from time import time from typing import Literal, Optional from lnbits.core.crud.wallets import get_total_balance, get_wallet from lnbits.core.db import db from lnbits.core.models import PaymentState from lnbits.core.models.payments import PaymentsStatusCount from lnbits.db import DB_TYPE, SQLITE, Connection, Filters, Page from ..models import ( CreatePayment, Payment, PaymentFilters, PaymentHistoryPoint, ) DateTrunc = Literal["hour", "day", "month"] sqlite_formats = { "hour": "%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00", "day": "%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00", "month": "%Y-%m-01 00:00:00", } def update_payment_extra(): pass async def get_payment(checking_id: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None) -> Payment: return await (conn or db).fetchone( "SELECT * FROM apipayments WHERE checking_id = :checking_id", {"checking_id": checking_id}, Payment, ) async def get_standalone_payment( checking_id_or_hash: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, incoming: Optional[bool] = False, wallet_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[Payment]: clause: str = "checking_id = :checking_id OR payment_hash = :hash" values = { "wallet_id": wallet_id, "checking_id": checking_id_or_hash, "hash": checking_id_or_hash, } if incoming: clause = f"({clause}) AND amount > 0" if wallet_id: clause = f"({clause}) AND wallet_id = :wallet_id" row = await (conn or db).fetchone( f""" SELECT * FROM apipayments WHERE {clause} ORDER BY amount LIMIT 1 """, values, Payment, ) return row async def get_wallet_payment( wallet_id: str, payment_hash: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> Optional[Payment]: payment = await (conn or db).fetchone( """ SELECT * FROM apipayments WHERE wallet_id = :wallet AND payment_hash = :hash """, {"wallet": wallet_id, "hash": payment_hash}, Payment, ) return payment async def get_latest_payments_by_extension( ext_name: str, ext_id: str, limit: int = 5 ) -> list[Payment]: return await db.fetchall( f""" SELECT * FROM apipayments WHERE status = '{PaymentState.SUCCESS}' AND extra LIKE :ext_name AND extra LIKE :ext_id ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT {limit} """, {"ext_name": f"%{ext_name}%", "ext_id": f"%{ext_id}%"}, Payment, ) async def get_payments_paginated( *, wallet_id: Optional[str] = None, complete: bool = False, pending: bool = False, failed: bool = False, outgoing: bool = False, incoming: bool = False, since: Optional[int] = None, exclude_uncheckable: bool = False, filters: Optional[Filters[PaymentFilters]] = None, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> Page[Payment]: """ Filters payments to be returned by: - complete | pending | failed | outgoing | incoming. """ values: dict = { "wallet_id": wallet_id, "time": since, } clause: list[str] = [] if since is not None: clause.append(f"time > {db.timestamp_placeholder('time')}") if wallet_id: clause.append("wallet_id = :wallet_id") if complete and pending: clause.append( f"(status = '{PaymentState.SUCCESS}' OR status = '{PaymentState.PENDING}')" ) elif complete: clause.append( f""" ( status = '{PaymentState.SUCCESS}' OR (amount < 0 AND status = '{PaymentState.PENDING}') ) """ ) elif pending: clause.append(f"status = '{PaymentState.PENDING}'") elif failed: clause.append(f"status = '{PaymentState.FAILED}'") if outgoing and incoming: pass elif outgoing: clause.append("amount < 0") elif incoming: clause.append("amount > 0") else: pass if exclude_uncheckable: # checkable means it has a checking_id that isn't internal clause.append("checking_id NOT LIKE 'temp_%'") clause.append("checking_id NOT LIKE 'internal_%'") return await (conn or db).fetch_page( "SELECT * FROM apipayments", clause, values, filters=filters, model=Payment, ) async def get_payments( *, wallet_id: Optional[str] = None, complete: bool = False, pending: bool = False, outgoing: bool = False, incoming: bool = False, since: Optional[int] = None, exclude_uncheckable: bool = False, filters: Optional[Filters[PaymentFilters]] = None, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, ) -> list[Payment]: """ Filters payments to be returned by complete | pending | outgoing | incoming. """ filters = filters or Filters() filters.sortby = filters.sortby or "time" filters.direction = filters.direction or "desc" filters.limit = limit or filters.limit filters.offset = offset or filters.offset page = await get_payments_paginated( wallet_id=wallet_id, complete=complete, pending=pending, outgoing=outgoing, incoming=incoming, since=since, exclude_uncheckable=exclude_uncheckable, filters=filters, conn=conn, ) return async def get_payments_status_count() -> PaymentsStatusCount: empty_page: Filters = Filters(limit=0) in_payments = await get_payments_paginated(incoming=True, filters=empty_page) out_payments = await get_payments_paginated(outgoing=True, filters=empty_page) pending_payments = await get_payments_paginated(pending=True, filters=empty_page) failed_payments = await get_payments_paginated(failed=True, filters=empty_page) return PaymentsStatusCount(,,,, ) async def delete_expired_invoices( conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> None: # first we delete all invoices older than one month await (conn or db).execute( f""" DELETE FROM apipayments WHERE status = '{PaymentState.PENDING}' AND amount > 0 AND time < {db.timestamp_placeholder("delta")} """, {"delta": int(time() - 2592000)}, ) # then we delete all invoices whose expiry date is in the past await (conn or db).execute( f""" DELETE FROM apipayments WHERE status = '{PaymentState.PENDING}' AND amount > 0 AND expiry < {db.timestamp_placeholder("now")} """, {"now": int(time())}, ) async def create_payment( checking_id: str, data: CreatePayment, status: PaymentState = PaymentState.PENDING, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> Payment: # we don't allow the creation of the same invoice twice # note: this can be removed if the db uniqueness constraints are set appropriately previous_payment = await get_standalone_payment(checking_id, conn=conn) assert previous_payment is None, "Payment already exists" payment = Payment( checking_id=checking_id, status=status, wallet_id=data.wallet_id, payment_hash=data.payment_hash, bolt11=data.bolt11, amount=data.amount_msat, memo=data.memo, preimage=data.preimage, expiry=data.expiry, webhook=data.webhook, fee=data.fee, extra=data.extra or {}, ) await (conn or db).insert("apipayments", payment) return payment async def update_payment_checking_id( checking_id: str, new_checking_id: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> None: await (conn or db).execute( "UPDATE apipayments SET checking_id = :new_id WHERE checking_id = :old_id", {"new_id": new_checking_id, "old_id": checking_id}, ) async def update_payment( payment: Payment, new_checking_id: Optional[str] = None, conn: Optional[Connection] = None, ) -> None: await (conn or db).update( "apipayments", payment, "WHERE checking_id = :checking_id" ) if new_checking_id and new_checking_id != payment.checking_id: await update_payment_checking_id(payment.checking_id, new_checking_id, conn) async def get_payments_history( wallet_id: Optional[str] = None, group: DateTrunc = "day", filters: Optional[Filters] = None, ) -> list[PaymentHistoryPoint]: if not filters: filters = Filters() if DB_TYPE == SQLITE and group in sqlite_formats: date_trunc = f"strftime('{sqlite_formats[group]}', time, 'unixepoch')" elif group in ("day", "hour", "month"): date_trunc = f"date_trunc('{group}', time)" else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid group value: {group}") values = { "wallet_id": wallet_id, } # count outgoing payments if they are still pending where = [ f""" wallet_id = :wallet_id AND ( status = '{PaymentState.SUCCESS}' OR (amount < 0 AND status = '{PaymentState.PENDING}') ) """ ] transactions: list[dict] = await db.fetchall( f""" SELECT {date_trunc} date, SUM(CASE WHEN amount > 0 THEN amount ELSE 0 END) income, SUM(CASE WHEN amount < 0 THEN abs(amount) + abs(fee) ELSE 0 END) spending FROM apipayments {filters.where(where)} GROUP BY date ORDER BY date DESC """, filters.values(values), ) if wallet_id: wallet = await get_wallet(wallet_id) if wallet: balance = wallet.balance_msat else: raise ValueError("Unknown wallet") else: balance = await get_total_balance() # since we dont know the balance at the starting point, # we take the current balance and walk backwards results: list[PaymentHistoryPoint] = [] for row in transactions: results.insert( 0, PaymentHistoryPoint( balance=balance, date=row.get("date", 0), income=row.get("income", 0), spending=row.get("spending", 0), ), ) balance -= row.get("income", 0) - row.get("spending", 0) return results async def delete_wallet_payment( checking_id: str, wallet_id: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> None: await (conn or db).execute( "DELETE FROM apipayments WHERE checking_id = :checking_id AND wallet = :wallet", {"checking_id": checking_id, "wallet": wallet_id}, ) async def check_internal( payment_hash: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> Optional[Payment]: """ Returns the checking_id of the internal payment if it exists, otherwise None """ return await (conn or db).fetchone( f""" SELECT * FROM apipayments WHERE payment_hash = :hash AND status = '{PaymentState.PENDING}' AND amount > 0 """, {"hash": payment_hash}, Payment, ) async def is_internal_status_success( payment_hash: str, conn: Optional[Connection] = None ) -> bool: """ Returns True if the internal payment was found and is successful, """ payment = await (conn or db).fetchone( """ SELECT * FROM apipayments WHERE payment_hash = :payment_hash AND amount > 0 """, {"payment_hash": payment_hash}, Payment, ) if not payment: return False return payment.status == PaymentState.SUCCESS.value async def mark_webhook_sent(payment_hash: str, status: int) -> None: await db.execute( """ UPDATE apipayments SET webhook_status = :status WHERE payment_hash = :hash """, {"status": status, "hash": payment_hash}, )