mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 17:26:15 +01:00
435 lines
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435 lines
14 KiB
const watchOnly = async () => {
Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode)
await walletConfig('static/components/wallet-config/wallet-config.html')
await walletList('static/components/wallet-list/wallet-list.html')
await addressList('static/components/address-list/address-list.html')
await history('static/components/history/history.html')
await utxoList('static/components/utxo-list/utxo-list.html')
await feeRate('static/components/fee-rate/fee-rate.html')
await seedInput('static/components/seed-input/seed-input.html')
await sendTo('static/components/send-to/send-to.html')
await payment('static/components/payment/payment.html')
await serialSigner('static/components/serial-signer/serial-signer.html')
await serialPortConfig(
Vue.filter('reverse', function (value) {
// slice to make a copy of array, then reverse the copy
return value.slice().reverse()
new Vue({
el: '#vue',
mixins: [windowMixin],
data: function () {
return {
scan: {
scanning: false,
scanCount: 0,
scanIndex: 0
currentAddress: null,
tab: 'addresses',
config: {sats_denominated: true},
qrCodeDialog: {
show: false,
data: null
walletAccounts: [],
addresses: [],
history: [],
historyFilter: '',
showAddress: false,
addressNote: '',
showPayment: false,
fetchedUtxos: false,
utxosFilter: '',
network: null,
showEnterSignedPsbt: false,
signedBase64Psbt: null
computed: {
mempoolHostname: function () {
if (!this.config.isLoaded) return
let hostname = new URL(this.config.mempool_endpoint).hostname
if (this.config.network === 'Testnet') {
hostname += '/testnet'
return hostname
methods: {
updateAmountForAddress: async function (addressData, amount = 0) {
try {
const wallet = this.g.user.wallets[0]
addressData.amount = amount
if (!addressData.isChange) {
const addressWallet = this.walletAccounts.find(
w => w.id === addressData.wallet
if (
addressWallet &&
addressWallet.address_no < addressData.addressIndex
) {
addressWallet.address_no = addressData.addressIndex
// todo: account deleted
await LNbits.api.request(
} catch (err) {
addressData.error = 'Failed to refresh amount for address'
type: 'warning',
message: `Failed to refresh amount for address ${addressData.address}`,
timeout: 10000
updateNoteForAddress: async function ({addressId, note}) {
try {
const wallet = this.g.user.wallets[0]
await LNbits.api.request(
const updatedAddress =
this.addresses.find(a => a.id === addressId) || {}
updatedAddress.note = note
} catch (err) {
//################### ADDRESS HISTORY ###################
addressHistoryFromTxs: function (addressData, txs) {
const addressHistory = []
txs.forEach(tx => {
const sent = tx.vin
vin => vin.prevout.scriptpubkey_address === addressData.address
.map(vin => mapInputToSentHistory(tx, addressData, vin))
const received = tx.vout
.filter(vout => vout.scriptpubkey_address === addressData.address)
.map(vout => mapOutputToReceiveHistory(tx, addressData, vout))
addressHistory.push(...sent, ...received)
return addressHistory
markSameTxAddressHistory: function () {
.filter(s => s.sent)
.forEach((el, i, arr) => {
if (el.isSubItem) return
const sameTxItems = arr.slice(i + 1).filter(e => e.txId === el.txId)
if (!sameTxItems.length) return
sameTxItems.forEach(e => {
e.isSubItem = true
el.totalAmount =
el.amount + sameTxItems.reduce((t, e) => (t += e.amount || 0), 0)
el.sameTxItems = sameTxItems
//################### PAYMENT ###################
initPaymentData: async function () {
if (!this.payment.show) return
await this.refreshAddresses()
goToPaymentView: async function () {
this.showPayment = true
await this.initPaymentData()
//################### PSBT ###################
updateSignedPsbt: async function (psbtBase64) {
showEnterSignedPsbtDialog: function () {
this.signedBase64Psbt = ''
this.showEnterSignedPsbt = true
checkPsbt: function () {
//################### UTXOs ###################
scanAllAddresses: async function () {
await this.refreshAddresses()
this.history = []
let addresses = this.addresses
this.utxos.data = []
this.utxos.total = 0
// Loop while new funds are found on the gap adresses.
// Use 1000 limit as a safety check (scan 20 000 addresses max)
for (let i = 0; i < 1000 && addresses.length; i++) {
await this.updateUtxosForAddresses(addresses)
const oldAddresses = this.addresses.slice()
await this.refreshAddresses()
const newAddresses = this.addresses.slice()
// check if gap addresses have been extended
addresses = newAddresses.filter(
newAddr => !oldAddresses.find(oldAddr => oldAddr.id === newAddr.id)
if (addresses.length) {
type: 'positive',
message: 'Funds found! Scanning for more...',
timeout: 10000
scanAddressWithAmount: async function () {
this.utxos.data = []
this.utxos.total = 0
this.history = []
const addresses = this.addresses.filter(a => a.hasActivity)
await this.updateUtxosForAddresses(addresses)
scanAddress: async function (addressData) {
type: 'positive',
message: 'Address Rescanned',
timeout: 10000
refreshAddresses: async function () {
if (!this.walletAccounts) return
this.addresses = []
for (const {id, type} of this.walletAccounts) {
const newAddresses = await this.getAddressesForWallet(id)
const uniqueAddresses = newAddresses.filter(
newAddr => !this.addresses.find(a => a.address === newAddr.address)
const lastActiveAddress =
uniqueAddresses.filter(a => !a.isChange && a.hasActivity).pop() ||
uniqueAddresses.forEach(a => {
a.expanded = false
a.accountType = type
a.gapLimitExceeded =
!a.isChange &&
a.addressIndex >
lastActiveAddress.addressIndex + DEFAULT_RECEIVE_GAP_LIMIT
this.$emit('update:addresses', this.addresses)
getAddressesForWallet: async function (walletId) {
try {
const {data} = await LNbits.api.request(
'/watchonly/api/v1/addresses/' + walletId,
return data.map(mapAddressesData)
} catch (error) {
type: 'warning',
message: `Failed to fetch addresses for wallet with id ${walletId}.`,
timeout: 10000
return []
updateUtxosForAddresses: async function (addresses = []) {
this.scan = {scanning: true, scanCount: addresses.length, scanIndex: 0}
try {
for (addrData of addresses) {
const addressHistory = await this.getAddressTxsDelayed(addrData)
// remove old entries
this.history = this.history.filter(
h => h.address !== addrData.address
// add new entries
this.history.sort((a, b) => (!a.height ? -1 : b.height - a.height))
if (addressHistory.length) {
// search only if it ever had any activity
const utxos = await this.getAddressTxsUtxoDelayed(
this.updateUtxosForAddress(addrData, utxos)
} catch (error) {
type: 'warning',
message: 'Failed to scan addresses',
timeout: 10000
} finally {
this.scan.scanning = false
updateUtxosForAddress: function (addressData, utxos = []) {
const wallet =
this.walletAccounts.find(w => w.id === addressData.wallet) || {}
const newUtxos = utxos.map(utxo =>
mapAddressDataToUtxo(wallet, addressData, utxo)
// remove old utxos
this.utxos.data = this.utxos.data.filter(
u => u.address !== addressData.address
// add new utxos
if (utxos.length) {
this.utxos.data.sort((a, b) => b.sort - a.sort)
this.utxos.total = this.utxos.data.reduce(
(total, y) => (total += y?.amount || 0),
const addressTotal = utxos.reduce(
(total, y) => (total += y?.value || 0),
this.updateAmountForAddress(addressData, addressTotal)
//################### MEMPOOL API ###################
getAddressTxsDelayed: async function (addrData) {
const accounts = this.walletAccounts
const {
bitcoin: {addresses: addressesAPI}
} = mempoolJS({
hostname: this.mempoolHostname
const fn = async () => {
if (!accounts.find(w => w.id === addrData.wallet)) return []
return addressesAPI.getAddressTxs({
address: addrData.address
const addressTxs = await retryWithDelay(fn)
return this.addressHistoryFromTxs(addrData, addressTxs)
getAddressTxsUtxoDelayed: async function (address) {
const endpoint = this.mempoolHostname
const {
bitcoin: {addresses: addressesAPI}
} = mempoolJS({
hostname: endpoint
const fn = async () => {
if (endpoint !== this.mempoolHostname) return []
return addressesAPI.getAddressTxsUtxo({
return retryWithDelay(fn)
//################### OTHER ###################
openQrCodeDialog: function (addressData) {
this.currentAddress = addressData
this.addressNote = addressData.note || ''
this.showAddress = true
searchInTab: function ({tab, value}) {
this.tab = tab
this[`${tab}Filter`] = value
updateAccounts: async function (accounts) {
this.walletAccounts = accounts
await this.refreshAddresses()
await this.scanAddressWithAmount()
showAddressDetails: function (addressData) {
showAddressDetailsWithConfirmation: function ({addressData, wallet}) {
if (this.$refs.serialSigner.isConnected()) {
if (this.$refs.serialSigner.isAuthenticated()) {
if (wallet.meta?.accountPath) {
const branchIndex = addressData.isChange ? 1 : 0
const path =
wallet.meta.accountPath +
this.$refs.serialSigner.hwwShowAddress(path, addressData.address)
} else {
type: 'warning',
message: 'Please login in order to confirm address on device',
timeout: 10000
initUtxos: function (addresses) {
if (!this.fetchedUtxos && addresses.length) {
this.fetchedUtxos = true
this.addresses = addresses
handleBroadcastSuccess: async function (txId) {
this.tab = 'history'
this.searchInTab({tab: 'history', value: txId})
this.showPayment = false
await this.refreshAddresses()
await this.scanAddressWithAmount()
created: async function () {
if (this.g.user.wallets.length) {
await this.refreshAddresses()
await this.scanAddressWithAmount()