fillInput () {
menu: function menu (show) {
computed: {
isOptionsDark: function isOptionsDark () {
return this.optionsDark === null
? this.isDark
: this.optionsDark
virtualScrollLength: function virtualScrollLength () {
return Array.isArray(this.options)
? this.options.length
: 0
fieldClass: function fieldClass () {
return "q-select q-field--auto-height q-select--with" + (this.useInput !== true ? 'out' : '') + "-input" +
" q-select--with" + (this.useChips !== true ? 'out' : '') + "-chips" +
" q-select--" + (this.multiple === true ? 'multiple' : 'single')
computedInputClass: function computedInputClass () {
if (this.hideSelected === true || this.innerValue.length === 0) {
return this.inputClass
return this.inputClass === void 0
? 'q-field__input--padding'
: [this.inputClass, 'q-field__input--padding']
menuContentClass: function menuContentClass () {
return (this.virtualScrollHorizontal === true ? 'q-virtual-scroll--horizontal' : '') +
(this.popupContentClass ? ' ' + this.popupContentClass : '')
innerValue: function innerValue () {
var this$1 = this;
mapNull = this.mapOptions === true && this.multiple !== true,
val = this.value !== void 0 && (this.value !== null || mapNull === true)
? (this.multiple === true && Array.isArray(this.value) ? this.value : [ this.value ])
: [];
if (this.mapOptions === true && Array.isArray(this.options) === true) {
var cache = this.mapOptions === true && this.innerValueCache !== void 0
? this.innerValueCache
: [];
var values = val.map(function (v) { return this$1.__getOption(v, cache); });
return this.value === null && mapNull === true
? values.filter(function (v) { return v !== null; })
: values
return val
noOptions: function noOptions () {
return this.virtualScrollLength === 0
selectedString: function selectedString () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.innerValue
.map(function (opt) { return this$1.getOptionLabel(opt); })
.join(', ')
sanitizeFn: function sanitizeFn () {
return this.optionsSanitize === true
? function () { return true; }
: function (opt) { return opt !== void 0 && opt !== null && opt.sanitize === true; }
displayAsText: function displayAsText () {
return this.displayValueSanitize === true || (
this.displayValue === void 0 && (
this.optionsSanitize === true ||
computedTabindex: function computedTabindex () {
return this.focused === true ? this.tabindex : -1
selectedScope: function selectedScope () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.innerValue.map(function (opt, i) { return ({
index: i,
opt: opt,
sanitize: this$1.sanitizeFn(opt),
selected: true,
removeAtIndex: this$1.__removeAtIndexAndFocus,
toggleOption: this$1.toggleOption,
tabindex: this$1.computedTabindex
}); })
optionScope: function optionScope () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.virtualScrollLength === 0) {
return []
var ref = this.virtualScrollSliceRange;
var from = ref.from;
var to = ref.to;
return this.options.slice(from, to).map(function (opt, i) {
var disable = this$1.isOptionDisabled(opt) === true;
var index = from + i;
var itemProps = {
clickable: true,
active: false,
activeClass: this$1.computedOptionsSelectedClass,
manualFocus: true,
focused: false,
disable: disable,
tabindex: -1,
dense: this$1.optionsDense,
dark: this$1.isOptionsDark
if (disable !== true) {
this$1.isOptionSelected(opt) === true && (itemProps.active = true);
this$1.optionIndex === index && (itemProps.focused = true);
var itemEvents = {
click: function () { this$1.toggleOption(opt); }
if (this$1.$q.platform.is.desktop === true) {
itemEvents.mousemove = function () { this$1.setOptionIndex(index); };
return {
index: index,
opt: opt,
sanitize: this$1.sanitizeFn(opt),
selected: itemProps.active,
focused: itemProps.focused,
toggleOption: this$1.toggleOption,
setOptionIndex: this$1.setOptionIndex,
itemProps: itemProps,
itemEvents: itemEvents
dropdownArrowIcon: function dropdownArrowIcon () {
return this.dropdownIcon !== void 0
? this.dropdownIcon
: this.$q.iconSet.arrow.dropdown
squaredMenu: function squaredMenu () {
return this.optionsCover === false &&
this.outlined !== true &&
this.standout !== true &&
this.borderless !== true &&
this.rounded !== true
computedOptionsSelectedClass: function computedOptionsSelectedClass () {
return this.optionsSelectedClass !== void 0
? this.optionsSelectedClass
: (this.color !== void 0 ? ("text-" + (this.color)) : '')
innerOptionsValue: function innerOptionsValue () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.innerValue.map(function (opt) { return this$1.getOptionValue(opt); })
// returns method to get value of an option;
// takes into account 'option-value' prop
getOptionValue: function getOptionValue () {
return this.__getPropValueFn('optionValue', 'value')
// returns method to get label of an option;
// takes into account 'option-label' prop
getOptionLabel: function getOptionLabel () {
return this.__getPropValueFn('optionLabel', 'label')
// returns method to tell if an option is disabled;
// takes into account 'option-disable' prop
isOptionDisabled: function isOptionDisabled () {
return this.__getPropValueFn('optionDisable', 'disable')
inputControlEvents: function inputControlEvents () {
var this$1 = this;
var on = {
input: this.__onInput,
// Safari < 10.2 & UIWebView doesn't fire compositionend when
// switching focus before confirming composition choice
// this also fixes the issue where some browsers e.g. iOS Chrome
// fires "change" instead of "input" on autocomplete.
change: this.__onChange,
keydown: this.__onTargetKeydown,
keyup: this.__onTargetKeyup,
keypress: this.__onTargetKeypress,
focus: this.__selectInputText,
click: function (e) {
this$1.hasDialog === true && stop(e);
on.compositionstart = on.compositionupdate = on.compositionend = this.__onComposition;
return on
methods: {
getEmittingOptionValue: function getEmittingOptionValue (opt) {
return this.emitValue === true
? this.getOptionValue(opt)
: opt
removeAtIndex: function removeAtIndex (index) {
if (index > -1 && index < this.innerValue.length) {
if (this.multiple === true) {
var model = this.value.slice();
this.$emit('remove', { index: index, value: model.splice(index, 1)[0] });
this.$emit('input', model);
else {
this.$emit('input', null);
__removeAtIndexAndFocus: function __removeAtIndexAndFocus (index) {
add: function add (opt, unique) {
var val = this.getEmittingOptionValue(opt);
if (this.multiple !== true) {
this.fillInput === true && this.updateInputValue(
this.$emit('input', val);
if (this.innerValue.length === 0) {
this.$emit('add', { index: 0, value: val });
this.$emit('input', this.multiple === true ? [ val ] : val);
if (unique === true && this.isOptionSelected(opt) === true) {
if (this.maxValues !== void 0 && this.value.length >= this.maxValues) {
var model = this.value.slice();
this.$emit('add', { index: model.length, value: val });
this.$emit('input', model);
toggleOption: function toggleOption (opt, keepOpen) {
if (this.editable !== true || opt === void 0 || this.isOptionDisabled(opt) === true) {
var optValue = this.getOptionValue(opt);
if (this.multiple !== true) {
if (keepOpen !== true) {
this.fillInput === true ? this.getOptionLabel(opt) : '',
this.$refs.target !== void 0 && this.$refs.target.focus();
if (isDeepEqual(this.getOptionValue(this.innerValue[0]), optValue) !== true) {
this.$emit('input', this.emitValue === true ? optValue : opt);
(this.hasDialog !== true || this.dialogFieldFocused === true) && this.__focus();
if (this.innerValue.length === 0) {
var val = this.emitValue === true ? optValue : opt;
this.$emit('add', { index: 0, value: val });
this.$emit('input', this.multiple === true ? [ val ] : val);
model = this.value.slice(),
index = this.innerOptionsValue.findIndex(function (v) { return isDeepEqual(v, optValue); });
if (index > -1) {
this.$emit('remove', { index: index, value: model.splice(index, 1)[0] });
else {
if (this.maxValues !== void 0 && model.length >= this.maxValues) {
var val$1 = this.emitValue === true ? optValue : opt;
this.$emit('add', { index: model.length, value: val$1 });
this.$emit('input', model);
setOptionIndex: function setOptionIndex (index) {
if (this.$q.platform.is.desktop !== true) { return }
var val = index > -1 && index < this.virtualScrollLength
? index
: -1;
if (this.optionIndex !== val) {
this.optionIndex = val;
moveOptionSelection: function moveOptionSelection (offset, skipInputValue) {
if ( offset === void 0 ) offset = 1;
if (this.menu === true) {
var index = this.optionIndex;
do {
index = normalizeToInterval(
index + offset,
this.virtualScrollLength - 1
while (index !== -1 && index !== this.optionIndex && this.isOptionDisabled(this.options[index]) === true)
if (this.optionIndex !== index) {
if (skipInputValue !== true && this.useInput === true && this.fillInput === true) {
this.__setInputValue(index >= 0
? this.getOptionLabel(this.options[index])
: this.defaultInputValue
__getOption: function __getOption (value, innerValueCache) {
var this$1 = this;
var fn = function (opt) { return isDeepEqual(this$1.getOptionValue(opt), value); };
return this.options.find(fn) || innerValueCache.find(fn) || value
__getPropValueFn: function __getPropValueFn (propName, defaultVal) {
var val = this[propName] !== void 0
? this[propName]
: defaultVal;
return typeof val === 'function'
? val
: function (opt) { return Object(opt) === opt && val in opt
? opt[val]
: opt; }
isOptionSelected: function isOptionSelected (opt) {
var val = this.getOptionValue(opt);
return this.innerOptionsValue.find(function (v) { return isDeepEqual(v, val); }) !== void 0
__selectInputText: function __selectInputText () {
if (this.useInput === true && this.$refs.target !== void 0) {
__onTargetKeyup: function __onTargetKeyup (e) {
// if ESC and we have an opened menu
// then stop propagation (might be caught by a QDialog
// and so it will also close the QDialog, which is wrong)
if (isKeyCode(e, 27) === true && this.menu === true) {
// on ESC we need to close the dialog also
this.$emit('keyup', e);
__onTargetAutocomplete: function __onTargetAutocomplete (e) {
var this$1 = this;
var ref = e.target;
var value = ref.value;
e.target.value = '';
if (e.keyCode !== void 0) {
if (typeof value === 'string' && value.length > 0) {
var needle = value.toLocaleLowerCase();
var fn = function (opt) { return this$1.getOptionValue(opt).toLocaleLowerCase() === needle; };
var option = this.options.find(fn);
if (option !== null) {
this.innerValue.indexOf(option) === -1 && this.toggleOption(option);
else {
fn = function (opt) { return this$1.getOptionLabel(opt).toLocaleLowerCase() === needle; };
option = this.options.find(fn);
if (option !== null) {
this.innerValue.indexOf(option) === -1 && this.toggleOption(option);
__onTargetKeypress: function __onTargetKeypress (e) {
this.$emit('keypress', e);
__onTargetKeydown: function __onTargetKeydown (e) {
var this$1 = this;
this.$emit('keydown', e);
if (shouldIgnoreKey(e) === true) {
var newValueModeValid = this.inputValue.length > 0 &&
(this.newValueMode !== void 0 || this.qListeners['new-value'] !== void 0);
var tabShouldSelect = e.shiftKey !== true &&
this.multiple !== true &&
(this.optionIndex > -1 || newValueModeValid === true);
// escape
if (e.keyCode === 27) {
prevent(e); // prevent clearing the inputValue
// tab
if (e.keyCode === 9 && tabShouldSelect === false) {
if (e.target === void 0 || e.target.id !== this.targetUid) { return }
// down
if (
e.keyCode === 40 &&
this.innerLoading !== true &&
this.menu === false
) {
// backspace
if (
e.keyCode === 8 &&
this.multiple === true &&
this.hideSelected !== true &&
this.inputValue.length === 0 &&
) {
this.removeAtIndex(this.value.length - 1);
// up, down
if (e.keyCode === 38 || e.keyCode === 40) {
this.moveOptionSelection(e.keyCode === 38 ? -1 : 1, this.multiple);
var optionsLength = this.virtualScrollLength;
// clear search buffer if expired
if (this.searchBuffer === void 0 || this.searchBufferExp < Date.now()) {
this.searchBuffer = '';
// keyboard search when not having use-input
if (
optionsLength > 0 &&
this.useInput !== true &&
e.key.length === 1 && // printable char
e.altKey === e.ctrlKey && // not kbd shortcut
(e.keyCode !== 32 || this.searchBuffer.length > 0) // space in middle of search
) {
this.menu !== true && this.showPopup(e);
char = e.key.toLocaleLowerCase(),
keyRepeat = this.searchBuffer.length === 1 && this.searchBuffer[0] === char;
this.searchBufferExp = Date.now() + 1500;
if (keyRepeat === false) {
this.searchBuffer += char;
var searchRe = new RegExp('^' + this.searchBuffer.split('').map(function (l) { return reEscapeList.indexOf(l) > -1 ? '\\' + l : l; }).join('.*'), 'i');
var index = this.optionIndex;
if (keyRepeat === true || index < 0 || searchRe.test(this.getOptionLabel(this.options[index])) !== true) {
do {
index = normalizeToInterval(index + 1, -1, optionsLength - 1);
while (index !== this.optionIndex && (
this.isOptionDisabled(this.options[index]) === true ||
searchRe.test(this.getOptionLabel(this.options[index])) !== true
if (this.optionIndex !== index) {
this.$nextTick(function () {
if (index >= 0 && this$1.useInput === true && this$1.fillInput === true) {
// enter, space (when not using use-input and not in search), or tab (when not using multiple and option selected)
// same target is checked above
if (
e.keyCode !== 13 &&
(e.keyCode !== 32 || this.useInput === true || this.searchBuffer !== '') &&
(e.keyCode !== 9 || tabShouldSelect === false)
) { return }
e.keyCode !== 9 && stopAndPrevent(e);
if (this.optionIndex > -1 && this.optionIndex < optionsLength) {
if (newValueModeValid === true) {
var done = function (val, mode) {
if (mode) {
if (validateNewValueMode(mode) !== true) {
else {
mode = this$1.newValueMode;
if (val === void 0 || val === null) {
this$1.updateInputValue('', this$1.multiple !== true, true);
this$1[mode === 'toggle' ? 'toggleOption' : 'add'](
mode === 'add-unique'
if (this$1.multiple !== true) {
this$1.$refs.target !== void 0 && this$1.$refs.target.focus();
if (this.qListeners['new-value'] !== void 0) {
this.$emit('new-value', this.inputValue, done);
else {
if (this.multiple !== true) {
if (this.menu === true) {
else if (this.innerLoading !== true) {
__getVirtualScrollEl: function __getVirtualScrollEl () {
return this.hasDialog === true
? this.$refs.menuContent
: (
this.$refs.menu !== void 0 && this.$refs.menu.__portal !== void 0
? this.$refs.menu.__portal.$el
: void 0
__getVirtualScrollTarget: function __getVirtualScrollTarget () {
return this.__getVirtualScrollEl()
__getSelection: function __getSelection (h, fromDialog) {
var this$1 = this;
var obj;
if (this.hideSelected === true) {
return fromDialog === true || this.dialog !== true || this.hasDialog !== true
? []
: [
h('span', {
domProps: {
textContent: this.inputValue
if (this.$scopedSlots['selected-item'] !== void 0) {
return this.selectedScope.map(function (scope) { return this$1.$scopedSlots['selected-item'](scope); }).slice()
if (this.$scopedSlots.selected !== void 0) {
return this.$scopedSlots.selected().slice()
if (this.useChips === true) {
return this.selectedScope.map(function (scope, i) {
var obj;
return h(QChip, {
key: 'option-' + i,
props: {
removable: this$1.editable === true && this$1.isOptionDisabled(scope.opt) !== true,
dense: true,
textColor: this$1.color,
tabindex: this$1.computedTabindex
on: cache(this$1, 'rem#' + i, {
remove: function remove () { scope.removeAtIndex(i); }
}, [
h('span', {
staticClass: 'ellipsis',
domProps: ( obj = {}, obj[scope.sanitize === true ? 'textContent' : 'innerHTML'] = this$1.getOptionLabel(scope.opt), obj )
return [
h('span', {
domProps: ( obj = {}, obj[this.displayAsText ? 'textContent' : 'innerHTML'] = this.displayValue !== void 0
? this.displayValue
: this.selectedString, obj )
__getControl: function __getControl (h, fromDialog) {
var child = this.__getSelection(h, fromDialog);
var isTarget = fromDialog === true || this.dialog !== true || this.hasDialog !== true;
if (isTarget === true && this.useInput === true) {
child.push(this.__getInput(h, fromDialog));
else if (this.editable === true) {
isTarget === true && child.push(
h('div', {
// there can be only one (when dialog is opened the control in dialog should be target)
ref: 'target',
key: 'd_t',
staticClass: 'no-outline',
attrs: {
id: this.targetUid,
tabindex: this.tabindex
on: cache(this, 'f-tget', {
keydown: this.__onTargetKeydown,
keyup: this.__onTargetKeyup,
keypress: this.__onTargetKeypress
this.qAttrs.autocomplete !== void 0 && child.push(
h('input', {
staticClass: 'q-select__autocomplete-input no-outline',
attrs: { autocomplete: this.qAttrs.autocomplete },
on: cache(this, 'autoinp', {
keyup: this.__onTargetAutocomplete
if (this.nameProp !== void 0 && this.disable !== true && this.innerOptionsValue.length > 0) {
var opts = this.innerOptionsValue.map(function (value) { return h('option', {
attrs: { value: value, selected: true }
}); });
h('select', {
staticClass: 'hidden',
attrs: {
name: this.nameProp,
multiple: this.multiple
}, opts)
return h('div', { staticClass: 'q-field__native row items-center', attrs: this.qAttrs }, child)
__getOptions: function __getOptions (h) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.menu !== true) {
return void 0
var fn = this.$scopedSlots.option !== void 0
? this.$scopedSlots.option
: function (scope) {
var obj;
return h(QItem, {
key: scope.index,
props: scope.itemProps,
on: scope.itemEvents
}, [
h(QItemSection, [
h(QItemLabel, {
domProps: ( obj = {}, obj[scope.sanitize === true ? 'textContent' : 'innerHTML'] = this$1.getOptionLabel(scope.opt), obj )
var options = this.__padVirtualScroll(h, 'div', this.optionScope.map(fn));
if (this.$scopedSlots['before-options'] !== void 0) {
options = this.$scopedSlots['before-options']().concat(options);
return mergeSlot(options, this, 'after-options')
__getInnerAppend: function __getInnerAppend (h) {
return this.loading !== true && this.innerLoading !== true && this.hideDropdownIcon !== true
? [
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-select__dropdown-icon',
props: { name: this.dropdownArrowIcon }
: null
__getInput: function __getInput (h, fromDialog) {
var options = {
ref: 'target',
key: 'i_t',
staticClass: 'q-field__input q-placeholder col',
style: this.inputStyle,
class: this.computedInputClass,
domProps: { value: this.inputValue !== void 0 ? this.inputValue : '' },
attrs: Object.assign({}, {type: 'search'},
{id: this.targetUid,
maxlength: this.maxlength, // this is converted to prop by QField
tabindex: this.tabindex,
'data-autofocus': fromDialog === true ? false : this.autofocus,
disabled: this.disable === true,
readonly: this.readonly === true}),
on: this.inputControlEvents
if (fromDialog !== true && this.hasDialog === true) {
options.staticClass += ' no-pointer-events';
options.attrs.readonly = true;
return h('input', options)
__onChange: function __onChange (e) {
__onInput: function __onInput (e) {
var this$1 = this;
if (e && e.target && e.target.composing === true) {
this.__setInputValue(e.target.value || '');
// mark it here as user input so that if updateInputValue is called
// before filter is called the indicator is reset
this.userInputValue = true;
this.defaultInputValue = this.inputValue;
if (
this.focused !== true &&
(this.hasDialog !== true || this.dialogFieldFocused === true)
) {
if (this.qListeners.filter !== void 0) {
this.inputTimer = setTimeout(function () {
}, this.inputDebounce);
__setInputValue: function __setInputValue (inputValue) {
if (this.inputValue !== inputValue) {
this.inputValue = inputValue;
this.$emit('input-value', inputValue);
updateInputValue: function updateInputValue (val, noFiltering, internal) {
this.userInputValue = internal !== true;
if (this.useInput === true) {
if (noFiltering === true || internal !== true) {
this.defaultInputValue = val;
noFiltering !== true && this.filter(val);
filter: function filter (val) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.qListeners.filter === void 0 || this.focused !== true) {
if (this.innerLoading === true) {
else {
this.innerLoading = true;
if (
val !== '' &&
this.multiple !== true &&
this.innerValue.length > 0 &&
this.userInputValue !== true &&
val === this.getOptionLabel(this.innerValue[0])
) {
val = '';
var filterId = setTimeout(function () {
this$1.menu === true && (this$1.menu = false);
}, 10);
this.filterId = filterId;
function (fn, afterFn) {
if (this$1.focused === true && this$1.filterId === filterId) {
typeof fn === 'function' && fn();
this$1.$nextTick(function () {
this$1.innerLoading = false;
if (this$1.editable === true) {
if (this$1.menu === true) {
else {
this$1.menu = true;
typeof afterFn === 'function' && this$1.$nextTick(function () { afterFn(this$1); });
function () {
if (this$1.focused === true && this$1.filterId === filterId) {
this$1.innerLoading = false;
this$1.menu === true && (this$1.menu = false);
__getControlEvents: function __getControlEvents () {
var this$1 = this;
var focusout = function (e) {
this$1.__onControlFocusout(e, function () {
return {
focusin: this.__onControlFocusin,
focusout: focusout,
'popup-show': this.__onControlPopupShow,
'popup-hide': function (e) {
e !== void 0 && stop(e);
this$1.$emit('popup-hide', e);
this$1.hasPopupOpen = false;
click: function (e) {
if (this$1.hasDialog !== true) {
// label from QField will propagate click on the input (except IE)
if (
(this$1.useInput === true && e.target.classList.contains('q-field__input') !== true) ||
(this$1.useInput !== true && e.target.classList.contains('no-outline') === true)
) {
if (this$1.menu === true) {
this$1.$refs.target !== void 0 && this$1.$refs.target.focus();
__getControlChild: function __getControlChild (h) {
if (
this.editable !== false && (
this.dialog === true || // dialog always has menu displayed, so need to render it
this.noOptions !== true ||
this.$scopedSlots['no-option'] !== void 0
) {
return this[("__get" + (this.hasDialog === true ? 'Dialog' : 'Menu'))](h)
__getMenu: function __getMenu (h) {
var child = this.noOptions === true
? (
this.$scopedSlots['no-option'] !== void 0
? this.$scopedSlots['no-option']({ inputValue: this.inputValue })
: null
: this.__getOptions(h);
return h(QMenu, {
ref: 'menu',
props: {
value: this.menu,
fit: this.menuShrink !== true,
cover: this.optionsCover === true && this.noOptions !== true && this.useInput !== true,
anchor: this.menuAnchor,
self: this.menuSelf,
offset: this.menuOffset,
contentClass: this.menuContentClass,
contentStyle: this.popupContentStyle,
dark: this.isOptionsDark,
noParentEvent: true,
noRefocus: true,
noFocus: true,
square: this.squaredMenu,
transitionShow: this.transitionShow,
transitionHide: this.transitionHide,
separateClosePopup: true
on: cache(this, 'menu', {
'&scroll': this.__onVirtualScrollEvt,
'before-hide': this.__closeMenu
}, child)
__onDialogFieldFocus: function __onDialogFieldFocus (e) {
this.$refs.target !== void 0 && this.$refs.target.focus();
this.dialogFieldFocused = true;
window.scrollTo(window.pageXOffset || window.scrollX || document.body.scrollLeft || 0, 0);
__onDialogFieldBlur: function __onDialogFieldBlur (e) {
var this$1 = this;
this.$nextTick(function () {
this$1.dialogFieldFocused = false;
__getDialog: function __getDialog (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var content = [
h(QField, {
staticClass: ("col-auto " + (this.fieldClass)),
props: Object.assign({}, this.$props,
{for: this.targetUid,
dark: this.isOptionsDark,
square: true,
loading: this.innerLoading,
filled: true,
stackLabel: this.inputValue.length > 0}),
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners,
{focus: this.__onDialogFieldFocus,
blur: this.__onDialogFieldBlur}),
scopedSlots: Object.assign({}, this.$scopedSlots,
{rawControl: function () { return this$1.__getControl(h, true); },
before: void 0,
after: void 0})
this.menu === true && content.push(
h('div', {
ref: 'menuContent',
staticClass: 'scroll',
class: this.menuContentClass,
style: this.popupContentStyle,
on: cache(this, 'virtMenu', {
click: prevent,
'&scroll': this.__onVirtualScrollEvt
}, (
this.noOptions === true
? (
this.$scopedSlots['no-option'] !== void 0
? this.$scopedSlots['no-option']({ inputValue: this.inputValue })
: null
: this.__getOptions(h)
return h(QDialog, {
ref: 'dialog',
props: {
value: this.dialog,
dark: this.isOptionsDark,
position: this.useInput === true ? 'top' : void 0,
transitionShow: this.transitionShowComputed,
transitionHide: this.transitionHide
on: cache(this, 'dialog', {
'before-hide': this.__onDialogBeforeHide,
hide: this.__onDialogHide,
show: this.__onDialogShow
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-select__dialog' +
(this.isOptionsDark === true ? ' q-select__dialog--dark q-dark' : '') +
(this.dialogFieldFocused === true ? ' q-select__dialog--focused' : '')
}, content)
__onDialogBeforeHide: function __onDialogBeforeHide () {
this.$refs.dialog.__refocusTarget = this.$el.querySelector('.q-field__native > [tabindex]:last-child');
this.focused = false;
__onDialogHide: function __onDialogHide (e) {
this.focused === false && this.$emit('blur', e);
__onDialogShow: function __onDialogShow () {
var el = document.activeElement;
// IE can have null document.activeElement
if (
(el === null || el.id !== this.targetUid) &&
this.$refs.target !== el &&
this.$refs.target !== void 0
) {
__closeMenu: function __closeMenu () {
if (this.dialog === true) {
this.optionIndex = -1;
if (this.menu === true) {
this.menu = false;
if (this.focused === false) {
this.filterId = void 0;
if (this.innerLoading === true) {
this.innerLoading = false;
showPopup: function showPopup (e) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.editable !== true) {
if (this.hasDialog === true) {
this.dialog = true;
this.$nextTick(function () {
else {
if (this.qListeners.filter !== void 0) {
else if (this.noOptions !== true || this.$scopedSlots['no-option'] !== void 0) {
this.menu = true;
hidePopup: function hidePopup () {
this.dialog = false;
__resetInputValue: function __resetInputValue () {
this.useInput === true && this.updateInputValue(
this.multiple !== true && this.fillInput === true && this.innerValue.length > 0
? this.getOptionLabel(this.innerValue[0]) || ''
: '',
__updateMenu: function __updateMenu (show) {
var this$1 = this;
var optionIndex = -1;
if (show === true) {
if (this.innerValue.length > 0) {
var val = this.getOptionValue(this.innerValue[0]);
optionIndex = this.options.findIndex(function (v) { return isDeepEqual(this$1.getOptionValue(v), val); });
__onPreRender: function __onPreRender () {
this.hasDialog = this.$q.platform.is.mobile !== true && this.behavior !== 'dialog'
? false
: this.behavior !== 'menu' && (
this.useInput === true
? this.$scopedSlots['no-option'] !== void 0 || this.qListeners.filter !== void 0 || this.noOptions === false
: true
this.transitionShowComputed = this.hasDialog === true && this.useInput === true && this.$q.platform.is.ios === true
? 'fade'
: this.transitionShow;
__onPostRender: function __onPostRender () {
if (this.dialog === false && this.$refs.menu !== void 0) {
updateMenuPosition: function updateMenuPosition () {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
var skeletonTypes = [
'text', 'rect', 'circle',
'QBtn', 'QBadge', 'QChip', 'QToolbar',
'QCheckbox', 'QRadio', 'QToggle',
'QSlider', 'QRange', 'QInput',
var skeletonAnimations = [
'wave', 'pulse', 'pulse-x', 'pulse-y', 'fade', 'blink', 'none'
var QSkeleton = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSkeleton',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, TagMixin, ListenersMixin ],
props: {
type: {
type: String,
validator: function (v) { return skeletonTypes.includes(v); },
default: 'rect'
animation: {
type: String,
validator: function (v) { return skeletonAnimations.includes(v); },
default: 'wave'
square: Boolean,
bordered: Boolean,
size: String,
width: String,
height: String
computed: {
style: function style () {
return this.size !== void 0
? { width: this.size, height: this.size }
: { width: this.width, height: this.height }
classes: function classes () {
return "q-skeleton--" + (this.isDark === true ? 'dark' : 'light') + " q-skeleton--type-" + (this.type) +
(this.animation !== 'none' ? (" q-skeleton--anim q-skeleton--anim-" + (this.animation)) : '') +
(this.square === true ? ' q-skeleton--square' : '') +
(this.bordered === true ? ' q-skeleton--bordered' : '')
render: function render (h) {
return h(this.tag, {
staticClass: 'q-skeleton',
class: this.classes,
style: this.style,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var slotsDef = [
['left', 'center', 'start', 'width'],
['right', 'center', 'end', 'width'],
['top', 'start', 'center', 'height'],
['bottom', 'end', 'center', 'height']
var QSlideItem = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSlideItem',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, ListenersMixin ],
props: {
leftColor: String,
rightColor: String,
topColor: String,
bottomColor: String
directives: {
TouchPan: TouchPan
computed: {
langDir: function langDir () {
return this.$q.lang.rtl === true
? { left: 'right', right: 'left' }
: { left: 'left', right: 'right' }
methods: {
reset: function reset () {
this.$refs.content.style.transform = "translate(0,0)";
__pan: function __pan (evt) {
var this$1 = this;
var node = this.$refs.content;
if (evt.isFirst) {
this.__dir = null;
this.__size = { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 };
this.__scale = 0;
slotsDef.forEach(function (slot) {
if (this$1.$scopedSlots[slot[0]] !== void 0) {
var node = this$1.$refs[slot[0] + 'Content'];
node.style.transform = "scale(1)";
this$1.__size[slot[0]] = node.getBoundingClientRect()[slot[3]];
this.__axis = (evt.direction === 'up' || evt.direction === 'down')
? 'Y'
: 'X';
else if (evt.isFinal) {
if (this.__scale === 1) {
node.style.transform = "translate" + (this.__axis) + "(" + (this.__dir * 100) + "%)";
this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
this$1.$emit(this$1.__showing, { reset: this$1.reset });
this$1.$emit('action', { side: this$1.__showing, reset: this$1.reset });
}, 230);
else {
node.style.transform = "translate(0,0)";
else {
evt.direction = this.__axis === 'X'
? evt.offset.x < 0 ? 'left' : 'right'
: evt.offset.y < 0 ? 'up' : 'down';
if (
(this.$scopedSlots.left === void 0 && evt.direction === this.langDir.right) ||
(this.$scopedSlots.right === void 0 && evt.direction === this.langDir.left) ||
(this.$scopedSlots.top === void 0 && evt.direction === 'down') ||
(this.$scopedSlots.bottom === void 0 && evt.direction === 'up')
) {
node.style.transform = "translate(0,0)";
var showing, dir, dist;
if (this.__axis === 'X') {
dir = evt.direction === 'left' ? -1 : 1;
showing = dir === 1 ? this.langDir.left : this.langDir.right;
dist = evt.distance.x;
else {
dir = evt.direction === 'up' ? -2 : 2;
showing = dir === 2 ? 'top' : 'bottom';
dist = evt.distance.y;
if (this.__dir !== null && Math.abs(dir) !== Math.abs(this.__dir)) {
if (this.__dir !== dir) {
['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'].forEach(function (d) {
if (this$1.$refs[d] !== void 0) {
this$1.$refs[d].style.visibility = showing === d
? 'visible'
: 'hidden';
this.__showing = showing;
this.__dir = dir;
this.__scale = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (dist - 40) / this.__size[showing]));
node.style.transform = "translate" + (this.__axis) + "(" + (dist * dir / Math.abs(dir)) + "px)";
this.$refs[(showing + "Content")].style.transform = "scale(" + (this.__scale) + ")";
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
content = [],
slots = {
left: this.$scopedSlots[this.langDir.right] !== void 0,
right: this.$scopedSlots[this.langDir.left] !== void 0,
up: this.$scopedSlots.bottom !== void 0,
down: this.$scopedSlots.top !== void 0
dirs = Object.keys(slots).filter(function (key) { return slots[key] === true; });
slotsDef.forEach(function (slot) {
var dir = slot[0];
if (this$1.$scopedSlots[dir] !== void 0) {
h('div', {
ref: dir,
class: "q-slide-item__" + dir + " absolute-full row no-wrap items-" + (slot[1]) + " justify-" + (slot[2]) +
(this$1[dir + 'Color'] !== void 0 ? (" bg-" + (this$1[dir + 'Color'])) : '')
}, [
h('div', { ref: dir + 'Content' }, this$1.$scopedSlots[dir]())
h('div', {
ref: 'content',
key: 'content',
staticClass: 'q-slide-item__content',
directives: dirs.length > 0
? cacheWithFn(this, 'dir#' + dirs.join(''), function () {
var modifiers = {
prevent: true,
stop: true,
mouse: true
dirs.forEach(function (dir) {
modifiers[dir] = true;
return [{
name: 'touch-pan',
value: this$1.__pan,
modifiers: modifiers
: null
}, slot(this, 'default'))
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-slide-item q-item-type overflow-hidden',
class: this.isDark === true ? "q-slide-item--dark q-dark" : '',
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, content)
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
var QSpace = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpace',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-space',
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
var QSpinnerAudio = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpinnerAudio',
mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
return h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-spinner',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: {
focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */,
'fill': 'currentColor',
'width': this.cSize,
'height': this.cSize,
'viewBox': '0 0 55 80',
'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
}, [
h('g', {
attrs: {
'transform': 'matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 80)'
}, [
h('rect', {
attrs: {
'width': '10',
'height': '20',
'rx': '3'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'height',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '4.3s',
'values': '20;45;57;80;64;32;66;45;64;23;66;13;64;56;34;34;2;23;76;79;20',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('rect', {
attrs: {
'x': '15',
'width': '10',
'height': '80',
'rx': '3'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'height',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '2s',
'values': '80;55;33;5;75;23;73;33;12;14;60;80',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('rect', {
attrs: {
'x': '30',
'width': '10',
'height': '50',
'rx': '3'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'height',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '1.4s',
'values': '50;34;78;23;56;23;34;76;80;54;21;50',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('rect', {
attrs: {
'x': '45',
'width': '10',
'height': '30',
'rx': '3'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'height',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '2s',
'values': '30;45;13;80;56;72;45;76;34;23;67;30',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
var QSpinnerBall = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpinnerBall',
mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
return h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-spinner',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: {
focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */,
'stroke': 'currentColor',
'width': this.cSize,
'height': this.cSize,
'viewBox': '0 0 57 57',
'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
}, [
h('g', {
attrs: {
'transform': 'translate(1 1)',
'stroke-width': '2',
'fill': 'none',
'fill-rule': 'evenodd'
}, [
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'cx': '5',
'cy': '50',
'r': '5'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'cy',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '2.2s',
'values': '50;5;50;50',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'cx',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '2.2s',
'values': '5;27;49;5',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'cx': '27',
'cy': '5',
'r': '5'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'cy',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '2.2s',
'from': '5',
'to': '5',
'values': '5;50;50;5',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'cx',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '2.2s',
'from': '27',
'to': '27',
'values': '27;49;5;27',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'cx': '49',
'cy': '50',
'r': '5'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'cy',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '2.2s',
'values': '50;50;5;50',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'cx',
'from': '49',
'to': '49',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '2.2s',
'values': '49;5;27;49',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
var QSpinnerBars = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpinnerBars',
mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
return h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-spinner',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: {
focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */,
'fill': 'currentColor',
'width': this.cSize,
'height': this.cSize,
'viewBox': '0 0 135 140',
'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
}, [
h('rect', {
attrs: {
'y': '10',
'width': '15',
'height': '120',
'rx': '6'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'height',
'begin': '0.5s',
'dur': '1s',
'values': '120;110;100;90;80;70;60;50;40;140;120',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'y',
'begin': '0.5s',
'dur': '1s',
'values': '10;15;20;25;30;35;40;45;50;0;10',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('rect', {
attrs: {
'x': '30',
'y': '10',
'width': '15',
'height': '120',
'rx': '6'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'height',
'begin': '0.25s',
'dur': '1s',
'values': '120;110;100;90;80;70;60;50;40;140;120',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'y',
'begin': '0.25s',
'dur': '1s',
'values': '10;15;20;25;30;35;40;45;50;0;10',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('rect', {
attrs: {
'x': '60',
'width': '15',
'height': '140',
'rx': '6'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'height',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '1s',
'values': '120;110;100;90;80;70;60;50;40;140;120',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'y',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '1s',
'values': '10;15;20;25;30;35;40;45;50;0;10',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('rect', {
attrs: {
'x': '90',
'y': '10',
'width': '15',
'height': '120',
'rx': '6'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'height',
'begin': '0.25s',
'dur': '1s',
'values': '120;110;100;90;80;70;60;50;40;140;120',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'y',
'begin': '0.25s',
'dur': '1s',
'values': '10;15;20;25;30;35;40;45;50;0;10',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('rect', {
attrs: {
'x': '120',
'y': '10',
'width': '15',
'height': '120',
'rx': '6'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'height',
'begin': '0.5s',
'dur': '1s',
'values': '120;110;100;90;80;70;60;50;40;140;120',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'y',
'begin': '0.5s',
'dur': '1s',
'values': '10;15;20;25;30;35;40;45;50;0;10',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
var QSpinnerComment = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpinnerComment',
mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
return h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-spinner',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: {
focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */,
'width': this.cSize,
'height': this.cSize,
'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg',
'viewBox': '0 0 100 100',
'preserveAspectRatio': 'xMidYMid'
}, [
h('rect', {
attrs: {
'x': '0',
'y': '0',
'width': '100',
'height': '100',
'fill': 'none'
h('path', {
attrs: {
'd': 'M78,19H22c-6.6,0-12,5.4-12,12v31c0,6.6,5.4,12,12,12h37.2c0.4,3,1.8,5.6,3.7,7.6c2.4,2.5,5.1,4.1,9.1,4 c-1.4-2.1-2-7.2-2-10.3c0-0.4,0-0.8,0-1.3h8c6.6,0,12-5.4,12-12V31C90,24.4,84.6,19,78,19z',
'fill': 'currentColor'
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'cx': '30',
'cy': '47',
'r': '5',
'fill': '#fff'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'opacity',
'from': '0',
'to': '1',
'values': '0;1;1',
'keyTimes': '0;0.2;1',
'dur': '1s',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'cx': '50',
'cy': '47',
'r': '5',
'fill': '#fff'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'opacity',
'from': '0',
'to': '1',
'values': '0;0;1;1',
'keyTimes': '0;0.2;0.4;1',
'dur': '1s',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'cx': '70',
'cy': '47',
'r': '5',
'fill': '#fff'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'opacity',
'from': '0',
'to': '1',
'values': '0;0;1;1',
'keyTimes': '0;0.4;0.6;1',
'dur': '1s',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
var QSpinnerCube = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpinnerCube',
mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
return h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-spinner',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: {
focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */,
'width': this.cSize,
'height': this.cSize,
'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg',
'viewBox': '0 0 100 100',
'preserveAspectRatio': 'xMidYMid'
}, [
h('rect', {
attrs: {
'x': '0',
'y': '0',
'width': '100',
'height': '100',
'fill': 'none'
h('g', {
attrs: {
'transform': 'translate(25 25)'
}, [
h('rect', {
attrs: {
'x': '-20',
'y': '-20',
'width': '40',
'height': '40',
'fill': 'currentColor',
'opacity': '0.9'
}, [
h('animateTransform', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'transform',
'type': 'scale',
'from': '1.5',
'to': '1',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '1s',
'calcMode': 'spline',
'keySplines': '0.2 0.8 0.2 0.8',
'keyTimes': '0;1'
h('g', {
attrs: {
'transform': 'translate(75 25)'
}, [
h('rect', {
attrs: {
'x': '-20',
'y': '-20',
'width': '40',
'height': '40',
'fill': 'currentColor',
'opacity': '0.8'
}, [
h('animateTransform', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'transform',
'type': 'scale',
'from': '1.5',
'to': '1',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite',
'begin': '0.1s',
'dur': '1s',
'calcMode': 'spline',
'keySplines': '0.2 0.8 0.2 0.8',
'keyTimes': '0;1'
h('g', {
attrs: {
'transform': 'translate(25 75)'
}, [
h('rect', {
staticClass: 'cube',
attrs: {
'x': '-20',
'y': '-20',
'width': '40',
'height': '40',
'fill': 'currentColor',
'opacity': '0.7'
}, [
h('animateTransform', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'transform',
'type': 'scale',
'from': '1.5',
'to': '1',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite',
'begin': '0.3s',
'dur': '1s',
'calcMode': 'spline',
'keySplines': '0.2 0.8 0.2 0.8',
'keyTimes': '0;1'
h('g', {
attrs: {
'transform': 'translate(75 75)'
}, [
h('rect', {
staticClass: 'cube',
attrs: {
'x': '-20',
'y': '-20',
'width': '40',
'height': '40',
'fill': 'currentColor',
'opacity': '0.6'
}, [
h('animateTransform', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'transform',
'type': 'scale',
'from': '1.5',
'to': '1',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite',
'begin': '0.2s',
'dur': '1s',
'calcMode': 'spline',
'keySplines': '0.2 0.8 0.2 0.8',
'keyTimes': '0;1'
var QSpinnerDots = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpinnerDots',
mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
return h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-spinner',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: {
focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */,
'fill': 'currentColor',
'width': this.cSize,
'height': this.cSize,
'viewBox': '0 0 120 30',
'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
}, [
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'cx': '15',
'cy': '15',
'r': '15'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'r',
'from': '15',
'to': '15',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '0.8s',
'values': '15;9;15',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'fill-opacity',
'from': '1',
'to': '1',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '0.8s',
'values': '1;.5;1',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'cx': '60',
'cy': '15',
'r': '9',
'fill-opacity': '.3'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'r',
'from': '9',
'to': '9',
'begin': '0s',
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var QSpinnerFacebook = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpinnerFacebook',
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render: function render (h) {
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var QSpinnerGears = Vue.extend({
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mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
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render: function render (h) {
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var QSpinnerHearts = Vue.extend({
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mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
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name: 'QSpinnerHourglass',
mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
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h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'stroke-opacity',
'dur': '750ms',
'values': '.45;.35;.25;.15;.1;0;1;.85;.7;.65;.55;.45',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('line', {
attrs: {
'y1': '17',
'y2': '29',
'transform': 'translate(32,32) rotate(30)'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'stroke-opacity',
'dur': '750ms',
'values': '.55;.45;.35;.25;.15;.1;0;1;.85;.7;.65;.55',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('line', {
attrs: {
'y1': '17',
'y2': '29',
'transform': 'translate(32,32) rotate(60)'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'stroke-opacity',
'dur': '750ms',
'values': '.65;.55;.45;.35;.25;.15;.1;0;1;.85;.7;.65',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('line', {
attrs: {
'y1': '17',
'y2': '29',
'transform': 'translate(32,32) rotate(90)'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'stroke-opacity',
'dur': '750ms',
'values': '.7;.65;.55;.45;.35;.25;.15;.1;0;1;.85;.7',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('line', {
attrs: {
'y1': '17',
'y2': '29',
'transform': 'translate(32,32) rotate(120)'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'stroke-opacity',
'dur': '750ms',
'values': '.85;.7;.65;.55;.45;.35;.25;.15;.1;0;1;.85',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('line', {
attrs: {
'y1': '17',
'y2': '29',
'transform': 'translate(32,32) rotate(150)'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'stroke-opacity',
'dur': '750ms',
'values': '1;.85;.7;.65;.55;.45;.35;.25;.15;.1;0;1',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
var QSpinnerOval = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpinnerOval',
mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
return h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-spinner',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: {
focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */,
'stroke': 'currentColor',
'width': this.cSize,
'height': this.cSize,
'viewBox': '0 0 38 38',
'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
}, [
h('g', {
attrs: {
'transform': 'translate(1 1)',
'stroke-width': '2',
'fill': 'none',
'fill-rule': 'evenodd'
}, [
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'stroke-opacity': '.5',
'cx': '18',
'cy': '18',
'r': '18'
h('path', {
attrs: {
'd': 'M36 18c0-9.94-8.06-18-18-18'
}, [
h('animateTransform', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'transform',
'type': 'rotate',
'from': '0 18 18',
'to': '360 18 18',
'dur': '1s',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
var QSpinnerPie = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpinnerPie',
mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
return h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-spinner',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: {
focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */,
'width': this.cSize,
'height': this.cSize,
'viewBox': '0 0 100 100',
'preserveAspectRatio': 'xMidYMid',
'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
}, [
h('path', {
attrs: {
'd': 'M0 50A50 50 0 0 1 50 0L50 50L0 50',
'fill': 'currentColor',
'opacity': '0.5'
}, [
h('animateTransform', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'transform',
'type': 'rotate',
'from': '0 50 50',
'to': '360 50 50',
'dur': '0.8s',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('path', {
attrs: {
'd': 'M50 0A50 50 0 0 1 100 50L50 50L50 0',
'fill': 'currentColor',
'opacity': '0.5'
}, [
h('animateTransform', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'transform',
'type': 'rotate',
'from': '0 50 50',
'to': '360 50 50',
'dur': '1.6s',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('path', {
attrs: {
'd': 'M100 50A50 50 0 0 1 50 100L50 50L100 50',
'fill': 'currentColor',
'opacity': '0.5'
}, [
h('animateTransform', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'transform',
'type': 'rotate',
'from': '0 50 50',
'to': '360 50 50',
'dur': '2.4s',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('path', {
attrs: {
'd': 'M50 100A50 50 0 0 1 0 50L50 50L50 100',
'fill': 'currentColor',
'opacity': '0.5'
}, [
h('animateTransform', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'transform',
'type': 'rotate',
'from': '0 50 50',
'to': '360 50 50',
'dur': '3.2s',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
var QSpinnerPuff = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpinnerPuff',
mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
return h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-spinner',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: {
focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */,
'stroke': 'currentColor',
'width': this.cSize,
'height': this.cSize,
'viewBox': '0 0 44 44',
'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
}, [
h('g', {
attrs: {
'fill': 'none',
'fill-rule': 'evenodd',
'stroke-width': '2'
}, [
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'cx': '22',
'cy': '22',
'r': '1'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'r',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '1.8s',
'values': '1; 20',
'calcMode': 'spline',
'keyTimes': '0; 1',
'keySplines': '0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'stroke-opacity',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '1.8s',
'values': '1; 0',
'calcMode': 'spline',
'keyTimes': '0; 1',
'keySplines': '0.3, 0.61, 0.355, 1',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'cx': '22',
'cy': '22',
'r': '1'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'r',
'begin': '-0.9s',
'dur': '1.8s',
'values': '1; 20',
'calcMode': 'spline',
'keyTimes': '0; 1',
'keySplines': '0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'stroke-opacity',
'begin': '-0.9s',
'dur': '1.8s',
'values': '1; 0',
'calcMode': 'spline',
'keyTimes': '0; 1',
'keySplines': '0.3, 0.61, 0.355, 1',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
var QSpinnerRadio = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpinnerRadio',
mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
return h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-spinner',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: {
focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */,
'width': this.cSize,
'height': this.cSize,
'viewBox': '0 0 100 100',
'preserveAspectRatio': 'xMidYMid',
'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
}, [
h('g', {
attrs: {
'transform': 'scale(0.55)'
}, [
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'cx': '30',
'cy': '150',
'r': '30',
'fill': 'currentColor'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'opacity',
'from': '0',
'to': '1',
'dur': '1s',
'begin': '0',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite',
'keyTimes': '0;0.5;1',
'values': '0;1;1'
h('path', {
attrs: {
'd': 'M90,150h30c0-49.7-40.3-90-90-90v30C63.1,90,90,116.9,90,150z',
'fill': 'currentColor'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'opacity',
'from': '0',
'to': '1',
'dur': '1s',
'begin': '0.1',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite',
'keyTimes': '0;0.5;1',
'values': '0;1;1'
h('path', {
attrs: {
'd': 'M150,150h30C180,67.2,112.8,0,30,0v30C96.3,30,150,83.7,150,150z',
'fill': 'currentColor'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'opacity',
'from': '0',
'to': '1',
'dur': '1s',
'begin': '0.2',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite',
'keyTimes': '0;0.5;1',
'values': '0;1;1'
var QSpinnerRings = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpinnerRings',
mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
return h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-spinner',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: {
focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */,
'stroke': 'currentColor',
'width': this.cSize,
'height': this.cSize,
'viewBox': '0 0 45 45',
'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
}, [
h('g', {
attrs: {
'fill': 'none',
'fill-rule': 'evenodd',
'transform': 'translate(1 1)',
'stroke-width': '2'
}, [
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'cx': '22',
'cy': '22',
'r': '6'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'r',
'begin': '1.5s',
'dur': '3s',
'values': '6;22',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'stroke-opacity',
'begin': '1.5s',
'dur': '3s',
'values': '1;0',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'stroke-width',
'begin': '1.5s',
'dur': '3s',
'values': '2;0',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'cx': '22',
'cy': '22',
'r': '6'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'r',
'begin': '3s',
'dur': '3s',
'values': '6;22',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'stroke-opacity',
'begin': '3s',
'dur': '3s',
'values': '1;0',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'stroke-width',
'begin': '3s',
'dur': '3s',
'values': '2;0',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'cx': '22',
'cy': '22',
'r': '8'
}, [
h('animate', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'r',
'begin': '0s',
'dur': '1.5s',
'values': '6;1;2;3;4;5;6',
'calcMode': 'linear',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
var QSpinnerTail = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSpinnerTail',
mixins: [mixin],
render: function render (h) {
return h('svg', {
staticClass: 'q-spinner',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: {
focusable: 'false' /* needed for IE11 */,
'width': this.cSize,
'height': this.cSize,
'viewBox': '0 0 38 38',
'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
}, [
h('defs', [
h('linearGradient', {
attrs: {
'x1': '8.042%',
'y1': '0%',
'x2': '65.682%',
'y2': '23.865%',
'id': 'a'
}, [
h('stop', {
attrs: {
'stop-color': 'currentColor',
'stop-opacity': '0',
'offset': '0%'
h('stop', {
attrs: {
'stop-color': 'currentColor',
'stop-opacity': '.631',
'offset': '63.146%'
h('stop', {
attrs: {
'stop-color': 'currentColor',
'offset': '100%'
h('g', {
attrs: {
'transform': 'translate(1 1)',
'fill': 'none',
'fill-rule': 'evenodd'
}, [
h('path', {
attrs: {
'd': 'M36 18c0-9.94-8.06-18-18-18',
'stroke': 'url(#a)',
'stroke-width': '2'
}, [
h('animateTransform', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'transform',
'type': 'rotate',
'from': '0 18 18',
'to': '360 18 18',
'dur': '0.9s',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
h('circle', {
attrs: {
'fill': 'currentColor',
'cx': '36',
'cy': '18',
'r': '1'
}, [
h('animateTransform', {
attrs: {
'attributeName': 'transform',
'type': 'rotate',
'from': '0 18 18',
'to': '360 18 18',
'dur': '0.9s',
'repeatCount': 'indefinite'
var QSplitter = Vue.extend({
name: 'QSplitter',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, ListenersMixin ],
directives: {
TouchPan: TouchPan
props: {
value: {
type: Number,
required: true
reverse: Boolean,
unit: {
type: String,
default: '%',
validator: function (v) { return [ '%', 'px' ].includes(v); }
limits: {
type: Array,
validator: function (v) {
if (v.length !== 2) { return false }
if (typeof v[0] !== 'number' || typeof v[1] !== 'number') { return false }
return v[0] >= 0 && v[0] <= v[1]
emitImmediately: Boolean,
horizontal: Boolean,
disable: Boolean,
beforeClass: [Array, String, Object],
afterClass: [Array, String, Object],
separatorClass: [Array, String, Object],
separatorStyle: [Array, String, Object]
watch: {
value: {
immediate: true,
handler: function handler (v) {
this.__normalize(v, this.computedLimits);
limits: {
deep: true,
handler: function handler () {
var this$1 = this;
this.$nextTick(function () {
this$1.__normalize(this$1.value, this$1.computedLimits);
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return (this.horizontal === true ? 'column' : 'row') +
" q-splitter--" + (this.horizontal === true ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical') +
" q-splitter--" + (this.disable === true ? 'disabled' : 'workable') +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-splitter--dark' : '')
prop: function prop () {
return this.horizontal === true ? 'height' : 'width'
side: function side () {
return this.reverse !== true ? 'before' : 'after'
computedLimits: function computedLimits () {
return this.limits !== void 0
? this.limits
: (this.unit === '%' ? [ 10, 90 ] : [ 50, Infinity ])
styles: function styles () {
var obj, obj$1;
return ( obj$1 = {}, obj$1[this.side] = ( obj = {}, obj[this.prop] = this.__getCSSValue(this.value), obj ), obj$1 )
separatorDirectives: function separatorDirectives () {
var obj;
if (this.disable !== true) {
return [{
name: 'touch-pan',
value: this.__pan,
modifiers: ( obj = {}, obj[ this.horizontal === true ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal' ] = true, obj.prevent = true, obj.stop = true, obj.mouse = true, obj.mouseAllDir = true, obj )
methods: {
__pan: function __pan (evt) {
if (evt.isFirst === true) {
var size = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect()[this.prop];
this.__dir = this.horizontal === true ? 'up' : 'left';
this.__maxValue = this.unit === '%' ? 100 : size;
this.__value = Math.min(this.__maxValue, this.computedLimits[1], Math.max(this.computedLimits[0], this.value));
this.__multiplier = (this.reverse !== true ? 1 : -1) *
(this.horizontal === true ? 1 : (this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? -1 : 1)) *
(this.unit === '%' ? (size === 0 ? 0 : 100 / size) : 1);
if (evt.isFinal === true) {
if (this.__normalized !== this.value) {
this.$emit('input', this.__normalized);
var val = this.__value +
this.__multiplier *
(evt.direction === this.__dir ? -1 : 1) *
evt.distance[this.horizontal === true ? 'y' : 'x'];
this.__normalized = Math.min(this.__maxValue, this.computedLimits[1], Math.max(this.computedLimits[0], val));
this.$refs[this.side].style[this.prop] = this.__getCSSValue(this.__normalized);
if (this.emitImmediately === true && this.value !== this.__normalized) {
this.$emit('input', this.__normalized);
__normalize: function __normalize (val, limits) {
if (val < limits[0]) {
this.$emit('input', limits[0]);
else if (val > limits[1]) {
this.$emit('input', limits[1]);
__getCSSValue: function __getCSSValue (value) {
return (this.unit === '%' ? value : Math.round(value)) + this.unit
render: function render (h) {
var attrs = this.disable === true ? { 'aria-disabled': 'true' } : void 0;
var child = [
h('div', {
ref: 'before',
staticClass: 'q-splitter__panel q-splitter__before' + (this.reverse === true ? ' col' : ''),
style: this.styles.before,
class: this.beforeClass,
on: cache(this, 'stop', { input: stop })
}, slot(this, 'before')),
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-splitter__separator',
style: this.separatorStyle,
class: this.separatorClass,
attrs: attrs
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'absolute-full q-splitter__separator-area',
directives: this.separatorDirectives
}, slot(this, 'separator'))
h('div', {
ref: 'after',
staticClass: 'q-splitter__panel q-splitter__after' + (this.reverse === true ? '' : ' col'),
style: this.styles.after,
class: this.afterClass,
on: cache(this, 'stop', { input: stop })
}, slot(this, 'after'))
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-splitter no-wrap',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, mergeSlot(child, this, 'default'))
var StepHeader = Vue.extend({
name: 'StepHeader',
mixins: [ AttrsMixin ],
directives: {
Ripple: Ripple
props: {
stepper: {},
step: {}
computed: {
isActive: function isActive () {
return this.stepper.value === this.step.name
isDisable: function isDisable () {
var opt = this.step.disable;
return opt === true || opt === ''
isError: function isError () {
var opt = this.step.error;
return opt === true || opt === ''
isDone: function isDone () {
var opt = this.step.done;
return this.isDisable === false && (opt === true || opt === '')
headerNav: function headerNav () {
opt = this.step.headerNav,
nav = opt === true || opt === '' || opt === void 0;
return this.isDisable === false &&
this.stepper.headerNav &&
hasPrefix: function hasPrefix () {
return this.step.prefix &&
this.isActive === false &&
this.isError === false &&
this.isDone === false
icon: function icon () {
if (this.isActive === true) {
return this.step.activeIcon || this.stepper.activeIcon || this.$q.iconSet.stepper.active
if (this.isError === true) {
return this.step.errorIcon || this.stepper.errorIcon || this.$q.iconSet.stepper.error
if (this.isDisable === false && this.isDone === true) {
return this.step.doneIcon || this.stepper.doneIcon || this.$q.iconSet.stepper.done
return this.step.icon || this.stepper.inactiveIcon
color: function color () {
var errorColor = this.isError === true
? this.step.errorColor || this.stepper.errorColor
: void 0;
if (this.isActive === true) {
var color = this.step.activeColor || this.stepper.activeColor || this.step.color;
return color !== void 0
? color
: errorColor
if (errorColor !== void 0) {
return errorColor
if (this.isDisable === false && this.isDone === true) {
return this.step.doneColor || this.stepper.doneColor || this.step.color || this.stepper.inactiveColor
return this.step.color || this.stepper.inactiveColor
classes: function classes () {
return "q-stepper__tab col-grow flex items-center no-wrap relative-position" +
(this.color !== void 0 ? (" text-" + (this.color)) : '') +
(this.isError === true ? ' q-stepper__tab--error' : '') +
(this.isActive === true ? ' q-stepper__tab--active' : '') +
(this.isDone === true ? ' q-stepper__tab--done' : '') +
(this.headerNav === true ? ' q-stepper__tab--navigation q-focusable q-hoverable' : '') +
(this.isDisable === true ? ' q-stepper__tab--disabled' : '')
methods: {
activate: function activate () {
this.$refs.blurTarget !== void 0 && this.$refs.blurTarget.focus();
this.isActive === false && this.stepper.goTo(this.step.name);
keyup: function keyup (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13 && this.isActive === false) {
render: function render (h) {
var data = { class: this.classes };
if (this.stepper.headerNav === true) {
data.directives = [{
name: 'ripple',
value: this.headerNav
this.headerNav === true && Object.assign(data, {
on: cache(this, 'headnavon', {
click: this.activate,
keyup: this.keyup
attrs: this.isDisable === true
? { tabindex: -1, 'aria-disabled': 'true' }
: { tabindex: this.qAttrs.tabindex || 0 }
var child = [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-focus-helper', attrs: { tabindex: -1 }, ref: 'blurTarget' }),
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-stepper__dot row flex-center q-stepper__line relative-position' }, [
h('span', { staticClass: 'row flex-center' }, [
this.hasPrefix === true
? this.step.prefix
: h(QIcon, { props: { name: this.icon } })
if (this.step.title !== void 0 && this.step.title !== null) {
var content = [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-stepper__title' }, [ this.step.title ])
if (this.step.caption !== void 0 && this.step.caption !== null) {
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-stepper__caption' }, [ this.step.caption ])
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-stepper__label q-stepper__line relative-position'
}, content)
return h('div', data, child)
var StepWrapper = Vue.extend({
name: 'QStepWrapper',
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-stepper__step-content'
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-stepper__step-inner'
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QStep = Vue.extend({
name: 'QStep',
inject: {
stepper: {
default: function default$1 () {
console.error('QStep needs to be child of QStepper');
mixins: [ PanelChildMixin ],
props: {
icon: String,
color: String,
title: {
type: String,
required: true
caption: String,
prefix: [ String, Number ],
doneIcon: String,
doneColor: String,
activeIcon: String,
activeColor: String,
errorIcon: String,
errorColor: String,
headerNav: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
done: Boolean,
error: Boolean
computed: {
isActive: function isActive () {
return this.stepper.value === this.name
watch: {
isActive: function isActive (active) {
var this$1 = this;
if (
active === true &&
this.stepper.vertical === true
) {
this.$nextTick(function () {
if (this$1.$el !== void 0) {
this$1.$el.scrollTop = 0;
render: function render (h) {
var vertical = this.stepper.vertical;
var content = vertical === true && this.stepper.keepAlive === true
? h(
this.isActive === true
? [ h(StepWrapper, { key: this.name }, slot(this, 'default')) ]
: void 0
: (
vertical !== true || this.isActive === true
? StepWrapper.options.render.call(this, h)
: void 0
return h(
staticClass: 'q-stepper__step',
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
vertical === true
? [
h(StepHeader, {
props: {
stepper: this.stepper,
step: this
this.stepper.animated === true
? h(QSlideTransition, [ content ])
: content
: [ content ]
var QStepper = Vue.extend({
name: 'QStepper',
provide: function provide () {
return {
stepper: this
mixins: [ DarkMixin, PanelParentMixin ],
props: {
flat: Boolean,
bordered: Boolean,
alternativeLabels: Boolean,
headerNav: Boolean,
contracted: Boolean,
headerClass: String,
inactiveColor: String,
inactiveIcon: String,
doneIcon: String,
doneColor: String,
activeIcon: String,
activeColor: String,
errorIcon: String,
errorColor: String
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return "q-stepper q-stepper--" + (this.vertical === true ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal') +
(this.flat === true || this.isDark === true ? ' q-stepper--flat no-shadow' : '') +
(this.bordered === true || (this.isDark === true && this.flat === false) ? ' q-stepper--bordered' : '') +
(this.contracted === true ? ' q-stepper--contracted' : '') +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-stepper--dark q-dark' : '')
headerClasses: function headerClasses () {
return 'q-stepper__header row items-stretch justify-between' +
" q-stepper__header--" + (this.alternativeLabels === true ? 'alternative' : 'standard') + "-labels" +
(this.flat === false || this.bordered === true ? ' q-stepper__header--border' : '') +
(this.headerClass !== void 0 ? (" " + (this.headerClass)) : '')
methods: {
__getContent: function __getContent (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var top = slot(this, 'message', []);
if (this.vertical === true) {
this.__isValidPanelName(this.value) && this.__updatePanelIndex();
var content = h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-stepper__content',
// stop propagation of content emitted @input
// which would tamper with Panel's model
on: cache(this, 'stop', { input: stop })
}, slot(this, 'default'));
return top === void 0
? [ content ]
: top.concat(content)
return [
h('div', { class: this.headerClasses }, this.__getAllPanels().map(function (panel) {
var step = panel.componentOptions.propsData;
return h(StepHeader, {
key: step.name,
props: {
stepper: this$1,
step: step
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-stepper__content q-panel-parent',
directives: this.panelDirectives
}, this.__getPanelContent(h))
__renderPanels: function __renderPanels (h) {
return h('div', {
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, mergeSlot(this.__getContent(h), this, 'navigation'))
var QStepperNavigation = Vue.extend({
name: 'QStepperNavigation',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-stepper__nav',
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var Top = {
computed: {
marginalsProps: function marginalsProps () {
return {
pagination: this.computedPagination,
pagesNumber: this.pagesNumber,
isFirstPage: this.isFirstPage,
isLastPage: this.isLastPage,
firstPage: this.firstPage,
prevPage: this.prevPage,
nextPage: this.nextPage,
lastPage: this.lastPage,
inFullscreen: this.inFullscreen,
toggleFullscreen: this.toggleFullscreen
methods: {
getTop: function getTop (h) {
top = this.$scopedSlots.top,
topLeft = this.$scopedSlots['top-left'],
topRight = this.$scopedSlots['top-right'],
topSelection = this.$scopedSlots['top-selection'],
hasSelection = this.hasSelectionMode === true &&
topSelection !== void 0 &&
this.rowsSelectedNumber > 0,
staticClass = 'q-table__top relative-position row items-center';
if (top !== void 0) {
return h('div', { staticClass: staticClass }, [ top(this.marginalsProps) ])
var child;
if (hasSelection === true) {
child = topSelection(this.marginalsProps).slice();
else {
child = [];
if (topLeft !== void 0) {
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-table-control' }, [
else if (this.title) {
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-table__control' }, [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-table__title', class: this.titleClass }, this.title)
if (topRight !== void 0) {
child.push(h('div', { staticClass: 'q-table__separator col' }));
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-table__control' }, [
if (child.length === 0) {
return h('div', { staticClass: staticClass }, child)
var QTh = Vue.extend({
name: 'QTh',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
props: Object,
autoWidth: Boolean
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var on = Object.assign({}, this.qListeners);
if (this.props === void 0) {
return h('th', {
on: on,
class: this.autoWidth === true ? 'q-table--col-auto-width' : null
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var col, child;
var name = this.$vnode.key;
if (name) {
col = this.props.colsMap[name];
if (col === void 0) { return }
else {
col = this.props.col;
if (col.sortable === true) {
var action = col.align === 'right'
? 'unshift'
: 'push';
child = uniqueSlot(this, 'default', []);
h(QIcon, {
props: { name: this.$q.iconSet.table.arrowUp },
staticClass: col.__iconClass
else {
child = slot(this, 'default');
var evt = col.sortable === true
? {
click: function (evt) {
this$1.$emit('click', evt);
: {};
return h('th', {
on: Object.assign({}, on, evt),
style: col.headerStyle,
class: col.__thClass +
(this.autoWidth === true ? ' q-table--col-auto-width' : '')
}, child)
var TableHeader = {
methods: {
getTableHeader: function getTableHeader (h) {
var child = this.getTableHeaderRow(h);
if (this.loading === true && this.$scopedSlots.loading === void 0) {
h('tr', { staticClass: 'q-table__progress' }, [
h('th', {
staticClass: 'relative-position',
attrs: { colspan: this.computedColspan }
}, this.__getProgress(h))
return h('thead', child)
getTableHeaderRow: function getTableHeaderRow (h) {
var this$1 = this;
header = this.$scopedSlots.header,
headerCell = this.$scopedSlots['header-cell'];
if (header !== void 0) {
return header(this.addTableHeaderRowMeta({
header: true, cols: this.computedCols, sort: this.sort, colsMap: this.computedColsMap
var child = this.computedCols.map(function (col) {
headerCellCol = this$1.$scopedSlots[("header-cell-" + (col.name))],
slot = headerCellCol !== void 0 ? headerCellCol : headerCell,
props = {
col: col, cols: this$1.computedCols, sort: this$1.sort, colsMap: this$1.computedColsMap
return slot !== void 0
? slot(props)
: h(QTh, {
key: col.name,
props: { props: props },
style: col.headerStyle,
class: col.headerClasses
}, col.label)
if (this.singleSelection === true && this.grid !== true) {
child.unshift(h('th', { staticClass: 'q-table--col-auto-width' }, [' ']));
else if (this.multipleSelection === true) {
child.unshift(h('th', { staticClass: 'q-table--col-auto-width' }, [
h(QCheckbox, {
props: {
color: this.color,
value: this.someRowsSelected === true
? null
: this.allRowsSelected,
dark: this.isDark,
dense: this.dense
on: cache(this, 'inp', {
input: function (val) {
if (this$1.someRowsSelected === true) {
val = false;
return [
h('tr', {
style: this.tableHeaderStyle,
class: this.tableHeaderClass
}, child)
addTableHeaderRowMeta: function addTableHeaderRowMeta (data) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.multipleSelection === true) {
Object.defineProperty(data, 'selected', {
get: function () { return this$1.someRowsSelected === true
? 'some'
: this$1.allRowsSelected; },
set: function (val) {
if (this$1.someRowsSelected === true) {
val = false;
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
data.partialSelected = this.someRowsSelected;
data.multipleSelect = true;
return data
var TableBody = {
methods: {
getTableRowBody: function getTableRowBody (row, body, pageIndex) {
key = this.getRowKey(row),
selected = this.isRowSelected(key);
return body(this.addBodyRowMeta({
key: key,
row: row,
pageIndex: pageIndex,
cols: this.computedCols,
colsMap: this.computedColsMap,
__trClass: selected ? 'selected' : ''
getTableRow: function getTableRow (h, row, pageIndex) {
var this$1 = this;
bodyCell = this.$scopedSlots['body-cell'],
key = this.getRowKey(row),
selected = this.isRowSelected(key),
child = this.computedCols.map(function (col) {
bodyCellCol = this$1.$scopedSlots[("body-cell-" + (col.name))],
slot = bodyCellCol !== void 0 ? bodyCellCol : bodyCell;
return slot !== void 0
? slot(this$1.addBodyCellMetaData({ row: row, pageIndex: pageIndex, col: col }))
: h('td', {
class: col.__tdClass,
style: col.style
}, this$1.getCellValue(col, row))
this.hasSelectionMode === true && child.unshift(
h('td', { staticClass: 'q-table--col-auto-width' }, [
h(QCheckbox, {
props: {
value: selected,
color: this.color,
dark: this.isDark,
dense: this.dense
on: {
input: function (adding, evt) {
this$1.__updateSelection([ key ], [ row ], adding, evt);
var data = { key: key, class: { selected: selected }, on: {} };
if (this.qListeners['row-click'] !== void 0) {
data.class['cursor-pointer'] = true;
data.on.click = function (evt) {
this$1.$emit('row-click', evt, row, pageIndex);
if (this.qListeners['row-dblclick'] !== void 0) {
data.class['cursor-pointer'] = true;
data.on.dblclick = function (evt) {
this$1.$emit('row-dblclick', evt, row, pageIndex);
return h('tr', data, child)
getTableBody: function getTableBody (h) {
var this$1 = this;
body = this.$scopedSlots.body,
topRow = this.$scopedSlots['top-row'],
bottomRow = this.$scopedSlots['bottom-row'],
mapFn = body !== void 0
? function (row, pageIndex) { return this$1.getTableRowBody(row, body, pageIndex); }
: function (row, pageIndex) { return this$1.getTableRow(h, row, pageIndex); };
var child = this.computedRows.map(mapFn);
if (topRow !== void 0) {
child = topRow({ cols: this.computedCols }).concat(child);
if (bottomRow !== void 0) {
child = child.concat(bottomRow({ cols: this.computedCols }));
return h('tbody', child)
getTableRowVirtual: function getTableRowVirtual (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var body = this.$scopedSlots.body;
return body !== void 0
? function (props) { return this$1.getTableRowBody(props.item, body, props.index); }
: function (props) { return this$1.getTableRow(h, props.item, props.index); }
addBodyRowMeta: function addBodyRowMeta (data) {
var this$1 = this;
data.rowIndex = this.firstRowIndex + data.pageIndex;
this.hasSelectionMode === true && Object.defineProperty(data, 'selected', {
get: function () { return this$1.isRowSelected(data.key); },
set: function (adding) {
this$1.__updateSelection([ data.key ], [ data.row ], adding);
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(data, 'expand', {
get: function () { return this$1.isRowExpanded(data.key); },
set: function (adding) {
this$1.__updateExpanded(data.key, adding);
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
data.cols = data.cols.map(function (col) {
var c = Object.assign({}, col);
Object.defineProperty(c, 'value', {
get: function () { return this$1.getCellValue(col, data.row); },
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
return c
return data
addBodyCellMetaData: function addBodyCellMetaData (data) {
var this$1 = this;
data.rowIndex = this.firstRowIndex + data.pageIndex;
Object.defineProperty(data, 'value', {
get: function () { return this$1.getCellValue(data.col, data.row); },
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
return data
getCellValue: function getCellValue (col, row) {
var val = typeof col.field === 'function' ? col.field(row) : row[col.field];
return col.format !== void 0 ? col.format(val, row) : val
var staticClass = 'q-table__bottom row items-center';
var Bottom = {
props: {
hideBottom: Boolean,
hideSelectedBanner: Boolean,
hideNoData: Boolean,
hidePagination: Boolean
computed: {
navIcon: function navIcon () {
var ico = [
this.iconFirstPage || this.$q.iconSet.table.firstPage,
this.iconPrevPage || this.$q.iconSet.table.prevPage,
this.iconNextPage || this.$q.iconSet.table.nextPage,
this.iconLastPage || this.$q.iconSet.table.lastPage
return this.$q.lang.rtl === true ? ico.reverse() : ico
methods: {
getBottom: function getBottom (h) {
if (this.hideBottom === true) {
if (this.nothingToDisplay === true) {
if (this.hideNoData === true) {
var message = this.loading === true
? this.loadingLabel || this.$q.lang.table.loading
: (this.filter ? this.noResultsLabel || this.$q.lang.table.noResults : this.noDataLabel || this.$q.lang.table.noData);
var noData = this.$scopedSlots['no-data'];
var children = noData !== void 0
? [ noData({ message: message, icon: this.$q.iconSet.table.warning, filter: this.filter }) ]
: [
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-table__bottom-nodata-icon',
props: { name: this.$q.iconSet.table.warning }
return h('div', {
staticClass: staticClass + ' q-table__bottom--nodata'
}, children)
var bottom = this.$scopedSlots.bottom;
if (bottom !== void 0) {
return h('div', { staticClass: staticClass }, [ bottom(this.marginalsProps) ])
var child = this.hideSelectedBanner !== true && this.hasSelectionMode === true && this.rowsSelectedNumber > 0
? [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-table__control' }, [
h('div', [
(this.selectedRowsLabel || this.$q.lang.table.selectedRecords)(this.rowsSelectedNumber)
: [];
if (this.hidePagination !== true) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: staticClass + ' justify-end'
}, this.getPaginationRow(h, child))
if (child.length > 0) {
return h('div', { staticClass: staticClass }, child)
getPaginationRow: function getPaginationRow (h, child) {
var this$1 = this;
var control;
var ref = this.computedPagination;
var rowsPerPage = ref.rowsPerPage;
var paginationLabel = this.paginationLabel || this.$q.lang.table.pagination,
paginationSlot = this.$scopedSlots.pagination,
hasOpts = this.rowsPerPageOptions.length > 1;
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-table__separator col' })
if (hasOpts === true) {
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-table__control' }, [
h('span', { staticClass: 'q-table__bottom-item' }, [
this.rowsPerPageLabel || this.$q.lang.table.recordsPerPage
h(QSelect, {
staticClass: 'q-table__select inline q-table__bottom-item',
props: {
color: this.color,
value: rowsPerPage,
options: this.computedRowsPerPageOptions,
displayValue: rowsPerPage === 0
? this.$q.lang.table.allRows
: rowsPerPage,
dark: this.isDark,
borderless: true,
dense: true,
optionsDense: true,
optionsCover: true
on: cache(this, 'pgSize', {
input: function (pag) {
page: 1,
rowsPerPage: pag.value
if (paginationSlot !== void 0) {
control = paginationSlot(this.marginalsProps);
else {
control = [
h('span', rowsPerPage !== 0 ? { staticClass: 'q-table__bottom-item' } : {}, [
? paginationLabel(this.firstRowIndex + 1, Math.min(this.lastRowIndex, this.computedRowsNumber), this.computedRowsNumber)
: paginationLabel(1, this.filteredSortedRowsNumber, this.computedRowsNumber)
if (rowsPerPage !== 0 && this.pagesNumber > 1) {
var btnProps = {
color: this.color,
round: true,
dense: true,
flat: true
if (this.dense === true) {
btnProps.size = 'sm';
this.pagesNumber > 2 && control.push(
h(QBtn, {
key: 'pgFirst',
props: Object.assign({}, btnProps,
{icon: this.navIcon[0],
disable: this.isFirstPage}),
on: cache(this, 'pgFirst', { click: this.firstPage })
h(QBtn, {
key: 'pgPrev',
props: Object.assign({}, btnProps,
{icon: this.navIcon[1],
disable: this.isFirstPage}),
on: cache(this, 'pgPrev', { click: this.prevPage })
h(QBtn, {
key: 'pgNext',
props: Object.assign({}, btnProps,
{icon: this.navIcon[2],
disable: this.isLastPage}),
on: cache(this, 'pgNext', { click: this.nextPage })
this.pagesNumber > 2 && control.push(
h(QBtn, {
key: 'pgLast',
props: Object.assign({}, btnProps,
{icon: this.navIcon[3],
disable: this.isLastPage}),
on: cache(this, 'pgLast', { click: this.lastPage })
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-table__control' }, control)
return child
var TableGrid = {
methods: {
getGridBody: function getGridBody (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var item = this.$scopedSlots.item !== void 0
? this.$scopedSlots.item
: function (scope) {
var child = scope.cols.map(
function (col) { return h('div', { staticClass: 'q-table__grid-item-row' }, [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-table__grid-item-title' }, [ col.label ]),
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-table__grid-item-value' }, [ col.value ])
]); }
this$1.hasSelectionMode === true && child.unshift(
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-table__grid-item-row' }, [
h(QCheckbox, {
props: {
value: scope.selected,
color: this$1.color,
dark: this$1.isDark,
dense: true
on: {
input: function (adding, evt) {
this$1.__updateSelection([ scope.key ], [ scope.row ], adding, evt);
h(QSeparator, { props: { dark: this$1.isDark } })
var data = {
staticClass: 'q-table__grid-item-card' + this$1.cardDefaultClass,
class: this$1.cardClass,
style: this$1.cardStyle,
on: {}
if (this$1.qListeners['row-click'] !== void 0 || this$1.qListeners['row-dblclick'] !== void 0) {
data.staticClass += ' cursor-pointer';
if (this$1.qListeners['row-click'] !== void 0) {
data.on.click = function (evt) {
this$1.$emit('row-click', evt, scope.row, scope.pageIndex);
if (this$1.qListeners['row-dblclick'] !== void 0) {
data.on.dblclick = function (evt) {
this$1.$emit('row-dblclick', evt, scope.row, scope.pageIndex);
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-table__grid-item col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3',
class: scope.selected === true ? 'q-table__grid-item--selected' : ''
}, [
h('div', data, child)
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-table__grid-content row',
class: this.cardContainerClass,
style: this.cardContainerStyle
}, this.computedRows.map(function (row, pageIndex) {
key = this$1.getRowKey(row),
selected = this$1.isRowSelected(key);
return item(this$1.addBodyRowMeta({
key: key,
row: row,
pageIndex: pageIndex,
cols: this$1.computedCols,
colsMap: this$1.computedColsMap,
__trClass: selected ? 'selected' : ''
getGridHeader: function getGridHeader (h) {
var child = this.gridHeader === true
? [
h('table', { staticClass: 'q-table' }, [
: (
this.loading === true && this.$scopedSlots.loading === void 0
? this.__getProgress(h)
: void 0
return h('div', { staticClass: 'q-table__middle' }, child)
function getTableMiddle (h, conf, content) {
return h('div', Object.assign({}, conf,
{staticClass: 'q-table__middle' + (conf.staticClass !== void 0 ? ' ' + conf.staticClass : '')}), [
h('table', { staticClass: 'q-table' }, content)
var comps = {
list: QList,
table: QMarkupTable
var QVirtualScroll = Vue.extend({
name: 'QVirtualScroll',
mixins: [ AttrsMixin, ListenersMixin, VirtualScroll ],
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default: 'list',
validator: function (v) { return ['list', 'table', '__qtable'].includes(v); }
items: {
type: Array,
default: function () { return []; }
itemsFn: Function,
itemsSize: Number,
scrollTarget: {
default: void 0
computed: {
virtualScrollLength: function virtualScrollLength () {
return this.itemsSize >= 0 && this.itemsFn !== void 0
? parseInt(this.itemsSize, 10)
: (Array.isArray(this.items) ? this.items.length : 0)
virtualScrollScope: function virtualScrollScope () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.virtualScrollLength === 0) {
return []
var mapFn = function (item, i) { return ({
index: this$1.virtualScrollSliceRange.from + i,
item: item
}); };
if (this.itemsFn === void 0) {
return this.items.slice(this.virtualScrollSliceRange.from, this.virtualScrollSliceRange.to).map(mapFn)
return this.itemsFn(this.virtualScrollSliceRange.from, this.virtualScrollSliceRange.to - this.virtualScrollSliceRange.from).map(mapFn)
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-virtual-scroll q-virtual-scroll' + (this.virtualScrollHorizontal === true ? '--horizontal' : '--vertical') +
(this.scrollTarget !== void 0 ? '' : ' scroll')
attrs: function attrs () {
return this.scrollTarget !== void 0 ? void 0 : { tabindex: 0 }
watch: {
virtualScrollLength: function virtualScrollLength () {
scrollTarget: function scrollTarget () {
methods: {
__getVirtualScrollEl: function __getVirtualScrollEl () {
return this.$el
__getVirtualScrollTarget: function __getVirtualScrollTarget () {
return this.__scrollTarget
__configureScrollTarget: function __configureScrollTarget () {
this.__scrollTarget = getScrollTarget(this.$el, this.scrollTarget);
this.__scrollTarget.addEventListener('scroll', this.__onVirtualScrollEvt, listenOpts.passive);
__unconfigureScrollTarget: function __unconfigureScrollTarget () {
if (this.__scrollTarget !== void 0) {
this.__scrollTarget.removeEventListener('scroll', this.__onVirtualScrollEvt, listenOpts.passive);
this.__scrollTarget = void 0;
beforeMount: function beforeMount () {
mounted: function mounted () {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
render: function render (h) {
if (this.$scopedSlots.default === void 0) {
console.error("QVirtualScroll: default scoped slot is required for rendering", this);
var child = this.__padVirtualScroll(
this.type === 'list' ? 'div' : 'tbody',
if (this.$scopedSlots.before !== void 0) {
child = this.$scopedSlots.before().concat(child);
child = mergeSlot(child, this, 'after');
return this.type === '__qtable'
? getTableMiddle(h, { staticClass: this.classes }, child)
: h(comps[this.type], {
class: this.classes,
attrs: this.attrs,
props: this.qAttrs,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, child)
function sortDate (a, b) {
return (new Date(a)) - (new Date(b))
var Sort = {
props: {
sortMethod: {
type: Function,
default: function default$1 (data, sortBy, descending) {
var col = this.colList.find(function (def) { return def.name === sortBy; });
if (col === void 0 || col.field === void 0) {
return data
dir = descending === true ? -1 : 1,
val = typeof col.field === 'function'
? function (v) { return col.field(v); }
: function (v) { return v[col.field]; };
return data.sort(function (a, b) {
var assign;
A = val(a),
B = val(b);
if (A === null || A === void 0) {
return -1 * dir
if (B === null || B === void 0) {
return 1 * dir
if (col.sort !== void 0) {
return col.sort(A, B, a, b) * dir
if (isNumber(A) === true && isNumber(B) === true) {
return (A - B) * dir
if (isDate(A) === true && isDate(B) === true) {
return sortDate(A, B) * dir
if (typeof A === 'boolean' && typeof B === 'boolean') {
return (A - B) * dir
(assign = [A, B].map(function (s) { return (s + '').toLocaleString().toLowerCase(); }), A = assign[0], B = assign[1]);
return A < B
? -1 * dir
: (A === B ? 0 : dir)
computed: {
columnToSort: function columnToSort () {
var ref = this.computedPagination;
var sortBy = ref.sortBy;
if (sortBy) {
return this.colList.find(function (def) { return def.name === sortBy; }) || null
methods: {
sort: function sort (col /* String(col name) or Object(col definition) */) {
if (col === Object(col)) {
col = col.name;
var ref = this.computedPagination;
var sortBy = ref.sortBy;
var descending = ref.descending;
if (sortBy !== col) {
sortBy = col;
descending = false;
else if (this.binaryStateSort === true) {
descending = !descending;
else if (descending === true) {
sortBy = null;
else {
descending = true;
this.setPagination({ sortBy: sortBy, descending: descending, page: 1 });
var Filter = {
props: {
filter: [String, Object],
filterMethod: {
type: Function,
default: function default$1 (rows, terms, cols, cellValue) {
if ( cols === void 0 ) cols = this.computedCols;
if ( cellValue === void 0 ) cellValue = this.getCellValue;
var lowerTerms = terms ? terms.toLowerCase() : '';
return rows.filter(
function (row) { return cols.some(function (col) {
var val = cellValue(col, row) + '';
var haystack = (val === 'undefined' || val === 'null') ? '' : val.toLowerCase();
return haystack.indexOf(lowerTerms) !== -1
}); }
watch: {
filter: {
handler: function handler () {
var this$1 = this;
this.$nextTick(function () {
this$1.setPagination({ page: 1 }, true);
deep: true
function samePagination (oldPag, newPag) {
for (var prop in newPag) {
if (newPag[prop] !== oldPag[prop]) {
return false
return true
function fixPagination (p) {
if (p.page < 1) {
p.page = 1;
if (p.rowsPerPage !== void 0 && p.rowsPerPage < 1) {
p.rowsPerPage = 0;
return p
var Pagination = {
props: {
pagination: Object,
rowsPerPageOptions: {
type: Array,
default: function () { return [ 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 0 ]; }
computed: {
computedPagination: function computedPagination () {
var pag = this.qListeners['update:pagination'] !== void 0
? Object.assign({}, this.innerPagination, this.pagination)
: this.innerPagination;
return fixPagination(pag)
firstRowIndex: function firstRowIndex () {
var ref = this.computedPagination;
var page = ref.page;
var rowsPerPage = ref.rowsPerPage;
return (page - 1) * rowsPerPage
lastRowIndex: function lastRowIndex () {
var ref = this.computedPagination;
var page = ref.page;
var rowsPerPage = ref.rowsPerPage;
return page * rowsPerPage
isFirstPage: function isFirstPage () {
return this.computedPagination.page === 1
pagesNumber: function pagesNumber () {
return this.computedPagination.rowsPerPage === 0
? 1
: Math.max(
Math.ceil(this.computedRowsNumber / this.computedPagination.rowsPerPage)
isLastPage: function isLastPage () {
return this.lastRowIndex === 0
? true
: this.computedPagination.page >= this.pagesNumber
computedRowsPerPageOptions: function computedRowsPerPageOptions () {
var this$1 = this;
var opts = this.rowsPerPageOptions.includes(this.innerPagination.rowsPerPage)
? this.rowsPerPageOptions
: [ this.innerPagination.rowsPerPage ].concat(this.rowsPerPageOptions);
return opts.map(function (count) { return ({
label: count === 0 ? this$1.$q.lang.table.allRows : '' + count,
value: count
}); })
watch: {
pagesNumber: function pagesNumber (lastPage, oldLastPage) {
if (lastPage === oldLastPage) {
var currentPage = this.computedPagination.page;
if (lastPage && !currentPage) {
this.setPagination({ page: 1 });
else if (lastPage < currentPage) {
this.setPagination({ page: lastPage });
methods: {
__sendServerRequest: function __sendServerRequest (pagination) {
pagination: pagination,
filter: this.filter
setPagination: function setPagination (val, forceServerRequest) {
var newPagination = fixPagination(Object.assign({}, this.computedPagination,
if (samePagination(this.computedPagination, newPagination)) {
if (this.isServerSide === true && forceServerRequest === true) {
if (this.isServerSide === true) {
if (this.pagination !== void 0 && this.qListeners['update:pagination'] !== void 0) {
this.$emit('update:pagination', newPagination);
else {
this.innerPagination = newPagination;
firstPage: function firstPage () {
this.setPagination({ page: 1 });
prevPage: function prevPage () {
var ref = this.computedPagination;
var page = ref.page;
if (page > 1) {
this.setPagination({ page: page - 1 });
nextPage: function nextPage () {
var ref = this.computedPagination;
var page = ref.page;
var rowsPerPage = ref.rowsPerPage;
if (this.lastRowIndex > 0 && page * rowsPerPage < this.computedRowsNumber) {
this.setPagination({ page: page + 1 });
lastPage: function lastPage () {
this.setPagination({ page: this.pagesNumber });
created: function created () {
if (this.qListeners['update:pagination'] !== void 0) {
this.$emit('update:pagination', Object.assign({}, this.computedPagination));
var RowSelection = {
props: {
selection: {
type: String,
default: 'none',
validator: function (v) { return ['single', 'multiple', 'none'].includes(v); }
selected: {
type: Array,
default: function () { return []; }
computed: {
selectedKeys: function selectedKeys () {
var keys = {};
this.selected.map(this.getRowKey).forEach(function (key) {
keys[key] = true;
return keys
hasSelectionMode: function hasSelectionMode () {
return this.selection !== 'none'
singleSelection: function singleSelection () {
return this.selection === 'single'
multipleSelection: function multipleSelection () {
return this.selection === 'multiple'
allRowsSelected: function allRowsSelected () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.computedRows.length > 0 && this.computedRows.every(
function (row) { return this$1.selectedKeys[ this$1.getRowKey(row) ] === true; }
someRowsSelected: function someRowsSelected () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.allRowsSelected !== true &&
this.computedRows.some(function (row) { return this$1.selectedKeys[ this$1.getRowKey(row) ] === true; })
rowsSelectedNumber: function rowsSelectedNumber () {
return this.selected.length
methods: {
isRowSelected: function isRowSelected (key) {
return this.selectedKeys[key] === true
clearSelection: function clearSelection () {
this.$emit('update:selected', []);
__updateSelection: function __updateSelection (keys, rows, added, evt) {
var this$1 = this;
this.$emit('selection', { rows: rows, added: added, keys: keys, evt: evt });
var payload = this.singleSelection === true
? (added === true ? rows : [])
: (
added === true
? this.selected.concat(rows)
: this.selected.filter(
function (row) { return keys.includes(this$1.getRowKey(row)) === false; }
this.$emit('update:selected', payload);
function getVal (val) {
return Array.isArray(val)
? val.slice()
: []
var RowExpand = {
props: {
expanded: Array // sync
data: function data () {
return {
innerExpanded: getVal(this.expanded)
watch: {
expanded: function expanded (val) {
this.innerExpanded = getVal(val);
methods: {
isRowExpanded: function isRowExpanded (key) {
return this.innerExpanded.includes(key)
setExpanded: function setExpanded (val) {
if (this.expanded !== void 0) {
this.$emit('update:expanded', val);
else {
this.innerExpanded = val;
__updateExpanded: function __updateExpanded (key, add) {
var target = this.innerExpanded.slice();
var index = target.indexOf(key);
if (add === true) {
if (index === -1) {
else if (index !== -1) {
target.splice(index, 1);
var ColumnSelection = {
props: {
visibleColumns: Array
computed: {
colList: function colList () {
if (this.columns !== void 0) {
return this.columns
// we infer columns from first row
var row = this.data[0];
return row !== void 0
? Object.keys(row).map(function (name) { return ({
name: name,
label: name.toUpperCase(),
field: name,
align: isNumber(row[name]) ? 'right' : 'left',
sortable: true
}); })
: []
computedCols: function computedCols () {
var this$1 = this;
var ref = this.computedPagination;
var sortBy = ref.sortBy;
var descending = ref.descending;
var cols = this.visibleColumns !== void 0
? this.colList.filter(function (col) { return col.required === true || this$1.visibleColumns.includes(col.name) === true; })
: this.colList;
return cols.map(function (col) {
var align = col.align || 'right';
return Object.assign({}, col,
{align: align,
__iconClass: ("q-table__sort-icon q-table__sort-icon--" + align),
__thClass: "text-" + align +
(col.headerClasses !== void 0 ? ' ' + col.headerClasses : '') +
(col.sortable === true ? ' sortable' : '') +
(col.name === sortBy ? (" sorted " + (descending === true ? 'sort-desc' : '')) : ''),
__tdClass: ("text-" + align + (col.classes !== void 0 ? ' ' + col.classes : ''))})
computedColsMap: function computedColsMap () {
var names = {};
this.computedCols.forEach(function (col) {
names[col.name] = col;
return names
computedColspan: function computedColspan () {
return this.tableColspan !== void 0
? this.tableColspan
: this.computedCols.length + (this.hasSelectionMode === true ? 1 : 0)
var commonVirtPropsObj = {};
commonVirtPropsList.forEach(function (p) { commonVirtPropsObj[p] = {}; });
var QTable = Vue.extend({
name: 'QTable',
mixins: [
props: Object.assign({}, {data: {
type: Array,
default: function () { return []; }
rowKey: {
type: [ String, Function ],
default: 'id'
columns: Array,
loading: Boolean,
binaryStateSort: Boolean,
iconFirstPage: String,
iconPrevPage: String,
iconNextPage: String,
iconLastPage: String,
title: String,
hideHeader: Boolean,
grid: Boolean,
gridHeader: Boolean,
dense: Boolean,
flat: Boolean,
bordered: Boolean,
square: Boolean,
separator: {
type: String,
default: 'horizontal',
validator: function (v) { return ['horizontal', 'vertical', 'cell', 'none'].includes(v); }
wrapCells: Boolean,
virtualScroll: Boolean},
{noDataLabel: String,
noResultsLabel: String,
loadingLabel: String,
selectedRowsLabel: Function,
rowsPerPageLabel: String,
paginationLabel: Function,
color: {
type: String,
default: 'grey-8'
titleClass: [String, Array, Object],
tableStyle: [String, Array, Object],
tableClass: [String, Array, Object],
tableHeaderStyle: [String, Array, Object],
tableHeaderClass: [String, Array, Object],
cardContainerClass: [String, Array, Object],
cardContainerStyle: [String, Array, Object],
cardStyle: [String, Array, Object],
cardClass: [String, Array, Object]}),
data: function data () {
return {
innerPagination: Object.assign({
sortBy: null,
descending: false,
page: 1,
rowsPerPage: this.rowsPerPageOptions.length > 0
? this.rowsPerPageOptions[0]
: 5
}, this.pagination)
watch: {
needsReset: function needsReset () {
this.hasVirtScroll === true && this.$refs.virtScroll !== void 0 && this.$refs.virtScroll.reset();
computed: {
getRowKey: function getRowKey () {
var this$1 = this;
return typeof this.rowKey === 'function'
? this.rowKey
: function (row) { return row[this$1.rowKey]; }
hasVirtScroll: function hasVirtScroll () {
return this.grid !== true && this.virtualScroll === true
needsReset: function needsReset () {
var this$1 = this;
return ['tableStyle', 'tableClass', 'tableHeaderStyle', 'tableHeaderClass', 'containerClass']
.map(function (p) { return this$1[p]; }).join(';')
filteredSortedRows: function filteredSortedRows () {
var rows = this.data;
if (this.isServerSide === true || rows.length === 0) {
return rows
var ref = this.computedPagination;
var sortBy = ref.sortBy;
var descending = ref.descending;
if (this.filter) {
rows = this.filterMethod(rows, this.filter, this.computedCols, this.getCellValue);
if (this.columnToSort !== void 0) {
rows = this.sortMethod(
this.data === rows ? rows.slice() : rows,
return rows
filteredSortedRowsNumber: function filteredSortedRowsNumber () {
return this.filteredSortedRows.length
computedRows: function computedRows () {
var rows = this.filteredSortedRows;
if (this.isServerSide === true) {
return rows
var ref = this.computedPagination;
var rowsPerPage = ref.rowsPerPage;
if (rowsPerPage !== 0) {
if (this.firstRowIndex === 0 && this.data !== rows) {
if (rows.length > this.lastRowIndex) {
rows.length = this.lastRowIndex;
else {
rows = rows.slice(this.firstRowIndex, this.lastRowIndex);
return rows
computedRowsNumber: function computedRowsNumber () {
return this.isServerSide === true
? this.computedPagination.rowsNumber || 0
: this.filteredSortedRowsNumber
nothingToDisplay: function nothingToDisplay () {
return this.computedRows.length === 0
isServerSide: function isServerSide () {
return this.computedPagination.rowsNumber !== void 0
cardDefaultClass: function cardDefaultClass () {
return " q-table__card" +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-table__card--dark q-dark' : '') +
(this.square === true ? " q-table--square" : '') +
(this.flat === true ? " q-table--flat" : '') +
(this.bordered === true ? " q-table--bordered" : '')
containerClass: function containerClass () {
return "q-table__container q-table--" + (this.separator) + "-separator column no-wrap" +
(this.loading === true ? ' q-table--loading' : '') +
(this.grid === true ? ' q-table--grid' : this.cardDefaultClass) +
(this.isDark === true ? " q-table--dark" : '') +
(this.dense === true ? " q-table--dense" : '') +
(this.wrapCells === false ? " q-table--no-wrap" : '') +
(this.inFullscreen === true ? " fullscreen scroll" : '')
virtProps: function virtProps () {
var this$1 = this;
var props = {};
.forEach(function (p) { props[p] = this$1[p]; });
if (props.virtualScrollItemSize === void 0) {
props.virtualScrollItemSize = this.dense === true ? 28 : 48;
return props
render: function render (h) {
var child = [ this.getTop(h) ];
var data = { staticClass: this.containerClass };
if (this.grid === true) {
else {
Object.assign(data, {
class: this.cardClass,
style: this.cardStyle
if (this.loading === true && this.$scopedSlots.loading !== void 0) {
return h('div', data, child)
methods: {
requestServerInteraction: function requestServerInteraction (prop) {
var this$1 = this;
if ( prop === void 0 ) prop = {};
this.$nextTick(function () {
this$1.$emit('request', {
pagination: prop.pagination || this$1.computedPagination,
filter: prop.filter || this$1.filter,
getCellValue: this$1.getCellValue
resetVirtualScroll: function resetVirtualScroll () {
this.hasVirtScroll === true && this.$refs.virtScroll.reset();
getBody: function getBody (h) {
if (this.grid === true) {
return this.getGridBody(h)
var header = this.hideHeader !== true ? this.getTableHeader(h) : null;
return this.hasVirtScroll === true
? h(QVirtualScroll, {
ref: 'virtScroll',
props: Object.assign({}, this.virtProps,
{items: this.computedRows,
type: '__qtable',
tableColspan: this.computedColspan}),
on: cache(this, 'vs', {
'virtual-scroll': this.__onVScroll
class: this.tableClass,
style: this.tableStyle,
scopedSlots: {
before: header === null
? void 0
: function () { return header; },
default: this.getTableRowVirtual(h)
: getTableMiddle(h, {
staticClass: 'scroll',
class: this.tableClass,
style: this.tableStyle
}, [
scrollTo: function scrollTo (toIndex) {
if (this.$refs.virtScroll !== void 0) {
toIndex = parseInt(toIndex, 10);
var rowEl = this.$el.querySelector(("tbody tr:nth-of-type(" + (toIndex + 1) + ")"));
if (rowEl !== null) {
var scrollTarget = this.$el.querySelector('.q-table__middle.scroll');
var offsetTop = rowEl.offsetTop;
var direction = offsetTop < scrollTarget.scrollTop ? 'decrease' : 'increase';
scrollTarget.scrollTop = offsetTop;
this.$emit('virtual-scroll', {
index: toIndex,
from: 0,
to: this.pagination.rowsPerPage - 1,
direction: direction
__onVScroll: function __onVScroll (info) {
this.$emit('virtual-scroll', info);
__getProgress: function __getProgress (h) {
return [
h(QLinearProgress, {
staticClass: 'q-table__linear-progress',
props: {
color: this.color,
dark: this.isDark,
indeterminate: true,
trackColor: 'transparent'
var QTr = Vue.extend({
name: 'QTr',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
props: Object,
noHover: Boolean
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-tr' + (this.props === void 0 || this.props.header === true ? '' : ' ' + this.props.__trClass) +
(this.noHover === true ? ' q-tr--no-hover' : '')
render: function render (h) {
return h('tr', {
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
class: this.classes
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QTd = Vue.extend({
name: 'QTd',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
props: Object,
autoWidth: Boolean,
noHover: Boolean
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-td' + (this.autoWidth === true ? ' q-table--col-auto-width' : '') +
(this.noHover === true ? ' q-td--no-hover' : '')
render: function render (h) {
var on = this.qListeners;
if (this.props === void 0) {
return h('td', {
on: on,
class: this.classes
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var name = this.$vnode.key;
var col = this.props.colsMap !== void 0 && name
? this.props.colsMap[name]
: this.props.col;
if (col === void 0) { return }
return h('td', {
on: on,
style: col.style,
class: this.classes + ' ' + col.__tdClass
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var trailingSlashRE = /\/?$/;
function queryIncludes (current, target) {
for (var key in target) {
if (!(key in current)) {
return false
return true
function isSameRoute (current, target) {
if (!target) {
return false
if (current.path && target.path) {
return (
current.path.replace(trailingSlashRE, '') === target.path.replace(trailingSlashRE, '') &&
current.hash === target.hash &&
isDeepEqual(current.query, target.query)
if (current.name && target.name) {
return (
current.name === target.name &&
current.hash === target.hash &&
isDeepEqual(current.query, target.query) &&
isDeepEqual(current.params, target.params)
return false
function isIncludedRoute (current, target) {
return (
current.path.replace(trailingSlashRE, '/').indexOf(target.path.replace(trailingSlashRE, '/')) === 0 &&
(!target.hash || current.hash === target.hash) &&
queryIncludes(current.query, target.query)
var QRouteTab = Vue.extend({
name: 'QRouteTab',
mixins: [ QTab, RouterLinkMixin ],
props: {
to: { required: true }
inject: {
__activateRoute: {},
__recalculateScroll: {}
watch: {
$route: function $route () {
computed: {
onEvents: function onEvents () {
return Object.assign({}, {input: stop},
{'!click': this.__activate, // we need capture to intercept before vue-router
keyup: this.__onKeyup})
methods: {
__activate: function __activate (e, keyboard) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.disable !== true) {
if (
e !== void 0 && (
e.ctrlKey === true ||
e.shiftKey === true ||
e.altKey === true ||
e.metaKey === true
) {
// if it has meta keys, let vue-router link
// handle this by its own
else {
// we use programatic navigation instead of letting vue-router handle it
// so we can check for activation when the navigation is complete
e !== void 0 && stopAndPrevent(e);
var go = function (to, append, replace) {
if ( to === void 0 ) to = this$1.to;
if ( append === void 0 ) append = this$1.append;
if ( replace === void 0 ) replace = this$1.replace;
var ref = this$1.$router.resolve(to, this$1.$route, append);
var route = ref.route;
var checkFn = to === this$1.to && append === this$1.append && replace === this$1.replace
? this$1.__checkActivation
: noop;
// vue-router now throwing error if navigating
// to the same route that the user is currently at
// https://github.com/vuejs/vue-router/issues/2872
this$1.$router[replace === true ? 'replace' : 'push'](
function () { checkFn(true); },
function (err) {
if (err && err.name === 'NavigationDuplicated') {
this.qListeners.click !== void 0 && this.$emit('click', e, go);
e.navigate !== false && go();
if (keyboard === true) {
else {
this.$refs.blurTarget !== void 0 && this.$refs.blurTarget.focus(e);
__checkActivation: function __checkActivation (selected) {
if ( selected === void 0 ) selected = false;
current = this.$route;
var ref = this.$router.resolve(this.to, current, this.append);
var href = ref.href;
var location = ref.location;
var route = ref.route;
var redirected = route.redirectedFrom !== void 0,
isSameRouteCheck = isSameRoute(current, route),
checkFunction = this.exact === true ? isSameRoute : isIncludedRoute,
params = {
name: this.name,
selected: selected,
exact: this.exact,
priorityMatched: route.matched.length,
priorityHref: href.length
if (isSameRouteCheck === true || (this.exact !== true && isIncludedRoute(current, route) === true)) {
this.__activateRoute(Object.assign({}, params,
{redirected: redirected,
// if it's an exact match give higher priority
// even if the tab is not marked as exact
exact: this.exact === true || isSameRouteCheck === true}));
if (
redirected === true &&
checkFunction(current, Object.assign({}, {path: route.redirectedFrom},
location)) === true
) {
this.isActive === true && this.__activateRoute();
mounted: function mounted () {
this.$router !== void 0 && this.__checkActivation();
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
this.__activateRoute({ remove: true, name: this.name });
render: function render (h) {
return this.__renderTab(h, 'router-link', this.routerLinkProps)
var QTime = Vue.extend({
name: 'QTime',
mixins: [ DateTimeMixin ],
directives: {
TouchPan: TouchPan
props: {
mask: {
default: null
format24h: {
type: Boolean,
default: null
defaultDate: {
type: String,
validator: function (v) { return /^-?[\d]+\/[0-1]\d\/[0-3]\d$/.test(v); }
options: Function,
hourOptions: Array,
minuteOptions: Array,
secondOptions: Array,
withSeconds: Boolean,
nowBtn: Boolean
data: function data () {
var model = __splitDate(
var view = 'Hour';
if (model.hour !== null) {
if (model.minute === null) {
view = 'Minute';
else if (this.withSeconds === true && model.second === null) {
view = 'Second';
return {
view: view,
isAM: model.hour === null || model.hour < 12,
innerModel: model
watch: {
value: function value (v) {
var model = __splitDate(
if (
model.dateHash !== this.innerModel.dateHash ||
model.timeHash !== this.innerModel.timeHash
) {
this.innerModel = model;
if (model.hour === null) {
this.view = 'Hour';
else {
this.isAM = model.hour < 12;
computedMask: function computedMask () {
var this$1 = this;
this.$nextTick(function () {
computedLocale: function computedLocale () {
var this$1 = this;
this.$nextTick(function () {
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return "q-time q-time--" + (this.landscape === true ? 'landscape' : 'portrait') +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-time--dark q-dark' : '') +
(this.disable === true ? ' disabled' : (this.readonly === true ? ' q-time--readonly' : '')) +
(this.bordered === true ? " q-time--bordered" : '') +
(this.square === true ? " q-time--square no-border-radius" : '') +
(this.flat === true ? " q-time--flat no-shadow" : '')
stringModel: function stringModel () {
var time = this.innerModel;
return {
hour: time.hour === null
? '--'
: (
this.computedFormat24h === true
? pad(time.hour)
: String(
this.isAM === true
? (time.hour === 0 ? 12 : time.hour)
: (time.hour > 12 ? time.hour - 12 : time.hour)
minute: time.minute === null
? '--'
: pad(time.minute),
second: time.second === null
? '--'
: pad(time.second)
defaultDateModel: function defaultDateModel () {
return this.__getDefaultDateModel()
computedFormat24h: function computedFormat24h () {
return this.format24h !== null
? this.format24h
: this.$q.lang.date.format24h
pointerStyle: function pointerStyle () {
forHour = this.view === 'Hour',
divider = forHour === true ? 12 : 60,
amount = this.innerModel[this.view.toLowerCase()],
degrees = Math.round(amount * (360 / divider)) - 180;
var transform = "rotate(" + degrees + "deg) translateX(-50%)";
if (
forHour === true &&
this.computedFormat24h === true &&
this.innerModel.hour >= 12
) {
transform += ' scale(.7)';
return { transform: transform }
minLink: function minLink () {
return this.innerModel.hour !== null
secLink: function secLink () {
return this.minLink === true && this.innerModel.minute !== null
hourInSelection: function hourInSelection () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.hourOptions !== void 0
? function (val) { return this$1.hourOptions.includes(val); }
: (
this.options !== void 0
? function (val) { return this$1.options(val, null, null); }
: void 0
minuteInSelection: function minuteInSelection () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.minuteOptions !== void 0
? function (val) { return this$1.minuteOptions.includes(val); }
: (
this.options !== void 0
? function (val) { return this$1.options(this$1.innerModel.hour, val, null); }
: void 0
secondInSelection: function secondInSelection () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.secondOptions !== void 0
? function (val) { return this$1.secondOptions.includes(val); }
: (
this.options !== void 0
? function (val) { return this$1.options(this$1.innerModel.hour, this$1.innerModel.minute, val); }
: void 0
hourSnappingGrid: function hourSnappingGrid () {
return this.__getSnapGrid(this.hourInSelection, 24)
minuteSnappingGrid: function minuteSnappingGrid () {
return this.__getSnapGrid(this.minuteInSelection, 60)
secondSnappingGrid: function secondSnappingGrid () {
return this.__getSnapGrid(this.secondInSelection, 60)
positions: function positions () {
var start, end, offset = 0, step = 1, inSel;
if (this.view === 'Hour') {
inSel = this.hourInSelection;
if (this.computedFormat24h === true) {
start = 0;
end = 23;
else {
start = 0;
end = 11;
if (this.isAM === false) {
offset = 12;
else {
start = 0;
end = 55;
step = 5;
if (this.view === 'Minute') {
inSel = this.minuteInSelection;
else {
inSel = this.secondInSelection;
var pos = [];
for (var val = start, index = start; val <= end; val += step, index++) {
actualVal = val + offset,
disable = inSel !== void 0 && inSel(actualVal) === false,
label = this.view === 'Hour' && val === 0
? (this.format24h === true ? '00' : '12')
: val;
pos.push({ val: actualVal, index: index, disable: disable, label: label });
return pos
methods: {
setNow: function setNow () {
this.__updateValue(Object.assign({}, this.__getCurrentDate(),
this.view = 'Hour';
__getSnapGrid: function __getSnapGrid (inSel, count) {
if (inSel === void 0) {
var snappingGrid = [].concat( Array(count).keys() ).map(inSel);
var consecutiveGaps = (count - 1) - snappingGrid.lastIndexOf(true);
if (consecutiveGaps === -1) {
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (snappingGrid[i] === true) {
if (consecutiveGaps) {
if (consecutiveGaps > 1) {
var sideCount = Math.floor(consecutiveGaps / 2);
var previousVal = ((i - consecutiveGaps - 1) + count) % count;
var previousValStart = ((i - consecutiveGaps) + count) % count;
for (var j = 0, h = previousValStart; j < sideCount; j++, (h = (previousValStart + j + count) % count)) {
snappingGrid[h] = previousVal;
var currentVal = i;
var currentValStart = ((i - sideCount) + count) % count;
for (var j$1 = 0, h$1 = currentValStart; j$1 < sideCount; j$1++, (h$1 = (currentValStart + j$1 + count) % count)) {
snappingGrid[h$1] = currentVal;
} else {
var previousPosition = ((i - 1) + count) % count;
snappingGrid[previousPosition] = previousPosition;
consecutiveGaps = 0;
snappingGrid[i] = i;
else if (snappingGrid[i] === false) {
return snappingGrid
__getMask: function __getMask () {
return this.calendar !== 'persian' && this.mask !== null
? this.mask
: ("HH:mm" + (this.withSeconds === true ? ':ss' : ''))
__getDefaultDateModel: function __getDefaultDateModel () {
if (typeof this.defaultDate !== 'string') {
var date = this.__getCurrentDate();
date.dateHash = date.year + '/' + pad(date.month) + '/' + pad(date.day);
return date
return __splitDate(this.defaultDate, 'YYYY/MM/DD', void 0, this.calendar)
__click: function __click (evt) {
if (this._isBeingDestroyed === true || this._isDestroyed === true) {
// __activate() has already updated the offset
// (on desktop only, through mousedown event)
if (this.$q.platform.is.desktop !== true) {
this.__updateClock(evt, this.__getClockRect());
__activate: function __activate (evt) {
if (this._isBeingDestroyed !== true && this._isDestroyed !== true) {
this.__updateClock(evt, this.__getClockRect());
__getClockRect: function __getClockRect () {
clock = this.$refs.clock;
var ref = clock.getBoundingClientRect();
var top = ref.top;
var left = ref.left;
var width = ref.width;
var dist = width / 2;
return {
top: top + dist,
left: left + dist,
dist: dist * 0.7
__goToNextView: function __goToNextView () {
if (this.view === 'Hour') {
this.view = 'Minute';
else if (this.withSeconds && this.view === 'Minute') {
this.view = 'Second';
__drag: function __drag (event) {
// cases when on a popup getting closed
// on previously emitted value
if (this._isBeingDestroyed === true || this._isDestroyed === true) {
if (event.isFirst === true) {
this.draggingClockRect = this.__getClockRect();
this.dragCache = this.__updateClock(event.evt, this.draggingClockRect);
this.dragCache = this.__updateClock(event.evt, this.draggingClockRect, this.dragCache);
if (event.isFinal === true) {
this.draggingClockRect = false;
this.dragCache = null;
__updateClock: function __updateClock (evt, clockRect, cacheVal) {
pos = position(evt),
height = Math.abs(pos.top - clockRect.top),
distance = Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(Math.abs(pos.top - clockRect.top), 2) +
Math.pow(Math.abs(pos.left - clockRect.left), 2)
angle = Math.asin(height / distance) * (180 / Math.PI);
if (pos.top < clockRect.top) {
angle = clockRect.left < pos.left ? 90 - angle : 270 + angle;
else {
angle = clockRect.left < pos.left ? angle + 90 : 270 - angle;
if (this.view === 'Hour') {
val = Math.round(angle / 30);
if (this.computedFormat24h === true) {
if (distance < clockRect.dist) {
if (val < 12) {
val += 12;
else if (val === 12) {
val = 0;
this.isAM = val < 12;
else if (this.isAM === true && val === 12) {
val = 0;
else if (this.isAM === false && val !== 12) {
val += 12;
if (this.hourSnappingGrid !== void 0) {
val = this.hourSnappingGrid[val];
else {
val = Math.round(angle / 6) % 60;
if (this.view === 'Minute' && this.minuteSnappingGrid !== void 0) {
val = this.minuteSnappingGrid[val];
else if (this.view === 'Second' && this.secondSnappingGrid !== void 0) {
val = this.secondSnappingGrid[val];
if (cacheVal === val) {
return val
var opt = this[((this.view.toLowerCase()) + "InSelection")];
if (opt !== void 0 && opt(val) !== true) {
this[("__set" + (this.view))](val);
return val
__onKeyupHour: function __onKeyupHour (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) { // ENTER
this.view = 'Hour';
else {
wrap = this.computedFormat24h === true ? 24 : 12,
offset = this.computedFormat24h !== true && this.isAM === false ? 12 : 0;
if (e.keyCode === 37) { // ARROW LEFT
this.__setHour(offset + (24 + this.innerModel.hour - 1) % wrap);
else if (e.keyCode === 39) { // ARROW RIGHT
this.__setHour(offset + (24 + this.innerModel.hour + 1) % wrap);
__onKeyupMinute: function __onKeyupMinute (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) { // ENTER
this.view = 'Minute';
else if (e.keyCode === 37) { // ARROW LEFT
this.__setMinute((60 + this.innerModel.minute - 1) % 60);
else if (e.keyCode === 39) { // ARROW RIGHT
this.__setMinute((60 + this.innerModel.minute + 1) % 60);
__onKeyupSecond: function __onKeyupSecond (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) { // ENTER
this.view = 'Second';
else if (e.keyCode === 37) { // ARROW LEFT
this.__setSecond((60 + this.innerModel.second - 1) % 60);
else if (e.keyCode === 39) { // ARROW RIGHT
this.__setSecond((60 + this.innerModel.second + 1) % 60);
__getHeader: function __getHeader (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var label = [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-time__link',
class: this.view === 'Hour' ? 'q-time__link--active' : 'cursor-pointer',
attrs: { tabindex: this.computedTabindex },
on: cache(this, 'vH', {
click: function () { this$1.view = 'Hour'; },
keyup: this.__onKeyupHour
}, [ this.stringModel.hour ]),
h('div', [ ':' ]),
this.minLink === true
? {
staticClass: 'q-time__link',
class: this.view === 'Minute' ? 'q-time__link--active' : 'cursor-pointer',
attrs: { tabindex: this.computedTabindex },
on: cache(this, 'vM', {
click: function () { this$1.view = 'Minute'; },
keyup: this.__onKeyupMinute
: { staticClass: 'q-time__link' },
[ this.stringModel.minute ]
if (this.withSeconds === true) {
h('div', [ ':' ]),
this.secLink === true
? {
staticClass: 'q-time__link',
class: this.view === 'Second' ? 'q-time__link--active' : 'cursor-pointer',
attrs: { tabindex: this.computedTabindex },
on: cache(this, 'vS', {
click: function () { this$1.view = 'Second'; },
keyup: this.__onKeyupSecond
: { staticClass: 'q-time__link' },
[ this.stringModel.second ]
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-time__header flex flex-center no-wrap',
class: this.headerClass
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-time__header-label row items-center no-wrap',
attrs: { dir: 'ltr' }
}, label),
this.computedFormat24h === false ? h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-time__header-ampm column items-between no-wrap'
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-time__link',
class: this.isAM === true ? 'q-time__link--active' : 'cursor-pointer',
attrs: { tabindex: this.computedTabindex },
on: cache(this, 'AM', {
click: this.__setAm,
keyup: function (e) { e.keyCode === 13 && this$1.__setAm(); }
}, [ 'AM' ]),
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-time__link',
class: this.isAM !== true ? 'q-time__link--active' : 'cursor-pointer',
attrs: { tabindex: this.computedTabindex },
on: cache(this, 'PM', {
click: this.__setPm,
keyup: function (e) { e.keyCode === 13 && this$1.__setPm(); }
}, [ 'PM' ])
]) : null
__getClock: function __getClock (h) {
var this$1 = this;
view = this.view.toLowerCase(),
current = this.innerModel[view];
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-time__content col relative-position'
}, [
h('transition', {
props: { name: 'q-transition--scale' }
}, [
h('div', {
key: 'clock' + this.view,
staticClass: 'q-time__container-parent absolute-full'
}, [
h('div', {
ref: 'clock',
staticClass: 'q-time__container-child fit overflow-hidden'
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-time__clock cursor-pointer non-selectable',
on: cache(this, 'click', {
click: this.__click,
mousedown: this.__activate
directives: cache(this, 'touch', [{
name: 'touch-pan',
value: this.__drag,
modifiers: {
stop: true,
prevent: true,
mouse: true
}, [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-time__clock-circle fit' }, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-time__clock-pointer',
style: this.pointerStyle,
class: this.innerModel[view] === null ? 'hidden' : (this.color !== void 0 ? ("text-" + (this.color)) : '')
this.positions.map(function (pos) { return h('div', {
staticClass: ("q-time__clock-position row flex-center q-time__clock-pos-" + (pos.index)),
class: pos.val === current
? this$1.headerClass.concat(' q-time__clock-position--active')
: (pos.disable === true ? 'q-time__clock-position--disable' : null)
}, [ h('span', [ pos.label ]) ]); })
this.nowBtn === true ? h(QBtn, {
staticClass: 'q-time__now-button absolute',
props: {
icon: this.$q.iconSet.datetime.now,
unelevated: true,
size: 'sm',
round: true,
color: this.color,
textColor: this.textColor,
tabindex: this.computedTabindex
on: cache(this, 'now', {
click: this.setNow
}) : null
__setHour: function __setHour (hour) {
if (this.innerModel.hour !== hour) {
this.innerModel.hour = hour;
this.innerModel.minute = null;
this.innerModel.second = null;
__setMinute: function __setMinute (minute) {
if (this.innerModel.minute !== minute) {
this.innerModel.minute = minute;
this.innerModel.second = null;
this.withSeconds !== true && this.__updateValue({ minute: minute });
__setSecond: function __setSecond (second) {
this.innerModel.second !== second && this.__updateValue({ second: second });
__setAm: function __setAm () {
if (this.isAM) { return }
this.isAM = true;
if (this.innerModel.hour === null) { return }
this.innerModel.hour -= 12;
__setPm: function __setPm () {
if (!this.isAM) { return }
this.isAM = false;
if (this.innerModel.hour === null) { return }
this.innerModel.hour += 12;
__verifyAndUpdate: function __verifyAndUpdate () {
if (this.hourInSelection !== void 0 && this.hourInSelection(this.innerModel.hour) !== true) {
this.innerModel = __splitDate();
this.isAM = true;
this.view = 'Hour';
if (this.minuteInSelection !== void 0 && this.minuteInSelection(this.innerModel.minute) !== true) {
this.innerModel.minute = null;
this.innerModel.second = null;
this.view = 'Minute';
if (this.withSeconds === true && this.secondInSelection !== void 0 && this.secondInSelection(this.innerModel.second) !== true) {
this.innerModel.second = null;
this.view = 'Second';
if (this.innerModel.hour === null || this.innerModel.minute === null || (this.withSeconds === true && this.innerModel.second === null)) {
__updateValue: function __updateValue (obj) {
var date = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.innerModel), obj);
var val = this.calendar === 'persian'
? pad(date.hour) + ':' +
pad(date.minute) +
(this.withSeconds === true ? ':' + pad(date.second) : '')
: formatDate(
new Date(
date.month === null ? null : date.month - 1,
date.changed = val !== this.value;
this.$emit('input', val, date);
render: function render (h) {
var child = [
var def = slot(this, 'default');
def !== void 0 && child.push(
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-time__actions' }, def)
if (this.name !== void 0 && this.disable !== true) {
this.__injectFormInput(child, 'push');
return h('div', {
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners),
attrs: { tabindex: -1 }
}, [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-time__main col overflow-auto' }, child)
var QTimeline = Vue.extend({
name: 'QTimeline',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, ListenersMixin ],
provide: function provide () {
return {
__timeline: this
props: {
color: {
type: String,
default: 'primary'
side: {
type: String,
default: 'right',
validator: function (v) { return ['left', 'right'].includes(v); }
layout: {
type: String,
default: 'dense',
validator: function (v) { return ['dense', 'comfortable', 'loose'].includes(v); }
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return "q-timeline--" + (this.layout) + " q-timeline--" + (this.layout) + "--" + (this.side) +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-timeline--dark' : '')
render: function render (h) {
return h('ul', {
staticClass: 'q-timeline',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QTimelineEntry = Vue.extend({
name: 'QTimelineEntry',
inject: {
__timeline: {
default: function default$1 () {
console.error('QTimelineEntry needs to be child of QTimeline');
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
heading: Boolean,
tag: {
type: String,
default: 'h3'
side: {
type: String,
default: 'right',
validator: function (v) { return ['left', 'right'].includes(v); }
icon: String,
avatar: String,
color: String,
title: String,
subtitle: String,
body: String
computed: {
colorClass: function colorClass () {
return ("text-" + (this.color || this.__timeline.color))
classes: function classes () {
return "q-timeline__entry--" + (this.side) +
(this.icon !== void 0 || this.avatar !== void 0 ? ' q-timeline__entry--icon' : '')
reverse: function reverse () {
return this.__timeline.layout === 'comfortable' && this.__timeline.side === 'left'
render: function render (h) {
var child = uniqueSlot(this, 'default', []);
if (this.body !== void 0) {
if (this.heading === true) {
var content$1 = [
{ staticClass: 'q-timeline__heading-title' },
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-timeline__heading',
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, this.reverse === true ? content$1.reverse() : content$1)
var dot;
if (this.icon !== void 0) {
dot = [
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'row items-center justify-center',
props: { name: this.icon }
else if (this.avatar !== void 0) {
dot = [
h('img', {
staticClass: 'q-timeline__dot-img',
domProps: { src: this.avatar }
var content = [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-timeline__subtitle' }, [
h('span', slot(this, 'subtitle', [ this.subtitle ]))
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-timeline__dot',
class: this.colorClass
}, dot),
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-timeline__content' }, [
h('h6', { staticClass: 'q-timeline__title' }, slot(this, 'title', [ this.title ]))
return h('li', {
staticClass: 'q-timeline__entry',
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, this.reverse === true ? content.reverse() : content)
var QToolbar = Vue.extend({
name: 'QToolbar',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
inset: Boolean
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-toolbar row no-wrap items-center',
class: this.inset ? 'q-toolbar--inset' : null,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QToolbarTitle = Vue.extend({
name: 'QToolbarTitle',
mixins: [ ListenersMixin ],
props: {
shrink: Boolean
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-toolbar__title ellipsis' +
(this.shrink === true ? ' col-shrink' : '')
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
class: this.classes,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, slot(this, 'default'))
var QTree = Vue.extend({
name: 'QTree',
mixins: [ DarkMixin ],
props: {
nodes: {
type: Array,
required: true
nodeKey: {
type: String,
required: true
labelKey: {
type: String,
default: 'label'
childrenKey: {
type: String,
default: 'children'
color: String,
controlColor: String,
textColor: String,
selectedColor: String,
icon: String,
tickStrategy: {
type: String,
default: 'none',
validator: function (v) { return ['none', 'strict', 'leaf', 'leaf-filtered'].includes(v); }
ticked: Array, // sync
expanded: Array, // sync
selected: {}, // sync
defaultExpandAll: Boolean,
accordion: Boolean,
filter: String,
filterMethod: {
type: Function,
default: function default$1 (node, filter) {
var filt = filter.toLowerCase();
return node[this.labelKey] &&
node[this.labelKey].toLowerCase().indexOf(filt) > -1
duration: Number,
noConnectors: Boolean,
noNodesLabel: String,
noResultsLabel: String
computed: {
classes: function classes () {
return "q-tree" +
(this.noConnectors === true ? " q-tree--no-connectors" : '') +
(this.isDark === true ? " q-tree--dark" : '') +
(this.color !== void 0 ? (" text-" + (this.color)) : '')
hasSelection: function hasSelection () {
return this.selected !== void 0
computedIcon: function computedIcon () {
return this.icon || this.$q.iconSet.tree.icon
computedControlColor: function computedControlColor () {
return this.controlColor || this.color
textColorClass: function textColorClass () {
if (this.textColor !== void 0) {
return ("text-" + (this.textColor))
selectedColorClass: function selectedColorClass () {
var color = this.selectedColor || this.color;
if (color) {
return ("text-" + color)
meta: function meta () {
var this$1 = this;
var meta = {};
var travel = function (node, parent) {
var tickStrategy = node.tickStrategy || (parent ? parent.tickStrategy : this$1.tickStrategy);
key = node[this$1.nodeKey],
isParent = node[this$1.childrenKey] && node[this$1.childrenKey].length > 0,
isLeaf = isParent !== true,
selectable = node.disabled !== true && this$1.hasSelection === true && node.selectable !== false,
expandable = node.disabled !== true && node.expandable !== false,
hasTicking = tickStrategy !== 'none',
strictTicking = tickStrategy === 'strict',
leafFilteredTicking = tickStrategy === 'leaf-filtered',
leafTicking = tickStrategy === 'leaf' || tickStrategy === 'leaf-filtered';
var tickable = node.disabled !== true && node.tickable !== false;
if (leafTicking === true && tickable === true && parent && parent.tickable !== true) {
tickable = false;
var lazy = node.lazy;
if (lazy && this$1.lazy[key]) {
lazy = this$1.lazy[key];
var m = {
key: key,
parent: parent,
isParent: isParent,
isLeaf: isLeaf,
lazy: lazy,
disabled: node.disabled,
link: node.disabled !== true && (selectable === true || (expandable === true && (isParent === true || lazy === true))),
children: [],
matchesFilter: this$1.filter ? this$1.filterMethod(node, this$1.filter) : true,
selected: key === this$1.selected && selectable === true,
selectable: selectable,
expanded: isParent === true ? this$1.innerExpanded.includes(key) : false,
expandable: expandable,
noTick: node.noTick === true || (strictTicking !== true && lazy && lazy !== 'loaded'),
tickable: tickable,
tickStrategy: tickStrategy,
hasTicking: hasTicking,
strictTicking: strictTicking,
leafFilteredTicking: leafFilteredTicking,
leafTicking: leafTicking,
ticked: strictTicking === true
? this$1.innerTicked.includes(key)
: (isLeaf === true ? this$1.innerTicked.includes(key) : false)
meta[key] = m;
if (isParent === true) {
m.children = node[this$1.childrenKey].map(function (n) { return travel(n, m); });
if (this$1.filter) {
if (m.matchesFilter !== true) {
m.matchesFilter = m.children.some(function (n) { return n.matchesFilter; });
else if (
m.noTick !== true &&
m.disabled !== true &&
m.tickable === true &&
leafFilteredTicking === true &&
m.children.every(function (n) { return n.matchesFilter !== true || n.noTick === true || n.tickable !== true; }) === true
) {
m.tickable = false;
if (m.matchesFilter === true) {
if (m.noTick !== true && strictTicking !== true && m.children.every(function (n) { return n.noTick; }) === true) {
m.noTick = true;
if (leafTicking) {
m.ticked = false;
m.indeterminate = m.children.some(function (node) { return node.indeterminate === true; });
m.tickable = m.tickable === true && m.children.some(function (node) { return node.tickable; });
if (m.indeterminate !== true) {
var sel = m.children
.reduce(function (acc, meta) { return meta.ticked === true ? acc + 1 : acc; }, 0);
if (sel === m.children.length) {
m.ticked = true;
else if (sel > 0) {
m.indeterminate = true;
if (m.indeterminate === true) {
m.indeterminateNextState = m.children
.every(function (meta) { return meta.tickable !== true || meta.ticked !== true; });
return m
this.nodes.forEach(function (node) { return travel(node, null); });
return meta
data: function data () {
return {
lazy: {},
innerTicked: this.ticked || [],
innerExpanded: this.expanded || []
watch: {
ticked: function ticked (val) {
this.innerTicked = val;
expanded: function expanded (val) {
this.innerExpanded = val;
methods: {
getNodeByKey: function getNodeByKey (key) {
var this$1 = this;
var reduce = [].reduce;
var find = function (result, node) {
if (result || !node) {
return result
if (Array.isArray(node) === true) {
return reduce.call(Object(node), find, result)
if (node[this$1.nodeKey] === key) {
return node
if (node[this$1.childrenKey]) {
return find(null, node[this$1.childrenKey])
return find(null, this.nodes)
getTickedNodes: function getTickedNodes () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.innerTicked.map(function (key) { return this$1.getNodeByKey(key); })
getExpandedNodes: function getExpandedNodes () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.innerExpanded.map(function (key) { return this$1.getNodeByKey(key); })
isExpanded: function isExpanded (key) {
return key && this.meta[key]
? this.meta[key].expanded
: false
collapseAll: function collapseAll () {
if (this.expanded !== void 0) {
this.$emit('update:expanded', []);
else {
this.innerExpanded = [];
expandAll: function expandAll () {
var this$1 = this;
expanded = this.innerExpanded,
travel = function (node) {
if (node[this$1.childrenKey] && node[this$1.childrenKey].length > 0) {
if (node.expandable !== false && node.disabled !== true) {
if (this.expanded !== void 0) {
this.$emit('update:expanded', expanded);
else {
this.innerExpanded = expanded;
setExpanded: function setExpanded (key, state, node, meta) {
var this$1 = this;
if ( node === void 0 ) node = this.getNodeByKey(key);
if ( meta === void 0 ) meta = this.meta[key];
if (meta.lazy && meta.lazy !== 'loaded') {
if (meta.lazy === 'loading') {
this.$set(this.lazy, key, 'loading');
this.$emit('lazy-load', {
node: node,
key: key,
done: function (children) {
this$1.lazy[key] = 'loaded';
if (children) {
this$1.$set(node, this$1.childrenKey, children);
this$1.$nextTick(function () {
var m = this$1.meta[key];
if (m && m.isParent === true) {
this$1.__setExpanded(key, true);
fail: function () {
this$1.$delete(this$1.lazy, key);
else if (meta.isParent === true && meta.expandable === true) {
this.__setExpanded(key, state);
__setExpanded: function __setExpanded (key, state) {
var this$1 = this;
var target = this.innerExpanded;
var emit = this.expanded !== void 0;
if (emit === true) {
target = target.slice();
if (state) {
if (this.accordion) {
if (this.meta[key]) {
var collapse = [];
if (this.meta[key].parent) {
this.meta[key].parent.children.forEach(function (m) {
if (m.key !== key && m.expandable === true) {
else {
this.nodes.forEach(function (node) {
var k = node[this$1.nodeKey];
if (k !== key) {
if (collapse.length > 0) {
target = target.filter(function (k) { return collapse.includes(k) === false; });
target = target.concat([ key ])
.filter(function (key, index, self) { return self.indexOf(key) === index; });
else {
target = target.filter(function (k) { return k !== key; });
if (emit === true) {
this.$emit("update:expanded", target);
else {
this.innerExpanded = target;
isTicked: function isTicked (key) {
return key && this.meta[key]
? this.meta[key].ticked
: false
setTicked: function setTicked (keys, state) {
var target = this.innerTicked;
var emit = this.ticked !== void 0;
if (emit === true) {
target = target.slice();
if (state) {
target = target.concat(keys)
.filter(function (key, index, self) { return self.indexOf(key) === index; });
else {
target = target.filter(function (k) { return keys.includes(k) === false; });
if (emit === true) {
this.$emit("update:ticked", target);
__getSlotScope: function __getSlotScope (node, meta, key) {
var this$1 = this;
var scope = { tree: this, node: node, key: key, color: this.color, dark: this.isDark };
Object.defineProperty(scope, 'expanded', {
get: function () { return meta.expanded },
set: function (val) { val !== meta.expanded && this$1.setExpanded(key, val); },
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(scope, 'ticked', {
get: function () { return meta.ticked },
set: function (val) { val !== meta.ticked && this$1.setTicked([ key ], val); },
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
return scope
__getChildren: function __getChildren (h, nodes) {
var this$1 = this;
return (
? nodes.filter(function (n) { return this$1.meta[n[this$1.nodeKey]].matchesFilter; })
: nodes
).map(function (child) { return this$1.__getNode(h, child); })
__getNodeMedia: function __getNodeMedia (h, node) {
if (node.icon !== void 0) {
return h(QIcon, {
staticClass: "q-tree__icon q-mr-sm",
props: { name: node.icon, color: node.iconColor }
var src = node.img || node.avatar;
if (src) {
return h('img', {
staticClass: ("q-tree__" + (node.img ? 'img' : 'avatar') + " q-mr-sm"),
attrs: { src: src }
__getNode: function __getNode (h, node) {
var this$1 = this;
key = node[this.nodeKey],
meta = this.meta[key],
header = node.header
? this.$scopedSlots[("header-" + (node.header))] || this.$scopedSlots['default-header']
: this.$scopedSlots['default-header'];
var children = meta.isParent === true
? this.__getChildren(h, node[this.childrenKey])
: [];
var isParent = children.length > 0 || (meta.lazy && meta.lazy !== 'loaded');
var body = node.body
? this.$scopedSlots[("body-" + (node.body))] || this.$scopedSlots['default-body']
: this.$scopedSlots['default-body'];
var slotScope = header !== void 0 || body !== void 0
? this.__getSlotScope(node, meta, key)
: null;
if (body !== void 0) {
body = h('div', { staticClass: 'q-tree__node-body relative-position' }, [
h('div', { class: this.textColorClass }, [
return h('div', {
key: key,
staticClass: 'q-tree__node relative-position',
class: { 'q-tree__node--parent': isParent, 'q-tree__node--child': !isParent }
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-tree__node-header relative-position row no-wrap items-center',
class: {
'q-tree__node--link q-hoverable q-focusable': meta.link,
'q-tree__node--selected': meta.selected,
'q-tree__node--disabled': meta.disabled
attrs: { tabindex: meta.link ? 0 : -1 },
on: {
click: function (e) {
this$1.__onClick(node, meta, e);
keypress: function (e) {
if (shouldIgnoreKey(e) !== true) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) { this$1.__onClick(node, meta, e, true); }
else if (e.keyCode === 32) { this$1.__onExpandClick(node, meta, e, true); }
}, [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-focus-helper', attrs: { tabindex: -1 }, ref: ("blurTarget_" + (meta.key)) }),
meta.lazy === 'loading'
? h(QSpinner, {
staticClass: 'q-tree__spinner q-mr-xs',
props: { color: this.computedControlColor }
: (
isParent === true
? h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-tree__arrow q-mr-xs',
class: { 'q-tree__arrow--rotate': meta.expanded },
props: { name: this.computedIcon },
on: {
click: function (e) {
this$1.__onExpandClick(node, meta, e);
: null
meta.hasTicking === true && meta.noTick !== true
? h(QCheckbox, {
staticClass: 'q-mr-xs',
props: {
value: meta.indeterminate === true ? null : meta.ticked,
color: this.computedControlColor,
dark: this.isDark,
dense: true,
keepColor: true,
disable: meta.tickable !== true
on: {
keydown: stopAndPrevent,
input: function (v) {
this$1.__onTickedClick(meta, v);
: null,
h('div', {
'staticClass': 'q-tree__node-header-content col row no-wrap items-center',
class: meta.selected ? this.selectedColorClass : this.textColorClass
}, [
? header(slotScope)
: [
this.__getNodeMedia(h, node),
h('div', node[this.labelKey])
isParent === true
? h(QSlideTransition, {
props: { duration: this.duration },
on: cache(this, 'slide', {
show: function () { this$1.$emit('after-show'); },
hide: function () { this$1.$emit('after-hide'); }
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-tree__node-collapsible',
class: this.textColorClass,
directives: [{ name: 'show', value: meta.expanded }]
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-tree__children',
class: { 'q-tree__node--disabled': meta.disabled }
}, children)
: body
__blur: function __blur (key) {
var blurTarget = this.$refs[("blurTarget_" + key)];
blurTarget !== void 0 && blurTarget.focus();
__onClick: function __onClick (node, meta, e, keyboard) {
keyboard !== true && this.__blur(meta.key);
if (this.hasSelection) {
if (meta.selectable) {
this.$emit('update:selected', meta.key !== this.selected ? meta.key : null);
else {
this.__onExpandClick(node, meta, e, keyboard);
if (typeof node.handler === 'function') {
__onExpandClick: function __onExpandClick (node, meta, e, keyboard) {
if (e !== void 0) {
keyboard !== true && this.__blur(meta.key);
this.setExpanded(meta.key, !meta.expanded, node, meta);
__onTickedClick: function __onTickedClick (meta, state) {
if (meta.indeterminate === true) {
state = meta.indeterminateNextState;
if (meta.strictTicking) {
this.setTicked([ meta.key ], state);
else if (meta.leafTicking) {
var keys = [];
var travel = function (meta) {
if (meta.isParent) {
if (state !== true && meta.noTick !== true && meta.tickable === true) {
if (meta.leafTicking === true) {
else if (
meta.noTick !== true &&
meta.tickable === true &&
(meta.leafFilteredTicking !== true || meta.matchesFilter === true)
) {
this.setTicked(keys, state);
render: function render (h) {
var children = this.__getChildren(h, this.nodes);
return h(
'div', {
class: this.classes
children.length === 0
? (
? this.noResultsLabel || this.$q.lang.tree.noResults
: this.noNodesLabel || this.$q.lang.tree.noNodes
: children
created: function created () {
this.defaultExpandAll === true && this.expandAll();
var QUploaderBase = Vue.extend({
name: 'QUploaderBase',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, FileMixin ],
props: {
label: String,
color: String,
textColor: String,
square: Boolean,
flat: Boolean,
bordered: Boolean,
noThumbnails: Boolean,
autoUpload: Boolean,
hideUploadBtn: Boolean,
disable: Boolean,
readonly: Boolean
provide: function provide () {
return {
__qUploaderGetInput: this.__getInputControl
data: function data () {
return {
files: [],
queuedFiles: [],
uploadedFiles: [],
dnd: false,
expanded: false,
uploadSize: 0,
uploadedSize: 0
watch: {
isUploading: function isUploading (newVal, oldVal) {
if (oldVal === false && newVal === true) {
else if (oldVal === true && newVal === false) {
computed: {
* When extending:
* Required : isUploading
* Optional: isBusy
canUpload: function canUpload () {
return this.editable === true &&
this.isBusy !== true &&
this.isUploading !== true &&
this.queuedFiles.length > 0
canAddFiles: function canAddFiles () {
return (
this.editable === true &&
this.isUploading !== true &&
// if single selection and no files are queued:
(this.multiple === true || this.queuedFiles.length === 0) &&
// if max-files is set and current number of files does not exceeds it:
(this.maxFiles === void 0 || this.files.length < this.maxFilesNumber) &&
// if max-total-size is set and current upload size does not exceeds it:
(this.maxTotalSize === void 0 || this.uploadSize < this.maxTotalSizeNumber)
uploadProgress: function uploadProgress () {
return this.uploadSize === 0
? 0
: this.uploadedSize / this.uploadSize
uploadProgressLabel: function uploadProgressLabel () {
return this.__getProgressLabel(this.uploadProgress)
uploadedSizeLabel: function uploadedSizeLabel () {
return humanStorageSize(this.uploadedSize)
uploadSizeLabel: function uploadSizeLabel () {
return humanStorageSize(this.uploadSize)
colorClass: function colorClass () {
var cls = [];
this.color !== void 0 && cls.push(("bg-" + (this.color)));
this.textColor !== void 0 && cls.push(("text-" + (this.textColor)));
return cls.join(' ')
editable: function editable () {
return this.disable !== true && this.readonly !== true
methods: {
reset: function reset () {
if (!this.disable) {
this.uploadedSize = 0;
this.uploadSize = 0;
this.files = [];
this.queuedFiles = [];
this.uploadedFiles = [];
removeUploadedFiles: function removeUploadedFiles () {
if (!this.disable) {
this.files = this.files.filter(function (f) {
if (f.__status !== 'uploaded') {
return true
f._img !== void 0 && window.URL.revokeObjectURL(f._img.src);
return false
this.uploadedFiles = [];
removeQueuedFiles: function removeQueuedFiles () {
var this$1 = this;
if (!this.disable) {
var removedFiles = [];
var files = this.files.filter(function (f) {
if (f.__status !== 'idle' && f.__status !== 'failed') {
return true
this$1.uploadSize -= f.size;
f._img !== void 0 && window.URL.revokeObjectURL(f._img.src);
return false
if (removedFiles.length > 0) {
this.files = files;
this.queuedFiles = [];
this.$emit('removed', removedFiles);
removeFile: function removeFile (file) {
if (this.disable) { return }
if (file.__status === 'uploaded') {
this.uploadedFiles = this.uploadedFiles.filter(function (f) { return f.name !== file.name; });
else if (file.__status === 'uploading') {
else {
this.uploadSize -= file.size;
this.files = this.files.filter(function (f) {
if (f.name !== file.name) {
return true
f._img !== void 0 && window.URL.revokeObjectURL(f._img.src);
return false
this.queuedFiles = this.queuedFiles.filter(function (f) { return f.name !== file.name; });
this.$emit('removed', [ file ]);
__revokeImgURLs: function __revokeImgURLs () {
this.files.forEach(function (f) {
f._img !== void 0 && window.URL.revokeObjectURL(f._img.src);
__getFileInput: function __getFileInput () {
return this.$refs.input ||
__getProgressLabel: function __getProgressLabel (p) {
return (p * 100).toFixed(2) + '%'
__updateFile: function __updateFile (file, status, uploadedSize) {
file.__status = status;
if (status === 'idle') {
file.__uploaded = 0;
file.__progress = 0;
file.__sizeLabel = humanStorageSize(file.size);
file.__progressLabel = '0.00%';
if (status === 'failed') {
file.__uploaded = status === 'uploaded'
? file.size
: uploadedSize;
file.__progress = status === 'uploaded'
? 1
: Math.min(0.9999, file.__uploaded / file.size);
file.__progressLabel = this.__getProgressLabel(file.__progress);
__addFiles: function __addFiles (e, fileList) {
var this$1 = this;
var processedFiles = this.__processFiles(e, fileList, this.files, true);
if (processedFiles === void 0) { return }
var files = processedFiles
.filter(function (file) { return this$1.files.findIndex(function (f) { return file.name === f.name; }) === -1; });
this.__getFileInput().value = '';
if (files === void 0) { return }
files.forEach(function (file) {
this$1.__updateFile(file, 'idle');
this$1.uploadSize += file.size;
if (this$1.noThumbnails !== true && file.type.toUpperCase().startsWith('IMAGE')) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(file);
file.__img = img;
this.files = this.files.concat(files);
this.queuedFiles = this.queuedFiles.concat(files);
this.$emit('added', files);
this.autoUpload === true && this.upload();
__getBtn: function __getBtn (h, show, icon, fn) {
if (show === true) {
return h(QBtn, {
props: {
type: 'a',
icon: this.$q.iconSet.uploader[icon],
flat: true,
dense: true
on: icon === 'add' ? null : { click: fn }
}, icon === 'add' ? this.__getInputControl(h) : null)
__getInputControl: function __getInputControl (h) {
return [
h('input', {
ref: 'input',
staticClass: 'q-uploader__input overflow-hidden absolute-full',
attrs: Object.assign({}, {tabindex: -1,
type: 'file',
title: '', // try to remove default tooltip
accept: this.accept,
capture: this.capture},
(this.multiple === true ? { multiple: true } : {})),
on: cache(this, 'input', {
mousedown: stop, // need to stop refocus from QBtn
change: this.__addFiles
__getHeader: function __getHeader (h) {
if (this.$scopedSlots.header !== void 0) {
return this.$scopedSlots.header(this)
return [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-uploader__header-content flex flex-center no-wrap q-gutter-xs'
}, [
this.__getBtn(h, this.queuedFiles.length > 0, 'removeQueue', this.removeQueuedFiles),
this.__getBtn(h, this.uploadedFiles.length > 0, 'removeUploaded', this.removeUploadedFiles),
this.isUploading === true
? h(QSpinner, { staticClass: 'q-uploader__spinner' })
: null,
h('div', { staticClass: 'col column justify-center' }, [
this.label !== void 0
? h('div', { staticClass: 'q-uploader__title' }, [ this.label ])
: null,
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-uploader__subtitle' }, [
this.uploadSizeLabel + ' / ' + this.uploadProgressLabel
this.__getBtn(h, this.canAddFiles, 'add', this.pickFiles),
this.__getBtn(h, this.hideUploadBtn === false && this.canUpload === true, 'upload', this.upload),
this.__getBtn(h, this.isUploading, 'clear', this.abort)
__getList: function __getList (h) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.$scopedSlots.list !== void 0) {
return this.$scopedSlots.list(this)
return this.files.map(function (file) { return h('div', {
key: file.name,
staticClass: 'q-uploader__file relative-position',
class: {
'q-uploader__file--img': this$1.noThumbnails !== true && file.__img !== void 0,
'q-uploader__file--failed': file.__status === 'failed',
'q-uploader__file--uploaded': file.__status === 'uploaded'
style: this$1.noThumbnails !== true && file.__img !== void 0 ? {
backgroundImage: 'url("' + file.__img.src + '")'
} : null
}, [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-uploader__file-header row flex-center no-wrap'
}, [
file.__status === 'failed'
? h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-uploader__file-status',
props: {
name: this$1.$q.iconSet.type.negative,
color: 'negative'
: null,
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-uploader__file-header-content col' }, [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-uploader__title' }, [ file.name ]),
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-uploader__subtitle row items-center no-wrap'
}, [
file.__sizeLabel + ' / ' + file.__progressLabel
file.__status === 'uploading'
? h(QCircularProgress, {
props: {
value: file.__progress,
min: 0,
max: 1,
indeterminate: file.__progress === 0
: h(QBtn, {
props: {
round: true,
dense: true,
flat: true,
icon: this$1.$q.iconSet.uploader[file.__status === 'uploaded' ? 'done' : 'clear']
on: {
click: function () { this$1.removeFile(file); }
]); })
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
this.isUploading === true && this.abort();
this.files.length > 0 && this.__revokeImgURLs();
render: function render (h) {
var children = [
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-uploader__header',
class: this.colorClass
}, this.__getHeader(h)),
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-uploader__list scroll'
}, this.__getList(h)),
this.__getDnd(h, 'uploader')
this.isBusy === true && children.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-uploader__overlay absolute-full flex flex-center'
}, [ h(QSpinner) ])
return h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-uploader column no-wrap',
class: {
'q-uploader--dark q-dark': this.isDark,
'q-uploader--bordered': this.bordered,
'q-uploader--square no-border-radius': this.square,
'q-uploader--flat no-shadow': this.flat,
'disabled q-uploader--disable': this.disable
on: this.canAddFiles === true
? cache(this, 'drag', { dragover: this.__onDragOver })
: null
}, children)
function getFn (prop) {
return typeof prop === 'function'
? prop
: function () { return prop; }
var UploaderXHRMixin = {
props: {
url: [ Function, String ],
method: {
type: [ Function, String ],
default: 'POST'
fieldName: {
type: [ Function, String ],
default: function (file) { return file.name; }
headers: [ Function, Array ],
formFields: [ Function, Array ],
withCredentials: [ Function, Boolean ],
sendRaw: [ Function, Boolean ],
batch: [ Function, Boolean ],
factory: Function
data: function data () {
return {
xhrs: [],
promises: [],
workingThreads: 0
computed: {
xhrProps: function xhrProps () {
return {
url: getFn(this.url),
method: getFn(this.method),
headers: getFn(this.headers),
formFields: getFn(this.formFields),
fieldName: getFn(this.fieldName),
withCredentials: getFn(this.withCredentials),
sendRaw: getFn(this.sendRaw),
batch: getFn(this.batch)
isUploading: function isUploading () {
return this.workingThreads > 0
isBusy: function isBusy () {
return this.promises.length > 0
methods: {
abort: function abort () {
this.xhrs.forEach(function (x) { x.abort(); });
if (this.promises.length > 0) {
this.abortPromises = true;
upload: function upload () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.canUpload === false) {
var queue = this.queuedFiles.slice(0);
this.queuedFiles = [];
if (this.xhrProps.batch(queue)) {
else {
queue.forEach(function (file) {
this$1.__runFactory([ file ]);
__runFactory: function __runFactory (files) {
var this$1 = this;
if (typeof this.factory !== 'function') {
this.__uploadFiles(files, {});
var res = this.factory(files);
if (!res) {
new Error('QUploader: factory() does not return properly'),
else if (typeof res.catch === 'function' && typeof res.then === 'function') {
var failed = function (err) {
if (this$1._isBeingDestroyed !== true && this$1._isDestroyed !== true) {
this$1.promises = this$1.promises.filter(function (p) { return p !== res; });
if (this$1.promises.length === 0) {
this$1.abortPromises = false;
this$1.queuedFiles = this$1.queuedFiles.concat(files);
files.forEach(function (f) { this$1.__updateFile(f, 'failed'); });
this$1.$emit('factory-failed', err, files);
res.then(function (factory) {
if (this$1.abortPromises === true) {
failed(new Error('Aborted'));
else if (this$1._isBeingDestroyed !== true && this$1._isDestroyed !== true) {
this$1.promises = this$1.promises.filter(function (p) { return p !== res; });
this$1.__uploadFiles(files, factory);
else {
this.__uploadFiles(files, res || {});
__uploadFiles: function __uploadFiles (files, factory) {
var this$1 = this;
form = new FormData(),
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var getProp = function (name, arg) {
return factory[name] !== void 0
? getFn(factory[name])(arg)
: this$1.xhrProps[name](arg)
var url = getProp('url', files);
if (!url) {
console.error('q-uploader: invalid or no URL specified');
var fields = getProp('formFields', files);
fields !== void 0 && fields.forEach(function (field) {
form.append(field.name, field.value);
uploadIndex = 0,
uploadIndexSize = 0,
uploadedSize = 0,
maxUploadSize = 0,
xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function (e) {
if (aborted === true) { return }
var loaded = Math.min(maxUploadSize, e.loaded);
this$1.uploadedSize += loaded - uploadedSize;
uploadedSize = loaded;
var size = uploadedSize - uploadIndexSize;
for (var i = uploadIndex; size > 0 && i < files.length; i++) {
file = files[i],
uploaded = size > file.size;
if (uploaded) {
size -= file.size;
uploadIndexSize += file.size;
this$1.__updateFile(file, 'uploading', file.size);
else {
this$1.__updateFile(file, 'uploading', size);
}, false);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState < 4) {
if (xhr.status && xhr.status < 400) {
this$1.uploadedFiles = this$1.uploadedFiles.concat(files);
files.forEach(function (f) { this$1.__updateFile(f, 'uploaded'); });
this$1.$emit('uploaded', { files: files, xhr: xhr });
else {
aborted = true;
this$1.uploadedSize -= uploadedSize;
this$1.queuedFiles = this$1.queuedFiles.concat(files);
files.forEach(function (f) { this$1.__updateFile(f, 'failed'); });
this$1.$emit('failed', { files: files, xhr: xhr });
this$1.xhrs = this$1.xhrs.filter(function (x) { return x !== xhr; });
getProp('method', files),
if (getProp('withCredentials', files) === true) {
xhr.withCredentials = true;
var headers = getProp('headers', files);
headers !== void 0 && headers.forEach(function (head) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(head.name, head.value);
var sendRaw = getProp('sendRaw', files);
files.forEach(function (file) {
this$1.__updateFile(file, 'uploading', 0);
if (sendRaw !== true) {
form.append(getProp('fieldName', file), file, file.name);
file.xhr = xhr;
file.__abort = function () { xhr.abort(); };
maxUploadSize += file.size;
this.$emit('uploading', { files: files, xhr: xhr });
if (sendRaw === true) {
xhr.send(new Blob(files));
else {
var QUploader = Vue.extend({
name: 'QUploader',
mixins: [ QUploaderBase, UploaderXHRMixin ]
var QUploaderAddTrigger = Vue.extend({
name: 'QUploaderAddTrigger',
inject: {
__qUploaderGetInput: {
default: function default$1 () {
console.error('QUploaderAddTrigger needs to be child of QUploader');
render: function render (h) {
return this.__qUploaderGetInput(h)
var QVideo = Vue.extend({
name: 'QVideo',
mixins: [ RatioMixin, ListenersMixin ],
props: {
src: {
type: String,
required: true
computed: {
iframeData: function iframeData () {
return {
attrs: {
src: this.src,
frameborder: '0',
allowfullscreen: true
classes: function classes () {
return 'q-video' +
(this.ratio !== void 0 ? ' q-video--responsive' : '')
render: function render (h) {
return h('div', {
class: this.classes,
style: this.ratioStyle,
on: Object.assign({}, this.qListeners)
}, [
h('iframe', this.iframeData)
var components$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
QAjaxBar: QAjaxBar,
QAvatar: QAvatar,
QBadge: QBadge,
QBanner: QBanner,
QBar: QBar,
QBreadcrumbs: QBreadcrumbs,
QBreadcrumbsEl: QBreadcrumbsEl,
QBtn: QBtn,
QBtnDropdown: QBtnDropdown,
QBtnGroup: QBtnGroup,
QBtnToggle: QBtnToggle,
QCard: QCard,
QCardSection: QCardSection,
QCardActions: QCardActions,
QCarousel: QCarousel,
QCarouselSlide: QCarouselSlide,
QCarouselControl: QCarouselControl,
QChatMessage: QChatMessage,
QCheckbox: QCheckbox,
QChip: QChip,
QCircularProgress: QCircularProgress,
QColor: QColor,
QDate: QDate,
QDialog: QDialog,
QDrawer: QDrawer,
QEditor: QEditor,
QExpansionItem: QExpansionItem,
QFab: QFab,
QFabAction: QFabAction,
QField: QField,
QFile: QFile,
QFooter: QFooter,
QForm: QForm,
QHeader: QHeader,
QIcon: QIcon,
QImg: QImg,
QInfiniteScroll: QInfiniteScroll,
QInnerLoading: QInnerLoading,
QInput: QInput,
QIntersection: QIntersection,
QList: QList,
QItem: QItem,
QItemSection: QItemSection,
QItemLabel: QItemLabel,
QKnob: QKnob,
QLayout: QLayout,
QMarkupTable: QMarkupTable,
QMenu: QMenu,
QNoSsr: QNoSsr,
QOptionGroup: QOptionGroup,
QPage: QPage,
QPageContainer: QPageContainer,
QPageScroller: QPageScroller,
QPageSticky: QPageSticky,
QPagination: QPagination,
QParallax: QParallax,
QPopupEdit: QPopupEdit,
QPopupProxy: QPopupProxy,
QLinearProgress: QLinearProgress,
QPullToRefresh: QPullToRefresh,
QRadio: QRadio,
QRange: QRange,
QRating: QRating,
QResizeObserver: QResizeObserver,
QResponsive: QResponsive,
QScrollArea: QScrollArea,
QScrollObserver: QScrollObserver,
QSelect: QSelect,
QSeparator: QSeparator,
QSkeleton: QSkeleton,
QSlideItem: QSlideItem,
QSlideTransition: QSlideTransition,
QSlider: QSlider,
QSpace: QSpace,
QSpinner: QSpinner,
QSpinnerAudio: QSpinnerAudio,
QSpinnerBall: QSpinnerBall,
QSpinnerBars: QSpinnerBars,
QSpinnerComment: QSpinnerComment,
QSpinnerCube: QSpinnerCube,
QSpinnerDots: QSpinnerDots,
QSpinnerFacebook: QSpinnerFacebook,
QSpinnerGears: QSpinnerGears,
QSpinnerGrid: QSpinnerGrid,
QSpinnerHearts: QSpinnerHearts,
QSpinnerHourglass: QSpinnerHourglass,
QSpinnerInfinity: QSpinnerInfinity,
QSpinnerIos: QSpinnerIos,
QSpinnerOval: QSpinnerOval,
QSpinnerPie: QSpinnerPie,
QSpinnerPuff: QSpinnerPuff,
QSpinnerRadio: QSpinnerRadio,
QSpinnerRings: QSpinnerRings,
QSpinnerTail: QSpinnerTail,
QSplitter: QSplitter,
QStep: QStep,
QStepper: QStepper,
QStepperNavigation: QStepperNavigation,
QTabPanels: QTabPanels,
QTabPanel: QTabPanel,
QTable: QTable,
QTh: QTh,
QTr: QTr,
QTd: QTd,
QTabs: QTabs,
QTab: QTab,
QRouteTab: QRouteTab,
QTime: QTime,
QTimeline: QTimeline,
QTimelineEntry: QTimelineEntry,
QToggle: QToggle,
QToolbar: QToolbar,
QToolbarTitle: QToolbarTitle,
QTooltip: QTooltip,
QTree: QTree,
QUploader: QUploader,
QUploaderBase: QUploaderBase,
QUploaderAddTrigger: QUploaderAddTrigger,
QVideo: QVideo,
QVirtualScroll: QVirtualScroll
* depth
* < 0 --> close all chain
* 0 --> disabled
* > 0 --> close chain up to N parent
function getDepth (value) {
if (value === false) {
return 0
if (value === true || value === void 0) {
return 1
var depth = parseInt(value, 10);
return isNaN(depth) ? 0 : depth
function destroy$4 (el) {
var ctx = el.__qclosepopup;
if (ctx !== void 0) {
el.removeEventListener('click', ctx.handler);
el.removeEventListener('keyup', ctx.handlerKey);
delete el.__qclosepopup;
var ClosePopup = {
name: 'close-popup',
bind: function bind (el, ref, vnode) {
var value = ref.value;
if (el.__qclosepopup !== void 0) {
el.__qclosepopup_destroyed = true;
var ctx = {
depth: getDepth(value),
handler: function handler (evt) {
// allow @click to be emitted
ctx.depth !== 0 && setTimeout(function () {
closePortals(vnode.componentInstance || vnode.context, evt, ctx.depth);
handlerKey: function handlerKey (evt) {
isKeyCode(evt, 13) === true && ctx.handler(evt);
el.__qclosepopup = ctx;
el.addEventListener('click', ctx.handler);
el.addEventListener('keyup', ctx.handlerKey);
update: function update (el, ref) {
var value = ref.value;
var oldValue = ref.oldValue;
if (el.__qclosepopup !== void 0 && value !== oldValue) {
el.__qclosepopup.depth = getDepth(value);
unbind: function unbind (el) {
if (el.__qclosepopup_destroyed === void 0) {
else {
delete el.__qclosepopup_destroyed;
function destroy$5 (el) {
var ctx = el.__qgoback;
if (ctx !== void 0) {
el.removeEventListener('click', ctx.goBack);
el.removeEventListener('keyup', ctx.goBackKey);
delete el.__qgoback;
var GoBack = {
name: 'go-back',
bind: function bind (el, ref, vnode) {
var value = ref.value;
var modifiers = ref.modifiers;
if (el.__qgoback !== void 0) {
el.__qgoback_destroyed = true;
var ctx = {
value: value,
position: window.history.length - 1,
single: modifiers.single,
goBack: function goBack () {
var router = vnode.context.$router;
if (ctx.single === true) {
else if (client.is.nativeMobile === true) {
router.go(ctx.position - window.history.length);
else {
goBackKey: function goBackKey (e) {
// if ENTER key
isKeyCode(e, 13) === true && ctx.goBack();
el.__qgoback = ctx;
el.addEventListener('click', ctx.goBack);
el.addEventListener('keyup', ctx.goBackKey);
update: function update (el, ref) {
var value = ref.value;
var oldValue = ref.oldValue;
var ctx = el.__qgoback;
if (ctx !== void 0 && value !== oldValue) {
ctx.value = value;
unbind: function unbind (el) {
if (el.__qgoback_destroyed === void 0) {
else {
delete el.__qgoback_destroyed;
var id = 0;
var offsetBase = void 0;
function getAbsolutePosition (el, resize) {
if (offsetBase === void 0) {
offsetBase = document.createElement('div');
offsetBase.style.cssText = 'position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0';
var boundingRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
var baseRect = offsetBase.getBoundingClientRect();
var ref = window.getComputedStyle(el);
var marginLeft = ref.marginLeft;
var marginRight = ref.marginRight;
var marginTop = ref.marginTop;
var marginBottom = ref.marginBottom;
var marginH = parseInt(marginLeft, 10) + parseInt(marginRight, 10);
var marginV = parseInt(marginTop, 10) + parseInt(marginBottom, 10);
return {
left: boundingRect.left - baseRect.left,
top: boundingRect.top - baseRect.top,
width: boundingRect.right - boundingRect.left,
height: boundingRect.bottom - boundingRect.top,
widthM: boundingRect.right - boundingRect.left + (resize === true ? 0 : marginH),
heightM: boundingRect.bottom - boundingRect.top + (resize === true ? 0 : marginV),
marginH: resize === true ? marginH : 0,
marginV: resize === true ? marginV : 0
function getAbsoluteSize (el) {
return {
width: el.scrollWidth,
height: el.scrollHeight
// firefox rulez
var styleEdges = [ 'Top', 'Right', 'Bottom', 'Left' ];
var styleBorderRadiuses = [ 'borderTopLeftRadius', 'borderTopRightRadius', 'borderBottomRightRadius', 'borderBottomLeftRadius' ];
function getComputedStyle$1 (el, props) {
var style = window.getComputedStyle(el);
var fixed = {};
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
var prop = props[i];
if (style[prop] === '') {
if (prop === 'cssText') {
var styleLen = style.length;
var val = '';
for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < styleLen; i$1++) {
val += style[i$1] + ': ' + style[style[i$1]] + '; ';
fixed[prop] = val;
else if ([ 'borderWidth', 'borderStyle', 'borderColor' ].indexOf(prop) > -1) {
var suffix = prop.replace('border', '');
var val$1 = '';
for (var j = 0; j < styleEdges.length; j++) {
var subProp = 'border' + styleEdges[j] + suffix;
val$1 += style[subProp] + ' ';
fixed[prop] = val$1;
else if (prop === 'borderRadius') {
var val1 = '';
var val2 = '';
for (var j$1 = 0; j$1 < styleBorderRadiuses.length; j$1++) {
var val$2 = style[styleBorderRadiuses[j$1]].split(' ');
val1 += val$2[0] + ' ';
val2 += (val$2[1] === void 0 ? val$2[0] : val$2[1]) + ' ';
fixed[prop] = val1 + '/ ' + val2;
else {
fixed[prop] = style[prop];
else {
fixed[prop] = style[prop];
return fixed
function normalizeElements (opts) {
return {
from: opts.from,
to: opts.to !== void 0
? opts.to
: opts.from
function normalizeOptions (options) {
if (typeof options === 'number') {
options = {
duration: options
else if (typeof options === 'function') {
options = {
onEnd: options
return Object.assign({}, options,
{waitFor: options.waitFor === void 0 ? 0 : options.waitFor,
duration: isNaN(options.duration) === true ? 300 : parseInt(options.duration, 10),
easing: typeof options.easing === 'string' && options.easing.length > 0 ? options.easing : 'ease-in-out',
delay: isNaN(options.delay) === true ? 0 : parseInt(options.delay, 10),
fill: typeof options.fill === 'string' && options.fill.length > 0 ? options.fill : 'none',
resize: options.resize === true,
useCSS: options.useCSS === true,
hideFromClone: options.hideFromClone === true,
keepToClone: options.keepToClone === true,
tween: options.tween === true,
tweenFromOpacity: isNaN(options.tweenFromOpacity) === true ? 0.6 : parseFloat(options.tweenFromOpacity),
tweenToOpacity: isNaN(options.tweenToOpacity) === true ? 0.5 : parseFloat(options.tweenToOpacity)})
function getElement (element) {
var type = typeof element;
return type === 'function'
? element()
: (
type === 'string'
? document.querySelector(element)
: element
function isValidElement (element) {
return element &&
element.ownerDocument === document &&
element.parentNode !== null
function morph (_options) {
var cancel = function () { return false; };
var cancelStatus = false;
var endElementTo = true;
var elements = normalizeElements(_options);
var options = normalizeOptions(_options);
var elFrom = getElement(elements.from);
if (isValidElement(elFrom) !== true) {
// we return a cancel function that return false, meaning the cancel function failed
return cancel
// we clean other morphs running on this element
typeof elFrom.qMorphCancel === 'function' && elFrom.qMorphCancel();
var animationFromClone = void 0;
var animationFromTween = void 0;
var animationToClone = void 0;
var animationTo = void 0;
var elFromParent = elFrom.parentNode;
var elFromNext = elFrom.nextElementSibling;
// we get the dimensions and characteristics
// of the parent of the initial element before changes
var elFromPosition = getAbsolutePosition(elFrom, options.resize);
var ref = getAbsoluteSize(elFromParent);
var elFromParentWidthBefore = ref.width;
var elFromParentHeightBefore = ref.height;
var ref$1 = getComputedStyle$1(elFrom, [ 'borderWidth', 'borderStyle', 'borderColor', 'borderRadius', 'backgroundColor', 'transform', 'position', 'cssText' ]);
var elFromBorderWidth = ref$1.borderWidth;
var elFromBorderStyle = ref$1.borderStyle;
var elFromBorderColor = ref$1.borderColor;
var elFromBorderRadius = ref$1.borderRadius;
var elFromBackground = ref$1.backgroundColor;
var elFromTransform = ref$1.transform;
var elFromPositioningType = ref$1.position;
var elFromCssText = ref$1.cssText;
var elFromClassSaved = elFrom.classList.toString();
var elFromStyleSaved = elFrom.style.cssText;
// we make a clone of the initial element and
// use it to display until the final element is ready
// and to change the occupied space during animation
var elFromClone = elFrom.cloneNode(true);
var elFromTween = options.tween === true ? elFrom.cloneNode(true) : void 0;
if (elFromTween !== void 0) {
elFromTween.className = elFromTween.classList.toString().split(' ').filter(function (c) { return /^bg-/.test(c) === false; }).join(' ');
// if the initial element is not going to be removed do not show the placeholder
options.hideFromClone === true && elFromClone.classList.add('q-morph--internal');
// prevent interaction with placeholder
elFromClone.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
elFromClone.style.transition = 'none';
elFromClone.style.animation = 'none';
elFromClone.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
elFromParent.insertBefore(elFromClone, elFromNext);
// we mark the element with its cleanup function
elFrom.qMorphCancel = function () {
cancelStatus = true;
// we clean the clone of the initial element
elFromTween !== void 0 && elFromTween.remove();
options.hideFromClone === true && elFromClone.classList.remove('q-morph--internal');
// we remove the cleanup function from the element
elFrom.qMorphCancel = void 0;
// will be called after Vue catches up with the changes done by _options.onToggle() function
var calculateFinalState = function () {
var elTo = getElement(elements.to);
if (cancelStatus === true || isValidElement(elTo) !== true) {
typeof elFrom.qMorphCancel === 'function' && elFrom.qMorphCancel();
// we clean other morphs running on this element
elFrom !== elTo && typeof elTo.qMorphCancel === 'function' && elTo.qMorphCancel();
// we hide the final element and the clone of the initial element
// we don't hide the final element if we want both it and the animated one visible
options.keepToClone !== true && elTo.classList.add('q-morph--internal');
// we get the dimensions of the parent of the initial element after changes
// the difference is how much we should animate the clone
var ref = getAbsoluteSize(elFromParent);
var elFromParentWidthAfter = ref.width;
var elFromParentHeightAfter = ref.height;
// we get the dimensions of the parent of the final element before changes
var ref$1 = getAbsoluteSize(elTo.parentNode);
var elToParentWidthBefore = ref$1.width;
var elToParentHeightBefore = ref$1.height;
// then we show the clone of the initial element if we don't want it hidden
options.hideFromClone !== true && elFromClone.classList.remove('q-morph--internal');
// we mark the element with its cleanup function
elTo.qMorphCancel = function () {
cancelStatus = true;
// we clean the clone of the initial element
elFromTween !== void 0 && elFromTween.remove();
options.hideFromClone === true && elFromClone.classList.remove('q-morph--internal');
// we show the final element
options.keepToClone !== true && elTo.classList.remove('q-morph--internal');
// we remove the cleanup function from the elements
elFrom.qMorphCancel = void 0;
elTo.qMorphCancel = void 0;
// will be called after waitFor (give time to render the final element)
var animate = function () {
if (cancelStatus === true) {
typeof elTo.qMorphCancel === 'function' && elTo.qMorphCancel();
// now the animation starts, so we only need the clone
// of the initial element as a spacer
// we also hide it to calculate the dimensions of the
// parent of the final element after the changes
if (options.hideFromClone !== true) {
elFromClone.innerHTML = '';
elFromClone.style.left = 0;
elFromClone.style.right = 'unset';
elFromClone.style.top = 0;
elFromClone.style.bottom = 'unset';
elFromClone.style.transform = 'none';
// we show the final element
if (options.keepToClone !== true) {
// we get the dimensions of the parent of the final element after changes
// the difference is how much we should animate the clone
var elToParent = elTo.parentNode;
var ref = getAbsoluteSize(elToParent);
var elToParentWidthAfter = ref.width;
var elToParentHeightAfter = ref.height;
var elToClone = elTo.cloneNode(options.keepToClone);
elToClone.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
if (options.keepToClone !== true) {
elToClone.style.left = 0;
elToClone.style.right = 'unset';
elToClone.style.top = 0;
elToClone.style.bottom = 'unset';
elToClone.style.transform = 'none';
elToClone.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
// if elFrom is the same as elTo the next element is elFromClone
var elToNext = elTo === elFrom && elFromParent === elToParent ? elFromClone : elTo.nextElementSibling;
elToParent.insertBefore(elToClone, elToNext);
var ref$1 = getComputedStyle$1(elTo, [ 'borderWidth', 'borderStyle', 'borderColor', 'borderRadius', 'backgroundColor', 'transform', 'position', 'cssText' ]);
var elToBorderWidth = ref$1.borderWidth;
var elToBorderStyle = ref$1.borderStyle;
var elToBorderColor = ref$1.borderColor;
var elToBorderRadius = ref$1.borderRadius;
var elToBackground = ref$1.backgroundColor;
var elToTransform = ref$1.transform;
var elToPositioningType = ref$1.position;
var elToCssText = ref$1.cssText;
var elToClassSaved = elTo.classList.toString();
var elToStyleSaved = elTo.style.cssText;
// we set the computed styles on the element (to be able to remove classes)
elTo.style.cssText = elToCssText;
elTo.style.transform = 'none';
elTo.style.animation = 'none';
elTo.style.transition = 'none';
// we strip the background classes (background color can no longer be animated if !important is used)
elTo.className = elToClassSaved.split(' ').filter(function (c) { return /^bg-/.test(c) === false; }).join(' ');
var elToPosition = getAbsolutePosition(elTo, options.resize);
var deltaX = elFromPosition.left - elToPosition.left;
var deltaY = elFromPosition.top - elToPosition.top;
var scaleX = elFromPosition.width / (elToPosition.width > 0 ? elToPosition.width : 10);
var scaleY = elFromPosition.height / (elToPosition.height > 0 ? elToPosition.height : 100);
var elFromParentWidthDiff = elFromParentWidthBefore - elFromParentWidthAfter;
var elFromParentHeightDiff = elFromParentHeightBefore - elFromParentHeightAfter;
var elToParentWidthDiff = elToParentWidthAfter - elToParentWidthBefore;
var elToParentHeightDiff = elToParentHeightAfter - elToParentHeightBefore;
var elFromCloneWidth = Math.max(elFromPosition.widthM, elFromParentWidthDiff);
var elFromCloneHeight = Math.max(elFromPosition.heightM, elFromParentHeightDiff);
var elToCloneWidth = Math.max(elToPosition.widthM, elToParentWidthDiff);
var elToCloneHeight = Math.max(elToPosition.heightM, elToParentHeightDiff);
var elSharedSize = elFrom === elTo &&
[ 'absolute', 'fixed' ].includes(elToPositioningType) === false &&
[ 'absolute', 'fixed' ].includes(elFromPositioningType) === false;
// if the final element has fixed position or if a parent
// has fixed position we need to animate it as fixed
var elToNeedsFixedPosition = elToPositioningType === 'fixed';
var parent = elToParent;
while (elToNeedsFixedPosition !== true && parent !== document) {
elToNeedsFixedPosition = window.getComputedStyle(parent).position === 'fixed';
parent = parent.parentNode;
// we show the spacer for the initial element
if (options.hideFromClone !== true) {
elFromClone.style.display = 'block';
elFromClone.style.flex = '0 0 auto';
elFromClone.style.opacity = 0;
elFromClone.style.minWidth = 'unset';
elFromClone.style.maxWidth = 'unset';
elFromClone.style.minHeight = 'unset';
elFromClone.style.maxHeight = 'unset';
// we show the spacer for the final element
if (options.keepToClone !== true) {
elToClone.style.display = 'block';
elToClone.style.flex = '0 0 auto';
elToClone.style.opacity = 0;
elToClone.style.minWidth = 'unset';
elToClone.style.maxWidth = 'unset';
elToClone.style.minHeight = 'unset';
elToClone.style.maxHeight = 'unset';
// we apply classes specified by user
if (typeof options.classes === 'string') {
elTo.className += ' ' + options.classes;
// we apply styles specified by user
if (typeof options.style === 'string') {
elTo.style.cssText += ' ' + options.style;
else if (options.style === Object(options.style)) {
for (var prop in options.style) {
elTo.style[prop] = options.style[prop];
// we position the morphing element
// if we use fixed position for the final element we need to adjust for scroll
var documentScroll = elToNeedsFixedPosition === true
? document.documentElement
: { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 };
elTo.style.position = elToNeedsFixedPosition === true ? 'fixed' : 'absolute';
elTo.style.left = (elToPosition.left - documentScroll.scrollLeft) + "px";
elTo.style.right = 'unset';
elTo.style.top = (elToPosition.top - documentScroll.scrollTop) + "px";
elTo.style.margin = 0;
if (options.resize === true) {
elTo.style.minWidth = 'unset';
elTo.style.maxWidth = 'unset';
elTo.style.minHeight = 'unset';
elTo.style.maxHeight = 'unset';
elTo.style.overflow = 'hidden';
elTo.style.overflowX = 'hidden';
elTo.style.overflowY = 'hidden';
if (elFromTween !== void 0) {
elFromTween.style.cssText = elFromCssText;
elFromTween.style.transform = 'none';
elFromTween.style.animation = 'none';
elFromTween.style.transition = 'none';
elFromTween.style.position = elTo.style.position;
elFromTween.style.left = (elFromPosition.left - documentScroll.scrollLeft) + "px";
elFromTween.style.right = 'unset';
elFromTween.style.top = (elFromPosition.top - documentScroll.scrollTop) + "px";
elFromTween.style.margin = 0;
elFromTween.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
if (options.resize === true) {
elFromTween.style.minWidth = 'unset';
elFromTween.style.maxWidth = 'unset';
elFromTween.style.minHeight = 'unset';
elFromTween.style.maxHeight = 'unset';
elFromTween.style.overflow = 'hidden';
elFromTween.style.overflowX = 'hidden';
elFromTween.style.overflowY = 'hidden';
var commonCleanup = function (aborted) {
// we put the element back in it's place
// and restore the styles and classes
if (elFrom === elTo && endElementTo !== true) {
elTo.style.cssText = elFromStyleSaved;
elTo.className = elFromClassSaved;
else {
elTo.style.cssText = elToStyleSaved;
elTo.className = elToClassSaved;
elToClone.parentNode === elToParent && elToParent.insertBefore(elTo, elToClone);
// we clean the spacers
elFromTween !== void 0 && elFromTween.remove();
// cancel will be no longer available
cancel = function () { return false; };
elFrom.qMorphCancel = void 0;
elTo.qMorphCancel = void 0;
// we are ready
if (typeof options.onEnd === 'function') {
options.onEnd(endElementTo === true ? 'to' : 'from', aborted === true);
if (options.useCSS !== true && typeof elTo.animate === 'function') {
var resizeFrom = options.resize === true
? {
transform: ("translate(" + deltaX + "px, " + deltaY + "px)"),
width: (elFromCloneWidth + "px"),
height: (elFromCloneHeight + "px")
: {
transform: ("translate(" + deltaX + "px, " + deltaY + "px) scale(" + scaleX + ", " + scaleY + ")")
var resizeTo = options.resize === true
? {
width: (elToCloneWidth + "px"),
height: (elToCloneHeight + "px")
: {};
var resizeFromTween = options.resize === true
? {
width: (elFromCloneWidth + "px"),
height: (elFromCloneHeight + "px")
: {};
var resizeToTween = options.resize === true
? {
transform: ("translate(" + (-1 * deltaX) + "px, " + (-1 * deltaY) + "px)"),
width: (elToCloneWidth + "px"),
height: (elToCloneHeight + "px")
: {
transform: ("translate(" + (-1 * deltaX) + "px, " + (-1 * deltaY) + "px) scale(" + (1 / scaleX) + ", " + (1 / scaleY) + ")")
var tweenFrom = elFromTween !== void 0
? { opacity: options.tweenToOpacity }
: { backgroundColor: elFromBackground };
var tweenTo = elFromTween !== void 0
? { opacity: 1 }
: { backgroundColor: elToBackground };
animationTo = elTo.animate([
Object.assign({}, {margin: 0,
borderWidth: elFromBorderWidth,
borderStyle: elFromBorderStyle,
borderColor: elFromBorderColor,
borderRadius: elFromBorderRadius,
transformOrigin: '0 0'},
Object.assign({}, {margin: 0,
borderWidth: elToBorderWidth,
borderStyle: elToBorderStyle,
borderColor: elToBorderColor,
borderRadius: elToBorderRadius,
transformOrigin: '0 0',
transform: elToTransform},
], {
duration: options.duration,
easing: options.easing,
fill: options.fill,
delay: options.delay
animationFromTween = elFromTween === void 0 ? void 0 : elFromTween.animate([
Object.assign({}, {opacity: options.tweenFromOpacity,
margin: 0,
borderWidth: elFromBorderWidth,
borderStyle: elFromBorderStyle,
borderColor: elFromBorderColor,
borderRadius: elFromBorderRadius,
transformOrigin: '0 0',
transform: elFromTransform},
Object.assign({}, {opacity: 0,
margin: 0,
borderWidth: elToBorderWidth,
borderStyle: elToBorderStyle,
borderColor: elToBorderColor,
borderRadius: elToBorderRadius,
transformOrigin: '0 0'},
], {
duration: options.duration,
easing: options.easing,
fill: options.fill,
delay: options.delay
animationFromClone = options.hideFromClone === true || elSharedSize === true ? void 0 : elFromClone.animate([
margin: ((elFromParentHeightDiff < 0 ? elFromParentHeightDiff / 2 : 0) + "px " + (elFromParentWidthDiff < 0 ? elFromParentWidthDiff / 2 : 0) + "px"),
width: ((elFromCloneWidth + elFromPosition.marginH) + "px"),
height: ((elFromCloneHeight + elFromPosition.marginV) + "px")
margin: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0
], {
duration: options.duration,
easing: options.easing,
fill: options.fill,
delay: options.delay
animationToClone = options.keepToClone === true ? void 0 : elToClone.animate([
elSharedSize === true
? {
margin: ((elFromParentHeightDiff < 0 ? elFromParentHeightDiff / 2 : 0) + "px " + (elFromParentWidthDiff < 0 ? elFromParentWidthDiff / 2 : 0) + "px"),
width: ((elFromCloneWidth + elFromPosition.marginH) + "px"),
height: ((elFromCloneHeight + elFromPosition.marginV) + "px")
: {
margin: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0
margin: ((elToParentHeightDiff < 0 ? elToParentHeightDiff / 2 : 0) + "px " + (elToParentWidthDiff < 0 ? elToParentWidthDiff / 2 : 0) + "px"),
width: ((elToCloneWidth + elToPosition.marginH) + "px"),
height: ((elToCloneHeight + elToPosition.marginV) + "px")
], {
duration: options.duration,
easing: options.easing,
fill: options.fill,
delay: options.delay
var cleanup = function (abort) {
animationFromClone !== void 0 && animationFromClone.cancel();
animationFromTween !== void 0 && animationFromTween.cancel();
animationToClone !== void 0 && animationToClone.cancel();
animationTo.removeEventListener('finish', cleanup);
animationTo.removeEventListener('cancel', cleanup);
// we clean the animations
animationFromClone = void 0;
animationFromTween = void 0;
animationToClone = void 0;
animationTo = void 0;
elFrom.qMorphCancel = function () {
elFrom.qMorphCancel = void 0;
cancelStatus = true;
elTo.qMorphCancel = function () {
elTo.qMorphCancel = void 0;
cancelStatus = true;
animationTo.addEventListener('finish', cleanup);
animationTo.addEventListener('cancel', cleanup);
cancel = function (abort) {
// we are not in a morph that we can cancel
if (cancelStatus === true || animationTo === void 0) {
return false
if (abort === true) {
return true
endElementTo = endElementTo !== true;
animationFromClone !== void 0 && animationFromClone.reverse();
animationFromTween !== void 0 && animationFromTween.reverse();
animationToClone !== void 0 && animationToClone.reverse();
return true
else {
var qAnimId = "q-morph-anim-" + (++id);
var style = document.createElement('style');
var resizeFrom$1 = options.resize === true
? ("\n transform: translate(" + deltaX + "px, " + deltaY + "px);\n width: " + elFromCloneWidth + "px;\n height: " + elFromCloneHeight + "px;\n ")
: ("transform: translate(" + deltaX + "px, " + deltaY + "px) scale(" + scaleX + ", " + scaleY + ");");
var resizeTo$1 = options.resize === true
? ("\n width: " + elToCloneWidth + "px;\n height: " + elToCloneHeight + "px;\n ")
: '';
var resizeFromTween$1 = options.resize === true
? ("\n width: " + elFromCloneWidth + "px;\n height: " + elFromCloneHeight + "px;\n ")
: '';
var resizeToTween$1 = options.resize === true
? ("\n transform: translate(" + (-1 * deltaX) + "px, " + (-1 * deltaY) + "px);\n width: " + elToCloneWidth + "px;\n height: " + elToCloneHeight + "px;\n ")
: ("transform: translate(" + (-1 * deltaX) + "px, " + (-1 * deltaY) + "px) scale(" + (1 / scaleX) + ", " + (1 / scaleY) + ");");
var tweenFrom$1 = elFromTween !== void 0
? ("opacity: " + (options.tweenToOpacity) + ";")
: ("background-color: " + elFromBackground + ";");
var tweenTo$1 = elFromTween !== void 0
? 'opacity: 1;'
: ("background-color: " + elToBackground + ";");
var keyframesFromTween = elFromTween === void 0
? ''
: ("\n @keyframes " + qAnimId + "-from-tween {\n 0% {\n opacity: " + (options.tweenFromOpacity) + ";\n margin: 0;\n border-width: " + elFromBorderWidth + ";\n border-style: " + elFromBorderStyle + ";\n border-color: " + elFromBorderColor + ";\n border-radius: " + elFromBorderRadius + ";\n transform-origin: 0 0;\n transform: " + elFromTransform + ";\n " + resizeFromTween$1 + "\n }\n\n 100% {\n opacity: 0;\n margin: 0;\n border-width: " + elToBorderWidth + ";\n border-style: " + elToBorderStyle + ";\n border-color: " + elToBorderColor + ";\n border-radius: " + elToBorderRadius + ";\n transform-origin: 0 0;\n " + resizeToTween$1 + "\n }\n }\n ");
var keyframesFrom = options.hideFromClone === true || elSharedSize === true
? ''
: ("\n @keyframes " + qAnimId + "-from {\n 0% {\n margin: " + (elFromParentHeightDiff < 0 ? elFromParentHeightDiff / 2 : 0) + "px " + (elFromParentWidthDiff < 0 ? elFromParentWidthDiff / 2 : 0) + "px;\n width: " + (elFromCloneWidth + elFromPosition.marginH) + "px;\n height: " + (elFromCloneHeight + elFromPosition.marginV) + "px;\n }\n\n 100% {\n margin: 0;\n width: 0;\n height: 0;\n }\n }\n ");
var keyframeToStart = elSharedSize === true
? ("\n margin: " + (elFromParentHeightDiff < 0 ? elFromParentHeightDiff / 2 : 0) + "px " + (elFromParentWidthDiff < 0 ? elFromParentWidthDiff / 2 : 0) + "px;\n width: " + (elFromCloneWidth + elFromPosition.marginH) + "px;\n height: " + (elFromCloneHeight + elFromPosition.marginV) + "px;\n ")
: "\n margin: 0;\n width: 0;\n height: 0;\n ";
var keyframesTo = options.keepToClone === true
? ''
: ("\n @keyframes " + qAnimId + "-to {\n 0% {\n " + keyframeToStart + "\n }\n\n 100% {\n margin: " + (elToParentHeightDiff < 0 ? elToParentHeightDiff / 2 : 0) + "px " + (elToParentWidthDiff < 0 ? elToParentWidthDiff / 2 : 0) + "px;\n width: " + (elToCloneWidth + elToPosition.marginH) + "px;\n height: " + (elToCloneHeight + elToPosition.marginV) + "px;\n }\n }\n ");
style.innerHTML = "\n @keyframes " + qAnimId + " {\n 0% {\n margin: 0;\n border-width: " + elFromBorderWidth + ";\n border-style: " + elFromBorderStyle + ";\n border-color: " + elFromBorderColor + ";\n border-radius: " + elFromBorderRadius + ";\n background-color: " + elFromBackground + ";\n transform-origin: 0 0;\n " + resizeFrom$1 + "\n " + tweenFrom$1 + "\n }\n\n 100% {\n margin: 0;\n border-width: " + elToBorderWidth + ";\n border-style: " + elToBorderStyle + ";\n border-color: " + elToBorderColor + ";\n border-radius: " + elToBorderRadius + ";\n background-color: " + elToBackground + ";\n transform-origin: 0 0;\n transform: " + elToTransform + ";\n " + resizeTo$1 + "\n " + tweenTo$1 + "\n }\n }\n\n " + keyframesFrom + "\n\n " + keyframesFromTween + "\n\n " + keyframesTo + "\n ";
var animationDirection = 'normal';
elFromClone.style.animation = (options.duration) + "ms " + (options.easing) + " " + (options.delay) + "ms " + animationDirection + " " + (options.fill) + " " + qAnimId + "-from";
if (elFromTween !== void 0) {
elFromTween.style.animation = (options.duration) + "ms " + (options.easing) + " " + (options.delay) + "ms " + animationDirection + " " + (options.fill) + " " + qAnimId + "-from-tween";
elToClone.style.animation = (options.duration) + "ms " + (options.easing) + " " + (options.delay) + "ms " + animationDirection + " " + (options.fill) + " " + qAnimId + "-to";
elTo.style.animation = (options.duration) + "ms " + (options.easing) + " " + (options.delay) + "ms " + animationDirection + " " + (options.fill) + " " + qAnimId;
var cleanup$1 = function (ev) {
if (ev === Object(ev) && ev.animationName !== qAnimId) {
elTo.removeEventListener('animationend', cleanup$1);
elTo.removeEventListener('animationcancel', cleanup$1);
// we clean the animations
elFrom.qMorphCancel = function () {
elFrom.qMorphCancel = void 0;
cancelStatus = true;
elTo.qMorphCancel = function () {
elTo.qMorphCancel = void 0;
cancelStatus = true;
elTo.addEventListener('animationend', cleanup$1);
elTo.addEventListener('animationcancel', cleanup$1);
cancel = function (abort) {
// we are not in a morph that we can cancel
if (cancelStatus === true || !elTo || !elFromClone || !elToClone) {
return false
if (abort === true) {
return true
endElementTo = endElementTo !== true;
animationDirection = animationDirection === 'normal' ? 'reverse' : 'normal';
elFromClone.style.animationDirection = animationDirection;
elFromTween.style.animationDirection = animationDirection;
elToClone.style.animationDirection = animationDirection;
elTo.style.animationDirection = animationDirection;
return true
if (
options.waitFor > 0 ||
options.waitFor === 'transitionend' ||
(options.waitFor === Object(options.waitFor) && typeof options.waitFor.then === 'function')
) {
var delayPromise = options.waitFor > 0
? new Promise(function (resolve) { return setTimeout(resolve, options.waitFor); })
: (
options.waitFor === 'transitionend'
? new Promise(function (resolve) {
var timer = setTimeout(function () {
}, 400);
var endFn = function (ev) {
if (elTo) {
elTo.removeEventListener('transitionend', endFn);
elTo.removeEventListener('transitioncancel', endFn);
elTo.addEventListener('transitionend', endFn);
elTo.addEventListener('transitioncancel', endFn);
: options.waitFor
.catch(function () {
typeof elTo.qMorphCancel === 'function' && elTo.qMorphCancel();
else {
typeof _options.onToggle === 'function' && _options.onToggle();
// we return the cancel function
// returns:
// false if the cancel cannot be performed (the morph ended already or has not started)
// true else
return function (abort) { return cancel(abort); }
var morphGroups = {};
var props = [
'duration', 'delay', 'easing', 'fill',
'classes', 'style', 'duration', 'resize',
'useCSS', 'hideFromClone', 'keepToClone', 'tween',
'tweenFromOpacity', 'tweenToOpacity',
'waitFor', 'onEnd'
var mods = [
'resize', 'useCSS', 'hideFromClone', 'keepToClone', 'tween'
function changeClass (ctx, action) {
if (ctx.clsAction !== action) {
ctx.clsAction = action;
function trigger (group) {
if (group.animating === true || group.queue.length < 2) {
var ref = group.queue;
var from = ref[0];
var to = ref[1];
group.animating = true;
from.animating = true;
to.animating = true;
changeClass(from, 'remove');
changeClass(to, 'remove');
var cancelFn = morph(Object.assign({}, {from: from.el,
to: to.el,
onToggle: function onToggle () {
changeClass(from, 'add');
changeClass(to, 'remove');
{onEnd: function onEnd (dir, aborted) {
to.opts.onEnd !== void 0 && to.opts.onEnd(dir, aborted);
if (aborted === true) {
from.animating = false;
to.animating = false;
group.animating = false;
group.cancel = void 0;
group.cancel = function () {
cancelFn(true); // abort
group.cancel = void 0;
function updateModifiers$1 (mod, ctx) {
var opts = ctx.opts;
mods.forEach(function (name) {
opts[name] = mod[name] === true;
function insertArgs (arg, ctx) {
var opts = typeof arg === 'string' && arg.length > 0
? arg.split(':') : [];
ctx.name = opts[0];
ctx.group = opts[1];
Object.assign(ctx.opts, {
duration: isNaN(opts[2]) === true
? 300
: parseFloat(opts[2]),
waitFor: opts[3]
function updateArgs (arg, ctx) {
if (arg.group !== void 0) {
ctx.group = arg.group;
if (arg.name !== void 0) {
ctx.name = arg.name;
var opts = ctx.opts;
props.forEach(function (name) {
if (arg[name] !== void 0) {
opts[name] = arg[name];
function updateModel (name, ctx) {
if (ctx.name === name) {
var group = morphGroups[ctx.group];
// if group is not registered
if (group === void 0) {
morphGroups[ctx.group] = {
name: ctx.group,
model: name,
queue: [ ctx ],
animating: false
changeClass(ctx, 'remove');
// if model changed
else if (group.model !== name) {
group.model = name;
if (group.animating === false && group.queue.length === 2) {
if (ctx.animating === false) {
changeClass(ctx, 'add');
function updateValue (ctx, value) {
var model;
if (Object(value) === value) {
model = '' + value.model;
updateArgs(value, ctx);
updateModifiers$1(value, ctx);
else {
model = '' + value;
if (model !== ctx.model) {
ctx.model = model;
updateModel(model, ctx);
else if (ctx.animating === false && ctx.clsAction !== void 0) {
// ensure HMR
function destroy$6 (el) {
var ctx = el.__qmorph;
if (ctx !== void 0) {
var group = morphGroups[ctx.group];
if (group !== void 0) {
var index = group.queue.indexOf(ctx);
if (index !== -1) {
group.queue = group.queue.filter(function (item) { return item !== ctx; });
if (group.queue.length === 0) {
group.cancel !== void 0 && group.cancel();
delete morphGroups[ctx.group];
if (ctx.clsAction === 'add') {
delete el.__qmorph;
var Morph = {
name: 'morph',
inserted: function inserted (el, binding) {
if (el.__qmorph !== void 0) {
el.__qmorph_destroyed = true;
var ctx = {
el: el,
animating: false,
opts: {}
updateModifiers$1(binding.modifiers, ctx);
insertArgs(binding.arg, ctx);
updateValue(ctx, binding.value);
el.__qmorph = ctx;
update: function update (el, binding) {
var ctx = el.__qmorph;
ctx !== void 0 && updateValue(ctx, binding.value);
unbind: function unbind (el) {
if (el.__qmorph_destroyed === void 0) {
else {
delete el.__qmorph_destroyed;
function objectWithoutProperties (obj, exclude) { var target = {}; for (var k in obj) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, k) && exclude.indexOf(k) === -1) target[k] = obj[k]; return target; }
var defaultCfg$1 = {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
attributes: true,
characterData: true,
attributeOldValue: true,
characterDataOldValue: true
function update$1 (el, ctx, value) {
ctx.handler = value;
ctx.observer !== void 0 && ctx.observer.disconnect();
ctx.observer = new MutationObserver(function (list) {
if (typeof ctx.handler === 'function') {
var res = ctx.handler(list);
if (res === false || ctx.once === true) {
ctx.observer.observe(el, ctx.opts);
function destroy$7 (el) {
var ctx = el.__qmutation;
if (ctx !== void 0) {
ctx.observer !== void 0 && ctx.observer.disconnect();
delete el.__qmutation;
var Mutation = {
name: 'mutation',
inserted: function inserted (el, ref) {
var ref_modifiers = ref.modifiers;
var once = ref_modifiers.once;
var rest = objectWithoutProperties( ref_modifiers, ["once"] );
var mod = rest;
var value = ref.value;
if (el.__qmutation !== void 0) {
el.__qmutation_destroyed = true;
var ctx = {
once: once,
opts: Object.keys(mod).length === 0
? defaultCfg$1
: mod
update$1(el, ctx, value);
el.__qmutation = ctx;
update: function update$1$1 (el, ref) {
var oldValue = ref.oldValue;
var value = ref.value;
var ctx = el.__qmutation;
if (ctx !== void 0 && oldValue !== value) {
update$1(el, ctx, value);
unbind: function unbind (el) {
if (el.__qmutation_destroyed === void 0) {
else {
delete el.__qmutation_destroyed;
function update$2 (ctx, ref) {
var value = ref.value;
var oldValue = ref.oldValue;
if (typeof value !== 'function') {
ctx.scrollTarget.removeEventListener('scroll', ctx.scroll);
ctx.handler = value;
if (typeof oldValue !== 'function') {
ctx.scrollTarget.addEventListener('scroll', ctx.scroll, listenOpts.passive);
function destroy$8 (el) {
var ctx = el.__qscrollfire;
if (ctx !== void 0) {
ctx.scrollTarget.removeEventListener('scroll', ctx.scroll, listenOpts.passive);
delete el.__qscrollfire;
var ScrollFire = {
name: 'scroll-fire',
inserted: function inserted (el, binding) {
if (el.__qscrollfire !== void 0) {
el.__qscrollfire_destroyed = true;
var ctx = {
scrollTarget: getScrollTarget(el),
scroll: debounce(function () {
var containerBottom, elBottom;
if (ctx.scrollTarget === window) {
elBottom = el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
containerBottom = window.innerHeight;
else {
elBottom = offset(el).top + height(el);
containerBottom = offset(ctx.scrollTarget).top + height(ctx.scrollTarget);
if (elBottom > 0 && elBottom < containerBottom) {
ctx.scrollTarget.removeEventListener('scroll', ctx.scroll, listenOpts.passive);
}, 25)
update$2(ctx, binding);
el.__qscrollfire = ctx;
update: function update$1 (el, binding) {
if (el.__qscrollfire !== void 0 && binding.value !== binding.oldValue) {
update$2(el.__qscrollfire, binding);
unbind: function unbind (el) {
if (el.__qscrollfire_destroyed === void 0) {
else {
delete el.__qscrollfire_destroyed;
function update$3 (ctx, ref) {
var value = ref.value;
var oldValue = ref.oldValue;
if (typeof value !== 'function') {
ctx.scrollTarget.removeEventListener('scroll', ctx.scroll, listenOpts.passive);
ctx.handler = value;
if (typeof oldValue !== 'function') {
ctx.scrollTarget.addEventListener('scroll', ctx.scroll, listenOpts.passive);
function destroy$9 (el) {
var ctx = el.__qscroll;
if (ctx !== void 0) {
ctx.scrollTarget.removeEventListener('scroll', ctx.scroll, listenOpts.passive);
delete el.__qscroll;
var Scroll = {
name: 'scroll',
inserted: function inserted (el, binding) {
if (el.__qscroll !== void 0) {
el.__qscroll_destroyed = true;
var ctx = {
scrollTarget: getScrollTarget(el),
scroll: function scroll () {
update$3(ctx, binding);
el.__qscroll = ctx;
update: function update$1 (el, binding) {
if (el.__qscroll !== void 0 && binding.oldValue !== binding.value) {
update$3(el.__qscroll, binding);
unbind: function unbind (el) {
if (el.__qscroll_destroyed === void 0) {
else {
delete el.__qscroll_destroyed;
function destroy$a (el) {
var ctx = el.__qtouchhold;
if (ctx !== void 0) {
cleanEvt(ctx, 'main');
cleanEvt(ctx, 'temp');
ctx.styleCleanup !== void 0 && ctx.styleCleanup();
delete el.__qtouchhold;
var TouchHold = {
name: 'touch-hold',
bind: function bind (el, binding) {
var assign;
if (el.__qtouchhold !== void 0) {
el.__qtouchhold_destroyed = true;
var modifiers = binding.modifiers;
// early return, we don't need to do anything
if (modifiers.mouse !== true && client.has.touch !== true) {
var ctx = {
handler: binding.value,
noop: noop,
mouseStart: function mouseStart (evt) {
if (typeof ctx.handler === 'function' && leftClick(evt) === true) {
addEvt(ctx, 'temp', [
[ document, 'mousemove', 'move', 'passiveCapture' ],
[ document, 'click', 'end', 'notPassiveCapture' ]
ctx.start(evt, true);
touchStart: function touchStart (evt) {
if (evt.target !== void 0 && typeof ctx.handler === 'function') {
var target = getTouchTarget(evt.target);
addEvt(ctx, 'temp', [
[ target, 'touchmove', 'move', 'passiveCapture' ],
[ target, 'touchcancel', 'end', 'notPassiveCapture' ],
[ target, 'touchend', 'end', 'notPassiveCapture' ]
start: function start (evt, mouseEvent) {
ctx.origin = position(evt);
var startTime = Date.now();
if (client.is.mobile === true) {
ctx.styleCleanup = function (withDelay) {
ctx.styleCleanup = void 0;
var remove = function () {
if (withDelay === true) {
setTimeout(remove, 10);
else { remove(); }
ctx.triggered = false;
ctx.sensitivity = mouseEvent === true
? ctx.mouseSensitivity
: ctx.touchSensitivity;
ctx.timer = setTimeout(function () {
ctx.triggered = true;
evt: evt,
touch: mouseEvent !== true,
mouse: mouseEvent === true,
position: ctx.origin,
duration: Date.now() - startTime
}, ctx.duration);
move: function move (evt) {
var ref = position(evt);
var top = ref.top;
var left = ref.left;
if (
Math.abs(left - ctx.origin.left) >= ctx.sensitivity ||
Math.abs(top - ctx.origin.top) >= ctx.sensitivity
) {
end: function end (evt) {
cleanEvt(ctx, 'temp');
// delay needed otherwise selection still occurs
ctx.styleCleanup !== void 0 && ctx.styleCleanup(ctx.triggered);
if (ctx.triggered === true) {
evt !== void 0 && stopAndPrevent(evt);
else {
// duration in ms, touch in pixels, mouse in pixels
var data = [600, 5, 7];
if (typeof binding.arg === 'string' && binding.arg.length > 0) {
binding.arg.split(':').forEach(function (val, index) {
var v = parseInt(val, 10);
v && (data[index] = v);
(assign = data, ctx.duration = assign[0], ctx.touchSensitivity = assign[1], ctx.mouseSensitivity = assign[2]);
el.__qtouchhold = ctx;
modifiers.mouse === true && addEvt(ctx, 'main', [
[ el, 'mousedown', 'mouseStart', ("passive" + (modifiers.mouseCapture === true ? 'Capture' : '')) ]
client.has.touch === true && addEvt(ctx, 'main', [
[ el, 'touchstart', 'touchStart', ("passive" + (modifiers.capture === true ? 'Capture' : '')) ],
[ el, 'touchend', 'noop', 'notPassiveCapture' ]
update: function update (el, binding) {
var ctx = el.__qtouchhold;
if (ctx !== void 0 && binding.oldValue !== binding.value) {
typeof binding.value !== 'function' && ctx.end();
ctx.handler = binding.value;
unbind: function unbind (el) {
if (el.__qtouchhold_destroyed === void 0) {
else {
delete el.__qtouchhold_destroyed;
keyCodes$2 = {
esc: 27,
tab: 9,
enter: 13,
space: 32,
up: 38,
left: 37,
right: 39,
down: 40,
'delete': [8, 46]
keyRegex = new RegExp(("^([\\d+]+|" + (Object.keys(keyCodes$2).join('|')) + ")$"), 'i');
function shouldEnd (evt, origin) {
var ref = position(evt);
var top = ref.top;
var left = ref.left;
return Math.abs(left - origin.left) >= 7 ||
Math.abs(top - origin.top) >= 7
function destroy$b (el) {
var ctx = el.__qtouchrepeat;
if (ctx !== void 0) {
cleanEvt(ctx, 'main');
cleanEvt(ctx, 'temp');
ctx.styleCleanup !== void 0 && ctx.styleCleanup();
delete el.__qtouchrepeat;
var TouchRepeat = {
name: 'touch-repeat',
bind: function bind (el, ref) {
var modifiers = ref.modifiers;
var value = ref.value;
var arg = ref.arg;
if (el.__qtouchrepeat !== void 0) {
el.__qtouchrepeat_destroyed = true;
var keyboard = Object.keys(modifiers).reduce(function (acc, key) {
if (keyRegex.test(key) === true) {
var keyCode = isNaN(parseInt(key, 10)) ? keyCodes$2[key.toLowerCase()] : parseInt(key, 10);
keyCode >= 0 && acc.push(keyCode);
return acc
}, []);
// early return, we don't need to do anything
if (
modifiers.mouse !== true &&
client.has.touch !== true &&
keyboard.length === 0
) {
var durations = typeof arg === 'string' && arg.length > 0
? arg.split(':').map(function (val) { return parseInt(val, 10); })
: [0, 600, 300];
var durationsLast = durations.length - 1;
var ctx = {
keyboard: keyboard,
handler: value,
noop: noop,
mouseStart: function mouseStart (evt) {
if (ctx.event === void 0 && typeof ctx.handler === 'function' && leftClick(evt) === true) {
addEvt(ctx, 'temp', [
[ document, 'mousemove', 'move', 'passiveCapture' ],
[ document, 'click', 'end', 'notPassiveCapture' ]
ctx.start(evt, true);
keyboardStart: function keyboardStart (evt) {
if (typeof ctx.handler === 'function' && isKeyCode(evt, keyboard) === true) {
if (durations[0] === 0 || ctx.event !== void 0) {
if (ctx.event !== void 0) {
addEvt(ctx, 'temp', [
[ document, 'keyup', 'end', 'notPassiveCapture' ],
[ document, 'click', 'end', 'notPassiveCapture' ]
ctx.start(evt, false, true);
touchStart: function touchStart (evt) {
if (evt.target !== void 0 && typeof ctx.handler === 'function') {
var target = getTouchTarget(evt.target);
addEvt(ctx, 'temp', [
[ target, 'touchmove', 'move', 'passiveCapture' ],
[ target, 'touchcancel', 'end', 'notPassiveCapture' ],
[ target, 'touchend', 'end', 'notPassiveCapture' ]
start: function start (evt, mouseEvent, keyboardEvent) {
if (keyboardEvent !== true) {
ctx.origin = position(evt);
function styleCleanup (withDelay) {
ctx.styleCleanup = void 0;
document.documentElement.style.cursor = '';
var remove = function () {
if (withDelay === true) {
setTimeout(remove, 10);
else { remove(); }
if (client.is.mobile === true) {
ctx.styleCleanup = styleCleanup;
ctx.event = {
touch: mouseEvent !== true && keyboardEvent !== true,
mouse: mouseEvent === true,
keyboard: keyboardEvent === true,
startTime: Date.now(),
repeatCount: 0
var fn = function () {
if (ctx.event === void 0) {
if (ctx.event.repeatCount === 0) {
ctx.event.evt = evt;
if (keyboardEvent === true) {
ctx.event.keyCode = evt.keyCode;
else {
ctx.event.position = position(evt);
if (client.is.mobile !== true) {
document.documentElement.style.cursor = 'pointer';
ctx.styleCleanup = styleCleanup;
ctx.event.duration = Date.now() - ctx.event.startTime;
ctx.event.repeatCount += 1;
var index = durationsLast < ctx.event.repeatCount
? durationsLast
: ctx.event.repeatCount;
ctx.timer = setTimeout(fn, durations[index]);
if (durations[0] === 0) {
else {
ctx.timer = setTimeout(fn, durations[0]);
move: function move (evt) {
if (ctx.event !== void 0 && shouldEnd(evt, ctx.origin) === true) {
end: function end (evt) {
if (ctx.event === void 0) {
ctx.styleCleanup !== void 0 && ctx.styleCleanup(true);
evt !== void 0 && ctx.event.repeatCount > 0 && stopAndPrevent(evt);
cleanEvt(ctx, 'temp');
ctx.event = void 0;
el.__qtouchrepeat = ctx;
modifiers.mouse === true && addEvt(ctx, 'main', [
[ el, 'mousedown', 'mouseStart', ("passive" + (modifiers.mouseCapture === true ? 'Capture' : '')) ]
client.has.touch === true && addEvt(ctx, 'main', [
[ el, 'touchstart', 'touchStart', ("passive" + (modifiers.capture === true ? 'Capture' : '')) ],
[ el, 'touchend', 'noop', 'notPassiveCapture' ]
keyboard.length > 0 && addEvt(ctx, 'main', [
[ el, 'keydown', 'keyboardStart', ("notPassive" + (modifiers.keyCapture === true ? 'Capture' : '')) ]
update: function update (el, ref) {
var oldValue = ref.oldValue;
var value = ref.value;
var ctx = el.__qtouchrepeat;
if (ctx !== void 0 && oldValue !== value) {
typeof value !== 'function' && ctx.end();
ctx.handler = value;
unbind: function unbind (el) {
if (el.__qtouchrepeat_destroyed === void 0) {
else {
delete el.__qtouchrepeat_destroyed;
var directives = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
ClosePopup: ClosePopup,
GoBack: GoBack,
Intersection: Intersection,
Morph: Morph,
Mutation: Mutation,
Ripple: Ripple,
ScrollFire: ScrollFire,
Scroll: Scroll,
TouchHold: TouchHold,
TouchPan: TouchPan,
TouchRepeat: TouchRepeat,
TouchSwipe: TouchSwipe
var metaValue;
function getProp () {
if (Platform.is.winphone) {
return 'msapplication-navbutton-color'
if (Platform.is.safari) {
return 'apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style'
// Chrome, Firefox OS, Opera, Vivaldi
return 'theme-color'
function getMetaTag (v) {
var els = document.getElementsByTagName('META');
for (var i in els) {
if (els[i].name === v) {
return els[i]
function setColor (hexColor) {
if (metaValue === void 0) {
// cache it
metaValue = getProp();
var metaTag = getMetaTag(metaValue);
var newTag = metaTag === void 0;
if (newTag) {
metaTag = document.createElement('meta');
metaTag.setAttribute('name', metaValue);
metaTag.setAttribute('content', hexColor);
if (newTag) {
var AddressbarColor = {
install: function install (ref) {
var $q = ref.$q;
var cfg = ref.cfg;
this.set = isSSR === false && Platform.is.mobile === true && (
Platform.is.nativeMobile === true ||
Platform.is.winphone === true || Platform.is.safari === true ||
Platform.is.webkit === true || Platform.is.vivaldi === true
? function (hexColor) {
var val = hexColor || getBrand('primary');
if (Platform.is.nativeMobile === true && window.StatusBar) {
else {
: noop;
$q.addressbarColor = this;
cfg.addressbarColor && this.set(cfg.addressbarColor);
var prefixes = {};
// needed for consistency across browsers,
// including IE11 which does not return anything
function promisify (target, fn) {
try {
var res = target[fn]();
return res === void 0
? Promise.resolve()
: res
catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err)
var AppFullscreen = {
isCapable: false,
isActive: false,
activeEl: null,
request: function request (target) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.isCapable === true && this.isActive === false) {
var el = target || document.documentElement;
return promisify(el, prefixes.request).then(function () {
this$1.activeEl = el;
return this.__getErr()
exit: function exit () {
var this$1 = this;
return this.isCapable === true && this.isActive === true
? promisify(document, prefixes.exit).then(function () {
this$1.activeEl = null;
: this.__getErr()
toggle: function toggle (target) {
return this.isActive === true
? this.exit()
: this.request(target)
install: function install (ref) {
var this$1 = this;
var $q = ref.$q;
$q.fullscreen = this;
if (isSSR === true) { return }
prefixes.request = [
'msRequestFullscreen', 'mozRequestFullScreen', 'webkitRequestFullscreen'
].find(function (request) { return document.documentElement[request] !== void 0; });
this.isCapable = prefixes.request !== void 0;
if (this.isCapable === false) {
// it means the browser does NOT support it
this.__getErr = function () { return Promise.reject('Not capable'); };
this.__getErr = function () { return Promise.resolve(); };
prefixes.exit = [
'msExitFullscreen', 'mozCancelFullScreen', 'webkitExitFullscreen'
].find(function (exit) { return document[exit]; });
this.isActive = !!(document.fullscreenElement ||
document.mozFullScreenElement ||
document.webkitFullscreenElement ||
'onmsfullscreenchange', 'onwebkitfullscreenchange'
].forEach(function (evt) {
document[evt] = function () {
this$1.isActive = this$1.isActive === false;
Vue.util.defineReactive(this, 'isActive', this.isActive);
Vue.util.defineReactive(this, 'activeEl', this.activeEl);
var AppVisibility = {
appVisible: false,
install: function install (ref) {
var this$1 = this;
var $q = ref.$q;
if (isSSR === true) {
this.appVisible = $q.appVisible = true;
var prop, evt;
if (typeof document.hidden !== 'undefined') { // Opera 12.10 and Firefox 18 and later support
prop = 'hidden';
evt = 'visibilitychange';
else if (typeof document.msHidden !== 'undefined') {
prop = 'msHidden';
evt = 'msvisibilitychange';
else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== 'undefined') {
prop = 'webkitHidden';
evt = 'webkitvisibilitychange';
var update = function () {
this$1.appVisible = $q.appVisible = !document[prop];
if (evt && typeof document[prop] !== 'undefined') {
Vue.util.defineReactive($q, 'appVisible', this.appVisible);
document.addEventListener(evt, update, false);
var BottomSheet = Vue.extend({
name: 'BottomSheetPlugin',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, AttrsMixin ],
inheritAttrs: false,
props: {
title: String,
message: String,
actions: Array,
grid: Boolean,
cardClass: [String, Array, Object],
cardStyle: [String, Array, Object]
computed: {
dialogProps: function dialogProps () {
return Object.assign({}, this.qAttrs,
{position: 'bottom'})
methods: {
show: function show () {
hide: function hide () {
onOk: function onOk (action) {
this.$emit('ok', action);
__getGrid: function __getGrid (h) {
var this$1 = this;
return this.actions.map(function (action) {
var img = action.avatar || action.img;
return action.label === void 0
? h(QSeparator, {
staticClass: 'col-all',
props: { dark: this$1.isDark }
: h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-bottom-sheet__item q-hoverable q-focusable cursor-pointer relative-position',
class: action.classes,
attrs: { tabindex: 0 },
on: {
click: function () { return this$1.onOk(action); },
keyup: function (e) {
e.keyCode === 13 && this$1.onOk(action);
}, [
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-focus-helper' }),
? h(QIcon, { props: { name: action.icon, color: action.color } })
: (
? h('img', {
attrs: { src: img },
staticClass: action.avatar ? 'q-bottom-sheet__avatar' : null
: h('div', { staticClass: 'q-bottom-sheet__empty-icon' })
h('div', [ action.label ])
__getList: function __getList (h) {
var this$1 = this;
return this.actions.map(function (action) {
var img = action.avatar || action.img;
return action.label === void 0
? h(QSeparator, { props: { spaced: true, dark: this$1.isDark } })
: h(QItem, {
staticClass: 'q-bottom-sheet__item',
class: action.classes,
props: {
tabindex: 0,
clickable: true,
dark: this$1.isDark
on: {
click: function () { return this$1.onOk(action); },
keyup: function (e) {
e.keyCode === 13 && this$1.onOk(action);
}, [
h(QItemSection, { props: { avatar: true } }, [
? h(QIcon, { props: { name: action.icon, color: action.color } })
: (
? h('img', {
attrs: { src: img },
staticClass: action.avatar ? 'q-bottom-sheet__avatar' : null
: null
h(QItemSection, [ action.label ])
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var child = [];
this.title && child.push(
h(QCardSection, {
staticClass: 'q-dialog__title'
}, [ this.title ])
this.message && child.push(
h(QCardSection, {
staticClass: 'q-dialog__message'
}, [ this.message ])
this.grid === true
? h('div', {
staticClass: 'row items-stretch justify-start'
}, this.__getGrid(h))
: h('div', this.__getList(h))
return h(QDialog, {
ref: 'dialog',
props: this.dialogProps,
on: cache(this, 'hide', {
hide: function () {
}, [
h(QCard, {
staticClass: "q-bottom-sheet q-bottom-sheet--" + (this.grid === true ? 'grid' : 'list') +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-bottom-sheet--dark q-dark' : ''),
style: this.cardStyle,
class: this.cardClass
}, child)
function objectWithoutProperties$1 (obj, exclude) { var target = {}; for (var k in obj) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, k) && exclude.indexOf(k) === -1) target[k] = obj[k]; return target; }
var ssrAPI = {
onOk: function () { return ssrAPI; },
okCancel: function () { return ssrAPI; },
hide: function () { return ssrAPI; }
function globalDialog (DefaultComponent) {
return function (ref) {
var className = ref.className;
var klass = ref.class;
var style = ref.style;
var component = ref.component;
var root = ref.root;
var parent = ref.parent;
var rest = objectWithoutProperties$1( ref, ["className", "class", "style", "component", "root", "parent"] );
var props = rest;
if (isSSR === true) { return ssrAPI }
klass !== void 0 && (props.cardClass = klass);
style !== void 0 && (props.cardStyle = style);
okFns = [],
cancelFns = [],
API = {
onOk: function onOk (fn) {
return API
onCancel: function onCancel (fn) {
return API
onDismiss: function onDismiss (fn) {
return API
hide: function hide () {
return API
var node = document.createElement('div');
var emittedOK = false;
var on = {
ok: function (data) {
emittedOK = true;
okFns.forEach(function (fn) { fn(data); });
hide: function () {
vm = null;
if (emittedOK !== true) {
cancelFns.forEach(function (fn) { fn(); });
var DialogComponent = component !== void 0
? component
: DefaultComponent;
var attrs = component === void 0
? props
: void 0;
var vm = new Vue({
name: 'QGlobalDialog',
el: node,
parent: parent === void 0 ? root : parent,
render: function render (h) {
return h(DialogComponent, {
ref: 'dialog',
props: props,
attrs: attrs,
on: on
mounted: function mounted () {
return API
var BottomSheet$1 = {
install: function install (ref) {
var $q = ref.$q;
this.create = $q.bottomSheet = globalDialog(BottomSheet);
function encode (string) {
return encodeURIComponent(string)
function decode (string) {
return decodeURIComponent(string)
function stringifyCookieValue (value) {
return encode(value === Object(value) ? JSON.stringify(value) : '' + value)
function read (string) {
if (string === '') {
return string
if (string.indexOf('"') === 0) {
// This is a quoted cookie as according to RFC2068, unescape...
string = string.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, '\\');
// Replace server-side written pluses with spaces.
// If we can't decode the cookie, ignore it, it's unusable.
// If we can't parse the cookie, ignore it, it's unusable.
string = decode(string.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
try {
string = JSON.parse(string);
catch (e) {}
return string
function getString (msOffset) {
var time = new Date();
time.setMilliseconds(time.getMilliseconds() + msOffset);
return time.toUTCString()
function parseExpireString (str) {
var timestamp = 0;
var days = str.match(/(\d+)d/);
var hours = str.match(/(\d+)h/);
var minutes = str.match(/(\d+)m/);
var seconds = str.match(/(\d+)s/);
if (days) { timestamp += days[1] * 864e+5; }
if (hours) { timestamp += hours[1] * 36e+5; }
if (minutes) { timestamp += minutes[1] * 6e+4; }
if (seconds) { timestamp += seconds[1] * 1000; }
return timestamp === 0
? str
: getString(timestamp)
function set (key, val, opts, ssr) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) opts = {};
var expire, expireValue;
if (opts.expires !== void 0) {
// if it's a Date Object
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(opts.expires) === '[object Date]') {
expire = opts.expires.toUTCString();
// if it's a String (eg. "15m", "1h", "13d", "1d 15m", "31s")
// possible units: d (days), h (hours), m (minutes), s (seconds)
else if (typeof opts.expires === 'string') {
expire = parseExpireString(opts.expires);
// otherwise it must be a Number (defined in days)
else {
expireValue = parseFloat(opts.expires);
expire = isNaN(expireValue) === false
? getString(expireValue * 864e+5)
: opts.expires;
var keyValue = (encode(key)) + "=" + (stringifyCookieValue(val));
var cookie = [
expire !== void 0 ? '; Expires=' + expire : '', // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE
opts.path ? '; Path=' + opts.path : '',
opts.domain ? '; Domain=' + opts.domain : '',
opts.sameSite ? '; SameSite=' + opts.sameSite : '',
opts.httpOnly ? '; HttpOnly' : '',
opts.secure ? '; Secure' : '',
opts.other ? '; ' + opts.other : ''
if (ssr) {
if (ssr.req.qCookies) {
else {
ssr.req.qCookies = [ cookie ];
ssr.res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', ssr.req.qCookies);
// make temporary update so future get()
// within same SSR timeframe would return the set value
var all = ssr.req.headers.cookie || '';
if (expire !== void 0 && expireValue < 0) {
var val$1 = get(key, ssr);
if (val$1 !== undefined) {
all = all
.replace((key + "=" + val$1 + "; "), '')
.replace(("; " + key + "=" + val$1), '')
.replace((key + "=" + val$1), '');
else {
all = all
? (keyValue + "; " + all)
: cookie;
ssr.req.headers.cookie = all;
else {
document.cookie = cookie;
function get (key, ssr) {
cookieSource = ssr ? ssr.req.headers : document,
cookies = cookieSource.cookie ? cookieSource.cookie.split('; ') : [],
l = cookies.length;
result = key ? null : {},
i = 0,
for (; i < l; i++) {
parts = cookies[i].split('=');
name = decode(parts.shift());
cookie = parts.join('=');
if (!key) {
result[name] = cookie;
else if (key === name) {
result = read(cookie);
return result
function remove (key, options, ssr) {
Object.assign({}, {expires: -1}, options),
function has (key, ssr) {
return get(key, ssr) !== null
function getObject (ssr) {
return {
get: function (key) { return get(key, ssr); },
set: function (key, val, opts) { return set(key, val, opts, ssr); },
has: function (key) { return has(key, ssr); },
remove: function (key, options) { return remove(key, options, ssr); },
getAll: function () { return get(null, ssr); }
var Cookies = {
parseSSR: function parseSSR (ssrContext) {
return ssrContext !== void 0
? getObject(ssrContext)
: this
install: function install (ref) {
var $q = ref.$q;
var queues = ref.queues;
if (isSSR === true) {
queues.server.push(function (q, ctx) {
q.cookies = getObject(ctx.ssr);
else {
Object.assign(this, getObject());
$q.cookies = this;
var DialogPlugin = Vue.extend({
name: 'DialogPlugin',
mixins: [ DarkMixin, AttrsMixin ],
inheritAttrs: false,
props: {
title: String,
message: String,
prompt: Object,
options: Object,
html: Boolean,
ok: {
type: [String, Object, Boolean],
default: true
cancel: [String, Object, Boolean],
focus: {
type: String,
default: 'ok',
validator: function (v) { return ['ok', 'cancel', 'none'].includes(v); }
stackButtons: Boolean,
color: String,
cardClass: [String, Array, Object],
cardStyle: [String, Array, Object]
computed: {
hasForm: function hasForm () {
return this.prompt !== void 0 || this.options !== void 0
okLabel: function okLabel () {
return Object(this.ok) === this.ok
? this.$q.lang.label.ok
: (
this.ok === true
? this.$q.lang.label.ok
: this.ok
cancelLabel: function cancelLabel () {
return Object(this.cancel) === this.cancel
? this.$q.lang.label.cancel
: (
this.cancel === true
? this.$q.lang.label.cancel
: this.cancel
vmColor: function vmColor () {
return this.color || (this.isDark === true ? 'amber' : 'primary')
okDisabled: function okDisabled () {
if (this.prompt !== void 0) {
return this.prompt.isValid !== void 0 &&
this.prompt.isValid(this.prompt.model) !== true
if (this.options !== void 0) {
return this.options.isValid !== void 0 &&
this.options.isValid(this.options.model) !== true
okProps: function okProps () {
return Object.assign({}, {color: this.vmColor,
label: this.okLabel,
ripple: false},
(Object(this.ok) === this.ok ? this.ok : { flat: true }),
{disable: this.okDisabled})
cancelProps: function cancelProps () {
return Object.assign({}, {color: this.vmColor,
label: this.cancelLabel,
ripple: false},
(Object(this.cancel) === this.cancel ? this.cancel : { flat: true }))
methods: {
show: function show () {
hide: function hide () {
getPrompt: function getPrompt (h) {
var this$1 = this;
return [
h(QInput, {
props: {
value: this.prompt.model,
type: this.prompt.type,
label: this.prompt.label,
stackLabel: this.prompt.stackLabel,
outlined: this.prompt.outlined,
filled: this.prompt.filled,
standout: this.prompt.standout,
rounded: this.prompt.rounded,
square: this.prompt.square,
counter: this.prompt.counter,
maxlength: this.prompt.maxlength,
prefix: this.prompt.prefix,
suffix: this.prompt.suffix,
color: this.vmColor,
dense: true,
autofocus: true,
dark: this.isDark
attrs: this.prompt.attrs,
on: cache(this, 'prompt', {
input: function (v) { this$1.prompt.model = v; },
keyup: function (evt) {
// if ENTER key
if (
this$1.okDisabled !== true &&
this$1.prompt.type !== 'textarea' &&
isKeyCode(evt, 13) === true
) {
getOptions: function getOptions (h) {
var this$1 = this;
return [
h(QOptionGroup, {
props: {
value: this.options.model,
type: this.options.type,
color: this.vmColor,
inline: this.options.inline,
options: this.options.items,
dark: this.isDark
on: cache(this, 'opts', {
input: function (v) { this$1.options.model = v; }
getButtons: function getButtons (h) {
var child = [];
this.cancel && child.push(h(QBtn, {
props: this.cancelProps,
attrs: { 'data-autofocus': this.focus === 'cancel' && this.hasForm !== true },
on: cache(this, 'cancel', { click: this.onCancel })
this.ok && child.push(h(QBtn, {
props: this.okProps,
attrs: { 'data-autofocus': this.focus === 'ok' && this.hasForm !== true },
on: cache(this, 'ok', { click: this.onOk })
if (child.length > 0) {
return h(QCardActions, {
staticClass: this.stackButtons === true ? 'items-end' : null,
props: {
vertical: this.stackButtons,
align: 'right'
}, child)
onOk: function onOk () {
this.$emit('ok', clone$1(this.getData()));
onCancel: function onCancel () {
getData: function getData () {
return this.prompt !== void 0
? this.prompt.model
: (this.options !== void 0 ? this.options.model : void 0)
getSection: function getSection (h, staticClass, text) {
return this.html === true
? h(QCardSection, {
staticClass: staticClass,
domProps: { innerHTML: text }
: h(QCardSection, { staticClass: staticClass }, [ text ])
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
var child = [];
this.title && child.push(
this.getSection(h, 'q-dialog__title', this.title)
this.message && child.push(
this.getSection(h, 'q-dialog__message', this.message)
if (this.prompt !== void 0) {
{ staticClass: 'scroll q-dialog-plugin__form' },
else if (this.options !== void 0) {
h(QSeparator, { props: { dark: this.isDark } }),
{ staticClass: 'scroll q-dialog-plugin__form' },
h(QSeparator, { props: { dark: this.isDark } })
if (this.ok || this.cancel) {
return h(QDialog, {
ref: 'dialog',
props: Object.assign({}, this.qAttrs,
{value: this.value}),
on: cache(this, 'hide', {
hide: function () {
}, [
h(QCard, {
staticClass: 'q-dialog-plugin' +
(this.isDark === true ? ' q-dialog-plugin--dark q-dark' : ''),
style: this.cardStyle,
class: this.cardClass,
props: { dark: this.isDark }
}, child)
var Dialog = {
install: function install (ref) {
var $q = ref.$q;
this.create = $q.dialog = globalDialog(DialogPlugin);
var LoadingBar = {
isActive: false,
start: noop,
stop: noop,
increment: noop,
setDefaults: noop,
install: function install (ref) {
var this$1 = this;
var $q = ref.$q;
var cfg = ref.cfg;
if (isSSR === true) {
$q.loadingBar = this;
var props = cfg.loadingBar !== void 0
? Object.assign({}, cfg.loadingBar)
: {};
var bar = $q.loadingBar = new Vue({
name: 'LoadingBar',
render: function (h) { return h(QAjaxBar, {
ref: 'bar',
props: props
}); }
Object.assign(this, {
start: function (speed) {
this$1.isActive = bar.isActive = bar.calls > 0;
stop: function () {
this$1.isActive = bar.isActive = bar.calls > 0;
increment: bar.increment,
setDefaults: function (opts) {
opts === Object(opts) && Object.assign(props, opts);
Vue.util.defineReactive(this, 'isActive', this.isActive);
Vue.util.defineReactive(bar, 'isActive', this.isActive);
bar.setDefaults = this.setDefaults;
uid$3 = 0,
props$1 = {};
originalDefaults = {
delay: 0,
message: false,
spinnerSize: 80,
spinnerColor: 'white',
messageColor: 'white',
backgroundColor: 'black',
spinner: QSpinner,
customClass: ''
defaults = Object.assign({}, originalDefaults);
var Loading = {
isActive: false,
show: function show (opts) {
var this$1 = this;
if (isSSR === true) { return }
props$1 = opts === Object(opts) && opts.ignoreDefaults === true
? Object.assign({}, originalDefaults, opts)
: Object.assign({}, defaults, opts);
props$1.customClass += " text-" + (props$1.backgroundColor);
props$1.uid = "l_" + (uid$3++);
this.isActive = true;
if (vm !== void 0) {
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
timeout = void 0;
var node = document.createElement('div');
vm = new Vue({
name: 'QLoading',
el: node,
mounted: function mounted () {
render: function (h) {
var obj;
return h('transition', {
props: {
name: 'q-transition--fade',
appear: true
on: cache(this$1, 'tr', {
'after-leave': function () {
// might be called to finalize
// previous leave, even if it was cancelled
if (this$1.isActive !== true && vm !== void 0) {
vm = void 0;
}, [
this$1.isActive === true ? h('div', {
staticClass: 'q-loading fullscreen column flex-center z-max',
key: props$1.uid,
class: props$1.customClass.trim()
}, [
h(props$1.spinner, {
props: {
color: props$1.spinnerColor,
size: props$1.spinnerSize
(props$1.message && h('div', {
class: ("text-" + (props$1.messageColor)),
domProps: ( obj = {}, obj[props$1.sanitize === true ? 'textContent' : 'innerHTML'] = props$1.message, obj )
})) || void 0
]) : null
}, props$1.delay);
hide: function hide () {
if (this.isActive === true) {
if (timeout !== void 0) {
timeout = void 0;
this.isActive = false;
setDefaults: function setDefaults (opts) {
opts === Object(opts) && Object.assign(defaults, opts);
install: function install (ref) {
var $q = ref.$q;
var loading = ref.cfg.loading;
$q.loading = this;
if (isSSR === false) {
Vue.util.defineReactive(Loading, 'isActive', Loading.isActive);
var updateId, ssrTakeover;
function normalize (meta) {
if (meta.title) {
meta.title = meta.titleTemplate
? meta.titleTemplate(meta.title)
: meta.title;
delete meta.titleTemplate;
[['meta', 'content'], ['link', 'href']].forEach(function (type) {
metaType = meta[type[0]],
metaProp = type[1];
for (var name in metaType) {
var metaLink = metaType[name];
if (metaLink.template) {
if (Object.keys(metaLink).length === 1) {
delete metaType[name];
else {
metaLink[metaProp] = metaLink.template(metaLink[metaProp] || '');
delete metaLink.template;
function changed (old, def) {
if (Object.keys(old).length !== Object.keys(def).length) {
return true
for (var key in old) {
if (old[key] !== def[key]) {
return true
function bodyFilter (name) {
return ['class', 'style'].includes(name) === false
function htmlFilter (name) {
return ['lang', 'dir'].includes(name) === false
function diff (meta, other) {
var add = {}, remove = {};
if (meta === void 0) {
return { add: other, remove: remove }
if (meta.title !== other.title) {
add.title = other.title;
['meta', 'link', 'script', 'htmlAttr', 'bodyAttr'].forEach(function (type) {
var old = meta[type], cur = other[type];
remove[type] = [];
if (old === void 0 || old === null) {
add[type] = cur;
add[type] = {};
for (var key in old) {
if (cur.hasOwnProperty(key) === false) {
for (var key$1 in cur) {
if (old.hasOwnProperty(key$1) === false) {
add[type][key$1] = cur[key$1];
else if (changed(old[key$1], cur[key$1]) === true) {
add[type][key$1] = cur[key$1];
return { add: add, remove: remove }
function apply$1 (ref) {
var add = ref.add;
var remove = ref.remove;
if (add.title) {
document.title = add.title;
if (Object.keys(remove).length > 0) {
['meta', 'link', 'script'].forEach(function (type) {
remove[type].forEach(function (name) {
document.head.querySelector((type + "[data-qmeta=\"" + name + "\"]")).remove();
remove.htmlAttr.filter(htmlFilter).forEach(function (name) {
remove.bodyAttr.filter(bodyFilter).forEach(function (name) {
['meta', 'link', 'script'].forEach(function (type) {
var metaType = add[type];
for (var name in metaType) {
var tag = document.createElement(type);
for (var att in metaType[name]) {
if (att !== 'innerHTML') {
tag.setAttribute(att, metaType[name][att]);
tag.setAttribute('data-qmeta', name);
if (type === 'script') {
tag.innerHTML = metaType[name].innerHTML || '';
Object.keys(add.htmlAttr).filter(htmlFilter).forEach(function (name) {
document.documentElement.setAttribute(name, add.htmlAttr[name] || '');
Object.keys(add.bodyAttr).filter(bodyFilter).forEach(function (name) {
document.body.setAttribute(name, add.bodyAttr[name] || '');
function parseMeta (component, meta) {
if (component._inactive === true) { return }
// if it has meta
if (hasMeta(component) === true) {
extend(true, meta, component.__qMeta);
if (component.$options.meta.stopPropagation === true) {
component.$children.forEach(function (child) {
parseMeta(child, meta);
function updateClient () {
if (ssrTakeover === true) {
ssrTakeover = false;
this.$root.__currentMeta = window.__Q_META__;
var meta = {
title: '',
titleTemplate: null,
meta: {},
link: {},
script: {},
htmlAttr: {},
bodyAttr: {}
parseMeta(this.$root, meta);
apply$1(diff(this.$root.__currentMeta, meta));
this.$root.__currentMeta = meta;
function getAttr (seed) {
return function (att) {
var val = seed[att];
return att + (val !== void 0 ? ("=\"" + val + "\"") : '')
function getHead (meta) {
var output = '';
if (meta.title) {
output += "<title>" + (meta.title) + "</title>";
['meta', 'link', 'script'].forEach(function (type) {
var metaType = meta[type];
for (var att in metaType) {
var attrs = Object.keys(metaType[att])
.filter(function (att) { return att !== 'innerHTML'; })
output += "<" + type + " " + (attrs.join(' ')) + " data-qmeta=\"" + att + "\">";
if (type === 'script') {
output += (metaType[att].innerHTML || '') + "</script>";
return output
function getServerMeta (app, html, ctx) {
var meta = {
title: '',
titleTemplate: null,
meta: {},
link: {},
htmlAttr: {},
bodyAttr: {},
noscript: {}
parseMeta(app, meta);
var nonce = ctx !== void 0 && ctx.nonce !== void 0
? (" nonce=\"" + (ctx.nonce) + "\"")
: '';
var tokens = {
'%%Q_HTML_ATTRS%%': Object.keys(meta.htmlAttr)
.join(' '),
'%%Q_HEAD_TAGS%%': getHead(meta),
'%%Q_BODY_ATTRS%%': Object.keys(meta.bodyAttr)
.join(' '),
'%%Q_BODY_TAGS%%': Object.keys(meta.noscript)
.map(function (name) { return ("<noscript data-qmeta=\"" + name + "\">" + (meta.noscript[name]) + "</noscript>"); })
.join('') +
"<script" + nonce + ">window.__Q_META__=" + (delete meta.noscript && JSON.stringify(meta)) + "</script>"
Object.keys(tokens).forEach(function (key) {
html = html.replace(key, tokens[key]);
return html
function beforeCreate () {
if (typeof this.$options.meta === 'function') {
if (this.$options.computed === void 0) {
this.$options.computed = {};
this.$options.computed.__qMeta = this.$options.meta;
else if (hasMeta(this) === true) {
this.__qMeta = this.$options.meta;
// needs to be really fast
function hasMeta (vm) {
return vm.$options.meta !== void 0 &&
vm.$options.meta !== null
function triggerMeta () {
hasMeta(this) === true && this.__qMetaUpdate();
var Meta = {
install: function install (ref) {
var queues = ref.queues;
if (isSSR === true) {
Vue.prototype.$getMetaHTML = function (app) {
return function (html, ctx) { return getServerMeta(app, html, ctx); }
Vue.mixin({ beforeCreate: beforeCreate });
queues.server.push(function (_, ctx) {
ctx.ssr.Q_HTML_ATTRS += ' %%Q_HTML_ATTRS%%';
Object.assign(ctx.ssr, {
else {
ssrTakeover = fromSSR;
beforeCreate: beforeCreate,
created: function created () {
if (hasMeta(this) === true) {
this.__qMetaUnwatch = this.$watch('__qMeta', this.__qMetaUpdate);
activated: triggerMeta,
deactivated: triggerMeta,
beforeMount: triggerMeta,
destroyed: function destroyed () {
if (hasMeta(this) === true) {
methods: {
__qMetaUpdate: function __qMetaUpdate () {
updateId = setTimeout(updateClient.bind(this), 50);
function objectWithoutProperties$2 (obj, exclude) { var target = {}; for (var k in obj) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, k) && exclude.indexOf(k) === -1) target[k] = obj[k]; return target; }
var uid$4 = 0;
var defaults$1 = {};
var positionList = [
'top-left', 'top-right',
'bottom-left', 'bottom-right',
'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'center'
var badgePositions = [
'top-left', 'top-right',
'bottom-left', 'bottom-right'
var notifTypes = {
positive: {
icon: function icon () { return this.$q.iconSet.type.positive },
color: 'positive'
negative: {
icon: function icon () { return this.$q.iconSet.type.negative },
color: 'negative'
warning: {
icon: function icon () { return this.$q.iconSet.type.warning },
color: 'warning',
textColor: 'dark'
info: {
icon: function icon () { return this.$q.iconSet.type.info },
color: 'info'
var groups = {};
var positionClass$1 = {};
var Notifications = {
name: 'QNotifications',
created: function created () {
var this$1 = this;
this.notifs = {};
positionList.forEach(function (pos) {
this$1.notifs[pos] = [];
vert = ['left', 'center', 'right'].includes(pos) === true ? 'center' : (pos.indexOf('top') > -1 ? 'top' : 'bottom'),
align = pos.indexOf('left') > -1 ? 'start' : (pos.indexOf('right') > -1 ? 'end' : 'center'),
classes = ['left', 'right'].includes(pos) ? ("items-" + (pos === 'left' ? 'start' : 'end') + " justify-center") : (pos === 'center' ? 'flex-center' : ("items-" + align));
positionClass$1[pos] = "q-notifications__list q-notifications__list--" + vert + " fixed column no-wrap " + classes;
methods: {
add: function add (config) {
var this$1 = this;
if (!config) {
console.error('Notify: parameter required');
return false
var notif = { textColor: 'white' };
if (typeof config === 'string' || config.ignoreDefaults !== true) {
Object.assign(notif, defaults$1);
if (Object(config) === config) {
Object.assign(notif, notifTypes[config.type], config);
if (typeof notif.icon === 'function') {
notif.icon = notif.icon.call(this);
else {
notif.message = config;
notif.meta = {
hasMedia: Boolean(notif.icon || notif.avatar)
if (notif.position) {
if (positionList.includes(notif.position) === false) {
console.error(("Notify: wrong position: " + (notif.position)));
return false
else {
notif.position = 'bottom';
if (notif.timeout === void 0) {
notif.timeout = 5000;
else {
var t = parseInt(notif.timeout, 10);
if (isNaN(t) || t < 0) {
console.error(("Notify: wrong timeout: " + (notif.timeout)));
return false
notif.timeout = t;
if (notif.timeout === 0) {
notif.progress = false;
else if (notif.progress === true) {
notif.meta.progressStyle = {
animationDuration: ((notif.timeout + 1000) + "ms")
var actions = (
Array.isArray(config.actions) === true
? config.actions
: []
config.ignoreDefaults !== true && Array.isArray(defaults$1.actions) === true
? defaults$1.actions
: []
notifTypes[config.type] !== void 0 && Array.isArray(notifTypes[config.type].actions) === true
? notifTypes[config.type].actions
: []
notif.closeBtn && actions.push({
label: typeof notif.closeBtn === 'string'
? notif.closeBtn
: this.$q.lang.label.close
notif.actions = actions.map(function (ref) {
var handler = ref.handler;
var noDismiss = ref.noDismiss;
var attrs = ref.attrs;
var rest = objectWithoutProperties$2( ref, ["handler", "noDismiss", "attrs"] );
var item = rest;
return ({
props: Object.assign({}, {flat: true}, item),
attrs: attrs,
on: {
click: typeof handler === 'function'
? function () {
noDismiss !== true && notif.meta.close();
: function () {
if (notif.multiLine === void 0) {
notif.multiLine = notif.actions.length > 1;
Object.assign(notif.meta, {
staticClass: "q-notification row items-stretch" +
" q-notification--" + (notif.multiLine === true ? 'multi-line' : 'standard') +
(notif.color !== void 0 ? (" bg-" + (notif.color)) : '') +
(notif.textColor !== void 0 ? (" text-" + (notif.textColor)) : '') +
(notif.classes !== void 0 ? (" " + (notif.classes)) : ''),
wrapperClass: 'q-notification__wrapper col relative-position border-radius-inherit ' +
(notif.multiLine === true ? 'column no-wrap justify-center' : 'row items-center'),
contentClass: 'q-notification__content row items-center' +
(notif.multiLine === true ? '' : ' col'),
attrs: Object.assign({}, {role: 'alert'},
if (notif.group === false) {
notif.group = void 0;
else {
if (notif.group === void 0 || notif.group === true) {
// do not replace notifications with different buttons
notif.group = [
notif.actions.map(function (a) { return ((a.props.label) + "*" + (a.props.icon)); })
notif.group += '|' + notif.position;
if (notif.actions.length === 0) {
notif.actions = void 0;
else {
notif.meta.actionsClass = 'q-notification__actions row items-center ' +
(notif.multiLine === true ? 'justify-end' : 'col-auto') +
(notif.meta.hasMedia === true ? ' q-notification__actions--with-media' : '');
var groupNotif = groups[notif.group];
// wohoo, new notification
if (groupNotif === void 0) {
notif.meta.uid = uid$4++;
notif.meta.badge = 1;
if (['left', 'right', 'center'].indexOf(notif.position) !== -1) {
Math.floor(this.notifs[notif.position].length / 2),
else {
var action = notif.position.indexOf('top') > -1 ? 'unshift' : 'push';
if (notif.group !== void 0) {
groups[notif.group] = notif;
// ok, so it's NOT a new one
else {
// reset timeout if any
if (groupNotif.meta.timer !== void 0) {
var original = groups[notif.group];
if (notif.badgePosition !== void 0) {
if (badgePositions.includes(notif.badgePosition) === false) {
console.error(("Notify - wrong badgePosition specified: " + (notif.badgePosition)));
return false
else {
notif.badgePosition = "top-" + (notif.position.indexOf('left') > -1 ? 'right' : 'left');
notif.meta.uid = original.meta.uid;
notif.meta.badge = original.meta.badge + 1;
notif.meta.badgeStaticClass = "q-notification__badge q-notification__badge--" + (notif.badgePosition) +
(notif.badgeColor !== void 0 ? (" bg-" + (notif.badgeColor)) : '') +
(notif.badgeTextColor !== void 0 ? (" text-" + (notif.badgeTextColor)) : '');
var index = this.notifs[notif.position].indexOf(original);
this.notifs[notif.position][index] = groups[notif.group] = notif;
notif.meta.close = function () {
if (notif.timeout > 0) {
notif.meta.timer = setTimeout(function () {
}, notif.timeout + /* show duration */ 1000);
return notif.meta.close
remove: function remove (notif) {
var index = this.notifs[notif.position].indexOf(notif);
if (index !== -1) {
if (notif.group !== void 0) {
delete groups[notif.group];
var el = this.$refs[("notif_" + (notif.meta.uid))];
if (el) {
var ref = getComputedStyle(el);
var width = ref.width;
var height = ref.height;
el.style.left = (el.offsetLeft) + "px";
el.style.width = width;
el.style.height = height;
this.notifs[notif.position].splice(index, 1);
if (typeof notif.onDismiss === 'function') {
render: function render (h) {
var this$1 = this;
return h('div', { staticClass: 'q-notifications' }, positionList.map(function (pos) {
return h('transition-group', {
key: pos,
staticClass: positionClass$1[pos],
tag: 'div',
props: {
name: ("q-notification--" + pos),
mode: 'out-in'
}, this$1.notifs[pos].map(function (notif) {
var msgChild;
var meta = notif.meta;
var msgData = { staticClass: 'q-notification__message col' };
if (notif.html === true) {
msgData.domProps = {
innerHTML: notif.caption
? ("<div>" + (notif.message) + "</div><div class=\"q-notification__caption\">" + (notif.caption) + "</div>")
: notif.message
else {
var msgNode = [ notif.message ];
msgChild = notif.caption
? [
h('div', msgNode),
h('div', { staticClass: 'q-notification__caption' }, [ notif.caption ])
: msgNode;
var mainChild = [];
if (meta.hasMedia === true) {
if (notif.icon) {
h(QIcon, {
staticClass: 'q-notification__icon',
attrs: { role: 'img' },
props: { name: notif.icon }
else if (notif.avatar) {
h(QAvatar, { staticClass: 'q-notification__avatar col-auto' }, [
h('img', { attrs: { src: notif.avatar, 'aria-hidden': 'true' } })
h('div', msgData, msgChild)
var child = [
h('div', { staticClass: meta.contentClass }, mainChild)
notif.progress === true && child.push(
h('div', {
key: ((meta.uid) + "|p|" + (meta.badge)),
staticClass: 'q-notification__progress',
style: meta.progressStyle,
class: notif.progressClass
notif.actions !== void 0 && child.push(
h('div', {
staticClass: meta.actionsClass
}, notif.actions.map(function (a) { return h(QBtn, { props: a.props, attrs: a.attrs, on: a.on }); }))
meta.badge > 1 && child.push(
h('div', {
key: ((meta.uid) + "|" + (meta.badge)),
staticClass: meta.badgeStaticClass,
style: notif.badgeStyle,
class: notif.badgeClass
}, [ meta.badge ])
return h('div', {
ref: ("notif_" + (meta.uid)),
key: meta.uid,
staticClass: meta.staticClass,
attrs: meta.attrs
}, [
h('div', { staticClass: meta.wrapperClass }, child)
mounted: function mounted () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.$q.fullscreen !== void 0 && this.$q.fullscreen.isCapable === true) {
var append = function (isFullscreen) {
var newParent = getBodyFullscreenElement(
if (this$1.$el.parentElement !== newParent) {
this.unwatchFullscreen = this.$watch('$q.fullscreen.isActive', append);
if (this.$q.fullscreen.isActive === true) {
beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () {
this.unwatchFullscreen !== void 0 && this.unwatchFullscreen();
var Notify = {
create: function create (opts) {
if (isSSR === true) { return noop }
return this.__vm.add(opts)
setDefaults: function setDefaults (opts) {
opts === Object(opts) && Object.assign(defaults$1, opts);
registerType: function registerType (typeName, typeOpts) {
if (isSSR !== true && typeOpts === Object(typeOpts)) {
notifTypes[typeName] = typeOpts;
install: function install (ref) {
var cfg = ref.cfg;
var $q = ref.$q;
if (isSSR === true) {
$q.notify = noop;
$q.notify.setDefaults = noop;
$q.notify = this.create.bind(this);
$q.notify.setDefaults = this.setDefaults;
$q.notify.registerType = this.registerType;
var node = document.createElement('div');
this.__vm = new Vue(Notifications);
function encode$1 (value) {
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Date]') {
return '__q_date|' + value.toUTCString()
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object RegExp]') {
return '__q_expr|' + value.source
if (typeof value === 'number') {
return '__q_numb|' + value
if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
return '__q_bool|' + (value ? '1' : '0')
if (typeof value === 'string') {
return '__q_strn|' + value
if (typeof value === 'function') {
return '__q_strn|' + value.toString()
if (value === Object(value)) {
return '__q_objt|' + JSON.stringify(value)
// hmm, we don't know what to do with it,
// so just return it as is
return value
function decode$1 (value) {
var length = value.length;
if (length < 9) {
// then it wasn't encoded by us
return value
var type = value.substr(0, 8);
var source = value.substring(9);
switch (type) {
case '__q_date':
return new Date(source)
case '__q_expr':
return new RegExp(source)
case '__q_numb':
return Number(source)
case '__q_bool':
return Boolean(source === '1')
case '__q_strn':
return '' + source
case '__q_objt':
return JSON.parse(source)
// hmm, we reached here, we don't know the type,
// then it means it wasn't encoded by us, so just
// return whatever value it is
return value
function getEmptyStorage () {
return {
has: noop,
getLength: noop,
getItem: noop,
getIndex: noop,
getAll: noop,
set: noop,
remove: noop,
clear: noop,
isEmpty: noop
function getStorage (type) {
webStorage = window[type + 'Storage'],
get = function (key) {
var item = webStorage.getItem(key);
return item
? decode$1(item)
: null
return {
has: function (key) { return webStorage.getItem(key) !== null; },
getLength: function () { return webStorage.length; },
getItem: get,
getIndex: function (index) {
return index < webStorage.length
? get(webStorage.key(index))
: null
getKey: function (index) {
return index < webStorage.length
? webStorage.key(index)
: null
getAll: function () {
var key;
var result = {}, len = webStorage.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
key = webStorage.key(i);
result[key] = get(key);
return result
getAllKeys: function () {
var result = [], len = webStorage.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
return result
set: function (key, value) { webStorage.setItem(key, encode$1(value)); },
remove: function (key) { webStorage.removeItem(key); },
clear: function () { webStorage.clear(); },
isEmpty: function () { return webStorage.length === 0; }
var LocalStorage = {
install: function install (ref) {
var $q = ref.$q;
var storage = isSSR === true || client.has.webStorage === false
? getEmptyStorage()
: getStorage('local');
$q.localStorage = storage;
Object.assign(this, storage);
var SessionStorage = {
install: function install (ref) {
var $q = ref.$q;
var storage = isSSR === true || client.has.webStorage === false
? getEmptyStorage()
: getStorage('session');
$q.sessionStorage = storage;
Object.assign(this, storage);
var plugins = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
AddressbarColor: AddressbarColor,
AppFullscreen: AppFullscreen,
AppVisibility: AppVisibility,
BottomSheet: BottomSheet$1,
Cookies: Cookies,
Dark: Dark,
Dialog: Dialog,
LoadingBar: LoadingBar,
Loading: Loading,
Meta: Meta,
Notify: Notify,
Platform: Platform,
Screen: Screen,
LocalStorage: LocalStorage,
SessionStorage: SessionStorage
function fallback (text) {
var area = document.createElement('textarea');
area.value = text;
area.contentEditable = true;
area.style.position = 'fixed'; // avoid scrolling to bottom
var res = document.execCommand('copy');
return res
function copyToClipboard (text) {
return navigator.clipboard !== void 0
? navigator.clipboard.writeText(text)
: new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var res = fallback(text);
if (res) {
else {
function clean (link) {
// allow time for iOS
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10000);
function exportFile (fileName, rawData, mimeType) {
var blob = new Blob([ rawData ], { type: mimeType || 'text/plain' });
// IE11 has its own stuff...
if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
return window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, fileName)
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.download = fileName;
link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
link.style.position = 'fixed'; // avoid scrolling to bottom
try {
return true
catch (err) {
return err
function parseFeatures (winFeatures) {
var cfg = Object.assign({ noopener: true }, winFeatures);
var feat = [];
Object.keys(cfg).forEach(function (key) {
if (cfg[key] === true) {
return feat.join(',')
function openWindow (url, reject, windowFeatures) {
var open = window.open;
if (Platform.is.cordova === true) {
if (cordova !== void 0 && cordova.InAppBrowser !== void 0 && cordova.InAppBrowser.open !== void 0) {
open = cordova.InAppBrowser.open;
else if (navigator !== void 0 && navigator.app !== void 0) {
return navigator.app.loadUrl(url, {
openExternal: true
else if (Vue.prototype.$q.electron !== void 0) {
return Vue.prototype.$q.electron.shell.openExternal(url)
var win = open(url, '_blank', parseFeatures(windowFeatures));
if (win) {
Platform.is.desktop && win.focus();
return win
else {
reject && reject();
function openUrl (url, reject, windowFeatures) {
if (
Platform.is.ios === true &&
window.SafariViewController !== void 0
) {
window.SafariViewController.isAvailable(function (available) {
if (available) {
{ url: url },
else {
openWindow(url, reject, windowFeatures);
return openWindow(url, reject, windowFeatures)
var utils = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
clone: clone$1,
colors: colors,
copyToClipboard: copyToClipboard,
date: date,
debounce: debounce,
dom: dom,
event: event,
exportFile: exportFile,
extend: extend,
format: format,
frameDebounce: frameDebounce,
noop: noop,
openURL: openUrl,
morph: morph,
patterns: patterns,
scroll: scroll,
throttle: throttle,
uid: uid$2
Vue.use({ install: install }, {
components: components$1,
directives: directives,
plugins: plugins,
config: window.quasarConfig || {}
var index_umd = Object.assign({}, {version: version,
lang: lang,
iconSet: iconSet,
components: components$1,
directives: directives,
plugins: plugins,
utils: utils},
return index_umd;