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synced 2025-03-10 17:26:15 +01:00
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664 lines
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import asyncio
import hashlib
from time import time
import pytest
from lnbits import bolt11
from lnbits.core.crud import get_standalone_payment, update_payment_details
from lnbits.core.models import Payment
from lnbits.core.views.admin_api import api_auditor
from lnbits.core.views.api import api_payment
from lnbits.db import DB_TYPE, SQLITE
from lnbits.wallets import get_wallet_class
from tests.conftest import CreateInvoice, api_payments_create_invoice
from ...helpers import (
WALLET = get_wallet_class()
# check if the client is working
async def test_core_views_generic(client):
response = await client.get("/")
assert response.status_code == 200
# check GET /api/v1/wallet with inkey: wallet info, no balance
async def test_get_wallet_inkey(client, inkey_headers_to):
response = await client.get("/api/v1/wallet", headers=inkey_headers_to)
assert response.status_code == 200
result = response.json()
assert "name" in result
assert "balance" in result
assert "id" not in result
# check GET /api/v1/wallet with adminkey: wallet info with balance
async def test_get_wallet_adminkey(client, adminkey_headers_to):
response = await client.get("/api/v1/wallet", headers=adminkey_headers_to)
assert response.status_code == 200
result = response.json()
assert "name" in result
assert "balance" in result
assert "id" in result
# check PUT /api/v1/wallet/newwallet: empty request where admin key is needed
async def test_put_empty_request_expected_admin_keys(client):
response = await client.put("/api/v1/wallet/newwallet")
assert response.status_code == 401
# check POST /api/v1/payments: empty request where invoice key is needed
async def test_post_empty_request_expected_invoice_keys(client):
response = await client.post("/api/v1/payments")
assert response.status_code == 401
# check POST /api/v1/payments: invoice creation
async def test_create_invoice(client, inkey_headers_to):
data = await get_random_invoice_data()
response = await client.post(
"/api/v1/payments", json=data, headers=inkey_headers_to
assert response.status_code == 201
invoice = response.json()
assert "payment_hash" in invoice
assert len(invoice["payment_hash"]) == 64
assert "payment_request" in invoice
assert "checking_id" in invoice
assert len(invoice["checking_id"])
return invoice
# check POST /api/v1/payments: invoice creation for internal payments only
async def test_create_internal_invoice(client, inkey_headers_to):
data = await get_random_invoice_data()
data["internal"] = True
response = await client.post(
"/api/v1/payments", json=data, headers=inkey_headers_to
invoice = response.json()
assert response.status_code == 201
assert "payment_hash" in invoice
assert len(invoice["payment_hash"]) == 64
assert "payment_request" in invoice
assert "checking_id" in invoice
assert len(invoice["checking_id"])
return invoice
# check POST /api/v1/payments: invoice with custom expiry
async def test_create_invoice_custom_expiry(client, inkey_headers_to):
data = await get_random_invoice_data()
expiry_seconds = 600 * 6 * 24 * 31 # 31 days in the future
data["expiry"] = expiry_seconds
response = await client.post(
"/api/v1/payments", json=data, headers=inkey_headers_to
assert response.status_code == 201
invoice = response.json()
bolt11_invoice = bolt11.decode(invoice["payment_request"])
assert bolt11_invoice.expiry == expiry_seconds
# check POST /api/v1/payments: make payment
async def test_pay_invoice(
client, from_wallet_ws, to_wallet_ws, invoice, adminkey_headers_from
data = {"out": True, "bolt11": invoice["payment_request"]}
response = await client.post(
"/api/v1/payments", json=data, headers=adminkey_headers_from
assert response.status_code < 300
invoice = response.json()
assert len(invoice["payment_hash"]) == 64
assert len(invoice["checking_id"]) > 0
data = from_wallet_ws.receive_json()
assert "wallet_balance" in data
payment = Payment(**data["payment"])
assert payment.payment_hash == invoice["payment_hash"]
# websocket from to_wallet cant be tested before https://github.com/lnbits/lnbits/pull/1793
# data = to_wallet_ws.receive_json()
# assert "wallet_balance" in data
# payment = Payment(**data["payment"])
# assert payment.payment_hash == invoice["payment_hash"]
# check GET /api/v1/payments/<hash>: payment status
async def test_check_payment_without_key(client, invoice):
# check the payment status
response = await client.get(f"/api/v1/payments/{invoice['payment_hash']}")
assert response.status_code < 300
assert response.json()["paid"] is True
assert invoice
# not key, that's why no "details"
assert "details" not in response.json()
# check GET /api/v1/payments/<hash>: payment status
# NOTE: this test is sensitive to which db is used.
# If postgres: it will succeed only with inkey_headers_from
# If sqlite: it will succeed only with adminkey_headers_to
# TODO: fix this
async def test_check_payment_with_key(client, invoice, inkey_headers_from):
# check the payment status
response = await client.get(
f"/api/v1/payments/{invoice['payment_hash']}", headers=inkey_headers_from
assert response.status_code < 300
assert response.json()["paid"] is True
assert invoice
# with key, that's why with "details"
assert "details" in response.json()
# check POST /api/v1/payments: payment with wrong key type
async def test_pay_invoice_wrong_key(client, invoice, adminkey_headers_from):
data = {"out": True, "bolt11": invoice["payment_request"]}
# try payment with wrong key
wrong_adminkey_headers = adminkey_headers_from.copy()
wrong_adminkey_headers["X-Api-Key"] = "wrong_key"
response = await client.post(
"/api/v1/payments", json=data, headers=wrong_adminkey_headers
assert response.status_code >= 300 # should fail
# check POST /api/v1/payments: payment with invoice key [should fail]
async def test_pay_invoice_invoicekey(client, invoice, inkey_headers_from):
data = {"out": True, "bolt11": invoice["payment_request"]}
# try payment with invoice key
response = await client.post(
"/api/v1/payments", json=data, headers=inkey_headers_from
assert response.status_code >= 300 # should fail
# check POST /api/v1/payments: payment with admin key, trying to pay twice [should fail]
async def test_pay_invoice_adminkey(client, invoice, adminkey_headers_from):
data = {"out": True, "bolt11": invoice["payment_request"]}
# try payment with admin key
response = await client.post(
"/api/v1/payments", json=data, headers=adminkey_headers_from
assert response.status_code > 300 # should fail
async def test_get_payments(client, from_wallet, adminkey_headers_from):
# Because sqlite only stores timestamps with milliseconds we have to wait a second to ensure
# a different timestamp than previous invoices
# due to this limitation both payments (normal and paginated) are tested at the same time as they are almost
# identical anyways
await asyncio.sleep(1)
ts = time()
fake_data = [
CreateInvoice(amount=10, memo="aaaa"),
CreateInvoice(amount=100, memo="bbbb"),
CreateInvoice(amount=1000, memo="aabb"),
for invoice in fake_data:
await api_payments_create_invoice(invoice, from_wallet)
async def get_payments(params: dict):
params["time[ge]"] = ts
response = await client.get(
assert response.status_code == 200
return [Payment(**payment) for payment in response.json()]
payments = await get_payments({"sortby": "amount", "direction": "desc", "limit": 2})
assert payments[-1].amount < payments[0].amount
assert len(payments) == 2
payments = await get_payments({"offset": 2, "limit": 2})
assert len(payments) == 1
payments = await get_payments({"sortby": "amount", "direction": "asc"})
assert payments[-1].amount > payments[0].amount
payments = await get_payments({"search": "aaa"})
assert len(payments) == 1
payments = await get_payments({"search": "aa"})
assert len(payments) == 2
# amount is in msat
payments = await get_payments({"amount[gt]": 10000})
assert len(payments) == 2
response = await client.get(
params={"limit": 2, "time[ge]": ts},
assert response.status_code == 200
paginated = response.json()
assert len(paginated["data"]) == 2
assert paginated["total"] == len(fake_data)
# check POST /api/v1/payments/decode
async def test_decode_invoice(client, invoice):
data = {"data": invoice["payment_request"]}
response = await client.post(
assert response.status_code < 300
assert response.json()["payment_hash"] == invoice["payment_hash"]
# check api_payment() internal function call (NOT API): payment status
async def test_api_payment_without_key(invoice):
# check the payment status
response = await api_payment(invoice["payment_hash"])
assert isinstance(response, dict)
assert response["paid"] is True
# no key, that's why no "details"
assert "details" not in response
# check api_payment() internal function call (NOT API): payment status
async def test_api_payment_with_key(invoice, inkey_headers_from):
# check the payment status
response = await api_payment(
invoice["payment_hash"], inkey_headers_from["X-Api-Key"]
assert isinstance(response, dict)
assert response["paid"] is True
assert "details" in response
# check POST /api/v1/payments: invoice creation with a description hash
WALLET.__class__.__name__ in ["CoreLightningWallet"],
reason="wallet does not support description_hash",
async def test_create_invoice_with_description_hash(client, inkey_headers_to):
data = await get_random_invoice_data()
descr_hash = hashlib.sha256("asdasdasd".encode()).hexdigest()
data["description_hash"] = descr_hash
response = await client.post(
"/api/v1/payments", json=data, headers=inkey_headers_to
invoice = response.json()
invoice_bolt11 = bolt11.decode(invoice["payment_request"])
assert invoice_bolt11.description_hash == descr_hash
assert invoice_bolt11.description is None
return invoice
async def test_create_invoice_with_unhashed_description(client, inkey_headers_to):
data = await get_random_invoice_data()
descr_hash = hashlib.sha256("asdasdasd".encode()).hexdigest()
data["unhashed_description"] = "asdasdasd".encode().hex()
response = await client.post(
"/api/v1/payments", json=data, headers=inkey_headers_to
invoice = response.json()
invoice_bolt11 = bolt11.decode(invoice["payment_request"])
assert invoice_bolt11.description_hash == descr_hash
assert invoice_bolt11.description is None
return invoice
async def get_node_balance_sats():
audit = await api_auditor()
return audit["node_balance_msats"] / 1000
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_fake, reason="this only works in regtest")
async def test_pay_real_invoice(
client, real_invoice, adminkey_headers_from, inkey_headers_from, from_wallet_ws
prev_balance = await get_node_balance_sats()
response = await client.post(
"/api/v1/payments", json=real_invoice, headers=adminkey_headers_from
assert response.status_code < 300
invoice = response.json()
assert len(invoice["payment_hash"]) == 64
assert len(invoice["checking_id"]) > 0
data = from_wallet_ws.receive_json()
assert "wallet_balance" in data
payment = Payment(**data["payment"])
assert payment.payment_hash == invoice["payment_hash"]
# check the payment status
response = await api_payment(
invoice["payment_hash"], inkey_headers_from["X-Api-Key"]
assert response["paid"]
status = await WALLET.get_payment_status(invoice["payment_hash"])
assert status.paid
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
balance = await get_node_balance_sats()
assert prev_balance - balance == 100
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_fake, reason="this only works in regtest")
async def test_create_real_invoice(client, adminkey_headers_from, inkey_headers_from):
prev_balance = await get_node_balance_sats()
create_invoice = CreateInvoice(out=False, amount=1000, memo="test")
response = await client.post(
assert response.status_code < 300
invoice = response.json()
response = await api_payment(
invoice["payment_hash"], inkey_headers_from["X-Api-Key"]
assert not response["paid"]
async def listen():
async for payment_hash in get_wallet_class().paid_invoices_stream():
assert payment_hash == invoice["payment_hash"]
task = asyncio.create_task(listen())
await asyncio.wait_for(task, timeout=3)
response = await api_payment(
invoice["payment_hash"], inkey_headers_from["X-Api-Key"]
assert response["paid"]
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
balance = await get_node_balance_sats()
assert balance - prev_balance == create_invoice.amount
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_fake, reason="this only works in regtest")
async def test_pay_real_invoice_set_pending_and_check_state(
client, real_invoice, adminkey_headers_from, inkey_headers_from
1. We create an invoice
2. We pay it
3. We verify that the inoice was paid
4. We set the invoice to pending in the database
5. We recheck the state of the invoice
6. We verify that the invoice is paid
response = await client.post(
"/api/v1/payments", json=real_invoice, headers=adminkey_headers_from
assert response.status_code < 300
invoice = response.json()
assert len(invoice["payment_hash"]) == 64
assert len(invoice["checking_id"]) > 0
# check the payment status
response = await api_payment(
invoice["payment_hash"], inkey_headers_from["X-Api-Key"]
assert response["paid"]
status = await WALLET.get_payment_status(invoice["payment_hash"])
assert status.paid
# get the outgoing payment from the db
payment = await get_standalone_payment(invoice["payment_hash"])
assert payment
assert payment.pending is False
# set the outgoing invoice to pending
await update_payment_details(payment.checking_id, pending=True)
payment_pending = await get_standalone_payment(invoice["payment_hash"])
assert payment_pending
assert payment_pending.pending is True
# check the outgoing payment status
await payment.check_status()
payment_not_pending = await get_standalone_payment(invoice["payment_hash"])
assert payment_not_pending
assert payment_not_pending.pending is False
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_fake, reason="this only works in regtest")
async def test_pay_hold_invoice_check_pending(
client, hold_invoice, adminkey_headers_from
preimage, invoice = hold_invoice
task = asyncio.create_task(
json={"bolt11": invoice["payment_request"]},
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# get payment hash from the invoice
invoice_obj = bolt11.decode(invoice["payment_request"])
payment_db = await get_standalone_payment(invoice_obj.payment_hash)
assert payment_db
assert payment_db.pending is True
response = await task
assert response.status_code < 300
# check if paid
await asyncio.sleep(1)
payment_db_after_settlement = await get_standalone_payment(invoice_obj.payment_hash)
assert payment_db_after_settlement
assert payment_db_after_settlement.pending is False
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_fake, reason="this only works in regtest")
async def test_pay_hold_invoice_check_pending_and_fail(
client, hold_invoice, adminkey_headers_from
preimage, invoice = hold_invoice
task = asyncio.create_task(
json={"bolt11": invoice["payment_request"]},
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# get payment hash from the invoice
invoice_obj = bolt11.decode(invoice["payment_request"])
payment_db = await get_standalone_payment(invoice_obj.payment_hash)
assert payment_db
assert payment_db.pending is True
preimage_hash = hashlib.sha256(bytes.fromhex(preimage)).hexdigest()
# cancel the hodl invoice
assert preimage_hash == invoice_obj.payment_hash
response = await task
assert response.status_code > 300 # should error
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# payment should not be in database anymore
payment_db_after_settlement = await get_standalone_payment(invoice_obj.payment_hash)
assert payment_db_after_settlement is None
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_fake, reason="this only works in regtest")
async def test_pay_hold_invoice_check_pending_and_fail_cancel_payment_task_in_meantime(
client, hold_invoice, adminkey_headers_from
preimage, invoice = hold_invoice
task = asyncio.create_task(
json={"bolt11": invoice["payment_request"]},
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# get payment hash from the invoice
invoice_obj = bolt11.decode(invoice["payment_request"])
payment_db = await get_standalone_payment(invoice_obj.payment_hash)
assert payment_db
assert payment_db.pending is True
# cancel payment task, this simulates the client dropping the connection
preimage_hash = hashlib.sha256(bytes.fromhex(preimage)).hexdigest()
assert preimage_hash == invoice_obj.payment_hash
# check if paid
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# payment should still be in db
payment_db_after_settlement = await get_standalone_payment(invoice_obj.payment_hash)
assert payment_db_after_settlement is not None
# status should still be available and be False
status = await payment_db.check_status()
assert status.paid is False
# now the payment should be gone after the status check
payment_db_after_status_check = await get_standalone_payment(
assert payment_db_after_status_check is None
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_fake, reason="this only works in regtest")
async def test_receive_real_invoice_set_pending_and_check_state(
client, adminkey_headers_from, inkey_headers_from
1. We create a real invoice
2. We pay it from our wallet
3. We check that the inoice was paid with the backend
4. We set the invoice to pending in the database
5. We recheck the state of the invoice with the backend
6. We verify that the invoice is now marked as paid in the database
create_invoice = CreateInvoice(out=False, amount=1000, memo="test")
response = await client.post(
assert response.status_code < 300
invoice = response.json()
response = await api_payment(
invoice["payment_hash"], inkey_headers_from["X-Api-Key"]
assert not response["paid"]
async def listen():
async for payment_hash in get_wallet_class().paid_invoices_stream():
assert payment_hash == invoice["payment_hash"]
task = asyncio.create_task(listen())
await asyncio.wait_for(task, timeout=3)
response = await api_payment(
invoice["payment_hash"], inkey_headers_from["X-Api-Key"]
assert response["paid"]
# get the incoming payment from the db
payment = await get_standalone_payment(invoice["payment_hash"], incoming=True)
assert payment
assert payment.pending is False
# set the incoming invoice to pending
await update_payment_details(payment.checking_id, pending=True)
payment_pending = await get_standalone_payment(
invoice["payment_hash"], incoming=True
assert payment_pending
assert payment_pending.pending is True
# check the incoming payment status
await payment.check_status()
payment_not_pending = await get_standalone_payment(
invoice["payment_hash"], incoming=True
assert payment_not_pending
assert payment_not_pending.pending is False
# verify we get the same result if we use the checking_id to look up the payment
payment_by_checking_id = await get_standalone_payment(
payment_not_pending.checking_id, incoming=True
assert payment_by_checking_id
assert payment_by_checking_id.pending is False
assert payment_by_checking_id.bolt11 == payment_not_pending.bolt11
assert payment_by_checking_id.payment_hash == payment_not_pending.payment_hash