import asyncio import os from hashlib import sha256 from typing import Awaitable, Union import httpx from embit import ec, script from embit.networks import NETWORKS from embit.transaction import SIGHASH, Transaction, TransactionInput, TransactionOutput from loguru import logger from import create_invoice, pay_invoice from lnbits.helpers import urlsafe_short_hash from lnbits.settings import settings from .crud import update_swap_status from .mempool import ( get_fee_estimation, get_mempool_blockheight, get_mempool_fees, get_mempool_tx, get_mempool_tx_from_txs, send_onchain_tx, wait_for_websocket_message, ) from .models import ( CreateReverseSubmarineSwap, CreateSubmarineSwap, ReverseSubmarineSwap, SubmarineSwap, SwapStatus, ) from .utils import check_balance, get_timestamp, req_wrap net = NETWORKS[settings.boltz_network] async def create_swap(data: CreateSubmarineSwap) -> SubmarineSwap: if not check_boltz_limits(data.amount): msg = f"Boltz - swap not in boltz limits" logger.warning(msg) raise Exception(msg) swap_id = urlsafe_short_hash() try: payment_hash, payment_request = await create_invoice( wallet_id=data.wallet, amount=data.amount, memo=f"swap of {data.amount} sats on", extra={"tag": "boltz", "swap_id": swap_id}, ) except Exception as exc: msg = f"Boltz - create_invoice failed {str(exc)}" logger.error(msg) raise refund_privkey = ec.PrivateKey(os.urandom(32), True, net) refund_pubkey_hex = bytes.hex(refund_privkey.sec()).decode() res = req_wrap( "post", f"{settings.boltz_url}/createswap", json={ "type": "submarine", "pairId": "BTC/BTC", "orderSide": "sell", "refundPublicKey": refund_pubkey_hex, "invoice": payment_request, "referralId": "lnbits", }, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) res = res.json() f"Boltz - created normal swap, boltz_id: {res['id']}. wallet: {data.wallet}" ) return SubmarineSwap( id=swap_id, time=get_timestamp(), wallet=data.wallet, amount=data.amount, payment_hash=payment_hash, refund_privkey=refund_privkey.wif(net), refund_address=data.refund_address, boltz_id=res["id"], status="pending", address=res["address"], expected_amount=res["expectedAmount"], timeout_block_height=res["timeoutBlockHeight"], bip21=res["bip21"], redeem_script=res["redeemScript"], ) """ explanation taken from electrum send on Lightning, receive on-chain - User generates preimage, RHASH. Sends RHASH to server. - Server creates an LN invoice for RHASH. - User pays LN invoice - except server needs to hold the HTLC as preimage is unknown. - Server creates on-chain output locked to RHASH. - User spends on-chain output, revealing preimage. - Server fulfills HTLC using preimage. Note: expected_onchain_amount_sat is BEFORE deducting the on-chain claim tx fee. """ async def create_reverse_swap( data: CreateReverseSubmarineSwap, ) -> [ReverseSubmarineSwap, asyncio.Task]: if not check_boltz_limits(data.amount): msg = f"Boltz - reverse swap not in boltz limits" logger.warning(msg) raise Exception(msg) swap_id = urlsafe_short_hash() if not await check_balance(data): logger.error(f"Boltz - reverse swap, insufficient balance.") return False claim_privkey = ec.PrivateKey(os.urandom(32), True, net) claim_pubkey_hex = bytes.hex(claim_privkey.sec()).decode() preimage = os.urandom(32) preimage_hash = sha256(preimage).hexdigest() res = req_wrap( "post", f"{settings.boltz_url}/createswap", json={ "type": "reversesubmarine", "pairId": "BTC/BTC", "orderSide": "buy", "invoiceAmount": data.amount, "preimageHash": preimage_hash, "claimPublicKey": claim_pubkey_hex, "referralId": "lnbits", }, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) res = res.json() f"Boltz - created reverse swap, boltz_id: {res['id']}. wallet: {data.wallet}" ) swap = ReverseSubmarineSwap( id=swap_id, amount=data.amount, wallet=data.wallet, onchain_address=data.onchain_address, instant_settlement=data.instant_settlement, claim_privkey=claim_privkey.wif(net), preimage=preimage.hex(), status="pending", boltz_id=res["id"], timeout_block_height=res["timeoutBlockHeight"], lockup_address=res["lockupAddress"], onchain_amount=res["onchainAmount"], redeem_script=res["redeemScript"], invoice=res["invoice"], time=get_timestamp(), ) logger.debug(f"Boltz - waiting for onchain tx, reverse swap_id: {}") task = create_task_log_exception(, wait_for_onchain_tx(swap, swap_websocket_callback_initial) ) return swap, task def start_onchain_listener(swap: ReverseSubmarineSwap) -> asyncio.Task: return create_task_log_exception(, wait_for_onchain_tx(swap, swap_websocket_callback_restart) ) async def start_confirmation_listener( swap: ReverseSubmarineSwap, mempool_lockup_tx ) -> asyncio.Task: logger.debug(f"Boltz - reverse swap, waiting for confirmation...") tx, txid, *_ = mempool_lockup_tx confirmed = await wait_for_websocket_message({"track-tx": txid}, "txConfirmed") if confirmed: logger.debug(f"Boltz - reverse swap lockup transaction confirmed! claiming...") await create_claim_tx(swap, mempool_lockup_tx) else: logger.debug(f"Boltz - reverse swap lockup transaction still not confirmed.") def create_task_log_exception(swap_id: str, awaitable: Awaitable) -> asyncio.Task: async def _log_exception(awaitable): try: return await awaitable except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Boltz - reverse swap failed!: {swap_id} - {e}") await update_swap_status(swap_id, "failed") return asyncio.create_task(_log_exception(awaitable)) async def swap_websocket_callback_initial(swap): wstask = asyncio.create_task( wait_for_websocket_message( {"track-address": swap.lockup_address}, "address-transactions" ) ) logger.debug( f"Boltz - created task, waiting on mempool websocket for address: {swap.lockup_address}" ) # create_task is used because pay_invoice is stuck as long as boltz does not # see the onchain claim tx and it ends up in deadlock task: asyncio.Task = create_task_log_exception(, pay_invoice( wallet_id=swap.wallet, payment_request=swap.invoice, description=f"reverse swap for {swap.amount} sats on", extra={"tag": "boltz", "swap_id":, "reverse": True}, ), ) logger.debug(f"Boltz - task pay_invoice created, reverse swap_id: {}") done, pending = await asyncio.wait( [task, wstask], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED ) message = done.pop().result() # pay_invoice already failed, do not wait for onchain tx anymore if message is None: logger.debug(f"Boltz - pay_invoice already failed cancel websocket task.") wstask.cancel() raise return task, message async def swap_websocket_callback_restart(swap): logger.debug(f"Boltz - swap_websocket_callback_restart called...") message = await wait_for_websocket_message( {"track-address": swap.lockup_address}, "address-transactions" ) return None, message async def wait_for_onchain_tx(swap: ReverseSubmarineSwap, callback): task, txs = await callback(swap) mempool_lockup_tx = get_mempool_tx_from_txs(txs, swap.lockup_address) if mempool_lockup_tx: tx, txid, *_ = mempool_lockup_tx if swap.instant_settlement or tx["status"]["confirmed"]: logger.debug( f"Boltz - reverse swap instant settlement, claiming immediatly..." ) await create_claim_tx(swap, mempool_lockup_tx) else: await start_confirmation_listener(swap, mempool_lockup_tx) try: if task: await task except: logger.error( f"Boltz - could not await pay_invoice task, but sent onchain. should never happen!" ) else: logger.error(f"Boltz - mempool lockup tx not found.") async def create_claim_tx(swap: ReverseSubmarineSwap, mempool_lockup_tx): tx = await create_onchain_tx(swap, mempool_lockup_tx) await send_onchain_tx(tx) logger.debug(f"Boltz - onchain tx sent, reverse swap completed") await update_swap_status(, "complete") async def create_refund_tx(swap: SubmarineSwap): mempool_lockup_tx = get_mempool_tx(swap.address) tx = await create_onchain_tx(swap, mempool_lockup_tx) await send_onchain_tx(tx) def check_block_height(block_height: int): current_block_height = get_mempool_blockheight() if current_block_height <= block_height: msg = f"refund not possible, timeout_block_height ({block_height}) is not yet exceeded ({current_block_height})" logger.debug(msg) raise Exception(msg) """ a submarine swap consists of 2 onchain tx's a lockup and a redeem tx. we create a tx to redeem the funds locked by the onchain lockup tx. claim tx for reverse swaps, refund tx for normal swaps they are the same onchain redeem tx, the difference between them is the private key, onchain_address, input sequence and input script_sig """ async def create_onchain_tx( swap: Union[ReverseSubmarineSwap, SubmarineSwap], mempool_lockup_tx ) -> Transaction: is_refund_tx = type(swap) == SubmarineSwap if is_refund_tx: check_block_height(swap.timeout_block_height) privkey = ec.PrivateKey.from_wif(swap.refund_privkey) onchain_address = swap.refund_address preimage = b"" sequence = 0xFFFFFFFE else: privkey = ec.PrivateKey.from_wif(swap.claim_privkey) preimage = bytes.fromhex(swap.preimage) onchain_address = swap.onchain_address sequence = 0xFFFFFFFF locktime = swap.timeout_block_height redeem_script = bytes.fromhex(swap.redeem_script) fees = get_fee_estimation() tx, txid, vout_cnt, vout_amount = mempool_lockup_tx script_pubkey = script.address_to_scriptpubkey(onchain_address) vin = [TransactionInput(bytes.fromhex(txid), vout_cnt, sequence=sequence)] vout = [TransactionOutput(vout_amount - fees, script_pubkey)] tx = Transaction(vin=vin, vout=vout) if is_refund_tx: tx.locktime = locktime # TODO: 2 rounds for fee calculation, look at vbytes after signing and do another TX s = script.Script(data=redeem_script) for i, inp in enumerate(vin): if is_refund_tx: rs = bytes([34]) + bytes([0]) + bytes([32]) + sha256(redeem_script).digest()[i].script_sig = script.Script(data=rs) h = tx.sighash_segwit(i, s, vout_amount) sig = privkey.sign(h).serialize() + bytes([SIGHASH.ALL]) witness_items = [sig, preimage, redeem_script][i].witness = script.Witness(items=witness_items) return tx def get_swap_status(swap: Union[SubmarineSwap, ReverseSubmarineSwap]) -> SwapStatus: swap_status = SwapStatus( wallet=swap.wallet,, ) try: boltz_request = get_boltz_status(swap.boltz_id) swap_status.boltz = boltz_request["status"] except httpx.HTTPStatusError as exc: json = exc.response.json() swap_status.boltz = json["error"] if "could not find" in swap_status.boltz: swap_status.exists = False if type(swap) == SubmarineSwap: swap_status.reverse = False swap_status.address = swap.address else: swap_status.reverse = True swap_status.address = swap.lockup_address swap_status.block_height = get_mempool_blockheight() swap_status.timeout_block_height = ( f"{str(swap.timeout_block_height)} -> current: {str(swap_status.block_height)}" ) if swap_status.block_height >= swap.timeout_block_height: swap_status.hit_timeout = True mempool_tx = get_mempool_tx(swap_status.address) swap_status.lockup = mempool_tx if mempool_tx == None: swap_status.has_lockup = False swap_status.confirmed = False swap_status.mempool = "transaction.unknown" swap_status.message = "lockup tx not in mempool" else: swap_status.has_lockup = True tx, *_ = mempool_tx if tx["status"]["confirmed"] == True: swap_status.mempool = "transaction.confirmed" swap_status.confirmed = True else: swap_status.confirmed = False swap_status.mempool = "transaction.unconfirmed" return swap_status def check_boltz_limits(amount): try: pairs = get_boltz_pairs() limits = pairs["pairs"]["BTC/BTC"]["limits"] return amount >= limits["minimal"] and amount <= limits["maximal"] except: return False def get_boltz_pairs(): res = req_wrap( "get", f"{settings.boltz_url}/getpairs", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) return res.json() def get_boltz_status(boltzid): res = req_wrap( "post", f"{settings.boltz_url}/swapstatus", json={"id": boltzid}, ) return res.json()