import importlib import json from typing import Dict, List import pytest from lnbits.core.models import BaseWallet from tests.wallets.fixtures.models import FundingSourceConfig, WalletTest wallets_module = importlib.import_module("lnbits.wallets") def wallet_fixtures_from_json(path) -> List["WalletTest"]: with open(path) as f: data = json.load(f) funding_sources = [ FundingSourceConfig(name=fs_name, **data["funding_sources"][fs_name]) for fs_name in data["funding_sources"] ] tests: Dict[str, List[WalletTest]] = {} for fn_name in data["functions"]: fn = data["functions"][fn_name] fn_tests = _tests_for_function(funding_sources, fn_name, fn) _merge_dict_of_lists(tests, fn_tests) all_tests = sum([tests[fs_name] for fs_name in tests], []) return all_tests def _tests_for_function( funding_sources: List[FundingSourceConfig], fn_name: str, fn ) -> Dict[str, List[WalletTest]]: tests: Dict[str, List[WalletTest]] = {} for test in fn["tests"]: """create an unit test for each funding source""" fs_tests = _tests_for_funding_source(funding_sources, fn_name, fn, test) _merge_dict_of_lists(tests, fs_tests) return tests def _tests_for_funding_source( funding_sources: List[FundingSourceConfig], fn_name: str, fn, test ) -> Dict[str, List[WalletTest]]: tests: Dict[str, List[WalletTest]] = { [] for fs in funding_sources} for fs in funding_sources: tests[] += WalletTest.tests_for_funding_source(fs, fn_name, fn, test) return tests def build_test_id(test: WalletTest): return f"{test.funding_source}.{test.function}({test.description})" def load_funding_source(funding_source: FundingSourceConfig) -> BaseWallet: custom_settings = funding_source.settings original_settings = {} settings = getattr(wallets_module, "settings") for s in custom_settings: original_settings[s] = getattr(settings, s) setattr(settings, s, custom_settings[s]) fs_instance: BaseWallet = getattr(wallets_module, funding_source.wallet_class)() # rollback settings (global variable) for s in original_settings: setattr(settings, s, original_settings[s]) return fs_instance async def check_assertions(wallet, _test_data: WalletTest): test_data = _test_data.dict() tested_func = _test_data.function call_params = _test_data.call_params if "expect" in test_data: await _assert_data(wallet, tested_func, call_params, _test_data.expect) # if len(_test_data.mocks) == 0: # # all calls should fail after this method is called # await wallet.cleanup() # # same behaviour expected is server canot be reached # # or if the connection was closed # await _assert_data(wallet, tested_func, call_params, _test_data.expect) elif "expect_error" in test_data: await _assert_error(wallet, tested_func, call_params, _test_data.expect_error) else: assert False, "Expected outcome not specified" async def _assert_data(wallet, tested_func, call_params, expect): resp = await getattr(wallet, tested_func)(**call_params) for key in expect: received = getattr(resp, key) expected = expect[key] assert ( getattr(resp, key) == expect[key] ), f"""Field "{key}". Received: "{received}". Expected: "{expected}".""" async def _assert_error(wallet, tested_func, call_params, expect_error): error_module = importlib.import_module(expect_error["module"]) error_class = getattr(error_module, expect_error["class"]) with pytest.raises(error_class) as e_info: await getattr(wallet, tested_func)(**call_params) assert e_info.match(expect_error["message"]) def _merge_dict_of_lists(v1: Dict[str, List], v2: Dict[str, List]): """Merge v2 into v1""" for k in v2: v1[k] = v2[k] if k not in v1 else v1[k] + v2[k]