import asyncio import calendar import datetime from typing import Awaitable from boltz_client.boltz import BoltzClient, BoltzConfig from import fee_reserve, get_wallet, pay_invoice from lnbits.settings import settings from .models import ReverseSubmarineSwap def create_boltz_client() -> BoltzClient: config = BoltzConfig( network=settings.boltz_network, api_url=settings.boltz_url, mempool_url=f"{settings.boltz_mempool_space_url}/api", mempool_ws_url=f"{settings.boltz_mempool_space_url_ws}/api/v1/ws", referral_id="lnbits", ) return BoltzClient(config) async def check_balance(data) -> bool: # check if we can pay the invoice before we create the actual swap on boltz amount_msat = data.amount * 1000 fee_reserve_msat = fee_reserve(amount_msat) wallet = await get_wallet(data.wallet) assert wallet if wallet.balance_msat - fee_reserve_msat < amount_msat: return False return True def get_timestamp(): date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return calendar.timegm(date.utctimetuple()) async def execute_reverse_swap(client, swap: ReverseSubmarineSwap): # claim_task is watching onchain address for the lockup transaction to arrive / confirm # and if the lockup is there, claim the onchain revealing preimage for hold invoice claim_task = asyncio.create_task( client.claim_reverse_swap( privkey_wif=swap.claim_privkey, preimage_hex=swap.preimage, lockup_address=swap.lockup_address, receive_address=swap.onchain_address, redeem_script_hex=swap.redeem_script, ) ) # pay_task is paying the hold invoice which gets held until you reveal your preimage when claiming your onchain funds pay_task = pay_invoice_and_update_status(, claim_task, pay_invoice( wallet_id=swap.wallet, payment_request=swap.invoice, description=f"reverse swap for {swap.onchain_amount} sats on", extra={"tag": "boltz", "swap_id":, "reverse": True}, ), ) # they need to run be concurrently, because else pay_task will lock the eventloop and claim_task will not be executed. # the lockup transaction can only happen after you pay the invoice, which cannot be redeemed immediatly -> hold invoice # after getting the lockup transaction, you can claim the onchain funds revealing the preimage for boltz to redeem the hold invoice asyncio.gather(claim_task, pay_task) def pay_invoice_and_update_status( swap_id: str, wstask: asyncio.Task, awaitable: Awaitable ) -> asyncio.Task: async def _pay_invoice(awaitable): from .crud import update_swap_status try: awaited = await awaitable await update_swap_status(swap_id, "complete") return awaited except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError: """lnbits process was exited, do nothing and handle it in startup script""" except: wstask.cancel() await update_swap_status(swap_id, "failed") return asyncio.create_task(_pay_invoice(awaitable))