from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode from typing import List, Optional, Union from uuid import uuid4 # from lnbits.db import open_ext_db from lnbits.db import SQLITE from lnbits.helpers import urlsafe_short_hash from lnbits.settings import WALLET from . import db from .models import ( ChatMessage, CreateChatMessage, CreateMarket, CreateMarketStalls, Market, OrderDetail, Orders, Products, ShopSettings, Stalls, Zones, createOrder, createOrderDetails, createProduct, createStalls, createZones, ) ###Products async def create_shop_product(data: createProduct) -> Products: product_id = urlsafe_short_hash() await db.execute( f""" INSERT INTO shop.products (id, stall, product, categories, description, image, price, quantity) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, ( product_id, data.stall, data.product, data.categories, data.description, data.image, data.price, data.quantity, ), ) product = await get_shop_product(product_id) assert product, "Newly created product couldn't be retrieved" return product async def update_shop_product(product_id: str, **kwargs) -> Optional[Products]: q = ", ".join([f"{field[0]} = ?" for field in kwargs.items()]) await db.execute( f"UPDATE shop.products SET {q} WHERE id = ?", (*kwargs.values(), product_id), ) row = await db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM shop.products WHERE id = ?", (product_id,)) return Products(**row) if row else None async def get_shop_product(product_id: str) -> Optional[Products]: row = await db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM shop.products WHERE id = ?", (product_id,)) return Products(**row) if row else None async def get_shop_products(stall_ids: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[Products]: if isinstance(stall_ids, str): stall_ids = [stall_ids] # with open_ext_db("shop") as db: q = ",".join(["?"] * len(stall_ids)) rows = await db.fetchall( f""" SELECT * FROM shop.products WHERE stall IN ({q}) """, (*stall_ids,), ) return [Products(**row) for row in rows] async def delete_shop_product(product_id: str) -> None: await db.execute("DELETE FROM shop.products WHERE id = ?", (product_id,)) ###zones async def create_shop_zone(user, data: createZones) -> Zones: zone_id = urlsafe_short_hash() await db.execute( f""" INSERT INTO shop.zones ( id, "user", cost, countries ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """, (zone_id, user, data.cost, data.countries.lower()), ) zone = await get_shop_zone(zone_id) assert zone, "Newly created zone couldn't be retrieved" return zone async def update_shop_zone(zone_id: str, **kwargs) -> Optional[Zones]: q = ", ".join([f"{field[0]} = ?" for field in kwargs.items()]) await db.execute( f"UPDATE shop.zones SET {q} WHERE id = ?", (*kwargs.values(), zone_id), ) row = await db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM shop.zones WHERE id = ?", (zone_id,)) return Zones(**row) if row else None async def get_shop_zone(zone_id: str) -> Optional[Zones]: row = await db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM shop.zones WHERE id = ?", (zone_id,)) return Zones(**row) if row else None async def get_shop_zones(user: str) -> List[Zones]: rows = await db.fetchall('SELECT * FROM shop.zones WHERE "user" = ?', (user,)) return [Zones(**row) for row in rows] async def delete_shop_zone(zone_id: str) -> None: await db.execute("DELETE FROM shop.zones WHERE id = ?", (zone_id,)) ###Stalls async def create_shop_stall(data: createStalls) -> Stalls: stall_id = urlsafe_short_hash() await db.execute( f""" INSERT INTO shop.stalls ( id, wallet, name, currency, publickey, relays, shippingzones ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, ( stall_id, data.wallet,, data.currency, data.publickey, data.relays, data.shippingzones, ), ) stall = await get_shop_stall(stall_id) assert stall, "Newly created stall couldn't be retrieved" return stall async def update_shop_stall(stall_id: str, **kwargs) -> Optional[Stalls]: q = ", ".join([f"{field[0]} = ?" for field in kwargs.items()]) await db.execute( f"UPDATE shop.stalls SET {q} WHERE id = ?", (*kwargs.values(), stall_id), ) row = await db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM shop.stalls WHERE id = ?", (stall_id,)) return Stalls(**row) if row else None async def get_shop_stall(stall_id: str) -> Optional[Stalls]: row = await db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM shop.stalls WHERE id = ?", (stall_id,)) return Stalls(**row) if row else None async def get_shop_stalls(wallet_ids: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[Stalls]: q = ",".join(["?"] * len(wallet_ids)) rows = await db.fetchall( f"SELECT * FROM shop.stalls WHERE wallet IN ({q})", (*wallet_ids,) ) return [Stalls(**row) for row in rows] async def get_shop_stalls_by_ids(stall_ids: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[Stalls]: q = ",".join(["?"] * len(stall_ids)) rows = await db.fetchall( f"SELECT * FROM shop.stalls WHERE id IN ({q})", (*stall_ids,) ) return [Stalls(**row) for row in rows] async def delete_shop_stall(stall_id: str) -> None: await db.execute("DELETE FROM shop.stalls WHERE id = ?", (stall_id,)) ###Orders async def create_shop_order(data: createOrder, invoiceid: str): returning = "" if db.type == SQLITE else "RETURNING ID" method = db.execute if db.type == SQLITE else db.fetchone result = await (method)( f""" INSERT INTO shop.orders (wallet, shippingzone, address, email, total, invoiceid, paid, shipped) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) {returning} """, ( data.wallet, data.shippingzone, data.address,,, invoiceid, False, False, ), ) if db.type == SQLITE: return result._result_proxy.lastrowid else: return result[0] async def create_shop_order_details(order_id: str, data: List[createOrderDetails]): for item in data: item_id = urlsafe_short_hash() await db.execute( """ INSERT INTO shop.order_details (id, order_id, product_id, quantity) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """, ( item_id, order_id, item.product_id, item.quantity, ), ) order_details = await get_shop_order_details(order_id) return order_details async def get_shop_order_details(order_id: str) -> List[OrderDetail]: rows = await db.fetchall( f"SELECT * FROM shop.order_details WHERE order_id = ?", (order_id,) ) return [OrderDetail(**row) for row in rows] async def get_shop_order(order_id: str) -> Optional[Orders]: row = await db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM shop.orders WHERE id = ?", (order_id,)) return Orders(**row) if row else None async def get_shop_order_invoiceid(invoice_id: str) -> Optional[Orders]: row = await db.fetchone( "SELECT * FROM shop.orders WHERE invoiceid = ?", (invoice_id,) ) return Orders(**row) if row else None async def set_shop_order_paid(payment_hash: str): await db.execute( """ UPDATE shop.orders SET paid = true WHERE invoiceid = ? """, (payment_hash,), ) async def set_shop_order_pubkey(payment_hash: str, pubkey: str): await db.execute( """ UPDATE shop.orders SET pubkey = ? WHERE invoiceid = ? """, ( pubkey, payment_hash, ), ) async def update_shop_product_stock(products): q = "\n".join( [f"""WHEN id='{p.product_id}' THEN quantity - {p.quantity}""" for p in products] ) v = ",".join(["?"] * len(products)) await db.execute( f""" UPDATE shop.products SET quantity=(CASE {q} END) WHERE id IN ({v}); """, (*[p.product_id for p in products],), ) async def get_shop_orders(wallet_ids: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[Orders]: if isinstance(wallet_ids, str): wallet_ids = [wallet_ids] q = ",".join(["?"] * len(wallet_ids)) rows = await db.fetchall( f"SELECT * FROM shop.orders WHERE wallet IN ({q})", (*wallet_ids,) ) # return [Orders(**row) for row in rows] async def delete_shop_order(order_id: str) -> None: await db.execute("DELETE FROM shop.orders WHERE id = ?", (order_id,)) ### Market/Marketplace async def get_shop_markets(user: str) -> List[Market]: rows = await db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM WHERE usr = ?", (user,)) return [Market(**row) for row in rows] async def get_shop_market(market_id: str) -> Optional[Market]: row = await db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM WHERE id = ?", (market_id,)) return Market(**row) if row else None async def get_shop_market_stalls(market_id: str): rows = await db.fetchall( "SELECT * FROM shop.market_stalls WHERE marketid = ?", (market_id,) ) ids = [row["stallid"] for row in rows] return await get_shop_stalls_by_ids(ids) async def create_shop_market(data: CreateMarket): market_id = urlsafe_short_hash() await db.execute( """ INSERT INTO (id, usr, name) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """, ( market_id, data.usr,, ), ) market = await get_shop_market(market_id) assert market, "Newly created market couldn't be retrieved" return market async def create_shop_market_stalls(market_id: str, data: List[str]): for stallid in data: id = urlsafe_short_hash() await db.execute( """ INSERT INTO shop.market_stalls (id, marketid, stallid) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """, ( id, market_id, stallid, ), ) market_stalls = await get_shop_market_stalls(market_id) return market_stalls async def update_shop_market(market_id: str, name: str): await db.execute( "UPDATE SET name = ? WHERE id = ?", (name, market_id), ) await db.execute( "DELETE FROM shop.market_stalls WHERE marketid = ?", (market_id,), ) market = await get_shop_market(market_id) return market ### CHAT / MESSAGES async def create_chat_message(data: CreateChatMessage): await db.execute( """ INSERT INTO shop.messages (msg, pubkey, id_conversation) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """, ( data.msg, data.pubkey, data.room_name, ), ) async def get_shop_latest_chat_messages(room_name: str): rows = await db.fetchall( "SELECT * FROM shop.messages WHERE id_conversation = ? ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 20", (room_name,), ) return [ChatMessage(**row) for row in rows] async def get_shop_chat_messages(room_name: str): rows = await db.fetchall( "SELECT * FROM shop.messages WHERE id_conversation = ? ORDER BY timestamp DESC", (room_name,), ) return [ChatMessage(**row) for row in rows] async def get_shop_chat_by_merchant(ids: List[str]) -> List[ChatMessage]: q = ",".join(["?"] * len(ids)) rows = await db.fetchall( f"SELECT * FROM shop.messages WHERE id_conversation IN ({q})", (*ids,), ) return [ChatMessage(**row) for row in rows] async def get_shop_settings(user) -> Optional[ShopSettings]: row = await db.fetchone("""SELECT * FROM shop.settings WHERE "user" = ?""", (user,)) return ShopSettings(**row) if row else None async def create_shop_settings(user: str, data): await db.execute( """ INSERT INTO shop.settings ("user", currency, fiat_base_multiplier) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """, ( user, data.currency, data.fiat_base_multiplier, ), ) async def set_shop_settings(user: str, data): await db.execute( """ UPDATE shop.settings SET currency = ?, fiat_base_multiplier = ? WHERE "user" = ?; """, ( data.currency, data.fiat_base_multiplier, user, ), )