import base64 import importlib import json from time import time from typing import Callable, Optional from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException, Request, status from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse, RedirectResponse from fastapi_sso.sso.base import OpenID, SSOBase from loguru import logger from starlette.status import ( HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ) from import create_user_account from lnbits.decorators import access_token_payload, check_user_exists from lnbits.helpers import ( create_access_token, decrypt_internal_message, encrypt_internal_message, is_valid_email_address, is_valid_username, ) from lnbits.settings import AuthMethods, settings from lnbits.utils.nostr import normalize_public_key, verify_event from ..crud import ( get_account, get_account_by_email, get_account_by_pubkey, get_account_by_username_or_email, get_user, get_user_password, update_account, update_user_password, update_user_pubkey, verify_user_password, ) from ..models import ( AccessTokenPayload, CreateUser, LoginUsernamePassword, LoginUsr, ResetUserPassword, UpdateSuperuserPassword, UpdateUser, UpdateUserPassword, UpdateUserPubkey, User, UserConfig, ) auth_router = APIRouter(prefix="/api/v1/auth", tags=["Auth"]) @auth_router.get("", description="Get the authenticated user") async def get_auth_user(user: User = Depends(check_user_exists)) -> User: return user"", description="Login via the username and password") async def login(data: LoginUsernamePassword) -> JSONResponse: if not settings.is_auth_method_allowed(AuthMethods.username_and_password): raise HTTPException( HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "Login by 'Username and Password' not allowed." ) try: user = await get_account_by_username_or_email(data.username) if not user: raise HTTPException(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "Invalid credentials.") if not await verify_user_password(, data.password): raise HTTPException(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "Invalid credentials.") return _auth_success_response(user.username,, except HTTPException as exc: raise exc except Exception as exc: logger.debug(exc) raise HTTPException(HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot login.") from exc"/nostr", description="Login via Nostr") async def nostr_login(request: Request) -> JSONResponse: if not settings.is_auth_method_allowed(AuthMethods.nostr_auth_nip98): raise HTTPException(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "Login with Nostr Auth not allowed.") try: event = _nostr_nip98_event(request) user = await get_account_by_pubkey(event["pubkey"]) if not user: user = await create_user_account( pubkey=event["pubkey"], user_config=UserConfig(provider="nostr") ) return _auth_success_response(user.username or "",, except HTTPException as exc: raise exc except AssertionError as exc: raise HTTPException(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, str(exc)) from exc except Exception as exc: logger.warning(exc) raise HTTPException(HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot login.") from exc"/usr", description="Login via the User ID") async def login_usr(data: LoginUsr) -> JSONResponse: if not settings.is_auth_method_allowed(AuthMethods.user_id_only): raise HTTPException(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "Login by 'User ID' not allowed.") try: user = await get_user(data.usr) if not user: raise HTTPException(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "User ID does not exist.") return _auth_success_response(user.username or "",, except HTTPException as exc: raise exc except Exception as exc: logger.debug(exc) raise HTTPException(HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot login.") from exc @auth_router.get("/{provider}", description="SSO Provider") async def login_with_sso_provider( request: Request, provider: str, user_id: Optional[str] = None ): provider_sso = _new_sso(provider) if not provider_sso: raise HTTPException( HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, f"Login by '{provider}' not allowed." ) provider_sso.redirect_uri = str(request.base_url) + f"api/v1/auth/{provider}/token" with provider_sso: state = encrypt_internal_message(user_id) return await provider_sso.get_login_redirect(state=state) @auth_router.get("/{provider}/token", description="Handle OAuth callback") async def handle_oauth_token(request: Request, provider: str) -> RedirectResponse: provider_sso = _new_sso(provider) if not provider_sso: raise HTTPException( HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, f"Login by '{provider}' not allowed." ) try: with provider_sso: userinfo = await provider_sso.verify_and_process(request) assert userinfo is not None user_id = decrypt_internal_message(provider_sso.state) request.session.pop("user", None) return await _handle_sso_login(userinfo, user_id) except HTTPException as exc: raise exc except ValueError as exc: raise HTTPException(HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, str(exc)) from exc except Exception as exc: logger.debug(exc) raise HTTPException( HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, f"Cannot authenticate user with {provider} Auth.", ) from exc"/logout") async def logout() -> JSONResponse: response = JSONResponse({"status": "success"}, status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK) response.delete_cookie("cookie_access_token") response.delete_cookie("is_lnbits_user_authorized") response.delete_cookie("is_access_token_expired") response.delete_cookie("lnbits_last_active_wallet") return response"/register") async def register(data: CreateUser) -> JSONResponse: if not settings.is_auth_method_allowed(AuthMethods.username_and_password): raise HTTPException( HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "Register by 'Username and Password' not allowed." ) if data.password != data.password_repeat: raise HTTPException(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Passwords do not match.") if not data.username: raise HTTPException(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing username.") if not is_valid_username(data.username): raise HTTPException(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid username.") if and not is_valid_email_address( raise HTTPException(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid email.") try: user = await create_user_account(, username=data.username, password=data.password ) return _auth_success_response(user.username,, except ValueError as exc: raise HTTPException(HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, str(exc)) from exc except Exception as exc: logger.debug(exc) raise HTTPException( HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot create user." ) from exc @auth_router.put("/password") async def update_password( data: UpdateUserPassword, user: User = Depends(check_user_exists), payload: AccessTokenPayload = Depends(access_token_payload), ) -> Optional[User]: if data.user_id != raise HTTPException(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid user ID.") try: if data.username and not user.username: await update_account(, username=data.username) # old accounts do not have a pasword if await get_user_password(data.user_id): assert data.password_old, "Missing old password" old_pwd_ok = await verify_user_password(data.user_id, data.password_old) assert old_pwd_ok, "Invalid credentials." return await update_user_password(data, payload.auth_time or 0) except AssertionError as exc: raise HTTPException(HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, str(exc)) from exc except Exception as exc: logger.debug(exc) raise HTTPException( HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot update user password." ) from exc @auth_router.put("/pubkey") async def update_pubkey( data: UpdateUserPubkey, user: User = Depends(check_user_exists), payload: AccessTokenPayload = Depends(access_token_payload), ) -> Optional[User]: if data.user_id != raise HTTPException(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid user ID.") try: data.pubkey = normalize_public_key(data.pubkey) return await update_user_pubkey(data, payload.auth_time or 0) except AssertionError as exc: raise HTTPException(HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, str(exc)) from exc except Exception as exc: logger.debug(exc) raise HTTPException( HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot update user pubkey." ) from exc @auth_router.put("/reset") async def reset_password(data: ResetUserPassword) -> JSONResponse: if not settings.is_auth_method_allowed(AuthMethods.username_and_password): raise HTTPException( HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "Auth by 'Username and Password' not allowed." ) try: assert data.reset_key[:10] == "reset_key_", "This is not a reset key." reset_data_json = decrypt_internal_message( base64.b64decode(data.reset_key[10:]).decode() ) assert reset_data_json, "Cannot process reset key." action, user_id, request_time = json.loads(reset_data_json) assert action == "reset", "Expected reset action." assert user_id is not None, "Missing user ID." assert request_time is not None, "Missing reset time." user = await get_account(user_id) assert user, "User not found." update_pwd = UpdateUserPassword(, username=user.username or "", password=data.password, password_repeat=data.password_repeat, ) user = await update_user_password(update_pwd, request_time) return _auth_success_response( username=user.username, user_id=user_id, ) except AssertionError as exc: raise HTTPException(HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, str(exc)) from exc except Exception as exc: logger.warning(exc) raise HTTPException( HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot reset user password." ) from exc @auth_router.put("/update") async def update( data: UpdateUser, user: User = Depends(check_user_exists) ) -> Optional[User]: if data.user_id != raise HTTPException(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid user ID.") if data.username and not is_valid_username(data.username): raise HTTPException(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid username.") if != raise HTTPException(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Email mismatch.") try: return await update_account(, data.username, None, data.config) except AssertionError as exc: raise HTTPException(HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, str(exc)) from exc except Exception as exc: logger.debug(exc) raise HTTPException( HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot update user." ) from exc @auth_router.put("/first_install") async def first_install(data: UpdateSuperuserPassword) -> JSONResponse: if not settings.first_install: raise HTTPException(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "This is not your first install") try: await update_account( user_id=settings.super_user, username=data.username, user_config=UserConfig(provider="lnbits"), ) super_user = UpdateUserPassword( user_id=settings.super_user, password=data.password, password_repeat=data.password_repeat, username=data.username, ) user = await update_user_password(super_user, int(time())) settings.first_install = False return _auth_success_response(user.username,, except AssertionError as exc: raise HTTPException(HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, str(exc)) from exc except Exception as exc: logger.debug(exc) raise HTTPException( HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot init user password." ) from exc async def _handle_sso_login(userinfo: OpenID, verified_user_id: Optional[str] = None): email = if not email or not is_valid_email_address(email): raise HTTPException(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid email.") redirect_path = "/wallet" user_config = UserConfig(**dict(userinfo)) user_config.email_verified = True account = await get_account_by_email(email) if verified_user_id: if account: raise HTTPException(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "Email already used.") account = await get_account(verified_user_id) if not account: raise HTTPException(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "Cannot verify user email.") redirect_path = "/account" if account: user = await update_account(, email=email, user_config=user_config) else: if not settings.new_accounts_allowed: raise HTTPException(HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Account creation is disabled.") user = await create_user_account(email=email, user_config=user_config) if not user: raise HTTPException(HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, "User not found.") return _auth_redirect_response(redirect_path, email) def _auth_success_response( username: Optional[str] = None, user_id: Optional[str] = None, email: Optional[str] = None, ) -> JSONResponse: payload = AccessTokenPayload( sub=username or "", usr=user_id, email=email, auth_time=int(time()) ) access_token = create_access_token(data=payload.dict()) response = JSONResponse({"access_token": access_token, "token_type": "bearer"}) response.set_cookie("cookie_access_token", access_token, httponly=True) response.set_cookie("is_lnbits_user_authorized", "true") response.delete_cookie("is_access_token_expired") return response def _auth_redirect_response(path: str, email: str) -> RedirectResponse: payload = AccessTokenPayload(sub="" or "", email=email, auth_time=int(time())) access_token = create_access_token(data=payload.dict()) response = RedirectResponse(path) response.set_cookie("cookie_access_token", access_token, httponly=True) response.set_cookie("is_lnbits_user_authorized", "true") response.delete_cookie("is_access_token_expired") return response def _new_sso(provider: str) -> Optional[SSOBase]: try: if not settings.is_auth_method_allowed(AuthMethods(f"{provider}-auth")): return None client_id = getattr(settings, f"{provider}_client_id", None) client_secret = getattr(settings, f"{provider}_client_secret", None) discovery_url = getattr(settings, f"{provider}_discovery_url", None) if not client_id or not client_secret: logger.warning(f"{provider} auth allowed but not configured.") return None sso_provider_class = _find_auth_provider_class(provider) sso_provider = sso_provider_class( client_id, client_secret, None, allow_insecure_http=True ) if ( discovery_url and getattr(sso_provider, "discovery_url", discovery_url) != discovery_url ): sso_provider.discovery_url = discovery_url return sso_provider except Exception as e: logger.warning(e) return None def _find_auth_provider_class(provider: str) -> Callable: sso_modules = ["lnbits.core.sso", "fastapi_sso.sso"] for module in sso_modules: try: provider_module = importlib.import_module(f"{module}.{provider}") provider_class = getattr(provider_module, f"{provider.title()}SSO") if provider_class: return provider_class except Exception: pass raise ValueError(f"No SSO provider found for '{provider}'.") def _nostr_nip98_event(request: Request) -> dict: auth_header = request.headers.get("Authorization") assert auth_header, "Nostr Auth header missing." scheme, token = auth_header.split() assert scheme.lower() == "nostr", "Authorization header is not nostr." event = None try: event_json = base64.b64decode(token.encode("ascii")) event = json.loads(event_json) except Exception as exc: logger.warning(exc) assert event, "Nostr login event cannot be parsed." assert verify_event(event), "Nostr login event is not valid." assert event["kind"] == 27_235, "Invalid event kind." auth_threshold = settings.auth_credetials_update_threshold assert ( abs(time() - event["created_at"]) < auth_threshold ), f"More than {auth_threshold} seconds have passed since the event was signed." method: Optional[str] = next((v for k, v in event["tags"] if k == "method"), None) assert method, "Tag 'method' is missing." assert method.upper() == "POST", "Incorrect value for tag 'method'." url = next((v for k, v in event["tags"] if k == "u"), None) assert url, "Tag 'u' for URL is missing." accepted_urls = [f"{u}/nostr" for u in settings.nostr_absolute_request_urls] assert url in accepted_urls, f"Incorrect value for tag 'u': '{url}'." return event