from typing import List, Optional, Union from lnbits.db import open_ext_db from lnbits.helpers import urlsafe_short_hash from .models import Tickets, Forms #######TICKETS######## def create_ticket(checking_id: str, wallet: str, form: str, name: str, email: str, ltext: str, sats: int) -> Tickets: with open_ext_db("lnticket") as db: db.execute( """ INSERT INTO ticket (id, paid, form, email, ltext, name, wallet, sats) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, (checking_id, False, form, email, ltext, name, wallet, sats), ) return get_ticket(checking_id) def update_ticket(paid: bool, checking_id: str) -> Tickets: with open_ext_db("lnticket") as db: row = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM ticket WHERE id = ?", (checking_id,)) if row[1] == True: return get_ticket(checking_id) db.execute( """ UPDATE ticket SET paid = ? WHERE id = ? """, (paid, checking_id), ) formdata = get_form(row[2]) amount = formdata.amountmade + row[7] db.execute( """ UPDATE forms SET amountmade = ? WHERE id = ? """, (amount, row[2]), ) return get_ticket(checking_id) def get_ticket(ticket_id: str) -> Optional[Tickets]: with open_ext_db("lnticket") as db: row = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM ticket WHERE id = ?", (ticket_id,)) return Tickets(**row) if row else None def get_tickets(wallet_ids: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[Tickets]: if isinstance(wallet_ids, str): wallet_ids = [wallet_ids] with open_ext_db("lnticket") as db: q = ",".join(["?"] * len(wallet_ids)) rows = db.fetchall(f"SELECT * FROM ticket WHERE wallet IN ({q})", (*wallet_ids,)) return [Tickets(**row) for row in rows] def delete_ticket(ticket_id: str) -> None: with open_ext_db("lnticket") as db: db.execute("DELETE FROM ticket WHERE id = ?", (ticket_id,)) ########FORMS######### def create_form(*, wallet: str, name: str, description: str, costpword: int) -> Forms: with open_ext_db("lnticket") as db: form_id = urlsafe_short_hash() db.execute( """ INSERT INTO forms (id, wallet, name, description, costpword, amountmade) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, (form_id, wallet, name, description, costpword, 0 ), ) return get_form(form_id) def update_form(form_id: str, **kwargs) -> Forms: q = ", ".join([f"{field[0]} = ?" for field in kwargs.items()]) with open_ext_db("lnticket") as db: db.execute(f"UPDATE forms SET {q} WHERE id = ?", (*kwargs.values(), form_id)) row = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM forms WHERE id = ?", (form_id,)) return Forms(**row) if row else None def get_form(form_id: str) -> Optional[Forms]: with open_ext_db("lnticket") as db: row = db.fetchone("SELECT * FROM forms WHERE id = ?", (form_id,)) return Forms(**row) if row else None def get_forms(wallet_ids: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[Forms]: if isinstance(wallet_ids, str): wallet_ids = [wallet_ids] with open_ext_db("lnticket") as db: q = ",".join(["?"] * len(wallet_ids)) rows = db.fetchall(f"SELECT * FROM forms WHERE wallet IN ({q})", (*wallet_ids,)) return [Forms(**row) for row in rows] def delete_form(form_id: str) -> None: with open_ext_db("lnticket") as db: db.execute("DELETE FROM forms WHERE id = ?", (form_id,))