from quart import g, jsonify, request from http import HTTPStatus from lnbits.core.crud import get_user from import create_invoice, check_invoice_status from lnbits.decorators import api_check_wallet_key, api_validate_post_request from . import subdomains_ext from .crud import ( create_subdomain, get_subdomain, get_subdomains, delete_subdomain, create_domain, update_domain, get_domain, get_domains, delete_domain, get_subdomainBySubdomain, ) from .cloudflare import cloudflare_create_subdomain, cloudflare_deletesubdomain # domainS @subdomains_ext.route("/api/v1/domains", methods=["GET"]) @api_check_wallet_key("invoice") async def api_domains(): wallet_ids = [] if "all_wallets" in request.args: wallet_ids = (await get_user(g.wallet.user)).wallet_ids return ( jsonify([domain._asdict() for domain in await get_domains(wallet_ids)]), HTTPStatus.OK, ) @subdomains_ext.route("/api/v1/domains", methods=["POST"]) @subdomains_ext.route("/api/v1/domains/", methods=["PUT"]) @api_check_wallet_key("invoice") @api_validate_post_request( schema={ "wallet": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}, "domain": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}, "cf_token": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}, "cf_zone_id": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}, "webhook": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": False}, "description": {"type": "string", "min": 0, "required": True}, "cost": {"type": "integer", "min": 0, "required": True}, "allowed_record_types": {"type": "string", "required": True}, } ) async def api_domain_create(domain_id=None): if domain_id: domain = await get_domain(domain_id) if not domain: return jsonify({"message": "domain does not exist."}), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND if domain.wallet != return jsonify({"message": "Not your domain."}), HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN domain = await update_domain(domain_id, ** else: domain = await create_domain(** return jsonify(domain._asdict()), HTTPStatus.CREATED @subdomains_ext.route("/api/v1/domains/", methods=["DELETE"]) @api_check_wallet_key("invoice") async def api_domain_delete(domain_id): domain = await get_domain(domain_id) if not domain: return jsonify({"message": "domain does not exist."}), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND if domain.wallet != return jsonify({"message": "Not your domain."}), HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN await delete_domain(domain_id) return "", HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT #########subdomains########## @subdomains_ext.route("/api/v1/subdomains", methods=["GET"]) @api_check_wallet_key("invoice") async def api_subdomains(): wallet_ids = [] if "all_wallets" in request.args: wallet_ids = (await get_user(g.wallet.user)).wallet_ids return ( jsonify([domain._asdict() for domain in await get_subdomains(wallet_ids)]), HTTPStatus.OK, ) @subdomains_ext.route("/api/v1/subdomains/", methods=["POST"]) @api_validate_post_request( schema={ "domain": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}, "subdomain": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}, "email": {"type": "string", "empty": True, "required": True}, "ip": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}, "sats": {"type": "integer", "min": 0, "required": True}, "duration": {"type": "integer", "empty": False, "required": True}, "record_type": {"type": "string", "empty": False, "required": True}, } ) async def api_subdomain_make_subdomain(domain_id): domain = await get_domain(domain_id) # If the request is coming for the non-existant domain if not domain: return jsonify({"message": "LNsubdomain does not exist."}), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND ## If record_type is not one of the allowed ones reject the request if["record_type"] not in domain.allowed_record_types: return ( jsonify({"message":["record_type"] + "Not a valid record"}), HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) ## If domain already exist in our database reject it if await get_subdomainBySubdomain(["subdomain"]) is not None: return ( jsonify( { "message":["subdomain"] + "." + domain.domain + " domain already taken" } ), HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) ## Dry run cloudflare... (create and if create is sucessful delete it) cf_response = await cloudflare_create_subdomain( domain=domain,["subdomain"],["record_type"],["ip"], ) if cf_response["success"] == True: cloudflare_deletesubdomain(domain=domain, domain_id=cf_response["result"]["id"]) else: return ( jsonify( { "message": "Problem with cloudflare: " + cf_response["errors"][0]["message"] } ), HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, ) ## ALL OK - create an invoice and return it to the user sats =["sats"] try: payment_hash, payment_request = await create_invoice( wallet_id=domain.wallet, amount=sats, memo=f"subdomain {['subdomain']}.{domain.domain} for {sats} sats for {['duration']} days", extra={"tag": "lnsubdomain"}, ) except Exception as e: return jsonify({"message": str(e)}), HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR subdomain = await create_subdomain( payment_hash=payment_hash, wallet=domain.wallet, ** ) if not subdomain: return ( jsonify({"message": "LNsubdomain could not be fetched."}), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, ) return ( jsonify({"payment_hash": payment_hash, "payment_request": payment_request}), HTTPStatus.OK, ) @subdomains_ext.route("/api/v1/subdomains/", methods=["GET"]) async def api_subdomain_send_subdomain(payment_hash): subdomain = await get_subdomain(payment_hash) try: status = await check_invoice_status(subdomain.wallet, payment_hash) is_paid = not status.pending except Exception: return jsonify({"paid": False}), HTTPStatus.OK if is_paid: return jsonify({"paid": True}), HTTPStatus.OK return jsonify({"paid": False}), HTTPStatus.OK @subdomains_ext.route("/api/v1/subdomains/", methods=["DELETE"]) @api_check_wallet_key("invoice") async def api_subdomain_delete(subdomain_id): subdomain = await get_subdomain(subdomain_id) if not subdomain: return jsonify({"message": "Paywall does not exist."}), HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND if subdomain.wallet != return jsonify({"message": "Not your subdomain."}), HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN await delete_subdomain(subdomain_id) return "", HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT