import asyncio from typing import Dict import httpx from loguru import logger from lnbits.tasks import SseListenersDict, register_invoice_listener from . import db from .crud import get_balance_notify from .models import Payment api_invoice_listeners: Dict[str, asyncio.Queue] = SseListenersDict( "api_invoice_listeners" ) async def register_task_listeners(): """ Registers an invoice listener queue for the core tasks. Incoming payaments in this queue will eventually trigger the signals sent to all other extensions and fulfill other core tasks such as dispatching webhooks. """ invoice_paid_queue = asyncio.Queue(5) # we register invoice_paid_queue to receive all incoming invoices register_invoice_listener(invoice_paid_queue, "core/") # register a worker that will react to invoices asyncio.create_task(wait_for_paid_invoices(invoice_paid_queue)) async def wait_for_paid_invoices(invoice_paid_queue: asyncio.Queue): """ This worker dispatches events to all extensions, dispatches webhooks and balance notifys. """ while True: payment = await invoice_paid_queue.get() logger.trace("received invoice paid event") # send information to sse channel await dispatch_api_invoice_listeners(payment) # dispatch webhook if payment.webhook and not payment.webhook_status: await dispatch_webhook(payment) # dispatch balance_notify url = await get_balance_notify(payment.wallet_id) if url: async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: try: r = await, timeout=4) await mark_webhook_sent(payment, r.status_code) except (httpx.ConnectError, httpx.RequestError): pass async def dispatch_api_invoice_listeners(payment: Payment): """ Emits events to invoice listener subscribed from the API. """ for chan_name, send_channel in api_invoice_listeners.items(): try: logger.debug(f"sending invoice paid event to {chan_name}") send_channel.put_nowait(payment) except asyncio.QueueFull: logger.error(f"removing sse listener {send_channel}:{chan_name}") api_invoice_listeners.pop(chan_name) async def dispatch_webhook(payment: Payment): """ Dispatches the webhook to the webhook url. """ async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: data = payment.dict() try: logger.debug("sending webhook", payment.webhook) r = await, json=data, timeout=40) # type: ignore await mark_webhook_sent(payment, r.status_code) except (httpx.ConnectError, httpx.RequestError): await mark_webhook_sent(payment, -1) async def mark_webhook_sent(payment: Payment, status: int) -> None: await db.execute( """ UPDATE apipayments SET webhook_status = ? WHERE hash = ? """, (status, payment.payment_hash), )