from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode from uuid import uuid4 from typing import List, Optional, Union import requests from lnbits.db import open_ext_db from lnbits.settings import WALLET from .models import Products, Orders, Indexers import re regex = re.compile( r"^(?:http|ftp)s?://" # http:// or https:// r"(?:(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|[A-Z0-9-]{2,}\.?)|" r"localhost|" r"\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})" r"(?::\d+)?" r"(?:/?|[/?]\S+)$", re.IGNORECASE, ) ###Products def create_diagonalleys_product( *, wallet_id: str, product: str, categories: str, description: str, image: str, price: int, quantity: int ) -> Products: with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: product_id = urlsafe_b64encode(uuid4().bytes_le).decode("utf-8") db.execute( """ INSERT INTO products (id, wallet, product, categories, description, image, price, quantity) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, (product_id, wallet_id, product, categories, description, image, price, quantity), ) return get_diagonalleys_product(product_id) def update_diagonalleys_product(product_id: str, **kwargs) -> Optional[Indexers]: q = ", ".join([f"{field[0]} = ?" for field in kwargs.items()]) with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: db.execute(f"UPDATE products SET {q} WHERE id = ?", (*kwargs.values(), product_id)) row = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = ?", (product_id,)) return get_diagonalleys_indexer(product_id) def get_diagonalleys_product(product_id: str) -> Optional[Products]: with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: row = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = ?", (product_id,)) return Products(**row) if row else None def get_diagonalleys_products(wallet_ids: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[Products]: if isinstance(wallet_ids, str): wallet_ids = [wallet_ids] with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: q = ",".join(["?"] * len(wallet_ids)) rows = db.fetchall(f"SELECT * FROM products WHERE wallet IN ({q})", (*wallet_ids,)) return [Products(**row) for row in rows] def delete_diagonalleys_product(product_id: str) -> None: with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: db.execute("DELETE FROM products WHERE id = ?", (product_id,)) ###Indexers def create_diagonalleys_indexer( wallet_id: str, shopname: str, indexeraddress: str, shippingzone1: str, shippingzone2: str, zone1cost: int, zone2cost: int, email: str, ) -> Indexers: with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: indexer_id = urlsafe_b64encode(uuid4().bytes_le).decode("utf-8") db.execute( """ INSERT INTO indexers (id, wallet, shopname, indexeraddress, online, rating, shippingzone1, shippingzone2, zone1cost, zone2cost, email) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, ( indexer_id, wallet_id, shopname, indexeraddress, False, 0, shippingzone1, shippingzone2, zone1cost, zone2cost, email, ), ) return get_diagonalleys_indexer(indexer_id) def update_diagonalleys_indexer(indexer_id: str, **kwargs) -> Optional[Indexers]: q = ", ".join([f"{field[0]} = ?" for field in kwargs.items()]) with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: db.execute(f"UPDATE indexers SET {q} WHERE id = ?", (*kwargs.values(), indexer_id)) row = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM indexers WHERE id = ?", (indexer_id,)) return get_diagonalleys_indexer(indexer_id) def get_diagonalleys_indexer(indexer_id: str) -> Optional[Indexers]: with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: roww = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM indexers WHERE id = ?", (indexer_id,)) try: x = requests.get(roww["indexeraddress"] + "/" + roww["ratingkey"]) if x.status_code == 200: print(x) print("poo") with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: db.execute("UPDATE indexers SET online = ? WHERE id = ?", (True, indexer_id,)) else: with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: db.execute("UPDATE indexers SET online = ? WHERE id = ?", (False, indexer_id,)) except: print("An exception occurred") with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: row = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM indexers WHERE id = ?", (indexer_id,)) return Indexers(**row) if row else None def get_diagonalleys_indexers(wallet_ids: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[Indexers]: if isinstance(wallet_ids, str): wallet_ids = [wallet_ids] with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: q = ",".join(["?"] * len(wallet_ids)) rows = db.fetchall(f"SELECT * FROM indexers WHERE wallet IN ({q})", (*wallet_ids,)) for r in rows: try: x = requests.get(r["indexeraddress"] + "/" + r["ratingkey"]) if x.status_code == 200: with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: db.execute("UPDATE indexers SET online = ? WHERE id = ?", (True, r["id"],)) else: with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: db.execute("UPDATE indexers SET online = ? WHERE id = ?", (False, r["id"],)) except: print("An exception occurred") with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: q = ",".join(["?"] * len(wallet_ids)) rows = db.fetchall(f"SELECT * FROM indexers WHERE wallet IN ({q})", (*wallet_ids,)) return [Indexers(**row) for row in rows] def delete_diagonalleys_indexer(indexer_id: str) -> None: with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: db.execute("DELETE FROM indexers WHERE id = ?", (indexer_id,)) ###Orders def create_diagonalleys_order( *, productid: str, wallet: str, product: str, quantity: int, shippingzone: str, address: str, email: str, invoiceid: str, paid: bool, shipped: bool, ) -> Indexers: with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: order_id = urlsafe_b64encode(uuid4().bytes_le).decode("utf-8") db.execute( """ INSERT INTO orders (id, productid, wallet, product, quantity, shippingzone, address, email, invoiceid, paid, shipped) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, (order_id, productid, wallet, product, quantity, shippingzone, address, email, invoiceid, False, False), ) return get_diagonalleys_order(order_id) def get_diagonalleys_order(order_id: str) -> Optional[Orders]: with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: row = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM orders WHERE id = ?", (order_id,)) return Orders(**row) if row else None def get_diagonalleys_orders(wallet_ids: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[Orders]: if isinstance(wallet_ids, str): wallet_ids = [wallet_ids] with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: q = ",".join(["?"] * len(wallet_ids)) rows = db.fetchall(f"SELECT * FROM orders WHERE wallet IN ({q})", (*wallet_ids,)) for r in rows: PAID = WALLET.get_invoice_status(r["invoiceid"]).paid if PAID: with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: db.execute("UPDATE orders SET paid = ? WHERE id = ?", (True, r["id"],)) rows = db.fetchall(f"SELECT * FROM orders WHERE wallet IN ({q})", (*wallet_ids,)) return [Orders(**row) for row in rows] def delete_diagonalleys_order(order_id: str) -> None: with open_ext_db("diagonalley") as db: db.execute("DELETE FROM orders WHERE id = ?", (order_id,))