from http import HTTPStatus from urllib.parse import urlparse from fastapi import Depends, HTTPException, Query, Request from loguru import logger from lnbits.core.crud import get_user from import check_transaction_status, create_invoice from lnbits.decorators import WalletTypeInfo, get_key_type from . import lnaddress_ext from .cloudflare import cloudflare_create_record from .crud import ( check_address_available, create_address, create_domain, delete_address, delete_domain, get_address, get_address_by_username, get_addresses, get_domain, get_domains, update_domain, ) from .models import CreateAddress, CreateDomain # DOMAINS @lnaddress_ext.get("/api/v1/domains") async def api_domains( g: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type), all_wallets: bool = Query(False) ): wallet_ids = [] if all_wallets: user = await get_user(g.wallet.user) wallet_ids = user.wallet_ids if user else [] return [domain.dict() for domain in await get_domains(wallet_ids)]"/api/v1/domains") @lnaddress_ext.put("/api/v1/domains/{domain_id}") async def api_domain_create( request: Request, data: CreateDomain, domain_id=None, g: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type), ): if domain_id: domain = await get_domain(domain_id) if not domain: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Domain does not exist." ) if domain.wallet != raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, detail="Not your domain" ) domain = await update_domain(domain_id, **data.dict()) else: domain = await create_domain(data=data) root_url = urlparse(str(request.url)).netloc cf_response = await cloudflare_create_record(domain=domain, ip=root_url) if not cf_response or not cf_response["success"]: await delete_domain( logger.error("Cloudflare failed with: " + cf_response["errors"][0]["message"]) # type: ignore raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="Problem with cloudflare." ) return domain.dict() @lnaddress_ext.delete("/api/v1/domains/{domain_id}") async def api_domain_delete(domain_id, g: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type)): domain = await get_domain(domain_id) if not domain: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Domain does not exist." ) if domain.wallet != raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, detail="Not your domain") await delete_domain(domain_id) return "", HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT # ADDRESSES @lnaddress_ext.get("/api/v1/addresses") async def api_addresses( g: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type), all_wallets: bool = Query(False) ): wallet_ids = [] if all_wallets: user = await get_user(g.wallet.user) wallet_ids = user.wallet_ids if user else [] return [address.dict() for address in await get_addresses(wallet_ids)] @lnaddress_ext.get("/api/v1/address/availabity/{domain_id}/{username}") async def api_check_available_username(domain_id, username): used_username = await check_address_available(username, domain_id) return used_username @lnaddress_ext.get("/api/v1/address/{domain}/{username}/{wallet_key}") async def api_get_user_info(username, wallet_key, domain): address = await get_address_by_username(username, domain) if not address: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Address does not exist." ) if address.wallet_key != wallet_key: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, detail="Incorrect user/wallet information.", ) return address.dict()"/api/v1/address/{domain_id}") @lnaddress_ext.put("/api/v1/address/{domain_id}/{user}/{wallet_key}") async def api_lnaddress_make_address( domain_id, data: CreateAddress, user=None, wallet_key=None ): domain = await get_domain(domain_id) # If the request is coming for the non-existant domain if not domain: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, detail="The domain does not exist." ) domain_cost = domain.cost sats = data.sats ## FAILSAFE FOR CREATING ADDRESSES BY API if domain_cost * data.duration != data.sats: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, detail="The amount is not correct. Either 'duration', or 'sats' are wrong.", ) if user: address = await get_address_by_username(user, domain.domain) if not address: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="The address does not exist." ) if address.wallet_key != wallet_key: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, detail="Not your address." ) try: payment_hash, payment_request = await create_invoice( wallet_id=domain.wallet, amount=data.sats, memo=f"Renew {data.username}@{domain.domain} for {sats} sats for {data.duration} more days", extra={ "tag": "renew lnaddress", "id":, "duration": data.duration, }, ) except Exception as e: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(e) ) else: used_username = await check_address_available(data.username, data.domain) # If username is already taken if used_username: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="Alias/username already taken.", ) ## ALL OK - create an invoice and return it to the user try: payment_hash, payment_request = await create_invoice( wallet_id=domain.wallet, amount=sats, memo=f"LNAddress {data.username}@{domain.domain} for {sats} sats for {data.duration} days", extra={"tag": "lnaddress"}, ) except Exception as e: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=str(e) ) address = await create_address( payment_hash=payment_hash, wallet=domain.wallet, data=data ) if not address: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="LNAddress could not be fetched.", ) return {"payment_hash": payment_hash, "payment_request": payment_request} @lnaddress_ext.get("/api/v1/addresses/{payment_hash}") async def api_address_send_address(payment_hash): address = await get_address(payment_hash) assert address domain = await get_domain(address.domain) assert domain try: status = await check_transaction_status(domain.wallet, payment_hash) is_paid = not status.pending except Exception as e: return {"paid": False, "error": str(e)} if is_paid: return {"paid": True} return {"paid": False} @lnaddress_ext.delete("/api/v1/addresses/{address_id}") async def api_address_delete(address_id, g: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type)): address = await get_address(address_id) if not address: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Address does not exist." ) if address.wallet != raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, detail="Not your address." ) await delete_address(address_id) return "", HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT