from http import HTTPStatus from typing import Annotated, Literal, Optional, Type, Union from fastapi import Cookie, Depends, Query, Request, Security from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException from fastapi.openapi.models import APIKey, APIKeyIn, SecuritySchemeType from import APIKeyHeader, APIKeyQuery, OAuth2PasswordBearer from import SecurityBase from jose import ExpiredSignatureError, JWTError, jwt from loguru import logger from pydantic.types import UUID4 from lnbits.core.crud import ( get_account, get_account_by_email, get_account_by_username, get_user, get_wallet_for_key, ) from lnbits.core.models import User, Wallet, WalletType, WalletTypeInfo from lnbits.db import Filter, Filters, TFilterModel from lnbits.settings import AuthMethods, settings oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="api/v1/auth", auto_error=False) class KeyChecker(SecurityBase): def __init__( self, scheme_name: Optional[str] = None, auto_error: bool = True, api_key: Optional[str] = None, ): self.scheme_name = scheme_name or self.__class__.__name__ self.auto_error: bool = auto_error self._key_type: WalletType = WalletType.invoice self._api_key = api_key if api_key: openapi_model = APIKey( **{"in": APIKeyIn.query}, type=SecuritySchemeType.apiKey, name="X-API-KEY", description="Wallet API Key - QUERY", ) else: openapi_model = APIKey( **{"in": APIKeyIn.header}, type=SecuritySchemeType.apiKey, name="X-API-KEY", description="Wallet API Key - HEADER", ) self.wallet: Optional[Wallet] = None self.model: APIKey = openapi_model async def __call__(self, request: Request): try: key_value = ( self._api_key if self._api_key else request.headers.get("X-API-KEY") or request.query_params["api-key"] ) # FIXME: Find another way to validate the key. A fetch from DB should be # avoided here. Also, we should not return the wallet here - thats # silly. Possibly store it in a Redis DB wallet = await get_wallet_for_key(key_value, self._key_type) if not wallet: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Invalid key or wallet.", ) self.wallet = wallet except KeyError: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail="`X-API-KEY` header missing." ) class WalletInvoiceKeyChecker(KeyChecker): """ WalletInvoiceKeyChecker will ensure that the provided invoice wallet key is correct and populate g().wallet with the wallet for the key in `X-API-key`. The checker will raise an HTTPException when the key is wrong in some ways. """ def __init__( self, scheme_name: Optional[str] = None, auto_error: bool = True, api_key: Optional[str] = None, ): super().__init__(scheme_name, auto_error, api_key) self._key_type = WalletType.invoice class WalletAdminKeyChecker(KeyChecker): """ WalletAdminKeyChecker will ensure that the provided admin wallet key is correct and populate g().wallet with the wallet for the key in `X-API-key`. The checker will raise an HTTPException when the key is wrong in some ways. """ def __init__( self, scheme_name: Optional[str] = None, auto_error: bool = True, api_key: Optional[str] = None, ): super().__init__(scheme_name, auto_error, api_key) self._key_type = WalletType.admin api_key_header = APIKeyHeader( name="X-API-KEY", auto_error=False, description="Admin or Invoice key for wallet API's", ) api_key_query = APIKeyQuery( name="api-key", auto_error=False, description="Admin or Invoice key for wallet API's", ) async def get_key_type( r: Request, api_key_header: str = Security(api_key_header), api_key_query: str = Security(api_key_query), ) -> WalletTypeInfo: token = api_key_header or api_key_query if not token: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Invoice (or Admin) key required.", ) for wallet_type, wallet_checker in zip( [WalletType.admin, WalletType.invoice], [WalletAdminKeyChecker, WalletInvoiceKeyChecker], ): try: checker = wallet_checker(api_key=token) await checker.__call__(r) if checker.wallet is None: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Wallet does not exist." ) wallet = WalletTypeInfo(wallet_type, checker.wallet) if ( wallet.wallet.user != settings.super_user and wallet.wallet.user not in settings.lnbits_admin_users ) and ( settings.lnbits_admin_extensions and r["path"].split("/")[1] in settings.lnbits_admin_extensions ): raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, detail="User not authorized for this extension.", ) return wallet except HTTPException as exc: if exc.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST: raise elif exc.status_code == HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED: # we pass this in case it is not an invoice key, nor an admin key, # and then return NOT_FOUND at the end of this block pass else: raise except Exception: raise raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, detail="Wallet does not exist." ) async def require_admin_key( r: Request, api_key_header: str = Security(api_key_header), api_key_query: str = Security(api_key_query), ): token = api_key_header or api_key_query if not token: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Admin key required.", ) wallet = await get_key_type(r, token) if wallet.wallet_type != 0: # If wallet type is not admin then return the unauthorized status # This also covers when the user passes an invalid key type raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Admin key required." ) else: return wallet async def require_invoice_key( r: Request, api_key_header: str = Security(api_key_header), api_key_query: str = Security(api_key_query), ): token = api_key_header or api_key_query if not token: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Invoice (or Admin) key required.", ) wallet = await get_key_type(r, token) if ( wallet.wallet_type != WalletType.admin and wallet.wallet_type != WalletType.invoice ): raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, detail="Invoice (or Admin) key required.", ) else: return wallet async def check_access_token( header_access_token: Annotated[Union[str, None], Depends(oauth2_scheme)], cookie_access_token: Annotated[Union[str, None], Cookie()] = None, ) -> Optional[str]: return header_access_token or cookie_access_token async def check_user_exists( r: Request, access_token: Annotated[Optional[str], Depends(check_access_token)], usr: Optional[UUID4] = None, ) -> User: if access_token: account = await _get_account_from_token(access_token) elif usr and settings.is_auth_method_allowed(AuthMethods.user_id_only): account = await get_account(usr.hex) else: raise HTTPException(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "Missing user ID or access token.") if not account or not settings.is_user_allowed( raise HTTPException(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "User not allowed.") user = await get_user( assert user, "User not found for account." if not user.admin and r["path"].split("/")[1] in settings.lnbits_admin_extensions: raise HTTPException(HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, "User not authorized for extension.") return user async def check_admin(user: Annotated[User, Depends(check_user_exists)]) -> User: if != settings.super_user and not in settings.lnbits_admin_users: raise HTTPException( HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "User not authorized. No admin privileges." ) return user async def check_super_user(user: Annotated[User, Depends(check_user_exists)]) -> User: if != settings.super_user: raise HTTPException( HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "User not authorized. No super user privileges." ) return user def parse_filters(model: Type[TFilterModel]): """ Parses the query params as filters. :param model: model used for validation of filter values """ def dependency( request: Request, limit: Optional[int] = None, offset: Optional[int] = None, sortby: Optional[str] = None, direction: Optional[Literal["asc", "desc"]] = None, search: Optional[str] = Query(None, description="Text based search"), ): params = request.query_params filters = [] for key in params.keys(): try: filters.append(Filter.parse_query(key, params.getlist(key), model)) except ValueError: continue return Filters( filters=filters, limit=limit, offset=offset, sortby=sortby, direction=direction, search=search, model=model, ) return dependency async def _get_account_from_token(access_token): try: payload = jwt.decode(access_token, settings.auth_secret_key, "HS256") if "sub" in payload and payload.get("sub"): return await get_account_by_username(str(payload.get("sub"))) if "usr" in payload and payload.get("usr"): return await get_account(str(payload.get("usr"))) if "email" in payload and payload.get("email"): return await get_account_by_email(str(payload.get("email"))) raise HTTPException(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "Data missing for access token.") except ExpiredSignatureError: raise HTTPException( HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "Session expired.", {"token-expired": "true"} ) except JWTError as e: logger.debug(e) raise HTTPException(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "Invalid access token.")