schneimi fb98576431
[FEAT] Push notification integration into core (#1393)
* push notification integration into core

added missing component

fixed bell working on all pages
- made pubkey global template env var
- had to move `get_push_notification_pubkey` to `helpers.py` because of circular reference with `tasks.py`


trying to fix mypy

added py-vapid to requirements

Trying to fix stub mypy issue

* removed key files

* webpush key pair is saved in db `webpush_settings`

* removed lnaddress extension changes

* support for multi user account subscriptions, subscriptions are stored user based

fixed syntax error

fixed syntax error

removed unused line

* fixed subscribed user storage with local storage, no get request required

* method is singular now

* cleanup unsubscribed or expired push subscriptions

fixed flake8 errors

fixed poetry errors

* updating to latest lnbits

formatting, rebase error


* remove unused?

* revert

* relock

* remove

* do not create settings table use adminsettings



* cleanup old code

* catch case when client tries to recreate existing webpush subscription e.g. on cleared local storage

* show notification bell on user related pages only

* use local storage with one key like array, some refactoring

* fixed crud import

* fixed too long line

* removed unused imports

* ruff

* make webpush editable

* fixed privkey encoding

* fix ruff

* fix migration


Co-authored-by: schneimi <admin@schneimi.de>
Co-authored-by: schneimi <dev@schneimi.de>
Co-authored-by: dni  <office@dnilabs.com>
2023-09-11 14:48:49 +01:00

455 lines
16 KiB

import asyncio
from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import List, Optional
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from fastapi import Depends, Query, Request, status
from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse, RedirectResponse
from fastapi.routing import APIRouter
from loguru import logger
from pydantic.types import UUID4
from starlette.responses import HTMLResponse, JSONResponse
from lnbits.core import db
from lnbits.core.helpers import to_valid_user_id
from lnbits.core.models import User
from lnbits.decorators import check_admin, check_user_exists
from lnbits.helpers import template_renderer, url_for
from lnbits.settings import settings
from lnbits.wallets import get_wallet_class
from ...extension_manager import InstallableExtension, get_valid_extensions
from ...utils.exchange_rates import currencies
from ..crud import (
from ..services import pay_invoice, redeem_lnurl_withdraw
core_html_routes: APIRouter = APIRouter(
tags=["Core NON-API Website Routes"], include_in_schema=False
@core_html_routes.get("/favicon.ico", response_class=FileResponse)
async def favicon():
return FileResponse("lnbits/core/static/favicon.ico")
@core_html_routes.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
async def home(request: Request, lightning: str = ""):
return template_renderer().TemplateResponse(
"core/index.html", {"request": request, "lnurl": lightning}
@core_html_routes.get("/robots.txt", response_class=HTMLResponse)
async def robots():
data = """
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
return HTMLResponse(content=data, media_type="text/plain")
"/extensions", name="install.extensions", response_class=HTMLResponse
async def extensions_install(
request: Request,
user: User = Depends(check_user_exists),
activate: str = Query(None),
deactivate: str = Query(None),
enable: str = Query(None),
disable: str = Query(None),
await toggle_extension(enable, disable, user.id)
# Update user as his extensions have been updated
if enable or disable:
user = await get_user(user.id) # type: ignore
installed_exts: List["InstallableExtension"] = await get_installed_extensions()
installed_exts_ids = [e.id for e in installed_exts]
installable_exts: List[
] = await InstallableExtension.get_installable_extensions()
installable_exts += [
e for e in installed_exts if e.id not in installed_exts_ids
for e in installable_exts:
installed_ext = next((ie for ie in installed_exts if e.id == ie.id), None)
if installed_ext:
e.installed_release = installed_ext.installed_release
# use the installed extension values
e.name = installed_ext.name
e.short_description = installed_ext.short_description
e.icon = installed_ext.icon
except Exception as ex:
installable_exts = []
ext_id = activate or deactivate
if ext_id and user.admin:
if deactivate and deactivate not in settings.lnbits_deactivated_extensions:
settings.lnbits_deactivated_extensions += [deactivate]
elif activate:
settings.lnbits_deactivated_extensions = list(
lambda e: e != activate, settings.lnbits_deactivated_extensions
await update_installed_extension_state(
ext_id=ext_id, active=activate is not None
all_extensions = list(map(lambda e: e.code, get_valid_extensions()))
inactive_extensions = await get_inactive_extensions()
db_version = await get_dbversions()
extensions = list(
lambda ext: {
"id": ext.id,
"name": ext.name,
"icon": ext.icon,
"shortDescription": ext.short_description,
"stars": ext.stars,
"isFeatured": ext.featured,
"dependencies": ext.dependencies,
"isInstalled": ext.id in installed_exts_ids,
"hasDatabaseTables": ext.id in db_version,
"isAvailable": ext.id in all_extensions,
"isAdminOnly": ext.id in settings.lnbits_admin_extensions,
"isActive": ext.id not in inactive_extensions,
"latestRelease": (
dict(ext.latest_release) if ext.latest_release else None
"installedRelease": (
dict(ext.installed_release) if ext.installed_release else None
return template_renderer().TemplateResponse(
"request": request,
"user": user.dict(),
"extensions": extensions,
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(e))
just **wallet_name**: create a new user, then create a new wallet
for user with wallet_name
just **user_id**: return the first user wallet or create one if none found
(with default wallet_name)
**user_id** and **wallet_name**: create a new wallet for user with wallet_name
**user_id** and **wallet_id**: return that wallet if user is the owner
nothing: create everything
async def wallet(
request: Request = Query(None),
nme: Optional[str] = Query(None),
usr: Optional[UUID4] = Query(None),
wal: Optional[UUID4] = Query(None),
user_id = usr.hex if usr else None
wallet_id = wal.hex if wal else None
wallet_name = nme
if not user_id:
new_user = await create_account()
user = await get_user(new_user.id)
assert user, "Newly created user has to exist."
logger.info(f"Create user {user.id}")
user = await get_user(user_id)
if not user:
return template_renderer().TemplateResponse(
"error.html", {"request": request, "err": "User does not exist."}
if (
len(settings.lnbits_allowed_users) > 0
and user_id not in settings.lnbits_allowed_users
and user_id not in settings.lnbits_admin_users
and user_id != settings.super_user
return template_renderer().TemplateResponse(
"error.html", {"request": request, "err": "User not authorized."}
if user_id == settings.super_user or user_id in settings.lnbits_admin_users:
user.admin = True
if user_id == settings.super_user:
user.super_user = True
if not wallet_id:
if user.wallets and not wallet_name:
wallet = user.wallets[0]
wallet = await create_wallet(user_id=user.id, wallet_name=wallet_name)
f"Created new wallet {wallet_name if wallet_name else '(no name)'} for"
f" user {user.id}"
return RedirectResponse(
"Access "
f"{'user '+ user.id + ' ' if user else ''} "
f"{'wallet ' + wallet_name if wallet_name else ''}"
userwallet = user.get_wallet(wallet_id)
if not userwallet:
return template_renderer().TemplateResponse(
"error.html", {"request": request, "err": "Wallet not found"}
return template_renderer().TemplateResponse(
"request": request,
"user": user.dict(),
"wallet": userwallet.dict(),
"service_fee": settings.lnbits_service_fee,
"web_manifest": f"/manifest/{user.id}.webmanifest",
@core_html_routes.get("/withdraw", response_class=JSONResponse)
async def lnurl_full_withdraw(request: Request):
user = await get_user(request.query_params.get("usr"))
if not user:
return {"status": "ERROR", "reason": "User does not exist."}
wallet = user.get_wallet(request.query_params.get("wal"))
if not wallet:
return {"status": "ERROR", "reason": "Wallet does not exist."}
return {
"tag": "withdrawRequest",
"callback": url_for("/withdraw/cb", external=True, usr=user.id, wal=wallet.id),
"k1": "0",
"minWithdrawable": 1000 if wallet.withdrawable_balance else 0,
"maxWithdrawable": wallet.withdrawable_balance,
"defaultDescription": (
f"{settings.lnbits_site_title} balance withdraw from {wallet.id[0:5]}"
"balanceCheck": url_for("/withdraw", external=True, usr=user.id, wal=wallet.id),
@core_html_routes.get("/withdraw/cb", response_class=JSONResponse)
async def lnurl_full_withdraw_callback(request: Request):
user = await get_user(request.query_params.get("usr"))
if not user:
return {"status": "ERROR", "reason": "User does not exist."}
wallet = user.get_wallet(request.query_params.get("wal"))
if not wallet:
return {"status": "ERROR", "reason": "Wallet does not exist."}
pr = request.query_params.get("pr")
async def pay():
await pay_invoice(wallet_id=wallet.id, payment_request=pr)
except Exception:
balance_notify = request.query_params.get("balanceNotify")
if balance_notify:
await save_balance_notify(wallet.id, balance_notify)
return {"status": "OK"}
@core_html_routes.get("/deletewallet", response_class=RedirectResponse)
async def deletewallet(wal: str = Query(...), usr: str = Query(...)):
user = await get_user(usr)
if not user:
raise HTTPException(HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, "User not found.")
user_wallet_ids = [u.id for u in user.wallets]
if wal not in user_wallet_ids:
raise HTTPException(HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, "Not your wallet.")
await delete_wallet(user_id=user.id, wallet_id=wal)
logger.debug("Deleted wallet {wal} of user {user.id}")
if user_wallet_ids:
return RedirectResponse(
url_for("/wallet", usr=user.id, wal=user_wallet_ids[0]),
return RedirectResponse(
url_for("/"), status_code=status.HTTP_307_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT
async def lnurl_balance_notify(request: Request, service: str):
bc = await get_balance_check(request.query_params.get("wal"), service)
if bc:
await redeem_lnurl_withdraw(bc.wallet, bc.url)
"/lnurlwallet", response_class=RedirectResponse, name="core.lnurlwallet"
async def lnurlwallet(request: Request):
async with db.connect() as conn:
account = await create_account(conn=conn)
user = await get_user(account.id, conn=conn)
assert user, "Newly created user not found."
wallet = await create_wallet(user_id=user.id, conn=conn)
"LNbits initial funding: voucher redeem.",
{"tag": "lnurlwallet"},
5, # wait 5 seconds before sending the invoice to the service
return RedirectResponse(
@core_html_routes.get("/service-worker.js", response_class=FileResponse)
async def service_worker():
return FileResponse("lnbits/core/static/js/service-worker.js")
async def manifest(request: Request, usr: str):
host = urlparse(str(request.url)).netloc
user = await get_user(usr)
if not user:
raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND)
return {
"short_name": settings.lnbits_site_title,
"name": settings.lnbits_site_title + " Wallet",
"icons": [
"src": (
if settings.lnbits_custom_logo
else "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lnbits/lnbits@0.3.0/docs/logos/lnbits.png"
"type": "image/png",
"sizes": "900x900",
"start_url": f"/wallet?usr={usr}&wal={user.wallets[0].id}",
"background_color": "#1F2234",
"description": "Bitcoin Lightning Wallet",
"display": "standalone",
"scope": "/",
"theme_color": "#1F2234",
"shortcuts": [
"name": wallet.name,
"short_name": wallet.name,
"description": wallet.name,
"url": f"/wallet?usr={usr}&wal={wallet.id}",
for wallet in user.wallets
"url_handlers": [{"origin": f"https://{host}"}],
@core_html_routes.get("/admin", response_class=HTMLResponse)
async def index(request: Request, user: User = Depends(check_admin)):
if not settings.lnbits_admin_ui:
raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND)
WALLET = get_wallet_class()
_, balance = await WALLET.status()
return template_renderer().TemplateResponse(
"request": request,
"user": user.dict(),
"settings": settings.dict(),
"balance": balance,
"currencies": list(currencies.keys()),
async def hex_to_uuid4(hex_value: str):
user_id = to_valid_user_id(hex_value).hex
return RedirectResponse(url=f"/wallet?usr={user_id}")
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=str(e))
async def toggle_extension(extension_to_enable, extension_to_disable, user_id):
if extension_to_enable and extension_to_disable:
raise HTTPException(
HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "You can either `enable` or `disable` an extension."
# check if extension exists
if extension_to_enable or extension_to_disable:
ext = extension_to_enable or extension_to_disable
if ext not in [e.code for e in get_valid_extensions()]:
raise HTTPException(
HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, f"Extension '{ext}' doesn't exist."
if extension_to_enable:
logger.info(f"Enabling extension: {extension_to_enable} for user {user_id}")
await update_user_extension(
user_id=user_id, extension=extension_to_enable, active=True
elif extension_to_disable:
logger.info(f"Disabling extension: {extension_to_disable} for user {user_id}")
await update_user_extension(
user_id=user_id, extension=extension_to_disable, active=False