from http import HTTPStatus from typing import List from fastapi import Depends, Query, status from starlette.exceptions import HTTPException from lnbits.core.crud import get_user from import create_invoice from lnbits.decorators import WalletTypeInfo, get_key_type, require_admin_key from lnbits.helpers import urlsafe_short_hash from lnbits.settings import settings from . import boltz_ext from .crud import ( create_auto_reverse_submarine_swap, create_reverse_submarine_swap, create_submarine_swap, delete_auto_reverse_submarine_swap, get_auto_reverse_submarine_swap_by_wallet, get_auto_reverse_submarine_swaps, get_reverse_submarine_swap, get_reverse_submarine_swaps, get_submarine_swap, get_submarine_swaps, update_swap_status, ) from .models import ( AutoReverseSubmarineSwap, CreateAutoReverseSubmarineSwap, CreateReverseSubmarineSwap, CreateSubmarineSwap, ReverseSubmarineSwap, SubmarineSwap, ) from .utils import check_balance, create_boltz_client, execute_reverse_swap @boltz_ext.get( "/api/v1/swap/mempool", name="boltz.get /swap/mempool", summary="get a the mempool url", description=""" This endpoint gets the URL from """, response_description=" url", response_model=str, ) async def api_mempool_url(): return settings.boltz_mempool_space_url # NORMAL SWAP @boltz_ext.get( "/api/v1/swap", name="boltz.get /swap", summary="get a list of swaps a swap", description=""" This endpoint gets a list of normal swaps. """, response_description="list of normal swaps", dependencies=[Depends(get_key_type)], response_model=List[SubmarineSwap], ) async def api_submarineswap( g: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type), all_wallets: bool = Query(False), ): wallet_ids = [] if all_wallets: user = await get_user(g.wallet.user) wallet_ids = user.wallet_ids if user else [] return [swap.dict() for swap in await get_submarine_swaps(wallet_ids)] "/api/v1/swap/refund", name="boltz.swap_refund", summary="refund of a swap", description=""" This endpoint attempts to refund a normal swaps, creates onchain tx and sets swap status ro refunded. """, response_description="refunded swap with status set to refunded", dependencies=[Depends(require_admin_key)], response_model=SubmarineSwap, responses={ 400: {"description": "when swap_id is missing"}, 404: {"description": "when swap is not found"}, 405: {"description": "when swap is not pending"}, 500: { "description": "when something goes wrong creating the refund onchain tx" }, }, ) async def api_submarineswap_refund(swap_id: str): if not swap_id: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="swap_id missing" ) swap = await get_submarine_swap(swap_id) if not swap: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="swap does not exist." ) if swap.status != "pending": raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, detail="swap is not pending." ) client = create_boltz_client() await client.refund_swap( privkey_wif=swap.refund_privkey, lockup_address=swap.address, receive_address=swap.refund_address, redeem_script_hex=swap.redeem_script, timeout_block_height=swap.timeout_block_height, ) await update_swap_status(, "refunded") return swap "/api/v1/swap", status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, name=" /swap", summary="create a submarine swap", description=""" This endpoint creates a submarine swap """, response_description="create swap", response_model=SubmarineSwap, dependencies=[Depends(require_admin_key)], responses={ 405: { "description": "auto reverse swap is active, a swap would immediatly be swapped out again." }, 500: {"description": "boltz error"}, }, ) async def api_submarineswap_create(data: CreateSubmarineSwap): auto_swap = await get_auto_reverse_submarine_swap_by_wallet(data.wallet) if auto_swap: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, detail="auto reverse swap is active, a swap would immediatly be swapped out again.", ) client = create_boltz_client() swap_id = urlsafe_short_hash() payment_hash, payment_request = await create_invoice( wallet_id=data.wallet, amount=data.amount, memo=f"swap of {data.amount} sats on", extra={"tag": "boltz", "swap_id": swap_id}, ) refund_privkey_wif, swap = client.create_swap(payment_request) new_swap = await create_submarine_swap( data, swap, swap_id, refund_privkey_wif, payment_hash ) return new_swap.dict() if new_swap else None # REVERSE SWAP @boltz_ext.get( "/api/v1/swap/reverse", name="boltz.get /swap/reverse", summary="get a list of reverse swaps", description=""" This endpoint gets a list of reverse swaps. """, response_description="list of reverse swaps", dependencies=[Depends(get_key_type)], response_model=List[ReverseSubmarineSwap], ) async def api_reverse_submarineswap( g: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type), all_wallets: bool = Query(False), ): wallet_ids = [] if all_wallets: user = await get_user(g.wallet.user) wallet_ids = user.wallet_ids if user else [] return [swap for swap in await get_reverse_submarine_swaps(wallet_ids)] "/api/v1/swap/reverse", status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, name=" /swap/reverse", summary="create a reverse submarine swap", description=""" This endpoint creates a reverse submarine swap """, response_description="create reverse swap", response_model=ReverseSubmarineSwap, dependencies=[Depends(require_admin_key)], responses={ 405: {"description": "not allowed method, insufficient balance"}, 500: {"description": "boltz error"}, }, ) async def api_reverse_submarineswap_create( data: CreateReverseSubmarineSwap, ) -> ReverseSubmarineSwap: if not await check_balance(data): raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, detail="Insufficient balance." ) client = create_boltz_client() claim_privkey_wif, preimage_hex, swap = client.create_reverse_swap( amount=data.amount ) new_swap = await create_reverse_submarine_swap( data, claim_privkey_wif, preimage_hex, swap ) await execute_reverse_swap(client, new_swap) return new_swap @boltz_ext.get( "/api/v1/swap/reverse/auto", name="boltz.get /swap/reverse/auto", summary="get a list of auto reverse swaps", description=""" This endpoint gets a list of auto reverse swaps. """, response_description="list of auto reverse swaps", dependencies=[Depends(get_key_type)], response_model=List[AutoReverseSubmarineSwap], ) async def api_auto_reverse_submarineswap( g: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type), all_wallets: bool = Query(False), ): wallet_ids = [] if all_wallets: user = await get_user(g.wallet.user) wallet_ids = user.wallet_ids if user else [] return [swap.dict() for swap in await get_auto_reverse_submarine_swaps(wallet_ids)] "/api/v1/swap/reverse/auto", status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, name=" /swap/reverse/auto", summary="create a auto reverse submarine swap", description=""" This endpoint creates a auto reverse submarine swap """, response_description="create auto reverse swap", response_model=AutoReverseSubmarineSwap, dependencies=[Depends(require_admin_key)], responses={ 405: { "description": "auto reverse swap is active, only 1 swap per wallet possible." }, }, ) async def api_auto_reverse_submarineswap_create(data: CreateAutoReverseSubmarineSwap): auto_swap = await get_auto_reverse_submarine_swap_by_wallet(data.wallet) if auto_swap: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, detail="auto reverse swap is active, only 1 swap per wallet possible.", ) swap = await create_auto_reverse_submarine_swap(data) return swap.dict() if swap else None @boltz_ext.delete( "/api/v1/swap/reverse/auto/{swap_id}", name="boltz.delete /swap/reverse/auto", summary="delete a auto reverse submarine swap", description=""" This endpoint deletes a auto reverse submarine swap """, response_description="delete auto reverse swap", dependencies=[Depends(require_admin_key)], ) async def api_auto_reverse_submarineswap_delete(swap_id: str): await delete_auto_reverse_submarine_swap(swap_id) return "OK" "/api/v1/swap/status", name="boltz.swap_status", summary="shows the status of a swap", description=""" This endpoint attempts to get the status of the swap. """, response_description="status of swap json", dependencies=[Depends(require_admin_key)], responses={ 404: {"description": "when swap_id is not found"}, }, ) async def api_swap_status(swap_id: str): swap = await get_submarine_swap(swap_id) or await get_reverse_submarine_swap( swap_id ) if not swap: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="swap does not exist." ) client = create_boltz_client() status = client.swap_status(swap.boltz_id) return status @boltz_ext.get( "/api/v1/swap/boltz", name="boltz.get /swap/boltz", summary="get a boltz configuration", description=""" This endpoint gets configuration for boltz. (limits, fees...) """, response_description="dict of boltz config", response_model=dict, ) async def api_boltz_config(): client = create_boltz_client() return { "minimal": client.limit_minimal, "maximal": client.limit_maximal, "fee_percentage": client.fee_percentage, }