async function serialSigner(path) { const t = await loadTemplateAsync(path) Vue.component('serial-signer', { name: 'serial-signer', template: t, props: [], data: function () { return { selectedPort: null, writableStreamClosed: null, writer: null, readableStreamClosed: null, reader: null, showAdvancedConfig: false, receivedData: '', config: {}, hww: { password: null, showPassword: false, mnemonic: null, showMnemonic: false, authenticated: false, showPasswordDialog: false, showWipeDialog: false, showRestoreDialog: false, showConsole: false, showSignedPsbt: false, sendingPsbt: false, signingPsbt: false, psbtSent: false } } }, methods: { openSerialPort: async function () { if (!this.checkSerialPortSupported()) return console.log('### openSerialPort', this.selectedPort) try { navigator.serial.addEventListener('connect', event => { console.log('### navigator.serial event: connected!', event) }) navigator.serial.addEventListener('disconnect', () => { this.hww.authenticated = false this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Disconnected from Serial Port!', timeout: 10000 }) }) this.selectedPort = await navigator.serial.requestPort() // Wait for the serial port to open. await{baudRate: 9600}) this.startSerialPortReading() const textEncoder = new TextEncoderStream() this.writableStreamClosed = textEncoder.readable.pipeTo( this.selectedPort.writable ) this.writer = textEncoder.writable.getWriter() } catch (error) { this.selectedPort = null this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Cannot open serial port!', caption: `${error}`, timeout: 10000 }) } }, checkSerialPortSupported: function () { if (!navigator.serial) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Serial port communication not supported!', caption: 'Make sure your browser supports Serial Port and that you are using HTTPS.', timeout: 10000 }) return false } return true }, startSerialPortReading: async function () { const port = this.selectedPort while (port && port.readable) { const textDecoder = new TextDecoderStream() this.readableStreamClosed = port.readable.pipeTo(textDecoder.writable) this.reader = textDecoder.readable.getReader() const readStringUntil = readFromSerialPort(this.reader) try { while (true) { const {value, done} = await readStringUntil('\n') console.log('### value', value) if (value) { this.handleSerialPortResponse(value) this.updateSerialPortConsole(value) } console.log('### startSerialPortReading DONE', done) if (done) return } } catch (error) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Serial port communication error!', caption: `${error}`, timeout: 10000 }) } } console.log('### startSerialPortReading port', port) }, handleSerialPortResponse: function (value) { const msg = value.split(' ') if (msg[0] == COMMAND_SIGN_PSBT) this.handleSignResponse(msg[1]) else if (msg[0] == COMMAND_PASSWORD) this.handleLoginResponse(msg[1]) else if (msg[0] == COMMAND_PASSWORD_CLEAR) this.handleLogoutResponse(msg[1]) else if (msg[0] == COMMAND_SEND_PSBT) this.handleSendPsbtResponse(msg[1]) else if (msg[0] == COMMAND_WIPE) this.handleWipeResponse(msg[1]) else console.log('### handleSerialPortResponse', value) }, updateSerialPortConsole: function (value) { this.receivedData += value + '\n' const textArea = document.getElementById( 'watchonly-serial-port-data-input' ) if (textArea) textArea.scrollTop = textArea.scrollHeight }, hwwShowPasswordDialog: async function () { try { this.hww.showPasswordDialog = true await this.writer.write(COMMAND_PASSWORD + '\n') } catch (error) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Failed to connect to Hardware Wallet!', caption: `${error}`, timeout: 10000 }) } }, hwwShowWipeDialog: async function () { try { this.hww.showWipeDialog = true await this.writer.write(COMMAND_WIPE + '\n') } catch (error) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Failed to connect to Hardware Wallet!', caption: `${error}`, timeout: 10000 }) } }, hwwShowRestoreDialog: async function () { try { this.hww.showRestoreDialog = true await this.writer.write(COMMAND_WIPE + '\n') } catch (error) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Failed to connect to Hardware Wallet!', caption: `${error}`, timeout: 10000 }) } }, hwwLogin: async function () { try { await this.writer.write( COMMAND_PASSWORD + ' ' + this.hww.password + '\n' ) } catch (error) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Failed to send password to Hardware Wallet!', caption: `${error}`, timeout: 10000 }) } finally { this.hww.showPasswordDialog = false this.hww.password = null this.hww.showPassword = false } }, handleLoginResponse: function (res = '') { this.hww.authenticated = res.trim() === '1' if (this.hww.authenticated) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'positive', message: 'Login successfull!', timeout: 10000 }) } else { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Wrong password, try again!', timeout: 10000 }) } }, hwwLogout: async function () { try { await this.writer.write(COMMAND_PASSWORD_CLEAR + '\n') } catch (error) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Failed to logout from Hardware Wallet!', caption: `${error}`, timeout: 10000 }) } }, handleLogoutResponse: function (res = '') { this.hww.authenticated = !(res.trim() === '1') if (this.hww.authenticated) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Failed to logout from Hardware Wallet', timeout: 10000 }) } }, hwwExecuteDefaultCommand: function () { if (this.hww.authenticated) { this.hwwSendPsbt() } else { this.hwwShowPasswordDialog() } }, hwwSendPsbt: async function () { try { this.hww.sendingPsbt = true await this.writer.write( COMMAND_SEND_PSBT + ' ' + this.payment.psbtBase64 + '\n' ) this.$q.notify({ type: 'positive', message: 'Data sent to serial port device!', timeout: 5000 }) } catch (error) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Failed to send data to serial port!', caption: `${error}`, timeout: 10000 }) } }, handleSendPsbtResponse: function (res = '') { this.hww.psbtSent = true this.hww.sendingPsbt = false }, hwwSignPsbt: async function () { try { this.hww.signingPsbt = true await this.writer.write(COMMAND_SIGN_PSBT + '\n') this.$q.notify({ type: 'positive', message: 'PSBT signed!', timeout: 5000 }) } catch (error) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Failed to sign PSBT!', caption: `${error}`, timeout: 10000 }) } }, handleSignResponse: function (res = '') { this.hww.signingPsbt = false this.updateSignedPsbt(res) if (this.hww.authenticated) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'positive', message: 'Transaction Signed', timeout: 10000 }) } }, hwwHelp: async function () { try { await this.writer.write(COMMAND_HELP + '\n') this.$q.notify({ type: 'positive', message: 'Check display or console for details!', timeout: 5000 }) } catch (error) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Failed to ask for help!', caption: `${error}`, timeout: 10000 }) } }, hwwWipe: async function () { try { this.hww.showWipeDialog = false await this.writer.write(COMMAND_WIPE + ' ' + this.hww.password + '\n') } catch (error) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Failed to ask for help!', caption: `${error}`, timeout: 10000 }) } finally { this.hww.password = null this.hww.showPassword = false } }, handleWipeResponse: function (res = '') { const wiped = res.trim() === '1' console.log('### wiped', wiped) if (wiped) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'positive', message: 'Wallet wiped!', timeout: 10000 }) } else { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Failed to wipe wallet!', caption: `${error}`, timeout: 10000 }) } }, hwwShowSeed: async function () { try { await this.writer.write(COMMAND_SEED + '\n') } catch (error) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Failed to show seed!', caption: `${error}`, timeout: 10000 }) } }, hwwRestore: async function () { try { await this.writer.write( COMMAND_RESTORE + ' ' + this.hww.mnemonic + '\n' ) await this.writer.write( COMMAND_PASSWORD + ' ' + this.hww.password + '\n' ) } catch (error) { this.$q.notify({ type: 'warning', message: 'Failed to restore from seed!', caption: `${error}`, timeout: 10000 }) } finally { this.hww.showRestoreDialog = false this.hww.mnemonic = null this.hww.showMnemonic = false this.hww.password = null this.hww.showPassword = false } } }, created: async function () {} }) }