import uuid import json import requests from flask import jsonify, request, url_for from lnurl import LnurlWithdrawResponse, encode as lnurl_encode from datetime import datetime from lnbits.db import open_ext_db from lnbits.extensions.withdraw import withdraw_ext @withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/lnurlencode//", methods=["GET"]) def api_lnurlencode(urlstr, parstr): """Returns encoded LNURL if web url and parameter gieven.""" if not urlstr: return jsonify({"status": "FALSE"}), 200 with open_ext_db("withdraw") as withdraw_ext_db: user_fau = withdraw_ext_db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM withdraws WHERE uni = ?", (parstr,)) randar = user_fau[0][15].split(",") print(randar) # randar = randar[:-1] # If "Unique links" selected get correct rand, if not there is only one rand if user_fau[0][12] > 0: rand = randar[user_fau[0][10] - 1] else: rand = randar[0] url = url_for("withdraw.api_lnurlfetch", _external=True, urlstr=urlstr, parstr=parstr, rand=rand) return jsonify({"status": "TRUE", "lnurl": lnurl_encode(url.replace("http://", "https://"))}), 200 @withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/lnurlfetch///", methods=["GET"]) def api_lnurlfetch(parstr, urlstr, rand): """Returns LNURL json.""" if not parstr: return jsonify({"status": "FALSE", "ERROR": "NO WALL ID"}), 200 if not urlstr: return jsonify({"status": "FALSE", "ERROR": "NO URL"}), 200 with open_ext_db("withdraw") as withdraw_ext_db: user_fau = withdraw_ext_db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM withdraws WHERE uni = ?", (parstr,)) k1str = uuid.uuid4().hex withdraw_ext_db.execute("UPDATE withdraws SET withdrawals = ? WHERE uni = ?", (k1str, parstr,)) res = LnurlWithdrawResponse( callback=url_for("withdraw.api_lnurlwithdraw", _external=True, rand=rand).replace("http://", "https://"), k1=k1str, min_withdrawable=user_fau[0][8] * 1000, max_withdrawable=user_fau[0][7] * 1000, default_description="LNbits LNURL withdraw", ) return res.json(), 200 @withdraw_ext.route("/api/v1/lnurlwithdraw//", methods=["GET"]) def api_lnurlwithdraw(rand): """Pays invoice if passed k1 invoice and rand.""" k1 = request.args.get("k1") pr = request.args.get("pr") if not k1: return jsonify({"status": "FALSE", "ERROR": "NO k1"}), 200 if not pr: return jsonify({"status": "FALSE", "ERROR": "NO PR"}), 200 with open_ext_db("withdraw") as withdraw_ext_db: user_fau = withdraw_ext_db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM withdraws WHERE withdrawals = ?", (k1,)) if not user_fau: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": "NO AUTH"}), 400 if user_fau[0][10] < 1: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": "withdraw SPENT"}), 400 # Check withdraw time dt = seconds = dt.timestamp() secspast = seconds - user_fau[0][14] if secspast < user_fau[0][11]: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": "WAIT " + str(int(user_fau[0][11] - secspast)) + "s"}), 400 randar = user_fau[0][15].split(",") if rand not in randar: print("huhhh") return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": "BAD AUTH"}), 400 if len(randar) > 2: randar.remove(rand) randstr = ",".join(randar) # Update time and increments upinc = int(user_fau[0][10]) - 1 withdraw_ext_db.execute( "UPDATE withdraws SET inc = ?, rand = ?, tmestmp = ? WHERE withdrawals = ?", (upinc, randstr, seconds, k1,) ) header = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Grpc-Metadata-macaroon": str(user_fau[0][4])} data = {"payment_request": pr} # this works locally but not being served over host, bug, needs fixing # r ="", headers=header, data=json.dumps(data)) r ="api_transactions", _external=True), headers=header, data=json.dumps(data)) r_json = r.json() if "ERROR" in r_json: return jsonify({"status": "ERROR", "reason": r_json["ERROR"]}), 400 with open_ext_db("withdraw") as withdraw_ext_db: user_fau = withdraw_ext_db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM withdraws WHERE withdrawals = ?", (k1,)) return jsonify({"status": "OK"}), 200