from quart import g, jsonify, request from http import HTTPStatus from lnurl.exceptions import InvalidUrl as LnurlInvalidUrl # type: ignore from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode import base64 import json import time from lnbits.decorators import api_check_wallet_key, api_validate_post_request import httpx from . import jukebox_ext from .crud import ( create_jukebox, update_jukebox, get_jukebox, get_jukebox_by_user, get_jukeboxs, delete_jukebox, create_jukebox_payment, get_jukebox_payment, update_jukebox_payment, ) from .models import Jukebox from import create_invoice, check_invoice_status @jukebox_ext.route("/api/v1/jukebox", methods=["GET"]) @api_check_wallet_key("invoice") async def api_get_jukeboxs(): try: return ( jsonify( [{**jukebox._asdict()} for jukebox in await get_jukeboxs(g.wallet.user)] ), HTTPStatus.OK, ) except: return "", HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT ##################SPOTIFY AUTH##################### @jukebox_ext.route("/api/v1/jukebox/spotify/cb/", methods=["GET"]) async def api_check_credentials_callbac(juke_id): sp_code = "" sp_access_token = "" sp_refresh_token = "" jukebox = await get_jukebox(juke_id) if request.args.get("code"): sp_code = request.args.get("code") jukebox = await update_jukebox( juke_id=juke_id, sp_secret=jukebox.sp_secret, sp_access_token=sp_code ) if request.args.get("access_token"): sp_access_token = request.args.get("access_token") sp_refresh_token = request.args.get("refresh_token") jukebox = await update_jukebox( juke_id=juke_id, sp_secret=jukebox.sp_secret, sp_access_token=sp_access_token, sp_refresh_token=sp_refresh_token, ) return "


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" @jukebox_ext.route("/api/v1/jukebox/spotify/", methods=["GET"]) @api_check_wallet_key("invoice") async def api_check_credentials_check(sp_id): jukebox = await get_jukebox(sp_id) return jsonify(jukebox._asdict()), HTTPStatus.CREATED @jukebox_ext.route("/api/v1/jukebox/", methods=["POST"]) @jukebox_ext.route("/api/v1/jukebox/", methods=["PUT"]) @api_check_wallet_key("admin") @api_validate_post_request( schema={ "user": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}, "title": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}, "wallet": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}, "sp_user": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}, "sp_secret": {"type": "string", "required": True}, "sp_access_token": {"type": "string", "required": False}, "sp_refresh_token": {"type": "string", "required": False}, "sp_device": {"type": "string", "required": False}, "sp_playlists": {"type": "string", "required": False}, "price": {"type": "string", "required": True}, } ) async def api_create_update_jukebox(juke_id=None): if juke_id: jukebox = await update_jukebox(juke_id=juke_id, inkey=g.wallet.inkey, ** else: jukebox = await create_jukebox(inkey=g.wallet.inkey, ** return jsonify(jukebox._asdict()), HTTPStatus.CREATED @jukebox_ext.route("/api/v1/jukebox/", methods=["DELETE"]) @api_check_wallet_key("admin") async def api_delete_item(juke_id): await delete_jukebox(juke_id) try: return ( jsonify( [{**jukebox._asdict()} for jukebox in await get_jukeboxs(g.wallet.user)] ), HTTPStatus.OK, ) except: return "", HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT ################JUKEBOX ENDPOINTS################## ######GET ACCESS TOKEN###### @jukebox_ext.route( "/api/v1/jukebox/jb/playlist//", methods=["GET"] ) async def api_get_jukebox_son(juke_id, sp_playlist): jukebox = await get_jukebox(juke_id) tracks = [] async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: try: r = await client.get( "" + sp_playlist + "/tracks", timeout=40, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + jukebox.sp_access_token}, ) if "items" not in r.json(): if r.json()["error"]["status"] == 401: token = await api_get_token(juke_id) if token == False: return False else: return await api_get_jukebox_son(juke_id, sp_playlist) return r, HTTPStatus.OK for item in r.json()["items"]: tracks.append( { "id": item["track"]["id"], "name": item["track"]["name"], "album": item["track"]["album"]["name"], "artist": item["track"]["artists"][0]["name"], "image": item["track"]["album"]["images"][0]["url"], } ) except AssertionError: something = None return jsonify([track for track in tracks]) # return jsonify([track for track in tracks]) async def api_get_token(juke_id): jukebox = await get_jukebox(juke_id) async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: try: r = await "", timeout=40, params={ "grant_type": "refresh_token", "refresh_token": jukebox.sp_refresh_token, "client_id": jukebox.sp_user, }, headers={ "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization": "Basic " + base64.b64encode( str(jukebox.sp_user + ":" + jukebox.sp_secret).encode("ascii") ).decode("ascii"), "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, ) if "access_token" not in r.json(): return False else: await update_jukebox( juke_id=juke_id, sp_access_token=r.json()["access_token"] ) except AssertionError: something = None return True ######GET INVOICE STUFF @jukebox_ext.route("/api/v1/jukebox/jb/invoice//", methods=["GET"]) async def api_get_jukebox_invoice(juke_id, song_id): jukebox = await get_jukebox(juke_id) invoice = await create_invoice( wallet_id=jukebox.wallet, amount=jukebox.price, memo=jukebox.title, extra={"tag": "jukebox"}, ) jukebox_payment = await create_jukebox_payment(song_id, invoice[0]) return jsonify(invoice, jukebox_payment) @jukebox_ext.route( "/api/v1/jukebox/jb/invoicep//", methods=["GET"] ) async def api_get_jukebox_invoice_paid(payment_hash, juke_id): jukebox = await get_jukebox(juke_id) print(jukebox) paid = await check_invoice_status(jukebox.wallet, payment_hash) if paid: jukebox_payment = await update_jukebox_payment(payment_hash, paid=True) else: return jsonify({"error": "Invoice not paid"}) # if not is_paid: # return jsonify({"status": False}) # return jsonify({"error": "Something went wrong"}) ############################QUEUE SONG async def add_to_song_queue(song_id, juke_id): jukebox = await get_jukebox(juke_id) queue = jukebox.queue queue.append(song_id) # Add song to back of queue jukebox = await update_jukebox(juke_id=juke_id, queue=queue) # while loop for all tracks. Check 25 secs has passsed since last check. queued = jukebox.queue while len(queued) > 0: if (time.time() - jukebox.last_checked) > 25000: song = await api_get_jukebox_currently(juke_id) if != queued[0]: async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: r = await "" + jukebox_payment.song_id + "&device_id=" + jukebox.sp_device.split("-")[1], timeout=40, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + jukebox.sp_access_token}, ) print(r) else: queued = queued[1:] jukebox = await update_jukebox(juke_id=juke_id, queue=queued) queued = jukebox.queue jukebox = await update_jukebox(juke_id=juke_id, last_checked=time.time()) # if current track playing isnt at the front of the queue, add it to queue print(jukebox) paid = await check_invoice_status(jukebox.wallet, payment_hash) if paid: jukebox_payment = await update_jukebox_payment(payment_hash, paid=True) else: return jsonify({"error": "Invoice not paid"}) async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: r = await "" + jukebox_payment.song_id + "&device_id=" + jukebox.sp_device.split("-")[1], timeout=40, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + jukebox.sp_access_token}, ) print(r) if r.json()["error"]["status"] == 401: token = await api_get_token(juke_id) if token == False: return jsonify({"error": "Something went wrong"}) else: return await api_get_jukebox_invoice_paid(juke_id, payment_hash) if r.json()["error"]["status"] == 400: return jsonify({"error": "Something went wrong"}) return jsonify(r), HTTPStatus.OK ############################GET TRACKS @jukebox_ext.route("/api/v1/jukebox/jb/currently/", methods=["GET"]) async def api_get_jukebox_currently(juke_id): jukebox = await get_jukebox(juke_id) async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: try: r = await client.get( "", timeout=40, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + jukebox.sp_access_token}, ) try: if r.json()["item"]: track = { "id": r.json()["item"]["id"], "name": r.json()["item"]["name"], "album": r.json()["item"]["album"]["name"], "artist": r.json()["item"]["artists"][0]["name"], "image": r.json()["item"]["album"]["images"][0]["url"], } return track, HTTPStatus.OK except AssertionError: something = None try: if r.json()["error"]["status"] == 401: token = await api_get_token(juke_id) if token == False: return jsonify({"error": "Something went wrong"}) else: return await api_get_jukebox_currently(juke_id) elif r.json()["error"]["status"] == 400: return jsonify({"error": "Something went wrong"}) except ValueError: return jsonify({"error": "Something went wrong"}) except AssertionError: something = None return jsonify({"error": "Something went wrong"}) return jsonify({"error": "Something went wrong"})