from http import HTTPStatus from fastapi import Depends, HTTPException, Query, Request from lnurl.exceptions import InvalidUrl as LnurlInvalidUrl from lnbits.core.crud import get_user from lnbits.decorators import WalletTypeInfo, get_key_type, require_admin_key from . import withdraw_ext from .crud import ( create_withdraw_link, delete_withdraw_link, get_hash_check, get_withdraw_link, get_withdraw_links, update_withdraw_link, ) from .models import CreateWithdrawData @withdraw_ext.get("/api/v1/links", status_code=HTTPStatus.OK) async def api_links( req: Request, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type), all_wallets: bool = Query(False), ): wallet_ids = [] if all_wallets: user = await get_user(wallet.wallet.user) wallet_ids = user.wallet_ids if user else [] try: return [ {**link.dict(), **{"lnurl": link.lnurl(req)}} for link in await get_withdraw_links(wallet_ids) ] except LnurlInvalidUrl: raise HTTPException( status_code=HTTPStatus.UPGRADE_REQUIRED, detail="LNURLs need to be delivered over a publically accessible `https` domain or Tor.", ) @withdraw_ext.get("/api/v1/links/{link_id}", status_code=HTTPStatus.OK) async def api_link_retrieve( link_id: str, request: Request, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(get_key_type) ): link = await get_withdraw_link(link_id, 0) if not link: raise HTTPException( detail="Withdraw link does not exist.", status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND ) if link.wallet != raise HTTPException( detail="Not your withdraw link.", status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN ) return {**link.dict(), **{"lnurl": link.lnurl(request)}}"/api/v1/links", status_code=HTTPStatus.CREATED) @withdraw_ext.put("/api/v1/links/{link_id}", status_code=HTTPStatus.OK) async def api_link_create_or_update( req: Request, data: CreateWithdrawData, link_id: str = Query(None), wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(require_admin_key), ): if data.uses > 250: raise HTTPException(detail="250 uses max.", status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) if data.min_withdrawable < 1: raise HTTPException( detail="Min must be more than 1.", status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST ) if data.max_withdrawable < data.min_withdrawable: raise HTTPException( detail="`max_withdrawable` needs to be at least `min_withdrawable`.", status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) if link_id: link = await get_withdraw_link(link_id, 0) if not link: raise HTTPException( detail="Withdraw link does not exist.", status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND ) if link.wallet != raise HTTPException( detail="Not your withdraw link.", status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN ) link = await update_withdraw_link(link_id, **data.dict()) else: link = await create_withdraw_link(, data=data) assert link return {**link.dict(), **{"lnurl": link.lnurl(req)}} @withdraw_ext.delete("/api/v1/links/{link_id}", status_code=HTTPStatus.OK) async def api_link_delete(link_id, wallet: WalletTypeInfo = Depends(require_admin_key)): link = await get_withdraw_link(link_id) if not link: raise HTTPException( detail="Withdraw link does not exist.", status_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND ) if link.wallet != raise HTTPException( detail="Not your withdraw link.", status_code=HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN ) await delete_withdraw_link(link_id) return {"success": True} @withdraw_ext.get( "/api/v1/links/{the_hash}/{lnurl_id}", status_code=HTTPStatus.OK, dependencies=[Depends(get_key_type)], ) async def api_hash_retrieve(the_hash, lnurl_id): hashCheck = await get_hash_check(the_hash, lnurl_id) return hashCheck