import asyncio import pytest_asyncio from httpx import AsyncClient from import create_app from lnbits.commands import migrate_databases from lnbits.settings import HOST, PORT from lnbits.core.views.api import api_payments_create_invoice, CreateInvoiceData from lnbits.core.crud import create_account, create_wallet, get_wallet from tests.helpers import credit_wallet, get_random_invoice_data from lnbits.db import Database from lnbits.core.models import User, Wallet, Payment, BalanceCheck from typing import Tuple @pytest_asyncio.fixture(scope="session") def event_loop(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() yield loop loop.close() # use session scope to run once before and once after all tests @pytest_asyncio.fixture(scope="session") def app(event_loop): app = create_app() # use redefined version of the event loop for scope="session" # loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop = event_loop loop.run_until_complete(migrate_databases()) yield app # # get the current event loop and gracefully stop any running tasks # loop = event_loop loop.run_until_complete(loop.shutdown_asyncgens()) # loop.close() @pytest_asyncio.fixture(scope="session") async def client(app): client = AsyncClient(app=app, base_url=f"http://{HOST}:{PORT}") yield client await client.aclose() @pytest_asyncio.fixture(scope="session") async def db(): yield Database("database") @pytest_asyncio.fixture(scope="session") async def from_user_wallet(): user = await create_account() wallet = await create_wallet(, wallet_name="test_wallet_from") await credit_wallet(, amount=99999999, ) # print("new from_user_wallet:", wallet) yield user, wallet @pytest_asyncio.fixture(scope="session") async def to_user_wallet(): user = await create_account() wallet = await create_wallet(, wallet_name="test_wallet_to") await credit_wallet(, amount=99999999, ) # print("new to_user_wallet:", wallet) yield user, wallet @pytest_asyncio.fixture(scope="session") async def inkey_headers_from(from_user_wallet): _, wallet = from_user_wallet yield { "X-Api-Key": wallet.inkey, "Content-type": "application/json", } @pytest_asyncio.fixture(scope="session") async def adminkey_headers_from(from_user_wallet): _, wallet = from_user_wallet yield { "X-Api-Key": wallet.adminkey, "Content-type": "application/json", } @pytest_asyncio.fixture(scope="session") async def inkey_headers_to(to_user_wallet): _, wallet = to_user_wallet yield { "X-Api-Key": wallet.inkey, "Content-type": "application/json", } @pytest_asyncio.fixture(scope="session") async def adminkey_headers_to(to_user_wallet): _, wallet = to_user_wallet yield { "X-Api-Key": wallet.adminkey, "Content-type": "application/json", } @pytest_asyncio.fixture(scope="session") async def invoice(to_user_wallet): _, wallet = to_user_wallet data = await get_random_invoice_data() invoiceData = CreateInvoiceData(**data) # print("--------- New invoice!") # print("wallet:") # print(wallet) stuff_lock = asyncio.Lock() async with stuff_lock: invoice = await api_payments_create_invoice(invoiceData, wallet) await asyncio.sleep(1) # print("invoice") # print(invoice) yield invoice del invoice