/* globals Quasar, Vue, _, VueQrcode, windowMixin, LNbits, LOCALE */ Vue.component(VueQrcode.name, VueQrcode) const pica = window.pica() function imgSizeFit(img, maxWidth = 1024, maxHeight = 768) { let ratio = Math.min( 1, maxWidth / img.naturalWidth, maxHeight / img.naturalHeight ) return {width: img.naturalWidth * ratio, height: img.naturalHeight * ratio} } const defaultItemData = { unit: 'sat' } new Vue({ el: '#vue', mixins: [windowMixin], data() { return { selectedWallet: null, confirmationMethod: 'wordlist', wordlistTainted: false, offlineshop: { method: null, wordlist: [], items: [] }, itemDialog: { show: false, urlImg: true, data: {...defaultItemData}, units: ['sat'] } } }, computed: { printItems() { return this.offlineshop.items.filter(({enabled}) => enabled) } }, methods: { openNewDialog() { this.itemDialog.show = true this.itemDialog.data = {...defaultItemData} }, openUpdateDialog(itemId) { this.itemDialog.show = true let item = this.offlineshop.items.find(item => item.id === itemId) if (item.image.startsWith('data:')) { this.itemDialog.urlImg = false } this.itemDialog.data = item }, imageAdded(file) { let blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(file) let image = new Image() image.src = blobURL image.onload = async () => { let fit = imgSizeFit(image, 100, 100) let canvas = document.createElement('canvas') canvas.setAttribute('width', fit.width) canvas.setAttribute('height', fit.height) output = await pica.resize(image, canvas) this.itemDialog.data.image = output.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.4) this.itemDialog = {...this.itemDialog} } }, imageCleared() { this.itemDialog.data.image = null this.itemDialog = {...this.itemDialog} }, disabledAddItemButton() { return ( !this.itemDialog.data.name || this.itemDialog.data.name.length === 0 || !this.itemDialog.data.price || !this.itemDialog.data.description || !this.itemDialog.data.unit || this.itemDialog.data.unit.length === 0 ) }, changedWallet(wallet) { this.selectedWallet = wallet this.loadShop() }, loadShop() { LNbits.api .request( 'GET', '/offlineshop/api/v1/offlineshop', this.selectedWallet.inkey ) .then(response => { this.offlineshop = response.data this.confirmationMethod = response.data.method this.wordlistTainted = false }) .catch(err => { LNbits.utils.notifyApiError(err) }) }, async setMethod() { try { await LNbits.api.request( 'PUT', '/offlineshop/api/v1/offlineshop/method', this.selectedWallet.inkey, {method: this.confirmationMethod, wordlist: this.offlineshop.wordlist} ) } catch (err) { LNbits.utils.notifyApiError(err) return } this.$q.notify({ message: `Method set to ${this.confirmationMethod}.` + (this.confirmationMethod === 'wordlist' ? ' Counter reset.' : ''), timeout: 700 }) this.loadShop() }, async sendItem() { let {id, name, image, description, price, unit} = this.itemDialog.data const data = { name, description, image, price, unit, fiat_base_multiplier: unit == 'sat' ? 1 : 100 } try { if (id) { await LNbits.api.request( 'PUT', '/offlineshop/api/v1/offlineshop/items/' + id, this.selectedWallet.inkey, data ) } else { await LNbits.api.request( 'POST', '/offlineshop/api/v1/offlineshop/items', this.selectedWallet.inkey, data ) this.$q.notify({ message: `Item '${this.itemDialog.data.name}' added.`, timeout: 700 }) } } catch (err) { LNbits.utils.notifyApiError(err) return } this.loadShop() this.itemDialog.show = false this.itemDialog.urlImg = true this.itemDialog.data = {...defaultItemData} }, toggleItem(itemId) { let item = this.offlineshop.items.find(item => item.id === itemId) item.enabled = !item.enabled LNbits.api .request( 'PUT', '/offlineshop/api/v1/offlineshop/items/' + itemId, this.selectedWallet.inkey, item ) .then(response => { this.$q.notify({ message: `Item ${item.enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}.`, timeout: 700 }) this.offlineshop.items = this.offlineshop.items }) .catch(err => { LNbits.utils.notifyApiError(err) }) }, deleteItem(itemId) { LNbits.utils .confirmDialog('Are you sure you want to delete this item?') .onOk(() => { LNbits.api .request( 'DELETE', '/offlineshop/api/v1/offlineshop/items/' + itemId, this.selectedWallet.inkey ) .then(response => { this.$q.notify({ message: `Item deleted.`, timeout: 700 }) this.offlineshop.items.splice( this.offlineshop.items.findIndex(item => item.id === itemId), 1 ) }) .catch(err => { LNbits.utils.notifyApiError(err) }) }) } }, created() { this.selectedWallet = this.g.user.wallets[0] this.loadShop() LNbits.api .request('GET', '/offlineshop/api/v1/currencies') .then(response => { this.itemDialog = {...this.itemDialog, units: ['sat', ...response.data]} }) .catch(err => { LNbits.utils.notifyApiError(err) }) } })