from http import HTTPStatus from typing import List, Tuple from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from starlette.types import ASGIApp, Receive, Scope, Send from lnbits.settings import settings class InstalledExtensionMiddleware: # This middleware class intercepts calls made to the extensions API and: # - it blocks the calls if the extension has been disabled or uninstalled. # - it redirects the calls to the latest version of the extension if the extension has been upgraded. # - otherwise it has no effect def __init__(self, app: ASGIApp) -> None: = app async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None: if "path" not in scope: await, receive, send) return path_elements = scope["path"].split("/") if len(path_elements) > 2: _, path_name, path_type, *rest = path_elements else: _, path_name = path_elements path_type = None # block path for all users if the extension is disabled if path_name in settings.lnbits_deactivated_extensions: response = JSONResponse( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, content={"detail": f"Extension '{path_name}' disabled"}, ) await response(scope, receive, send) return # re-route API trafic if the extension has been upgraded if path_type == "api": upgraded_extensions = list( filter( lambda ext: ext.endswith(f"/{path_name}"), settings.lnbits_upgraded_extensions, ) ) if len(upgraded_extensions) != 0: upgrade_path = upgraded_extensions[0] tail = "/".join(rest) scope["path"] = f"/upgrades/{upgrade_path}/{path_type}/{tail}" await, receive, send) class ExtensionsRedirectMiddleware: # Extensions are allowed to specify redirect paths. # A call to a path outside the scope of the extension can be redirected to one of the extension's endpoints. # Eg: redirect `GET /.well-known` to `GET /lnurlp/api/v1/well-known` def __init__(self, app: ASGIApp) -> None: = app async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None: if "path" not in scope: await, receive, send) return req_headers = scope["headers"] if "headers" in scope else [] redirect = self._find_redirect(scope["path"], req_headers) if redirect: scope["path"] = self._new_path(redirect, scope["path"]) await, receive, send) def _find_redirect(self, path: str, req_headers: List[Tuple[bytes, bytes]]): return next( ( r for r in settings.lnbits_extensions_redirects if self._redirect_matches(r, path, req_headers) ), None, ) def _redirect_matches( self, redirect: dict, path: str, req_headers: List[Tuple[bytes, bytes]] ) -> bool: if "from_path" not in redirect: return False header_filters = ( redirect["header_filters"] if "header_filters" in redirect else [] ) return self._has_common_path(redirect["from_path"], path) and self._has_headers( header_filters, req_headers ) def _has_headers( self, filter_headers: dict, req_headers: List[Tuple[bytes, bytes]] ) -> bool: for h in filter_headers: if not self._has_header(req_headers, (str(h), str(filter_headers[h]))): return False return True def _has_header( self, req_headers: List[Tuple[bytes, bytes]], header: Tuple[str, str] ) -> bool: for h in req_headers: if ( h[0].decode().lower() == header[0].lower() and h[1].decode() == header[1] ): return True return False def _has_common_path(self, redirect_path: str, req_path: str) -> bool: redirect_path_elements = redirect_path.split("/") req_path_elements = req_path.split("/") if len(redirect_path) > len(req_path): return False sub_path = req_path_elements[: len(redirect_path_elements)] return redirect_path == "/".join(sub_path) def _new_path(self, redirect: dict, req_path: str) -> str: from_path = redirect["from_path"].split("/") redirect_to = redirect["redirect_to_path"].split("/") req_tail_path = req_path.split("/")[len(from_path) :] elements = [ e for e in ([redirect["ext_id"]] + redirect_to + req_tail_path) if e != "" ] return "/" + "/".join(elements)