{% for url in INCLUDED_CSS %} {% endfor %} {% block styles %}{% endblock %} {% block title %}{{ SITE_TITLE }}{% endblock %} {% if web_manifest %} {% endif %} {% block head_scripts %}{% endblock %}
{% block drawer_toggle %} {% endblock %} {% block toolbar_title %} {% if USE_CUSTOM_LOGO %} Logo {%else%} {% if SITE_TITLE != 'LNbits' %} {{ SITE_TITLE }} {% else %} LNbits {% endif %} {%endif%} {% endblock %} {% block toolbar_subtitle %}{%if user and user.super_user%} Super User {% elif user and user.admin %} Admin User {%endif%}{% endblock %} {% block beta %} {% if VOIDWALLET %} {%endif%} {% if LNBITS_SERVICE_FEE > 0 %} {% if LNBITS_SERVICE_FEE_MAX > 0 %} {%else%} {%endif%} {%endif%} {% endblock %} OFFLINE {% block drawer %} {% endblock %} {% block page_container %} {% block page %}{% endblock %} {% endblock %} {% block footer %} {{ SITE_TITLE }}, {{SITE_TAGLINE}}
{% endblock %}
{% include('components.vue') %} {% block vue_templates %}{% endblock %} {% for url in INCLUDED_JS %} {% endfor %} {% block scripts %}{% endblock %} {% for url in INCLUDED_COMPONENTS %} {% endfor %}