window.LNbits = { g: window.g, api: { request(method, url, apiKey, data) { return axios({ method: method, url: url, headers: { 'X-Api-Key': apiKey }, data: data }) }, getServerHealth() { return this.request('get', '/api/v1/health') }, async createInvoice( wallet, amount, memo, unit = 'sat', lnurlCallback = null ) { return this.request('post', '/api/v1/payments', wallet.inkey, { out: false, amount: amount, memo: memo, lnurl_callback: lnurlCallback, unit: unit }) }, payInvoice(wallet, bolt11) { return this.request('post', '/api/v1/payments', wallet.adminkey, { out: true, bolt11: bolt11 }) }, payLnurl( wallet, callback, description_hash, amount, description = '', comment = '', unit = '' ) { return this.request('post', '/api/v1/payments/lnurl', wallet.adminkey, { callback, description_hash, amount, comment, description, unit }) }, authLnurl(wallet, callback) { return this.request('post', '/api/v1/lnurlauth', wallet.adminkey, { callback }) }, createAccount(name) { return this.request('post', '/api/v1/account', null, { name: name }) }, register(username, email, password, password_repeat) { return axios({ method: 'POST', url: '/api/v1/auth/register', data: { username, email, password, password_repeat } }) }, reset(reset_key, password, password_repeat) { return axios({ method: 'PUT', url: '/api/v1/auth/reset', data: { reset_key, password, password_repeat } }) }, login(username, password) { return axios({ method: 'POST', url: '/api/v1/auth', data: {username, password} }) }, loginByProvider(provider, headers, data) { return axios({ method: 'POST', url: `/api/v1/auth/${provider}`, headers: headers, data }) }, loginUsr(usr) { return axios({ method: 'POST', url: '/api/v1/auth/usr', data: {usr} }) }, logout() { return axios({ method: 'POST', url: '/api/v1/auth/logout' }) }, getAuthenticatedUser() { return this.request('get', '/api/v1/auth') }, getWallet(wallet) { return this.request('get', '/api/v1/wallet', wallet.inkey) }, createWallet(wallet, name) { return this.request('post', '/api/v1/wallet', wallet.adminkey, { name: name }).then(res => { window.location = '/wallet?wal=' + }) }, updateWallet(name, wallet) { return this.request('patch', '/api/v1/wallet', wallet.adminkey, { name: name }) }, resetWalletKeys(wallet) { return this.request('put', `/api/v1/wallet/reset/${}`).then( res => { return } ) }, deleteWallet(wallet) { return this.request('delete', `/api/v1/wallet/${}`).then(_ => { let url = new URL(window.location.href) url.searchParams.delete('wal') window.location = url }) }, getPayments(wallet, params) { return this.request( 'get', '/api/v1/payments/paginated?' + params, wallet.inkey ) }, getPayment(wallet, paymentHash) { return this.request( 'get', '/api/v1/payments/' + paymentHash, wallet.inkey ) }, updateBalance(credit, wallet_id) { return this.request('PUT', '/users/api/v1/balance', null, { amount: credit, id: wallet_id }) }, getCurrencies() { return this.request('GET', '/api/v1/currencies').then(response => { return ['sats',] }) } }, events: { onInvoicePaid(wallet, cb) { ws = new WebSocket(`${websocketUrl}/${wallet.inkey}`) ws.onmessage = ev => { const data = JSON.parse( if (data.payment) { cb(data) } } return ws.onclose } }, map: { extension(data) { const obj = {} obj.url = ['/', obj.code, '/'].join('') return obj }, user(data) { const obj = { id:, admin: data.admin, email:, extensions: data.extensions, wallets: data.wallets, super_user: data.super_user } const mapWallet = this.wallet obj.wallets = obj.wallets .map(obj => { return mapWallet(obj) }) .sort((a, b) => { return }) obj.walletOptions = => { return { label: [, ' - ',].join(''), value: } }) return obj }, wallet(data) { newWallet = { id:, name:, adminkey: data.adminkey, inkey: data.inkey, currency: data.currency, extra: data.extra } newWallet.msat = data.balance_msat newWallet.sat = Math.floor(data.balance_msat / 1000) newWallet.fsat = new Intl.NumberFormat(window.LOCALE).format( newWallet.sat ) newWallet.url = `/wallet?&wal=${}` return newWallet }, payment(data) { obj = { checking_id: data.checking_id, status: data.status, amount: data.amount, fee: data.fee, memo: data.memo, time: data.time, bolt11: data.bolt11, preimage: data.preimage, payment_hash: data.payment_hash, expiry: data.expiry, extra: data.extra ?? {}, wallet_id: data.wallet_id, webhook: data.webhook, webhook_status: data.webhook_status, fiat_amount: data.fiat_amount, fiat_currency: data.fiat_currency } = Date(obj.time), window.dateFormat) obj.dateFrom = moment( obj.expirydate = new Date(obj.expiry), window.dateFormat ) obj.expirydateFrom = moment(obj.expirydate).fromNow() obj.msat = obj.amount obj.sat = obj.msat / 1000 obj.tag = obj.extra?.tag obj.fsat = new Intl.NumberFormat(window.LOCALE).format(obj.sat) obj.isIn = obj.amount > 0 obj.isOut = obj.amount < 0 obj.isPending = obj.status === 'pending' obj.isPaid = obj.status === 'success' obj.isFailed = obj.status === 'failed' obj._q = [obj.memo, obj.sat].join(' ').toLowerCase() try { obj.details = JSON.parse(data.extra?.details || '{}') } catch { obj.details = {extraDetails: data.extra?.details} } return obj } }, utils: { confirmDialog(msg) { return Quasar.Dialog.create({ message: msg, ok: { flat: true, color: 'orange' }, cancel: { flat: true, color: 'grey' } }) }, async digestMessage(message) { const msgUint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(message) const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', msgUint8) const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer)) const hashHex = hashArray .map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')) .join('') return hashHex }, formatDate(timestamp) { return new Date(timestamp * 1000), window.dateFormat ) }, formatDateString(isoDateString) { return Date(isoDateString), window.dateFormat) }, formatCurrency(value, currency) { return new Intl.NumberFormat(window.LOCALE, { style: 'currency', currency: currency || 'sat' }).format(value) }, formatSat(value) { return new Intl.NumberFormat(window.LOCALE).format(value) }, formatMsat(value) { return this.formatSat(value / 1000) }, notifyApiError(error) { if (!error.response) { return console.error(error) } const types = { 400: 'warning', 401: 'warning', 500: 'negative' } Quasar.Notify.create({ timeout: 5000, type: types[error.response.status] || 'warning', message: || || null, caption: [error.response.status, ' ', error.response.statusText] .join('') .toUpperCase() || null, icon: null }) }, search(data, q, field, separator) { try { const queries = q.toLowerCase().split(separator || ' ') return data.filter(obj => { let matches = 0 _.each(queries, q => { if (obj[field].indexOf(q) !== -1) matches++ }) return matches === queries.length }) } catch (err) { return data } }, prepareFilterQuery(tableConfig, props) { if (props) { tableConfig.pagination = props.pagination tableConfig.filter = {...tableConfig.filter, ...props.filter} } const pagination = tableConfig.pagination tableConfig.loading = true const query = { limit: pagination.rowsPerPage, offset: ( - 1) * pagination.rowsPerPage, sortby: pagination.sortBy ?? '', direction: pagination.descending ? 'desc' : 'asc', ...tableConfig.filter } if ( { = } return new URLSearchParams(query) }, exportCSV(columns, data, fileName) { const wrapCsvValue = (val, formatFn) => { let formatted = formatFn !== void 0 ? formatFn(val) : val formatted = formatted === void 0 || formatted === null ? '' : String(formatted) formatted = formatted.split('"').join('""') return `"${formatted}"` } const content = [ => { return wrapCsvValue(col.label) }) ] .concat( => { return columns .map(col => { return wrapCsvValue( typeof col.field === 'function' ? col.field(row) : row[col.field === void 0 ? : col.field], col.format ) }) .join(',') }) ) .join('\r\n') const status = Quasar.exportFile( `${fileName || 'table-export'}.csv`, content, 'text/csv' ) if (status !== true) { Quasar.Notify.create({ message: 'Browser denied file download...', color: 'negative', icon: null }) } }, convertMarkdown(text) { const converter = new showdown.Converter() converter.setFlavor('github') converter.setOption('simpleLineBreaks', true) return converter.makeHtml(text) }, hexToRgb(hex) { return Quasar.colors.hexToRgb(hex) }, hexDarken(hex, percent) { return Quasar.colors.lighten(hex, percent) }, hexAlpha(hex, alpha) { return Quasar.colors.changeAlpha(hex, alpha) }, getPaletteColor(color) { return Quasar.colors.getPaletteColor(color) } } } if (!window.g) { window.g = Vue.reactive({ offline: !navigator.onLine, visibleDrawer: false, extensions: [], user: null, wallet: {}, fiatBalance: 0, exchangeRate: 0, fiatTracking: false, wallets: [], payments: [], allowedThemes: null, langs: [], walletEventListeners: [], updatePayments: false, updatePaymentsHash: '' }) } window.windowMixin = { i18n: window.i18n, data() { return { g: window.g, toggleSubs: true, mobileSimple: true, walletFlip: true, showAddWalletDialog: {show: false}, borderSelection: null, gradientSelection: null, themeSelection: null, reactionSelection: null, bgimageSelection: null, gradientSelection: false, borderChoice: this.$q.localStorage.has('lnbits.border') ? this.$q.localStorage.getItem('lnbits.border') : USE_DEFAULT_BORDER, gradientChoice: this.$q.localStorage.has('lnbits.gradientBg') ? this.$q.localStorage.getItem('lnbits.gradientBg') : USE_DEFAULT_GRADIENT, themeChoice: this.$q.localStorage.has('lnbits.theme') ? this.$q.localStorage.getItem('lnbits.theme') : USE_DEFAULT_THEME, reactionChoice: this.$q.localStorage.has('lnbits.reactions') ? this.$q.localStorage.getItem('lnbits.reactions') : USE_DEFAULT_REACTION, bgimageChoice: this.$q.localStorage.has('lnbits.backgroundImage') ? this.$q.localStorage.getItem('lnbits.backgroundImage') : USE_DEFAULT_BGIMAGE, isUserAuthorized: false, walletEventListeners: [], backgroundImage: '' } }, methods: { flipWallets(smallScreen) { this.walletFlip = !this.walletFlip if (this.walletFlip && smallScreen) { this.g.visibleDrawer = false } this.$q.localStorage.set('lnbits.walletFlip', this.walletFlip) }, submitAddWallet() { if ( && > 0 ) { LNbits.api.createWallet( this.g.user.wallets[0], ) this.showAddWalletDialog = {show: false} } else { this.$q.notify({ message: 'Please enter a name for the wallet', color: 'negative' }) } }, simpleMobile() { this.$q.localStorage.set('lnbits.mobileSimple', !this.mobileSimple) this.refreshRoute() }, paymentEvents() { this.g.walletEventListeners = this.g.walletEventListeners || [] this.g.user.wallets.forEach(wallet => { if (!this.g.walletEventListeners.includes( { this.g.walletEventListeners.push(, data => { const walletIndex = this.g.user.wallets.findIndex( w => === ) if (walletIndex !== -1) { //needed for balance being deducted let satBalance = data.wallet_balance if (data.payment.amount < 0) { satBalance = data.wallet_balance += data.payment.amount / 1000 } //update the wallet Object.assign(this.g.user.wallets[walletIndex], { sat: satBalance, msat: data.wallet_balance * 1000, fsat: data.wallet_balance.toLocaleString() }) //update the current wallet if ( === data.payment.wallet_id) { Object.assign(this.g.wallet, this.g.user.wallets[walletIndex]) //if on the wallet page and payment is incoming trigger the eventReaction if ( data.payment.amount > 0 && window.location.pathname === '/wallet' ) { eventReaction(data.wallet_balance * 1000) } } } this.g.updatePaymentsHash = data.payment.payment_hash this.g.updatePayments = !this.g.updatePayments }) } }) }, selectWallet(wallet) { Object.assign(this.g.wallet, wallet) // this.wallet = this.g.wallet this.g.updatePayments = !this.g.updatePayments this.balance = parseInt(wallet.balance_msat / 1000) const currentPath = this.$route.path if (currentPath !== '/wallet') { this.$router.push({ path: '/wallet', query: {wal:} }) } else { const url = new URL(window.location.href) url.searchParams.set('wal', window.history.replaceState({}, '', url.toString()) } }, formatBalance(amount) { if (LNBITS_DENOMINATION != 'sats') { return LNbits.utils.formatCurrency(amount / 100, LNBITS_DENOMINATION) } else { return LNbits.utils.formatSat(amount) + ' sats' } }, changeTheme(newValue) { document.body.setAttribute('data-theme', newValue) if (this.themeSelection) { this.themeChoice = newValue this.$q.localStorage.set('lnbits.theme', newValue) } this.setColors() }, applyGradient() { darkBgColor = this.$q.localStorage.getItem('lnbits.darkBgColor') primaryColor = this.$q.localStorage.getItem('lnbits.primaryColor') if (this.gradientChoice) { this.$q.localStorage.set('lnbits.gradientBg', true) if (!this.$q.dark.isActive) { this.$q.dark.toggle() this.$q.localStorage.set('lnbits.darkMode', true) } const gradientStyle = `linear-gradient(to bottom right, ${LNbits.utils.hexDarken(String(primaryColor), -70)}, #0a0a0a)` 'background-image', gradientStyle, 'important' ) const gradientStyleCards = `background-color: ${LNbits.utils.hexAlpha(String(darkBgColor), 0.4)} !important; backdrop-filter: blur(6px);` const style = document.createElement('style') style.innerHTML = `body[data-theme="${this.themeChoice}"] .q-card:not(.q-dialog .q-card, .lnbits__dialog-card, .q-dialog-plugin--dark), body.body${this.$q.dark.isActive ? 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`?${params.toString()}` : '' window.history.replaceState( {}, document.title, window.location.pathname + cleanQueryPrams ) } finally { this.isUserAuthorized = !!this.$q.cookies.get( 'is_lnbits_user_authorized' ) } }, async logout() { LNbits.utils .confirmDialog( 'Do you really want to logout?' + ' Please visit "My Account" page to check your credentials!' ) .onOk(async () => { try { await LNbits.api.logout() window.location = '/' } catch (e) { LNbits.utils.notifyApiError(e) } }) }, themeParams() { const url = new URL(window.location.href) const params = new URLSearchParams( const fields = ['theme', 'dark', 'gradient'] const toBoolean = value => value.trim().toLowerCase() === 'true' || value === '1' // Check if any of the relevant parameters ('theme', 'dark', 'gradient') are present in the URL. if (fields.some(param => params.has(param))) { const theme = params.get('theme') const darkMode = params.get('dark') const gradient = params.get('gradient') const border = params.get('border') if ( theme && this.g.allowedThemes.includes(theme.trim().toLowerCase()) ) { const normalizedTheme = theme.trim().toLowerCase() document.body.setAttribute('data-theme', normalizedTheme) this.$q.localStorage.set('lnbits.theme', normalizedTheme) } if (darkMode) { const isDark = toBoolean(darkMode) this.$q.localStorage.set('lnbits.darkMode', isDark) if (!isDark) { this.$q.localStorage.set('lnbits.gradientBg', false) } } if (gradient) { const isGradient = toBoolean(gradient) this.$q.localStorage.set('lnbits.gradientBg', isGradient) if (isGradient) { this.$q.localStorage.set('lnbits.darkMode', true) } } if (border) { this.$q.localStorage.set('lnbits.border', border) } // Remove processed parameters fields.forEach(param => params.delete(param)) window.history.replaceState(null, null, url.pathname) } this.setColors() }, refreshRoute() { const path = window.location.pathname console.log(path) this.$router.push('/temp').then(() => { this.$router.replace({path}) }) } }, async created() { this.g.allowedThemes = window.allowedThemes ?? ['bitcoin'] this.$q.dark.set( this.$q.localStorage.has('lnbits.darkMode') ? this.$q.localStorage.getItem('lnbits.darkMode') : true ) this.changeTheme(this.themeChoice) this.applyBorder() if (this.$q.dark.isActive) { this.applyGradient() } this.applyBackgroundImage() let locale = this.$q.localStorage.getItem('lnbits.lang') if (locale) { window.LOCALE = locale = locale } this.g.langs = window.langs ?? [] addEventListener('offline', event => { this.g.offline = true }) addEventListener('online', event => { this.g.offline = false }) if (window.user) { this.g.user = Vue.reactive( } if (window.wallet) { this.g.wallet = Vue.reactive( } if (window.extensions) { this.g.extensions = Vue.reactive(window.extensions) } await this.checkUsrInUrl() this.themeParams() this.walletFlip = this.$q.localStorage.getItem('lnbits.walletFlip') if ( this.$ || this.$q.localStorage.getItem('lnbits.mobileSimple') == false ) { this.mobileSimple = false } }, mounted() { if (this.g.user) { this.paymentEvents() } } } window.decryptLnurlPayAES = (success_action, preimage) => { let keyb = new Uint8Array( preimage.match(/[\da-f]{2}/gi).map(h => parseInt(h, 16)) ) return crypto.subtle .importKey('raw', keyb, {name: 'AES-CBC', length: 256}, false, ['decrypt']) .then(key => { let ivb = Uint8Array.from(window.atob(success_action.iv), c => c.charCodeAt(0) ) let ciphertextb = Uint8Array.from( window.atob(success_action.ciphertext), c => c.charCodeAt(0) ) return crypto.subtle.decrypt({name: 'AES-CBC', iv: ivb}, key, ciphertextb) }) .then(valueb => { let decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8') return decoder.decode(valueb) }) }