.PHONY: test all: format check format: prettier black ruff check: mypy pyright checkblack checkruff checkprettier checkbundle test: test-unit test-wallets test-api test-regtest prettier: poetry run ./node_modules/.bin/prettier --write . pyright: poetry run ./node_modules/.bin/pyright mypy: poetry run mypy black: poetry run black . ruff: poetry run ruff check . --fix checkruff: poetry run ruff check . checkprettier: poetry run ./node_modules/.bin/prettier --check . checkblack: poetry run black --check . checkeditorconfig: editorconfig-checker dev: poetry run lnbits --reload test-wallets: LNBITS_BACKEND_WALLET_CLASS="FakeWallet" \ PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 \ DEBUG=true \ poetry run pytest tests/wallets test-unit: LNBITS_BACKEND_WALLET_CLASS="FakeWallet" \ PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 \ DEBUG=true \ poetry run pytest tests/unit test-api: LNBITS_BACKEND_WALLET_CLASS="FakeWallet" \ PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 \ DEBUG=true \ poetry run pytest tests/api test-regtest: PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 \ DEBUG=true \ poetry run pytest tests/regtest test-migration: LNBITS_ADMIN_UI=True \ make test-api HOST= \ PORT=5002 \ LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER="./tests/data" \ timeout 5s poetry run lnbits --host --port 5002 || code=$?; if [[ $code -ne 124 && $code -ne 0 ]]; then exit $code; fi HOST= \ PORT=5002 \ LNBITS_DATABASE_URL="postgres://lnbits:lnbits@localhost:5432/migration" \ timeout 5s poetry run lnbits --host --port 5002 || code=$?; if [[ $code -ne 124 && $code -ne 0 ]]; then exit $code; fi LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER="./tests/data" \ LNBITS_DATABASE_URL="postgres://lnbits:lnbits@localhost:5432/migration" \ poetry run python tools/conv.py migration: poetry run python tools/conv.py openapi: LNBITS_BACKEND_WALLET_CLASS="FakeWallet" \ LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER="./tests/data" \ PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 \ HOST= \ PORT=5003 \ poetry run lnbits & sleep 15 curl -s | poetry run openapi-spec-validator --errors=all - # kill -9 %1 bak: # LNBITS_DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@ # sass: npm run sass bundle: npm install npm run sass npm run vendor_copy npm run vendor_json poetry run ./node_modules/.bin/prettier -w ./lnbits/static/vendor.json npm run vendor_bundle_css npm run vendor_minify_css npm run vendor_bundle_js npm run vendor_minify_js checkbundle: cp lnbits/static/bundle.min.js lnbits/static/bundle.min.js.old cp lnbits/static/bundle.min.css lnbits/static/bundle.min.css.old make bundle diff -q lnbits/static/bundle.min.js lnbits/static/bundle.min.js.old || exit 1 diff -q lnbits/static/bundle.min.css lnbits/static/bundle.min.css.old || exit 1 @echo "Bundle is OK" rm lnbits/static/bundle.min.js.old rm lnbits/static/bundle.min.css.old install-pre-commit-hook: @echo "Installing pre-commit hook to git" @echo "Uninstall the hook with poetry run pre-commit uninstall" poetry run pre-commit install pre-commit: poetry run pre-commit run --all-files