import importlib import json from typing import Dict, Union from urllib.parse import urlencode import pytest from pytest_httpserver import HTTPServer from werkzeug.wrappers import Response from lnbits.core.models import BaseWallet from tests.helpers import ( FundingSourceConfig, Mock, WalletTest, rest_wallet_fixtures_from_json, ) wallets_module = importlib.import_module("lnbits.wallets") # todo: # - tests for extra fields # - tests for paid_invoices_stream # - test particular validations # specify where the server should bind to @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def httpserver_listen_address(): return ("", 8555) def build_test_id(test: WalletTest): return f"{test.funding_source}.{test.function}({test.description})" @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "test_data", rest_wallet_fixtures_from_json("tests/wallets/fixtures.json"), ids=build_test_id, ) async def test_rest_wallet(httpserver: HTTPServer, test_data: WalletTest): for mock in test_data.mocks: _apply_mock(httpserver, mock) wallet = _load_funding_source(test_data.funding_source) await _check_assertions(wallet, test_data) def _apply_mock(httpserver: HTTPServer, mock: Mock): request_data: Dict[str, Union[str, dict]] = {} request_type = getattr(mock.dict(), "request_type", None) # request_type = mock.request_type <--- this des not work for whatever reason!!! if request_type == "data": assert isinstance(mock.response, dict), "request data must be JSON" request_data["data"] = urlencode(mock.response) elif request_type == "json": request_data["json"] = mock.response if mock.query_params: request_data["query_string"] = mock.query_params req = httpserver.expect_request( uri=mock.uri, headers=mock.headers, method=mock.method, **request_data, # type: ignore ) server_response: Union[str, dict, Response] = mock.response response_type = mock.response_type if response_type == "response": assert isinstance(server_response, dict), "server response must be JSON" server_response = Response(**server_response) elif response_type == "stream": response_type = "response" server_response = Response(iter(json.dumps(server_response).splitlines())) respond_with = f"respond_with_{response_type}" getattr(req, respond_with)(server_response) async def _check_assertions(wallet, _test_data: WalletTest): test_data = _test_data.dict() tested_func = _test_data.function call_params = _test_data.call_params if "expect" in test_data: await _assert_data(wallet, tested_func, call_params, _test_data.expect) # if len(_test_data.mocks) == 0: # # all calls should fail after this method is called # await wallet.cleanup() # # same behaviour expected is server canot be reached # # or if the connection was closed # await _assert_data(wallet, tested_func, call_params, _test_data.expect) elif "expect_error" in test_data: await _assert_error(wallet, tested_func, call_params, _test_data.expect_error) else: assert False, "Expected outcome not specified" async def _assert_data(wallet, tested_func, call_params, expect): resp = await getattr(wallet, tested_func)(**call_params) for key in expect: received = getattr(resp, key) expected = expect[key] assert ( getattr(resp, key) == expect[key] ), f"""Field "{key}". Received: "{received}". Expected: "{expected}".""" async def _assert_error(wallet, tested_func, call_params, expect_error): error_module = importlib.import_module(expect_error["module"]) error_class = getattr(error_module, expect_error["class"]) with pytest.raises(error_class) as e_info: await getattr(wallet, tested_func)(**call_params) assert e_info.match(expect_error["message"]) def _load_funding_source(funding_source: FundingSourceConfig) -> BaseWallet: custom_settings = funding_source.settings | {"user_agent": "LNbits/Tests"} original_settings = {} settings = getattr(wallets_module, "settings") for s in custom_settings: original_settings[s] = getattr(settings, s) setattr(settings, s, custom_settings[s]) fs_instance: BaseWallet = getattr(wallets_module, funding_source.wallet_class)() # rollback settings (global variable) for s in original_settings: setattr(settings, s, original_settings[s]) return fs_instance