window.localisation.pi = { confirm: 'Aye', server: 'Cap`n', theme: 'Theme', site_customisation: 'Site Customisation', funding: 'Funding', users: 'Buccaneers', audit: 'Arrr-dit', apps: 'Arrrrplications', channels: 'Channels', transactions: 'Pirate Transactions and loot', dashboard: 'Arrr-board', node: 'Node', export_users: 'Export Mateys', no_users: 'No swabbies found', total_capacity: 'Total Capacity', avg_channel_size: 'Avg. Channel Size', biggest_channel_size: 'Largest Bilge Size', smallest_channel_size: 'Smallest Channel Size', number_of_channels: "Nummer o' Channels", active_channels: 'Active Channels', connect_peer: 'Connect Peer', connect: 'Connect', open_channel: 'Open Channel', open: 'Open yer hatches', close_channel: 'Shut Yer Gob Channel', close: 'Batten down the hatches, we be closin', restart: 'Arr, restart Cap`n', save: 'Bury Treasure', save_tooltip: 'Bury yer changes, matey', credit_debit: 'Credit / Debit', credit_hint: 'Press Enter to credit account and make it richer', credit_label: '{denomination} to credit, arr!', credit_ok: "Success creditin'/debitin' virtual funds ({amount} sats). Payments depend on actual funds on fundin' source.", restart_tooltip: 'Restart the Cap`n for changes to take effect, arr!', add_funds_tooltip: 'Add doubloons to a chest and make it heavier', reset_defaults: 'Reset to Davy Jones Locker', reset_defaults_tooltip: 'Scuttle all settings and reset to Davy Jones Locker. Aye, start anew!', download_backup: 'Download database booty', name_your_wallet: 'Name yer {name} treasure chest', paste_invoice_label: 'Paste a booty, payment request or lnurl code, matey!', lnbits_description: 'Arr, easy to set up and lightweight, LNbits can run on any Lightning Network funding source and even LNbits itself! Ye can run LNbits for yourself, or easily offer a custodian solution for others. Each chest has its own API keys and there be no limit to the number of chests ye can make. Being able to partition booty makes LNbits a useful tool for money management and as a development tool. Arr, extensions add extra functionality to LNbits so ye can experiment with a range of cutting-edge technologies on the lightning network. We have made developing extensions as easy as possible, and as a free and open-source project, we encourage scallywags to develop and submit their own.', export_to_phone: 'Export to Phone with QR Code, me hearties', export_to_phone_desc: 'This QR code contains yer chest URL with full access. Ye can scan it from yer phone to open yer chest from there, arr!', wallet: 'Booty Chest:', wallets: 'Treasure Chests', add_wallet: 'Add a new chest and fill it with doubloons!', delete_wallet: 'Scuttle the Chest', delete_wallet_desc: 'This whole chest will be scuttled, the booty will be UNRECOVERABLE. Aye, be warned!', rename_wallet: 'Rename the Chest, me hearty', update_name: 'Update name like a captain', fiat_tracking: "Trackin' o' the treasure", currency: "Curr'nsey", update_currency: 'Update doubloons', press_to_claim: 'Press to claim gold doubloons, matey!', donate: 'Donate like a true pirate!', view_github: 'View on GitHub and find treasures', voidwallet_active: 'VoidWallet be active! Payments disabled', use_with_caution: 'USE WITH CAUTION - {name} chest be still in BETA. Aye, be careful!', service_fee: 'Service fee: {amount} % per transaction', service_fee_max: 'Service fee: {amount} % per transaction (max {max} sats)', service_fee_tooltip: "Service fee charged by the LNbits server admin per goin' transaction", toggle_darkmode: 'Toggle Dark Mode, arr!', payment_reactions: 'Payment Reactions', view_swagger_docs: 'View LNbits Swagger API docs and learn the secrets', api_docs: 'API docs for the scallywags', api_keys_api_docs: 'Node URL, API keys and API docs', lnbits_version: 'LNbits version, arr!', runs_on: 'Runs on, matey', paste: 'Stow', paste_from_clipboard: 'Paste from clipboard', paste_request: 'Paste Request and find treasures', create_invoice: 'Create Booty Request and get rich, me hearties!', camera_tooltip: 'Use spyglass to scan a booty/QR, arr!', export_csv: 'Export to CSV and keep track of the booty', chart_tooltip: 'Show ye chart, me hearty', pending: 'Pendin like a ship at anchor', copy_invoice: 'Copy booty request, arrr', withdraw_from: 'Withdraw from', cancel: 'Abandon ship! We be retreatin', scan: 'Avast! Scan me beauty, arrr', read: 'Read it, if ye dare', pay: 'Pay up or walk the plank, ye scallywag', memo: 'Message in a bottle, argh', date: 'Date of the map, me matey', processing_payment: 'Processing yer payment... don´t make me say it again', not_enough_funds: 'Arrr, ye don´t have enough doubloons! Walk the plank!', search_by_tag_memo_amount: 'Search by tag, message, or booty amount, savvy', invoice_waiting: 'Invoice waiting to be plundered, arrr', payment_received: 'Payment Received like a treasure, argh', payment_sent: 'Payment Sent, hoist the colors! We´ve got some doubloons!', receive: 'booty', send: 'hoist', outgoing_payment_pending: 'Outgoing payment pending in the port, ye scurvy dog', drain_funds: 'Plunder all the doubloons, ye buccaneer', drain_funds_desc: 'This be an LNURL-withdraw QR code for slurpin everything from this wallet. Don`t share with anyone. It be compatible with balanceCheck and balanceNotify so yer wallet may keep pullin` the funds continuously from here after the first withdraw.', i_understand: 'I understand, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!', copy_wallet_url: 'Copy wallet URL like a map, savvy', disclaimer_dialog_title: 'Avast!', disclaimer_dialog: 'Login functionality to be released in a future update, for now, make sure ye bookmark this page for future access to your booty! This service be in BETA, and we hold no responsibility for people losing access to doubloons.', no_transactions: 'No transactions made yet, me hearties. Belay that!', manage: 'Manage, me hearty', exchanges: 'Exchanges', extensions: 'Yer Extensions, ye scurvy dog', no_extensions: "Ye don't have any extensions installed, ye scallywag :(. Where be yer loot?", created: 'Created like a legend, savvy', search_extensions: 'Search fer extensions', extension_sources: 'Extension Sources', ext_sources_hint: 'Repositories from wharrr the extensions can be downloaded', ext_sources_label: "Source URL (only use th' official LNbits extension source, and sources ye can trust)", warning: 'Avast', repository: 'Repository', confirm_continue: "Be ye sure ye want t' proceed?", manage_extension_details: 'Install/uninstall extension', install: 'Set sail', uninstall: 'Avaast', drop_db: 'Scuttle Data', enable: 'Enable', pay_to_enable: 'Pay To Hoist', enable_extension_details: "Enable extension fer th' current user", disable: "Disablin'", delete: 'Blow down', installed: 'Installed', activated: 'Activated', deactivated: 'Deactivated', release_notes: 'Release Notes', activate_extension_details: 'Make extension available/unavailable fer users', featured: 'Featured', all: 'Arr', only_admins_can_install: '(Only admin accounts can install extensions)', admin_only: "Cap'n Only", new_version: 'New Version', extension_depends_on: 'Depends on:', extension_rating_soon: "Ratings a'comin' soon", extension_installed_version: 'Installed version', extension_uninstall_warning: "Ye be about t' remove th' extension fer all hands.", uninstall_confirm: 'Aye, Uninstall', extension_db_drop_info: "All data fer th' extension will be permanently deleted. There be no way to undo this operation!", extension_db_drop_warning: "Ye be about to scuttle all data fer th' extension. Please scribble th' extension name to continue:", extension_required_lnbits_version: "This release be needin' at least LNbits version", min_version: 'Minimum (inclooded)', max_version: 'Maximum (excluded)', payment_hash: 'Payment Hash like a treasure map, arrr', fee: 'Fee like a toll to cross a strait, matey', amount: 'Amount of doubloons, arrr', amount_sats: 'Amount (sats)', tag: 'Tag', unit: 'Unit of measurement like a fathom, ye buccaneer', description: 'Description like a tale of adventure, arrr', expiry: 'Expiry like the food on a ship, ye landlubber', webhook: 'Webhook like a fishing line, arrr', payment_proof: 'Payment Proof like a seal of authenticity, argh', update: "Updatin'", update_available: 'Update {version} available, me matey!', latest_update: "Ye be on th' latest version {version}.", notifications: 'Notificashuns', no_notifications: "No noticin's", notifications_disabled: 'LNbits status notifications be disabled, arr!', enable_notifications: 'Enable Notifications', enable_notifications_desc: "If ye be allowin' it, it'll be fetchin' the latest LNbits Status updates, like security incidents and updates.", enable_killswitch: "Enabl' th' Killswitch", enable_killswitch_desc: "If enabled it'll be changin' yer fundin' source to VoidWallet automatically if LNbits sends out a killswitch signal, ye will. Ye'll be needin' t' enable manually after an update, arr.", killswitch_interval: 'Killswitch Interval', killswitch_interval_desc: "How oft th' background task should be checkin' fer th' LNbits killswitch signal from th' status source (in minutes).", enable_watchdog: 'Enable Seadog', enable_watchdog_desc: "If enabled, it will swap yer treasure source t' VoidWallet on its own if yer balance be lower than th' LNbits balance. Ye'll need t' enable by hand after an update.", watchdog_interval: 'Seadog Interval', watchdog_interval_desc: "How oft th' background task should be checkin' fer a killswitch signal in th' seadog delta [node_balance - lnbits_balance] (in minutes), arr.", watchdog_delta: 'Seadog Delta', watchdog_delta_desc: "Limit afore killswitch changes fundin' source to VoidWallet [lnbits_balance - node_balance > delta]", status: 'Status', notification_source: 'Notification Source', notification_source_label: "Source URL (only use th' official LNbits status source, and sources ye can trust)", more: "Arr, 'tis more.", less: "Arr, 'tis more fewer.", releases: 'Releases', killswitch: 'Killswitch', watchdog: 'Seadog', server_logs: 'Server Logs', ip_blocker: 'IP Blockar', security: 'Securrrity', security_tools: 'Securrrity tools', block_access_hint: 'Block access by IP', allow_access_hint: 'Grant permission by IP (will override barred IPs)', enter_ip: 'Enter IP and hit enter', rate_limiter: 'Rate Limiter', wallet_limiter: 'Pouch Limitar', wallet_limit_max_withdraw_per_day: 'Max daily wallet withdrawal in sats (0 for no limit, -1 to block withdrawal)', wallet_max_ballance: 'Purse max heaviness in sats (0 fer scuttle)', wallet_limit_secs_between_trans: "Min secs 'tween transactions per wallet (0 to disable)", number_of_requests: "Number o' requests", time_unit: "time bein'", minute: 'minnit', second: 'second', hour: 'hour', disable_server_log: "Disabl' {Server} Log", enable_server_log: 'Enable Server Log', coming_soon: "Feature comin' soon", session_has_expired: 'Yer session has expired. Please login again.', instant_access_question: "Be wantin' quick entry, aye?", login_with_user_id: 'Login with user ID', or: 'arr', create_new_wallet: 'Create New Wallet', login_to_account: 'Log in to yer account', create_account: 'Create account', account_settings: "Account Settin's", signin_with_nostr: 'Continue with Nostr', signin_with_google: "Sign in wit' Google", signin_with_github: "Sign in wit' GitHub", signin_with_keycloak: "Sign in wit' Keycloak", username_or_email: 'Usarrrname or Email', password: 'Passwarrd', password_config: 'Passwarrd Config', password_repeat: 'Passwarrd repeat', change_password: 'Change Passwarrd', update_credentials: 'Hoist New Credentials', update_pubkey: 'Swab Public Key', set_password: 'Set yer Secret Code', invalid_password: "Passwarrd must be havin' at leest 8 charrracters", login: 'Log in', register: 'Sign on', username: 'Username', pubkey: 'Public Key', user_id: 'User ID', email: 'Email', first_name: 'Firrrst Name', last_name: 'Surname', picture: "pictur'", verify_email: 'Verify email with', account: 'Arrrccount', update_account: "Updatin' Arrrccount", invalid_username: 'Username be not valid, matey!', auth_provider: 'Auth Provider becometh Auth Provider, ye see?', my_account: 'Me Arrrccount', back: 'Return', logout: 'Log out yer session', look_and_feel: 'Look and Feel', toggle_gradient: 'Toggle Gradient', gradient_background: 'Gradient Background', language: 'Langwidge', color_scheme: 'Colour Scheme', admin_settings: "Admin Settin's", extension_cost: "This release be needin' a payment o' minimum {cost} sats, arr.", extension_paid_sats: 'Ye have already paid {paid_sats} sats.', release_details_error: "Cannot get th' release details.", pay_from_wallet: 'Pay from ye Wallet', wallet_required: 'Doubloon Locker *', show_qr: 'Show QR', retry_install: "Try 'nstallin' Again", new_payment: 'Make New Payment', update_payment: "Be Updatin' Payment", already_paid_question: 'Have ye already paid?', sell: 'Sell', sell_require: 'Ask fer payment to enable extension', sell_info: 'The {name} extension requires a payment of minimum {amount} sats to enable.', hide_empty_wallets: 'Stow empty wallets', recheck: 'Recheck', contributors: 'Contributors', license: 'License', reset_key: 'Reset Key', reset_password: 'Reset Password', border_choices: 'Border Choices', select_all: 'Select All', nfc_supported: 'NFC Supported', nfc_not_supported: 'NFC not Supported', expire_date: 'Expire Date:', hash: 'Mizzenmast:', welcome_lnbits: "Welcome t' LNbits", setup_su_account: 'Set up the Superuser account below.', create_ticker_converter: 'Create Currency Ticker Converter', enable_audit: "Set Sail Fer Auditin'", recommended: 'Recommended', audit_desc: "Record HTTP requests accordin' with the specified filters", audit_record_req: 'Record Request Body', audit_record_warning: 'Arrrning:', audit_record_req_warning_1: 'confidential data (like passwords) will be logged.', audit_record_req_warning_2: "th' request body can have large size.", audit_record_use: 'Use it with caution.', audit_ip: 'Log IP Address', audit_ip_desc: "Record the IP address o' the client", audit_path_params: 'Record Path Parameters', audit_query_params: "Rransack th' Query Parameters", audit_http_methods: 'Include HTTP Methods', audit_http_methods_hint: "List o' HTTP methods to be included. Empty lists means all.", audit_http_methods_label: 'HTTP Methods', audit_resp_codes: 'Include HTTP Response Codes', audit_resp_codes_hint: "List o' HTTP codes t' be included (regex match). Empty lists means all. Eg: 4.*, 5.*", audit_resp_codes_label: 'HTTP Response code (regex)', audit_paths: 'Include Paths', audit_paths_hint: "List o' paths t' be included (regex match). Empty list means all.", audit_paths_label: 'HTTP Path (regex)', audit_paths_exclude: 'Exclude Paths', audit_paths_exclude_hint: "List o' paths t' be excluded (regex match). Empty list means none.", audit_paths_exclude_label: 'HTTP Path (regex)', exchange_providers: 'Trade Buccaneers', admin_extensions: 'Admin Extensions', admin_extensions_label: 'Admin extensions', admin_extensions_hint: 'Extensions only user with admin privileges can use', user_default_extensions: 'Crew Mate Default Extensions', user_default_extensions_label: 'User extensions', user_default_extensions_hint: 'Extensions that will be enabled by default fer the users.', miscellanous: 'Miscelaneous', misc_disable_extensions: 'Belay Extensions', misc_disable_extensions_label: 'Disable all extensions', misc_hide_api: 'Stow API', misc_hide_api_label: "Burieds wallet api, extensions be able t' choose t' honor", wallets_management: 'Wallets Management', funding_source_info: 'Loot Source Info', funding_source: 'Loot Source: {wallet_class}', node_balance: 'Node Balance: {balance} doubloons', lnbits_balance: "LNbits Balance: {balance} pieces o' eight", funding_reserve_percent: 'Reserve Percent: {percent} %', node_managment: 'Node Management', node_management_not_supported: 'Node Management not be supported by active funding source', toggle_node_ui: 'Node Main Deck', toggle_public_node_ui: 'Public Node UI', toggle_transactions_node_ui: 'Transactions Tab (Disable on large CLN nodes)', invoice_expiry: 'Invoice Expiry', invoice_expiry_label: 'Invoice expiry (seconds)', fee_reserve: 'Plunder Reserve', fee_reserve_msats: 'Reserve fee in msats', fee_reserve_percent: 'Reserve fee in percent', server_management: 'Server Management', base_url: 'Base URL', base_url_label: 'Static/Base url fer the server', authentication: 'Authent Mateys!', auth_token_expiry_label: 'Token expire minutes', auth_token_expiry_hint: "Time in minutes until th' token expires", auth_allowed_methods_label: 'Allowed authorizashun methods', auth_allowed_methods_hint: 'Select arrrrthorization methods', auth_nostr_label: 'Nostr Request URL', auth_nostr_hint: "Absolute URL that th' clients will use t' login.", auth_google_ci_label: 'Google Client ID', auth_google_ci_hint: 'Make sure that the authorized redirect URIs contain https://{domain}/api/v1/auth/google/token', auth_google_cs_label: 'Google Client Secret', auth_gh_client_id_label: 'GitHub Client ID', auth_gh_client_id_hint: 'Make sure that the authorization callback URL is set to https://{domain}/api/v1/auth/github/token', auth_gh_client_secret_label: 'GitHub Client Secret', auth_keycloak_label: 'Keycloak Discovery URL', auth_keycloak_ci_label: 'Keycloak Client ID', auth_keycloak_ci_hint: "Make sure thant th' authorization callback URL be set t' https://{domain}/api/v1/auth/keycloak/token", auth_keycloak_cs_label: 'Keycloak Client Secret', currency_settings: "Doubloon Settin's", allowed_currencies: "Allo'ed Doubloons", allowed_currencies_hint: 'Limit the number of available fiat doubloons', default_account_currency: 'Default Account Currency', default_account_currency_hint: "Default dubloon fer accountin'", service_fee_label: 'Service fee (%).', service_fee_hint: 'Fee charged per tx (%)', service_fee_max_label: 'Service fee max (sats)', service_fee_max_hint: 'Max service fee to charge in (sats)', fee_wallet: 'Fee Wallet', fee_wallet_label: 'Tariff wallet (wallet ID)', fee_wallet_hint: "Wallett ID t' send funds t'", disable_fee: 'Disable Fee', disable_fee_internal: 'Disable Service Fee for Internal Payments', disable_fee_internal_desc: 'Disable Service Fee fer Internal Lightning Payments', ui_management: 'UI Management', ui_site_title: 'Site Title', ui_site_tagline: 'Site Tagline', ui_elements_enable: 'Set course for the homepage elements!', ui_elements_disable: 'Disarm elements on homepage', ui_toggle_elements_tip: "Be rid of homepage elements like 'runs on' etc", ui_site_description: 'Site Description', ui_site_description_hint: 'Use plain text, Markdown, or raw HTML', ui_default_wallet_name: 'Default Wallet Name', lnbits_wallet: 'LNbits wallet', denomination: 'Denomination', denomination_hint: 'The name fer the FakeWallet doubloon', ui_qr_code_logo: 'QR Code Logo', ui_qr_code_logo_hint: "URL t' logo image in QR code", ui_custom_badge: 'Custom Badge', ui_custom_badge_label: "Custom Badge 'USE WITH CAUTION - LNbits wallet be still in BETA'", ui_custom_badge_color_label: 'Custom Bauble Color', themes: 'Themes', themes_hint: 'Choose themes available for users', custom_logo: 'Custom Logo', custom_logo_hint: 'URL to logo image', ad_space_title: 'Ad Space Title', ad_space_title_label: 'Supported by', ad_slots: 'Adversment Sprogs', ad_slots_hint: "Ad url an' image filepaths in CSV format, extensions can choose t' honor", ad_slots_label: 'url;img_light_url;img_dark_url, url...', ads_enabled: 'Ads Enabled', ads_disabled: 'Ads Keelhauled', user_management: "User Matey-handlin'", admin_users: 'Admin Scurvy Dogs', admin_users_hint: "Scallywags with cap'n privileges", admin_users_label: 'User ID', allowed_users: 'Allowed Users', allowed_users_hint: 'Only these scallywags can use LNbits', allowed_users_label: 'User ID', allow_creation_user: 'Permit creation of new scallywags', allow_creation_user_desc: "Allow creation o' new users on th' index page", components: 'Components', long_running_endpoints: "Top 5 Long Runnin' Endpoints", http_request_methods: 'HTTP Request Methods', http_response_codes: 'HTTP Response Codes', request_details: 'Request Details', http_request_details: 'HTTP Request Details' }