import asyncio import hashlib import json import uuid from http import HTTPStatus from io import BytesIO from math import ceil from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union from urllib.parse import ParseResult, parse_qs, urlencode, urlparse, urlunparse import httpx import pyqrcode from fastapi import ( APIRouter, Body, Depends, Header, Request, WebSocket, WebSocketDisconnect, ) from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from loguru import logger from sse_starlette.sse import EventSourceResponse from starlette.responses import StreamingResponse from lnbits import bolt11 from lnbits.core.db import core_app_extra, db from lnbits.core.helpers import ( migrate_extension_database, stop_extension_background_work, ) from lnbits.core.models import ( BaseWallet, ConversionData, CreateInvoice, CreateLnurl, CreateLnurlAuth, CreateWallet, DecodePayment, Payment, PaymentFilters, PaymentHistoryPoint, Query, User, Wallet, WalletType, ) from lnbits.db import Filters, Page from lnbits.decorators import ( WalletTypeInfo, check_access_token, check_admin, check_user_exists, get_key_type, parse_filters, require_admin_key, require_invoice_key, ) from lnbits.extension_manager import ( CreateExtension, Extension, ExtensionRelease, InstallableExtension, fetch_github_release_config, fetch_release_payment_info, get_valid_extensions, ) from lnbits.helpers import generate_filter_params_openapi, url_for from lnbits.lnurl import decode as lnurl_decode from lnbits.settings import settings from lnbits.utils.exchange_rates import ( currencies, fiat_amount_as_satoshis, satoshis_amount_as_fiat, ) from ..crud import ( DateTrunc, add_installed_extension, create_account, create_wallet, delete_dbversion, delete_installed_extension, delete_wallet, drop_extension_db, get_dbversions, get_installed_extension, get_payments, get_payments_history, get_payments_paginated, get_standalone_payment, get_wallet_for_key, save_balance_check, update_pending_payments, update_wallet, ) from import ( InvoiceFailure, PaymentFailure, check_transaction_status, create_invoice, fee_reserve_total, pay_invoice, perform_lnurlauth, websocketManager, websocketUpdater, ) from ..tasks import api_invoice_listeners api_router = APIRouter() @api_router.get("/api/v1/health", status_code=HTTPStatus.OK) async def health(): return @api_router.get("/api/v1/wallet") async def api_wallet(wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type)): if wallet.wallet_type == WalletType.admin: return { "id":, "name":, "balance": wallet.wallet.balance_msat, } else: return {"name":, "balance": wallet.wallet.balance_msat} @api_router.get( "/api/v1/wallets", name="Wallets", description="Get basic info for all of user's wallets.", ) async def api_wallets(user: User = Depends(check_user_exists)) -> List[BaseWallet]: return [BaseWallet(**w.dict()) for w in user.wallets] @api_router.put("/api/v1/wallet/{new_name}") async def api_update_wallet_name( new_name: str, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(require_admin_key) ): await update_wallet(, new_name) return { "id":, "name":, "balance": wallet.wallet.balance_msat, } @api_router.patch("/api/v1/wallet", response_model=Wallet) async def api_update_wallet( name: Optional[str] = Body(None), currency: Optional[str] = Body(None), wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(require_admin_key), ): return await update_wallet(, name, currency) @api_router.delete("/api/v1/wallet") async def api_delete_wallet( wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(require_admin_key), ) -> None: await delete_wallet( user_id=wallet.wallet.user,, )"/api/v1/wallet", response_model=Wallet) async def api_create_wallet( data: CreateWallet, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(require_admin_key), ) -> Wallet: return await create_wallet(user_id=wallet.wallet.user,"/api/v1/account", response_model=Wallet) async def api_create_account(data: CreateWallet) -> Wallet: if not settings.new_accounts_allowed: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="Account creation is disabled.", ) account = await create_account() return await create_wallet(, @api_router.get( "/api/v1/payments", name="Payment List", summary="get list of payments", response_description="list of payments", response_model=List[Payment], openapi_extra=generate_filter_params_openapi(PaymentFilters), ) async def api_payments( wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type), filters: Filters = Depends(parse_filters(PaymentFilters)), ): await update_pending_payments( return await get_payments(, pending=True, complete=True, filters=filters, ) @api_router.get( "/api/v1/payments/history", name="Get payments history", response_model=List[PaymentHistoryPoint], openapi_extra=generate_filter_params_openapi(PaymentFilters), ) async def api_payments_history( wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type), group: DateTrunc = Query("day"), filters: Filters[PaymentFilters] = Depends(parse_filters(PaymentFilters)), ): await update_pending_payments( return await get_payments_history(, group, filters) @api_router.get( "/api/v1/payments/paginated", name="Payment List", summary="get paginated list of payments", response_description="list of payments", response_model=Page[Payment], openapi_extra=generate_filter_params_openapi(PaymentFilters), ) async def api_payments_paginated( wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type), filters: Filters = Depends(parse_filters(PaymentFilters)), ): await update_pending_payments( page = await get_payments_paginated(, pending=True, complete=True, filters=filters, ) return page async def api_payments_create_invoice(data: CreateInvoice, wallet: Wallet): description_hash = b"" unhashed_description = b"" memo = data.memo or settings.lnbits_site_title if data.description_hash or data.unhashed_description: if data.description_hash: try: description_hash = bytes.fromhex(data.description_hash) except ValueError: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="'description_hash' must be a valid hex string", ) if data.unhashed_description: try: unhashed_description = bytes.fromhex(data.unhashed_description) except ValueError: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="'unhashed_description' must be a valid hex string", ) # do not save memo if description_hash or unhashed_description is set memo = "" async with db.connect() as conn: try: payment_hash, payment_request = await create_invoice(, amount=data.amount, memo=memo, currency=data.unit, description_hash=description_hash, unhashed_description=unhashed_description, expiry=data.expiry, extra=data.extra, webhook=data.webhook, internal=data.internal, conn=conn, ) # NOTE: we get the checking_id with a seperate query because create_invoice # does not return it and it would be a big hustle to change its return type # (used across extensions) payment_db = await get_standalone_payment(payment_hash, conn=conn) assert payment_db is not None, "payment not found" checking_id = payment_db.checking_id except InvoiceFailure as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=520, detail=str(e)) except Exception as exc: raise exc invoice = bolt11.decode(payment_request) lnurl_response: Union[None, bool, str] = None if data.lnurl_callback: if data.lnurl_balance_check is not None: await save_balance_check(, data.lnurl_balance_check) headers = {"User-Agent": settings.user_agent} async with httpx.AsyncClient(headers=headers) as client: try: r = await client.get( data.lnurl_callback, params={ "pr": payment_request, "balanceNotify": url_for( f"/withdraw/notify/{urlparse(data.lnurl_callback).netloc}", external=True,, ), }, timeout=10, ) if r.is_error: lnurl_response = r.text else: resp = json.loads(r.text) if resp["status"] != "OK": lnurl_response = resp["reason"] else: lnurl_response = True except (httpx.ConnectError, httpx.RequestError) as ex: logger.error(ex) lnurl_response = False return { "payment_hash": invoice.payment_hash, "payment_request": payment_request, # maintain backwards compatibility with API clients: "checking_id": checking_id, "lnurl_response": lnurl_response, } async def api_payments_pay_invoice( bolt11: str, wallet: Wallet, extra: Optional[dict] = None ): try: payment_hash = await pay_invoice(, payment_request=bolt11, extra=extra ) except ValueError as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=str(e)) except PermissionError as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, detail=str(e)) except PaymentFailure as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=520, detail=str(e)) except Exception as exc: raise exc return { "payment_hash": payment_hash, # maintain backwards compatibility with API clients: "checking_id": payment_hash, } "/api/v1/payments", summary="Create or pay an invoice", description=""" This endpoint can be used both to generate and pay a BOLT11 invoice. To generate a new invoice for receiving funds into the authorized account, specify at least the first four fields in the POST body: `out: false`, `amount`, `unit`, and `memo`. To pay an arbitrary invoice from the funds already in the authorized account, specify `out: true` and use the `bolt11` field to supply the BOLT11 invoice to be paid. """, status_code=HTTPStatus.CREATED, ) async def api_payments_create( wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(require_invoice_key), invoiceData: CreateInvoice = Body(...), ): if invoiceData.out is True and wallet.wallet_type == WalletType.admin: if not invoiceData.bolt11: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="BOLT11 string is invalid or not given", ) return await api_payments_pay_invoice( invoiceData.bolt11, wallet.wallet, invoiceData.extra ) # admin key elif not invoiceData.out: # invoice key return await api_payments_create_invoice(invoiceData, wallet.wallet) else: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Invoice (or Admin) key required.", ) @api_router.get("/api/v1/payments/fee-reserve") async def api_payments_fee_reserve(invoice: str = Query("invoice")) -> JSONResponse: invoice_obj = bolt11.decode(invoice) if invoice_obj.amount_msat: response = { "fee_reserve": fee_reserve_total(invoice_obj.amount_msat), } return JSONResponse(response) else: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="Invoice has no amount.", )"/api/v1/payments/lnurl") async def api_payments_pay_lnurl( data: CreateLnurl, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(require_admin_key) ): domain = urlparse(data.callback).netloc headers = {"User-Agent": settings.user_agent} async with httpx.AsyncClient(headers=headers, follow_redirects=True) as client: try: if data.unit and data.unit != "sat": amount_msat = await fiat_amount_as_satoshis(data.amount, data.unit) # no msat precision amount_msat = ceil(amount_msat // 1000) * 1000 else: amount_msat = data.amount r = await client.get( data.callback, params={"amount": amount_msat, "comment": data.comment}, timeout=40, ) if r.is_error: raise httpx.ConnectError("LNURL callback connection error") r.raise_for_status() except (httpx.ConnectError, httpx.RequestError): raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=f"Failed to connect to {domain}.", ) params = json.loads(r.text) if params.get("status") == "ERROR": raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=f"{domain} said: '{params.get('reason', '')}'", ) if not params.get("pr"): raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=f"{domain} did not return a payment request.", ) invoice = bolt11.decode(params["pr"]) if invoice.amount_msat != amount_msat: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=( ( f"{domain} returned an invalid invoice. Expected" f" {amount_msat} msat, got {invoice.amount_msat}." ), ), ) extra = {} if params.get("successAction"): extra["success_action"] = params["successAction"] if data.comment: extra["comment"] = data.comment if data.unit and data.unit != "sat": extra["fiat_currency"] = data.unit extra["fiat_amount"] = data.amount / 1000 assert data.description is not None, "description is required" payment_hash = await pay_invoice(, payment_request=params["pr"], description=data.description, extra=extra, ) return { "success_action": params.get("successAction"), "payment_hash": payment_hash, # maintain backwards compatibility with API clients: "checking_id": payment_hash, } async def subscribe_wallet_invoices(request: Request, wallet: Wallet): """ Subscribe to new invoices for a wallet. Can be wrapped in EventSourceResponse. Listenes invoming payments for a wallet and yields jsons with payment details. """ this_wallet_id = payment_queue: asyncio.Queue[Payment] = asyncio.Queue(0) uid = f"{this_wallet_id}_{str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]}" logger.debug(f"adding sse listener for wallet: {uid}") api_invoice_listeners[uid] = payment_queue try: while True: if await request.is_disconnected(): await request.close() break payment: Payment = await payment_queue.get() if payment.wallet_id == this_wallet_id: logger.debug("sse listener: payment received", payment) yield dict(data=payment.json(), event="payment-received") except asyncio.CancelledError: logger.debug(f"removing listener for wallet {uid}") except Exception as exc: logger.error(f"Error in sse: {exc}") finally: api_invoice_listeners.pop(uid) @api_router.get("/api/v1/payments/sse") async def api_payments_sse( request: Request, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type) ): return EventSourceResponse( subscribe_wallet_invoices(request, wallet.wallet), ping=20, media_type="text/event-stream", ) # TODO: refactor this route into a public and admin one @api_router.get("/api/v1/payments/{payment_hash}") async def api_payment(payment_hash, X_Api_Key: Optional[str] = Header(None)): # We use X_Api_Key here because we want this call to work with and without keys # If a valid key is given, we also return the field "details", otherwise not wallet = await get_wallet_for_key(X_Api_Key) if isinstance(X_Api_Key, str) else None wallet = wallet if wallet and not wallet.deleted else None # we have to specify the wallet id here, because postgres and sqlite return # internal payments in different order and get_standalone_payment otherwise # just fetches the first one, causing unpredictable results payment = await get_standalone_payment( payment_hash, if wallet else None ) if payment is None: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Payment does not exist." ) await check_transaction_status(payment.wallet_id, payment_hash) payment = await get_standalone_payment( payment_hash, if wallet else None ) if not payment: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Payment does not exist." ) elif not payment.pending: if wallet and == payment.wallet_id: return {"paid": True, "preimage": payment.preimage, "details": payment} return {"paid": True, "preimage": payment.preimage} try: await payment.check_status() except Exception: if wallet and == payment.wallet_id: return {"paid": False, "details": payment} return {"paid": False} if wallet and == payment.wallet_id: return { "paid": not payment.pending, "preimage": payment.preimage, "details": payment, } return {"paid": not payment.pending, "preimage": payment.preimage} @api_router.get("/api/v1/lnurlscan/{code}") async def api_lnurlscan(code: str, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type)): try: url = str(lnurl_decode(code)) domain = urlparse(url).netloc except Exception: # parse internet identifier ( name_domain = code.split("@") if len(name_domain) == 2 and len(name_domain[1].split(".")) >= 2: name, domain = name_domain url = ( ("http://" if domain.endswith(".onion") else "https://") + domain + "/.well-known/lnurlp/" + name ) # will proceed with these values else: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="invalid lnurl" ) # params is what will be returned to the client params: Dict = {"domain": domain} if "tag=login" in url: params.update(kind="auth") params.update(callback=url) # with k1 already in it lnurlauth_key = wallet.wallet.lnurlauth_key(domain) assert lnurlauth_key.verifying_key params.update(pubkey=lnurlauth_key.verifying_key.to_string("compressed").hex()) else: headers = {"User-Agent": settings.user_agent} async with httpx.AsyncClient(headers=headers, follow_redirects=True) as client: r = await client.get(url, timeout=5) r.raise_for_status() if r.is_error: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, detail={"domain": domain, "message": "failed to get parameters"}, ) try: data = json.loads(r.text) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, detail={ "domain": domain, "message": f"got invalid response '{r.text[:200]}'", }, ) try: tag: str = data.get("tag") params.update(**data) if tag == "channelRequest": raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail={ "domain": domain, "kind": "channel", "message": "unsupported", }, ) elif tag == "withdrawRequest": params.update(kind="withdraw") params.update(fixed=data["minWithdrawable"] == data["maxWithdrawable"]) # callback with k1 already in it parsed_callback: ParseResult = urlparse(data["callback"]) qs: Dict = parse_qs(parsed_callback.query) qs["k1"] = data["k1"] # balanceCheck/balanceNotify if "balanceCheck" in data: params.update(balanceCheck=data["balanceCheck"]) # format callback url and send to client parsed_callback = parsed_callback._replace( query=urlencode(qs, doseq=True) ) params.update(callback=urlunparse(parsed_callback)) elif tag == "payRequest": params.update(kind="pay") params.update(fixed=data["minSendable"] == data["maxSendable"]) params.update( description_hash=hashlib.sha256( data["metadata"].encode() ).hexdigest() ) metadata = json.loads(data["metadata"]) for [k, v] in metadata: if k == "text/plain": params.update(description=v) if k in ("image/jpeg;base64", "image/png;base64"): data_uri = f"data:{k},{v}" params.update(image=data_uri) if k in ("text/email", "text/identifier"): params.update(targetUser=v) params.update(commentAllowed=data.get("commentAllowed", 0)) except KeyError as exc: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, detail={ "domain": domain, "message": f"lnurl JSON response invalid: {exc}", }, ) return params"/api/v1/payments/decode", status_code=HTTPStatus.OK) async def api_payments_decode(data: DecodePayment) -> JSONResponse: payment_str = try: if payment_str[:5] == "LNURL": url = str(lnurl_decode(payment_str)) return JSONResponse({"domain": url}) else: invoice = bolt11.decode(payment_str) return JSONResponse( except Exception as exc: return JSONResponse( {"message": f"Failed to decode: {str(exc)}"}, status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, )"/api/v1/lnurlauth") async def api_perform_lnurlauth( data: CreateLnurlAuth, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(require_admin_key) ): err = await perform_lnurlauth(data.callback, wallet=wallet) if err: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, detail=err.reason ) return "" @api_router.get("/api/v1/currencies") async def api_list_currencies_available(): if len(settings.lnbits_allowed_currencies) > 0: return [ item for item in currencies.keys() if item.upper() in settings.lnbits_allowed_currencies ] return list(currencies.keys())"/api/v1/conversion") async def api_fiat_as_sats(data: ConversionData): output = {} if data.from_ == "sat": output["BTC"] = data.amount / 100000000 output["sats"] = int(data.amount) for currency in","): output[currency.strip().upper()] = await satoshis_amount_as_fiat( data.amount, currency.strip() ) return output else: output[data.from_.upper()] = data.amount output["sats"] = await fiat_amount_as_satoshis(data.amount, data.from_) output["BTC"] = output["sats"] / 100000000 return output @api_router.get("/api/v1/qrcode/{data}", response_class=StreamingResponse) async def img(data): qr = pyqrcode.create(data) stream = BytesIO() qr.svg(stream, scale=3) async def _generator(stream: BytesIO): yield stream.getvalue() return StreamingResponse( _generator(stream), headers={ "Content-Type": "image/svg+xml", "Cache-Control": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate", "Pragma": "no-cache", "Expires": "0", }, ) @api_router.websocket("/api/v1/ws/{item_id}") async def websocket_connect(websocket: WebSocket, item_id: str): await websocketManager.connect(websocket, item_id) try: while True: await websocket.receive_text() except WebSocketDisconnect: websocketManager.disconnect(websocket)"/api/v1/ws/{item_id}") async def websocket_update_post(item_id: str, data: str): try: await websocketUpdater(item_id, data) return {"sent": True, "data": data} except Exception: return {"sent": False, "data": data} @api_router.get("/api/v1/ws/{item_id}/{data}") async def websocket_update_get(item_id: str, data: str): try: await websocketUpdater(item_id, data) return {"sent": True, "data": data} except Exception: return {"sent": False, "data": data}"/api/v1/extension") async def api_install_extension( data: CreateExtension, user: User = Depends(check_admin), access_token: Optional[str] = Depends(check_access_token), ): release = await InstallableExtension.get_extension_release( data.ext_id, data.source_repo, data.archive, data.version ) if not release: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Release not found" ) if not release.is_version_compatible: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="Incompatible extension version" ) release.payment_hash = data.payment_hash ext_info = InstallableExtension( id=data.ext_id, name=data.ext_id, installed_release=release, icon=release.icon ) try: installed_ext = await get_installed_extension(data.ext_id) ext_info.payments = installed_ext.payments if installed_ext else [] await ext_info.download_archive() ext_info.extract_archive() extension = Extension.from_installable_ext(ext_info) db_version = (await get_dbversions()).get(data.ext_id, 0) await migrate_extension_database(extension, db_version) await add_installed_extension(ext_info) if extension.is_upgrade_extension: # call stop while the old routes are still active await stop_extension_background_work(data.ext_id,, access_token) if data.ext_id not in settings.lnbits_deactivated_extensions: settings.lnbits_deactivated_extensions += [data.ext_id] # mount routes for the new version core_app_extra.register_new_ext_routes(extension) if extension.upgrade_hash: ext_info.nofiy_upgrade() return extension except AssertionError as e: raise HTTPException(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, str(e)) except Exception as ex: logger.warning(ex) ext_info.clean_extension_files() raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=( f"Failed to install extension {} " f"({ext_info.installed_version})." ), ) @api_router.delete("/api/v1/extension/{ext_id}") async def api_uninstall_extension( ext_id: str, user: User = Depends(check_admin), access_token: Optional[str] = Depends(check_access_token), ): installable_extensions = await InstallableExtension.get_installable_extensions() extensions = [e for e in installable_extensions if == ext_id] if len(extensions) == 0: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=f"Unknown extension id: {ext_id}", ) # check that other extensions do not depend on this one for valid_ext_id in list(map(lambda e: e.code, get_valid_extensions())): installed_ext = next( (ext for ext in installable_extensions if == valid_ext_id), None ) if installed_ext and ext_id in installed_ext.dependencies: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=( f"Cannot uninstall. Extension '{}' " "depends on this one." ), ) try: # call stop while the old routes are still active await stop_extension_background_work(ext_id,, access_token) if ext_id not in settings.lnbits_deactivated_extensions: settings.lnbits_deactivated_extensions += [ext_id] for ext_info in extensions: ext_info.clean_extension_files() await delete_installed_extension( logger.success(f"Extension '{ext_id}' uninstalled.") except Exception as ex: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(ex) ) @api_router.get( "/api/v1/extension/{ext_id}/releases", dependencies=[Depends(check_admin)] ) async def get_extension_releases(ext_id: str): try: extension_releases: List[ ExtensionRelease ] = await InstallableExtension.get_extension_releases(ext_id) installed_ext = await get_installed_extension(ext_id) if not installed_ext: return extension_releases for release in extension_releases: payment_info = installed_ext.find_existing_payment(release.pay_link) if payment_info: release.paid_sats = payment_info.amount return extension_releases except Exception as ex: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(ex) ) @api_router.put("/api/v1/extension/invoice", dependencies=[Depends(check_admin)]) async def get_extension_invoice(data: CreateExtension): try: assert data.cost_sats, "A non-zero amount must be specified" release = await InstallableExtension.get_extension_release( data.ext_id, data.source_repo, data.archive, data.version ) assert release, "Release not found" assert release.pay_link, "Pay link not found for release" payment_info = await fetch_release_payment_info( release.pay_link, data.cost_sats ) assert payment_info and payment_info.payment_request, "Cannot request invoice" invoice = bolt11.decode(payment_info.payment_request) assert invoice.amount_msat is not None, "Invoic amount is missing" invoice_amount = int(invoice.amount_msat / 1000) assert ( invoice_amount == data.cost_sats ), f"Wrong invoice amount: {invoice_amount}." assert ( payment_info.payment_hash == invoice.payment_hash ), "Wroong invoice payment hash" return payment_info except AssertionError as e: raise HTTPException(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, str(e)) except Exception as ex: logger.warning(ex) raise HTTPException(HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot request invoice") @api_router.get( "/api/v1/extension/release/{org}/{repo}/{tag_name}", dependencies=[Depends(check_admin)], ) async def get_extension_release(org: str, repo: str, tag_name: str): try: config = await fetch_github_release_config(org, repo, tag_name) if not config: return {} return { "min_lnbits_version": config.min_lnbits_version, "is_version_compatible": config.is_version_compatible(), "warning": config.warning, } except Exception as ex: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(ex) ) @api_router.delete( "/api/v1/extension/{ext_id}/db", dependencies=[Depends(check_admin)], ) async def delete_extension_db(ext_id: str): try: db_version = (await get_dbversions()).get(ext_id, None) if not db_version: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=f"Unknown extension id: {ext_id}", ) await drop_extension_db(ext_id=ext_id) await delete_dbversion(ext_id=ext_id) logger.success(f"Database removed for extension '{ext_id}'") except HTTPException as ex: logger.error(ex) raise ex except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex) raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=f"Cannot delete data for extension '{ext_id}'", )