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synced 2025-03-10 09:19:42 +01:00
366 lines
11 KiB
366 lines
11 KiB
import hashlib
import re
import time
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional
import bitstring
import secp256k1
from bech32 import CHARSET, bech32_decode, bech32_encode
from ecdsa import SECP256k1, VerifyingKey
from ecdsa.util import sigdecode_string
class Route(NamedTuple):
pubkey: str
short_channel_id: str
base_fee_msat: int
ppm_fee: int
cltv: int
class Invoice:
payment_hash: str
amount_msat: int = 0
description: Optional[str] = None
description_hash: Optional[str] = None
payee: Optional[str] = None
date: int
expiry: int = 3600
secret: Optional[str] = None
route_hints: List[Route] = []
min_final_cltv_expiry: int = 18
def decode(pr: str) -> Invoice:
"""bolt11 decoder,
based on https://github.com/rustyrussell/lightning-payencode/blob/master/lnaddr.py
hrp, decoded_data = bech32_decode(pr)
if hrp is None or decoded_data is None:
raise ValueError("Bad bech32 checksum")
if not hrp.startswith("ln"):
raise ValueError("Does not start with ln")
bitarray = _u5_to_bitarray(decoded_data)
# final signature 65 bytes, split it off.
if len(bitarray) < 65 * 8:
raise ValueError("Too short to contain signature")
# extract the signature
signature = bitarray[-65 * 8 :].tobytes()
# the tagged fields as a bitstream
data = bitstring.ConstBitStream(bitarray[: -65 * 8])
# build the invoice object
invoice = Invoice()
# decode the amount from the hrp
m = re.search(r"[^\d]+", hrp[2:])
if m:
amountstr = hrp[2 + m.end() :]
if amountstr != "":
invoice.amount_msat = _unshorten_amount(amountstr)
# pull out date
date_bin = data.read(35)
invoice.date = date_bin.uint # type: ignore
while data.pos != data.len:
tag, tagdata, data = _pull_tagged(data)
data_length = len(tagdata or []) / 5
if tag == "d":
invoice.description = _trim_to_bytes(tagdata).decode()
elif tag == "h" and data_length == 52:
invoice.description_hash = _trim_to_bytes(tagdata).hex()
elif tag == "p" and data_length == 52:
invoice.payment_hash = _trim_to_bytes(tagdata).hex()
elif tag == "x":
invoice.expiry = tagdata.uint # type: ignore
elif tag == "n":
invoice.payee = _trim_to_bytes(tagdata).hex()
# this won't work in most cases, we must extract the payee
# from the signature
elif tag == "s":
invoice.secret = _trim_to_bytes(tagdata).hex()
elif tag == "r":
s = bitstring.ConstBitStream(tagdata)
while s.pos + 264 + 64 + 32 + 32 + 16 < s.len:
route = Route(
pubkey=s.read(264).tobytes().hex(), # type: ignore
short_channel_id=_readable_scid(s.read(64).intbe), # type: ignore
base_fee_msat=s.read(32).intbe, # type: ignore
ppm_fee=s.read(32).intbe, # type: ignore
cltv=s.read(16).intbe, # type: ignore
# BOLT #11:
# A reader MUST check that the `signature` is valid (see the `n` tagged
# field specified below).
# A reader MUST use the `n` field to validate the signature instead of
# performing signature recovery if a valid `n` field is provided.
message = bytearray([ord(c) for c in hrp]) + data.tobytes()
sig = signature[0:64]
if invoice.payee:
key = VerifyingKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(invoice.payee), curve=SECP256k1)
key.verify(sig, message, hashlib.sha256, sigdecode=sigdecode_string)
keys = VerifyingKey.from_public_key_recovery(
sig, message, SECP256k1, hashlib.sha256
signaling_byte = signature[64]
key = keys[int(signaling_byte)]
invoice.payee = key.to_string("compressed").hex()
return invoice
def encode(options):
"""Convert options into LnAddr and pass it to the encoder"""
addr = LnAddr()
addr.currency = options["currency"]
addr.fallback = options["fallback"] if options["fallback"] else None
if options["amount"]:
addr.amount = options["amount"]
if options["timestamp"]:
addr.date = int(options["timestamp"])
addr.paymenthash = bytes.fromhex(options["paymenthash"])
if options["description"]:
addr.tags.append(("d", options["description"]))
if options["description_hash"]:
addr.tags.append(("h", options["description_hash"]))
if options["expires"]:
addr.tags.append(("x", options["expires"]))
if options["fallback"]:
addr.tags.append(("f", options["fallback"]))
if options["route"]:
for r in options["route"]:
splits = r.split("/")
route = []
while len(splits) >= 5:
splits = splits[5:]
assert len(splits) == 0
addr.tags.append(("r", route))
return lnencode(addr, options["privkey"])
def lnencode(addr, privkey):
if addr.amount:
amount = Decimal(str(addr.amount))
# We can only send down to millisatoshi.
if amount * 10**12 % 10:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot encode {addr.amount}: too many decimal places")
amount = addr.currency + shorten_amount(amount)
amount = addr.currency if addr.currency else ""
hrp = f"ln{amount}0n"
# Start with the timestamp
data = bitstring.pack("uint:35", addr.date)
# Payment hash
data += tagged_bytes("p", addr.paymenthash)
tags_set = set()
for k, v in addr.tags:
# BOLT #11:
# A writer MUST NOT include more than one `d`, `h`, `n` or `x` fields,
if k in ("d", "h", "n", "x"):
if k in tags_set:
raise ValueError(f"Duplicate '{k}' tag")
if k == "r":
route = bitstring.BitArray()
for step in v:
pubkey, channel, feebase, feerate, cltv = step
+ bitstring.BitArray(channel)
+ bitstring.pack("intbe:32", feebase)
+ bitstring.pack("intbe:32", feerate)
+ bitstring.pack("intbe:16", cltv)
data += tagged("r", route)
elif k == "f":
# NOTE: there was an error fallback here that's now removed
elif k == "d":
data += tagged_bytes("d", v.encode())
elif k == "x":
# Get minimal length by trimming leading 5 bits at a time.
expirybits = bitstring.pack("intbe:64", v)[4:64]
while expirybits.startswith("0b00000"):
expirybits = expirybits[5:]
data += tagged("x", expirybits)
elif k == "h":
data += tagged_bytes("h", v)
elif k == "n":
data += tagged_bytes("n", v)
# FIXME: Support unknown tags?
raise ValueError(f"Unknown tag {k}")
# BOLT #11:
# A writer MUST include either a `d` or `h` field, and MUST NOT include
# both.
if "d" in tags_set and "h" in tags_set:
raise ValueError("Cannot include both 'd' and 'h'")
if "d" not in tags_set and "h" not in tags_set:
raise ValueError("Must include either 'd' or 'h'")
# We actually sign the hrp, then data (padded to 8 bits with zeroes).
privkey = secp256k1.PrivateKey(bytes.fromhex(privkey))
sig = privkey.ecdsa_sign_recoverable(
bytearray([ord(c) for c in hrp]) + data.tobytes()
# This doesn't actually serialize, but returns a pair of values :(
sig, recid = privkey.ecdsa_recoverable_serialize(sig)
data += bytes(sig) + bytes([recid])
return bech32_encode(hrp, bitarray_to_u5(data))
class LnAddr:
def __init__(
self.date = int(time.time()) if not date else int(date)
self.tags = [] if not tags else tags
self.unknown_tags = []
self.paymenthash = paymenthash
self.signature = None
self.pubkey = None
self.fallback = fallback
self.currency = currency
self.amount = amount
def __str__(self):
assert self.pubkey, "LnAddr, pubkey must be set"
pubkey = bytes.hex(self.pubkey.serialize())
tags = ", ".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in self.tags])
return f"LnAddr[{pubkey}, amount={self.amount}{self.currency} tags=[{tags}]]"
def shorten_amount(amount):
"""Given an amount in bitcoin, shorten it"""
# Convert to pico initially
amount = int(amount * 10**12)
units = ["p", "n", "u", "m", ""]
unit = ""
for unit in units:
if amount % 1000 == 0:
amount //= 1000
return str(amount) + unit
def _unshorten_amount(amount: str) -> int:
"""Given a shortened amount, return millisatoshis"""
# BOLT #11:
# The following `multiplier` letters are defined:
# * `m` (milli): multiply by 0.001
# * `u` (micro): multiply by 0.000001
# * `n` (nano): multiply by 0.000000001
# * `p` (pico): multiply by 0.000000000001
units = {"p": 10**12, "n": 10**9, "u": 10**6, "m": 10**3}
unit = str(amount)[-1]
# BOLT #11:
# A reader SHOULD fail if `amount` contains a non-digit, or is followed by
# anything except a `multiplier` in the table above.
if not re.fullmatch(r"\d+[pnum]?", str(amount)):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid amount '{amount}'")
if unit in units:
return int(int(amount[:-1]) * 100_000_000_000 / units[unit])
return int(amount) * 100_000_000_000
def _pull_tagged(stream):
tag = stream.read(5).uint
length = stream.read(5).uint * 32 + stream.read(5).uint
return (CHARSET[tag], stream.read(length * 5), stream)
# Tagged field containing BitArray
def tagged(char, bits):
# Tagged fields need to be zero-padded to 5 bits.
while bits.len % 5 != 0:
return (
"uint:5, uint:5, uint:5",
(bits.len / 5) / 32,
(bits.len / 5) % 32,
+ bits
def tagged_bytes(char, bits):
return tagged(char, bitstring.BitArray(bits))
def _trim_to_bytes(barr):
# Adds a byte if necessary.
b = barr.tobytes()
if barr.len % 8 != 0:
return b[:-1]
return b
def _readable_scid(short_channel_id: int) -> str:
blockheight = (short_channel_id >> 40) & 0xFFFFFF
transactionindex = (short_channel_id >> 16) & 0xFFFFFF
outputindex = short_channel_id & 0xFFFF
return f"{blockheight}x{transactionindex}x{outputindex}"
def _u5_to_bitarray(arr: List[int]) -> bitstring.BitArray:
ret = bitstring.BitArray()
for a in arr:
ret += bitstring.pack("uint:5", a)
return ret
def bitarray_to_u5(barr):
assert barr.len % 5 == 0
ret = []
s = bitstring.ConstBitStream(barr)
while s.pos != s.len:
ret.append(s.read(5).uint) # type: ignore
return ret