import json import datetime from uuid import uuid4 from typing import List, Optional, Dict from lnbits import bolt11 from lnbits.settings import DEFAULT_WALLET_NAME from . import db from .models import User, Wallet, Payment # accounts # -------- async def create_account() -> User: user_id = uuid4().hex await db.execute("INSERT INTO accounts (id) VALUES (?)", (user_id,)) new_account = await get_account(user_id=user_id) assert new_account, "Newly created account couldn't be retrieved" return new_account async def get_account(user_id: str) -> Optional[User]: row = await db.fetchone("SELECT id, email, pass as password FROM accounts WHERE id = ?", (user_id,)) return User(**row) if row else None async def get_user(user_id: str) -> Optional[User]: user = await db.fetchone("SELECT id, email FROM accounts WHERE id = ?", (user_id,)) if user: extensions = await db.fetchall("SELECT extension FROM extensions WHERE user = ? AND active = 1", (user_id,)) wallets = await db.fetchall( """ SELECT *, COALESCE((SELECT balance FROM balances WHERE wallet =, 0) AS balance_msat FROM wallets WHERE user = ? """, (user_id,), ) return ( User(**{**user, **{"extensions": [e[0] for e in extensions], "wallets": [Wallet(**w) for w in wallets]}}) if user else None ) async def update_user_extension(*, user_id: str, extension: str, active: int) -> None: await db.execute( """ INSERT OR REPLACE INTO extensions (user, extension, active) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """, (user_id, extension, active), ) # wallets # ------- async def create_wallet(*, user_id: str, wallet_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Wallet: wallet_id = uuid4().hex await db.execute( """ INSERT INTO wallets (id, name, user, adminkey, inkey) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, (wallet_id, wallet_name or DEFAULT_WALLET_NAME, user_id, uuid4().hex, uuid4().hex), ) new_wallet = await get_wallet(wallet_id=wallet_id) assert new_wallet, "Newly created wallet couldn't be retrieved" return new_wallet async def delete_wallet(*, user_id: str, wallet_id: str) -> None: await db.execute( """ UPDATE wallets AS w SET user = 'del:' || w.user, adminkey = 'del:' || w.adminkey, inkey = 'del:' || w.inkey WHERE id = ? AND user = ? """, (wallet_id, user_id), ) async def get_wallet(wallet_id: str) -> Optional[Wallet]: row = await db.fetchone( """ SELECT *, COALESCE((SELECT balance FROM balances WHERE wallet =, 0) AS balance_msat FROM wallets WHERE id = ? """, (wallet_id,), ) return Wallet(**row) if row else None async def get_wallet_for_key(key: str, key_type: str = "invoice") -> Optional[Wallet]: row = await db.fetchone( """ SELECT *, COALESCE((SELECT balance FROM balances WHERE wallet =, 0) AS balance_msat FROM wallets WHERE adminkey = ? OR inkey = ? """, (key, key), ) if not row: return None if key_type == "admin" and row["adminkey"] != key: return None return Wallet(**row) # wallet payments # --------------- async def get_standalone_payment(checking_id: str) -> Optional[Payment]: row = await db.fetchone( """ SELECT * FROM apipayments WHERE checking_id = ? """, (checking_id,), ) return Payment.from_row(row) if row else None async def get_wallet_payment(wallet_id: str, payment_hash: str) -> Optional[Payment]: row = await db.fetchone( """ SELECT * FROM apipayments WHERE wallet = ? AND hash = ? """, (wallet_id, payment_hash), ) return Payment.from_row(row) if row else None async def get_wallet_payments( wallet_id: str, *, complete: bool = False, pending: bool = False, outgoing: bool = False, incoming: bool = False, exclude_uncheckable: bool = False, ) -> List[Payment]: """ Filters payments to be returned by complete | pending | outgoing | incoming. """ clause = "" if complete and pending: clause += "" elif complete: clause += "AND ((amount > 0 AND pending = 0) OR amount < 0)" elif pending: clause += "AND pending = 1" else: raise TypeError("at least one of [complete, pending] must be True.") clause += " " if outgoing and incoming: clause += "" elif outgoing: clause += "AND amount < 0" elif incoming: clause += "AND amount > 0" else: raise TypeError("at least one of [outgoing, incoming] must be True.") clause += " " if exclude_uncheckable: # checkable means it has a checking_id that isn't internal clause += "AND checking_id NOT LIKE 'temp_%' " clause += "AND checking_id NOT LIKE 'internal_%' " rows = await db.fetchall( f""" SELECT * FROM apipayments WHERE wallet = ? {clause} ORDER BY time DESC """, (wallet_id,), ) return [Payment.from_row(row) for row in rows] async def delete_expired_invoices() -> None: rows = await db.fetchall( """ SELECT bolt11 FROM apipayments WHERE pending = 1 AND amount > 0 AND time < strftime('%s', 'now') - 86400 """ ) for (payment_request,) in rows: try: invoice = bolt11.decode(payment_request) except: continue expiration_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( + invoice.expiry) if expiration_date > datetime.datetime.utcnow(): continue await db.execute( """ DELETE FROM apipayments WHERE pending = 1 AND hash = ? """, (invoice.payment_hash,), ) # payments # -------- async def create_payment( *, wallet_id: str, checking_id: str, payment_request: str, payment_hash: str, amount: int, memo: str, fee: int = 0, preimage: Optional[str] = None, pending: bool = True, extra: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> Payment: await db.execute( """ INSERT INTO apipayments (wallet, checking_id, bolt11, hash, preimage, amount, pending, memo, fee, extra) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, ( wallet_id, checking_id, payment_request, payment_hash, preimage, amount, int(pending), memo, fee, json.dumps(extra) if extra and extra != {} and type(extra) is dict else None, ), ) new_payment = await get_wallet_payment(wallet_id, payment_hash) assert new_payment, "Newly created payment couldn't be retrieved" return new_payment async def update_payment_status(checking_id: str, pending: bool) -> None: await db.execute( "UPDATE apipayments SET pending = ? WHERE checking_id = ?", ( int(pending), checking_id, ), ) async def delete_payment(checking_id: str) -> None: await db.execute("DELETE FROM apipayments WHERE checking_id = ?", (checking_id,)) async def check_internal(payment_hash: str) -> Optional[str]: row = await db.fetchone( """ SELECT checking_id FROM apipayments WHERE hash = ? AND pending AND amount > 0 """, (payment_hash,), ) if not row: return None else: return row["checking_id"]