mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 17:26:15 +01:00
1178 lines
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1178 lines
37 KiB
;(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'
? factory(exports)
: typeof define === 'function' && define.amd
? define(['exports'], factory)
: ((global =
typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self),
factory((global.nobleSecp256k1 = {})))
})(this, function (exports) {
'use strict'
const _nodeResolve_empty = {}
const nodeCrypto = /*#__PURE__*/ Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
default: _nodeResolve_empty
/*! noble-secp256k1 - MIT License (c) 2019 Paul Miller (paulmillr.com) */
const _0n = BigInt(0)
const _1n = BigInt(1)
const _2n = BigInt(2)
const _3n = BigInt(3)
const _8n = BigInt(8)
const POW_2_256 = _2n ** BigInt(256)
const CURVE = {
a: _0n,
b: BigInt(7),
P: POW_2_256 - _2n ** BigInt(32) - BigInt(977),
n: POW_2_256 - BigInt('432420386565659656852420866394968145599'),
h: _1n,
Gx: BigInt(
Gy: BigInt(
beta: BigInt(
function weistrass(x) {
const {a, b} = CURVE
const x2 = mod(x * x)
const x3 = mod(x2 * x)
return mod(x3 + a * x + b)
const USE_ENDOMORPHISM = CURVE.a === _0n
class JacobianPoint {
constructor(x, y, z) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.z = z
static fromAffine(p) {
if (!(p instanceof Point)) {
throw new TypeError('JacobianPoint#fromAffine: expected Point')
return new JacobianPoint(p.x, p.y, _1n)
static toAffineBatch(points) {
const toInv = invertBatch(points.map(p => p.z))
return points.map((p, i) => p.toAffine(toInv[i]))
static normalizeZ(points) {
return JacobianPoint.toAffineBatch(points).map(JacobianPoint.fromAffine)
equals(other) {
if (!(other instanceof JacobianPoint))
throw new TypeError('JacobianPoint expected')
const {x: X1, y: Y1, z: Z1} = this
const {x: X2, y: Y2, z: Z2} = other
const Z1Z1 = mod(Z1 ** _2n)
const Z2Z2 = mod(Z2 ** _2n)
const U1 = mod(X1 * Z2Z2)
const U2 = mod(X2 * Z1Z1)
const S1 = mod(mod(Y1 * Z2) * Z2Z2)
const S2 = mod(mod(Y2 * Z1) * Z1Z1)
return U1 === U2 && S1 === S2
negate() {
return new JacobianPoint(this.x, mod(-this.y), this.z)
double() {
const {x: X1, y: Y1, z: Z1} = this
const A = mod(X1 ** _2n)
const B = mod(Y1 ** _2n)
const C = mod(B ** _2n)
const D = mod(_2n * (mod((X1 + B) ** _2n) - A - C))
const E = mod(_3n * A)
const F = mod(E ** _2n)
const X3 = mod(F - _2n * D)
const Y3 = mod(E * (D - X3) - _8n * C)
const Z3 = mod(_2n * Y1 * Z1)
return new JacobianPoint(X3, Y3, Z3)
add(other) {
if (!(other instanceof JacobianPoint))
throw new TypeError('JacobianPoint expected')
const {x: X1, y: Y1, z: Z1} = this
const {x: X2, y: Y2, z: Z2} = other
if (X2 === _0n || Y2 === _0n) return this
if (X1 === _0n || Y1 === _0n) return other
const Z1Z1 = mod(Z1 ** _2n)
const Z2Z2 = mod(Z2 ** _2n)
const U1 = mod(X1 * Z2Z2)
const U2 = mod(X2 * Z1Z1)
const S1 = mod(mod(Y1 * Z2) * Z2Z2)
const S2 = mod(mod(Y2 * Z1) * Z1Z1)
const H = mod(U2 - U1)
const r = mod(S2 - S1)
if (H === _0n) {
if (r === _0n) {
return this.double()
} else {
return JacobianPoint.ZERO
const HH = mod(H ** _2n)
const HHH = mod(H * HH)
const V = mod(U1 * HH)
const X3 = mod(r ** _2n - HHH - _2n * V)
const Y3 = mod(r * (V - X3) - S1 * HHH)
const Z3 = mod(Z1 * Z2 * H)
return new JacobianPoint(X3, Y3, Z3)
subtract(other) {
return this.add(other.negate())
multiplyUnsafe(scalar) {
const P0 = JacobianPoint.ZERO
if (typeof scalar === 'bigint' && scalar === _0n) return P0
let n = normalizeScalar(scalar)
if (n === _1n) return this
let p = P0
let d = this
while (n > _0n) {
if (n & _1n) p = p.add(d)
d = d.double()
n >>= _1n
return p
let {k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2} = splitScalarEndo(n)
let k1p = P0
let k2p = P0
let d = this
while (k1 > _0n || k2 > _0n) {
if (k1 & _1n) k1p = k1p.add(d)
if (k2 & _1n) k2p = k2p.add(d)
d = d.double()
k1 >>= _1n
k2 >>= _1n
if (k1neg) k1p = k1p.negate()
if (k2neg) k2p = k2p.negate()
k2p = new JacobianPoint(mod(k2p.x * CURVE.beta), k2p.y, k2p.z)
return k1p.add(k2p)
precomputeWindow(W) {
const windows = USE_ENDOMORPHISM ? 128 / W + 1 : 256 / W + 1
const points = []
let p = this
let base = p
for (let window = 0; window < windows; window++) {
base = p
for (let i = 1; i < 2 ** (W - 1); i++) {
base = base.add(p)
p = base.double()
return points
wNAF(n, affinePoint) {
if (!affinePoint && this.equals(JacobianPoint.BASE))
affinePoint = Point.BASE
const W = (affinePoint && affinePoint._WINDOW_SIZE) || 1
if (256 % W) {
throw new Error(
'Point#wNAF: Invalid precomputation window, must be power of 2'
let precomputes = affinePoint && pointPrecomputes.get(affinePoint)
if (!precomputes) {
precomputes = this.precomputeWindow(W)
if (affinePoint && W !== 1) {
precomputes = JacobianPoint.normalizeZ(precomputes)
pointPrecomputes.set(affinePoint, precomputes)
let p = JacobianPoint.ZERO
let f = JacobianPoint.ZERO
const windows = 1 + (USE_ENDOMORPHISM ? 128 / W : 256 / W)
const windowSize = 2 ** (W - 1)
const mask = BigInt(2 ** W - 1)
const maxNumber = 2 ** W
const shiftBy = BigInt(W)
for (let window = 0; window < windows; window++) {
const offset = window * windowSize
let wbits = Number(n & mask)
n >>= shiftBy
if (wbits > windowSize) {
wbits -= maxNumber
n += _1n
if (wbits === 0) {
let pr = precomputes[offset]
if (window % 2) pr = pr.negate()
f = f.add(pr)
} else {
let cached = precomputes[offset + Math.abs(wbits) - 1]
if (wbits < 0) cached = cached.negate()
p = p.add(cached)
return {p, f}
multiply(scalar, affinePoint) {
let n = normalizeScalar(scalar)
let point
let fake
const {k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2} = splitScalarEndo(n)
let {p: k1p, f: f1p} = this.wNAF(k1, affinePoint)
let {p: k2p, f: f2p} = this.wNAF(k2, affinePoint)
if (k1neg) k1p = k1p.negate()
if (k2neg) k2p = k2p.negate()
k2p = new JacobianPoint(mod(k2p.x * CURVE.beta), k2p.y, k2p.z)
point = k1p.add(k2p)
fake = f1p.add(f2p)
} else {
const {p, f} = this.wNAF(n, affinePoint)
point = p
fake = f
return JacobianPoint.normalizeZ([point, fake])[0]
toAffine(invZ = invert(this.z)) {
const {x, y, z} = this
const iz1 = invZ
const iz2 = mod(iz1 * iz1)
const iz3 = mod(iz2 * iz1)
const ax = mod(x * iz2)
const ay = mod(y * iz3)
const zz = mod(z * iz1)
if (zz !== _1n) throw new Error('invZ was invalid')
return new Point(ax, ay)
JacobianPoint.BASE = new JacobianPoint(CURVE.Gx, CURVE.Gy, _1n)
JacobianPoint.ZERO = new JacobianPoint(_0n, _1n, _0n)
const pointPrecomputes = new WeakMap()
class Point {
constructor(x, y) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
_setWindowSize(windowSize) {
this._WINDOW_SIZE = windowSize
static fromCompressedHex(bytes) {
const isShort = bytes.length === 32
const x = bytesToNumber(isShort ? bytes : bytes.subarray(1))
if (!isValidFieldElement(x)) throw new Error('Point is not on curve')
const y2 = weistrass(x)
let y = sqrtMod(y2)
const isYOdd = (y & _1n) === _1n
if (isShort) {
if (isYOdd) y = mod(-y)
} else {
const isFirstByteOdd = (bytes[0] & 1) === 1
if (isFirstByteOdd !== isYOdd) y = mod(-y)
const point = new Point(x, y)
return point
static fromUncompressedHex(bytes) {
const x = bytesToNumber(bytes.subarray(1, 33))
const y = bytesToNumber(bytes.subarray(33, 65))
const point = new Point(x, y)
return point
static fromHex(hex) {
const bytes = ensureBytes(hex)
const len = bytes.length
const header = bytes[0]
if (len === 32 || (len === 33 && (header === 0x02 || header === 0x03))) {
return this.fromCompressedHex(bytes)
if (len === 65 && header === 0x04) return this.fromUncompressedHex(bytes)
throw new Error(
`Point.fromHex: received invalid point. Expected 32-33 compressed bytes or 65 uncompressed bytes, not ${len}`
static fromPrivateKey(privateKey) {
return Point.BASE.multiply(normalizePrivateKey(privateKey))
static fromSignature(msgHash, signature, recovery) {
msgHash = ensureBytes(msgHash)
const h = truncateHash(msgHash)
const {r, s} = normalizeSignature(signature)
if (recovery !== 0 && recovery !== 1) {
throw new Error('Cannot recover signature: invalid recovery bit')
const prefix = recovery & 1 ? '03' : '02'
const R = Point.fromHex(prefix + numTo32bStr(r))
const {n} = CURVE
const rinv = invert(r, n)
const u1 = mod(-h * rinv, n)
const u2 = mod(s * rinv, n)
const Q = Point.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(R, u1, u2)
if (!Q) throw new Error('Cannot recover signature: point at infinify')
return Q
toRawBytes(isCompressed = false) {
return hexToBytes(this.toHex(isCompressed))
toHex(isCompressed = false) {
const x = numTo32bStr(this.x)
if (isCompressed) {
const prefix = this.y & _1n ? '03' : '02'
return `${prefix}${x}`
} else {
return `04${x}${numTo32bStr(this.y)}`
toHexX() {
return this.toHex(true).slice(2)
toRawX() {
return this.toRawBytes(true).slice(1)
assertValidity() {
const msg = 'Point is not on elliptic curve'
const {x, y} = this
if (!isValidFieldElement(x) || !isValidFieldElement(y))
throw new Error(msg)
const left = mod(y * y)
const right = weistrass(x)
if (mod(left - right) !== _0n) throw new Error(msg)
equals(other) {
return this.x === other.x && this.y === other.y
negate() {
return new Point(this.x, mod(-this.y))
double() {
return JacobianPoint.fromAffine(this).double().toAffine()
add(other) {
return JacobianPoint.fromAffine(this)
subtract(other) {
return this.add(other.negate())
multiply(scalar) {
return JacobianPoint.fromAffine(this).multiply(scalar, this).toAffine()
multiplyAndAddUnsafe(Q, a, b) {
const P = JacobianPoint.fromAffine(this)
const aP =
a === _0n || a === _1n || this !== Point.BASE
? P.multiplyUnsafe(a)
: P.multiply(a)
const bQ = JacobianPoint.fromAffine(Q).multiplyUnsafe(b)
const sum = aP.add(bQ)
return sum.equals(JacobianPoint.ZERO) ? undefined : sum.toAffine()
Point.BASE = new Point(CURVE.Gx, CURVE.Gy)
Point.ZERO = new Point(_0n, _0n)
function sliceDER(s) {
return Number.parseInt(s[0], 16) >= 8 ? '00' + s : s
function parseDERInt(data) {
if (data.length < 2 || data[0] !== 0x02) {
throw new Error(`Invalid signature integer tag: ${bytesToHex(data)}`)
const len = data[1]
const res = data.subarray(2, len + 2)
if (!len || res.length !== len) {
throw new Error(`Invalid signature integer: wrong length`)
if (res[0] === 0x00 && res[1] <= 0x7f) {
throw new Error('Invalid signature integer: trailing length')
return {data: bytesToNumber(res), left: data.subarray(len + 2)}
function parseDERSignature(data) {
if (data.length < 2 || data[0] != 0x30) {
throw new Error(`Invalid signature tag: ${bytesToHex(data)}`)
if (data[1] !== data.length - 2) {
throw new Error('Invalid signature: incorrect length')
const {data: r, left: sBytes} = parseDERInt(data.subarray(2))
const {data: s, left: rBytesLeft} = parseDERInt(sBytes)
if (rBytesLeft.length) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid signature: left bytes after parsing: ${bytesToHex(rBytesLeft)}`
return {r, s}
class Signature {
constructor(r, s) {
this.r = r
this.s = s
static fromCompact(hex) {
const arr = isUint8a(hex)
const name = 'Signature.fromCompact'
if (typeof hex !== 'string' && !arr)
throw new TypeError(`${name}: Expected string or Uint8Array`)
const str = arr ? bytesToHex(hex) : hex
if (str.length !== 128) throw new Error(`${name}: Expected 64-byte hex`)
return new Signature(
hexToNumber(str.slice(0, 64)),
hexToNumber(str.slice(64, 128))
static fromDER(hex) {
const arr = isUint8a(hex)
if (typeof hex !== 'string' && !arr)
throw new TypeError(`Signature.fromDER: Expected string or Uint8Array`)
const {r, s} = parseDERSignature(arr ? hex : hexToBytes(hex))
return new Signature(r, s)
static fromHex(hex) {
return this.fromDER(hex)
assertValidity() {
const {r, s} = this
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(r))
throw new Error('Invalid Signature: r must be 0 < r < n')
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(s))
throw new Error('Invalid Signature: s must be 0 < s < n')
hasHighS() {
const HALF = CURVE.n >> _1n
return this.s > HALF
normalizeS() {
return this.hasHighS() ? new Signature(this.r, CURVE.n - this.s) : this
toDERRawBytes(isCompressed = false) {
return hexToBytes(this.toDERHex(isCompressed))
toDERHex(isCompressed = false) {
const sHex = sliceDER(numberToHexUnpadded(this.s))
if (isCompressed) return sHex
const rHex = sliceDER(numberToHexUnpadded(this.r))
const rLen = numberToHexUnpadded(rHex.length / 2)
const sLen = numberToHexUnpadded(sHex.length / 2)
const length = numberToHexUnpadded(rHex.length / 2 + sHex.length / 2 + 4)
return `30${length}02${rLen}${rHex}02${sLen}${sHex}`
toRawBytes() {
return this.toDERRawBytes()
toHex() {
return this.toDERHex()
toCompactRawBytes() {
return hexToBytes(this.toCompactHex())
toCompactHex() {
return numTo32bStr(this.r) + numTo32bStr(this.s)
function concatBytes(...arrays) {
if (!arrays.every(isUint8a)) throw new Error('Uint8Array list expected')
if (arrays.length === 1) return arrays[0]
const length = arrays.reduce((a, arr) => a + arr.length, 0)
const result = new Uint8Array(length)
for (let i = 0, pad = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) {
const arr = arrays[i]
result.set(arr, pad)
pad += arr.length
return result
function isUint8a(bytes) {
return bytes instanceof Uint8Array
const hexes = Array.from({length: 256}, (v, i) =>
i.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')
function bytesToHex(uint8a) {
if (!(uint8a instanceof Uint8Array)) throw new Error('Expected Uint8Array')
let hex = ''
for (let i = 0; i < uint8a.length; i++) {
hex += hexes[uint8a[i]]
return hex
function numTo32bStr(num) {
if (num > POW_2_256) throw new Error('Expected number < 2^256')
return num.toString(16).padStart(64, '0')
function numTo32b(num) {
return hexToBytes(numTo32bStr(num))
function numberToHexUnpadded(num) {
const hex = num.toString(16)
return hex.length & 1 ? `0${hex}` : hex
function hexToNumber(hex) {
if (typeof hex !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('hexToNumber: expected string, got ' + typeof hex)
return BigInt(`0x${hex}`)
function hexToBytes(hex) {
if (typeof hex !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('hexToBytes: expected string, got ' + typeof hex)
if (hex.length % 2)
throw new Error('hexToBytes: received invalid unpadded hex' + hex.length)
const array = new Uint8Array(hex.length / 2)
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
const j = i * 2
const hexByte = hex.slice(j, j + 2)
const byte = Number.parseInt(hexByte, 16)
if (Number.isNaN(byte) || byte < 0)
throw new Error('Invalid byte sequence')
array[i] = byte
return array
function bytesToNumber(bytes) {
return hexToNumber(bytesToHex(bytes))
function ensureBytes(hex) {
return hex instanceof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array.from(hex) : hexToBytes(hex)
function normalizeScalar(num) {
if (typeof num === 'number' && Number.isSafeInteger(num) && num > 0)
return BigInt(num)
if (typeof num === 'bigint' && isWithinCurveOrder(num)) return num
throw new TypeError('Expected valid private scalar: 0 < scalar < curve.n')
function mod(a, b = CURVE.P) {
const result = a % b
return result >= _0n ? result : b + result
function pow2(x, power) {
const {P} = CURVE
let res = x
while (power-- > _0n) {
res *= res
res %= P
return res
function sqrtMod(x) {
const {P} = CURVE
const _6n = BigInt(6)
const _11n = BigInt(11)
const _22n = BigInt(22)
const _23n = BigInt(23)
const _44n = BigInt(44)
const _88n = BigInt(88)
const b2 = (x * x * x) % P
const b3 = (b2 * b2 * x) % P
const b6 = (pow2(b3, _3n) * b3) % P
const b9 = (pow2(b6, _3n) * b3) % P
const b11 = (pow2(b9, _2n) * b2) % P
const b22 = (pow2(b11, _11n) * b11) % P
const b44 = (pow2(b22, _22n) * b22) % P
const b88 = (pow2(b44, _44n) * b44) % P
const b176 = (pow2(b88, _88n) * b88) % P
const b220 = (pow2(b176, _44n) * b44) % P
const b223 = (pow2(b220, _3n) * b3) % P
const t1 = (pow2(b223, _23n) * b22) % P
const t2 = (pow2(t1, _6n) * b2) % P
return pow2(t2, _2n)
function invert(number, modulo = CURVE.P) {
if (number === _0n || modulo <= _0n) {
throw new Error(
`invert: expected positive integers, got n=${number} mod=${modulo}`
let a = mod(number, modulo)
let b = modulo
let x = _0n,
u = _1n
while (a !== _0n) {
const q = b / a
const r = b % a
const m = x - u * q
;(b = a), (a = r), (x = u), (u = m)
const gcd = b
if (gcd !== _1n) throw new Error('invert: does not exist')
return mod(x, modulo)
function invertBatch(nums, p = CURVE.P) {
const scratch = new Array(nums.length)
const lastMultiplied = nums.reduce((acc, num, i) => {
if (num === _0n) return acc
scratch[i] = acc
return mod(acc * num, p)
}, _1n)
const inverted = invert(lastMultiplied, p)
nums.reduceRight((acc, num, i) => {
if (num === _0n) return acc
scratch[i] = mod(acc * scratch[i], p)
return mod(acc * num, p)
}, inverted)
return scratch
const divNearest = (a, b) => (a + b / _2n) / b
const POW_2_128 = _2n ** BigInt(128)
function splitScalarEndo(k) {
const {n} = CURVE
const a1 = BigInt('0x3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15')
const b1 = -_1n * BigInt('0xe4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3')
const a2 = BigInt('0x114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8')
const b2 = a1
const c1 = divNearest(b2 * k, n)
const c2 = divNearest(-b1 * k, n)
let k1 = mod(k - c1 * a1 - c2 * a2, n)
let k2 = mod(-c1 * b1 - c2 * b2, n)
const k1neg = k1 > POW_2_128
const k2neg = k2 > POW_2_128
if (k1neg) k1 = n - k1
if (k2neg) k2 = n - k2
if (k1 > POW_2_128 || k2 > POW_2_128) {
throw new Error('splitScalarEndo: Endomorphism failed, k=' + k)
return {k1neg, k1, k2neg, k2}
function truncateHash(hash) {
const {n} = CURVE
const byteLength = hash.length
const delta = byteLength * 8 - 256
let h = bytesToNumber(hash)
if (delta > 0) h = h >> BigInt(delta)
if (h >= n) h -= n
return h
class HmacDrbg {
constructor() {
this.v = new Uint8Array(32).fill(1)
this.k = new Uint8Array(32).fill(0)
this.counter = 0
hmac(...values) {
return utils.hmacSha256(this.k, ...values)
hmacSync(...values) {
if (typeof utils.hmacSha256Sync !== 'function')
throw new Error('utils.hmacSha256Sync is undefined, you need to set it')
const res = utils.hmacSha256Sync(this.k, ...values)
if (res instanceof Promise)
throw new Error('To use sync sign(), ensure utils.hmacSha256 is sync')
return res
incr() {
if (this.counter >= 1000) {
throw new Error('Tried 1,000 k values for sign(), all were invalid')
this.counter += 1
async reseed(seed = new Uint8Array()) {
this.k = await this.hmac(this.v, Uint8Array.from([0x00]), seed)
this.v = await this.hmac(this.v)
if (seed.length === 0) return
this.k = await this.hmac(this.v, Uint8Array.from([0x01]), seed)
this.v = await this.hmac(this.v)
reseedSync(seed = new Uint8Array()) {
this.k = this.hmacSync(this.v, Uint8Array.from([0x00]), seed)
this.v = this.hmacSync(this.v)
if (seed.length === 0) return
this.k = this.hmacSync(this.v, Uint8Array.from([0x01]), seed)
this.v = this.hmacSync(this.v)
async generate() {
this.v = await this.hmac(this.v)
return this.v
generateSync() {
this.v = this.hmacSync(this.v)
return this.v
function isWithinCurveOrder(num) {
return _0n < num && num < CURVE.n
function isValidFieldElement(num) {
return _0n < num && num < CURVE.P
function kmdToSig(kBytes, m, d) {
const k = bytesToNumber(kBytes)
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(k)) return
const {n} = CURVE
const q = Point.BASE.multiply(k)
const r = mod(q.x, n)
if (r === _0n) return
const s = mod(invert(k, n) * mod(m + d * r, n), n)
if (s === _0n) return
const sig = new Signature(r, s)
const recovery = (q.x === sig.r ? 0 : 2) | Number(q.y & _1n)
return {sig, recovery}
function normalizePrivateKey(key) {
let num
if (typeof key === 'bigint') {
num = key
} else if (
typeof key === 'number' &&
Number.isSafeInteger(key) &&
key > 0
) {
num = BigInt(key)
} else if (typeof key === 'string') {
if (key.length !== 64) throw new Error('Expected 32 bytes of private key')
num = hexToNumber(key)
} else if (isUint8a(key)) {
if (key.length !== 32) throw new Error('Expected 32 bytes of private key')
num = bytesToNumber(key)
} else {
throw new TypeError('Expected valid private key')
if (!isWithinCurveOrder(num))
throw new Error('Expected private key: 0 < key < n')
return num
function normalizePublicKey(publicKey) {
if (publicKey instanceof Point) {
return publicKey
} else {
return Point.fromHex(publicKey)
function normalizeSignature(signature) {
if (signature instanceof Signature) {
return signature
try {
return Signature.fromDER(signature)
} catch (error) {
return Signature.fromCompact(signature)
function getPublicKey(privateKey, isCompressed = false) {
return Point.fromPrivateKey(privateKey).toRawBytes(isCompressed)
function recoverPublicKey(
isCompressed = false
) {
return Point.fromSignature(msgHash, signature, recovery).toRawBytes(
function isPub(item) {
const arr = isUint8a(item)
const str = typeof item === 'string'
const len = (arr || str) && item.length
if (arr) return len === 33 || len === 65
if (str) return len === 66 || len === 130
if (item instanceof Point) return true
return false
function getSharedSecret(privateA, publicB, isCompressed = false) {
if (isPub(privateA))
throw new TypeError('getSharedSecret: first arg must be private key')
if (!isPub(publicB))
throw new TypeError('getSharedSecret: second arg must be public key')
const b = normalizePublicKey(publicB)
return b.multiply(normalizePrivateKey(privateA)).toRawBytes(isCompressed)
function bits2int(bytes) {
const slice = bytes.length > 32 ? bytes.slice(0, 32) : bytes
return bytesToNumber(slice)
function bits2octets(bytes) {
const z1 = bits2int(bytes)
const z2 = mod(z1, CURVE.n)
return int2octets(z2 < _0n ? z1 : z2)
function int2octets(num) {
if (typeof num !== 'bigint') throw new Error('Expected bigint')
const hex = numTo32bStr(num)
return hexToBytes(hex)
function initSigArgs(msgHash, privateKey, extraEntropy) {
if (msgHash == null)
throw new Error(`sign: expected valid message hash, not "${msgHash}"`)
const h1 = ensureBytes(msgHash)
const d = normalizePrivateKey(privateKey)
const seedArgs = [int2octets(d), bits2octets(h1)]
if (extraEntropy != null) {
if (extraEntropy === true) extraEntropy = utils.randomBytes(32)
const e = ensureBytes(extraEntropy)
if (e.length !== 32)
throw new Error('sign: Expected 32 bytes of extra data')
const seed = concatBytes(...seedArgs)
const m = bits2int(h1)
return {seed, m, d}
function finalizeSig(recSig, opts) {
let {sig, recovery} = recSig
const {canonical, der, recovered} = Object.assign(
{canonical: true, der: true},
if (canonical && sig.hasHighS()) {
sig = sig.normalizeS()
recovery ^= 1
const hashed = der ? sig.toDERRawBytes() : sig.toCompactRawBytes()
return recovered ? [hashed, recovery] : hashed
async function sign(msgHash, privKey, opts = {}) {
const {seed, m, d} = initSigArgs(msgHash, privKey, opts.extraEntropy)
let sig
const drbg = new HmacDrbg()
await drbg.reseed(seed)
while (!(sig = kmdToSig(await drbg.generate(), m, d))) await drbg.reseed()
return finalizeSig(sig, opts)
function signSync(msgHash, privKey, opts = {}) {
const {seed, m, d} = initSigArgs(msgHash, privKey, opts.extraEntropy)
let sig
const drbg = new HmacDrbg()
while (!(sig = kmdToSig(drbg.generateSync(), m, d))) drbg.reseedSync()
return finalizeSig(sig, opts)
const vopts = {strict: true}
function verify(signature, msgHash, publicKey, opts = vopts) {
let sig
try {
sig = normalizeSignature(signature)
msgHash = ensureBytes(msgHash)
} catch (error) {
return false
const {r, s} = sig
if (opts.strict && sig.hasHighS()) return false
const h = truncateHash(msgHash)
let P
try {
P = normalizePublicKey(publicKey)
} catch (error) {
return false
const {n} = CURVE
const sinv = invert(s, n)
const u1 = mod(h * sinv, n)
const u2 = mod(r * sinv, n)
const R = Point.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(P, u1, u2)
if (!R) return false
const v = mod(R.x, n)
return v === r
function finalizeSchnorrChallenge(ch) {
return mod(bytesToNumber(ch), CURVE.n)
function hasEvenY(point) {
return (point.y & _1n) === _0n
class SchnorrSignature {
constructor(r, s) {
this.r = r
this.s = s
static fromHex(hex) {
const bytes = ensureBytes(hex)
if (bytes.length !== 64)
throw new TypeError(
`SchnorrSignature.fromHex: expected 64 bytes, not ${bytes.length}`
const r = bytesToNumber(bytes.subarray(0, 32))
const s = bytesToNumber(bytes.subarray(32, 64))
return new SchnorrSignature(r, s)
assertValidity() {
const {r, s} = this
if (!isValidFieldElement(r) || !isWithinCurveOrder(s))
throw new Error('Invalid signature')
toHex() {
return numTo32bStr(this.r) + numTo32bStr(this.s)
toRawBytes() {
return hexToBytes(this.toHex())
function schnorrGetPublicKey(privateKey) {
return Point.fromPrivateKey(privateKey).toRawX()
function initSchnorrSigArgs(message, privateKey, auxRand) {
if (message == null)
throw new TypeError(`sign: Expected valid message, not "${message}"`)
const m = ensureBytes(message)
const d0 = normalizePrivateKey(privateKey)
const rand = ensureBytes(auxRand)
if (rand.length !== 32)
throw new TypeError('sign: Expected 32 bytes of aux randomness')
const P = Point.fromPrivateKey(d0)
const px = P.toRawX()
const d = hasEvenY(P) ? d0 : CURVE.n - d0
return {m, P, px, d, rand}
function initSchnorrNonce(d, t0h) {
return numTo32b(d ^ bytesToNumber(t0h))
function finalizeSchnorrNonce(k0h) {
const k0 = mod(bytesToNumber(k0h), CURVE.n)
if (k0 === _0n)
throw new Error('sign: Creation of signature failed. k is zero')
const R = Point.fromPrivateKey(k0)
const rx = R.toRawX()
const k = hasEvenY(R) ? k0 : CURVE.n - k0
return {R, rx, k}
function finalizeSchnorrSig(R, k, e, d) {
return new SchnorrSignature(R.x, mod(k + e * d, CURVE.n)).toRawBytes()
async function schnorrSign(
auxRand = utils.randomBytes()
) {
const {m, px, d, rand} = initSchnorrSigArgs(message, privateKey, auxRand)
const t = initSchnorrNonce(d, await utils.taggedHash(TAGS.aux, rand))
const {R, rx, k} = finalizeSchnorrNonce(
await utils.taggedHash(TAGS.nonce, t, px, m)
const e = finalizeSchnorrChallenge(
await utils.taggedHash(TAGS.challenge, rx, px, m)
const sig = finalizeSchnorrSig(R, k, e, d)
const isValid = await schnorrVerify(sig, m, px)
if (!isValid) throw new Error('sign: Invalid signature produced')
return sig
function schnorrSignSync(message, privateKey, auxRand = utils.randomBytes()) {
const {m, px, d, rand} = initSchnorrSigArgs(message, privateKey, auxRand)
const t = initSchnorrNonce(d, utils.taggedHashSync(TAGS.aux, rand))
const {R, rx, k} = finalizeSchnorrNonce(
utils.taggedHashSync(TAGS.nonce, t, px, m)
const e = finalizeSchnorrChallenge(
utils.taggedHashSync(TAGS.challenge, rx, px, m)
const sig = finalizeSchnorrSig(R, k, e, d)
const isValid = schnorrVerifySync(sig, m, px)
if (!isValid) throw new Error('sign: Invalid signature produced')
return sig
function initSchnorrVerify(signature, message, publicKey) {
const raw = signature instanceof SchnorrSignature
const sig = raw ? signature : SchnorrSignature.fromHex(signature)
if (raw) sig.assertValidity()
return {
m: ensureBytes(message),
P: normalizePublicKey(publicKey)
function finalizeSchnorrVerify(r, P, s, e) {
const R = Point.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(
mod(-e, CURVE.n)
if (!R || !hasEvenY(R) || R.x !== r) return false
return true
async function schnorrVerify(signature, message, publicKey) {
try {
const {r, s, m, P} = initSchnorrVerify(signature, message, publicKey)
const e = finalizeSchnorrChallenge(
await utils.taggedHash(TAGS.challenge, numTo32b(r), P.toRawX(), m)
return finalizeSchnorrVerify(r, P, s, e)
} catch (error) {
return false
function schnorrVerifySync(signature, message, publicKey) {
try {
const {r, s, m, P} = initSchnorrVerify(signature, message, publicKey)
const e = finalizeSchnorrChallenge(
utils.taggedHashSync(TAGS.challenge, numTo32b(r), P.toRawX(), m)
return finalizeSchnorrVerify(r, P, s, e)
} catch (error) {
return false
const schnorr = {
Signature: SchnorrSignature,
getPublicKey: schnorrGetPublicKey,
sign: schnorrSign,
verify: schnorrVerify,
signSync: schnorrSignSync,
verifySync: schnorrVerifySync
const crypto = {
node: nodeCrypto,
web: typeof self === 'object' && 'crypto' in self ? self.crypto : undefined
const TAGS = {
challenge: 'BIP0340/challenge',
aux: 'BIP0340/aux',
nonce: 'BIP0340/nonce'
const utils = {
isValidPrivateKey(privateKey) {
try {
return true
} catch (error) {
return false
privateAdd: (privateKey, tweak) => {
const p = normalizePrivateKey(privateKey)
const t = normalizePrivateKey(tweak)
return numTo32b(mod(p + t, CURVE.n))
privateNegate: privateKey => {
const p = normalizePrivateKey(privateKey)
return numTo32b(CURVE.n - p)
pointAddScalar: (p, tweak, isCompressed) => {
const P = Point.fromHex(p)
const t = normalizePrivateKey(tweak)
const Q = Point.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(P, t, _1n)
if (!Q) throw new Error('Tweaked point at infinity')
return Q.toRawBytes(isCompressed)
pointMultiply: (p, tweak, isCompressed) => {
const P = Point.fromHex(p)
const t = bytesToNumber(ensureBytes(tweak))
return P.multiply(t).toRawBytes(isCompressed)
hashToPrivateKey: hash => {
hash = ensureBytes(hash)
if (hash.length < 40 || hash.length > 1024)
throw new Error('Expected 40-1024 bytes of private key as per FIPS 186')
const num = mod(bytesToNumber(hash), CURVE.n - _1n) + _1n
return numTo32b(num)
randomBytes: (bytesLength = 32) => {
if (crypto.web) {
return crypto.web.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(bytesLength))
} else if (crypto.node) {
const {randomBytes} = crypto.node
return Uint8Array.from(randomBytes(bytesLength))
} else {
throw new Error("The environment doesn't have randomBytes function")
randomPrivateKey: () => {
return utils.hashToPrivateKey(utils.randomBytes(40))
sha256: async (...messages) => {
if (crypto.web) {
const buffer = await crypto.web.subtle.digest(
return new Uint8Array(buffer)
} else if (crypto.node) {
const {createHash} = crypto.node
const hash = createHash('sha256')
messages.forEach(m => hash.update(m))
return Uint8Array.from(hash.digest())
} else {
throw new Error("The environment doesn't have sha256 function")
hmacSha256: async (key, ...messages) => {
if (crypto.web) {
const ckey = await crypto.web.subtle.importKey(
{name: 'HMAC', hash: {name: 'SHA-256'}},
const message = concatBytes(...messages)
const buffer = await crypto.web.subtle.sign('HMAC', ckey, message)
return new Uint8Array(buffer)
} else if (crypto.node) {
const {createHmac} = crypto.node
const hash = createHmac('sha256', key)
messages.forEach(m => hash.update(m))
return Uint8Array.from(hash.digest())
} else {
throw new Error("The environment doesn't have hmac-sha256 function")
sha256Sync: undefined,
hmacSha256Sync: undefined,
taggedHash: async (tag, ...messages) => {
if (tagP === undefined) {
const tagH = await utils.sha256(
Uint8Array.from(tag, c => c.charCodeAt(0))
tagP = concatBytes(tagH, tagH)
return utils.sha256(tagP, ...messages)
taggedHashSync: (tag, ...messages) => {
if (typeof utils.sha256Sync !== 'function')
throw new Error('utils.sha256Sync is undefined, you need to set it')
if (tagP === undefined) {
const tagH = utils.sha256Sync(
Uint8Array.from(tag, c => c.charCodeAt(0))
tagP = concatBytes(tagH, tagH)
return utils.sha256Sync(tagP, ...messages)
precompute(windowSize = 8, point = Point.BASE) {
const cached = point === Point.BASE ? point : new Point(point.x, point.y)
return cached
exports.CURVE = CURVE
exports.Point = Point
exports.Signature = Signature
exports.getPublicKey = getPublicKey
exports.getSharedSecret = getSharedSecret
exports.recoverPublicKey = recoverPublicKey
exports.schnorr = schnorr
exports.sign = sign
exports.signSync = signSync
exports.utils = utils
exports.verify = verify
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {value: true})