from datetime import datetime from quart import g, jsonify, request from http import HTTPStatus from lnurl.exceptions import InvalidUrl as LnurlInvalidUrl import shortuuid # type: ignore from lnbits.core.crud import get_user from import pay_invoice from lnbits.decorators import api_check_wallet_key, api_validate_post_request from lnbits.extensions.withdraw import withdraw_ext from .crud import ( create_withdraw_link, get_withdraw_link, get_withdraw_link_by_hash, get_withdraw_links, update_withdraw_link, delete_withdraw_link, ) @withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/links", methods=["GET"]) @api_check_wallet_key("invoice") async def api_links(): wallet_ids = [] if "all_wallets" in request.args: wallet_ids = get_user(g.wallet.user).wallet_ids try: return ( jsonify([{**link._asdict(), **{"lnurl": link.lnurl}} for link in get_withdraw_links(wallet_ids)]), HTTPStatus.OK, ) except LnurlInvalidUrl: return ( jsonify({"message": "LNURLs need to be delivered over a publically accessible `https` domain or Tor."}), HTTPStatus.UPGRADE_REQUIRED, ) @withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/links/", methods=["GET"]) @api_check_wallet_key("invoice") async def api_link_retrieve(link_id): link = get_withdraw_link(link_id, 0) if not link: return jsonify({"message": "Withdraw link does not exist."}), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND if link.wallet != return jsonify({"message": "Not your withdraw link."}), HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN return jsonify({**link._asdict(), **{"lnurl": link.lnurl}}), HTTPStatus.OK @withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/links", methods=["POST"]) @withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/links/", methods=["PUT"]) @api_check_wallet_key("admin") @api_validate_post_request( schema={ "title": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}, "min_withdrawable": {"type": "integer", "min": 1, "required": True}, "max_withdrawable": {"type": "integer", "min": 1, "required": True}, "uses": {"type": "integer", "min": 1, "required": True}, "wait_time": {"type": "integer", "min": 1, "required": True}, "is_unique": {"type": "boolean", "required": True}, } ) async def api_link_create_or_update(link_id=None): if["max_withdrawable"] <["min_withdrawable"]: return ( jsonify({"message": "`max_withdrawable` needs to be at least `min_withdrawable`."}), HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) if (["max_withdrawable"] *["uses"] * 1000) > g.wallet.balance_msat: return jsonify({"message": "Insufficient balance."}), HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN usescsv = "" for i in range(["uses"]): if["is_unique"]: usescsv += "," + str(i + 1) else: usescsv += "," + str(1) usescsv = usescsv[1:] if link_id: link = get_withdraw_link(link_id, 0) if not link: return jsonify({"message": "Withdraw link does not exist."}), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND if link.wallet != return jsonify({"message": "Not your withdraw link."}), HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN link = update_withdraw_link(link_id, **, usescsv=usescsv, used=0) else: link = create_withdraw_link(, **, usescsv=usescsv) return jsonify({**link._asdict(), **{"lnurl": link.lnurl}}), HTTPStatus.OK if link_id else HTTPStatus.CREATED @withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/links/", methods=["DELETE"]) @api_check_wallet_key("admin") async def api_link_delete(link_id): link = get_withdraw_link(link_id) if not link: return jsonify({"message": "Withdraw link does not exist."}), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND if link.wallet != return jsonify({"message": "Not your withdraw link."}), HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN delete_withdraw_link(link_id) return "", HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT # FOR LNURLs WHICH ARE NOT UNIQUE @withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/lnurl/", methods=["GET"]) async def api_lnurl_response(unique_hash): link = get_withdraw_link_by_hash(unique_hash) if not link: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": "LNURL-withdraw not found."}), HTTPStatus.OK if link.is_unique == 1: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": "LNURL-withdraw not found."}), HTTPStatus.OK usescsv = "" for x in range(1, link.uses - link.used): usescsv += "," + str(1) usescsv = usescsv[1:] link = update_withdraw_link(, used=link.used + 1, usescsv=usescsv) return jsonify(link.lnurl_response.dict()), HTTPStatus.OK # FOR LNURLs WHICH ARE UNIQUE @withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/lnurl//", methods=["GET"]) async def api_lnurl_multi_response(unique_hash, id_unique_hash): link = get_withdraw_link_by_hash(unique_hash) if not link: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": "LNURL-withdraw not found."}), HTTPStatus.OK useslist = link.usescsv.split(",") usescsv = "" found = False if link.is_unique == 0: for x in range(link.uses - link.used): usescsv += "," + str(1) else: for x in useslist: tohash = + link.unique_hash + str(x) if id_unique_hash == shortuuid.uuid(name=tohash): found = True else: usescsv += "," + x if not found: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": "LNURL-withdraw not found."}), HTTPStatus.OK usescsv = usescsv[1:] link = update_withdraw_link(, usescsv=usescsv) return jsonify(link.lnurl_response.dict()), HTTPStatus.OK @withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/lnurl/cb/", methods=["GET"]) async def api_lnurl_callback(unique_hash): link = get_withdraw_link_by_hash(unique_hash) k1 = request.args.get("k1", type=str) payment_request = request.args.get("pr", type=str) now = int( if not link: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": "LNURL-withdraw not found."}), HTTPStatus.OK if link.is_spent: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": "Withdraw is spent."}), HTTPStatus.OK if link.k1 != k1: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": "Bad request."}), HTTPStatus.OK if now < link.open_time: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": f"Wait {link.open_time - now} seconds."}), HTTPStatus.OK try: pay_invoice( wallet_id=link.wallet, payment_request=payment_request, max_sat=link.max_withdrawable, extra={"tag": "withdraw"}, ) changes = {"open_time": link.wait_time + now, "used": link.used + 1} update_withdraw_link(, **changes) except ValueError as e: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": str(e)}), HTTPStatus.OK except PermissionError: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": "Withdraw link is empty."}), HTTPStatus.OK except Exception as e: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": str(e)}), HTTPStatus.OK return jsonify({"status": "OK"}), HTTPStatus.OK